The Key to Scientific Names (2025)

Edited by James A. Jobling


(Meliphagidae; syn. Anthochaera † Yellow Wattlebird A. paradoxa) Gr. ακανθα akantha spine, thorn; χαιρω khairō to enjoy;“ACANTHOCHAERA carunculata VIGORS et HORSFIELD, Transact. Linn. Soc. 1826, XV. 321 =Anthochaera inauris GOULD.” (Giebel 1872); “Acanthochaera Giebel, 1872, Thesaurus Ornithologiae, I, p. 259. Type, by monotypy, Anthochaera carunculata Vigor and Horsfield, 1826 (1827) (not Merops carunculata White, 1790) = Anthochaera inauris Gould, 1844 = Corvus paradoxus Daudin, 1800.” (JAJ 2023).
Var. Acanthochoera.


(Meliphagidae; Ϯ Eastern Spinebill A. tenuirostris) Gr. ακανθα akantha spine < ακη akē point; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "[plate 27] 1Canthorhynchus[sic] superciliosus. 2——tenuirostris. 3——dubius." (Gould 1837, Synops. Bds. Austr.); "ACANTHORHYNCHUS. (Gen. char.) Rostrum elongatum gracile et acutum; ad lateracompressum; tomiis incurvatis; culmine acuto et elevato. Nares basales elongatæ et operculo tectæ. Lingua ut in Gen. Meliphaga. ... Typus, Certhia tenuirostris, auct." (Gould 1837, P.Z.S.); "Acanthorhynchus Gould, 1837 (April), SynopsisBirds Australia, pt. 2, pl. 27. Type, by subsequent designation (Gould, 1837 (Nov.), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, V, p. 24), Certhia tenuirostris Latham, 1801." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Canthorhynchus,Acanthorynchus.
Synon. Leptoglossus.


(Macrosphenidae; Ϯ Rockrunner A. pycnopygius) L. ad- (a- before c) resembling; genus Chaetops Swainson, 1832, rockjumper; "Chaetops pychnopygius [sic] (Strickland and Sclater) differs from the typical species of the genus, notably in its much shorter legs, and softer feathers on the crown, and may be separated under the new generic name of ACHAETOPS, of which it will be the monotype." (A. Roberts 1922); "Achaetops A. Roberts, Annals Transvaal Mus., VIII (4), p. 227. Type, by original designation, Chaetops pychnopygius (Strickland and Sclater) = Sphenoeacus pycnopygius P. Sclater, 1852." (JAJ 2020).

Pampa de Achala, Sierras Pampeanas, Córdoba, Argentina.
Achantylis (See: Acanthylis)

(Apodidae;syn. Chaetura Ϯ Band-rumped Swift C. spinicaudus) Gr. ακανθυλλις akanthullis little thorn < dim. ακανθις akanthis thorn < ακη akē point; "I. Fam. Hirundinidae Vigors. ... Acanthylis: Hir. spinicauda Tem. col. 726 fig. 1 u. s. w." (Boie 1826); "Acanthylis Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 971. Type, by monotypy, Hir. spinicauda Tem. MS. = Cypselus spinicaudus Temminck, 1839." (JAJ 2019).
Var. Achantylis.

Achantylops (See: Acanthylops)

(Apodidae;syn.HirundapusϮ Brown-backed NeedletailH. giganteus) Gr. αχαντιον akhantion little thistle (cf. genus Acanthylis Boie, 1826, swift); ωψ ōps,ωποςōpos appearance; "ACANTHYLOPS, Bp. 1857. Pallenis, Reich. 1850, nec Lap. 1836. Hemiprocne, Cypseloides, Senex, Streub. 1848. Cypseloides, a, Sclat. 1866. Reich. S. A. t. 87. f. . 782. fumigatus, Natt. 783. senex, Tem. P. C.397. Temminckii, Streub." (G. Gray 1869):"Acanthylops"Bp." G. Gray, 1869, Hand-list Genera Species Birds, I, p. 67. New name for Pallenis Reichenbach, 1850 (amendment of Pallene G. Gray, 1841), not of Laporte de Castelnau, 1836 (Coleoptera). Despite Gray's possible intention his new name must take the type of the "replaced" name." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Achantylops (?lapsus for Achantylis =Acanthylis).


Acheen /Atjeh, northern Sumatra.


Gr. αχετα akheta chirping, shrill, musical < ηχεω ēkheō to chirp.


Dim. < Gr. αχετας akhetas cicada, chirper < ηχεω ēkheō to chirp.

“The remarks of a Nyanja native of Nyasaland prompted me to use the specific name of achimodzi, which in the language of that country means “the first.”” (Vincent 1933) (syn. Apus myoptilus).

Acholi Hills, Sudan / Imatong Hills, South Sudan.

Acholi, a people of northern Uganda.
Achrocephalus (See: ACROCEPHALUS)

(Acrocephalidae; Ϯ Great Reed Warbler A. arundinaceus) Gr. ακρος akros point, crest < ακη akē point; -κεφαλος -kephalos -headed < κεφαληkephalē head; “Acrocephalus, from ακρος = top, and κεφαλη = head. Perhaps Naumann thought ακρος =acutus, as Agassiz (Nomen. Zool.) did; but this is an error.” (BOU 1915) (see Kelea);"Um dem Wirwar, der in den Beschreibungen der Rohrsänger bisher herrschte, zu steuern, will ich hier, was ich aus vieljährigen genauen Beobachtungenüber diese Vogelgattung weiß, systematisch aufstellen, und ich hoffe, wahre Kenner werden mir ihren Beifall nicht verjagen. Die Natur hat, wie mich dünst, diese Vögel auffallend genug gebildet, um sie von andernähnlichen trennen und in künstlichen Systeme folgendermaßen aufstellen zu können. Gattung: Spitzkopf. (Rohrsänger.) ACROCEPHALUS. Schnabel: Gerade, dünn, am Kopfe viel breiter als an der pfriemenförmigen Spitze; der Oberschnabel an dieser mit einem kleinen Ausschnitt versehen und etwas mehr gekrümmt als der untere. Mundwinkel: Gefärbt. Ueber denselben an der Schnabelwurzel stehen einzelne Bartborsten. Nasenlöcher: Eiförmig. Kopf: Mit gestreckter, flacher und schmaler Stirn, — so daß der Kopf von allen Seiten nach dem Schnabel zu sehr spitz zuläuft. Schwanz: Keilförmig oder zugerundet. Beine: Mittelmäßig hoch, mit großen flachzirkelich gekrümmten scharfen Krallen, besonders die der Hinterzehe, und mit großen Ballen der gelben Fußsohlen. ... Ich kenne 7 Arten, deren Kennzeichen hier folgen: 1. A. lacustris (mihi) großer Spitzkopf. I. S. 224. Taf. 46. Fig. 103. Turdus arundinaceus. Lin. ... 2. A. arundinaceus (mihi) rostgrauer Spitzkopf. I. 225. Taf. 46. Fig. 104. Sylvia arundinacea. Bechst. ornith. Taschenb. I. 174. No. 11. ... 3. A. stagnatilis (mihi) grünlich grauer Sp. Nachtr. Taf. 27. Fig. 52. ... 4. A. palustris (mihi) olivengrauer Sp. I. 227. Taf. 46. Fig. 105. Sylvia palustris. Bechst. O. T. I. 186. No. 21. ... 5. A. phragmitis (mihi) olivenbrauner Sp. I. 231. Taf. 47. Fig. 107. Sylvia phragmitis Bechst. O. T. I. 186. No. 20. ... 6. A. fluviatilis (mihi) lerchenfrbige Sp. Nachtr. Taf. 27. Fig. 53. Motacilla Locustella. Latham Ind. orn. II. 513. No. 25. ... 7. A. salicarius (mihi) gestreifte Sp. I. 229. Taf. 47. Fig. 229. Sylvia salicaria. Bechst. O. T. I. 185. No. 19. ... Anmerk. Hieher gehört auch ohne Zweifel: der schwarzstirnige Sänger, Sylvia nigrifrons. Bechstein. Siehe dessen ornith. Taschenb. I. 176. No. 12. dessen Naturgesch. Deutschl. IV. 675. Taf. 27. und dessen Uberfetzung v. Latham's Uebers. der Vögel Bd. IV. das Titelkupfer. Ich habe diesen Vogel selbst noch nicht gesehen: ist es nicht vielleicht das alte Männchen von meinem A. Palustris?" (J. A. & J. F. Naumann 1811)(OD per Martin Schneider and Bernhard Just);"For the information of ornithologists anxious to distinguish themselves by discovering forgotten names, I may state that there are no Latin names of birds given in this rare work of Naumann's, except in the genusAcrocephalus, beyond an occasional quotation of Linnæus" (Seebohm 1880);"Acrocephalus J. A. and J. F. Naumann, 1811, Naturgeschichte Land-Wasser-Vögel Nördlichen Deutschlands, Nachtrag, p. 199. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 21), Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Linnaeus) = Turdus arundinaceus Linnaeus." (Watson in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 56).
Var. Achrocephalus,Acrocophalus, Acrosephalus,Acrulocephalus, Aegocephalus ("Aegocephalus turdoides" in a list of birds and mammals observed(Vierthaler 1852)).
Synon. Amnicola, Anteliocichla, Arundinaceus, Bebrornis, Calamocichla, Calamodus, Calamodyta, Calamoecetor, Calamoherpe, Calamornis, Caricicola, Conopoderas, Eparnetes, Hemiellisia, Herbicola, Hybristes, Hydrocopsichus, Hypolais, Junco, Kelea, Lusciniola, Muscipeta, Notiocichla, Palaeolais, Phragmites, Psaltria, Ripaecola, Salicaria, Schoenia, Sollicitus, Tatare, Tatarea, Titiza, Verbosus.

achrustera / achrusterus

Gr. αχρουστερος akhrousteros less highly coloured < comp. αχροος akhroos colourless, pallid < negative prefix α- a- ; χρωζω khrōzō to stain.


(Dicaeidae;syn.PachyglossaϮ White-throated Flowerpecker P. vincens) Gr. ακμων akmōn,ακμονος akmonos anvil, battering-ram (cf. ακμων akmōn sort of eagle mentioned by Hesychius < Gr. myth. Acmon, a companion of Diomedes who was changed into a bird); ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Genus ACMONORHYNCHUS, n. gen. I propose this genus for the reception of a remarkable Flower-pecker which is found only in Ceylon and which has hitherto been placed either in Prionochilus or in Pachyglossa. It differs from both these genera in possessing only nine primaries. From Dicæum it may be recognized by its very large, coarse bill, and from Piprisoma by its rounded tail and the numerous hairs which cover the nostrils. In Acmonorhynchus the sexes differ and the young bird resembles the female. Its habits are those of the family, but nothingis known about its nidification. 920. Acmonorhynchus vincens. Legge's Flower-pecker." (Oates 1890); "Acmonorhynchus Oates, 1890, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 2, p. 381. Type, by monotypy, Prionochilus vincens Sclater." (Salomonsen in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 175).


(Dicaeidae; syn. Dicaeum † Golden-rumped Flowerpecker D. annae) Gr.ακμαζω akmazō to be strong; ῥυγχοςrhunkhosbill; “On Flores … described as new … Acmorhynchus annæ” (P. Sclater 1894); “Acmorhynchus P. Sclater, 1894, Ibis, ser. 6, VI (xxliii), p. 436. Type, by monotypy, Acmorhynchus annae, i.e. Acmonorhynchus annae Büttikofer, 1894. Probably a lapsus for Acmonorhynchus, but, now that Dicaeum has been split, refers to the parent genus and has a disparate etymon.” (JAJ 7/8/2024).

Aztec/Nahuatl name Acolchichi for the Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus; ex “Acolchichi” of Seba 1734-1765, and “Mexican Oriole” of Latham 1782 (despite the names, the bird described is not an American icterid but probably an Indomalayan oriole) (?syn. Oriolus xanthornus).

(Tyrannidae;Ϯ Rough-legged Tyrannulet A. burmeisteri) Gr. ακροχορδων akrokhordōn,ακροχορδονος akrokhordonos thin-necked wart < ακρον akron extremity; χορδη khordē sausage; πους pous,ποδος podos foot; "Am auffallendsten ist jedoch die Bekleidung der Tarsen, welche aus kleinen, warzigen Körnern besteht. Dadurch weicht sie sofort von allen anderen Tyrannidengattungen ab, deren Tarsen wie gewöhnlich kleine Tafeln aufweisen. ... Die Tarsenbedeckung ist ein so auffallendes Kennzeichen, dass wir die beiden Arten in einem neuen Genus Acrochordopus *) zusammenfassen. Als Typus generis gilt uns Phyllomyias subviridis Pelz. ... * ακροχορδον = papilla, Warze;πους = pes, Fuss." (von Berlepsch & Hellmayr 1905); "Acrochordopus Berlepsch and Hellmayr, 1905, Journ. f. Ornith., 53, p. 26. Type, by original designation, Phyllomyias subviridis Pelzeln = Phyllomyias burmeisteri Cabanis and Heine." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 3).


(Furnariidae; syn. Cranioleuca Red-faced Spinetail C. erythrops) Gr. ακρος akros pointed < ακη akē point; ορχιλος orkhilos wren; "Acrorchilus gen. nov. (Furnariidæ) ... Type.- Synallaxis erythrops Sclater. (ακρος, pointed;ορχιλος, a wren.)" (Ridgway 1909); "Acrorchilus Ridgway, 1909, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 22: 71. Type, by original designation, Synallaxis erythrops Sclater." (AOU Checklist, 7th ed., 1998, p. 348).

acrorhynchos / acrorhynchus

Gr. ακρος akros pointed < ακη akē point; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


(Laridae; syn. Thalasseus Sandwich Tern T. sandvicensis) Gr. ακτηaktē,ακτηςaktēs coast, seashore; χελιδωνkhelidōn,χελιδονοςkhelidonos swallow; "2. Sterna cantiaca. ... 2. Strandschwalbe. Actochelidon*). (Sterna cantiaca.) Entw[ickelung]. Wie bei Sterna. Char[akter]. Seeschwalben mit sehr langem, schwarzem, an der Spitze gelbem Schnabel und sehr gabelförmigem Schwanz. Leb[ensart]. Sie gleichen hierin denübrigen Seeschwalben. ... *) Aκτη, das Ufer und Xελιδων, die Schwalbe." (Kaup 1829); "Actochelidon Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Nat. Syst. Europ. Thierw., p. 31, 1829—type, by monotypy, Sterna cantiaca Gmelin = S.sandvicensis Latham."(Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 323).
Var. Aetochelidon (Gr.αετος aetos eagle), Aetochelinon.


(Tyrannidae;syn. XenotriccusϮ Pileated Flycatcher X. mexicanus) Gr. αιχμη aikhmē spear; λοφος lophos crest; "A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF MEXICAN FLYCATCHER ... It was originally identified as Myiochanes richardsonii and is labeled as that form. I discovered it in a tray of Empidonax trailli. Actually the bird has no close relationship to either of these genera, nor does it appear to be referable to any other genus of the Tyrannidae. ...Aechmolophus new genus Small Tyrannidae (wing about 70 mm.) related to Xenotriccus but differing by having the bill flatter, the rictal bristles shorter, the crest decidedly longer, the outer (tenth) primary longer (shorter than the second but longer than the first), the ninth also longer,and the tail slightly shorter than the wing and much less strongly rounded than in Xenotriccus. ... Feathering on top of head with acute tips, forming a greatly elongated crest, the longest feathers of which spring from the posterior part of the forehead and reach the anterior part of the mantle; feathering of point of chin, lores, and post-nasal region strongly bristly. ... Aechmolophus mexicanus new species ... The general appearance of Aechmolophus mexicanus is so plain and lacking in distinctive pattern that at first glance it might be confused with one of various small and dull-colored members of the family Tyrannidae. The extremely long and pointed crest, however, at once marks the bird as unusual and a closer examination reveals the combination of characters that prevents association with any of the known genera." (J. Zimmer 1938); "Aechmolophus J. T.Zimmer, 1938, Auk, 55 (4), p. 663. Type, by monotypy, Aechmolophus mexicanusJ. T. Zimmer, 1938." (JAJper Richmond Index). The type citation "by original designation" given in AOU Check-list, 6th ed., 1983, p. 445, is incorrect; Zimmer does not indicate the type species in his paper.


(Podicipedidae; Ϯ Western Grebe A. occidentalis) Gr. αιχμοφορος aikhmophoros spearman < αιχμη aikhmē spear; φερω pherō to carry; "Gr.αιχμη, a spear, andφορος, bearing; inallusion to the long, slender, sharp bill" (Coues 1882)(paceGotch 1981:“reference to the tarsal bones of the foot which are narrow and shaped like a blade”); "Genus I. ÆCHMOPHORUS Coues. N.G. Gen. Char. Bill very long, exceeding the head, straight or very slightly recurved, slender, attenuated towards the tip, which is very acute. Culmen straight or slightly concave. Commissure about straight. Gonys convex throughout its whole length, the angle scarcely appreciable. Nasal groove long, shallow, and narrow. Bare loral space very narrow. Wings rather long, pointed, the outer primaries much attenuated. Legs very long. Tarsus as long as the middle toe and claw, exceeding the bill, excessively compressed. Outer lateral toe much longer than the middle. Lobes united at base for a very short distance. Size large; body slender; neck very long. Head with moderate crests, but without decided ruffs? Type. Podiceps occidentalis, Lawr." (Coues 1862); "Aechmophorus Coues, 1862, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 14: 229. Type, by original designation, Podiceps occidentalis Lawrence." (AOU Checklist, 7th ed., 1998, p. 8).
Var. Aichmophorus.


(Columbidae; syn. Leptotila Caribbean Dove L. jamaicensis) Gr. αιχμη aikhmēspear; πτιλον ptilon feather; "Genus ÆCHMOPTILA, Coues. Peristera, of some authors. Leptoptila, Swainson, Class. B. ii. 1837, 349 (misspelled "Leptotila"). (Not Leptoptilos Lesson, Tr. Orn. 1831, 585, nor Leptoptilus Strickl. 1841, nor Leptoptila Gloger, 1842.)—Bp. Consp. Av. ii. 1854, 74—Gray, Handl. ii. 1870, 242, n. 2319 ("Leptotila"). CH.—First primary abruptly emarginate, attenuate and linear near the end. ... Type, Æ. jamaicensis (L.)." (Coues 1878); "Aechmoptila Coues, 1878, Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geog. Surv. Terr., IV, (1), p. 48. New name for Leptotila Swainson, 1837, considered preoccupied by Leptoptilos Lesson, 1831, and by its amendmentsLeptoptilus Strickland, 1841, andLeptoptila Gloger, 1842." (JAJ 2021).


(Scolopacidae; syn. Prosobonia Tuamotu Sandpiper P. parvirostris) Gr. αιχμη aikhmēpoint, lance; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Examining the types of Tringa parvirostris, PEALE, which has been referred to T. rufescens [= Calidris subruficollis], with a query, by Dr. Schlegel, and made a variety of the same by Bonaparte, I find that not only is it an entirely different bird, specifically, but that it is scarcely congeneric. Having the extremely small bill of T. rufescens, this organ is smaller still, slenderer, and without the peculiar forward outline of the feathers at its base, which characterizes T. rufescens. In the mounted specimens, the wings fall far short of the end of the tail instead of reaching rather beyond. There is none of the peculiar mottling of the primaries, which is such a strong feature of T. rufescens; the tail is barred transversely, and there are other differences in coloration.Should it be deemed worthy of subgeneric separtion [sic], it may be calledÆchmorhynchus parvirostris." (Coues 1874); "Æchmorhynchus Coues, Bds. Northwest, 1874, p. 506. Type, by monotypy, Tringa parvirostris Peale." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 258).


(Turdidae; syn.Zoothera Bonin Island Thrush Z. terrestris) Gr. αιγιθος aigithos unknown bird, variously identified (here considered to be the Dunnock or Hedge SparrowPrunella modularis); κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "XV. ÆGITHOCICHLA, nom. emend. [Cichlopasser (!), Bp. Geocichla, pt., Seebohm, Cat. B. Brit. Mus. v. p. 147, 1881.] 1. terrestris (Kittl.)." (Sharpe 1903); "Aegithocichla Sharpe, 1903, Hand-list Genera Species Birds, IV, p. 134. Replacement name for Cichlopasser Bonaparte, 1854, considered improperly formed." (JAJ 2020).

aenochroa (See: oenochroa)

Gr. οινοχρως oinokhrōs,οινοχρωτος oinokhrōtos wine-coloured < οινος oinos wine; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


(Vangidae; syn. Euryceros Helmet Vanga E. prevostii) Gr. αηρ aēr, αεροςaeros air; χαριςkharis, χαριτοςkharitosbeauty, grace < χαιρωkhairō to rejoice; "Eurycera (Fabr., Wanze) bl. — Euryceros (Lesson, Cent., Vogel): Aërocharis, N. — Euryceros (Hirsch. Cerv. eurycer. Aldrov.): Cervus" (Gistel 1848); "Aerocharis Gistel, Nat. Thierr. p. ix, 1848. Type by monotypy, Euryceros prevostii Less." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 606); "Aerocharis Gistel, 1848, Naturgesch. Thierreichs für höhere Schulen, p. IX. New name for Euryceros Lesson, 1831, considered preoccupied by Eurycera Fabricius, ?1798 (Hemiptera) (not found)." (JAJ 2021).


(Leiothrichidae; syn. Turdoides Bare-cheeked Babbler T. gymnogenys) Gr. αηθης aēthēs strange < negative prefix α-a- ; ηθοςēthos custom, character; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "198. AETHOCICHLA GYMNOGENYS.* Bare-faced Babbling-Thrush. ... * Although described as a Crateropus, it seems to me advisable to institute a distinct genus for this bird on account of its naked face, amost prominent character." (Sharpe 1876); "Aethocichla Sharpe, 1876, in Layard, Birds South Africa, new ed., pt. 3, p. 215. Type, by monotypy, Crateropus gymnogenys Hartlaub." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 332).


(Aegithinidae;syn. Aegithina Ϯ Great Iora A. lafresnayei) Gr. αηθης aēthēs unusual < negative prefix α- a- ; ηθος ēthos custom, character; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Ægithininæ ...Aëthorhynchus n.g. (Jora lafresnayi Hartl. R. Z. 1844; Mag. de Z. 1845 t. 60; —I. innotata Blyth. J. As. Soc., Cat. n:o 1291 et add. p. 342). Rostrum longius, capiti subæquale; remigum 3tia cubitalesæquans. (Aηθης, insuetus: rostri forma inter has aves insolita.)." (Sundevall 1872); "Aethorhynchus Sundevall, 1872, Methodi Naturalis Avium Dispon. Tentamen, pt. 1, p. 8. Type, by subsequent designation (Sundevall, 1873, loc. cit., pt. 2, p. 186 (sub nom. Aëtorhynchus)), Jora lafresnayi Hartl., i.e. Iora lafresnayei Hartlaub, 1844."(JAJ 2024).
Var. Aetorhynchus.


(Falconidae;syn.DaptriusϮ Striated Caracara D. australis) Gr. αετος aetos eagle; τριορχης triorkhēs buzzard < τρεις treis, τρια tria three; ορχις orkhis testicle (see Triorchis); "5. Geschlecht. Bussardbussarde oder Caracara, Polyborus, Vieill., zerfällt in die Untergenera: 1) Falkencaracara, Aëtotriorchis, Kp. (Falco novae Zeelandiae). ... Mehrere Formen dieser Untergeschlechter der Polyboren, die ich untersucht habe, zeigen die Bildung und Stellung der Nasenlöcher gleich den eigentlichen Falken, Falcones; es scheint demnach, als wollten sich durch diese Kennzeichen die Falken wieder an die Caracara anreihen, und so den Cyclus der Falken schliessen." (Kaup 1844); "Aëtotriorchis Kaup, Classif. Säug. Vögel, p. 124, 1844—type, by monotypy, "Falco novaezealandiae" (evidently of Temminck, not of Gmelin)." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p.275). Kaup, an ardent Quinarian, considered that Aetotriorchis closed the Falcones circle, uniting the true falcons with the caracaras; despite Hellmayr & Conover I believe the true identity of Kaup's type is Falco novæ-SeelandiæJ. Gmelin, 1788, the New Zealand Falcon, and not Falco novae-zelandiae Temminck, i.e. Latham, 1790 (= Falco australis J. Gmelin, 1788).


(Turdidae; syn. Turdus Olive Thrush T. olivaceus) L. Afer, Afra African < Africa Africa; Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Turdus olivaceus and T. cabanisi cannot be associated with the preceding genus [Peliocichla], side by side with which they may occur, and may therefore be placed in a new genus under the name of AFROCICHLA, genotype T. olivaceus L." (A. Roberts 1922); "Afrocichla A. Roberts, 1922, Annals Transvaal Mus., VIII (4), p. 228. Type, by original designation, Turdus olivaceus Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2020).


(Charadriidae; syn. Thinornis Three-banded Plover T. tricollaris) L. Afer, Afra African < Africa Africa; genus Oxyechus Reichenbach, 1853, plover; "The South African species bifrontatus, etc., which Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway considered referableto Oxyechus and which Sharpe placed in that genus, I would associate with Charadrius on account of the Vanelline bill, and quite set apart from Oxyechus which has a Pluvialine bill. On account of the characteristics of these species noted above, I would consider them generically separable from Charadrius hiaticula and propose for them the new generic name AFROXYECHUS with C. tricollaris Vieillot as type. This is the only possible course, as I consider that the bill of Oxyechus is Pluvialine whereas in Afroxyechus it is Vanelline —to me an essential difference." (Mathews 1913); "Afroxyechus Mathews, Bds. Australia, iii, p. 124, 1913. Type by original designation, Charadrius tricollaris Vieill." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, p. 120).

Agrilorhynchus (See: Agrilorhinus)

(Thraupidae; syn. Diglossa Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer D. baritula) This is an obvious misspelling (see Anchilorhinus(Gr. αγκυλη ankulē hook; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos nose)); “Lo denominiamo AGRILORHINUS SITTACEUSdesumendone il nome generico dal greco per significare appunto quell’ uncinato becco, mentre il nome specifico ci fu suggerito dalla somiglianza delle sue piume con quelle della Sitta.” (Bonaparte 1838); "Agrilorhinus Bonaparte, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 1, No. 3, p. 408, 1838—type, by monotypy, Agrilorhinus sittaceus Bonaparte = Diglossa baritula Wagler." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VIII, p. 219).
Var. Agriolorhinus, Agrylorhinus,Agrilorhynchus (Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill).


(Phasianidae;syn. MeleagrisϮ Ocellated Turkey M. ocellata) Gr. αγριος agrios wild < αγρος agros field, country; χαρις kharis grace < χαιρω khairō to rejoice; "Agriocharis ocellata (Temm.) OCELLATED TURKEY. - This magnificent bird was apparently common ... The flesh of the birds is, however, so highly prized by the Indians, whodoubtless have always hunted it, that it has become one of the wariest birds I have ever collected. ... I would suggest, therefore, that it be placed in a new genus, for which I propose the name Agriocharis.2 ... 2 αγριος, wild. χαρις, grace." (Chapman 1896); "Agriocharis Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 8, 1896, p. 287, 288. Type, by monotypy, Meleagris ocellata Temminck = M. ocellata Cuvier." (Peters 1934, II, 140).

alaschanica / alaschanicus / alashanica

Ala Shān /Hèlán Shān or Mts., Ningsia, western China.

albidinucha / albidinuchus

L. albidus whitish < albus white; Med. L. nuchus nape, or (medical use) nucha medulla oblongata < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.

albinucha / albinuchalis / albinuchus

L. albus white; Med. L. nuchus nape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


L. albus white; Mod. L. ochraceus ochraceous, ochreous < L. ochra ochre < Gr. ωχρα ōkhra yellow-ochre.


Arabic onomatopoeia al kattar/ al qata the sandgrouse (Latham 1783; “The Arabian name is Kata”); "[Tetrao.] Alchata s. Filacotona Aldr. orn. l. 15. c. 8. Charl. onom. 77. t. 77. Habit. in Arabia, Monspelii; mihi non visa." (Linnaeus1758); "103. TETRAO. ... Alchata. 11. T. pedibus subhirsutis muticis, rectricibus duabus intermediis duplo longioribus subulatis. Alchata s. Filacotona. Gesn. av. 311. t. 307. Aldr. orn. 2. p. 148, 501. Chartet. onom. 77. t. 77. Edw. av. 84. t. 249. Russel. alep. 64. t. 9. Bonasia pyrenaica. Briss. av. I. p. 195. t. 19. Habitat Monspelii, in Pyrenæis, Syria, Arabia. Supercilia Gulaque nigra. Pectorale lunatum, latum, fulvum nigro marginatum. Remiges primores cinereæ. Tectrices ferrugineæ albo margine. Cauda cuneiformis, lutea fasciis fuscis: Rectrices apice albo. Orbita oculorum nigra postice producta. Pedes antice hirsuti."(Linnaeus 1766) (Pterocles).

Dr John Warren Aldrich (1906-1995) US ornithologist, ecologist, in US Fish & Wildlife Service (syn. Poecile atricapillus).
Alechelia (See: Alecthelia)

Gr. αλεκτωρ alektōr,αλεκτορος alektoros cockerel; ἡλιοςhēlios sun (i.e. equatorial, tropical).
●(Megapodiidae; syn. Megapodius Dusky Megapode M. freycinet) "Les caractères du genre Mégapode,établis par MM. Quoy et Gaimard dans la Zoologie du Voyage autour du monde de l'Uranie, sont en grande partie applicables au sous-genre Alecthelia (de Alectoris, Gallinacé, Poule; et de Helios, Soleil,Équateur), que nous formons pour y placer un oiseau qui différe des vrais Mégapodes ou Tavous par plusieurs traits distinctifs. ... ALECTHÉLIE DE D'URVILLE: Alecthelia Urvilii ... Cette espè, qui provient de l'île de Guebé, placée immédiatement sous l'équateur" (Lesson 1826); "Alecthelia Lesson, 1826, Bull. Univ. Sci. Ind. Géol., VIII, p. 114. Type, by monotypy, Alecthelia urvilii Lesson and Garnot, 1826 = Megapodius freycinet Gaimard, 1823." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Alechelia, Alechthelia.
●(Sarothruridae; syn. Sarothrura Striped Flufftail S. affinis) "Alecthelia, Lesson. Tail feathers obsolete, or confounded with those of the rump, some of which are laterally compressed, and all are long, lax, and very soft.† A. lineata. Part 5. No. 172. ... † This extraordinary form is, in all probability, the true type of Gallinula." (Swainson 1837); "Alecthelia "Lesson" Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 358 (not of Lesson, 1826). Type, by monotypy, Alecthelia lineata Swainson, 1837 = Crex affinis A. Smith, 1828." (JAJ 2021).

Spanish name Alimoche for the Egyptian Vulture (syn. Neophron percnopterus).

(Hirundinidae; Ϯ Tawny-headed Swallow A. fucata) Gr. αλωπος alōpos fox-like (i.e. fox-coloured, russet) < αλωπηξ alōpēx,αλωπεκος alōpekos fox; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "Alopochelidon*, new genus. Tail less than half as long as wing, slightly emarginate, all the rectrices broad and rounded at tip; wing-tip little if any longer than distance from bend of wing to end of longest secondaries; above dull grayish brown.Similar to Stelgidopteryx but differing in less adhesion between toes (in this respect agreeing with Pygochelidon), and in entire absence of recurved tips to barbs of outer web of outermost primary. Type, Hirundo fucata Temminck. ... * Aλωπος, fox-like;χελιδων, a swallow." (Ridgway 1903); "Alopochelidon Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 16, p. 106, 1903—type, by orig. desig., Hirundo fucata Temminck." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VIII, p. 48).


(Anatidae; Ϯ Egyptian Goose A. aegyptiaca) Gr. αλωπος alōpos fox-like < αλωπηξ alōpēx, αλωπεκος alōpekos fox; χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose. The Egyptian Goose was known as χηναλωπηξkhēnalōpēx fox-goose, to the ancient Greeks, from the colour of its plumage and ability to protect its goslings from foxes (although the name could equally apply to the Ruddy ShelduckTadorna ferruginea); "Another African form of the same family is the well-known Egyptian or Nile goose (Alopochen ægyptiaca). It is often found figured on the Egyptian monuments, and was known to the ancient Greeks, who called it 'chenalopex,' or fox-goose, either because it breeds in burrows, or on account of its color, which is more or less rusty, especially round the eyes, neck, tertials, and a spot on the breast. ... The Egyptian goose has no close ally in the Old World, and it is a somewhat extraordinary fact that the Orinoco goose (Alopochen jubata), brown, with green wings and white wing speculum, head, and neck, and with a slight nuchal crest or 'mane,' which inhabits northeastern South America, seems to be congeneric with it." (Stejneger 1885); "Alopochen Stejneger, Standard Nat. Hist., 4, 1885, p. 141. Type, by subsequent designation, Anas ægyptiaca Linné. (Oberholser, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci., 8, 1918, p. 572.)" (Peters, 1931, I, p. 154). Richmond, 1902, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV (1267), List of Generic Terms 1890-1900, p. 666, treats Alopochen as a new name for Chenalopex Stephens, 1824, not of Dumont, 1817.
Synon. Chenalopex, Mascarenachen, Tadorna.


(Ptilonorhynchidae; syn. Chlamydera Fawn-breasted Bowerbird C. cerviniventris) Gr. αλφα alpha first, primitive; genus Chlamydera Gould, 1837, bowerbird; "ALPHACHLAMYDERA gen. nov. Type Chlamydera cerviniventris Gould. Differs from Chlamydera Gould in its peculiar coloration which resembles that of Rogersornis, but entirely lacks the erectile nuchal crest; in size it approaches nearly Chlamydera, but that genus also possesses a well-formed nuchal crest." (Mathews 1914); "Alphachlamydera Mathews Austral Av. Rec. vol. ii. p. 112, Sept. 24th, 1914. Type (by original designation); Chlamydera cerviniventris Gould." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 891).


