Sandysbookaday (currentlyonholidayuntilmid-Jan)
2,386 reviews2,347 followers
EXCERPT: What's the expression? "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.' She thinks it might be true. If (they) are going to get what's coming to them, then this is a start, but there's more to do. Now that the police are here, she feels bolder. She won't do anything rash, though. Her situation, and what she knows, is complicated. the best revenge is planned slowly and lands at once. ABOUT 'THE FALL': Be careful what you wish for... Nicole and Tom's lives are changed overnight by a ten-million-pound lottery win. Before they know it, they've moved into a state-of-the-art Glass Barn conversion in the stunning grounds of Lancaut Manor in Gloucestershire. But their dream quickly turns into a nightmare when Tom is found dead in the swimming pool, with a wound on his head. Someone close to home must be responsible. But other than the young couple who live in the Manor, and their housekeeper in the Coach House next door, there's no one around for miles. Who among them is capable of murder? MY THOUGHTS: A better than good mystery and psychological drama full of clever and surprising twists. If you've ever thought that you might like to win the lottery, The Fall may make you think again. Just such a win has completely changed Tom and Nicole's lives. While Nicole has embraced her dreams and smoothly transitioned into her new life, Tom is struggling. He has lost his friends, his sense of purpose, and now his life. Two very different houses play significant roles in this story. The Manor is exactly what it sounds like: a majestic older home, redolent with history, and complete with secret passages and priest holes. It is home to Olly, a novelist, and Sasha, a yoga instructor. The Manor comes complete with a Coach House, home to their housekeeper, Kitty. The Glass Barn is an ultra-modern construction rising out of the ruins of old farmyard buildings, the dream home of lottery winners Tom and Nicole. Well, Nicole anyway. Macmillan's characters are well depicted. Patrick, Tom's oldest friend, who arrives almost indecently soon after his death is a prime example. Mercurial and manipulative he probably couldn't lie straight in bed. Hal Steen, lead detective in charge of investigating Tom's death, always prides himself on being ahead in an investigation, of approaching things in a smart way, of coming through when he needs to and having the energy and the mental and physical agility to give it his all. But with this case, he is struggling. The investigation becomes more tangled and complex by the day, with multiple new possibilities presenting at a time when he should be able to concentrate on following up leads. The Fall is an easy and gripping read, with short chapters told from one of many different points of view. But it all comes together beautifully. Despite having to suspend a little belief in a few places, I thoroughly enjoyed this read. I particularly loved the ending. Justice prevails! The only reason this isn't a five-star rating is because of the journal entries. They did serve a purpose and were important to the storyline, but they just didn't ring true. ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5 #TheFall #Netgalley I: @gillymacmillan @randomhouse T: @GillyMacmillan @randomhouseuk #contemporaryfiction #crime #domesticdrama #mystery #psychologicaldrama THE AUTHOR: Gilly Macmillan grew up in Swindon, Wiltshire and also lived in Northern California. She studied History of Art at Bristol University and the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. Gilly lives in Bristol, UK with her family and writes full time. DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Random House UK, Cornerstone, Century via NetGalley for providing a digital ARC of The Fall by Gilly Macmillan for review. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own personal opinions.
If she gets it right, they won't see her coming.
- 2023 2023-netgalley-challenge 4-star
2,489 reviews2,085 followers
3.5 rounds down Nicole Booth drives home to her fabulous house, The Glass Barn on the Lancaut peninsula only to find her husband Tom dead in the pool. She dials 999 and then rushes next door to the Manor House for help from Olly and Sasha along with their housekeeper Kitty. Detectives Hal Sheen and Jen Welsh are sent to investigate whether Tom’s death is suspicious or accidental. The story is told from several points of view interspersed with extracts from a journal. Although the novel is a bit slow to start with the first two thirds are strong. The setting is really good, let’s hope Lancaut nature reserve doesn’t get a mass influx! Both the Glass Barn and the Manor House are used effectively throughout the storyline. There are some very strange dynamics between Kitty and Olly/Sasha and you certainly pick up bad vibes. It soon becomes clear that a number of characters present facades but what exactly lies behind??? Only time will tell. There are some creepy, tense atmospheric moments and a dreamy, nightmarish quality which I really like. There are some good twists and a couple I don’t see coming. Much of the novel concerns coercive control and this is done effectively. However, the strong start is not maintained in my opinion. I find some of the characters gullible which I can’t entirely buy into and the ending partly fizzles out and part is far fetched. The journal extracts ( which don’t feel like a journal) halt the pace although does fill in knowledge gaps. Overall, I do enjoy much of the novel but it’s a pity the atmosphere is not maintained for the entirety. With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Random House U.K., Cornerstone for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.