(Petroicidae; Ϯ Greater Ground-robin A. sclateriana) Gr. αμαλος amalos soft; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "AMALOCICHLA, n. g. Bill geocichline, but with the nostril small and placed in the anterior end of the nasal groove, and with the under mandible straight as far as the tip, which is slightly deflected; mandibular notch shallow. Rectal bristles moderate. Wing short, rounded, concave; first primary about half its length shorter than the second; second to fifth, which is the longest, graduated. Tail of twelve feathers, rounded, shorter than wing. Tarsus elongate, slender, ocreate. Plumage soft and loose. AMALOCICHLA SCLATERIANA, n. s. ... Notwithstanding the geocichline affinities of this bird apparent in the bill and under-wing pattern, the form of the wing seems to relate it to the Timeliidæ proper. Its nearest ally appears to be Ptilopyga" (DeVis 1892); "A ground living bird recalling vaguely a Thrush, but with probably little real relationship, and which seems merely a large alpine development of some small bird until it now recalls the Bush Robins rather than Thrushes. ... These are the structural features of SCLATER'S FALSE-THRUSH (Amalocichla sclateriana) described from Mount Owen Stanley, south-east New Guinea... The feathering is full and soft, even the primaries being inclined to be soft, while the secondaries are also long and soft; the back feathers are long and disintegrated, forming a large puff over the rump, the tail feathers also softish. ... The two False Thrushes have recently been included with the true Thrushes, but there is great doubt as to that affinity, and are here placed with the other "Timalian" birds, as there is nothing known about their exact relationship save that it is not with the true Thrushes" (Iredale 1958); "Amalocichla De Vis, 1892, Ann. Rept. British New Guinea, 1890-91: 95. Type, by monotypy, Amalocichla sclateriana De Vis." (Beehler and Pratt, 2016, Birds New Guinea, p. 456).
Var. Amatocichla.
Synon. Pseudopitta.

amaurochalina / amaurochalinus

Gr. αμαυρος amauros dark; χαλινος khalinos bridle, strap.


(Motacillidae; syn. MotacillaϮ São Tomé Short-tailM. bocagii) Gr. αμαυρος amauros dark; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "This new species has a brown style of coloration which is characteristic of many Timeliine birds, but it seems to find its nearest ally in a Malayan genus Crateroscelis of Malacca and Borneo. It differs, however, from that genus in certain evident characters, which may be diagnosed as follows:—AMAUROCICHLA, gen. nov.Similar to Crateroscelis, but distinguished by the shape of the wing, the first primary being nearly as long as the second. Additional characters are:—The bill is as long as the head, and rictal bristles are absent, while the tail-feathers are somewhat acuminate. The type is: - AMAUROCICHLA BOCAGII, sp. nov. (Plate XX. fig. 1.) Adult. General colour above uniform chocolate-brown, the wings and tail a little darker than the back; lores and sides of face dark brown like back, the ear-coverts slightly rufescent, like the sides of the neck" (Sharpe 1892); "Amaurocichla Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1892, p. 228. Type by original designation, Amaurocichla bocagei Sharpe." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 363). The São Tomé Short-tail or Bocage's Longbill, was formerly treated in various sylviine families or groups, but is now consideredvery closely related to the wagtails Motacilla.


Gr. αμβλυς amblus blunt < αμβλυνω amblunō to blunt; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
● (Icteridae; syn. Amblyramphus † Scarlet-headed Blackbird A. holosericeus) “AMBLYRHYNCHUS, Leach. Oriolus, Gm. Sturnella, Vieill. Leistes, (V.) Swains. A. ruber, (Gm.) n. A. bicolor, Leach, Zool. Misc., pl. 36. St. pyrrhocephalus, Licht. L. erythrocephala, Swains.” (G. Gray 1840); “Amblyrhynchus “Leach” G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 41 Alternative name for Amblyramphus Leach, 1814.” (JAJ 29/8/2024).
● (Scolopacidae; ?syn. Phalaropus Grey Phalarope / Red Phalarope P. fulicarius) "Subgenus.—*AMBLYRHYNCHUS. WITH the BILL slender and depressed, dilated and rounded at the extremity. The FEET more than half palmated, and the toes bordered with a plain or unscolloped membrane. PLAIN PHALAROPE. (Phalaropus glacialis, LATH. Plain Phalarope, PENN. Arct, Zool. No. 415. RICHARD. North. Zool. ii. p. 409. Tringa glacialis, GMEL. Syst. i. p. 675. sp. 32. Phalarope a cou jaune, SONNINI, èdit. de BUFFON, Ois. xxiii. p. 298.)" (Nuttall 1834); "Tringa glacialis Gmelin (Syst. Nat., 1, (2), p. 675, 1789—based on "Plain Phalarope" Pennant, Arct. Zool., 2, p. 495; "in mari glaciali"), while possibly referable to Wilson's Phalarope (cf. Coues, Bds. Northwest, p. 467 [footnote], 1874), is not identifiable with certainty. It is the genotype of Amblyrhynchus (not of Leach, 1816) Nuttall, Man. Orn. U. S. and Canada, Water Birds, p. 247, 1834." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 221).

amechana / amechanus

Gr. αμηχανος amēkhanos helpless, impossible,incredible,inexplicable.

Amnochelidon (See: Antrochelidon)

(Hirundinidae;syn. Petrochelidon Ϯ Tree Martin P. nigricans) Gr. αντρον antron cave, cavern; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "II. Gruppe. Höhlenschwalben. ...(Petrochelidon) 6) Antrochelidon nigricans, *) mihi. ... *) Ich schlage für die in ihrer Nistweise so abweichende Form, die Collocalia arborea, Gld., Hir. nigricans, Vieill., den Namen Antrochelidon, Höhlen-Schwalbe, vor, welcher der ganzen II Gruppe geeignet werden könnte." (Baldamus 1870); "Antrochelidon Baldamus, 1870, Journal für Ornithologie, XVII (1869), p. 406. Type, by monotypy, Hirundo nigricans Vieillot, 1817." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Amnochelidon.


Gr. αμφι amphi on all sides; χροα khroa,χροας khroas appearance, colour < χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


Gr. αμφω amphō both (i.e. above and below); χλωρος khlōros green, olive.


(Furnariidae; syn.Syndactyla Peruvian Recurvebill S. ucayalae) Gr. ανα ana upwards; χειλος kheilos lip, edge; "ANACHILUS, new genus GENERIC DIAGNOSIS. — In general size and color resembling Automolus rubiginosus rubiginosus Sclater, but structurally more nearly related to Anabazenops fuscus (Vieillot), the bill, however, agreeing in shape with that of Megaxenops parnaguæReiser. DESCRIPTION OF GENUS. —A large furnariine bird of the subfamily Philydorinæ; culmen straight, except at the extreme tip which is slightly decurved, the gonys strongly recurved ... TYPE.—Anachilus ucayalæ Chapman." (Chapman1928); "Anachilus Chapman, 1928, American Mus. Novitates, 332, p. 11. Type, by original designation, Anachilus ucayalae Chapman, 1928." (JAJ 2020) (see Simoxenops).

Gr. ανα ana up, throughout; χλωρος khlōros green.
anachoreta / anachoretae

L. anachoreta hermit < Gr. αναχωρητης anakhōrētēs hermit, recluse < αναχωρεω anakhōreō to retire.
● Anchorite Is. / Kaniet Is., Admiralty Is. (subsp. Gallirallus philippensis).
● Hermit Is., Admiralty Is. (subsp. Todiramphus saurophagus).


(Charadriidae; Wrybill A. frontalis) Gr. ανα- ana- backwards; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; the unique right-hand bend in the narrow bill of the Wrybill is an adaptation used in exploiting the specialized feeding niche of mayflies in shallow but swift flowing water; "GENRE ANARHYNQUE. —Anarhynchus, nob. Bec assez long, recouvert de plumesà sa base jusque près des narines, lesquelles sont latérales, petites, linéaires, et s'ouvrent chacune dans une gouttière, se prolongeant sur le côté du bec jusqu'au-delà de sa première moitié; mandibules très-aiguës, dirigées en haut, et déviées d'un côté vers leur pointe; jambes et tarses médiocres; doigts assez longs, sans pouce, les premières phalanges unies par une membrane dont un prolongement borde le côté des autres phalanges; ailes dépassant la queue; les rémiges décroissant en longueur,à partir de la première qui est la plus longues de toutes. ANARHYNQUE A FRONT BLANC.Anarhynchus frontalis, nob. ... Cet oiseau, qui a quelques rapports avec les Pluviers, se rapproche surtout du Sanderling (Charadrius calidris, Lath) par le port, la forme, la longueur des pieds et même la couleur. ... Son bec est plus long et pointu, au lieu d'être arrondi en forme de boutonà l'extrémité. Les mandibules sont très-aiguës, déviéesà droite et dirigées vers le haut, comme dans les Avocettes. ... Nous donnons à ce genre le nom d'Anarhynque qui se rapporte à la forme très-remarquable du bec. Il n'est du reste pas le seul dont le bec soit recourbé supérieurement. Cette disposition est aussi, comme on sait, le caractère des Avocettes et des Sanderlings, et elle se retrouve même parmi les Oiseaux-Mouches." (Quoy & Gaimard 1830); "Anarhynchus Quoy and Gaimard, Voy. 'Astrolabe,' Zool., 1, 1830, p. 252. Type, by monotypy, Anarhynchus frontalis Quoy and Gaimard." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 257).
Synon. Aegialophilus, Afraegialis, Cirrepidesmus, Eupoda, Eupodella, Helenaegialus, Hyetoceryx, Leucopolius, Neocharadrius, Nesoceryx, Ochthodromus, Pagoa, Pagolla, Pernettyva, Pluviorhynchus, Podasocys.

Río Anchicayá, Valle, Colombia.

José Alberto de Oliveira Anchieta (1832-1897) Portuguese explorer, naturalist, collector in Angola and Mozambique (Anthreptes, syn. Chaetops pycnopygius, syn. Hirundo smithii, syn. Neafrapus boehmi, subsp. Rhinopomastus aterrimus, Stactolaema, subsp. Tchagra minutus).


(Thraupidae; syn. Diglossa Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer D. baritula) Gr. αγκυλη ankulē hook; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos nose; “864. Diglossa, Wagl. 1832 … Anchilorhinus err. Agrilorhinus, Bp.” (Bonaparte 1850); “Anchilorhinus Bonaparte, 1850, Conspectus Generum Avium, I (II), p. 401. New name for Agrilorhinus Bonaparte, 1838, belatedly recognised as erroneous by the author.” (JAJ 4/2/2024).
Var. Anchylorhinus, Ancylorhinus.


Anchorena, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Ancychlocheilus (See: Ancylocheilus)

(Scolopacidae; syn. Calidris Curlew Sandpiper C. ferruginea) Gr. αγκυλοχειλης ankulokheilēs with hooked beak < αγκυλος ankulos crooked < αγκος ankos bend; χειλος kheilos bill; "5. Tringa subarquata. ... 5. Krummschnabel. Ancylocheilus. *) (Tr. subarquata.) Entw[ickelung]. Alle Körpertheile verjüngen sich. Char[akter]. Kleine Brachvögel ohne Spannhaut an den inneren Zehen. Leb[ensart]. Hierin gleichen sie den Brachvögeln. *) αγκυλοχειλος, krummschnabelig." (Kaup 1829); "Ancylocheilus Kaup, 1829, Skizzirte Entwickelungs-Geschichte und Natürliches System der Europäischen Thierwelt, p. 50. Type, by monotypy, Tr. subarquata, i.e. Scolopax subarquata Güldenstädt, 1775 = Tringa ferrugineus Pontoppidan, 1763." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Ancylochilus,Ancychlocheilus.


(Anatidae; syn.Oressochen† Andean Goose O. melanopterus) Mod. L. Andium Andes; Gr. χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Die Andengans, bisher als Chloephaga melanoptera (EYTON) bekannt, weicht von den Arten dieser Gattung nicht nur durch gedrungeneren Schnabel, massigeren Körperbau, die auffallend rote Färbung von Schnabel und Füßen, schwarze, metallisch grün schimmernde Schulterfedern und violettroten, nicht erzgrünen Metallglanz des Spiegels, sondern besonders durch das Gehabe,die Art des Laufens mit stark zurückgelehntem Hals und an den Hals angedrücktem Kinn, vorgewölbter Brust und gesträubtem Gefieder und das Triumphgehabe ab, bei dem der Hals abwechselnd bis zum Boden vor- und abwärts gestreckt, und dann wieder rückwärts über den Rücken geworfen wird, wobei Scheitel und Hinterhals den Rücken berühren. In diesen ethologischen Eigenheiten nähert sich die Andengans auffallend der Orinokogans, Neochen jubatus und muß daher in einer eigenen, intermediär zwischen Neochen und Chloephaga stehenden Gattung abgetrennt werden, die ich Andichenodes. gen. nov. nenne. (Genotyp: Anser melanopterus EYTON, Monog. Anat., 1838, S. 93, Titikakasee)"(von Boetticher 1950) (Laurent Raty in litt.); "Andichenodes von Boetticher in Wolters and von Boetticher, 1950, Beiträge zur Gattungssystematik der Vögel, II, System Enten u. Gänsevogel, p. 43 Type, by original designation, Anser melanopterus Eyton, 1838." (JAJ 2020).

Gr. ανω anō above; χλωρος khlōros yellow.

Gr. negative prefix αν- an- ; ωχρος ōkhros pale-yellow.


(Psittacidae; syn. Anodorhynchus † Hyacinth Macaw A. hyacinthinus) Gr. ανοδων anodōn,ανοδοντος anodontos toothless < negative prefix αν- an- ; οδους odous,οδοντοςodontos tooth; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; “ * Anodontorhynchus — (V. Anodorhynchus et Aodorhynchus). Aves.” (Agassiz 1848); “Anodontorhynchus Agassiz, 1848, Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis, p. 68. New name for Anodorhynchus von Spix, 1824, considered barbarous and ungrammatical.” (JAJ 22/8/2024) (see Anoplorhynchus).


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Hyacinth Macaw A. hyacinthinus) Gr. ανοδων anodōn,ανοδοντος anodontos toothless < negative prefix αν- an- ; οδους odous,οδοντοςodontos tooth; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; alluding to the un-notched bill of the Hyacinth Macaw (paceGotch 1981);"GENUS VI.ANODORHYNCHUS. Araras inter et Aratingas intermedius, familiaris, macrourus, infra nares et supra genas plumis tectus; rostro supra modum crasso, uncinato, edentato; periophthalmiis parum, basi mandibulae inferioris tota nudis; cauda gradata, elongata. SPECIES 1• ANODORHYNCHUS MAXIMILIANI." (von Spix 1824);"Anodorhynchus von Spix, 1824, Avium species novae Brasiliam. I, p. 24 bis, pl. XI. Type, by monotypy, Anodorhynchus maximiliani von Spix, 1824 = Psittacus hyacinthinus Latham, 1790." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Anadorhynchos, Anadorhynchus,Aodorhynchus, Aodorhynchos,Anodorhynchos.
Synon. Anodontorhynchus,Anoplorhynchus.


(Psittacidae; syn. Anodorhynchus † Hyacinth Macaw A. hyacinthinus) Gr. ανοπλος anoplos unarmed < negative prefix αν- an- ; ὁπλον hoplon large shield of the Greek heavy infantry; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill (alluding to the un-notched bill); “(Anodorhynchus! Spix. — Typus: hyacinthinus Lath.) Nomen Anodontorhynchus Agass. correctius, sed sesquipedale! Forte potius Anoplorhynchus scribendum?” (Sundevall 1872); “Anoplorhynchus Sundevall, 1872, Methodi Naturalis Avium Dispon.Tentamen, pt. 1, p. 70. New name for Anodorhynchus von Spix, 1824, considered barbarous, and for the more grammatically correct Anodontorhynchus Agassiz, 1846, considered too lengthy.” (JAJ 2023).


(Acrocephalidae; syn. Acrocephalus Black-browed Reed Warbler A. bistrigiceps) Gr. αντηλιος antēlios facing the sun, eastern < αντιanti opposite;ἡλιοςhēlios sun; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "4. Anteliocichla, anew genus. Type. Acrocephalus bistrigiceps Swinhoe. ... This group differs from Acrocephalus chiefly in its longer first primary, which decidedly exceeds the primary coverts; in its relatively shorter second primary; and in its shorter bill, though in this respect it agrees with some forms of the subgenus Muscipeta ... From Tatare the present group differs principally by reason of its shorter secondaries, comparatively longer first primary, and shorter bill; from Notiocichla in its less lengthened secondaries, shorter, more acuminate first primary, more abbreviated bill, and much more slender feet. Apparently the only species to be placed in this genus are: Anteliocichla bistrigiceps (Swinhoe). Anteliocichla agricola (Jerdon). ... aαντηλιος, orientalis;κιχλη, turdus" (Oberholser 1905); "Anteliocichla Oberholser, 1905, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVIII, no. 1411, p. 901. Type, by original designation, Acrocephalus bistrigiceps Swinhoe, 1860." (JAJ 2020).


(Meliphagidae; Ϯ Little Wattlebird A. chrysoptera) Gr. ανθος anthos flower, bloom; χαιρω khairō to enjoy; "Genus. ANTHOCHÆRA *. Rostrum elongatum, subattenuatum, subarcuatum; culmine ad basin subcarinato; mandibula superiori vix emarginata; naribus longitudinalibus, linearibus, membrana supra tectis, ad medium rostrum extendentibus ibique apertioribus.Lingua ad apicem in setas plurimas divisa. Alæ mediocres, rotundatæ; remige prima brevi secunda tertia parte longiori, tertia gradatim longiori, quarta quinta et sextaæqualibus longissimis; tertiæ ad septimam inclusam pogoniis externis in medio gradatim longioribus. Cauda elongata, rotundata, vix gradata. Pedes fortes, longitudine mediocres; acrotarsiis scutellatis, paratarsiis integris. The strong, but at the same time lengthened and attenuated bill of this group, added to the size and powerful conformation of the species, distinguish it from the true Meliphaga. The lengthened and subgraduated tail also serves as a strong mark of distinction. The chief external characters of the group associate it with the Meliphagidæ, although upon a decided enlarged scale; and the tongue of one of the species, now before us, exhibits the filamentous formation peculiar to the Australian Honey-Eaters. ... 1. CARUNCULATA. ... Merops carunculatus. Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 276. no. 20. Corvus paradoxus. Id. Ib. Supp. p. xxvi. no. 10. ... 2. MELLIVORA. ... Certhia mellivora Lath. Ind. Orn. Supp. p. xxxvii. no. 8. Le Goruck? Vieill. Ois. dor. ii. p. 126. pl. 88. ... The natives call it Coke'ran. ... 3. PHRYGIA.* ...*We take this opportunity of characterizing the following bird, which has been generally considered the young of Anth. carunculata, but which appearsto us to be distinct. ... 4. LEWINII. ... MemoriæDomini JOANNIS GULIELMI LEWIN, peregrinatoris in Australia seduli sagacissimique ... * Aνθος flos, andχαιρω gaudeo." (Vigors & Horsfield 1827); "Anthochaera Vigors and Horsfield, 1827, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 15, p. 320. Type, by subsequent designation (Gadow, 1884, Cat. Birds Brit.Mus., 9, p. 262), Certhia mellivora Latham = Merops chrysopterus Latham." (Salomonsen in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 444).G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 25, gives Merops carunculata Lath., i.e. Merops carunculata White, 1790, as the type of this genus, but, as revealed above, Vigors and Horsfield have confused two different species under that name.
Var. Antochaera.
Synon. Acanthochaera,Anellobia, Coleavis, Coleia, Colena, Dyottornis, Melichaera, Philedon, Xanthomyza, Zanthomiza.


(Pittidae; syn. Hydrornis† Eared Pitta H. phayrei) Gr. ανθος anthos small, brightly coloured bird mentioned by Aristotle; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; although not so labelled by the author, this name could be variously considered a lapsus, a deliberate amendment, or, as here treated, a new name for Anthocincla Blyth, 1862; “Anthocichla Delacour, 1927, Bull. British Ornith. Club, XLVII, p. 155. New name for Anthocincla Blyth, 1862, the construction of which may have been considered barbarous.” (JAJ 2/2/24 per Erikjan Rijkers in litt.).

Anthoschaenus (See: Anthoscenus)

(Trochilidae;syn. Heliomaster Ϯ Long-billed Starthroat H. longirostris) Gr. ανθος anthos flower, blossom; σκηνη skēnē,σκηνης skēnēs house, tent; "Floricola Elliot (1878), as a genus of Hummingbirds, is preoccupied by Floricola Gistel (Naturgesch, XI, 1848). In its place may be substituted Anthoscenus (type, Trochilus longirostris Vieillot)" (Richmond 1902); "Anthoscenus Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 15, 1902, p. 85. New name for Floricola Elliot, 1878, not of Gistel, 1848. Type, by original designation, Trochilus longirostris Vieillot, i.e. Shaw." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 128).
Var. Anthoscaenus (Gr. σχαω skhaō to open), Anthoschaenus.


(Malaconotidae;syn.BocagiaϮ Marsh TchagraB. minuta) Gr. αντι anti opposite to, against; χρωμα khrōma, χρωματος khrōmatos colour < χρωζω khrōzō to stain; "Bocagia of Shelley (Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XVIII, May 26, 1894, xliii), for two species of African Shrikes, is untenable, there being a Bocageia Girard, Jorn. Soc. Lisboa, III, 1893, 100, for a genus of Mollusks. Capt. Shelley's genus may be renamed Antichromus 1 ... 1 Aντι andχρωμα" (Richmond 1899);"Antichromus Richmond, 1899, Auk, XVI (2), p. 186. New name for Bocagia Shelley, 1894, considered preoccupied by Bocageia Girard, 1893 (Mollusca)." (JAJ 2021).

aonalaschkae / aoonalaschkae / aoonalaschkensis

Unalaska, Aleutian Is.
● ex “Aoonalashka Thrush” of Latham 1783, and “Unalaska Thrush” of Pennant 1785 (syn. Catharus guttatus).


● Cochise County, Arizona, USA (after Cochise (d. 1874) chief of the Chiricahua Apache) (subsp. Accipiter gentilis).
● Apache County, Arizona, USA (subsp. Regulus satrapa).

Aphantochora (See: Aphantochroa)

(Trochilidae; syn. EupetomenaϮ Sombre Hummingbird E. cirrhochloris) Gr. αφαντος aphantos obscure < negative prefix α- a- ; φαντος phantos visible < φαινω phainō to show; χροα khroa,χροας khroas appearance, colour < χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion; "APHANTOCHROA CIRRHOCHLORIS. Sombre Humming-Bird. .. While the greater number of the Trochilidae are characterized by a splendid style of plumage, there are others, as will be seen on reference to the present Plate, in which these features are wanting; to most persons these sombre-coloured birds will be less pleasing than their more gaily attired congeners, but they are equally interesting in the eyes of the naturalist.In its general structure, this simply attired bird, which I believe is never adorned with any luminous colouring, offers a considerable alliance to the Campylopteri; but as the peculiar dilatation of the shafts of the outer primaries is entirely absent, I have separated it from a group of which I formerly considered it a member, and have made it the type of a new genus—Aphantochroa." (Gould 1853); "Aphantochroa Gould, Monogr. Trochil., pt. 6, Sept. 1853, pl. [14] and text [= 2, pl. 54 of volume]. Type, by original designation, Trochilus cirrochloris Vieillot." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 80).
Var. Aphantochora.


Appalachian Mts., eastern USA < Spanish name (early 16th century) Apalachee for a group of peoples and their territory north of Florida.


(Nectariniidae;syn. CinnyrisϮ Loten's Sunbird C. lotenius) Gr. αραχνης arakhnēs spider; εχθρος ekhthros hating < εχθαιρω ekhthairō to hate; "Gen. ARACHNECHTHRA nov. gen. **) Spinnenfeind. 571. 1. A.LOTENIA Nob. —Certhia Lotenia Lin. Syst. No. 25.— Certhia polita Sparrm. Mus. Carls. tab. 59.— Certhia Lotenia et polita Lath. Jnd. Orn. No. 16 et 19. Vieillot Ois. dor. tab. 11.— NectariniaLotenia Jard. Sun Birds tab. 23. ... 572. 2. A. currucaria Nob.—Certhia currucaria Lin. Syst. No. 6.— Certhia currucaria Lath Jnd. Orn. No. 15.— Certhia asiatica Lath. l.c. No. 22 et C. cirrhata No. 62 et C. chrysoptera No. 64.— Certhia mahrattensis Lath. ubi?— Vieillot Ois. dor. tab. 12.— Cinnyris cyaneus Vieill.— Cinnyris orientalis Frankl.— Cinnyris epauletta Hodgs. Jnd. Rev. 1837. p. 272.— Cinnyris strigula Hodgs. (Juv.)— Nectarinia mahrattensis (Lath.) Jard. Sun Birds tab. 24. Cinnyris currucaria Sykes.— Nectarinia asiatica Blyth. ... **) Von αραχνη, Spinne undεχθρος, Hasser. —In der Färbung des Gefieders der Gattung Cinnyris sehrähnlich, aber mit stärker gebogenem Schnabel und kürzerm abgerundeten Sckwanze [sic]. Ostindien." (Cabanis 1853); "Arachnechthra Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 105. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 19), Certhia lotentia Linn., i.e. Certhia lotenia Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Arachnethra.


(Nectariniidae; syn. Arachnothera Little Spiderhunter A. longirostra) Gr. αραχνης arakhnēs spider; κεστρα kestra hammer; "Arachnocestra RCHB. Nat. Syst. sppl. —Schnabel sehr lang, am Grunde wenig breiter als hoch, gleichförmig gebogen, fast im ganzen Verlaufe gleich dick, nur spitzewärts allmälig verdünnt, Firste stumpfkantig, Seiten vom Grunde aus gewölbt, Ränder bald vom Grunde aus eingezogen, Schneiden des Oberschnabels spitzewärts dem bloßen Auge ziemlich unsichtbar, gezähnelt, Zähnchen gerade, Zähnchen des Unterschnabels spitzewärts ebenfalls sehr fein und wenig großer. ... *741. A. crassirostris RCHB. t. DXCII. 4016. ... *742. A. uropygialis (Arachnothera — GRAY gen. pl. XXXIII.) RCHB. t. DXCII. 4017. ... *743. A. longirostris (Certhia — LATH. Syst. I. 299. n. 65.) RCHB. t. DXCII. 4018—19." (Reichenbach 1853); "Arachnocestra Reichenbach, 1853, Das natürliche System der Vögel, Scansoriae, B. Tenuirostres, p. 314. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 138 (Appendix)),Certhialongirostra Latham, 1790."(JAJ 2020).


(Nectariniidae; syn. Anthreptes Plain Sunbird A. simplex) Gr. αραχνης arakhnēs spider; φιλος philos lover; "Gen. nov. Arachnophila, SALVAD. (daαραχνη ragno, eφιλεω amo) Car. Rostrum fere rectum, culmine parum incurvato; alae longiusculae; cauda parum gradata; ptylosis valde simplex; sexus fere similes. Sp. 182. (112). Arachnophila simplex (MÜLL.). ... Questa specie ha una facies talmente particolare da sembrarmi che essa debba costituire il tipo di un genere distinto. Anche Lord Walden fa notare come essa costituisca un interessante anello nella catena delleaffinità delle specie del genere Arachnechthra, quale egli lo intende." (Salvadori 1874); "Arachnophila Salvadori, 1874, Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, ser. 1, V, p. 172. Type, by original designation, Nectarinia simplex Müller, 1843." (JAJ 2020).


(Nectariniidae; syn. Arachnothera Spectacled Spiderhunter A. flavigaster) Gr. αραχνης arakhnēs spider; ῥαφις rhaphis,ῥαφιδοςrhaphidos needle; "CLXXIX.Arachnoraphis RCHB. Nat. Syst. suppl. —Schnabel so lang oder bei wenigen länger als Kopf, am Grunde stark, im Verlauf bedeutend gebogen, bald von der Basis aus in die feine Spitze verdünnt. Firste verflacht. Brustbüschel! Schwanz gleichfederig gestutzt. —Hier die Nectariniae repräsentirend. 735. A. flaviventris(Anthreptes flaviγαστερ EYTON Proceed. 1830. 105.) RCHB. t. DXCII. 4014—15. ... Der "Chichap Rimba", auch ""Koleechap Pangone", wie ihn die Eingeborenen nennen, wurde auf der Malayischen Halbinsel entdeckt ... 736. A. simplex (Nectarinia— S. MÜLL. & SCHLEG. Honigvogels 62. t. 8. f. 4.) RCHB. t. DXCIV. 4028. ... 737. A. armata (Arachnothera— S. MÜLL. & SCHLEG. Honigv. p. 68. t. 11. f. 2.) RCHB. t. DXCIV. 4029. ... 738. A. Novae-Guineae (Cinnyris— LESSON Coq. 677.) RCHB. t. DXCIV. 4030. ... *739. A. robusta (Arachnothera— S. MÜLL. & SCHLEG. Honigvogels 68. t. 11. f. 1.♂) RCHB. t. DXCIV. 4031." (Reichenbach 1853); "Arachnoraphis Reichenbach, 1853, Handbuch der Speciellen Ornithologie. Das natürliche System der Vögel. Scansoriae, p. 313. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 138 (Appendix)), Anthreptes flavigaster Eyton, 1839." (JAJ 2019) (The typification of Arachnorhaphis chrysogenys (Temminck) referred to by Rand in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 282, is incorrect, that form not being an originally included species).
Var. Arachnorhapis, Arachnorhaphis.


(Nectariniidae; Ϯ Yellow-eared Spiderhunter A. chrysogenys) Gr. αραχνης arakhnēs spider; -θηρας -thēras hunter < θηραω thēraō to hunt < θηρ thēr,θηρος thēros beast, animal; "SOUIMANGA A JOUES JAUNES. NECTARINIA CHRYSOGENYS. TEMM. ... Remarque. Nous venons de trouver dans les papiers de notre défunt ami Van Hasselt, que cet oiseauet les deux espèces figurée sur notre planche 84 sous les noms de Souimangaà long bec et Souimanga modeste se nourrissent uniquement d'araignées et qu'ils ont la langue courte et cartilagineuse. Cette seule remarque, toute succincte quelle soit, suffit cependant pour exclure ces oiseaux du genre Nectarinia; nous attendrons de nouveaux renseignemens qui pourrontêtre fournis par les voyageurs Boié, Macklot et Muller, etnous publierons alors les caractères propresà ce petit groupe, qui portera la dénomination générique d'Arachnothera." (Temminck 1826); "Arachnothera Temminck, 1826, Pl. Col., livr. 65, pl. 388, in text to fig 1. Type, by monotypy, Nectarinia chrysogenys Temminck." (Rand in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 282).
Var. Arachnotera,Arachnotheres, Aracnothera.
Synon. Anthophagana, Anthophagus, Arachnocestra, Arachnoraphis.


(Cuculidae; syn. Centropus † Pied Coucal C. ateralbus) Gr.αρχαιος arkhaios ancient (e.g. white headed); κεντωρ kentōr, κεντορος kentoros goader (i.e. with a spike) < κεντρον kentron spur, goad < κεντεω kenteō to goad on (AT; see Manuscript-names).


(Anatidae;syn. CygnusϮ Portly Swan C. lacustris) Gr.αρχαιος arkhaios ancient;κυκνος kuknos swan.
Var. Archaeocygnus (L. cygnus swan).


(ArchaeopterygidaeϮ Archaeopteryx A. lithographica) Gr. αρχαιος arkhaios ancient; πτερυξ pterux, πτερυγος pterugos feather; "Nachträglich zu meinem Schreiben vom 15. verflossenen Monats kann ich Ihnen nunmehr mittheilen, dass ich die Feder von Solenhofen nach allen Richtungen hin genau untersucht habe und dabei zu dem Ergebniss gekommen bin, dass sie eine wirkliche Versteinerung des lithographischen Schiefers ist und vollkommen mit einer Vogel-Feder übereinstimmt. Zugleich erhalte ich von Herrn Obergerichtsrath WITTE die Nachricht, dass das fast vollständige Skelet eines mit Federnbedeckten Thiers im lithographischen Schiefer gefunden worden sey. Von unseren lebenden Vögeln zeige es manche Abweichung. Die von mir untersuchte Feder wurde ich mit genauer Abbildung veröffentlichen. Zur Bezeichnung des Thieres halte ich die Benennung Archaeopteryx lithographica geeignet." (H. von Meyer, 1861, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie (1861),p. 679). Included in TheKey purelyforthe sake of interest andrecord, since in the public mind this creature represents the earliest known bird or link between the birds and non-avian dinosaurs, having lived about 150 million years ago in the Late Jurassic period. Earlier links and ancestral birds have since been discovered (e.g.Aurornis), but they have not so captured popular imagination.

Archaeoquerquedula (See: Archeoquerquedula)

(Anatidae; syn. Anas White-cheeked Pintail A. bahamensis lambrechti) Gr.αρχαιος arkhaios ancient; genus Querquedula Oken, 1817, duck;"Archeoquerquedula lambrechti, genus et sp. nov. ... Así que mi descripción del material fósil, como de los cráneos de Dendrocygna discolor (Sclater et Salvin), Cairina moschata L., y Querquedula andium (Sclater et Salvin) demuestra que la tabla de medidas comparadas nos confirma que en verdad estos restos deben referirse a un pato fósil semejante al género Querquedula, razón por la cual, y tomando en cuenta que se trata del antepasado directo de esta última, propongo el nombre genérico de Archeoquerquedula." (Spillmann 1942); "Archeoquerquedula Spillmann, 1942, Proc. Eighth American Scientific Congress, IV, p. 387. Type, by monotypy, Archeoquerquedula lambrechti Spillmann, 1942." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Archaeoquerquedula.