1,351 reviews4,140 followers
Everyone’s dream is to win the lottery. Nicole and Tom beat the odds and are now living a dream life. They will never have to worry about money ever again. And murder? I listened to the audio and thoroughly enjoyed the large cast of narrators! I’m off to buy my lottery tickets!💲🤣
But what happens when that dream turns into a nightmare!
But this new instant wealth doesn’t come without problems.
Old friends alienated.
New friends hard to come by.
- audio libby
151 reviews467 followers
Ever since I saw the classic Newman-Redford film "The Sting," I’ve been hooked on stories of con artists and grifters. Think: The Confidence-Manby Herman Melville; The Talented Mr. Ripleyby Patricia Highsmith; and Catch Me If You Canby Frank W. Abagnale. Don’t know what it says about me, but I do enjoy a good hustle. Enter The Manor House by Gilly Macmillan. A young couple, Tom & Nicole Booth, has won the lottery. Everyone’s fantasy, right? With their new wealth, they purchase a lovely piece of property in Gloucestershire on the border between England and Wales and build their dream home aptly called the Glass Barn. Life is grand until Nicole comes home to find Tom face down in their outdoor pool. When the police arrive, they find no evidence of foul play, though it appears that Tom did suffer a head trauma. As Nicole grieves, questions arise: Was this an accident or a murder? The story unfolds from the perspectives of Nicole; neighbors Olly and Sasha, a writer and yoga teacher, who live in the Manor House next door; journal entries, dating back five years, of Anna, the widowed owner of the statelyManor House; along with a timeline of the day Tom died. The story becomes more intriguing the more you find out…and the more suspects begin to emerge. As the saying goes, “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” And oh, how sweet it is.
- mystery thriller
Erin Clemence
1,339 reviews382 followers
See my review on Gilly Macmillan is known for her taut, suspenseful thrillers such as “The Nanny” and “The Long Weekend” and her newest release, “The Fall”, fits right in! Its intense plot, relatable characters and plethora of exciting twists and turns will leave readers gasping! Tom and Nicole just built the house of their dreams – a sprawling, glass-walled mansion on acres of luxurious grounds- after winning the lottery. Their closest neighbors are Olly and Sasha, a writer and yoga instructor, who take up residence in the Manor House, along with their maid Kitty. Nicole thinks she has it all, until Tom is found dead in their swimming pool. Initially, no foul play is suspected but when police investigate, Nicole is shocked to find that absolutely no one is who they say they are and everyone has secrets to hide- but did someone she know kill the man she loves? Tom and Nicole are reluctantly wealthy, after winning the lottery, and their naiveté and charm make them immediately likable. Choosing to keep their lottery win a secret, the couple built their dream house on a sprawling landscape in the woods, finally able to live the life they’ve always dreamed of. McMillan makes these protagonists relatable, honest and easy to root for. Olly and Sasha are utterly terrible people, as McMillan intended, and it is not a difficult jump for the reader to make in laying guilt on the narcissistic and self-centred couple. But of course, it isn’t that easy, and McMillan inserts a few other potentials into the suspect pool so the reader is guessing right up to the final pages. “The Fall” is narrated by Tom (on the day of his death), Nicole, Olly and Sasha. There are journal entries from a to-be-identified-later woman named Anna that add a few extra plot twists to the story. Of course, Jenn and Hal (police investigators) join the novel as narrators as well, once they have been called on to the scene. I loved having multiple protagonists and getting to hear various sides of the story. Not only does it add to the suspense of the plot and the character development, but it adds further layers to the mystery behind Tom’s death. The ending is blink-and-you’ll-miss-it-fast, but it serves its purpose. The death has been ruled, and all of the characters have completed their plot lines with no unanswered questions. “The Fall” takes gaslighting to the extreme, and I devoured each and every delicious page.
- first-reads kindle
863 reviews807 followers
Two plots intricately woven The book's intricate structure, featuring multiple timelines, felt disorienting, but it enhances the suspense and mystery. We get flicked between past and present, gradually revealing layers of the story and keeping us on our toes. The web of connections and the creeping sense of unease add a suspenseful and creepy atmosphere throughout the book. The stories among the neighbors added an extra layer of secrets to the story. I was kept guessing at every turn, never being able to predict what would happen next. I really admired Nicole, she remained grounded despite winning a fortune and I really liked how it all played out.
Wendy Darling
1,998 reviews34.2k followers
I really enjoyed being inside these characters’ heads. All the POVs are well done, particularly Anna’s and the dead husband’s. It is very difficult to reveal things to the audience that the narrator doesn’t know him/herself, and you can’t help but get nervous and distraught on their behalf as the story inevitably progresses towards what you know or suspect will happen, but they don’t. I liked most of the surprises, but towards the end I think it got a little trigger happy with wanting to add more twists, something a lot of modern thrillers seem prone to. —I can’t see what it really added to the story. Maybe if more groundwork was laid for it, but as is it felt like a bit of a betrayal, both to Tom and to readers. It was particularly off-putting because of the piercing poignancy of what Tom’s POV reveals to us. I had difficulty reconciling those unexpected emotions with that reveal, and in some ways the gotcha ending felt like it was meant for a different kind of book, too. It’s just so rare when a thriller manages to incite higher feelings that it’s a bit of a letdown when those feelings are somewhat negated by the impulse to provide shock value. But. I liked the writing and will definitely read this author’s other books. 3.5 stars Almost a 4. Audio Notes: Pleasant, all the narrators did a nice job.
- 2023-favorites adult audio
Roha Tahir
195 reviews
I don't want to be harsh but seriously this book felt like it was written by my 2 year old nephew. No, actually my 2 year old nephew would write a better book than this, he's pretty imaginative. I was looking out the window. I saw a man. I didn't pay attention to him at first but then I did. I got scared. I wanted to run and tell someone. Then I sat down again and told myself it's probably a hiker. And what was up with the inner thoughts and monologues. There was little communication, things were playing out in the characters' minds .. OVERTHINKING 101... CREATING SCENARIOS AND THINKING NONSTOP... There was one scene where Kitty - the househelp made us think she wasn't happy with the owners and that she had found STH very incriminating a week earlier that rocked her world. A MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR MY POOR SOUL.... DUDE THIS IS A THRILLER NOVEL YOU'RE TELLING ME THIS IS WHAT YOU DID. KIDS IN KINDERGARTEN DO THESE TYPE OF THINGS OMG I MEAN YOU'RE A GROWN ASS WOMAN IN A THRILLER NOVEL. THINK BIG .... AND, She well basically plays a huge role in bringing them down but it isn't something that hasn't been done already. In fact this plot has been exploited and done so many times that it's no longer fun and unpredictable. I couldn't sit down and read each character playing out scenarios in their heads or the author building things up with literally no direction or writing skills, so I had to improvise and skim through this book. Do yourselves a favor and DON'T READ THIS. And what's up with the small ass print on the e-arc seriously not cool....
But my God the prose was so amateur, paraphrasing here .....
Hold your horses ladies and gentlemen because what she was talking about was Olly ( owner who is an author, writing a book for the last 5 years.. oh and it reads like a classic incase you cared *rolls eyes*) writing a passage about a certain maid ( remember its a classic ) who was so plain and dull it was infuriating. And he goes on to describe the maid in vivid detail ( her entire emsemble) and goes on and on about how irrelevant and disgusting her existence is. Remember the emsemble that was vividly described in his draft well well well you guessed it, it was the exact same emsemble that KITTY wore everyday...
Kitty gasping and feeling hurt did what? Did she let it go? Did she plot revenge?
You bet your ass she plotted revenge and how did she avenge herself. She cut some passages from his draft and added them to different locations in the book.
The plot, prose and the characters were all AWFUL.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Kimberly R
307 reviews
Nicole and her husband Tom win a ten million lottery and go from rags to riches. They build a high tech glass mansion and are the envy of their friends and neighbors. One evening Nicole comes home to find her husband dead in the pool.