Late L. archangelicus archangelic < archangelus archangel < Gr. αρχαγγελος arkhangelos archangel, chief messenger < αρχων arkhōn,αρχοντος arkhontos chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; αγγελος angelos messenger.

Richard Archbold (1907-1976) US zoologist at AMNH, philanthropist, sponsor of expeditions to New Guinea and the Pacific (syn. Accipiter nanus, Aegotheles, subsp. Dacelo tyro, Eurostopodus, Newtonia, Petroica).

(Ptilonorhynchidae; Ϯ Archbold's Bowerbird A. papuensis) Richard Archbold (1907-1976) US zoologist, collector in Madagascar and New Guinea, sponsor of expeditions to New Guinea and the Pacific, established Archbold Biological Station, Florida 1941;"ARCHBOLDIA, NEW GENUS One of the large bower birds (wing up to 164) with a large head, related to Amblyornis. It is characterized by the bill being laterally expanded at the base, the width at nostril being being about equal to its depth at nostril;the nostril and part of the floor of the nasal fossa being bare, the feathering not reaching within two millimeters of the nasal opening, and these feathers tending to be bristly and curving back to be appressed to the head; by the strongly double rounded tail, the outer and the central tail feathers about 10 to 15 mm. shorter than the longest;by the peculiar texture of the plumage, the feathers having downy bases and firm terminal portions, which have in some lights, a darker colored tip giving a scaled appearance. GENOTYPE. —Archboldia papuensis, new species." (Rand 1940);"Archboldia Rand, 1940, American Museum Novitates,1072, p. 9. Type, by original designation, Archboldia papuensis Rand, 1940." (JAJ 2022).

Archebutio (See: Archibuteo)

(Accipitridae;syn. Buteo Ϯ Rough-legged Buzzard B. lagopus) Gr. αρχωνarkhōn chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; genus Buteo de Lacépède, 1799, buzzard; "VI. G. Rauchfußbussard, Archibuteo Br. 1) Der plattköpfige Rauchfußbussard, Archib. planiceps Br. 2) Der hochköpfige Rauchfußbussard, Archib. alticeps Br." (Brehm 1828); "Sechste Sippe. Rauchfußbussard. Archibuteo, Br. ... Die Rauchfßbussarde sind die grösten und edelsten aller Bussarde— daher ihr Name archibuteo— und schließen sich durch ihre ganz befiederten Fußwurzeln an die Schreiadler, mit denen sie auch manches im Betragen gemein haben; ihre befiederten Füße unterschieden sie auf den ersten Blick von den andern Bussarde. ... 1) Der plattköpfige Rauchfußbussard. Archibuteo planiceps, Br. (Falco lagopus, Linn. N. W. I. Th. Taf. 34, 1.) ... 2) Der hochköpfige Rauchfußbussard. Archibuteo alticeps, Br. (F. lagopus, Linn., F. sublagopus, Br. N. W. I. Th. Taf. 34, 2.)" (Brehm 1831);"Archibuteo Brehm,2 Handl.[sic] Naturg. Deuts., p. 38, 1831—type, by virtual monotypy, Archibuteo planiceps Brehm and Archibuteo alticeps Brehm, both = Falco lagopus Brunnich. ... 2 Archibuteo Brehm (Isis, 1828, col. 1269) is a nomen nudum." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p. 84).
Var. Archebutio.


● Anthony LucienArcher (1933-2020) British big-game hunter, safari guide in Kenya (cf. “collected at Archer’s Post on the Ewaso Ng’iro River, Samburu District” (Cunningham-van Someren 1984)) (syn. Buphagus erythrorhynchus).
● Sir Geoffrey Francis Archer (1882-1964) British explorer, Gov. of British Somaliland 1919-1922, Gov.-Gen. of the Sudan 1924-1926 (Buteo, Dessonornis, syn. Eremomela icteropygialis griseoflava, subsp. Falco tinnunculus,Heteromirafra, subsp. Platalea leucorodia, subsp. Scleroptila gutturalis, subsp. Tachymarptis melba).


Gr. αρχετης arkhetēs leader, prince < αρχω arkhō to rule.
● “The extreme brilliancy of the plumage and the large size marks out this Malayan form as a veritable “Prince” amongst Swallows.” (Hume 1877) (syn. Cecropis badia).


Lt. Prof.Étienne Jules Adolphe Desmier de Saint-Simon Vicomte d'Archiac (1802-1868) French Army, geologist, palaeontologist (‡syn. Urocolius paludicola).

● Archibald James Campbell (1853-1929) Australian ornithologist, collector (subsp. Acanthiza pusilla, syn. Sericornis humilis).
● Dr George William Archibald (b. 1946) Canadian ornithologist, conservationist, co-founder of International Crane Foundation 1973 (subsp. Grus grus).

Gr. αρχων arkhōn chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; βοσκας boskas,βοσκαδος boskados type of duck (cf. specific name Anas boschas Linnaeus, 1758 (= ♀) (= syn. Anas platyrhynchos)).


(Corvidae;syn. Corvus Ϯ White-necked Raven C. albicollis) Gr. αρχος arkhos leader, chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; κοραξ korax,κορακος korakos raven < κρωζω krōzō to croak; "Sehr ausgezeichnet und gewiß als generisch (der Gattung nach) verschieden zu betrachten, ist die dortige Ring- oder Adlerkrähe, die noch passender Geier-rabe heißen möchte. (Archicorax; Corv. albicollis.) Denn ihr ausnehmend starker und ungewöhnlich hoher Schnabel ist seitwarts auffallend stark zusammengedrückt, so daß er, von der Seite gesehen, lebhaft an die Schnäbel mancher Adler und Geier mahnt" (Gloger 1842);"Archicorax Gloger, 1842, Gemein. Hand- und Hilfsbuch Naturgesch., I, p. 274. Type, by monotypy, Corv. albicollis, i.e.Corvus albicollis Latham, 1790." (JAJ 2020).


Late L. archiepiscopus archbishop < Gr. αρχω arkhō to guide; episcopus bishop < Gr. επισκοπος episkopos overseer; "Le nom d'Archevêque, que nous avons donnéà l'espèce dont nous traitons dans cet article, indique les rapports de ressemblance qui existe entre cette espèce et celle du Tangaraévêque [Tangara episcopus], et en même temps une sorte de supériorité dans l'éclat des couleurs de son plumage" (Desmarest 1806) (syn. Tangara ornata).


(Falconidae;syn. Falco Ϯ Peregrine Falcon F. peregrinus) Gr. αρχοςarkhos leader, chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; Late L. falco, falconis falcon < L. flectere to curve; "Neuer Name für die Gattung: Wanderfalke. ... Wenn nicht, so schlage ich hiermit für die Gattung der Wanderfalken im Umfang der "Natürlichen Gruppe" 1 Hartert's (Vög. pal. F. II. p. 1042), die sich mit meiner Gattung vollkommen deckt, und deren Kennzeichen (gedrungener, kräftiger Bau, infolge des kürzeren Schwanzes weniger schlank als die Jagdfalken und Verwandte, gedrungener als die kleineren Formen, stärker, sowie groß und starkfüßiger als die Rüttel- nnd [sic] Abendfalken) als Gattungsmerkmale im Allgemeinen gelten können, den neuen Namen Archifalco vor, um damit (analog zu dem leider nicht mehr anwendbaren schönen Namen Archibuteo Brehm 1828 = Triorchis Kaup. 1826) anzudeuten, daß die Vögel dieser Gruppe die edelsten, vornehmsten und markantesten Vertreter des Falkentyps, die eigentlichen "Erzfalken" sind. Es wären demnach für das palaearktische Gebiet folgende Gattungen zu unterscheiden: 1. Archifalco Bttchr. 1927 mit A. peregrinus (Tunst.) etc."(von Boetticher 1927) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz);"Archifalco Boetticher, Anz. Orn. Ges. Bayern, No. 11, p. 112, 1927—type, by orig. desig., Falco peregrinus Tunstall." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p. 294).


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Black-chinned Hummingbird A. alexandri) Archilochus (fl. 600 BC) Parian poet famous for his savage wit and flouting of convention;"*Selasphorus ... * β. Archilochus Alexandri (Tr. —BOURC. 1846.) RCHB. — Mex.: Sierra Madre." (Reichenbach 1854); "Selasphorus β Archilochus Reichenbach, Journ. f. Orn., 1, 1854, Beil. zu Extrah., p. 13. Type, by monotypy, Trochilus alexandri Bourcier, i.e. Bourcier and Mulsant." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 134). One of numerous hummingbird genera diagnosed by Reichenbach 1854, commemorating classical artisans, following the precedents set by Linnaeus, Brisson, and other eighteenth century authors, who culled many names from the classics and mythology to express close relationship between groups of species in large, unwieldy genera.
Var. Architrochilus.
Synon. Colubris, Cynanthus, Trochilus.

Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC) Greek mathematician and scientist born in Syracuse, Sicily (syn. Saxicola rubicola).

(Meropidae;syn.MeropsϮ Black-headed Bee-eater M. breweri) Gr. αρχι- arkhi- first, chief (i.e. large)< αρχων arkhōn,αρχοντος arkhontos king, chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; μεροψ merops bee-eater; "Meropidae. Neu ist Merops Breweri Cass. Proc. Acad. N. Soc. Philad. p. 14. Vom Ogobaifluss. Eine der zahlreichen Entdeckungen Du Chaillu's. Typus unserer Gattung Archimerops" (Hartlaub 1860); "Archimerops Hartlaub, 1860, Archiv für Naturgeschichte, XXVI (2), p. 90. Type, by original designation, Merops breweri Cass., i.e. Meropogon breweri Cassin, 1859." (JAJ 2020).

archipelagica / archipelagicus / archipelagus

Italian arcipelago archipelago. In classical times Arkhipelagos was a name given to the Aegean Sea < Gr. αρχι- arkhi- chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; πελαγος pelagos sea. The term is now extended to any sea like it, thickly interspersed with islands, or rather to the islands themselves.
● Borneo, in the Malay Archipelago (Indicator).
● Mergui Archipelago, Burma / Myanmar (subsp. Mixornis gularis).


(Icteridae;syn. Cacicus Ϯ Golden-winged Cacique C. chrysopterus) Gr. αρχιπλανος arkhiplanos nomad chieftain (i.e. wandering between genera) < αρχων arkhōn, αρχοντος arkhontosruler < αρχω arkhō to rule; πλανος planos vagabond; "Gen. ARCHIPLANUS nov. gen. *) Zwerg-Kazicke. 904. 1. A. albirostris Nob. —Azara Apunt. No. 59. —Cassicus albirostris Vieill. Enc. méth. p. 723. —Japus dubius Merr. Ersch. u. Grub. Encycl. XV. p. 277. Xanthornus chrysopterus Vig. Zool. Journ. II. p. 128. No. 6. III. pag. 190. tab. 9. Suppl. —Psarocolius albirostris Wagl. Syst. Av. No. 5. ... *) Von αρχιπλανος, nom. prop. Die Gruppe erinnert durch Grösse und Färbung an Xanthornus u. Agelasticus; die nähere Verwandtschaft mit Cassicus ist indess unverkennbar." (Cabanis 1853); "Xanthornus chrysopterus Vig. ist der Typus unsrer Gattung Archiplanus" (Cabanis 1853) (see Agelasticus); "Archiplanus Cabanis, 1853, MuseumHeineanum, I, p. 186. Type, by monotypy, Cassicus albirostris Vieillot, 1816 (not of Linnaeus, 1764) = Xanthornus chrysopterus Vigors, 1825." (JAJ 2022) (see Blake in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 146, footnote).


Gr.αρχι- arkhi- first, chief < αρχων arkhōn, αρχοντος arkhontosking, chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; specific name Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758 (syn. Falco tinnunculus).


(Trochilidae; syn. Archilochus † Black-chinned Hummingbird A. alexandri) Gr.αρχι- arkhi- first, chief < αρχων arkhōn, αρχοντος arkhontosking, chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; genus Trochilus Linnaeus, 1758, hummingbird; "(B) Summer residents ... Architrochilus alexandri ... Genus ARCHITROCHILUS. ... Black-chinned Humming-bird. Architrochilus alexandri. A.O.U. Checklist no 429" (W. Sclater 1912); "Architrochilus W. Sclater, 1912, History Birds Colorado, pp. xv, 252. New name for Archilochus Reichenbach, 1854; Sclater probably misunderstood the classical basis of the original generic name." (JAJ 2020) (see Archilochus).


(Malaconotidae;syn. Malaconotus Ϯ Grey-headed Bush-shrike M. blanchoti) Gr. αρχιλῃστης arkhilēistēs robber-chief < αρχι- arkhi- first, chief <αρχων arkhōn,αρχοντος arkhontos king, ruler <αρχω arkhō to rule;λῃστης lēistēs robber <λῃστευω lēisteuō to rob; "Gen. ARCHOLESTES nov. gen. *) Grosswürger. 409. 1. A. icterus Nob. **) Blanchot Le Vaill. Ois. d'Afr. tab. 185. —Lanius icterus Cuv. — Lanius olivaceus Vieill. (nec Shaw.) Encycl. p. 730. N. 10. Lanius poliocephalus Licht. Doubl. No. 485.— Thamnophilus olivaceus Vieill. Gal. Ois. tab. 139. — Malaconotus Blanchoti Steph.— Maalconotus olivaceus Sws. B. W. Afr. I. tab. 22.— Laniarius icterus Gray Gen. Birds No. 10. ... 410. 2. A. hypopyrrhus Nob.— Malaconotus hypopyrrhus Hartl. Verz. Mus. Brem. pag. 61. Laniarius hypopyrrhus Gray Gen. Birds No. 15. ... *) Vonαρχοληστης, Räuberhauptmann. Die Gattung charakterisirt sich durch Grösse der Formen und den mächtigen starken und hohen stark zusammengedrückten Schnabel, welcher ziemlich geradfirstig ist mit stark gebogner hakiger Spitze und starkem Ausschnitte hinter derselben." (Cabanis 1853); "Archolestes Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 71. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 61), Lanius icterus Cuvier, 1829 = Malaconotus blanchoti Stephens, 1826." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Harcolestes.


Gr. αρχων arkhōn, αρχοντος arkhontos chief, king, ruler, commander < αρχω arkhō to rule.

Prof. José Arechavaleta y Balpardo (1838-1912) Uruguayan pharmacist, botanist, Director of Museo Nacional, Montevideo (syn. Drymophila malura, syn. Elaenia parvirostris).

(Pycnonotidae;syn. Phyllastrephus Ϯ Icterine Greenbul P. icterinus) Gr. αργαλεος argaleos difficult < αλγεω algeō to suffer < αλγος algos pain; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "ARGALEOCICHLA 2 gen. nov. Chars. gen.—Similar to Phyllastrephus, but bill more depressed, much broader than high at base, about equal in height and breadth at anterior edge of nostrils, the height at base much less than one-third the length of exposed culmen; nostrils more lengthened; tarsus less than 1¼ times the length of exposed culmen; nuchal hairs less branched; rictal and nasal bristles decidedly longer. ... Type.—Trichophorus icterinus BONAPARTE. The present more careful examination has convinced us that we were wrong in considering thetype of this genus congeneric with Bleda syndactyla. It is in realityvery distinct, differing from Bleda in its linear nostrils; less branched nuchal hairs; relatively longer rictal bristles;more slender, depressed bill, with less sharply ascending gonys; and longer tarsus, as compared with length of culmen. The generic separation of this species from Criniger ictericus Strickland will doubtless do away with all objection to the use of its earliest and therefore correct specific name icterina. ... The only species that appear to belong under this heading are: Argaleocichla icterina (Bonaparte) (= tricolor Cassin). Argaleocichla poliocephala (Reichenow).... 2 αργαλεος, difficilis; κιχλη, turdus." (Oberholser 1905);"Argaleocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48, p. 160. Type, by original designation, Trichophorus icterinus Bp." (Rand in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 263).

Gr. αργος argos bright, white; βρογχος bronkhos throat.

(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Eastern Mountain Greenbul A. nigriceps) Gr. αριζηλος arizēlos conspicuous, distinct; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "ARIZELOCICHLA 1 gen. nov. Chars. gen.—In some respects resembling Bleda, but nostrils linear, strongly operculate, the basal half of the operculum more or less featheredl; bill much shorter, more turdine, depressed at base, its height at this point decidedly more than one-third the length of exposed culmen; culmen curved from base; gonys almost horizontal; tarsus very much longer than exposed culmen. ...Type.—Xenocichla nigriceps SHELLEY. ... Excellent evidence of the hitherto unsatisfactory generic position of the type and several other species of this group is the manner in which various authors have treated them, placing them first in one genus, then in another, with scarcely any uniformity oragreement. Least of all the genera to which they have been at times referred do they belong in Bleda; but find apparently their nearest ally inChlorocichla, from which, however, they may be readily distinguished. ... 1 αριζηλος, evidens;κιχλη, turdus." (Oberholser 1905); "Arizelocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., Quarterly Issue, 48, no. 2, p. 163. Type, by original designation, Xenocichla nigriceps Shelley." (Rand in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 225).

Arunachal Pradesh, India.
Nils Krister Aschan (fl. 1934) Swedish big-game hunter, settler in Kenya (subsp. Camaroptera brachyura, syn. Cecropis senegalensis saturatior).

(Paradisaeidae;hybrid; Epimachus x Astrapia Ϯ Epimachus astrapioides) Portmanteau of generaAstrapia Vieillot, 1816, astrapia, and Epimachus Cuvier 1816, sicklebill.


(Paradisaeidae;syn.Astrapia ϮStephanie's AstrapiaA. stephaniae) Gr. αστραρχηastrarkhē queen of stars, an epithet of the moon < αστρον astronstar; αρχων arkhōn,αρχοντος arkhontos chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; "Astrarchia* Meyer n.g. Astrarchia nov. gen. rectricibus duabus intermediis longissimis naviculiformibus, superne concavis et rectricibus lateralibus brevibus a genere Astrapia differt. 7. Astrarchia Stephaniae Finsch in lit. n. sp. Tafel XVIII. ... Zu Ehren Ihrer kaiserlichen Hoheit der durchlauchtigsten Frau Erzherzogin Stephanie, Kronprinzessin von Oesterreich, von Dr. Finsch Astrarchia Stephaniae genannt. ... *αστραρχη = Sternenfürstin." (Meyer 1885); "Astrarchia Meyer, 1885, Zeitschr. Ges. Orn., 2, p. 378. Type, by monotypy, A. Stephaniae Finsch." (Mayr in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 191).


(Ploceidae; syn. Malimbus Rachel's Malimbe M. racheliae) Gr. αταλος atalos delicate; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion; "for M. racheliæ, which inclines towards Euplectes in the colour of its plumage, I propose the term Atalochrous, or gay-coloured ... ATALOCHROUS. MALIMBUS RACHELIÆ. Sycobius racheliæ, Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Scien. Phil. 1857, p. 36 ... This, the handsomest species of Malimbus, was first described by Mr. Cassin from specimens obtained by Du Chaillu on the river Muni. It is quite different in the arrangement of its colours from all the species of this genus; and in the way the bright hues of the breast extend to the flanks it resembles somewhat the species of Euplectes. ... It constitutes the subgenus Atalochrous" (Elliot 1876); "Atalochrous Elliot, 1876, Ibis, ser.3, VI (24), pp. 458, 464. Type, by monotypy, Sycobius racheliae Cassin, 1857." (JAJ 2020).

Atricha (See: Atrichia)

(Atrichornithidae;syn. Atrichornis Ϯ Noisy Scrub-bird A. clamosus) Gr. ατριχος atrikhos without bristles or hair < negative prefix α- a- ; θριξ thrix, τριχος trikhos hair; "ATRICHIA CLAMOSA, Gould. Noisy Brush-bird. Atrichia clamosa, Gould in Proc. of Zool. Soc., January 9, 1844. FEW of the novelties received from Australia are more interesting than the species to which I have given the generic name of Atrichia. It is one of the discoveries made by Mr. Gilbert, who met with it among the dense scrubs of Western Australia, and who had his attention attracted to it by its peculiar and noisy note long before he had an opportunity of observing it" (Gould 1844 (Bds. of Australia)); "The great peculiarity which distinguishes it from all others of the Sylviadæ, and marks it at once as a new genus and species, is the total absence of the vibrissæ or bristles at the base of the mandibles. From this fact, and its note being the loudest of all the inhabitants of the grove, Mr Gould proposed the name of Atrichia clamosa. Genus ATRICHIA. Gen. Char.—Rictus omnino vibrissis carens. Rostrum æque longum atque caput, ad latera compressum, mandibulæ superioris apice distincte denticulato, gonyde a rictu acclivi exinde rostri lineam sequente; culmine alte in frontem ascendente; naribus permagnis operculo tectis, et sulco, ad basim mandibulæ superioris, positis. Alæ breves, rotundatæ, concavæ, primariis primis tribus gradatis, quarta, quinta, sexta et septima inter se fereæqualibus. Cauda longiuscula, rotundata, rachibus rigidis, pogoniis laxis, decompositis. Tarsi sic et pedes robusti, halluce cum ungue valido; digitis externis fere coæqualibus. ATRICHIA CLAMOSA." (Gould 1844 (Proc. Zool. Soc. XII (cxxxl), p. 1)); "Atrichia Gould, 1844 (March), Birds Australia, pt. 14, plate and text. Type, by monotypy, Atrichia clamosa Gould." (Mayr in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 335).
Var. Atricha.

atrichalybea (See: atrochalybaeus / atrochalybea / atrochalybeia / atrochalybeus)
atrochalybaeus / atrochalybea / atrochalybeia / atrochalybeus

L. ater black; chalybeius steely < Gr. χαλυβηιος khalubēios steely < χαλυψ khalups,χαλυβος khalubos steel (cf. Mod. L. atrochalybeus dark-blue).


(Atrichornithidae; Ϯ Noisy Scrub-bird A. clamosus) Gr. ατριχος atrikhos without bristles or hair < negative prefixα- a- ;θριξ thrix,τριχος trikhos hair (cf. genus Atrichia Gould, 1844, scrub-bird); Gr. ορνις ornis,ορνιθοςornithos bird; "Australian brush-bird Atrichornis rufescens ... The ATRICHORNITHIDÆ, brush- or scrub-birds, constitute a family of pseudoscinine, acromyodian Passeres, with two pairs of intrinsic muscles. They are not more numerous than the lyre-birds, comprising only one genus of two species, which also are exclusively Australian in their distribution.Their external appearance does not indicate any close relationship with the lyre-birds, for in size and general form and coloration they more closely resemble some of our large wrens, with long graduated tails. Their habits are notunlike those of the lyre-birds, and their power of mocking other sounds is equally strong. From Mr. E. P. Ramsay's account of the habits of the species discovered by him, Atrichornis rufescens, we quote as follows: "Only on one occasion did I meet with more than a single bird in the same place. They are always among the logs and fallen trees, overgrown with weeds, vines, nettles, etc., and are the most tiresome birds to procure imaginable. As to their ventriloquial powers, they must be heard to be believed. It is impossible to say what its own note really is."" (Stejneger 1885); "Atrichornis Stejneger, 1885, in Kingsley, Standard Nat. Hist., 4, p. 462. New name for Atrichia Gould [not Atrichia Schranck, 1803 (Insects)]." (Mayr in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 335).
Synon. Atrichia, Rahcinta.


Overview and generic check-list.


ATRICHORNIS Stejneger, 1885. Gr. “bird without bristles.”

●● Atrichia Gould, 1844 (not von Paula Schrank, 1803). Gr. “without bristles.”

●● Rahcinta Mathews, 1916. Incomplete anagram of Atrichia.


L. ater black; Med. L. nuchus nape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


L. ater black; Mod. L. nuchalis of the nape, nuchal < Med. L. nuchusnape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


Attalus III, king of Pergamus, renowned for his wealth and discovery of the art of weaving cloth from gold (cf. L. attalica splendid garment woven with gold); Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill. I cannot find Bertoni's meaning; "Pteroglossus attalorhynchus ... del gr. attalos, magnífico y rhynchus, pico: alude á los variados y bellos colores del pico." (Bertoni 1901) (syn. Pteroglossus castanotis australis).


Pierre Martin Rémi Aucher-Éloy (1793-1838) French pharmacist, botanist, collector in Asia Minor, the Middle East, Egypt and Persia 1830-1838 (subsp. Lanius excubitor).


(Tyrannidae; syn. Lessonia Austral Negrito L. rufa) Gr. αυχμαλεος aukhmaleos dirty < αυχμος aukhmos dirt. Reichenbach's 1850, plateLIX, labelled Motacillinae: Sylviinae. Accentor et Motac. genuinae, shows the black head of the male negrito; "Auchmalea Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Systema Naturale, pl. LIX (no specific names given). Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 40), Alauda nigra Boddaert, i.e. Alauda nigri Boddaert, 1783 (not Alauda nigra Boddaert, 1783) = Alauda rufa Gmelin, 1789." (JAJ 2020).


(Ramphastidae; Ϯ Groove-billed Toucanet A. sulcatus) Gr. αυλαξ aulax,αυλακος aulakos furrow; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "A specimen was placed on the table of a Toucan, apparently hitherto undescribed ... By its comparativelyshort bill, which is furrowed on the sides, and broad and flattened on the culmen, with the base of the under mandible extending obliquely beyond the line of the eye; by the shortness and roundness of its wings, of which the fourth quill-feather is the longest, the fifth, sixth, and seventh being nearly of the same length; and by the comparative shortness of the tail, which is less decidedly graduated than in the typical Pteroglossi; this bird agrees with the species described in Mr. Gould's 'Monograph of the Ramphastidæ,' as the Pter. prasinus, Licht., and Pter. sulcatus, Swains. With those species Mr. Gould proposes to associate it in a group, to be designated, on account of the grooved bills of the Birds comprised in it, Aulacorhynchus. From the other two species it is readily distinguishable by the white band nearly surrounding the base of its bill, and by the blood-red spot on the rump. The latter character affords the trivial nameof the species, which may, for the present, be inserted in the account of the Toucans given by Mr. Gould at the Meeting of July 8, 1834, (page 78,) immediately before the Pter. prasinus, Licht. PTER. HÆMATOPYGUS." (Gould 1835); "Aulacorhynchus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 2, 1834 (1835), p. 147. Type, by subsequent designation, A. sulcatus (Swains.) = Pteroglossus sulcatus Swainson. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 50)." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 70).
Var. Aulacorrhynchus, Aulacorrynchus,Aulacorynchus.
Synon. Aulacops, Aulacoramphus, Aulacorhamphus, Ramphoxanthus, Rhamphoxanthus.


Unalaska, Aleutian Is., Alaska.
● "Locality 'Aoonalashka' almost certainly wrong" (Stresemann 1950); ex “Aoonalashkan Oriole” of Latham 1782 (unident.; ?Plectrophenax sp.).


L. aureus golden < aurum gold; Med. L. nuchusnape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


L. aureus golden < aurum gold; Med. L. nuchusnape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


(Turdidae; syn. Geokichla † Orange Ground Thrush G. gurneyi) L. aurum gold; Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush (JG; see Manuscript-names).


L. aurum gold; Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


Gr. αυτοχθων autokhthōn,αυτοχθονος autokhthonos native, indigene.

autochthones / autocthones

L. autochthones aborigines, indigenes < Gr. αυτοχθων autokhthōn, αυτοχθονος autokhthonos native, indigene.


(Scolopacidae;unidentifiable;?syn. Calidris) French Autruche ostrich < Old French Ostriche or Ostruce ostrich < Med. L. avis struthio (alluding totwo toes); "Que nous avons trouvé dans une collection des dessins, rassemblés par feu Levaillant, la figure du petit gralle bi-dactyle dont il n'est pas fait mention; cette figure n'était accompagnée d'aucune notice, pas même de nom ni d'origine indiqués. La taille de ce singulier oiseau est celle de la grive; le bec ressemble exactement à celui des pluviers; les pieds sont aussi comme ceux de ce genre d'oiseaux, seulement avec cette différence que les doigts sont au nombre de deux; l'interne long et l'externe de moitié plus court; le plumage est d'un gris brun, unicolore partout. ... Ce serait un genre très-intéressant dans cet ordre d'oiseaux; si on parvient à le découvrir, on pourrait lui donner pour nom générique Autruchon" (Temminck, 1840, Manuel d'Ornithologie, 2nd ed., IV, p. 347).


Doubtless based on an autochthonym in Kamchatka for a warbler or some other passerine; ex “Awatcha Warbler” of Pennant 1785 (unident.)

Ayacucho, Peru.

Doubtless a European variant of Turkish honorificpasha or paşa for a high-ranking governor or military commander (e.g. former English equivalent bashaw), from the woodpecker’s large size and imposing appearance (cf. L. bacchus wine (i.e. wine-coloured), from the colour of the luxurious crest) (syn. Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus).

L. bacchus wine (i.e. wine-coloured) (Roman myth. Bacchus, son of Jupiter and god of wine).

Levaillant's 1797, pl. 15, name Bacha for the Crested Serpent Eagle, from the Hindi name Bāsha for the female Eurasian Sparrowhawk (the male is Bāshīn); "The European Sparrow-Hawk, Jerdon; Basha♀, Bashin *♂, H. ... * As noticed by Blyth,J. A. S. B. xix, p. 331, Basha is a masculine noun and, it may be added, Bashinis feminine. It is not probable that native falconers mistake the sex of Hawks, as they evidently know those of Falcons." (Blanford 1895)(cf. Hindi name Bhyri bacha for the tiercel Peregrine Falcon; “Falco peregrinus … It is the Bas of the Bucharians and Basi of the Persians according to Pallas.” (Jerdon, 1862, Birds of India, I, p. 21)) (syn. Spilornis bido).


(Accipitridae; syn. Spilornis Crested Serpent Eagle S. cheela bido) Hindi name Bāsha for the female Eurasian Sparrowhawk (the male is Bāshīn) (cf. specific name Falco bacha Daudin 1800 (= syn. Spilornis cheela bido)); "Buteidæ { Buteopernis, Ictinia, Buteo, Circus, Serpentarius, Bacha, Polyborus." (Jameson, 1840, Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist., I (3), p. 320 (nom. nud.)).

bachlowi (See: hachlowi)

Prof. Vitaly Andreyevich Khakhlov (1890-1983) Russian palaeontologist, comparative anatomist, marginalised for believing in the Abominable Snowman (syn. Eremophila alpestris brandti).

bachmani / bachmanii

Revd. Dr John Bachman (1790-1874) US scientist, naturalist, close friend of Audubon (subsp.Haematopus ater, subsp. Peucaea aestivalis, Vermivora).


Perhaps from an Amharic name; ex "Yellow Bagla Finch” of Bruce 1790 (of which "Baglafecht" is probably a French homophone or misspelling; "C'est un oiseau d'Abissinie, qui a beaucoup de rapport avec le toucnam-courvi" (Daudin 1802)) (cf. Bagla or Geez, a people and their classical language of Ethiopia) (see guifsobalito) (Ploceus).

balcanica / balcanicus / balchanica
Balkans, south-eastern Europe.

Lake Balkhash or Balqash, south-eastern Kazakhstan (Laurent Raty in litt.).

Prof. Paul Bartsch (1871-1960) German/US malacologist, collector, pioneer bird-ringer, Curator of Molluscs at the Smithsonian 1914-1945 (Aerodramus).

(Bucerotidae; syn. Bycanistes Silvery-cheeked Hornbill B. brevis omissus) Genus Baryrhynchus Roberts, 1922, hornbill; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Baryrhynchus Roberts, Annals Transvaal Museum VIII. pt. 4. p. 214 (1922) (Bucerotidae) kollidiert mit Baryrhynchus Lacordaire, Gen. Col. VII. p. 426 u. 428 (1866) und möge Baryrhynchodes Strand n. n. neubenannt werden."(Strand 1928) (OD per Laurent Raty); "Baryrhynchodes Strand, 1928, Archiv für Naturgesch., 92 A (8), p. 57. New name for Baryrhynchus Roberts, 1922, not of Lacordaire, 1866 (Coleoptera)." (JAJ 2020).


(Bucerotidae;syn. Bycanistes Ϯ Silvery-cheeked Hornbill B. brevis omissus) Gr. βαρυς barus heavy; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; ""Bycanistes" cristatus (Rüppell) should be placed in a new genus bearing the name of BARYRHYNCHUS, of which it is the genotype; it differs from Bycanistes bucinator Temminck in size, in having a very large, inflated casque, and a style of coloration more like that of Sphagolabus." (A. Roberts 1922); "Baryrhynchus Roberts, Ann. Transvaal Mus., 8, 1922, p. 214. Type, by original designation, Buceros cristatus Rüppell. Not Baryrhynchus Lacordaire, 1866. ... Bycanistes brevis omissus Nomen nov. Buceros cristatus Rüppell, Neue Wirbelth., 1835, Vög., p. 3, pl. 1. (Goraza on Lake Tsana, Ethiopia.) Not Buceros cristatus Vieillot, 1816." (Peters, 1945, V, pp. 268-269).

baschkiricus / baschkiriensis / baschkirikus / baskiriensis

Bashkiri Steppes, Bashkortostan, south-western Russia.


NinionBatchelor (1824-1908) Scottish/Australian mariner, naturalist, collector (Laurent Raty and Paul Scofieldin litt.) (syn. Stercorarius antarcticus).