Detectives Jen and Hal investigate the case and look into the neighbor’s from the Manor House as well as a jealous close friend and a crazy camper.
Hidden agendas are revealed and lies are uncovered.
This was a very exciting read that kept me up into the night flipping through pages. Thanks NetGalley and William Morrow for this ARC that will be released November 7, 2023!
- netgalley-2023
947 reviews280 followers
Nicola and Tom, childhood sweethearts lives change enormously when they win 10 million on the lottery. Nicola returns home from a County Show to their fabulous state of the art custom built conversion, on the Lancaut Peninsula to find her husband dead in their swimming pool. Nicola runs to her neighbours for help. Olly, Sasha and their housekeeper Kitty who immediately offer their support. But can they be trusted as they have their own secrets? WOW I really did not know where this story was going!! The twists kept me fully engrossed in this book, the amount of suspects were rising and I kept changing my mind on who the culprit was!! A must read book that will keep you guessing until the end. Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.
Jamie Watkins
97 reviews13 followers
This book was a pleasant surprise. It’s a book I found on Libby and not “mainstream”. I found the whole story quite enjoyable.
- fiction mysteries
Frank Phillips
596 reviews307 followers
3.5 Stars rounded up! When Nicole and Tom win the lottery, they build the home of their dreams, a beautiful Glass Barn on the grounds of Lancaut Manor. The now have the cars, and every other earthly possession they've ever wanted, and are certainly living a dream! Their dreamlife suddenly turns into a nightmare when Tom is found floating facedown in their pool, dead!! Initially Nicole and even the authorities believe Tom's death to be a tragic drowning, an accident, but when re-evaluated, it is determined to be a murder! Who could have wanted Tom, a down-to-earth and genuinely kind man, dead? As the case develops, everyone becomes a suspect! The twists and turns in this novel really had my head spinning, as I did not see them coming! The characters were all very vivid and the more that I read, the more I hated some, and found myself really rooting for others! It took some time for me to really sink my teeth into this one, but when I finally did, I was firmly invested and really needed to know who dunnit, and why?!! One thing is for certain - money can't buy happiness, and this book is a classic example of all of the potential evils that come with wealth! I recommend this book for anyone okay with a bit of a slow-burn mystery, and okay with plenty of characters! This is my favorite of Macmillan's novels yet! Much improved upon her last novel, that's for sure. This one is a slow-burn mystery/delicious tale of revenge, that at times may have been a tad too slow, but it all came together very nicely at the end, making me happy to have stuck it out!
3,276 reviews124 followers
Nicole and Tom are childhood sweetheart. Then something happens that they never expected and creates a life-changing event...they win the lottery. When they move into a beautiful "smart home" on the grounds of Lancaut Manor, they thought their dreams had come true...but their dream soon turns into a nightmare. Tom is found dead in the swimming pool. The question the police have to answer is "was it an accident or something much more sinister?" Nicole feels like a little fish in a big glass bowl, surrounded by sharks and piranhas. It's a chilling thriller that really gives the saying "be careful what you wish for" legs as the consequences of sudden wealth is explored along with many hidden threats. The story can be described as a "closed room" thriller as nearly everyone is a suspect. The suspense keeps the reader guessing as secrets unravel. It starts out a bit slow but keep won't regret it.
Rhonda 🌒🌕🌘 🐈⬛
659 reviews49 followers
5/5 🌟 ⚠️⛔️TRIGGERS:⛔️⚠️ Death 🗯️💬BOOK BLURB:💬🗯️ Be careful what you wish for... Childhood sweethearts Nicole and Tom are a normal, loving couple—until a massive lottery win changes their lives overnight. Soon they’ve moved into a custom-built state-of-the-art Glass Barn on the stunning grounds of Lancaut Manor in Gloucestershire. They have fancy cars, expensive hobbies, and an exclusive lifestyle they never could have imagined. But this dream world quickly turns into a nightmare when Tom is found dead in the swimming pool. Was Tom’s death a tragic accident, or was it something worse? Nicole is devastated. Tom was her rock. And their beautiful barn —with all its smart features that never seem to work for her—is beginning to feel very lonely. But she’s not entirely by herself out there in the country. There’s a nice young couple who live in the Manor itself along with their middle-aged housekeeper who has the Coach House. And an old friend of Tom’s from school has turned up to help her get through her grief. But big money can bring big problems and big threats. And is Nicole's life in danger as well? Nicole’s beginning to feel like a little fish in a big glass bowl. Surrounded by piranhas. 🤔🧐🤯MY THOUGHTS:🤯🧐🤔 I believe this is my first book from author Gilly MacMillan but it definitely will not be my last! There weren’t the usual plot twists in this book but there were so many other things going on (check the trigger list) that the twists weren’t needed. The held and kept my interest without any problem. The best part was our co-victims were able to get a bit of revenge in the end and that revenge was super sweet after what these 2 have endured. Don't miss these other chilling novels by New York Times bestselling author Gilly Macmillan: The Long Weekend To Tell You the Truth The Nanny I Know You Odd Child Out The Perfect Girl What She Knew
5/5 🔎
0/5 🌶️
Theft by Deception
Stockholm Syndrome
433 reviews17 followers
I have heard a lot of good things about this author, but this was the first book of hers I have read. And unfortunately this was a BIG miss for me and going off this, I don't get the hype. Thanks to Random House UK and Netgalley for the ARC I received in exchange for an honest review
I really struggled to enjoy this right from the start and as the story progressed I lost more and more interest and by the 40% mark, I was thinking of stopping reading. I carried on in the hope it would improve but it didn't.
I never once found it gripping, there was no mystery and all the characters are incredibly unlikeable. The plot was so incredibly dull and boring probably because we were told EXACTLY what was happening, there was no tension or mystery and there were certainly no twists.
The chapters from the detectives POV were totally not needed, as everyone (and the reader) knew what was happening from page one, we didn't need to read about the investigation.
I must say there are a lot of good reviews for this, so I might be in the minority here, but this was not good at all.
- netgalley
✨️ Jessica's Magical Bookshelf ✨️
278 reviews38 followers
Shelved as 'to-be-read-kindle-owned'
July 12, 2023The Manor House is just what I needed. I love a good psychological thriller and this book just checked off every box for what I love. Thank you to Netgalley and random House for the ARC for my unbiased review.
The Manor House is told from multiple pov's.
Nicole returns home to her house called The Glass Barn and finds her husband dead in the pool. She runs next for to the Manor House for help. This is where things get interesting because the neighbors give off a nasty vibe. There's many twists and turns throughout this story.
Louise Wilson
3,320 reviews1,667 followers
3.5 stars rounded up. **TRIGGER WARNING** Coercive Contro. Nicole and Tom's lives are changed overnight by a ten-million-pound lottery win. Before they know it, they've moved to a state=of-the-art Glass Barn conversion in the stunning grounds of Lancaut Manor in Gloucestershire. But their dream quickly turns into a nightmare when Tom is found dead in the swimming pool, with a wound on his head. Someone close to him must be responsible. This is a twist filled domestic thriller. After winning the lottery and moving house, Nicole finds Tom dead in the swimming pool. But who could have killed him? The story is told from multiple points of view in alternating chapters. We also get some chapters told by Anna where we get extracts from her diaries from five years ago. This is a descriptively written book. There are just a few clues and even less suspects for the detectives Hal and Jen to try and work out. Is there something more sinister going on around Lancaut Manor? I would like to thank #NetGalley #RandomHouseUk #Cornerstone and the author #GillyMacmillan for my ARC of #TheFall in exchange for an honest review.
Danielle B
1,066 reviews184 followers
The cover and premise of THE MANOR HOUSE is what made me want to read this book. I loved the idea of two average people winning the lottery and creating their own dream home. I thought some of characters were very annoying and I knew exactly what they were up to. I had hoped there would be some shocking moments, but I found everything to be predictable. The story was a bit longer than I like and the ending was just ok. I will certainly continue to read the author's future novels but sadly, this one was not my favorite of hers. Many Thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for my gifted copy.