Batjan I., Moluccas, Indonesia.


Gr. βαθυχρους bathukhrous deep-coloured < βαθυς bathus deep; χροα khroa,χροας khroas appearance, colour < χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.

Bathychynchus (See: Bathyrhynchus)

(Paradoxornithidae; syn. Paradoxornis† White-breasted Parrotbill P. ruficeps) Gr. βαθυς bathus high, deep; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; “1027. Paradoxornis, Gould. (Bathyrhynchus, Mac Clell. Heteromorpha, Hodgs.) ... b. Bathyrhynchus. Ad Paridas accedit! 4. P. ruficeps, Blyth. (Heteromorpha ruficeps, Blyth, Cat. 527.) Journ. As. Soc. XI. p. 187. et XII. p. 1010. cum fig. ex Bootan, Arakan. Pileo rufo. 5. P. caniceps, Blyth. (Heteromorpha caniceps, Blyth, Cat. 528.) Journ. As. Soc. XVIII. p. 189. ex Sikim. Darjiling. Pileo cinereo.” (Bonaparte 1850); “Bathyrhynchus Bonaparte, 1850, Conspectus Generum Avium, I (II), p. 500. Not Bathyrhynchus, i.e. Bathyrynchus McClelland, 1838. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 82), Paradoxornis ruficeps Blyth, 1842. Although Bathyrhynchus Bonaparte, 1850, supercedes Psittiparus Hellmayr, 1903, the name should be treated as a nomen oblitum, having long been considered and treated as a lapsus for Bathyrynchus McClelland, 1838, despite the difference in spelling.” (JAJ 2022).
Var. Bathychynchus.


Gr. βαθυς bathus high, deep; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill;

Gr. βαθυς bathus high, deep; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

(Paradoxornithidae;syn. Paradoxornis Ϯ Black-breasted Parrotbill P. flavirostris) Gr. βαθυς bathus high, deep; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "The following unique species I have formed into a new genus which I name Bathyrynchus* but to what family it belongs I cannot venture to determine. It approaches the Strigidæ (Owls) by the general form of the head, while the plumage approaches that of Swainson's Scotophilus perlatus (Nat. lib. vol. vii. page 130). GENERIC CHARACTERS.—Beak much compressed, and thrice the depth of its breadth at the base, mandibles strong, equally arched and meeting in an obtuse point in front without a hook; nostrils concealed by feathers. BATHYRYNCHUS BREVIROSTRIS Mihi"(McClelland 1838); "Bathyrynchus McClelland, 1837 (Oct.), Quart. Journ. Calcutta Med. Phys. Soc., [1], no. 4, p. 531. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Bathyrynchus brevirostris McClelland [= Paradoxornis flavirostris Gould]."(Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 431); "Bathyrynchus McClelland, 1837 (Nov.) [= 1838], India Review, 2, p. 513. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Bathyrynchus brevirostris McClelland [= Paradoxornis flavirostris Gould]." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 431) (see Bathyrhynchus).


(Podargidae; Ϯ Large Frogmouth B. auritus) Gr. βατραχος batrakhos frog; στομα stoma,στοματος stomatos mouth. "Rostrum capite latius ad apicem abrupte acuminatum deflexum, maxilla inverse spatulæformis, culmine carinato" (Horsfield 1821); "Its characters are like those of Podargus Javanensis of Dr Horsfield, having many long loose feathers proceeding horizontally from the root of the upper mandible, which gives the bird a singular and grotesque appearance" (J. Gray 1829); "Genus BATRACHOSTOMUS, Gould. CHARACTERES GENERICI. Rostrum latius, ac magis depressum quam in genere Podargus dicto, (cui generi hoc approximat) culmine minus carinato. Nares tubulares, transversim positæ et penicillis tectæ. Oculi superne cute nuda late marginati, et cristulis plumosis, altera superciliari, altera infra-oculari, postice spectantibus instructi. Alæ quamin Podargo longiores, remigibus quarto, quinto, sexto et septimo longissimis et inter se fereæqualibus. Cauda mediocris et rotundata. Tarsi digitique non tantum breviores sed debiliores quam in Podargo; tarsi antice per dimidium plumosi. BATRACHOSTOMUS AURITUS. ... It is a native of Sumatra, Malacca, &c. ... but nothing whatever is known as to its habits or economy."(Gould 1838); "Batrachostomus Gould, Icones Av., pt. 2, 1838, pl. [17] and text. Type, by monotypy, Podargus auritus J. E. Gray." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 177).
Var. Batraeostomus, Batrochostomus.
Synon. Bombycistoma, Otothrix.

beachii (See: beecheii / beecheyi / beecheyii / beechii)
beecheii / beecheyi / beecheyii / beechii

Rear-Adm. Frederick William Beechey (1796-1856) British geographer, explorer in the Pacific 1825-1828, President of the Royal Geographical Society 1855-1856 (syn. Catamenia inornata, Cyanocorax).

bechsteini / bechsteinii
Dr Johann Matthaeus Bechstein (1757-1822) German naturalist, pioneer conservationist (syn. Tringa stagnatilis, syn. Turdus atrogularis).

Bechuanaland /Botswana.


(Petroicidae;syn. Petroica Ϯ Rose Robin P. rosea) Sir Charles Frederic Belcher (1876-1970) Australian jurist, ornithologist, founder member of RAOU; "637. BELCHERA, gen. nov. Differs from Erythrodryas in its shorter broader bill, with weaker legs and feet; the wing has the fourth primary longest and the first primary proportionately shorter than in the genus named, which has also the fifth primary longest. The tail is almost square. Type, Petroica rosea Gould." (Mathews 1912); "Belchera Mathews, 1912, Austral Avian Rec., 1, p. 109. Type, by original designation, Petroica rosea Gould." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 562).


● Sir Charles Frederic Belcher (1876-1970) Australian jurist, ornithologist, founder member of RAOU, Attorney-Gen. in Nyasaland 1920-1927, Chief Justice of Cyprus 1927-1930, Chief Justice of Trinidad & Tobago 1930-1937 (subsp. Cryptolybia olivacea, subsp. Geokichla guttata, syn. Hylacola pyrrhopygia, Pachyptila, syn. Pelecanoides urinatrix, syn. Poecilodryas cerviniventris, syn. Poephila personata, syn. Thalassarche melanophris).
● Adm. Sir Edward Belcher (1799-1877) Royal Navy, explorer on the Pacific coast of America 1825-1828, in the Arctic 1852-1854 (Larus).


German Beludsch Baluchi.

German Beludschistan Baluchistan, Iran/Pakistan.
Bench I., off Stewart I., New Zealand.

Jacob Bensbach (1842-1897) Dutch Assistant Resident in Celebes 1885-1888, Resident at Ternate in the Moluccas 1888-1894, explorer, collector (‡Janthothorax).

Jean Henri Émile Bensch (1868-1944) French colonial administrator in Madagascar 1903 (Monias).

Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig Graf von Berlepsch (1850-1915) German ornithologist, collector specialising in the Neotropical avifauna (syn. Acrochordopus burmeisteri (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.),Aglaiocercus, Anthocephala, Asthenes, Catharus, subsp.Ceratopipra erythrocephala,Chaetocercus, subsp. Chamaeza campanisona, subsp. Chlorostilbon lucidus(ex Chlorostilbon splendidus egregius von Berlepsch & Ihering, 1885), subsp. Colius striatus, subsp. Conopias trivirgatus, Crypturellus, Dacnis, syn. Dendrocolaptes picumnus validus, subsp. Dryobates mixtus, syn. Eremophila teleschowi, syn. Eriocnemis vestita, syn. Eubucco richardsoni aurantiicollis (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.), subsp. Hafferia zeledoni, syn. Heliodoxa jacula henryi, syn. Henicorhina leucophrys, syn. Hylopezus macularius paraensis, subsp.Leptasthenura aegithaloides, subsp. Lesbia victoriae, subsp. Merganetta armata, subsp. Mitrephanes phaeocercus, syn. Myiornis auricularis, subsp. Myrmoborus lugubris, Myrmothera, subsp. Myrmotherula menetriesii, subsp. Ochthoeca fumicolor, Parotia, Patagioenas, subsp. Phaeochroa cuvierii, syn. Phaethornis syrmatophorus, syn. Pheugopedius coraya (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.), subsp. Phimosus infuscatus, syn. Phyllomyias fasciatus (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.), subsp. Polioptila dumicola, subsp. Pseudotriccus pelzelni, subsp.Pyrrhura melanura, Rhegmatorhina, syn. Sicalis olivascens, Sipia, subsp. Sphenopsis melanotis, subsp. Tangara nigroviridis, subsp. Thamnophilus tenuepunctatus, subsp. Thraupis episcopus,Thripophaga, subsp. Tolmomyias sulphurescens, syn. Turdus albicollis spodiolaemus, subsp. Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus).


(Furnariidae; Point-tailed Palmcreeper B. rikeri) Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig Graf von Berlepsch (1850-1915) German ornithologist, collector specialising in the Neotropical avifauna; "Berlepschia, gen. nov. GENERIC CHARACTERS.—Most like Pseudocolaptes, REICHENBACH, but with the wing more pointed (first quill longer than fifth instead of shorter than tenth),feet much weaker (tarsus not longer than bill from frontal feathers),tail-feathers narrower and more pointed at tips, and coloration very different (type species with lower parts streaked and spotted with black and white, top of head and hind-neck black streaked with white, back scapulars, greater portion of wings, rump, upper tail-coverts, and tail plain cinnamon-rufous or rusty). Type, Picolaptes rikeri RIDGW. The type species of this new genus was at first referred to Picolaptes, but Count von Berlepsch, to whom itwas sent for examination, has kindly pointed out its radical differences from that genus and its relationship to Pseudocolaptes, facts which are at once obvious when the proper comparison is made. In selecting a name for this new genus, I can think of none more fitting than that given at the head of this article as a slight recognition of Count von Berlepsch's eminent services in the careful elucidation of Neotropical ornithology."(Ridgway 1887); "Berlepschia RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 10, p. 151, July 1887—type [by original designation] Picolaptes rikeri RIDGWAY." (Hellmayr, 1925, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IV, p. 181).
●(Tityridae; syn. Pachyramphus Green-backed Becard P. viridis) "Berlepschia chrysoblephara W. Bertoni (gen. nov.) (Jénero dedicado al célebre naturalista alemán, Conde de Berlepsch; n. especif., del griego chrysos, oro, y blepharon, párpado:que tiene los párpados de oro)" (Bertoni 1901); "Berlepschia (not of RIDGWAY, 1887) BERTONI, Anal. Cient. Parag., Ser. I, No. 1, p. 114, 1901—type by monotypy Berlepschia chrysoblephara BERTONI = Tityra viridis VIEILLOT." (Hellmayr, 1929, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VI, p. 164).

berlepschiana / berlepschianus / berlepschii
Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig Graf von Berlepsch (1850-1915) German ornithologist (syn. Euphonia pectoralis, subsp. Myiarchus oberi, syn. Pitylus fuliginosus).

(Dicruridae;syn.DicrurusϮ Black Drongo D. macrocercus albirictus) Hindi names Bhuchanjā and Bhujangā for the Black Drongo (see Dicrurus); "Subgenus Bhùchanga nobis. 4th Species. Indicus necnon Fingah auctorum? Albirictus or spotted gape nobis. Described by me, some years ago, in the Asiatic Society's Transactions. Distinguished from all the precedent, by its familiarity with man, by its simple plumage, by its parabolic evolutions in the air, by the superior length and power of its wings, its deeply forked tail, its shorter and unfeathered tongue, its feebler thumb, its more or less conical bill, and its non-apivorous habits. In the strength of its legs and feet it more nearly resemble [sic] casia and malabaroïdes than tectirostris; but, in the form and size of its bill, is it much liker to the latter than to the former. ... 5th Species, new? Fingah? Æratus? auctorum. Annectans nobis. Annectant Bhuchanga nobis." (Hodgson 1836); "Bhuchanga Hodgson, 1836, India Rev., 1, p. 326. Type, by subsequent designation, Bhuchanga albirictus Hodgson (Sharpe, 1877, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 3, p. 245)." (Vaurie in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 138).
Var. Bhuganga, Buchanga.


Valentin Lvovich Bianchi (1857-1920) Russian ornithologist, Curator of Imperial Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg (subsp. Certhia familiaris, syn. Cinclus cinclus leucogaster, subsp. Lanius borealis, subsp. Phasianus colchicus, syn. Phylloscopus affinis, syn. Phylloscopus subaffinis, syn. Poecile montanus borealis, syn. Turdus fumigatus).


(Hydrobatidae;syn.HydrobatesϮ Matsudaira's Storm-petrel H. matsudairae) Portmanteau of surname Bianchi (after Valentin Lvovich Bianchi(or Bianki) (1857-1920) Russian ornithologist) and genus Oceanodroma Reichenbach, 1853, storm-petrel; "From the above remarks we have melania in a monotypic genus, and it seems that we may place matsudairae near the genus Cymochorea, the genotype of which has the wing on an average about twice the length of the tail. Inthe species homochroa, markhami and matsudairae, the length of the wing is noticeably shorter than twice the tail measuremen [sic]. The proportional measurements of the culmen-tarsus of the above three are also about the same.To emphasise these points, thenew subgenus Bianchoma is here proposed with genotype matsudairae. ... The all-dark species included in the sub-genus Bianchoma are homochroa, markhami and its genotype matsudairae. Loomelania contains melania; Stonowa contains owstoni; Thalobata contains castro and its subspecies. This agrees more or less with the work done by Bianchi in 1913." (Mathews 1943)(OD per Alison Harding); "Bianchoma Mathews and Hallstrom, 1943, Notes on the Order Procellariiformes, p. 29. Type, by original designation, matsudairae = Oceanodroma matsudairae Kuroda, 1922." (JAJ 2020).

biarmichus (See: biarmicus)

● Temminck 1825, believed the original Linnaean epithet of “biarmicus” (see below under Panurus) meant ‘bearded’ when he gave that name to the Lanner Falcon (“Faucon biarmique”), with reference to its moustached appearance (see below under Thripias namaquus) (cf. "The species name biarmicus comes from the Latin bi and armicus for 'two' and 'armed', apparently in reference to the bill's tip and 'tooth'." (Clark & Davies 2018)) (Falco).
● According to Newton & Gadow 1896, the Bearded Reedling was named, erroneously, after Biarmia, an old name for the district of Perm in northern Russia, and this etymology is supported by BOU 1915, and Tyrberg in litt.: “Bjarmaland, the old Norse name for the area around the White Sea. This name is first mentioned in the voyage of Ohthere which is appended to Alfred the Great’s edition [c. 890 AD] of Orosius, but it is also mentioned in several Norse sagas, and the name was well known to mediaeval Scandinavian chroniclers ... The name was latinized as Biarmia, and this is the form used by Olaus Magnus in his Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus (1555) and in his map of northern Europe (1567), though by this time Biarmia had become a semi-mythical region somewhere northeast of Sweden and Finland. Olaus Magnus’ History was certainly known by Linnaeus ... It is not clear why Linnaeus should have associated the Bearded Tit with this area, but the fact that at least in Fauna Svecica (1761) and the twelfth edition of Systema Naturae he partially confused the Bearded Tit and the Long-tailed Tit may have some bearing on this” (cf. Albin’s 1738, names “Beardmanica” and “Beard Manica from Juteland” for this bird); "100. PARUS. ... biarmicus. 8. P. vertice cano, cauda corpore longiore. Parus beardmanicus. Alb. av. I. p. 46. t. 48. Lanius minimus. Edw. av. 55. t. 55. Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Panurus).
● ex “Pic à Doubles Moustaches” of Levaillant 1808, pl. 251. "Picus biarmicus (!)**) Cuv. in Mus. Paris. ... **) Die Bartmeise (Panurus biarmicus Koch) wurde zuerst in Perm (= Biarmien) entdeckt und desshalb von Linné als Parus biarmicus beschrieben; Cuvier sowohl wie Temminck nahmen nun diesen Namen irrthümlich genug nicht als geographisches Adjectivum sondern glaubten, durch die Anfangssylbe bi, welche sie auf bis deuteten, verleitet, derselbe heisse soviel als "mit zwei Bartstreifen"!!, und nannten so jener den vorliegenden africanischen Laubspecht dieser den cap'schen Edelfalken biarmicus." (Cabanis & Heine 1863)(syn. Thripias namaquus).


(Estrildidae; syn.Stizoptera Double-barred Finch S. bichenovii) James Ebenezer Bicheno (1785-1851) English barrister, Secretary of the Linnean Society of London 1825-1832, Colonial Secretary for Tasmania 1842-1851, botanist; "Stictoptera Reichenbach (Singv. p. 31, 1861) is preoccupied by Stictoptera Guénée (Noct. iii. p. 51, 1852), a genus used for Lepidoptera, Fam. Noctuidæ. To replace it I propose the name Bichenoa, with type species bichenovii (Vig. & Horsf.) from Australia. The genus also includes B. annulosa (Gould), from N. & N.W. Australia. Mr. J. E. Bicheno was Secretary of the Linnean Society of London from 1825 to 1832. Vigors and Horsfield in describing bichenovii dedicateit to him thus: "In honorem viri nobis amicissimi JACOBI E. BICHENO, Armigeri, Linneanæ Societatis SECRETARII, Zoologiæ studiosissimi, hæc species perpulchra nominatur." (Trans. Linn. Soc., Zool. 1827, vol. xv. p. 258.) One may hope perhaps, therefore, that the commemoration of Mr. Bicheno's name in this additional manner would have found favour with the original authors of the species." (Moulton 1923); "Bichenoa Moulton, 1923, Ibis, p. 728. New name for Stictoptera Reichenbach, 1862, not ofGuénée, 1852 (Lepidoptera)." (JAJ 2021).

bichenoii / bichenovii

James Ebenezer Bicheno (1785-1851) English barrister, Colonial Secretary for Tasmania 1842-1851, botanist (Stizoptera).


Leo Biesenbach (1895-1969) German tea-merchant in Java (Paul Scofield in litt.) (subsp. Turdus javanicus).

bilkevitchi / bilkevitschi / bilkewitchi / bilkewitschi

Stanislav Iosifovich Bil'kevich (1864-1937) Russian zoologist, collector in Transcaspia (Martin Schneider in litt.) (syn. Bucanetes githaginea crassirostris, subsp. Chloris chloris, syn. Cinclus cinclus leucogaster, syn. Riparia paludicola chinensis, subsp. Trochalopteron lineatum).


Binescho, Kaffa, south-western Abyssinia / Binesho, Ethiopia.


Eponym (Seebohm 1881, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., V, 289: "Birchall's Thrush-Robin"). Wynne 1969, cautiously suggests British businessman Edwin Birchall (1819-1884) (subsp. Catharus aurantiirostris).


● Dean HobbsBlanchard (1912-1999) US zoologist, collector in Ethiopia 1933-1934 (syn. Periparus rufonuchalis).
● Paul Marie Alexis Joseph Blanchard de la Brosse (1872-1945) French colonial administrator, Administrator of the Leased Territory of Kwangchowan, China 1922, 1925-1926, Gov. of Cochinchina 1926-1929 (syn. Schoeniparus rufogularis stevensi).


Capt. Alfred Blanchet (1872-1944) French Army, ornithologist, collector in Tunisia 1914-1917, novelist, poet (syn. Falco peregrinus calidus).


Col. François Michel ÉmileBlanchot de Verly (1735-1807) French Army, Gov. of Senegal 1787-1807 (Malaconotus (ex “Pie-grièche Blanchot” of Levaillant 1810, pl. 285)).


(Tyrannidae; syn. Knipolegus Crested Black Tyrant K. lophotes) Gr. βληχρος blēkhros weak, small; πους pous,ποδος podos foot; "Blechropus, Sw. Bill short, triangular, somewhat conic, but depressed. Culmen obsolete. Nostrils round, pierced in the substance of the bill. Wings moderate; the third quill longest. Feet small, weak. - N.B. The bill much resembles that of Pachycephala. Plumage more or less black. Pepoaza Azara. No species figured." (Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 256); "CRESTED BLACK WATER-CHAT. Blechropus cristatus, SWAINS. ... Muscicapa comata, Lich. in leteris. THE bird we have here selected as an example of the genus Blechropus, will serve to show in what respect this group differs from that of Fluvicolina" (Swainson 1838); "Blechropus Swainson, 1838, Naturalist's Library, XXI, Ornithology, X, Flycatchers, p. 99. Type, by monotypy, Muscicapa comata Lichtenstein, 1823 (not of Gmelin, 1789) = Blechropus cristatus Swainson, 1838 (not of Lesson, 1831) = Knipolegus lophotes Hellmayr, 1927 (ex "Muscicapa lophotes" Temminck MS)." (JAJ 2022).

blenchleyi (See: brenchleyi)

Julius Lucius Brenchley (1816-1873) English traveller, collector in Melanesia (Ducula, syn. Megapodius eremita, subsp. Rhipidura albiscapa).

blichi (See: blighi)

Samuel Bligh (1837-1913) English coffee planter in Ceylon 1872-1887 (subsp. Ketupa nipalensis, Myophonus).


Prof. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1840) German anatomist, anthropologist (Crax).

boccharensis (See: bokharensis)

Bokhara, Turkistan /Bukhara or Buxoro, Uzbekistan.

Bokhai, a former mediaeval kingdom of Ussuriland, Far Eastern Russia, utterly destroyed by the Mongols.
bochas (See: boschas)

L. boscas, boscadis or boscis, boscidis duck < Gr. βοσκας boskas, βασκας baskas or φασκας phaskas wild duck; "61 ANAS. ... Boschas. 34. A. rectricibus intermediis (maris) recurvatis, rostro recto. Fn. Svec. 97. Anas fera torquata minor. Gesn. av. 114. Aldr. orn. l. 19. c. 25. Raj. av. 145. Boschas major. Will. orn. 284. t. 72. Alb. av 2. p. 89. t. 100. β. Anas domestica. Jonst. av. 141. t. 49. Will. orn. 293. t. 75. Aldr. orn. l. 19. c. 35. Gesn. av. 96. Raj. av. 150. Habitat in Europæ lacubus; & mansueta. Mas autumno feminis similis; ova numerosa parere incipit florescente Hepatica. Victitat Ranis, Culicibus, Lemna." (Linnaeus 1758); “It was first shown by Lönnberg (Journ. f. Orn. 1906, p. 528) that Linnaeus described the female Mallard under the name A. platyrhynchos on p. 125, and the male as A. boschas on p. 127 of his 10th edition. Although in his 12th edition Linnaeus states that the A. platyrhynchos of the 10th edition is a synonymn of A. clypeata, it must have been due to an error or lapse, as the description ...can only refer to the Mallard and cannot possibly apply to the Shoveler. The correct name under the code is undoubtedly the first, but this is a case where the Committee consider the generally known name should be conserved, as it has been invariably used since 1758 until quite recently” (BOU 1915) (syn. Anas platyrhynchos).


(Ploceidae; syn. Euplectes Fire-crowned Bishop E. diadematus) Dim. after Dr. Hans Paul Heinrich Franz von Boetticher (1886-1958) Baltic German zoologist; "Gattung: Euplectes SWAINSON. ... c) Subgenus: Boetticherella subg. nov. Eine sehr deutlich gekennzeichnetes Subgenus mit sehr kurzem, fast girlitzartigen Schnabel, der es von allenübrigen Feuerwebern unterscheidet; Schwanz relativ lang, in der Gefiederfärbung des Brutkleidesähnlich Taha REICHB., aber mit roter Stirn, Typus, hier bezeichnet Euplectes diadematus FISCHER & REICHENOW, Orn. Zbl. 1878, 88. Es ist mir ein Vergnügen, dieses Subgenus nach Herrn. Dr. v. BOETTICHER, dem Verfasser der Feuerweber-Studie im Anz. orn. Ges. Bayern 1941, zu benennen. Einzige Art: E. diademata." (Wolters 1943) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Boetticherella Wolters, 1943, Zoologischer Anzeiger, 143, p. 183. Type, by original designation, Euplectes diadematus Fischer and Reichenow, 1878." (JAJ 2021).


Dr. Hans Paul Heinrich Franz von Boetticher (1886-1958) Baltic German zoologist (syn. Onychognathus morio, syn. Passer montanus).


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Barred Parakeet B. lineola) Gr. βολβος bolbos bulb (i.e. bulbous); ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "small parrots with broad, blunt bills" (Forshaw & Cooper 1973); "Quoique M. Cassin et M. de Souancé paraissent avoir décrit la même espèce sous les deux noms de lineola du Mexique et du tigrina de Venezuela, il n'en est pas moins vrai que la Myiopsitta, ou, pour mieux dire, que le Bolborhynchus du Mexique diffère de celui de Caraccas. Le premier de ces savants se serait-il laissé induire en erreur sur la provenance? Voici les phrases comparatives de ces races: 54. Bolborhynchus tigrinus, Bp. (Myopsitta tigrina, Souancé, - Psittacula lineola? Cass. Proceed. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philad. VI, 1853, p. 373, sp. 2, exl. patria). Rev. Zool. Guérin, 1856, p. 144. Mus. Paris. a Levrault ex Caraccas. ... 55. Bolborhynchus catharina, Bp. (Myopsitta catharina, Bp., - Myopsitta lineola, Bp. in Comptes rendus Ac. Sc. et in Naumannia, 1856) Mus. Paris. a Sallæo ex Mexico, Tulancingo" (Bonaparte 1857) (OD per Laurent Raty); "Bolborhynchus Bonaparte, Remarques Obs. Blanchard Caractères Psittacides, etc., 1857, p. 6. Type, by subsequent designation, Myiopsitta catharina Bonaparte = Psittacula lineola Cassin (Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 28, 1915, p. 183.)" (Peters, 1937, III, p. 201) (see Amoropsittaca).
Var. Bolborrhynchus.
Synon. Grammopsittaca.


(Tyrannidae;syn. HemitriccusϮ Eye-ringed Tody Tyrant H. orbitatus) "Bornscheinia Kohler, Cohn-Haft, Aleixo, Brumfield & Ribas nov. gen. Type species: Hemitriccus orbitatus (Wied, 1831) Included species: Bornscheinia orbitata (Wied, 1831); Bornscheinia mirandae (Snethlage, 1925) and Bornscheinia kaempferi (Zimmer, 1953). Etymology: The feminine generic name is taken from the surname of Marcos Ricardo Bornschein [b. 1968], ornithologist from Paraná state, southern Brazil, who studies the biogeography and evolution of Atlantic Forest birds and who has developed projects for the conservation of Hemitriccus kaempferi in the southern Brazilian states of Paraná and Santa Catarina." (Kohler et al. in Kohler 2017);"Bornscheinia Kohler et al. in Kohler thesis, 2017, Filogenia da subfamilia Todirostrinae, etc., Inst. Nac. Pesquisas Amazônia, Manaus. Type by original designation, Hemitriccus orbitatus, i.e. Euscarthmus orbitatus zu Wied, 1831." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidae; syn. Anas Mallard A. platyrhynchos) L. boscas, boscadis or boscis, boscidis duck < Gr. βοσκας boskas,βασκας baskas, orφασκας phaskas wild duck (cf. specific name Anas boschas Linnaeus, 1758 (= syn. Anas platyrhynchos)); "The precise point of junction between the Pin-tails and that group which was known to the ancients by the name of BOSCHAS, has not yet been explained. Under this subgenus we comprehend all those ducks usually denominated Teals, togetherwith the Mallard, long domesticated in our poultry yards." (Swainson 1831; Swainson 1832); "Boschas Swainson, Journ. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit. vol. ii. pt. 4, p. 20, Aug.1831; and Fauna Bor. Amer. Birds, p. 442, "1831" = Feb. 1832. Type (by tautonymy): Anas domestica "Brisson" = Anas platyrhynchos Linné." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 214); "Boschas Swainson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., 2, "1831," p. 442, pub. Feb., 1832—type, by tautonymy, Anas boschas Linnaeus = Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 325).

boschi / boschii

Jules Félicien Romain Stanislas van den Bossche (1819-1889) Dutch colonial administrator, Assistant-Resident in Sumatra 1840-1850, Gov. of Dutch Gold Coast 1857, Resident of Bangka 1859-1861, Resident of Besuki 1861-1862, Gov. of West Sumatra 1862-1868, Counsellor of Dutch East Indies 1868-1871 (syn. Falco cuvierii, syn. Hydrornis irena).

Prof. Dr Hilbrand Boschma (1893-1976) Dutch zoologist, marine biologist, explorer in the East Indies and New Guinea (subsp. Lonchura castaneothorax).
Jules Félicien Romain Stanislas van den Bossche (1819-1889) Dutch colonial administrator in the East Indies 1845-1871, Governor of Dutch Gold Coast 1857, Member of Dutch East Indies Council (syn. Falco cuvierii).

(Threskiornithidae; Ϯ Wattled Ibis B. carunculata) Gr. βοστρυχιον bostrukhion little curl, ornament < βοστρυχος bostrukhos curl, tendril ("The wattle is a thin, dusky red pendant, up to 20 mm long, which hangs from the lower throat" (Hancocket al. 1992) (cf. erroneous Hockeyet al. 2005: "= curved , referring to curved beak")); "11. G[eronticus]. carunculatus (Rüpp.) Faun. Abyss. t. 19. - Type of Bostrychia Reich. (1845?)." (G. Gray 1847); "Genera et Species typicae. ... δ. *Bostrychia Wagl. carunculata (Ibis —Rüpp.) W. Ic. Av. t. 143. ic. 1011." (Reichenbach 1853); "Bostrychia Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. XIV. Type, by original designation, Ibis carunculata Rüppell, 1837." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Rostrychia.
Synon. Hagedashia, Lampribis, Oreoibis, Parnopio, Phimosus.


(Pycnonotidae; syn. Pycnonotus White-cheeked Bulbul P. leucogenys) Gr. βοστρυχος bostrukhos curl; λοφος lophos crest; "I am sorry to say that amongst the new generic names, occurring in my recent paper on the genus Pycnonotus and some allied Genera (N.L.M. XVII), Centrolophus and Gymnocrotaphus are already preoccupied among the Fishes, the first being used by Lacépède, the second by Günther. I propose, therefore, to substitute the name Centrolophus (pp. 226 and 230) by Bostrycholophus (curl-crest) on account of the upward-bent longer crest-feathers, and the name Gymnocrotaphus (pp. 227 and 245) by Bonapartia, Bonaparte being the author of the single species of this peculiar genus." (Büttikofer 1896); "Bostrycholophus Büttikofer, 1896, Notes Leyden Mus., 18, p. 58. New name for Centrolophus Büttikofer, 1896, not of de Lacépède, 1802 (Pisces)." (JAJ 2021).


Dr Theodore W. Bouchelle (1876-1934) surgeon and metallurgist at Eden Goldmine, near Bonanza, Nicaragua (subsp. Streptoprocne zonaris).

bourchelli (See: burchelii / burchelli / burchellii)
burchelii / burchelli / burchellii

William John Burchell (1781-1863) British naturalist, collector, explorer in South Africa 1811-1815 and Brazil 1825-1830 (Centropus, syn. Chaetops frenatus, syn. Cursorius rufus, syn. Gallirex porphyreolophus, syn. Lamprotornis australis, Pterocles).

bracchatus (See: bracatus / braccata / braccatus)
bracatus / braccata / braccatus

L. bracatus trousered, wearing trousers < bracae breeches, trousers.


Gr.βραχυς brakhus short; L. alis winged <ala wing.

brachidactyla / brachidactylus
Gr. βραχυδακτυλος brakhudaktulos short-toed < βραχυς brakhus short; δακτυλος daktulos toe.
Brachigavia (See: Bruchigavia)

(Laridae; syn.Chroicocephalus Slender-billed Gull C. genei) Carl Friedrich Bruch (1789-1857) German zoologist; genus Gavia Bruch, 1853, gull; "*209. Bruchigavia, Bp. 1856. (Gavia, Bruch. nec Auct. - Gelastes, p. Bp. ant. - Larus, Gr. - Gavia, Reich.) Rostrum breve robustulum, compactum, valde angulatum; nares oblongae: pedes breves, validiculi: alae modicae: cauda brevis! Caput omni tempore album, immaculatum. Pacific. 4. 1? G. corallinus, Bp. (Larus maculipennis? Aliq.) ... 2. GELASTES gouldi, Bp. (Larus pacificus! Mus. Paris. nec Lath. - L. novae-hollandiae var. Blyth. Cat. sp. 1693. - Gavia jamesoni et G. gouldii, Bruch. - Bruchigavia gouldi, Bp.) ... 3. LARUS CANUS, Anderson, nec L. (novae-hollandiae? Steph. juv. - scopulinus? Forst. - jamesoni, Wils. - Xema! jamesoni, Gould. - Gavia andersoni, Bruch. - Gelastes hinc Bruchigavia jamesoni, Bp.) ... 4. LARUS pomare, Bruch. (minutus ex Nova Zelandiae, Auct. - schimperi, Bp. Mus. Paris. 1851 - Gavia pomare, Bruch. - Bruchigavia pomare, Bp.)" (Bonaparte 1857); "Bruchigavia Bonaparte, 1857, Conspectus Generum Avium, II, p. 228. New name for Gavia Bruch, 1853, not of authors. Despite Bonaparte's list of species and the subsequent citation of Larus novaehollandiae as type by Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 147, Bruchigavia Bonaparte, 1857, must retain the same type as Gavia Bruch, 1853, and the name the latter replaced, Gelastes "Bp. MS" Bruch, 1853." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Brachigavia, Bradygavia.


Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; πους pous,ποδος podos foot.

brachiura / brachiuros
Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.
● ex “Albatros de la Chine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 963 (syn. Diomedea albatrus).
Brachiurus (See: Brachyurus)

Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ουρα ourα tail.
●(Conopophagidae; syn. Conopophaga Black-cheeked Gnateater C. melanops) "Brachyurus THUNBERG, Kongl. Vetenskaps Akad. Handl., 1821, Part 2, p. 371 (types Brachyurus gularis and B. ruber = Conopophaga m. melanops [VIEILLOT])." (Hellmayr, 1924, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. III, 25) (see next sub-entry). Laurent Raty in litt. considers Hellmayr's statement of multiple types (latterly treated as the male and female of the same species) as invalid.
●(Pittidae; syn. Pitta † Indian Pitta P. brachyura) "Denne fogel finnes tecknad uti Museo Carlsoniano, Tom. 4 och Tab. 84 under namn af Turdus triostegus. ... Jag har ansett det kunna få namn af BRACHYURUS och sin plats ibland Passeres, näst efter Turdus. Character Generis blifver då Rostrum capite brevius, rectum. Mandibula superior conico-trigona apice incurvo, longior, intra apicem utrinque excisa; inferior brevior, recta. Cauda alis (non longior) æqualis, rotundata. ... Förutan BRACHYURUS triostegus ifrån Ön Ceilon, har Brasilien i sednare tider skänkt osstvenne andra arter ... BRACHYURUS gularis. B. supra olivaceus pileo rubro; temporibus atris; subtus fuscus gula crissoque albis. ... BRACHYURUS ruber. B. supra fuscus maculis dorsalibus testaceis; subtus ferrugineis." (Thunberg 1821); "Brachyurus Thunberg, 1821, Kongl. Vetenskaps Akad. Handling., II, p. 371. Type, bysubsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 26), Turdus triostegus Sparrman, 1789 = Corvus brachyurus Linnaeus, 1766." (Laurent Raty in litt.) (JAJ 2020).
Var. Brachiurus.


(Alaudidae; syn.Corypha Clapper Lark C. apiata) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ονυξ onux,ονυχος onukhos claw, nail; "BRACHONYX. ... Bill short, straight, compressed, the culmen slightly arched. Wings rather short, the first quill nearly spurious, the four following of equal length and longest. Tail moderate. Feet rather long; lateral scales of the tarsi divided; nail of the hind toe short and nearly straight. Type? L'Alouette Bateleuse. Levaill., Ois. pl. 194." (Swainson 1828); "Brachonyx Swainson, 1828, Zool. Journal, III (XI) (1827), p. 345. Type, by original designation, "L'Alouette Bateleuse. Levaill." = Alauda apiata Vieillot, 1816." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Brachyonyx, Braconyx.


(Apodidae;syn.?Apus) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; πους pous,ποδος podos foot; "2. Sous-famille. PREHENSIPEDIA. Les Préhensipèdes. 4. doigts antérieurs, aucun postérieur. G. 6. Brachopus R." (Rafinesque, 1815, Analyse de la Nature, p. 69).


Gr.βραχυς brakhus short, little;καρπος karpos wrist.


Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; κεντρον kentron spur.

brachycerca / brachycercus
Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; κερκος kerkos tail.

(Galbulidae; syn. Brachygalba White-throated Jacamar B. albogularis) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; κηξ kēx,κηκος kēkos unknown bird, perhaps the kingfisher; "Gen. BRACHYCEX *) Nob. —Zwerg-Glanzvogel. Brachygalba (!) Bp. 1854. Brachygalbula (!) Scl. 1862. 164.—1. B. lugubris Nob. Galbula lugubris Sws.*) Two Cent. & a Quart. p. 329. 145. ... *) Zu dieser Gattung, deren Namen wir anstatt des aus zwei Sprachen barbarisch zusammengesetzten Brachygalba (!) Bp. mit Beibehaltung des griechischen Vordertheiles in Brachycex von βραχυς (kurz, klein) und κἡξ ( = κἡυξ = κααξ) zu verändern vorschlagen, gehören ausser der typischen im Texte erwähnten noch folgende Arten: 2. B. melanosterna Nob. ... 3. B. albogularis Nob. ... 4. ?B. albiventris Nob." (Cabanis & Heine 1863); "Brachycex Cabanis and Heine, 1863, Museum Heineanum, IV (I), p. 214. New name for Brachygalba Bonaparte, 1854, and its emendation Brachygalbula P. Sclater, 1862, considered equally barbarous." (JAJ 2020).


(Ploceidae; Ϯ Bob-tailed Weaver B. anomala) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; κωπη kōpē shaft;"Herr Reichenow spricht sich im Sinne des Vorredners aus, legt verschiedene seltenere Vogelbälge vor und geht auf einen eigentümlichen Webervogel mit ganz verkürzter I. Handschwinge und sehr kurzem Schwanze ein. Seine bereits früher aufgestellte Ansicht, es hier mit einer neuen Gattung zu thun zu haben, ist durch die Übersendung von weiteren 3 Stücken von Hartert bestätigt worden. Brachycope anomala Rchw. nennt der Vortragende die vorliegende Form." (Reichenow 1900); "Brachycope Reichenow, 1900, Journ. f. Orn., 48, p. 249. Type, by monotypy, Brachycope anomala Reichenow." (Moreau in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 64). Recent work suggests that this genus should be merged into Euplectes.

Original spelling of specific name Alauda brachydactyla Leisler, 1814.
brachydactyla / brachydactylus
Gr. βραχυδακτυλος brakhudaktulos short-toed < βραχυς brakhus short; δακτυλος daktulos toe.
● ex “Fringilla brachydactyla” of Hemprich MS (Carpospiza).

(Certhiidae;?syn. Certhia Ϯ Brachydactyla temminckii) Gr. βραχυδακτυλος brakhudaktulos short-toed < βραχυς brakhus short; δακτυλος daktulos toe; "Brachydactyla Temminckii. Short-toe Temminck's" (J. Brooks 1828)


(Galbulidae; Ϯ White-throated Jacamar B. albogularis) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; Mod. L. galba contraction of genus Galbula Brisson, 1760, jacamar; "This little group has the general form ofGalbula, but the birds are of smaller size, the tail is shorter and square, and the outer pair of rectrices (abnormally short inGalbula) is altogether absent" (P. Sclater 1891); "27. BRACHYGALBA, Bp. — 108. albigularis, Spix. — 109. albiventer, Cuv. (lugubris, Caban. nec Sw. - inornata, Sclater. - chalcoptera, Reich.)" (Bonaparte 1854); "Brachygalba Bonaparte, Ateneo Italiano, 2, 1854, p. 129. (Separately paged reprint, Consp. Vol. Zygod., p. 13.) Type, by subsequent designation, Galbula albigularis Spix. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 137.)" (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 3).
Synon. Brachyceyx, Brachygalbula, Goibula.


(Galbulidae; syn. Brachygalba † White-throated Jacamar B. albogularis) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; genus Galbula Brisson, 1760, jacamar; “1610. BRACHYGALBA ALBIGULARIS. Galbula albigularis, Spix, Av. Bras. ii. pl. 54 … Brachygalbula albigularis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 262.” (P. Sclater 1862); “Brachygalbula P. Sclater, 1862, Cat. Collection American Birds, p. 267. Alternative name for Brachygalba Bonaparte, 1854. Sclater did not use Brachygalbula in 1857.” (JAJ 9/12/2024).

brachyhynchus (See: brachyrhynchus / brachyrrhynchus)
brachyrhynchus / brachyrrhynchus

Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; λοφος lophos crest.

Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; λοφος lophos crest.


Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; λοφος lophos crest.
● (Picidae; quasi-syn. PicusϮ Crimson-winged Woodpecker P. puniceus) "30. BRACHYLOPHUS, Strickl.— 199. puniceus, Horsf. (miniatus? Eyton.)— 200. mentalis, Temm. (gularis, Temm.)— 201. miniatus, Forster. (malaccensis, Lath.)" (Bonaparte 1854); "Brachylophus "Strickland" Bonaparte, 1854, Conspectus Volucrum Zygodactylorum, p. 10. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 92), Picus puniceus Horsfield, 1821." (JAJ 2022).
●(Picidae;syn.PicusϮ Eurasian Green Woodpecker P. viridis) "Brachylophus, Sw.* Nostrils covered. Neck thick. Bill widened its whole length. Under mandible thickened at the base, with one or more more slightly elevated lines (representing the lateral ridge) close to the culmen, which is arched. Gonys very short. Hind head with a shortened, narrow, pointed crest. Versatile and anterior toes nearly equal. Tarsus shorter. The Old World only. Rasorial. B. viridis. Selby, pl. 38. canus. Edwards, 65. miniatus. Auct. occipitalis. Gould, Cent. pl. 47. squamatus. Ib. 48. dimidiatus. Pl. Col. 502. ... * Connected to Chrysoptilus by B. puniceus, and to Chrysonotus by B. hemipodius (Bengalensis Auct.), which completes the circle." (Swainson 1837); "Brachylophus Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 308. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 55), Gecinus viridis (L.), i.e. Picus viridis Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2022)(see Venilia).


Gr. βραχυπτερος brakhupteros short-winged < βραχυς brakhus short; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing.

brachyota / brachyotos

Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ους ous, ωτος ōtos ear.
● ex “Short-eared Owl” of Pennant 1761, 1785, and Latham 1781, and “Chouette” or “Grande Chevêche” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 438, and de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Asio flammeus).


(Strigidae; syn. Asio Short-eared Owl A. flammeus galapagoensis) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ους ous, ωτος ōtos ear (cf. Gr. βραχυς brakhus little; genus Otus Pennant, 1769, owl; specific name Strix brachyotos Forster, 1772 (= syn. Asio flammeus)); "OTUS (Brachyotus) GALAPAGOENSIS. ... Obs. This species belongs to that section of the horned owls which comprehends the short-eared owl of England, and numerous other nearly allied forms which are distributed universally over the globe, from all of which it may be distinguished by its smaller size and darker colouring. I am led to regard the members of this section as possessing characters of sufficient value to justify their being separated into a distinct genus, for which I propose the name of Brachyotus." (Gould 1837); "Brachyotus Gould, 1837, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, V (xliv), p. 10. Type, by virtual monotypy, Otus galapagoensis Gould, 1837." (JAJ 2020).


(Bucconidae; syn. Chelidoptera Swallow-wingPuffbird C. tenebrosa) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; πετης petēs flyer, bird < πετομαι petomai to fly; "Brachypetes, Sw. (fig. 290.c) Bill as in Lypornix, but shorter, higher, and more curved; the margins greatly inflexed. Wings long. Tail short and even. Fissirostral. (fig.291.) B. tenebrosa. Braz. Birds, pl. 35" (Swainson 1837); "Brachypetes Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. ClassificationBirds, II, p. 334. Type, by monotypy, B. tenebrosa = Cuculus tenebrosus Pallas, 1782." (JAJ 2020).


Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; -φορος -phoros -carrying < φερω pherō to carry.

Brachypodicus (See: Brachypodius)

(Pycnonotidae; syn. MicrotarsusϮ Black-headed Bulbul M. melanocephalos) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ποδιον podionlittle foot < dim. πους pous, ποδος podos foot; "the species has a good deal the character of an Alcippe ... excepting in its very small tarsi and toes" (Blyth 1845);"there remains that of Lanius melanocephalus, Gm., and its congeners, for which I can find no appellation, and shall therefore designate Brachypodius. ... Brachypodius, nobis. 1. Br. entilotus [sic], (Jardine and Selby), Ill. Orn., 2nd series. (Non vidi.) Hab. Malacca. 2. Br. poiocephalus, (Jerdon). Southern India. 3. Br. melanocephalus, (Gmelin): Turdoides atriceps, Temminck. Malay countries, extending northwards to Arracan and Tipperah. 4. Br. cinereoventris, Nobis. ... Inhabits Tipperah. 5. Br. tristis, nobis. ... inhabits Penang. ... 6? Br.? criniger, A. Hay. ... Inhabits Malacca." (Blyth 1845); "Brachypodius Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 576. Type, by original designation, Lanius melanocephalos Gmelin [1788, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, p. 309 (not Lanius melanocephalos Gmelin 1788, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 1, p. 301) = Turdus atriceps Temminck 1822]." (Deignan in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 227).
Var. Brachypodicus.


Genus Brachypus Swainson, 1824, bulbul; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling (syn. Andropadus importunus).


(Corcoracidae; syn. Struthidea Apostlebird S. cinerea) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; πρωρα prōra prow (i.e. bill); "Gen. BRACHYPRORUS *) Struthidea. Struthidea (!) Gould 1836. Brachystoma Sws. 1837 nec Entomol. 1012. 1. B. cinereus Nob. —Struthidea cinerea Gould Proc. Zool. Soc. IV. 1836. p. 143. id.; Syn. B. Austr. I. tab. 9.— Brachystoma cinerea Sws. Nat. Hist. Birds II. p. 267; id. Two Cent. p. 297. No. 51.— Struthidea cinerea Gould B. Aust. IV. tab. 17. ... *) Von βραχυς, kurz, und πρωρα, Vordertheil, Schnabel." (Cabanis 1853); "Brachyprorus Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 217. New name for Struthidea Gould, 1836, i.e. 1837, considered meaningless and barbarous, and for Brachystoma Swainson, 1837, not of Meigen, 1822 (Diptera)." (JAJ 2020).


Gr. βραχυπτερος brakhupteros short-winged < βραχυς brakhus short; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing.
● ex “Pavaneur” of Levaillant 1803, pl. 122 (syn. Acrocephalus schoenobaenus).
● ex “Bouvreuil de l’isle Bourbon” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 204, fig. 1 (syn. Sporophila bouvreuil).


(Brachypteraciidae; Ϯ Short-legged Ground-roller B. leptosomus) Gr. βραχυπτερος brakhupteros short-winged < βραχυς brakhus short; -πτερος
-pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing; genus Coracias Linnaeus, 1758, roller; the Short-legged Ground-roller was distinguished from the true rollers Coraciidae by its short wings, large eyes and head, and stout bill; "BRACHYPTEROLLE. BRACHYPTERACIAS. De Lafresnaye. ... D'après les caractères tout-à-fait importants que je viens de signaler, et qui sont communsà ces deux espèces, onpeut les regarder comme des Rolliersà ailes courtes età longs-tarses, et en cela même si distincts des Rolliers proprement ditset des Rolles, qu'il m'a paru convenable d'en faire une sous-division ou sous-genre, que je propose de désigner par le nom de Brachypterolle, Brachypteracias (Coracias brachypterus) ... Ailes beaucoup plus courtes que chez les Rolles et les Rolliers, n'atteignant que le tiers ou le quart de la longueur de la queue (chez les Rolliers elles en atteignent presque les deux tiers, et chez les Rolles presque l'extrémité), très arrondies ... B. COUROL. B. leptosomus. Nob., Pl. 31. (Le Rolle courol, Colaris leptosomus. Less., Illust. de Zool., pl. 20.) ... B.BRÈVE. B. pittoides. Nob. Pl. 32." (de La Fresnaye 1834); "Brachypteracias Lafresnaye, Mag. Zool., 4, 1834, cl. 2, text to pl. 31 and 32. Type, by subsequent designation, B. leptosomus (Lesson). (Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 9.)" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 240).
Synon. Chloropygia.


Overview and generic check-list.


GEOBIASTES Sharpe, 1871. Gr. “earth-mighty.”
BRACHYPTERACIAS de La Fresnaye, 1834. Mod. L. “short-winged roller.”
●● Chloropygia Swainson, 1837. Gr. “green-rumped.”
URATELORNIS Rothschild, 1895. Mod. L. “long-tailed ground-roller.”
ATELORNIS Pucheran, 1846. Gr. “incomplete bird.”
●● Corapitta Bonaparte, 1854. Portmanteau ofCoracias + Pitta.
●● Coracopitta Sharpe, 1892 (not P. Sclater, 1888). Portmanteau ofCoracias + Pitta.

Brachypternis (See: Brachypternus)

(Picidae;syn. Dinopium Ϯ Black-rumped Woodpecker D. benghalense) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; πτερνη pternē heel; "After the Green Woodpeckers have been distinguished as Gecinus, Boié, Swainson's genus Brachylophus still includes two well-marked groups: first the Short-thumbed Woodpeckers closely allied to Tiga, containing 1. P. aurantius, Lin. (P. bengalensis, Gm.); 2. P. goensis, Gm.; 3. P. philippinarum, Lath.; 4. P. hæmatribon, Wagl., and 5. P. erythronotus, Vieill. To this group I would propose the name BRACHYPTERNUS." (Strickland 1841 (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.)); "BRACHYPTERNUS*, n. g. < Picus, Linn., < Brachylophus, Sw. Diff. Char. —Hind toe and claw very short, almost obsolete. ... Species: 1. B. aurantius (Linn.), (P. bengalensis, Gm.; P. nuchalis, Wagl.; B. hemipodius, Sw.) ... * Bραχυς, short; πτερνα, a heel." (Strickland 1841 (Proc. Zool. Soc. London)); "Brachypternus Strickland, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 1841, p. 35. Type, by subsequent designation, B. aurantius (L). Strickl. = Picus benghalensis Linné. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1841, p. 71)" (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 143).
Var. Brachypternis, Brachysternus.


(Picidae; syn. Dinopium Black-rumped Woodpecker D. benghalense puncticolle) Genus Brachypternus Strickland, 1841, woodpecker; L. picus woodpecker; "2. P. (Brachypternopicus) RUBROPYGIALIS. ... Ce Pic a quelque rapport avec le Tiga, mais il est plus petit. J'ai vu un sujet femelle de cette espèce, que je crois nouvelle, dans le Muséum Britannique, il provenait du Bengale. ... 7. P. (Brachypternopicus) CHRYSONOTUS, Lesson. ... Picus chrysonotus, Lesson ornith., p. 220; et compl. à Buffon, vol. 9, p. 304. La jeune femelle. — Brachypternopicus puncticollis. L'adult Malherbe. — Brachypternus (Strickland; G. R. Gray). Brachylophus Swains. Ce pic, longtemps confondu avec le Bengalensis auquel il ressemble beaucoup dans le jeune âge, est assez répandu au Bengale et probablement dans toute de l'Inde." (Malherbe 1845); "Brachypternopicus Malherbe, 1845, Revue Zoologique, VIII année, p. 400. Type, by subsequent designation (Hargitt, 1890, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., XVIII, p. 403), B. puncticollis = Brachypternopicus puncticollis Malherbe, 1845." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Brachyternopicus.


Gr. βραχυπτερος brakhupteros short-winged < βραχυς brakhus short; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing.
● ex “Pavaneur” of Levaillant 1802 (syn. Acrocephalus schoenobaenus).
● ex “Short-winged Thrush” of Latham 1801 (Dasyornis).
● ex “Loggerhead Goose” of Latham 1785 (Tachyeres).


(Falconidae;syn. Micrastur Ϯ Collared Forest Falcon M. semitorquatus) Specific name Falco brachypterus Temminck, 1822 (= syn. Micrastur semitorquatus); "LES BRACHYPTÈRES (1) Forment une petite tribu qui s'éloigne des éperviers ordinaires par quelques traits de physionomie ... leurs ailes sont courtes ou dépassent à peine le croupion ... Le type de cette tribu est l'autour brachyptère de M. Temminck ... (1) Brachypterus, Less." (Lesson 1838); "Brachypterus (not of Latreille, 1819, nor of Kugelann, 1794) Lesson, Compl. Buffon, 7, p. 113, 1836—type, by tautonymy, Falco brachypterus Temminck = Sparvius semitorquatus Vieillot." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p.242) (see Climacocercus).
Var. Brachypteryx.

Brachypterus (See: BRADYPTERUS)

(Locustellidae; Ϯ Little Rush Warbler B. baboecala) Gr. βραδυς bradus slow, sluggish; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing; "BRADYPTETUS, Sw. General size and habit of Curuca. The bill distinctly notched. Wings short; the three first quills equally graduated. Tail rounded; the feathers remarkably broad and soft. Feet large, strong, and robust; the lateral toes equal. Claws slender, slightly curved. Africa. B. platyurus. Ois. d'Af. pl. 122. ... [Index] Bradypterus, Sw." (Swainson 1837); "Bradyptetus [sic] Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Class. Birds, 2, p. 241, Bradypterus in index, p. 379. Type, by monotypy, Bradyptetus platyurus Swainson = Sylvia baboaecala Vieillot." (Traylorin Peters, 1986, XI, p. 17).
Var. Bradyptetus (original spelling), ?Bradyptetes.
Synon. Amphilais,Androphilus, Caffrillas, Dromaeocercus, Dromocercus, Dumeticola, Pseudotharrhaleus, Sathrocercus, Stasiasticus, Sylvaticus, Tribura.
● (Muscicapidae; syn.Luscinia White-bellied Redstart L. phaenicuroides). "Bradypterus phænicuroides, [drawing no.] 817." (Hodgson 1844); "Bradypterus Hodgson, 1844, in Gray's Zool. Miscellany, p. 83 (nom. nud.) (not of Swainson, 1837). Type, by monotypy, Bradypterus phaenicuroides "Hodgs." Gray, 1847." (JAJ 2021) (see Bradybates and Hemiptilon).
Var. Brachypterus.


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ JavanShortwing B. montana) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; πτερυξ pterux,πτερυγοςpterugos wing (cf. βραχυπτερος brakhupteros short-winged < βραχυς brakhus short; πτερον pteron wing); "Gen. 22. BRACHYPTERYX. Rostrum mediocre, subcultratum, basi latius, ultra medium subconicum, attenuatum. Culmen inter nares carinatum, deinde rotundatum, apicem versus arcuatum, emarginatum. Mandibula lateribus marginatis, apice inclinata; tomiis maxillæ mandibulæque subinflexis. Nares maximæ, in fovea subrotunda basali elongata obtusa sitæ; supra et postice membrana clausæ.Alæ brevissimæ: remiges integræ, 1 subspuria, 2—5 gradatim increscentes, 5—10 subæquales longiores, reliquæ gradatim breviores. Cauda rotundata. Pedes elongati. Digitus medius longissimus. Ungues compressissimi, hallucis medio duplo majore, fortius arcuato. The characters which distinguish this genus from Motacilla are the robustness of the bill, the arch or curvature of the culmen or back, the margin and inclination of the lower mandibule, and the size and protrusion of the nares. It possesses likewise peculiarities in the shortness of the wings and the elevation of the tarsi. Spec. 1. Brachypteryx montana. ... Ketek Javanis. ... Spec. 2. Brachypteryx sepiaria. ... Chichohan Javanis." (Horsfield 1821); "Brachypteryx Horsfield, 1822, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 13, p. 157. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 41), Brachypteryx montana Horsfield." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 14).
Var. Brachypterix, Brachypterux.
Synon. Goldana.
● (Rallidae;syn. GallirallusϮ Weka G. australis) "The third skull, with a beak like that of the Porphyrio and Brachypteryx was referred to the same family—'Rallidæ'—to which those genera belong. ... In these characters the Brachypteryx or Short-winged Rail of New Zealand moreresembles Notornis." (Owen 1848 (April 13)); "Amongst the rarer and more instructive parts of this collection are some portions of a sternum of a small species of Dinornis or Palapteryx, and two nearly entire sternums of the new genus Notornis, which belongs to the same family (Rallidæ) as the rare Brachypteryx or short-winged Rail of New Zealand." (Owen 1848 (April 22));"Genus Brachypteryx. 1280. The skeleton of the Short-winged Rail of New Zealand (Brachypteryx Australis)." (Owen 1853) (Laurent Raty in litt.)"Brachypteryx Owen, 1853, Descr. Cat. Ost. Ser. Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, I, p. 237 (not of Horsfield, 1822). Type, by monotypy, Brachypteryx australis, i.e. Rallus australis Sparrman, 1786." (JAJ 2021).


(Rallidae; syn. Tribonyx Tasmanian Native-Hen T. mortierii) Gr. βραχυπτερος brakhupteros short-winged < βραχυς brakhus short; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing; genus Rallus Linnaeus, 1758, rail; "Genus Rallus. Sub-genus Brachyptrallus, de La Fr. ... ailes sur-obtuses à rémiges extrêmement courtes et ne s'étendant pas au-dela du croupion, les 2e, 3e, 4e, 5c et 6e premières rémiges à peu près de même longueur et ne dépassant guère les tertiaires à leur extrémité ... Ce genre, très-voisin des genres Gallinula et Rallus, diffère du premier par un bec plus court et beaucoup plus élevé, par la grande briéveté des ailes ... Brachyptrallus ralloïdes, de La Fr." (de La Fresnaye 1840); "Brachyptrallus, La Fresnaye, Revue Zool., Aug. 1849, p. 231, Sept. Type (by monotypy): B. ralloides Lafresn. [= Tribonyx mortierii Dubus de Ghisignies]" (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 97).


Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; πους pous,ποδος podos foot.


Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; πους pous,ποδος podos foot.
●(Apodidae; syn. ApusCommon Swift A. apus) "Verbesserungen zu dem Taschenbuch der teutschen Vögelkunde: Theil I. S. 280. streiche das Wort Micropus aus und sezze dafür: Brachypus" (B. Meyer 1814 (Ann. Wetterau. Gesell. gesammte Naturk., III (II), 333)); "XXX. GATTUNG. Häkler. Brachypus ... 1. Mauerhäkler. Brachypus murarius, mihi." (B. Meyer 1815); "Brachypus Meyer, Vögel Liv. u. Esthl. p. 142, (pref. June 14th) 1815. Type (by monotypy): B. murarius = Hirundo apus Linné." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral, I, p. 405).
●(Pycnonotidae; syn. MicrotarsusBlack-headed Bulbul B. melanocephalos) "BRACHYPUS. ... Types. Le Curouge. Levaill. Ois. d'Af. pl. 107. f. 1. Turdus Atriceps. Pl. Col. 147. It is only from the unusual shortness of the feet, indicative of these birds feeding on the wing, that I here associate them among the aberrant forms of the sub-family Dicrurina. ... [Index] Turdus atriceps, type of the genusBrachypus." (Swainson 1827); "Brachypus Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, p. 163. Type, by subsequentdesignation, Turdus atriceps Temminck. (Idem, 1827, ibid., p. 625.) Not Brachypus Swainson, 1824, nor Brachypus B. Meyer, 1814." (Deignan in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 223).
●(Pycnonotidae; syn Pycnonotus Red-vented Bulbul P. cafer) "We are thus prepared for the transition, which here takes place, into the genus Brachypus, * a name by which I propose to distinguish the short-legged Thrushes of Linnæus and of modern writers. ... Their tarsi are remarkably short, like the last two genera [Dicrurus, Edolius]; but their bills are weaker, and the nuchal bristles scarcely perceptible. ... * Le Curouge, Vail. pl. 107. f. 1.; Le Cudor, Ib. f. 2.; Le Brunoir, Ib. pl. 106. f. 1. &c. &c." (Swainson 1824); "Brachypus Swainson, 1824, Zool. Journal, I, p. 305 (not of B. Meyer, 1814). Type, by subsequent designation (Deignan in Peters, 1960, Check-list Birds World, IX, p. 223), "Le Curouge" Levaillant = Turdus cafer Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2023).
●(Pycnonotidae; quasi-syn. Pycnonotus Ruby-throated Bulbul P. dispar) "BRACHYPUS, SWAINS. ...Feet small, weak; lateral toes equal. Hinder toe as long as the tarsus. Type. —Brachypus dispar, SW. (Turdus dispar, HORSF.)" (Swainson 1832); "BrachypusSwainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer. Birds (1831), p. 485. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Turdus dispar Horsfield. Not Brachypus Swainson, 1827, Brachypus Swainson, 1824, nor Brachypus B. Meyer, 1814." (DeignaninPeters, 1960,IX, p. 223).


(Alcidae; Ϯ Marbled Murrelet B. marmoratus) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ῥαμφος rhamphos bill; "3. Gen. Brachyramphus. Nob. Rostrum capite multo brevius, apice adunco, lateribus fortius compresso. Narium dimidia pars pennulis tecta. Pedes debiliores. a. Subgen. Apobapton Nob. Rostrum minus elevatum, angustius. Spec. 1. Brachyramphus marmoratus Nob. —Uria marmorata Lath.; Cepphus perdix Pall. Zoogr. T. II. p. 351. Spec. 2. Brachyramphus Wrangelii Nob. ... Patria Aleuticae Insulae. Spec. 3. Brachyramphus brachypterus Nob. ... Patria Unalaschka. Spec. 4. Brachyramphus Kittlitzii Nob. ... Patria Kamtschatka." (Brandt 1837); "Brachyramphus M. Brandt, Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 2, 1837, col. 346. Type, by subsequent designation, B. marmoratus (Lath.) = Colymbus marmoratus Gmelin. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 77.)" (Peters, 1934, II, p. 355).
Synon. Apobapton.

Brachyrampus (See: Brachyrhamphus)

Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ῥαμφος rhamphos bill.
● (Thraupidae; syn. Cissopis Magpie Tanager C. leverianus) "Brachyrhamphus elegans, M. et W. Bertoni (gen. nov.) - guayaná: Akâ-ê morotî-mitshî (Etim.: jenér. del gr. brachys, corto y rhamphos, pico; guar. de Aka-ê, nombr. jenér., morotî, muy blanco y mitshî, pequeño, en este caso significa menor. Es de observar, que Aka-ê es nombre que dan también á las demás especies de la familia (Corvidæ), probando esto una vez más, el carácter observador de los guaraní.)" (W. Bertoni 1901); "Brachyrhamphus Bertoni, Anal. Cient. Parag., 1, No. 1, p. 46, Jan., 1901—type, by orig. desig., Brachyrhamphus elegans Bertoni = Cissopis major Cabanis." (Hellmayr, 1936, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IX, p. 438).
● (Alcidae; syn. Synthliboramphus † Ancient Murrelet S. antiquus) “Genera et Species typicae. ... 1. *Brachyrhamphus BRANDT. antiquus (Alca — a L. Gm..) Br. Tab. II. Caput, apex rostri, culmen, ala, cauda, pes. — Ic. Av. t. 6. ic. 2708—14 . t. 9. ic. 2230—32.” (Reichenbach 1853); “Brachyrhamphus “Brandt” Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturae, p. III. Not Brachyramphus Brandt, 1837. Type, by original deisgnation, Alca antiqua Gmelin, 1789.” (JAJ 2023).

brachyrhinchus / brachyrhyncha / brachyrhynchos / brachyrhynchum

Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Brachyrhynchus (See: Brachyrynchus)

(Aegithalidae; syn. Aegithalos Long-tailed Tit A. caudatus) Gr. βραχυς brakhusshort; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "BRACHYRYNCHUS CAUDATUS, Brachyrynque à longue queue (Parus caudatus des auteurs ou mésange à longue queue). —Commun dans les bois, vit en troupe, sédentaire. ... J'ai séparé cette espèce, et la suivante du genre parus ou mésange, parce que la forme de leur bec, de leur queue, et surtout leurs mœurs, sont très-différentes. Les brachyrynques ont le bec convexe, presque crochu, tandis que les mésanges l'ont toujours droit ou légèrement incliné. Les brachyrynques construisent artistement leur nid en forme de boule; les mésanges nichent sansaucun apprêt dans des trous d'arbres. BRACHYRYNCHUS BIARMICUS, Brachyrynque moustache (Parus biarmicus auct., ou mésange moustache). — Habite en été les marais des Ardennes" (de Selys-Longchamps 1831) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Brachyrynchus de Selys-Longchamps in Vander Maelen, 1831, Dictionnaire Géographique de la Province de Liége, Appendice, Ornithologie, p. 36. Type, by virtual monotypy, Parus caudatus auct." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Brachyrhynchus.


Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


(Passerellidae; syn. Zonotrichia Rufous-collared Sparrow Z. capensis) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; σπιζα spiza finch < σπιζω spizō to chirp; "Genus Brachyspiza. (Type, Fringilla capensis Müller.) Related to Melospiza Baird, but tail shorter, tarsi longer and stouter, and style of coloration very different." (Ridgway 1898); "Brachyspiza Ridgway, Auk, 15, p. 224, July, 1898—type, by orig. desig., Fringilla capensis P. L. S. Müller." (Hellmayr, 1938, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. XI, p. 565).


(Corcoracidae; syn. Struthidea Apostlebird S. cinerea) Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; στομα stoma,στοματος stomatos mouth (cf. βραχυστομος brakhustomos with narrow mouth); "BRACHYSTOMA, Sw. Bill very short, entire, resembling Glaucopis: the culmen elevated, convex, and considerably dividing the frontal feathers: commissure curved, and somewhat angulated in the middle: under mandible slightly ascending. ... B. cinerea. Part 5. No. 51." (Swainson 1837); "Brachystoma Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 266 (not of Meigen, 1822 (Diptera)). Type, by monotypy, B. cinerea Swainson, i.e. Struthidea cinerea Gould, 1837." (JAJ 2022)(see Brachyprorus).

brachytarsa / brachytarsus

Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; Mod. L. tarsus shank, leg < Gr. ταρσος tarsos flat of the foot.

brachyura / brachyuros / brachyurum

Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.
● ex “Olivert” of Levaillant 1803, pl. 125 (Camaroptera).
● ex “Petit Gobe-mouche tacheté de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 831, fig. 2, and de Buffon 1770-1783 (Myrmotherula).
● ex “Pica indica vulgaris” of Ray 1713, “Pica bengalensis” of Albin 1731-1738, “Pica cauda brevi. Short-tail’d Pye” of Edwards 1751, and “Turdus viridis moluccensis” of Brisson 1760 (Pitta).


Gr. βραχυς brakhus short; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.

branchii (See: cranchii)

John Cranch (1785-1816) British naturalist, explorer in tropical Africa 1816 (syn. Hirundo filifera, Pternistis).

bruchi / bruchii

Carl Friedrich Bruch (1789-1857) German zoologist (syn. Anser albifrons (ex Anser medius Bruch MS), syn. Cercotrichas galactotes syriaca, syn. Larus delawarensis).

bruennichi / bruennichii

Morten Thrane Brünnich (1737-1827) Danish zoologist, mineralologist (syn. Alca torda, syn. Uria lomvia) (see brunnichii).

bruneinucha (See: brunneinucha / brunneinuchus)
brunneinucha / brunneinuchus

Mod. L. brunneus brown < Med. L. brunius brown; Med. L. nuchusnape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


Mod. L. brunneus brown < Med. L. brunius brown; Med. L. nuchusnape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


Morten Thrane Brünnich (1737-1827) Danish zoologist, mineralologist (syn. Rissa tridactyla) (see bruennichi).

buchanana (See: buchanani)

● Buchanan I., Northern Territory, Australia (named after William Buchanan (1824-1911) Australian pastoralist) (syn. Egretta sacra, syn. Rhipidura phasiana).
● Dr Francis Buchanan later known as Francis Hamilton, Francis Hamilton Buchanan or Francis Buchanan-Hamilton (1762-1829) Scottish surgeon in the East India Company 1794-1815, geographer, zoologist, botanist, explorer, collector in Nepal and India (Emberiza, syn. Emberiza stewarti,Prinia).
● Capt. Angus Buchanan (1886-1954) Scottish explorer, naturalist, collector in the Sahara 1919-1922 (subsp. Argya fulva,Crithagra, subsp. Gymnoris dentata, subsp. Lybius vieilloti, syn. Myrmecocichla aethiops, subsp. Ptyonoprogne obsoleta).
● Buchanan Inlet, Melville I., Northern Territory, Australia (syn. Pachycephala lanioides fretorum).

Buchanetes (See: BUCANETES)

(Fringillidae; Trumpeter Finch B. githagineus) Gr. βυκανητης bukanētēs trumpeter < βυκανη bukanē trumpet, war horn; "Gen. BUCANETES nov. gen. ***) Trompetengimpel. 822. 1. B. githagineus Nob. —Fringilla githaginea Licht. Doubl. p. 24. No. 242. —Pyrrhula githaginea Temm. Pl. col. 400. fig. 1. 2. —Pyrrhula Payraudaei Audouin Descript. de l'Egypte Zool. I. pag. 286. tab. 5. fig. 8. —Erythrospiza githaginea Bonap. Osserv. Règne anim. de Cuv. pag. 80. No. 3.— id. Bonap. Jconogr. Faun. ital. I. tab. 35. fig. 3.— id. Bonap. List. pag. 34. No. 228.— Pyrrhula githaginea Bl. Keysl. Wirbelth. Eur. Vög. N. 111 Carpodacus Payraudaei Gray Gen. Birds No. 6.— id. Cab. in Ersch u. Gruber Encycl. l. c. p. 218. N. 5. Erythrospiza githaginea Bonap. Schleg. Mon. Lox. p. 29. tab. 33.— Gould Birds Eur. tab. 208. ... ***) Von βυκανητης,ου,, der Trompeter. Von Carpodacus schon genügend durch die längeren spitzeren Flügel und den kürzeren Schwanz verscheiden, ebenso durch weniger breiten Schnabel, festeres Gefieder und Färbung. Hierher: B. obsoletus. —Fringilla obsoleta Lichtin Eversm. Reise App. p. 132." (Cabanis 1853); "Bucanetes Cabanis, 1851, Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 164. Type, by subsequent designation, G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 81. Pyrrhula payraudæi Audouin, 1825 = Fringilla githaginea M. H. K. Lichtenstein, 1823. Cabanis originally included two species, therefore type 'by monotypy' as cited by Howell et al. (1968: 263) is incorrect." (Kirwan and Gregory, 2005, Bull. BritishOrnith. Club, 125 (1), p. 77).
Var. Bucanestes, Buchanetes, Bycanetes.
Synon. Eremopsaltria, Erythrospiza.


(Dicruridae; syn. DicrurusWhite-bellied Drongo D. caerulescens) Hindi names Bhuchanjā and Bhujangā for the Black Drongo D. macrocercus; “9. Buchanga, Hodgs., ou plutôt Bp. ex H., car nous appliquons un peu arbitrairement ce nom au groupe d’oiseaux bleuâtres à ventre blanc de l’Asie et de la Malaisie, qui termine la série des vrais Édoliens qu’on pourrait appeler Édoliés et dont nous connaissons cinq ou six espèces (cærulescens, L., — mystaceus, Vieill., — cineraceus, Horsf., — leucophæus, Vieill., — leucopygialis, Blyth, — viridescens? Gould).” (Bonaparte 1854); “Buchanga “Hodgs.” Bonaparte, 1854, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XXXVIII, p. 540. Not Bhuchanga Hodgson, 1836. Type here fixed by subsequent designation, Lanius caerulescens Linnaeus, 1758.” (JAJ 18/4/2023).


Bokhara or Bukhara /Buxoro or Bukhoro, Uzbekistan.


Walther Buchen (1886-1961) US businessman, collector in East Africa, Trustee of Chicago Natural History Mus., and his wife MargaretL. Buchen née Head (1890-1971) (subsp. Cinnyris souimanga).

bulomacha / bulomachus

Gr. βουλομαχος boulomakhos pugnacious, belligerent < βουλομαι boulomai to want; μαχη makhē battle.
● "But if the finger were thrust through the bars he would fly at it with great fury, pecking and biting very hard, and charging again and again at it, each time with redoubled onslaught. He was always ready for a fight, and seemed by his manner to challenge it. ... He was altogether the most pugnacious littlebird I have ever seen ... I should like to introduce the species as SUTHORA BULOMACHUS*, sp. nov. ... *βουλομαχος, qui cupit pugnare." (Swinhoe 1866) (subsp. Suthora webbiana).


Prof. Dr Ivan Yosipov Buresch (1885-1980) Bulgarian zoologist, Director of Royal Mus. of Natural History/Institute of Zoology, Sofiya 1914-1959 (subsp. Lophophanes cristatus).


(Ramphastidae; syn. Ramphastos Keel-billed Toucan R. sulfuratus) Gr. βου- bou- huge < βους bous bull; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "It is more fully described and figured by Conrad Gesner in 1560 (Icones Avium Omnium, p. 130), and the present generic name first occurs on the same page: "Burhynchus aut Ramphestes appellari poterit." ... 2. Burhynchus. 3. RAMPHASTOS CARINATUS, Swainson. ... 4. RAMPHASTOS APPROXIMANS, Cabanis. ... 5. RAMPHASTOS BREVICARINATUS, Gould. ... 6. RAMPHASTOS TOCARD, Vieillot. ... 7. RAMPHASTOS AMBIGUUS, Swainson. ... 8. RAMPHASTOS ABBREVIATUS, Cabanis." (Cassin 1867); "Burhynchus Cassin, 1867, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, XIX, p. 102. Type, by subsequent designation (P. Sclater, 1891, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus, XIX, p. 124), R. carinatus = Ramphastos carinatus Gould, 1834 = Ramphastos sulfuratus Lesson, 1830." (JAJ 2020).


Cachabí /Cachaví, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.

cacharensis / cachariensis
Cachar District, Assam, India.
Cachaví, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.

(Falconidae; syn. Herpetotheres Laughing Falcon H. cachinnans) Specific name Falco cachinnans Linnaeus, 1758; "47. CACHINNA. Tarsi reticulated. F. cachinnans" (Fleming 1822); "Cachinna Fleming, Phil. Zool., 2, p. 236, 1822—type, bymonotypy, Falco cachinnans Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p. 237).


L. cachinnans, cachinnantis laughing < cachinnare to laugh aloud.
● "41. FALCO. ... cachinnans. 17. F. cera pedibus luteis, palpebris albis, corpore fusco albidoque vario, annulo nigro verticem album cingente. Rolander. Habitat in America meridionali. Corpus supra Dorsum, Alas, uropygium fuscum; sed Alba sunt collum, gula, pectus, abdomen, alæ subtus. Cauda fasciisluteis nigrisque.Hominem observans cachinnos edit."(Linnaeus 1758)(Herpetotheres).

Original spelling of specific name Crateropus cachinnans Jerdon, 1839.
Caesmarhynchos (See: GAMPSORHYNCHUS)

(Pellorneidae; Ϯ White-hooded Babbler G. rufulus) Gr. γαμψος gampsos curved, hooked; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Gampsorhynchus, Nobis, n.g.Allied to the long-tailed Malacocerci, and also to Sphenura, but the bill intermediate in form to those of Turdus and Lanius, and the gape conspicuously armed with straight vibrissæ:it is nearly equal to the head, moderately compressed, the ridge of the upper mandible obtusely angulated, and its outline curving towards the tip, which is strongly emarginated, and forms a distinct hook, overhanging the extremity of the lower mandible; nostrils oval, pierced in the fore-part of the nasal membrane; wings and tail graduated, the first primary two-fifths the length of the fifth, which is equal to the sixth and seventh and longest: feet formed for perching, the tarse rather longer than the middle toe with its claw, and the claws but moderately curved: tail elongated. G. rufulus, Nobis. ... Received from Darjeeling." (Blyth 1844); "Gampsorhynchus Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, p. 370. Type, by monotypy, Gampsorhynchus rufulus Blyth." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 389).
Var. Caesmarhynchos,Gamsorhynchus.
Synon. Mesogenea.


Gr. γαμψος gampsos curved, hooked; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill (the prefix caesm- is untenable here) (syn. Chloropsis jerdoni).

Calachrysia (See: Galachrysia)

(Glareolidae; syn. Glareola Little Pratincole G. lactea) Gr. γαλα gala,γαλακτος galaktos milk; χρυσειος khruseios golden < χρυσος khrusos gold; "*1966. Stiltia, Bp. — 1967. Glareola, L. — *1968. Galachrysia, Bp." (Bonaparte 1854 (nom. nud.)); "1845. GALACHRYSIA, Pr. B. 1854. (Glareola lactea, Temm.)" (G. Gray 1855); "47. Galachrysia, Bp. 121. lactea, Temm. (orientalis, Jerd. nec Leach.) 122. cinerea, Fraser" (Bonaparte 1856); "Galachrysia G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds. p. 111, 1855 (ex Bonaparte, Ann. Sci. Nat (4) i., p. 148, 1854). Type by original designation, Glareola lactea Temm." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, p. 140). It has recently been suggested that this polytypic genus be recognised and reinstated.
Var. Calachrysia.


(Acrocephalidae; syn. Acrocephalus MadagascarSwamp Warbler A. newtoni) Gr. καλαμος kalamos reed, cane; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "d'. Wing and tail about equal in length. . . . .17. CALAMOCICHLA, p. 131. ... 17.CALAMOCICHLA. Calamoherpe, pt., auctorum recentium. Range. Confined to Madagascar and the Cape-Verd Islands. ... 1. Calamocichla newtoni. ... 2. Calamocichla brevipennis. ... As far as I can find out, this species has never been described." (Sharpe 1883); "Calamocichla Sharpe, Cat. Bds Brit. Mus., vii, p. 131, 1883. Type by subsequent designation (Shelley, Bds. Afr. i, p. 79, 1896), Calamoherpe newtoni Hartl." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 513); “Calamocichla Sharpe, 1883, Cat. Birds British Mus., VII, pp. 94, 131. Type, by subsequent designation (P. Sclater and Saunders, 1883, Ibis, ser. 5, 1, p. 573), Calamoherpe newtoni Hartl., i.e. Calamoherpe newtoni Hartlaub, 1863.” (JAJ 2024) (see Calamornis).


Gr. καλος kalos beautiful; αυχην aukhēn,αυχενος aukhenos neck, throat.

calchocephalus (See: chalcocephala / chalcocephalus)
chalcocephala / chalcocephalus

Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze, copper; -κεφαλος -kephalos -headed < κεφαλη kephalē head.

Calichelidon (See: Callichelidon)

(Hirundinidae; syn. Tachycineta Bahama Swallow T. cyaneoviridis) Gr. καλλος kallos beauty < καλοςkalos beautiful; χελιδων khelidōn, χελιδονοςkhelidonos swallow; "[Synopsis] Tarsus long; equal to middle toe and half claw; entirely bare. Tail considerably forked, about equal to closed wing. Color green above; white beneath . Callichelodon. ... CALLICHELIDON, Bryant.Callichelidon, BRYANT, MSS. (Type H. cyaneoviridis, BRYANT.) Nostrils lateral; overhung by membrane. Tarsi lengthened; equal to middle toe and more than half the claw; entirely bare of feathers. Basal joint of middle toe entirely adherent externally, for more than half internally. Lateral toes equal, or outer a little the longer. Tail deeply forked; the feathers somewhat attenuated; as long as the wings. Above green, beneath white. The type of this new subgenus, perhaps entitled to rank as a full genus, has the same soft velvety condition of the dorsal plumage, without metallic lustre, as in thalassina. ... Upper parts soft velvety green, with a slight occasional gleam of golden, passing on the wings into greenish-blue, and on the rump and upper tail coverts into greenish-blue and violet. Beneath pure white" (Baird 1865); "Callichelidon (Bryant MS.) Baird, Rev. Amer. Bds., 1, p. 303, May, 1865—type, by orig. desig., Hirundo cyaneoviridis Bryant." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VIII, p. 80).
Var. Calichelidon,Callichelodon.


(Cuculidae; ϮWhite-crowned Cuckoo /White-crowned KoelC. leucolophus) Gr. καλια kalia nest; εχθρος ekhthros enemy < εχθω ekhthō to hate; atypical epithet for the parasitic cuckoos, althoughthe White-crowned Cuckoo is only presumed to be so; "Als sowohl mit den Habichts- wie mit den ächten Kuckuken nahe verwandt wird am besten gleich hier zu erwähnen sein der Cuculus leucolophus Müll., den Blyth mit Recht wegen der grössern Breite und Depression seines fast ein wenig an Chasmorhynchus erinnernden, im Allgemeinen jedoch besonders unterwärts flachern Schnabels mit Recht zum Typus einer eigenen Gattung unter dem leider bereits vergebenen Namen Simotes erhob, an dessen Stelle wir zu adoptiren vorschlagen die ausκαλια (Nest) undεχθρος (Feind) gebildete Benennung: Gen. CALIECHTHRUS Nob. —Scheitelkuckuk. Simotes Blyth 1846 (nec Fisch. 1829). 1. C. leucolophus Nob. Cuculus leucolophus Müll. Verh. Nat. Gesch. Nederl. Overz. Bez. Land- & Volkenk. p. 22. not. 1 & p. 233. not. 2. sp. 3.—Gray Cat. Mamm. & B. New-Guin. p. 44.—Simotes albivertex Blyth Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1846. p. 19. 2." (Cabanis & Heine 1862); "Caliechthrus Cabanis and Heine, 1862, Museum Heineanum, IV (1), p. 31. New name for Simotes Blyth, 1846,not of Fischer, 1829 (Mammalia)." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Calliechthrus.

Gr. καλος kalos beautiful; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
Gr. καλλος kallos beauty; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Gr. καλλος kallos beauty < καλοςkalos beautiful; αυχην aukhēn, αυχενοςaukhenos neck, throat.


(Anatidae; syn. Netta Red-crested Pochard N. rufina) Gr. καλλος kallos beauty < καλοςkalos beautiful; khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; "Kolbenente. Callichen *), Br. ... *) Von καλος, schön und χην, Gans, Ente. ... Die rothköpfige Kolbenente. Callichen ruficeps, Br. (Platypus rufinus, Br., Anas rufina, Pall. N.W. 1. Ausg. Taf. 32, 63. 64.)" (C. Brehm 1830); "Callichen Brehm, Isis, 1830, col. 999—type, by monotypy, Callichen ruficeps "Brehm" = Anas rufina Pallas." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 365).


Gr. καλλος kallos beauty < καλοςkalos beautiful; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Callirhynchus (See: Callyrhynchus)

(Thraupidae; syn. Sporophila Parrot-billed Seedeater S. peruviana) Gr. καλλος kallos beauty < καλοςkalos beautiful; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "M. Lesson rapporte un genre nouveau de la tribu des pyrrhulinées, qu'il désigne par le nom de CALLYRHYNCHUS: —bec gros, très-haut, convexe, recourbé, très-comprimé sur les côtés ... Une espèce, le callyrhynchus peruvianus ... Se rencontre à Callao dans le Pérou" (Lesson 1842 (Echo du Monde Savant)); "Genre nouveau. —CALLYRHYNCHUS, Lesson (Pyrrhulinées). Bec gros, très-haut, convexe, recourbé, très-comprimé sur les côtés; mandibule supérieure fortement recourbée,étroite, pointue,à bord taillé en demi-cercle; arête du bec convexe, entourant les plumes du front, bordée de chaque côté d'un sillon d'où la lame cornée latérale s'élève pour se renfler; narines rondes, nues, percées sur le rebord des plumes frontales, couvertes de quelques soies. Mandibule inférieure très-comprimée sur les côtés, renflée au milieu et en dessous, taillée en demi-segment et aiguëà la pointe. ...Callyrhynchus peruvianus, Lesson." (Lesson 1842 (Revue de Zoologie)); "Callyrhynchus (not Callorynchus Gronovius, 1763) Lesson, Rev. Zool., 5, p. 209, "July," 1842—type, by monotypy, Callyrhynchus peruvianus Lesson; idem, Echo du Monde Savant, 9e année, 2nd sém., No. 11, col. 253, August 11, 1842. 3 ... 3 It is quite probable that the account in the "Echo du Monde Savant" has priority, since the July issue of the "Revue de Zoologie," containing, as it does, the minutes of the meeting of the Academy of Sciences held on July 25, must have been published considerably later than indicated by its ostensible date." (Hellmayr, 1938, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. XI, 169); "Callyrhynchus Lesson, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 209. Type, by monotypy, Callyrhynchus peruvianus Lesson." (Paynter in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 133) (see Neorhynchus).
Var. Callirhynchus.


Gr. καλλος kallos beauty < καλοςkalos beautiful; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


(Thraupidae; Ϯ Vermilion Tanager C. coccineus) Gr. καλος kalos beautiful; χαιτη khaitē hair (cf.genus Euchaetes P. Sclater, 1858, tanager); "The generic term "Euchætes," adopted by me for a Tanager (Euchætes coccineus), P. Z. S. 1858, p.73, from J. Verreaux's MS, has, I find, been previously used in entomology by Dejean (Cat. Coléopt. ed. 2, 1834) and by Harris (Cat. Insects Massachusetts, 1841). I therefore proposeto change it to Calochætes. There is only one known species of this genus, C. coccineus, from Ecuador" (P. Sclater 1879); "Calochaetes P. Sclater, 1879, Ibis, (4), 3, p. 388. New name for Euchaetes P. Sclater, 1858, not of Dejean, 1835 (Coleoptera), nor of Harris, 1841 (Lepidoptera)." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Callochaetes.
Synon. Euchaetes.


Gr. καλος kalos beautiful; χρυσεος khruseos golden < χρυσος khrusos gold.

calorhenchus (See: calyorhynchus)
Gr. καλος kalos beautiful; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Gr. καλος kalos beautiful, noble, good; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


(Megalaimidae; syn. Caloramphus MalayBrown Barbet C. hayii) Gr. καλος kalos beautiful, noble, good; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Eine neue Gatt. Calorhynchus stellte Lesson (Rev. zool. 1839. S. 138, 1840. S. 134) auf, miteiner neuen Art, C. sanguinolentus, von Sumatra" (Wagner 1841); "Calorhynchus Wagner, 1841, Archiv für Naturgeschichte, VII (2), p. 98. New name for Caloramphus Lesson, 1839, considered unacceptable." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Calorynchus.


(Charadriidae; syn. Thinornis Hooded Plover T. cucullatus) Gr. καλος kalos beautiful, good; genus Oxyechus Reichenbach, 1853, plover (JG; see Manuscript-names).


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Golden Greenbul C. serinus) Gr. καλυπτος kaluptos covered < καλυπτω kaluptō to conceal; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; “CALYPTOCICHLA 1 nom. nov. Trichites HEINE, Journ. f. Ornith., 1860, p. 139 (type Criniger serinus Verreaux) (nec Lycett 1850). Chars. gen.—Similar to Stelgidillas, but nasal operculum densely feathered quite to anterior margin; bill relatively shorter, higher than broad at anterior edge of nostrils, its height at base about equal to one-third the length of exposed culmen; culmen much more curved; rictal bristles weaker. ... Type.—Criniger serinus VERREAUX. This genus is notable for its closely and completely feathered nasal operculum, in which respect it is differentiated from all its allies. It seems undoubtedly to be most nearly related to Stelgidillas, but is in many respects intermediate between the latter and Andropadus. With other genera, already treated, it scarcely needs comparison. The name Trichites, long ago given to this group by Heine, is preoccupied by Trichites Lycett, for a fossil mollusk, and has therefore been replaced by the name above used. The type is the only species, and should stand as: Calyptocichla serina (Verreaux). ... 1καλυπτος, coöpertus;κιχλη, turdus.”(Oberholser 1905);"Calyptocichla Oberholser, 1905, SmithsonianMiscellaneous Collections, XLVIII, p. 165. New name forTrichites Heine, 1860, not of Lycett, 1850 (Mollusca)." (JAJ 2021).
Synon. Trichites.


(Cacatuidae; Ϯ Red-tailed Black Cockatoo C. banksii) Gr. καλυπτος kaluptos covered < καλυπτω kaluptō to conceal; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "8.º Le genre CALYPTORHYNCHUS, Horsfield, est composé des kakatoës noirs,à bec bombé, de la Nouvelle-Hollande. ... *** A plumage généralement brun ou noir.1 171. KAKATOËS A TÊTE ROUGE: Psittacus galeatus, Lath., Suppl., fig.; Kuhl, Consp. psitt., page 88, spec. 160; Psittacus phœnicocephalus, Mus. paris.; Cacatua galeata, Vieill.174. ... 172. KAKATOËS FUNÉRAIRE: Psittacus funereus, Shaw, Misc., fig. 186; Kuhl, Consp. psitt., page 81, sp. 161; Cacatua Banksii, var., Vieill. ... 173. KAKATOËS DE TEMMINCK: Psittacus Temminckii, Kuhl, Consp. psitt., p. 89, sp. 162; Psittacus Solandri, Temm., Trans. soc. linn., tom. 13, pag. 113. ... 174.KAKATOËS DE BANKS: Psittacus Banksii, Linn.; Kuhl, Consp. psitt., page 90, spec. 163; Temm., Trans. soc. linn., tome 13, page 113; Psittacus magnificus, Shaw, Miscell., pl. 50 (fig. méd.); Lath., Syn., pl. 11; Shaw, Mus. Lever., 4; Cacatua Banksii, Vieill. ... 175. KAKATOËS DE LEACH: Psittacus Leachii, Kuhl, Consp. psitt., page 91, spec. 164, pl. 111; Banksian Cockatoo, var., Phillip, Voy. New-South-Walles [sic],page 267;Psittacus Cookii, Temm., Trans. soc. linn., p. 111. ... 1Il est vraisemblable que les oiseaux compris dans cette petite sub-division, composent le genreCalyptorhynchusde M. Horsfield, et qu'ils sont ainsi nommés d'après la forme très-élargie et bombée de leur bec." (Desmarest 1826);"Genus CALYPTORHYNCHUS*. Rostrum crassum, fortissimum, multo altius quam longus, basi latum; mandibulæ superioris culmine compresso, a basi ascendente, maxime arcuato, apice introrsum inclinante; inferiore brevissima, dilata, fortiter emarginata, apice introrsum inclinante, plumis genarum præcipue tecta ... * Kαλυπτω celo, andῥυγχος rostrum" (Vigors & Horsfield 1827); "Calyptorhynchus "Horsfield" Desmarest, Dict. Sci. Nat., éd. Levrault, 39, 1826, p. 20 [sic= 21], 117. Type, by subsequent designation, C. banksii (Lath.) = Psittacus magnificus Shaw (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 53.)" (Peters, 1937, III, p. 171).
Var. Calyptorrhynchus, Calyptorynchus.
Synon. Banksianus, Cacatoes, Harrisornis.
● (Cacatuidae; quasi-syn. Calyptorhynchus † Glossy Black Cockatoo C. lathami) “Genus Calyptorhynchus, VIG. & HORSF. Cal. Solandri. Australia.” (Selby 1840); “Calyptorhynchus “Vig. & Horsf.” Selby, 1840, Cat. Generic Subgeneric Types Aves, p. 25 (not of Vigors & Horsfield, 1827, i.e. Desmarest, 1826). Type, by monotypy, Calyptorhynchus solandri Selby, 1840, i.e. Psittacus solanderi Temminck, 1821 = Psittacus lathami Temminck, 1807.” (JAJ 2023).


(Thraupidae;Ϯ Large Tree-finch C. psittacula) Gr. καμαρα kamara arch, vault; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "CAMARHYNCHUS (subgenus). CAMARHYNCHUSdiffert a genere Geospiza, rostro debiliore, margine mandibulæ superioris minus indentato; culmine minus elevato in frontem et plus arcuato; lateribus tumidioribus; mandibula inferiore minus in genas tendente. CAMARHYNCHUS PSITTACULA. (Spec. typ.) ... CAMARHYNCHUS CRASSIROSTRIS." (Gould 1837);"Camarhynchus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 5, p. 6, Oct. 3, 1837—type, by orig. desig., Camarhynchus psittacula Gould." (Hellmayr, 1938, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. XI, p. 137) (see Geospiza).
Var. Camarynchus, Camarorhynchus.
Synon. Casmarhynchus.


(Campephagidae; Golden Cuckoo-shrike C. sloetii) Gr. καμπη kampē caterpillar; χαιρω khairō to delight in; despite its name, which reflects its relationship with the cuckoo-shrikes Campephaga, the Golden Cuckoo-shrike feeds mainly on small fruits and insects; "Genus 2. Campochæra, Salvad. 1. C. sloetii (Schl.). Hab. New Guinea. Campephaga aurulenta, Sclater, Pr. Z. S.1873, p. 692, pl. 54. Campephaga Sloetii, Meyer. Sitz. Wiener Akad. 1874, LXX. p. 125. This species is doubtless generically distinct and I therefore adopt Count Salvadori's name. It has a bill like Graucalus, but the tail reminds one of Pericrocotus, being very strongly graduated, so that the distance between the tip of the outer feather and that of the middle one exceeds the tarsus in length." (Sharpe 1878); "Sp. 74. Campochaera sloeti (SCHLEG.) ... Il nuovo genere Campochaera, che ha per tipo la Campephaga sloeti, Schleg., può essere caratterizzato nel modo seguente: Genus novum CAMPOCHAERA generi LALAGI affine, sed rostro ad basin latiore, cauda paullo longiore, rectricibus acutiusculis et coloribus plumarum satis diversum. Rispetto ai colori la C. sloeti ricorda alquanto le specie del gere [sic] Indo-malese Pericrocotus ed anche alcune del genere Africano Campophaga." (Salvadori 1879); "Campochæra Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. xiv. p. 61 [= 67], Feb. 14th, 1879. Type (by original designation): Campephaga sloetii Schlegel" (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, 529); "Campochaera "Salvadori" in Sharpe, 1878, Mitt. K. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3, p. 363. Type, by monotypy, Campephaga sloetii Schlegel." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 195).


(Anatidae; Ϯ Labrador Duck C. labradorius) Gr. καμπτος kamptos flexible < καμπτω kamptō to bend; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; the bill of the Labrador Duck was wide and broadened at the tip, and contained a large number of lamellae. Recent work indicates a close relationship toPolysticta; "Gen. 287. CAMPTORHYNCHUS, Eyton. 391. CAMPTORHYNCHUS LABRADORUS, Eyt. (Anas Labradoria, Gm.) Aud. pl. 332. Northern coast." (Bonaparte 1838); "Camptorhynchus "Eyton" Bonaparte, Geogr. and Comp. List, p. 58, 1838—type, by monotypy, Anas labradoria Gmelin." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 396).
Synon. Camptolaimus, Kamptorhynchus.


(Troglodytidae; Ϯ Thrush-like Wren C. turdinus) Gr. καμπυλος kampulos curved, bent < καμπτω kamptō to bend; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "GENUS I. CAMPYLORHYNCHUS. Turdinus; rostro longiusculo, arcuato, crassiusculo, ad basin latiusculo, versus apicem cylindrico; naribus ovatis, subbasalibus, non obtectis; digito postico reliquis crassiore; alis breviusculis; rictu oris usque ad oculos elongato. SPECIES 1. CAMPYLORHYNCHUS SCOLOPACEUS. ... Habitat in sylvis Rio de Janeiro. SPECIES 2. CAMPYLORHYNCHUS STRIOLATUS. ... Habitat in provincia Bahiae." (von Spix 1824); "Campylorhynchus von Spix, 1824, Avium Species NovaeBrasiliam, I, p. 77. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 25), C. scolopaceus von Spix, 1824 = Opetiorhynchos turdinuszu Wied-Neuwied, 1821." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Kampilorhynchus,Kampilorynchus,Kampylorhynchus,Campilorhynchus, Camplorynchus.
Synon.Buglodytes, Heleodytes, Psalter.

camtschatcae / camtschatchensis / camtschatica / camtschaticus / camtschatkensis

Kamchatka, Siberia.
● ex “Kamtschatka Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Calliope calliope).
● Erroneous TL. "Kamtschatka" (= Princes I. Java); ex “Long-billed Warbler” of Pennant 1785 (syn. Orthotomus sepium) (so identified by Stresemann 1950).


(Phasianidae; Spruce Grouse C. canadensis canace) Gr. καναχεω kanakheō to be noisy, to sing loudly (cf. genus Canace Reichenbach, 1853, grouse; Gr. -ιτης -itēs resembling); "The name which has been used as the generic term for the Spruce partridge and allied species is preoccupied in zoology, for as early as 1838 Canace was applied to a group of dipterous insects by Curtis, while for the birds it was not proposed until 1852. This will necessitate the adoption of Elliot's Dendragapus, if we consider the Dusky Grouse congeneric with the Spruce Partridge. For the subgenus embracing the latter, a substitute for Canace is necessary, and to avoid too great dissimilarity it may be called Canachites* ... *Deriv.,καναχεω, to be noisy. Type, Tetrao canadensis Linn." (Stejneger 1885); "Canachites Stejneger. 1885, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, p. 410. New name for Canace Reichenbach, 1853, not of Curtis, 1838 (Diptera)." (JAJ 2021).
Synon. Canace.

Canchroma (See: Cancroma)

(Ardeidae; syn. Cochlearius Boat-billed Heron C. cochlearius) L. cancroma (contracted < canceroma) cancer < cancer crab; “Cancroma of Linnaeus, from their feeding on crabs” (Pennant 1773); “It has been thought to live on crabs likewise, whence the Linnaean name; but this is not clear, though it cannot be denied; yet we are certain that fish is the most common if not the only food” (Latham 1785);"83. CANCROMA. Rostrum gibbosum: mandibula superiore cymbæ resupinatæ forma." (Linnaeus 1766); "Cancroma Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., 1, p. 233, 1766—type, by monotypy, Cancroma cochlearia Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 238). Linnaeus's Cancroma comprised two species (Cancroma Cochlearia, C. Cancrophaga).
Var. Concroma, Canchroma.


L. canus grey; Med. L. nuchusnape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


(Troglodytidae; Long-billed Wren T. longirostris) L. cantus song < canere to sing; Gr. ορχιλος orkhilos wren; "Wren song has long been the subject of scientific study ... as this group exhibits impressive diversity in such features as song structure, repertoire size, presence of female song, and sex-specific patterns of song use ... Cantorchilus, gen. nov. Type: Thryothorus longirostris (Vieillot). Etymology: cantus, song; orchilos, wren" (Mann et al. 2006); "Cantorchilus Mann, Barker, Graves, Dingess-Mann and Slater, 2006, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 40 (3), p. 750+. Type, by original designation, Thryothorus longirostris Vieillot, 1818." (JAJ 2021).

caparacoch (See: caparoch)

According to Edwards 1747, the Northern Hawk Owl was called Coparacoch by the Cree around Hudson’s Bay; ex “Little Hawk-Owl”of Edwards 1747, and “Caparoch” of de Buffon 1770-1783; "It is an (accidental?) abbreviation of the original 'Caparacoch,' said to be the name of the bird among the natives of the Hudson's Bay Territory, but not even the most furious purist is expected to request its emendation into 'classical' Indian." (Stejneger 1884)(subsp. Surnia ulula).


(Passerellidae;syn. Atlapetes Ϯ Yellow-breasted Brush Finch A. latinuchus) Gr. καρηνον karēnon head < κρανιον kranion head, skull <καρα kara,καρατος karatos head; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion; "c. Carenochrous. 9. BUARREMON LATINUCHUS. ...pileo toto et cervice postica castaneis: lateribus capitis nigris ... 10. BUARREMON RUFINUCHUS. ... pileo et nucha cinnamomeo-rufis ... 11. BUARREMON LEUCOPTERUS. ... pileo ochraceo-rufo ... 12. BUARREMON PALLIDINUCHUS. ... capite nigro: vitta lata a fronte ad nucham antice latiore cinnamomea ... 13. BUARREMON ALBIFRENATUS. ... pileo castaneo ... 14. BUARREMON SCHISTACEUS. ... pileo intense castaneo" (P. Sclater 1856); "Carenochrous Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 24, p. 87, July, 1856—type, by subs. desig. (Sclater, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 11, p. 254, 1886), Buarremon latinuchus Du Bus." (Hellmayr, 1938, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. XI, p. 384).


Dr Leonard Carmichael (1898-1973) US zoologist, psychologist, Vice-President for Research and Exploration, National Geographic Soc. (subsp. Rallicula mayri).