- 2023-books netgalley-arc
Karen Chong
254 reviews36 followers
3.5 / 5 It’s not the best book but it’s not the worst book. This book has its up and it has its downs, but nevertheless does what it says on the tin. The plot follows Nicole and Tom who has built a new state of the art home called ‘The barn’ after winning the lottery. It was a dream come true where they no longer have to survive on food stamps but can afford a comfortable living. Whilst Nicole is away on a farm show, she returns back to find Tom face down dead in their swimming pool. She runs to her neighbours for help Sasha and Olly and their house keeper Kitty, and as the detectives start investigating things are not adding up. Spoiler alert: it’s obvious asf. It’s like trying to find a black cat with a white background it’s that obvious. This book was a frustrating read, I wasn’t a fan of the twist because it made it confusing to follow the plot. Felt like MacMillan was banking on this twist to give that thriller effect but it did the opposite for me. Can we drop this mixing of names and thinking confusion adds more mystery to the plot please, I feel like most books I’ve read are using this and it’s kinda getting boring at this point. Mix this with random bits didn’t help. I have to admit, I hate the random bits in the book that added no value, I.e the love interest between the detectives which I think was questionable asf but also serve absolutely no purpose?? Like why drop this now in the plot, the timing of things being around 400 pages deep. The other thing I didn’t like was the ending - felt kind stupid in a sense. This is one big book, 450 pages for hardback, the filler scenes didn’t help. Definitely think this book can be cut down by at least half, but I won’t complain about the large font on the hardback edition which made reading this book easy. Overall, if you want to be disappointed and frustrated by the book this is your go to.
- 2023
2,427 reviews1,360 followers
I loved how much this book packs so much into the first chapter, discovering the type of lifestyle that lottery winners Nicole and Tom are now enjoying from the ultra technical sound system to the minimalist interiors and sauna. I liked that it soon became a possibility that it might not have been an accident. First, the reader is introduced to neighbours Olly and Sasha along with housekeeper Kitty. The way that the author drops in some more suspicion adds to the flow of the novel, I constantly wanted to read more.
The idyllic home is soon shattered as Nicole discovers Tom face down in the swimming pool.
Then, more information of Tom and Nicole's past and timely added as Patrick seems like an ideal suspect.
The inclusion of Tom's timeline on the day of his death added to the tension.
The notion of the impact of winning the lottery is cleverly plotted throughout.
Carla Black
230 reviews34 followers
I want to thank NetGalley for the chance to review this book. I enjoyed this book. It was a little different than any other murder mystery I have ever read. Different as in good, not bad. Nicole and Tom have won the lottery. Shortly after they are moving into there designer smarthome that they never thought they would own with Tom being just a mechanic before. Their new neighbors also own a nice house as well. Shortly after moving in Tom is murdered. The cameras are turned off so there us no evidence of who committed this crime. The police are working night and day to solve this crime. Meanwhile some interesting things about their neighbors show up during the investigation. They are not the people that they make themselves out be with dark secrets of their own. Several suspects and several twists and turns to throw you and the police of the game. The ending is very rewarding in this book. With an unusual thing with karma getting the last word on one of the evil characters in the book. I loved that. 😍 I recommend giving it a try. You won't be disappointed.
1,164 reviews46 followers
2 stars Here is the good part: Gilly Macmillian knows how to write a compelling, interesting, captivating story. I can honestly say I enjoyed reading this book and I was eager to see what happens next. The not so good part: the start is pretty great, but as the story progresses things become more and more ridiculous till they culminate to a complete joke in the end. It made me straight up laugh because everything was so not plausible. The idea of having so many people close by who committed not murder, but perfect murders because they all got away with their own thing was absurd. Is it worth reading? yes, it's well written, entertaining and it is a fast read but get into it knowing is going to end...the way it will...hilariously.
Another part that was very surprising to me is that the police didn't do the most basic investigation about the very very few suspects, when that was supposed to be done in the first 5 minutes not 2/3 into the book.
- 2023
470 reviews387 followers
The twists and turns in this novel will keep you guessing!! While the police involved are perhaps the most incompetent team I’ve ever read, we can ignore that aspect. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and I’d definitely recommend it to mystery lovers! I will say, it felt longer than it’s less than 400 pages, and it took me a few days to get through it. I wouldn’t say it’s a quick read, or maybe I’m in a little bit of a slump myself. If you’ve read from this author before, I have no doubt you’ll enjoy her latest work. A solid story & well written! Thank you to the publisher for the gifted ARC.