Dr George Carmichael Low (1872-1952) Scottish physician, pioneer in tropical medicine, ornithologist (syn. Sylvia melanocephala).
Carochelinus (See: Sarochalinus)

(Rhinocryptidae; syn. Merulaxis Slaty Bristlefront M. ater) Gr. σαρον saron broom < σαιρω sairō to sweep; χαλινος khalinos bridle; "Gen. Sarochalinus n. gen. (σαρος, Besen; χαλινος, Zügel.) Merulaxis Less. Platyurus Sws. 1837. pt. Malacorhynchus Ménétr. pt. Die Federn zwischen den Nasenlöchern und Augen sind besonders steif und verlängert; wodurch sich die hierher gehörigen Arten, sowie durch verhältnissmässig längeren Schwanz, von Scytalopus unterscheiden. Der Schwanz scheint im vollständigen Zustande aus 14 Federn zu bestehen. 1. S. ater. ... 2. S. rhinolophus. ... Die bräunliche Färbung dieser Art könnte auf einen Jugenzustand der vorhergehenden schliessen lassen, doch sind alle Körperverhältnisse von rhinolophus merklich kleiner und das Colorit ist einfarbig ohne die zickzackförmigen Linien, welche für die jüngern Exemplare vom ater bezeichnend sind." (Cabanis 1847); "Sarochalinus Cabanis, 1847, Archiv für Naturgeschichte, XIII (1), p. 220. Type, by monotypy, Merulaxis ater Lesson, 1830 (S. rhinolophus treated as a juvenile specimen)." (JAJ 2023).
Var. Carochelinus.

carychroa / carychrous

Gr. καρυον karuon walnut; χροα khroa,χροας khroas appearance, colour < χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


Gr. καρυον karuon walnut; χροα khroa,χροας khroas complexion.


(Cotingidae; syn. Procnias Bearded Bellbird P. averano) Gr. χασμα khasma gaping mouth; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "AVERANO (1), Casmarhinchos. (Temm.) - Caract. Bec large, très-déprimé, mou et flexibleà la base, comprimé et cornéà la pointe, fosse nasale très-ample; pointe de la mandibule supérieureéchancrée; les bords de la mandibule inférieure minces, flexibles, seulement la pointe cornée. ... Esp. Ampelis variegata. - Carunculata. - (Araponga Voy. du prince Max. Casmarhinchos nudicollis.) - Procnias melanocephalus.(P. Max.)" (Temminck 1820); "Casmarhinchos Temminck, 1820, Manuel d'Ornithologie, 2nd ed., I, p. LXIII. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 34), P. variegatus (Gm.), i.e. Ampelis variegata Gmelin, 1789 = Ampelis averano Hermann, 1783." (JAJ 2021) (see Casmarhynchos andCasmorhynchus).
Var. Casmarynchos, Casmarhynchus, Casymorhynchus, Chasmarhynchos, Chasmarhynchus,Chasmarynchus,Chasmorhynchos, Chasmorhynchus, Cosmarhynchus.


(Cotingidae; syn. Procnias Bearded Bellbird P. averano carnobarba) Gr. χασμα khasma gaping mouth; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Casmarhynchos TEMMINCK, Nouv. Rec. Pl. Col., livr. 9, pl. 51, 1821—type by monotypy "Casmarhynchos variegatus" = Ampelis carnobarba CUVIER." (Hellmayr, 1929, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VI, p. 237).
Var. Casmarhynchus, Casmorhynchos.


(Thraupidae; syn. Camarhynchus † Small Tree-finch C. parvulus) Gr. χασμα khasma gaping mouth; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; Reichenbach’s 1850, plate LXXVIII, labelled Passerinae: Pyrrhulinae Coccothraustinae, shows an obvious tree-finch, but I identify it as the current small-billed species and not the parrot-billed Large Tree-finch C. psittacula(contra G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 72);“Casmarhynchus Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Systema Naturale, plate LXXVIII (no specific name given). Type, here fixed by subsequent designation, Geospiza parvula Gould, 1837.” (JAJ 27/3/2024).


(Cotingidae; syn. Procnias † Bare-throated Bellbird P. nudicollis) Gr. χασμα khasma gaping mouth; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; “CASMORHYNCHUS, Tem. (fig. 222. a) Size large. Face and throat frequently bare of feathers, covered with a naked skin, or furnished with wattles. Bill very wide at the base; the horny portion very short: under mandible weak, the gonys remarkably short. Nostrils naked, very large, medial between the front and the tip of the bill. First and second quill short, third quill longest. Tail short. C. nudicollis. Pl. Col. 368. 383. (a)” (Swainson 1837); “Casmorhynchus “Tem.” Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 252. Type, by monotypy, Casmorhynchus nudicollis, i.e. Ampelis nudicollis Vieillot, 1817.” (JAJ 2023) (see Casmarhinchos and Casmarhynchos).


L. castaneus chestnut-brown < castanea chestnut < Gr. καστανον kastanon chestnut; Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


(Pycnonotidae; syn. Hemixos † Chestnut Bulbul H. castanonotus) Gr. καστανον kastanon chestnut; χλαμυς khlamus,χλαμυδος khlamudos mantle (JAJ MS; see Manuscript-names).


(Thraupidae; Ϯ Plushcap / Plush-capped FinchC. diadema) Gr. καταμβλυνω katamblunō or καταμβλυοω katambluoō to blunt; ρυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Gen. CATAMBLYRHYNCHUS (bec obtus et comprimé). Car. Gen.Rostrum breve, arcuatum, valde compressum, maxillæ carina supera planulata, utrinque linea impressa marginata, apice obtusa, rotundata. Alæ mediocres, rotundæ, quatuor remigibus externis gradatis, quarta et quinta longissimis. Cauda satis elongata, tectricibus totis gradatis, apice acuminatis, quarum pogonio externo angusto, recto, interno autem dilatato, rotundato. Pedes fortes, pollice præcipue elongato, ungulo valido terminato. La forme pour ainsi dire toute anomale du bec de l'espèce de Fringille type de ce genre, nous a empêché de la placer dans aucun de ceux déjà existants, et nous a forcé d'en créer un nouveau pour elle. Son nom exprime autant que possible cette particularité de forme. Catamblyrhynchus diadema. ... Habitat in Colombia." (de La Fresnaye 1842); "Catamblyrhynchus Lafresnaye, 1842, Rev. Zool. [Paris], 5, p. 301. Type, by monotypy, Catamblyrhynchus diadema Lafresnaye." (Paynter in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 215).
Var. Calamblyrhynchus,Catamblyrhamphus (Gr. ραμφος rhamphos bill).
Synon. Bustamantia.

Catarrachtes (See: Catarrhactes)

Gr. καταρακτης kataraktēs or καταρρακτης katarrhaktēs unknown rapacious seabird (perhaps a large gull or a skua, but certainly not a penguin!)
●(Spheniscidae; syn. EudyptesSouthernRockhopper Penguin E. chrysocome) "CCXCII.e Genre. GORFOU, Catarrhactes, Briss. ... Ce genre ne comprend qu'une espèce, qui s'élance hors de l'eau ... GORFOU SAUTEUR; Catarrhactes chrysocoma, Vieill., Gal. pl. 248; Encycl., pl. 17, fig. 2; Aptenodytes chrysocoma, Gm.; The crested Penguin, Shaw, Misc. t. XI, pl. 437" (Lesson 1831); "Catarrhactes "Briss." Lesson, 1831, Traité d'Ornithologie, p. 644. Type, by monotypy, Catarrhactes chrysocoma Vieill., i.e. Aptenodytes chrysocome J. R. Forster, 1781." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Catarhactes,Catarrachtes.
● (Spheniscidae; syn. Megadyptes † Yellow-eyed Penguin M. antipodes) “GORFOU ANTIPODE (Catarrhactes antipodes). ... Habite les îles Auckland. ... GORFOU D’ADÉLIE (Catarrhactes Adeliæ). ... Habite les glaces de la terre Adélie.” (Hombron & Jacquinot 1841); “Catarrhactes Hombron and Jacquinot, 1841, Annales Sciences Naturelles, sér. 2, XVI, p. 320 (not of Lesson, 1831). Type here fixed by subsequent designation, Catarrhactes antipodes Hombron and Jacquinot, 1841.” (JAJ 18/4/2023).
●(Stercorariidae; syn. Stercorarius Great Skua S. skua) "Catarrhactes. Sturz-Raubmöve, Raben-Raubmöve. skua Brünn. Nördliche Meere. antarctica Lesson. Das südliche stille Meer. Von der vorhergehenden wenig verschieden. Das Gefieder gleichfarbiger braun." (Bruch 1853); "Catarrhactes Bruch, 1853, Journal für Ornithologie, I, p. 108 (not of Lesson, 1831, nor of Hombron and Jacquinot, 1841). Type here fixed by subsequent designation, Catarrhactes skua Bruch, 1853, i.e. Catharacta skua Brünnich, 1764." (JAJ 5/5/2021).

Cenchramus (See: Cynchramus)

●(Emberizidae; syn. Emberiza Reed Bunting E. schoeniclus) L. cychramus unknown migratory bird < Gr. κυχραμος kukhramos, κιχραμος kikhramos or κιγχραμας kinkhramas unknown bird which accompanied the quails on migration, variously conjectured to be a bunting or a crake; "Cynchramus: Em. schoeniclus Lin. u. s. w." (Boie 1826); "Cynchramus Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 974. Type, by virtual monotypy, E. schoeniclus Lin., i.e. Fringilla schoeniclus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Cenchramus, Cynchranus.
●(Emberizidae; quasi-syn.Emberiza Corn Bunting E. calandra) "Gen. 163. CYNCHRAMUS, Nob. (Miliaria, Brehm.) 231. CYNCHRAMUS MILIARIA, Nob. (Emberiza miliaria, L.) Gould, pl. 171)" (Bonaparte 1838); "Cynchramus Bonaparte, 1838, Geogr. Comp. List Birds Europe North America, p. 35 (not of Boie, 1826). New name for Miliaria Brehm, 1831, perhaps to avoid the tautonym Miliaria miliaria, although such a construction did not usually bother Bonaparte." (JAJ 2021).
●(Phasianidae; syn. MeleagrisWild Turkey M. gallopavo) Gr.κεγχραμις kenkhramis trachoma of the eyes <κεγχρος kenkhros speck, stye in the eye; "MELEAGRIS, L. Gallopavo, L. Cynchramus, Mœhr. M. gallopavo, L., Pl. enl. 97." (G. Gray 1840); "Cynchramus "Moehr." G.. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 60 (not of Boie, 1826, nor of Bonaparte, 1838). Type, by original designation, Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021) (see Cenchramus).


(Phasianidae; syn. Meleagris Wild Turkey M. gallopavo) Gr.κεγχραμις kenkhramis trachoma of the eyes <κεγχρος kenkhros speck, stye in the eye; “47. CENCHRAMVS. * Meleagris. LINN. gen. 65., ed. 6. gen. 67. ... Obs. Maris prolobus pluma cirrhosa, curua, exstante præditus; loco calcaris in tibiis uerruca cornea. Caudam saepe in orbem eleuant.” (Moehring, 1752, Avium Genera, p. 51 (pre-Linnaean));“MELEAGRIS, L. Gallopavo, Briss. (1760). Cenchramus, Mœhr. (1752). M. gallopavo, L. Pl. enl. 97.” (G. Gray 1841); "Cenchramus Moehr. (t. c., S. 3 u. 36) ist synonym mit Meleagris Linné (t. c., S 85)" (Poche 1904); "Cenchramus “Moehr.” G. Gray, 1841, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 78. Alternative name for Meleagris Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2023).
Var. Cochramus.

Cenchreis (See: Cenchris)

(Falconidae;syn. Falco Ϯ Common Kestrel F. tinnunculus) L. cenchris, cenchridis kestrel < Gr. κεγχρις kenkhris,κεγχριδος kenkhridos kestrel (cf. "Cenchris 2 "Boje" C. L. BREHM ... 2 This doubtless is a slip for Cerchneis Boie." (Richmond, 1917, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 53, no. 2221, p. 582); "4) der Thurmfalke, Cenchris tinnuncula, Boje ... 4) Der Thurmfalke. Cenchris tinnuncula, Boje. (Falco tinnunculus, Linn.)" (Brehm 1832); “Cenchris “Boie” C. Brehm 1832, Handbuch für den Liebhaber der Stuben-, Haus- und aller der Zähmung werthen Vögel, pp. XVIII, 323. Type, by monotypy, Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus, 1758.” (JAJ 2023).
Var. Cenchreis(Gr.κεγχρηις kenkhrēis,κεγχρηιδος kenkhrēidos kestrel), Eenchris.


L. cenchris, cenchridis kestrel < Gr. κεγχρις kenkhris,κεγχριδος kenkhridos kestrel. In Gr. myth. Cenchris was one of the Pierides, who, having failed to best the Muses in a singing contest, was transformed into a hawk (syn. Falco naumanni, syn. Ictinia plumbea).


Gr. κεγχρις kenkhris,κεγχριδος kenkhridos kestrel; -οιδης -oidēs resembling.
● “The species is closely allied to a group which is noted for the general similarity and the corresponding disposition of its colours; and which includes our Kestril, F. tinnuculus, Linn., the κεγχρις of Aristotle; the newly characterized European species, F. tinnunculoides, Temm. [= F. cenchris = F. naumanni]; the African species, F. rupicolus, Daud.; and some others” (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) (Falco).
● “Astur cenchroides nob.; named for the numerous bars on the tail, of which the last is the widest, as in the kestrel F. cenchris” (Severtzov 1873) (OD and transl. per Laurent Raty 2024)(syn. Tachyspiza badius).


(Alcidae; syn. Cerorhinca † Rhinoceros Auklet C. monocerata) Gr. κερας keras,κερατος keratos horn; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; “Genus 323. CERATORHYNCHA, Nob. (Cerorhynca, Nob.) 461. CERATORHYNCA OCCIDENTALIS, Nob. (Phaleris cerorhynca, Nob.) Aud. pl. 402.” (Bonaparte 1838); “Ceratorhyncha Bonaparte, 1838, Geographical and Comparative List Birds Europe and North America, p. 66. Alternative and more correct name for Cerorhynca, i.e. Cerorhinca Bonaparte, 1828.” (JAJ 2023).
Var. Ceratorhynca.

Ceratorynchus (See: CERORHINCA)

(Alcidae; Ϯ Rhinoceros Auklet C. monocerata) Specific name Phaleris cerorhynca Bonaparte, 1827 (= syn. Cerorhinca monocerata): "Hence we have been induced to apply to it a specific name, which being compounded from the Greek might, with propriety, become generic."; "CERORHINCA. Phaleris, Nob. Suppl. Am. Gen. in Zool. Journ. (29) BILL shorter than the head, much compressed throughout, much longer than high; perfectly smooth, base not much feathered,covered by a callous membrane, surmounted by a long, obtuse, horn-like process, (rising perpendicularly on the base of the bill); both mandibles curved and slightly notched at tip; lower strongly angular beneath, not truncated, acute, from the angle to the base each side inferiorly a very deep, linear, inconspicuous groove; edges sharp, those of the upper mandible much dilated, of the lower remarkably bent in at base: nostrils situated beneath the callous cere, marginal, long; linear, pervious, very apparent, half closed by the membrane; tongue short, slender, depressed, and bifid at tip? Head globular, orbits feathered; eyes small; neck short, stout: body plump.... Well entitled to generic distinction. Not more allied to any other genus of Pygopodes than they are to each other, intermediate between Phaleris and Mormon, but more closely related to the latter by the sheath covering the bill, which differs in form only, and the great depression of that member. 377. CERORHINCA OCCIDENTALIS, Nobis." (Bonaparte 1828); "Cerorhinca Bonaparte, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 2, 1828, p. 427. Type, by monotypy, Cerorhinca occidentalis Bonaparte = Alca monocerata Pallas." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 358).
Var. Cerorhina (Gr. κερας keras, κερως kerōs horn), Ceratorynchus, Cerorhincha, Cerorhyncha, Cerorhynca.
Synon. Ceratorhyncha, Ceratorrhina,Chimerina.
●(Alcidae; syn. Aethia † Least Auklet A. pusilla) “CERORHINCA OCCIDENTALIS.? Pr. of Musignano, Syn. p. 428. sp. 377. I refer to this species of the Prince of Musignano with some doubt. The birds under consideration, of which many specimens were brought home by the expedition, possess the horny process on the ridge of the upper mandible, that forms the distinguishing characteristic of the genus Cerorhinca, and they equally agree with the general description of the species above quoted. They also accord with the description of the flat-billed Auk, or Alca pygmæa of Dr. Latham, who probably refers to the horny process on the upper mandible, when he speaks of the tip of it being “ridged.” This latter bird M. Temminck asserts to be the young of the Phaleris cristatella. ... it is impossible for the home naturalist to come to any conclusion, as to species, upon the mere examination of a skin. Relying, however, upon the known accuracy of the Prince of Musignano, I refer our specimens to his species as above quoted, expressing at the same time the doubts I feel on the subject. Specimens of these birds were brought off from St. Lawrence Island in great abundance” (Vigors 1839); “Cerorhinca Vigors, 1839, Zoology Capt. Beechey’s Voyage in HMS Blossom 1825-1828, p. 33 (not of Bonaparte, 1828). Type, by monotypy, Cerorhinca occidentalis “Bonaparte” Vigors, 1839 = Uria pusilla Pallas, 1811.” (JAJ 2022) (see Ciceronia).

Cercheneipicus (See: Cerchneipicus)

(Picidae; syn. Celeus Ringed Woodpecker C. torquatus tinnunculus) Genus Cerchneis Boie, 1826, kestrel; L. picus woodpecker; "9. CERCHNEIPICUS, Bp. —93. tinnunculus, Wagl. —94. multicolor, Gm. —95. undatus, L. (rufus?Gm.) —96. multifasciatus, Natter. —97. grammicus, Natterer." (Bonaparte 1854); "Cerchneipicus Bonaparte, Ateneo Italiano, 2, 1854, p. 123. (Consp. Vol. Zygodact., p. 9.) Type, by subsequent designation, Picus tinnunculus Wagler. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 93.)" (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 122) (see tinnunculus).
Var. Cercheneipicus.


(Accipitridae; syn. Buteo Common Buzzard B. buteo) Gr. κερχνη kerkhnē falcon, kind of hawk; "Cerchne pennipes, Rough-legged Buzzard. Cerchne Buteo, Buzzard." (F. Morris 1837) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Cerchne F. O. Morris, 1837, The Naturalist (ed. N. Wood), II (9), p. 123. New name for Buteo de Lacépède, 1799." (JAJ 2021) (see Seiren).


(Falconidae; syn. Falco Rock Kestrel F. rupicolus) Gr. κερχνῃς kerkhnēis,κερχνῃδος kerkhnēidos kestrel; "III. Fam. Falconidae Leach. ... Cerchneis: F. rupicola Lichst. u.s.w." (Boie 1826); "Cerchneis Boie, Isis, 19, 1826, col. ['976'=] 970. Type, by monotypy, Falco rupicolus Daudin." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 298).


(Picidae; syn. Celeus Ringed Woodpecker C. torquatus tinnunculus) Genus Cerchneis Boie, 1826, kestrel; Gr. πιπω pipō woodpecker; "Tr. 29a. 39. Cerchneipicus Bp. corr. Cerchneopipo (tinnunc.)" (Sundevall 1866); "Cerchneopipo nob. Cap. Pic. p. 116 (tinnunculus); sp. 230-1." (Sundevall, 1873, Methodi Naturalis Avium Dispon. Tentamen, pt. II, p. 73); "Cerchneopipo Sundevall, 1866, Conspectus Avium Picinarum, p. 116 (Synopsis). New name for Cerchneipicus Bonaparte, 1854, considered grammatically incorrect because of its Latin termination." (JAJ 2021).


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Black Scrub Robin C. podobe) Gr. κερκος kerkos tail; τριχας trikhas,τριχαδος trikhados thrush; alluding to the long, expressive tail of the Black Scrub Robin;"Cercotrichas. Unter diesen Namen vereinige ich Turdus phoenicopterus Tem. T. erythropterus, T. macrourus Lath. T. tricolor Vieill. Afr. pl. 14. Sax. leucampter Museum Berl." (Boie 1831); "Cercotrichas Boie, 1831, Isis, p. 542. Type, by subsequent designation (Finsch and Hartlaub, 1870, Vög. Ost.-Afr., p. 249), Turdus erythropterus Gmelin = Turdus podobe Müller." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 27).
Synon. Aedon, Agrobates,Erythropygia, Karoocichla, Podobeus, Salsolicola.
● (Muscicapidae; syn. Copsychus White-rumped Shama C. malabaricus tricolor) “Cercotrichas, pt., Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 542. Kittacincla, Gould, P. Z. S.1836, p. 7 . . . .Type. C. tricolor.” (Sharpe 1883); “Cercotrichas “Boie” Sharpe, 1883, Cat. Birds British Museum, VII, p. 84. Inferred type, by original designation, C. tricolor, i.e. Turdus tricolor Vieillot, 1818.” (JAJ 8/9/2024).
Cercotrichas phœniceus of Jerdon, 1862, Birds India, I, p. 418, is a lapsus for Campephaga phoenicea.


(Cuculidae; ϮBlue Malkoha / Chattering YellowbillC. aereus flavirostris) Gr. κευθμος keuthmos hiding place < κευθω keuthō to hide; χαιρω khairō to rejoice; "Gen. CEUTHMOCHARES*) Nob. —Erzkuckuk. Zanclostomus Bp. 1854 (nec Sws. 1837). 47.—1. C. aereus Nob. Coucou gris-broncé Temm. Cat. Syst. p. 207.— Levaill. Ois. Afr. V. p. 43. t. 215.— Sundev. Krit. Framst. p. 48.—Cuculus aereus Vieill. Nouv. Dict. VIII. p. 229.— Id. Enc. Méth. III. p. 1333. 15.— Cuculus aeratus Steph. Gen. Z. XIV. 1. p. 210. 18.—Zanclostomus flavirostris Sws. B. W. Afr. II. p. 183. t. 19.— Fras. Proc. Z. Soc. 1843. p. 51.— Gray Gen. B. II. p. 460. 2.— Bp. Consp. I. p. 98. gen. 232. 1.— Hartl. Journ. Orn. 1854. p. 201. 435.— Verr. Rev. & Mag. Z. 1855. p. 176.— Cuculus (Zanclostomus) flavirostris Sundev. Oefvers. Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Förhandl. 1849. p. 162. 21.— Zanclostomus aereus Hartl. Journ. Orn. 1854. p. 201. 434.— Id. Orn. Westafr. p. 187. 552.— Cassin Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1859. p. 142. 185.— Hartl. Orn. Faun. Madag. p. 63.— Zanclostomus aeneus Gurney Ibis 1859. p. 248. 45. ... *) Bonaparte hat (Consp. Vol. Zygod. p. 5. gen. 15) den Zanclostomus flavirostris Sws. mit Beibehaltung des ursprünglichen Namens generisch von seinen indischen Verwandten abgesondert und für diese die gloger'sche Benennung Melias hervorgesucht, welche uns nur als reines Synonym zu den von jenem aus sprachlichen Gründen beanstandetenPhoenicophaus Vieill. gelten kann. Wir stimmen allerdings mit ihm darin überein, dass diese beiden schon von der Natur geographisch streng geschiedenen Gruppen auch im System generisch getrennt zu werden verdienen, betrachten aber als Typus der Gattung Zanclostomus den vonSwainson selbst (Classif. B. p. 323. fig. 284d & e) bei Begründung derselben angegebenen und abgebildeten Phoenicophaus javanicus Horsf. und ziehen desshalb für den Erzkuckuk, der nach Ayres' Beobachtungen in Port Natal "frequents the dense bush, where it creeps about like the Colies", den ausκευθμος (dichtes, verbergendes Gebüsch) undχαιρω (sich erfreuen) zusammengesetzten Gattungsnamen Ceuthmochares vor. — Hartlaub unterschied früher eine südliche grünlich- und eine westliche bläulich-glänzende Rasse des Erzkuckuks als Z. aereus und Z. flavirostris" (Cabanis & Heine 1862); "Ceuthmochares Cabanis and Heine, 1862, Museum Heineanum, IV (I), p. 60. New name for Zanclostomus Bonaparte, 1854, not of Swainson, 1837." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Ceuthmocharis, Ceuthmocheres, Ceutmochares.
Synon. Leptourus.

chabarovi / chabarowi

Yerofey Pavlovich KhabarofBoyar of Ilyimsk (b. 1603) Russian adventurer, merchant, explorer in Siberia 1625-1641 and Amuria 1649-1653 (subsp. Chloris sinica).


Statius Müller’s 1776, attempt at latinizing the French name “Tcha-chert” given to the Chabert Vanga by de Buffon 1770-1783 (probably based on a Malagasy native name (e.g. Langrand 1990, records the name Tsa-tsak for this vanga) (“schet-bé ... tcha chert bé ... noms qu’ils portent dans leur pays natal et qu’il est bon de leur conserver” (Levaillant 1799))). Name frequently erroneously treated as an eponym (i.e. Chabert’s Vanga) (Leptopterus).


Jacques Fernand de Rohan-Chabot Comte de Jarnac (1889-1958) French leader of Mission Rohan-Chabot to Angola and Rhodesia 1912-1914 (syn. Myrmecocichla tholloni).


Doubtless an Aztec/Nahuatl autochthonym for a game-bird (i.e. “Chachalacametl” of Hernandez 1651); ex “Chacamel” of de Buffon 1770-1783; "Le chacamel, Buff. (Crax vociferans) fondé sur une indication vague de Fernandès, au chap. XLI, n'a rien d'assez authentique. Sonnini croit même que se pourraitêtre le falco vulturinus." (Cuvier 1816)(unident.; ?Ortalis sp.).

Chachapoyas, Amazonas, northern Peru.
Chaco region of Paraguay and Argentina.

(Phasianidae;syn. Alectoris Ϯ Chukar Partridge A. chukar) Hindi name Chukor for the Chukar Partridge (cf. Chamba name Chakru for the Chukar Partridge); "I am tempted to add to the above generic definitions, another calculated for our Hill Chikore, the Perdix Chukor of Hardwicke, but which differs materially from the type both of Perdix and of Francolinus. It has a bill stronger than either, and, with the nares, extremely resembling those of our Lerwa; but the bill is more compressed; and the Chukora is distinguished by a strength of legs far surpassing any bird of the family. It has some other peculiarities which the following character may perhaps serve to pourtray, as a new generic or sub-generic type. ... If the above distinctions appear worthy of notice, the genus or sub-genus may be called Chacura; and the typic species Chacura pugnax. ... Has a very sonorous call, and the males are famous for courage and pugnacity, being most easily tamed and shewing none of the shyness of the generality of partridges." (Hodgson 1837); "Chacura Hodgson, 1837, Madras Journ. Lit. Sci., V (15), p. 305. Type, by original designation, Chacura pugnax Hodgson, 1837 = Perdix chukar J. Gray, 1830." (JAJ 2021).


Güaraní onomatopoeia Chakurú for the White-eared Puffbird; "NÚM. CCLXI. DEL CHACURU. Le llamaria Cabezon, por su abultada cabeza, si no me asegurasen, que los Guaranís le llaman Chacurú por su voz. Algunos le dan el nombre de Ipecú ó Carpintero, aunque no lo es" (de Azara 1805)(Nystalus).


Egyptian Arabic name Khuddiir for the African Green Bee-eater; "MEROPSÆGYPTIUS ... Arab. Chaddæjr." (Forsskål 1775)(syn. Merops viridissimus cleopatra).

Lake Chad, Nigeria/Tchad.

(Meropidae; syn. Merops †?) Doubtless based on a vernacular name or that of a non-Linnaean author, as yet unidentified (see chaddaejr); "2. Sous-famille. MEROPIA. Les Méropiens. Bec allongé et grêle. G. 4. Merops L. 5. Phlorus R. sp. do. 6. Chadirus R. sp. do. 7. Patricus R. sp. do. 8. Ceratops R. sp. do. 8. Dicreadium R. sp. do." (Rafinesque, 1815, Analyse de la Nature, p. 66).

Chaemapelia (See: Chamaepelia)

Gr. χαμαι khamai on the ground; πελεια peleia dove.
● (Columbidae; syn. Columbina Common Ground Dove C. passerina) "CHÆMEPELIA. ... Types. Columbæ passerina, Linn., squamosa, Temm. This group is nearly allied to the last [Peristera], both in structure and economy. The first quill feather is unusually broad and entire; and there is a narrow row of small feathers down the sides of the tarsi" (Swainson 1827); "Swainson's name was originally spelled Chaemepelia and had been unofficially altered to Chamaepelia by most authors prior to the appearance of Opinion 61 of the Int. Comm. Zool. Nomencl., sanctioning such emendation." (Peters, 1937, III, 105); "Chaemepelia [rectius Chamaepelia]3Swainson, Zool. Journ., 3, No. 11, p. 361, Dec., 1827—type, by subs. desig. (Gray, List Gen. Subgen. Bds., 2nd ed., p. 75, 1841), Columba passerina Linnaeus ... 3This generic name has been variously changed and emended by subsequent authors [see Var. below]." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1942, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (1), p. 513).
Var. Camaepelia, Chamaepeleia, Chamaeopelia, Chamoepelia, Chamaepelea, Chaemapelia, Chaemepelia, Chaemepella, Choemepelia, Chamapelia, Chamepelia, Chamaepella,Chamaepilea, Chaemepilia, Choepelia.
● (Columbidae; quasi-syn. Columbina † Ruddy Ground Dove C. talpacoti) “Chæmepelia, Sw. Wings short, rounded; the four first quills nearly equal, and not much longer than the tertials; the feathers very broad. Tail moderate, rounded. A line of feathers on the tarsus. America. C. cinnamomina. Spix, ii. 75. a. f. 1.” (Swainson 1837) (see above); “Chaemepelia Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 349. Type, by monotypy, Chamaepelia cinnamomina “Spix” Swainson, 1837 = Columba talpacoti Temminck, 1810.” (JAJ 2023).

Chaemarrhornis (See: Chaimarrornis)

(Muscicapidae;syn. PhoenicurusϮ White-capped Redstart P. leucocephalus) Gr. χειμαρρος kheimarrhos torrent; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; "Keeps singly or in pairs, perching on boulders amidst torrents or rocky banks" (Ali & Ripley,9, 1973); "Luscinidæ. ... Phænicura? leucocephala, (g. Chaimarrornis) [drawing no.] 297." (Hodgson 1844); "Chaimarrornis Hodgson, 1844, in Gray, Zool. Misc., p. 82. Type, by monotypy, Phoenicura leucocephala Vigors." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 132).
Var. Chaemarrornis, Chaemarrhornis,Chaemorrhornis, Chaemorrhous, Chaemorrhoas,Choemorrhous, Chaemorhous, Choemarrhornis, Chaemorrornis.


(Cacatuidae;syn. Probosciger Ϯ Palm Cockatoo P. aterrimus) Gr. χαινω khainō to yawn, to gape open; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "RODZAY I. ZIEWACZ. CHAENEIRHYNCHUS. Oiseau-à-trompe, albo Ara-à-trompe. Fran. Gähnschnabel. Niem. ... n.p. Psittacus aterrimus. GL." (Jarocki 1821); "Chæneirhynchus Jarocki, Zoologiia, vol. ii. p. 17, 1821. Type (by monotypy): Psittacus aterrimus Gmelin." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, 308).


(Ciconiidae; syn. Anastomus Asian Openbill Stork A. oscitans) This name, listed by Waterhouse, 1889, Index Generum Avium, p. 37, as if from Dumont, 1817, Dict. Sci. Nat., VIII, p. 51, is not generic but a singular vernacular term for this stork (Gr. χαινω khainō to yawn, to gape; ῥαμφη rhamphē bill); "CHÆNORAMPHE. (Ornith.) L'oiseau pour la description duquel on a renvoyé à ce mot, page 186 du tome IV de ce Dictionnaire, est celui que Buffon a désigné sous le nom de bec-ouvert, et dont le caractère distinctif est d'avoir les deux mandibules excavées dans leur milieu, où elles laissent un vide, le bec était fermé" (Dumont 1817) (JAJ 2023)(see Chenoramphus).
Var. Chaenorhamphus.

Chaeomyias (See: Phaeomyias)

(Tyrannidae; syn. NesotriccusϮNorthernMouse-coloured Tyrannulet P. murinusincomtus) Gr. φαιος phaios dusky, brown; Mod. L. myias flycatcher < Gr. μυια muia,μυιας muias fly; πιαζω piazō to seize; "Phaeomyias* incomta Cab. ...*Berlepsch having inspected the specimen of "Myiopatis incanescens" in the Museum Heineanum, has satisfied himself that it is = Ornithion cinerascens (Wied), olim O. imberbe Scl. The other species enumerated by Cabanis & Heine, - viz. M. obsoleta and M. pusilla - also belong to the genus Ornithion Hartl., of which Myiopatis Cab. & Heine thus becomes a synonym. Therefore Myiopatis cannot be used for Ph. incomta and allies, for which Berlepsch proposes the new appellation Phaeomyias (φαιος = fuscus,μυιας = nomen propr.) with the species: 1. Ph. incomta (Cab. & Heine); 2. M. wagae (Tacz.); 3. M. tumbezana (Tacs.)" (von Berlepsch 1902); "Phaeomyias Berlepsch, 1902, Novit. Zool., 9, p. 41. Type, by subsequent designation (Chubb, 1921, Birds British Guiana, 2, p. 177), "P. incompta" [= Elainea incomta] Cabanis and Heine." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 16). If, as recently indicated, the various forms of N. murinusare treated as separate species, I suggest the group are called Mouse Tyrantsto reflect their small size and drab colouration (not an uncommon combination in the Tyrannidae!) (see Nesotriccus).
Var. Chaeomyias.