1,053 reviews19 followers
Absolutely ludicrous! They day I let someone “talk” me into moving out of my own house and becoming their housekeeper is the day I admit myself to the psych ward. Really? All the characters were child-like in their gullibility. The police were idiots, where’s Law & Order when you need them? And the ending? Don't get me started! The only likeable character was Tom, the murder victim. I guess it’s true what they say; nice guys finish last, or dead in this case.
456 reviews39 followers
Two lottery winners build their dream home and start living their lives. Nichols the wife comes home and finds her husband dead floating in their pool. This book is full of twists and turns and was a real workout for the grey matter. All in all a good read.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.
Lynn Peterson
1,051 reviews188 followers
3.75. I thought this was a very well written mystery involving some very shady characters. A couple wins the lottery and builds a beautiful house. Then the husband is going face down in the pool. Was it an accident? Murder?
Lisa Kusel
Author4 books234 followers
Listened. Why this book required seven narrators is beyond me, but all of them did a bang-up job. I was utterly absorbed for the entire eleven-plus hours. This story--what there was to it--mostly went back and forth between events taking place in the glass BARN (new), and the stone MANOR (old) next door. A man was found dead in the Barn. In the Manor, other nefarious stuff happened. Yes, I did just distill the entire "plot" down to those two sentences. Betwixt and between, we get to meet: We also meet a homeless man with a mental illness, an old friend who wants money, and some shoe-horned-in, one-off characters who provide insubstantial background information. My thoughts: The plot was ridiculous and convoluted. The motivations for the crimes even more so. Not a lot made sense. There were too many journal entries, too many headaches, and much ado about home security systems. And a sheep in a box. As for the ending(s)? What happened at the Barn has been done before. Nothing original there. As to what happened at the Manor: it was beyond corny. Almost slapstick. Still, I couldn't stop listening. I credit the narrators for making this super silly story sound more thrilling and intriguing than it actually was. Had I read it? Probably 2 stars.
1) Nicole. the wife of the dead man. We know she loved her husband and was capable of doing evil unto others;
2) Kitty the housekeeper of the manor. We know nothing beyond the fact that she wears an ugly peach-colored head scarf;
3) Anna, the owner of the manor. A lovely, flawed character. The only person, tbh, I cared about;
3) Olly and Sasha, the residents of the Manor. Manipulative cretins. The former is a wanna-be writer. The latter, a yoga goddess;
4) Two investigating detectives. We don't get to know anything personal about them beyond the fact that one is gruff and suffers from migraines and the other is a woman.
Linda (Lily) Raiti
479 reviews80 followers
3.5 stars Tom and Nicole win the lottery - 10 million pounds. Moving into their dream home, Nicole comes home to find Tom dead in their swimming pool. Many thanks to NetGalley, Random House UK for a complimentary advanced reading copy.
Here starts a twisty and suspenseful mystery. There's a lot going on in this novel, it was sometimes hard to keep up. We go between past and present timelines, gradually unveiling an intricate plot.
While it was a bit of a slow burn, it was a clever (and often funny) story with lots of twists.
Recommended for a quick popcorn murder mystery/drama. I look forward to what this author brings out next.
1,832 reviews198 followers
The Manor House by Gilly MacMillan. Thanks to @williammorrow for the gifted Arc ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Nicole and Tom have been together since childhood. Their lives have now changed after winning the lottery. They now have fancy cars, designer clothes, and a state of the art manor home. It all turns into a nightmare when Tom is found dead. I really enjoyed this one and was hooked as soon as the first twist hit. I loved how the plot evolved and it went places I never guessed. There were also several characters introduced and many possible options of how the death happened, so the reader is kept on their feet for sure. I also loved the ending, especially the final chapter. “The best revenge is planned slowly and lands all at once. If she gets it right, they won’t see her coming.” The Manor House comes out of 11/7.
910 reviews
Nicole and Tom have a wonderful lifestyle after winning the lottery.
When she comes home one day she is devastated to find Tom’s body in their swimming pool.
Lots of twist and turns in this thriller.
Multiple timelines and numerous narratives that had me confused and I had to keep good back to read chapters to keep track.
Thank you to Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone, Century for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.
- netgalley