Chaera (See: Chera)

(Ploceidae;syn.EuplectesϮ Long-tailed Widowbird E. progne) Gr. χηρα khēra widow (i.e. in mourning, black); "CHERA. Characters in common with Vidua; but the Wings long ... Tail and its coverts much lengthened, compressed, and arched. ... C. Progne (Bodd.) Pl. enl. 635. - Loxia caffra Gmel.; Emberiza longicauda Gmel. Mill. Icon. t. iii. A., Vieill. Ois. Chant. t. 39, 40.; Vidua phœnicoptera Swains." (G. Gray 1847); "Chera G. Gray, 1847, The Genera of Birds, II, p. 355 (not of Hübner, 1816 (Lepidoptera)). Type, by monotypy, Emberiza progne Boddaert, 1783." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Chaera.


(Laniidae; syn. Eurocephalus Southern White-crowned Shrike E. anguitimens) Gr. χαιτη khaitē hair; βλημα blēma coverlet (cf. βλεμμα blemma eyesight); "The Lanianæ, or true shrikes, will complete the circle of this family. The precise passage between this and the last seems to be effected by a remarkable bird, discovered in South Africa by Mr. Buschell [sic]; it forms our genus Chætoblemma, and is the only short-billed shrike which has the frontal feathers stiff, and directed forward upon the base of the bill: in this respect, and in its long wings, it presents a curious analogy to Prionops among the bush-shrikes. ... CHÆTOBLEMMA, Sw. (fig. 201.) Bill short; the tip merely curved, and the tooth obsolete. Front defended by thick-set bristly feathers, directed forwards. Wings lengthened; the third quill the longest. Feet short, robust. Middle and hinder toe of the same length; lateral toes free, nearly equal. The fissirostral? type. Analogous to Tephrodornis. L. leucocephala. Sw. Part. 3. No. 5." (Swainson 1837); "Chaetoblemma Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, pp. 10, 219. Type, by monotypy, Lanius leucocephala Swainson, 1837 = Eurocephalus anguitimens A. Smith, 1836." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chatoblemma.


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Rufous-shafted Woodstar C. jourdainii) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long flowing hair; κερκος kerkos tail; "queue composée de huit plumesà baguettes très-resistantes, relevées de bas en haut ... les deux plumes extérieures de la queue se terminant en pointe très-aiguë et de moitié plus courte que les précédentes" (Bourcier 1839); "349. CHÆTOCERCUS, G. R. Gr. 1853. (Trochilus Jourdani, Bourc.)" (G. Gray 1855); "Chætocercus G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 22. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Trochilus (i.e. Ornismya) jourdanii Bourcier." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 140).
Synon. Acestrura, Osalia, Polymnia, Polyxemus.


(Chaetopidae; Ϯ Cape Rockjumper C. frenatus) Gr. χαιτη khaitē hair; ωψ ōps,ωποςōpos face (cf. “= bristle eye, referring to presence of eyelashes” (Hockeyet al. 2005)); “15. Genus, CHAËTOPS. Bill moderate, thrush-like, notched; nostrils basal, large, naked, membranaceous; the aperture lateral, linear.Frontal feathers rigid, the shafts composed of bristles; chin feathers the same, but weaker. Rictus bristled. Wings very short, rounded. Tail rather lengthened, broad, convex, soft, the middle feathers even, the two lateral pairs graduated. Tarsi very long, strong; anterior scales divided; lateral toes unequal. Claws small, obtuse, and slightly curved; the three anterior of equal size. Type—Ch. Burchelli ...OBS.—I have given the full characters of this and the next genus [Pellorneum] on account of their extreme rarity. Chaëtops was discovered by Mr. Burchell in southern Africa.” (Swainson 1832); "Chaëtops Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., (1831), p. 486. Type, by original designation, Ch.(aëtops) Burchelli Swainson = Malurus frenatus Temminck." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 28).


(Mohoidae; Ϯ Kioea C. angustipluma) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long hair; πτιλον ptilon feather; "plumage of the head, neck, and breast, with the webs of the feathers composed of few filaments, and presenting an open or skeleton-like texture; many feathers of the throat terminated with bristles ... This structure of the feathers gives to the plumage of the parts mentioned, a somewhat hairy appearance" (Cassin 1858); "Mr. Dole gives us a list of upwards of 20 supposed Hawaiian species of this order ... Beginning with the "Meliphagidae," he enumerates four species of Moho, or, as I should prefer to call it more classically, Mohoa. Three of them are undoubtedly good species of the genus, which is one of the most characteristic forms of the Hawaiian Avifauna—namely, M. nobilis (Merrem), M. braccata (Cassin), and M. apicalis Gould. But I am very doubtful whether the Entomyza angustipluma of Cassin can be properly referred to this genus, and in my MS. have proposed for it the new generic term Chætoptila†. I have examined the typical specimen of this bird, which was in Mr. Cassin's hands when I was at Philadelphia in 1856. ... † χαιτη, coma; etπτιλον, pluma." (P. Sclater 1871); "Chaetoptila P.Sclater, 1871, Ibis, p. 358. Type, by monotypy,Entomiza angustipluma Peale, 1848." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Chaetophila.


(Phasianidae; syn. Pternistis Double-spurred Francolin P. bicalcaratus) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long flowing hair; ωψ ōps,ωποςōpos face (cf. πους pous, ποδοςpodos foot); "Chætopus, Sw. Francolin. Frontal feathers divided in front by the base of the bill. Tarsus generally armed with spurs in the male: posterior tarsal scales, small, hexagonal, much smaller than those in front. Inner toe equal, or nearly so, to the outer. Claws compressed. Tail very short, often nearly hidden by the covers. Chiefly Tropical Asia and Africa. C. Adansonii. West. Af. ii. Pondicerianus. Pl. C. 213. Vaillantii. Pl. Col. 477." (Swainson 1837); "Chaetopus Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 344. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 106), Chaetopus adansonii Swainson, 1837 = Perdix adansonii Temminck, 1815 = Tetrao bicalcaratus Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chaetops, Choetopus.


(Muscicapidae; syn. Niltava † Rufous-bellied Niltava N. sundara) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long flowing hair; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos nostrils; “Chætorhis (Chaitaris!) Hdgs .. 1841 (Niltava! sundara! Hdgs. Ind. Rev. 1837, 650; Jerd. Ind. I, 473.” (Sundevall 1872); “Chaetorhis Sundevall, 1872, Methodi Naturalis Avium Disponendarum Tentamen, p. 25. New grammatically correct name for Chaitaris Hodgson, 1841, considered barbarous together with Hodgson’s specific coinings, all given the exclamation marks of disapproval.” (JAJ 2023).


(Rhipiduridae; Ϯ Drongo Fantail C. papuensis) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long hair; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Rictal bristles very long, projecting beyond the tip of the bill." (Vaurie 1949); "Chaetorhynchus n. g. ... Nasenlöcher seitlich, rund und zum Theil von den Nasenfedern, ganz von den Borsten überdeckt. Borsten an der Schnabelbasis sehr stark und lang, länger als der Schnabel. ... Diese neue Gattung schliesst sich der Gattung Dicrurus an, unterscheidet sich jedoch von ihr durch den Schnabelbau, welcher ein ausgesprochen Lanius-artiger ist, durch die sehr bedeutende Länge der Schnabelborsten und durch die Form des nicht gabeligen Schwanzes. Chaetorhynchus papuensis n. sp." (Meyer 1874); "Chaetorhynchus Meyer, 1874, Sitzungsb. K. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss. Kl., 69 (1), p. 493. Type, by monotypy, Chaetorhynchus papuensis Meyer," (Vaurie in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 137). The Drongo Fantail is here treated as a distinctive bird allied to Lamproliaand Rhipidura, but, because of its disputed relationships in the past, it has been variously known as Pygmy Drongo, Bristle Monarch, Bristled Fantail,or Papuan Silktail. It may warrant separation in a monogeneric family (Chaetorhynchidae), or inclusion, with Lamprolia and Eutrichomyias, in Lamproliidae.


(Locustellidae; syn. SchoenicolaϮ Bristled GrassbirdS. striatus) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long hair; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; "Characterized by having unfeathered lores with five very strong rictal bristles arranged in a vertical row in front of the eye ... These five bristles are set in a loose moveable flap of skin so that they move backwards and forwards as on a hinge. When pressed back they cover the eyes completely with a grating and afford adequate protection to them while the bird is moving through heavy rough-edged grass" (Ali & Ripley,8, 1973); "CHÆTORNIS. Bill moderate and strong, with the culmen arched, and the sides much compressed to the tip, which is slightly emarginated; the gonys short and ascending;the gape furnished with four or five strong bristles; the nostrils basal, and placed in a membranous groove, which is partly clothed with plumes, with the opening oval and exposed.Wings rather short, and rounded; with the first quill half the length of the third; the second nearly as long as the three next, which are equal and longest.Tail lengthened, broad, and rounded.Tarsi rather shorter than the middle toe, strong, and covered with an almost entire scale in front.Toes lengthened and slender; the outer toe shorter than the inner, and slightly united at the base;the hind toe long, strong, and armed with a long, nearly straight, and acute claw. The species that compose this genus are found in India. 1. C. striata (Jerd.) Madr. Journ. Lit. & Sci. 1841. p. 198. —Dasyornis locustelloïdes Blyth. |2. C. collurioceps(Blyth), Journ. A. S. B. 1842. p. 603." (G. R. Gray 1848);"Chaetornis G. R. Gray, 1848, Gen. Birds, 1, p. [167], pl. 48, fig. 9 [head]. Type, by original designation, Megalurus? striatus Jerdon." (Watson in Peters, XI, p. 48).


(Apodidae; Ϯ Chimney Swift C. pelagica) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long flowing hair; ουρα oura tail; "GENUS XLI.—CHÆTURA mihi. Beak with the lower mandible straight at the tip. Wings very long. Tail very short; its feathers subulated and acute at the tip. HIRUNDO Auctorum.—CYPSELUS, pars. Temm. Sp. 1. Ch. pelasgia. Hirundo pelasgia. Steph. v. x. 128.—North America. Sp. 2. Ch. Martinicana. Hirunda acuta. Steph. v. x. 131. pl. 15.—West Indies. Sp. 3. Ch. pacifica. Hirundo pacifica. Steph. v. x. 132.—New Holland. Sp. 4. Ch. australis. Hirundo caudacuta. Steph. v. x. 133.—New South Wales. Sp. 5. Ch. fusca. Hirundo fusca. Steph. v. x. 133.——? Sp. 6. Ch. collaris. ... INHABITS Brazil." (Stephens 1826); "Chætura Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., 13, pt. 2, 1826, p. 76. Type, by subsequent designation, Chaetura pelasgia Stevens [sic] = Hirundo pelagica Linné. (Swainson, Zool. Illustr. (2), 1, 1829, text to pl. 42.)" (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 235).
Var. Chatura, Chaturae.
Synon. Acanthura, Acanthylis, Acanthyllis, Pelasgia, Uranteris.
● (Apodidae; syn. Hirundapus † White-throated Needletail H. caudacutus) “Chætura, Stevens [sic]. (fig. 292. b) Feet as in the last [Macropteryx], but the tarsus longer than the middle toe. Tail short, even; the shafts prolonged into acute points. C. macroptera. Zool. Ill. ii. pl. 42.” (Swainson 1837); “Chaetura “Stevens” Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 340 (not of Stephens, 1826). Type, by monotypy, Chaetura macroptera Swainson, 1829 = Hirundo caudacuta Latham, 1801.” (JAJ 2023).


(Apodidae;syn. Cypseloides Ϯ Chestnut-collared Swift C. rutilus) Dim. < genus Chaetura Stephens, 1826, swift; "The two species with rufous collared males and spine-tipped tails differ appreciably from Cypseloides in the length of the tail, and I separate these as a new genus CHÆTURELLUS, naming Hirundo rutula Vieillot as type Chæturellus rutilus. Previous to Hartert's reference of these to Cypseloides they had been classed in Chætura, and this indicates the nature of the tail. It is quite intermediate between the two genera, while the coloration is unique." (Mathews 1918); "Chaeturellus Mathews, 1918, Birds of Australia, VII (3), p. 267. Type, by original designation, Hirundo rutula, i.e. Hirundo rutila Vieillot, 1817." (JAJ 2021).


(Charadriidae; syn. Vanellus † Sociable Plover V. gregarius) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long flowing hair; “*Chaetusia — (V. Chetusia Bonap.) Aves.” (Agassiz, 1846, Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis, p. 219); "Genus Chaetusia [Chettusia (!)] Bp. 1839." (Heine and Reichenow, 1890, Nomencl. Musei Heineani Ornith., p. 334). New name for Chettusia Bonaparte, 1841, considered barbarous. The authors were clearly unaware of the etymology of Bonaparte's generic name (although they would have probably treated its vernacular root as even more barbarous!)" (JAJ 2020).
Var. Choetusia.

Chagwe Province (= Chagwi), Uganda.
Chaiatris (See: Chaitaris)

(Muscicapidae; syn. Niltava Rufous-bellied Niltava N. sundara) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long flowing hair; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos nostrils; "19-20. Saxicolinæ? Chaitaris (χαιτη etρις) Miltava [sic] Dimorpha (δι etμορφη) Siphia India Review, March 1837." (Hodgson 1841); "Chaitaris Hodgson, 1841, Journal Asiatic Soc. Bengal, X (1), (no. 109), p. 29. Classical replacement name for Niltava Hodgson, a local substantive name considered inappropriate by some." (JAJ 2020) (seeAlcopus and Chaetorhis).
Var. Chaiatris,Chaitairis.


(Anatidae; syn. Chenonetta † Maned Duck / Australian Wood Duck C. jubata) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long flowing hair; νησσα nēssa duck; “Bernicla STEPHENS. Der australische, hierher gestellte Vogel sollte einen neuen Gattungsnamen erhalten, da er mit wahren Bernakelgänsen weder im Bau noch in der Lebensweise übereinstimmt. — Ich schlage vor: “Chaitenessa.” R. 541. B. jubata GOULD VII. 3.—unsre Nr. 315, Abb. t. LVII. 944—45 CCLXXXVI. 2352—53.” (Reichenbach 1849); “Chaitenessa Reichenbach, 1849, Vögel Neuhollands, p. 343 (Uebersicht). Type, by monotypy, B. jubata Gould, i.e. Anas jubata Latham, 1801.” (JAJ 14/9/2023).


(Anhimidae; syn. Chauna Southern Screamer C. torquata) Güaraní names Chaghâ or Chahâ for the Southern Screamer; "Chaja; haut voll Luftzellen (wie Chauna), ohne ein Stirnhorn, aufm. hinterkopf Federbusch, Kopf ganz befiedert ... 1. Art. Chaja torquata ... Geschrei sehr laut, wie Name." (Oken 1816); "Chaja Oken, Lehrb. Naturg., 3, (2), p. "939" (= 639), 1816—type, by monotypy, Chaja torquata Oken." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 280).

Chaké, an Amerindian people of northern Colombia and western Venezuela.
Krong Chaktomuk "City of Four Faces," an old Khmer name for Phnom Penh, capital city of Cambodia.

Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; αυχενιοςaukhenios of the neck < αυχην aukhēn,αυχενος aukhenos neck.
ex “Paloma parda tapadas roxas” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 320 (syn.Leptotila verreauxi chlorauchenia).

chalcea / chalceus

Gr. χαλκεος khalkeos brazen, bronze < χαλκος khalkos copper.


Gr.χαλκις khalkis,χαλκιδος khalkidos rapacious but unidentified night bird (syn. Accipiter badius).


Gr. χαλκιτης khalkitēs containing copper, coppery < χαλκοςkhalkos copper.


(Cuculidae; Ϯ Shining Bronze Cuckoo C. lucidus plagosus) Specific name Cuculus chalcitesTemminck, 1821; "6.e Race. Les CHALCITES;Chalcites. Bec court, mince, grêle; narines ouvertes, arrondies, basales; tarses emplumés jusqu'à moitié, courts, scutellés; les ailes s'entendant jusqu'à la moitié de la queue, qui est arrondie; les plumes métallisées en cuivre doré. 15. COUCOU DIDRIC; Cuculus auratus, Gm. ... 16. COUCOU DE KLAAS; Cuculus Klasii, Cuv. ... 17. COUCOUÉCLATANT; Cuculus lucidus, Lath. ... 18. COUCOU CHALCITE; Cuculus chalcites, Illig. Temm., pl. col., 102, fig. 2 (femelle). ... 19. COUCOU CUIVRÉ; Cuculus cupræus, Lath." (Lesson 1830); "Chalcites Lesson, Traité d'Orn., livr. 2, 1830, p. 152. Type, by tautonymy, Cuculus chalcites Illiger, i.e. Lichtenstein, 1818 (Temminck, Pl. col., livr. 17, 1821, pl. 102, f. 2) = Cuculus plagosus Latham." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 30).
Var. Chalcides.
Synon. Chalcococcyx, Heterococcyx, Lamprococcys, Lampromorpha, Misocalius, Neochalcites, Owenavis,Thelazomenus.
●(Cuculidae; quasi-syn. Chalcites † Black-eared Cuckoo C. osculans) "44. CHALCITES, Less. — 195. osculans, Gould. (palliolatus?Lath.) — 196. basalis, Horsf. (chalcites, Ill.) — 197. lucidus, Gm. (metallicus, Gould.) ... 46. LAMPROMORPHA, Vig. — 203. plagosus, Lath. (metallicus, Vieill." (Bonaparte 1854); "Chalcites "Less." Bonaparte, 1854, Conspectus Volucrum Zygodactylorum, p. 7 (not of Lesson, 1830). Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 96), Chalcites osculans Gould, 1847." (JAJ 2021) (see Misocalius).


(Alcedinidae; syn. Chloroceryle † Amazon Kingfisher C. amazona) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze, copper; genus Chloroceryle Kaup, 1848, kingfisher (JG; see Manuscript-names).


(Cuculidae;syn. Chalcites Ϯ Violet Cuckoo C. xanthorhynchus) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze, copper; κοκκυξ kokkux,κοκκυγος kokkugos cuckoo; "Gen. CHALCOCOCCYX *) nov. gen. —Amethyst-Kuckuk. 12.—1. C. xanthorhynchus Nob. Cuculus xanthorhynchus Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. XIII. p. 179. 7.— Id. Z. Research. Jav. t. 59.— Blyth Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 1842. p. 919. 15.— Müll. Verh. Nat. Gesch. Land- & Volkenk. p. 234. not. 6. 3.— Gray Gen. B. II. 463. 26.—Lampromorpha amethystina Vig. Proc. Z. Soc. 1831. p. 98. ... *) Von χαλκος (Stahl) undκοκκυξ (Kuckuk) gebildet zeichnet sich diese neue Gattung ausser durch die verschiedene Färbung des Gefieders vor Allen durch den auffallend breiten und starken Schnabel aus, welcher sie eigentlich näher zu den Gold- als zu den Glanz-kuckuken weist."(Cabanis & Heine 1862); "Chalcococcyx Cabanis and Heine, 1862, Museum Heineanum, IV (I), p. 15. Type, by monotypy, Cuculus xanthorhynchus Horsfield, 1821." (JAJ 2019).


(Phasianidae; syn. Lophura Salvadori's Pheasant L. inornata) Gr. χαλκος khalkos copper, bronze (cf. genus Chalcurus Bonaparte, 1856, peacock pheasant); genus Acomus Reichenbach, 1852, pheasant (cf. κομη komē hair); "Chalcocomus, gen. nov. Type and only species.Acomus inornatus Salvadori. Similar to Houppifer Gúerin-Méneville (type Phasianus erythropthalmus Raffles), but the bare skin on the sides of head more restricted and not produced into an erectile flap in front; upper tail-coverts extending nearer to the tip of the tail; wing tip shorter; feet slenderer; middle toe and claw proportionally longer. Coloration quite distinct; males entirely black with metallic purplish blue tips to the feathers of the upperparts and chest; females chestnut with tawny-olive or buffy brown centers to the feathers. Confined to the island of Sumatra." (Riley 1934); "Chalcocomus Riley, 1934, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 47, p. 115. Type, by original designation, Acomus inornatus Salvadori, 1879." (JAJ 2021).

Gr. χαλκολοφος khalkolophos bronze-crested < χαλκος khalkos copper; λοφος lophos crest.

Gr. χαλκος khalkos copper; μελας melas, μελανοςmelanos black.


(Nectariniidae; Ϯ Amethyst Sunbird C. amethystina) Gr. χαλκομιτρος khalkomitros wearing a bronze head-band < χαλκος khalkos bronze; μιτρα mitra diadem; "CLIII. Chalcomitra RCHB. Nat. Syst. t. suppl.— Schnabel länger als Kopf, etwas stark, ziemlich stark gebogen, am Grunde etwas breiter als hoch, Firste kielartig, Seiten unter rechtem Winkel flach abfallend, Nasengrube vom Grunde ausgehend, kurz parabolisch, Deckhaut mit feiner, schiefliegender, nach dem Grunde ein wenig höher stehender, gerader Ritze,über die ganze Vorderhälfte des Schnabels sind die Seiten etwas zusammengedrückt und spitzewärts an beiden Schneiden eingezogen, Spitze fein, gerade ausgestreckt, Laden wenig sichtbar, Kinn kaum vortretend, Dille kaum länger als breit, ihr Vorderwinkel gerundet, Flügel lang, erste Schwinge kaumüber ein Drittel so lang als zweite, dritte und die vierte längste wenig zunehmend, folgende abnehmend, Lauf etwa anderthalbmal so lang als Mittelzehe, diese ohne Nagel mit dem Laufe zusammen fast so lang als Schnabel.—Gefieder sehr dunkel, Oberkopf metallglänzend, Kehle hochroth oder auch metallglänzend. Weibchen und Junge düster gefärbt, im Uebergangskleide unterseits gefleckt oder gesperbert. —Im heißen Afrika. 641. Ch. amethystina (Certhia —SHAW.) RCHB. t. DLXVII 3861—62. M. 3863. W. ... †642. Ch. gutturalis (Certhia— LATH.) ... *643. Ch. senegalensis (Certhia— L. GM. 477. 14.) RCHB. t. DLXVII. 3866—67. ... *644. Ch. natalensis (Cinnyris— JARD. Sun-Birds 193. et 256. pl. 12) RCHB. t. DLXXI. 3893., t. DCVII.=DLXII.b. 4077. ... *645. Ch. cruentata (Nectarinia— RÜPPEL'S Syst. Uebers. 26. t. 9) RCHB. t. DLXVII. 3864—65. ... 646. Ch. Adelberti(Nectarinia— JARD. ill. n. ser. p. XLIX.) RCHB. t. DLXVIII. 3876—77. ... 647. Ch. Stangeri(Nectarinia— JARD. SELBY.) RCHB. t. DLXVIII. 3875. ... 648. Ch. venusta (Certhia— SHAW N. misc. pl. 369.) RCHB. t. DLXIX. 3884. ... 649. Ch. pusilla (Cinnyris— us VIEILL.) RCHB. t. DLXVIII. 3871—72." (Reichenbach 1853); "Chalcomitra Reichenbach, 1854 [= 1853], Handb. spec. Orn., Icon. Synops. Avium, Scansoriae, p. 277. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 137), Certhia amethystina Shaw." (Rand in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 223).
Synon. Aidemonia, Baptothorax, Carmelita, Cirrothorax.

chalconota / chalconotus

Gr. χαλκονωτος khalkonōtos bronze-backed < χαλκος khalkos bronze; -νωτος -nōtos -backed <νωτον nōton back.


(Nectariniidae; Ϯ Ruby-cheeked Sunbird C. singalensis) Gr. χαλκοπαρῃος khalkoparēios with cheeks of bronze < χαλκος khalkos bronze; παρεια pareia cheek.; "Subfam. PTILOTURINÆ. *) Schweif-Honigsauger. ... *) Charakteristisch für diese Unterabtheilung ist der mehr oder weniger verlängerte, stets stufige Schwanz. Hierher gehören ferner die Gattungen:Chalcoparia nov. gen. Von χαλκοπαρειος, mit ehernen Wangen. Schnabel ziemlich kurz und gerade,ähnlich dem von Anthothreptes, der Schwanz hingegen stufig. Typus: Ch. cingalensis. —Sylvia cingalensis Lath; Nectarinia phaenicotis Temm." (Cabanis 1853); "Chalcoparia Cabanis in Cabanis and Heine, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 103. Type, by original designation, Sylvia cingalensis Lath. = Motacilla singalensis Gmelin, 1788." (JAJ 2020) (seeChalcostetha).
Var. Chalcopareia, Chalcophora.
Synon. Anthothreptus.

Gr. χαλκος khalkos copper; παστος pastos sprinkled, powdered, embroidered < πασσω passō to sprinkle.

(Columbidae; syn. Turtur † Blue-spotted Wood Dove T. afer) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze, copper; πελεια peleia dove; “*LIII. Chalcopeleia (Chalcopelia BP.) RCHB. *) Metallfleckentaube. … *183. Ch. afra (Col. — L. GM. 786. 31.) BP. RCHB. … *184. Ch. chalcospilos (Col. — WAGL. sp. 83.) BP. RCHB. … 185. Ch. puella (Peristera — SCHLEGEL” (Reichenbach 1862); “Chalcopeleia Reichenbach, 1862, Die vollständigste Naturgeschichte der Tauben und taubenartigen Vögel, p. 78. New name for Chalcopelia Bonaparte, 1855, considered incorrectly transliterated from the Greek.” (JAJ 8/8/2024).


(Columbidae; syn. Turtur Blue-spotted Wood Dove T. afer) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze, copper; πελεια peleia dove; "59. Chalcopelia, Bp. 1854. (Peristera, part. Boie 1837. Hartl. 1854. nec Sw. 1827.) Remiges conformes: cauda mediocris truncata. As. Afr. Oc. 3. 1. COLUMBA afra, L. (chalcospilos var. Wagl. - Turtur senegalensis, Briss.-chalcospilos, Sw. ... 2. COLUMBA AFRA, var. Temm. (chalcospilos, Wagl. - Peristera afra, Licht. - chalcospilos, Gr. nec Rüpp.) ... 3. COLUMBA puella, Schleg. nec. Less. hinc pulchella! nec Temm. (Peristera puella, Schleg. - Chalcopelia puella, Bp.)" (Bonaparte 1855); "Chalcopelia Bonaparte, 1855, Conspectus Generum Avium, II (I), p. 67. Type, by subsequent designation (Bonaparte, 1855, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XL (1), p. 19), Columba afra Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chalcoptera.

chalcopepla / chalcopeplus

Gr. χαλκος khalkos copper; πεπλος peplos robe, cloak.


●(Galbulidae; syn. Galbula Paradise Jacamar G. dea) Gr. χαλκος khalkos copper, the first ore; φανης Phanēs, φανητος Phanētos divinity representing the first principle of life, the light of the earth; "Die noch ungenügend bekannte Gattung Dendrexetastes zeigt die Mittelschwanzfedern über die übrigen Steuerfedern lang herausstehend, ein Charakter, welcher uns unter den Eisvögeln bei Tanysiptera, unter den Bienenfressern bei Phlothrus, unter den Galbulinae bei Chalcophanes paradiseus *), unter den Synallactinae in eigenthümlicher Weise, d. h. bei sehr gesteigertem Schwanze in der Gattung Schizura, Synallaxis und Leptasthenura wieder begegnete. ... *) Galbula paradisea p. 87. — Der Name von ὁ φανης, ein Gottheit, Idee des Urstoffs der Welt, des Lichtes, und ὁ χαλκος, Erz." (Reichenbach 1853); "Chalcophanes Reichenbach, 1853, Icones ad Synopsin Avium. Cont. X. Scansoriae. A. Sittinae, p. 196 (not of Wagler, 1827). Type, by monotypy, Galbula paradisea, i.e. Alcedo paradisea Linnaeus, 1766 = Alcedo dea Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
●(Icteridae; syn. Quiscalus Common Grackle Q. quiscula) Gr. χαλκοφανης khalkophanēs having the appearance of copper < χαλκος khalkos copper; φαινω phainō to display; "Je propose de classer les Quiscales (Chalcophanes) en un genre distinct, où viendront se grouper les espèces suivantes: Chalcophanes magnus, espèce inédite, toujours confondue avec Gracula quiscala des méthodes; - Chalcophanes palliatus, espèce inédite; - Gracula quiscala de Lath.; -Gracula barita du même auteur; - Oriolus ferrugineus de Lath., le même que Gracula ferruginea de Wilson" (Temminck 1825); "3. Gracula Quiscala Gmel., Lath. (exclusa varietate β.) Vide: Chalcoph. Quisc. 4. Gracula Barita Lath. Synops. 2. p. 460. t. 18. Vide: Chalcophan. Barit. Nota. Gracula Barita Linnaei (Syst. Nat. 1. p. 165. n. 4), Lathamii (Ind. p. 191. n. 6.) et Gmelini (Syst. Nat. p. 396. n. 4.) "corpore subgriseo, humeris coeruleis, remigibus extus viridibus" quid sit, nescio. Linnaeus et secundum eum auctores nominati citant Brissonii Icterum nigrum (Ornith. 2. p. 103.) et Sloanii figuram pessimam in operis ejus tabula 257 expressam, sed haec, sicut Brissonii Jcterus, spectat ad Chalcophanem virescentem. (Quaere in generis Orioli expositione numerum 10.)" (Wagler 1827); "Chalcophanes Wagler, Syst. Av., 1, fol. 20, Gen. Gracula, spec. 3, 4, 1827—type, by subs. desig. (Sclater, Ibis, 1884, p. 153), Quiscalus versicolor Vieillot = Gracula quiscula Linnaeus." (Hellmayr, 1937, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. X, p. 74).
Var. Chalcophanus.


(Columbidae; ϮBrown-cappedEmerald Dove C. longirostris) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; φαψ phaps,φαβος phabos pigeon; "CHALCOPHAPS CHRYSOCHLORA. Little Green Pigeon. ... centre of the back, wing-coverts and outer webs of the tertiaries shining greenish copper-colour" (Gould 1843); "Chalcophaps Gould, Bds. Austr., pt. 13, 1843, pl. [8] (= 5, pl. 62 of bound vol.) Type, by monotypy, Columba chrysochlora Wagler." (Peters, 1937, III, p. 114); "190. Chalcophaps longirostris ... Race rogersi previously listed as "chrysochlora", but this name apparently based on several different forms of Chalcophaps and lectotypification excludes its application to Australasian populations." (del Hoyo and Collar (eds.), 2014, HBW Illustrated Checklist, 1, Non-passerines, p. 188).
Synon. Monornis, Peristera.


(Phasianidae; syn. Lophophorus Sclater's Monal L. sclateri) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; Mod. L. phasis pheasant < Med. L. phasis avis pheasant; "LOPHOPHORUS SCLATERI. SCLATER'S MONAL. ... Sclater's Lophophorus cannot be said to be very graceful; the body is thick and heavy, and the legs short; the head is also large for the size of the bird, causing it to present a rather stupid appearance, quite different from the game-like heads of the other members of this family, and even of those to which it is nearest allied. From its not possessing the lengthened crest which is so characteristic and elegant an appendage to the other two species of the genus, and also from the peculiar bronze hue of the back, I have deemed it best to include this one in a separate subgeneric division, under the appelation of Chalcophasis, or Bronze Pheasant." (Elliot 1871) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Chalcophasis Elliot, 1871, Monograph Phasianidae, I, text to pl. xx. Type, by monotypy, Lophophorus sclateri Jerdon, 1870." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. χαλκος khalkos copper; οφθαλμικος ophthalmikos of the eye < οφθαλμος ophthalmos eye.

Gr. χαλκος khalkos copper; οφθαλμος ophthalmos eye.

(Sturnidae;syn. Lamprotornis Ϯ Burchell's Glossy Starling L. australis) Gr. χαλκος khalkos copper; ψαρ psar,ψαροςpsaros starling; "f6. Wing longer than tail; a distinct shoulder-patch of coppery bronze . . . . . . 26. CHALCOPSAR, p. 158. ... 26. CHALCOPSAR. Megalopterus, Smith, Rep. S. Afr. Exped., App. p. 52 (1836, nec Boie, 1826) Type. L. australis. Range. Confined to South Africa. 1. Chalcopsar australis. ... Adult male. Glossy steel-green with blue reflexions; hind neck rich purple; lower back and rump violet-purple; upper tail-coverts steel-blue with purple ends; wings externally steel-green, the secondaries bluish or purple with green margins; the inner lesser wing-coverts coppery bronze washed with purple, forming a shoulder-spot; tail-feathers purple with violet or green reflexions; lores velvety black; feathers under the eye also blackish; ear-coverts violet with a coppery bronze gloss, the feathers rather frizzled; cheeks, throat, and under surface of body glossy steel-green; centre of breast and abdomen reddish purple with a coppery bronze gloss; sides of body glossy purplish blue" (Sharpe 1890); "Chalcopsar Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds British Museum, XIII, pp. 25,158. New name for Megalopterus A. Smith, 1836, not of Boie, 1826." (JAJ 2021).


(Psittaculidae; Ϯ Black Lory C. atra) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; Mod. L. psitta parrot < Gr. ψιττακη psittakēorψιττακος psittakos parrot; "Un nouveau genre, Chalcopsitta, formé pour rassembler trois Oiseaux, arbitrairement placés jusqu'ici parmi les Platycerci et les Eos, rallie les Trichoglossus avec les Eos, qui sont presque, sinon toutà fait, des Loriens. Ces trois espèces sont des Moluques. 1º Le Psittacus Novæ Guineæ, Gm. (Platycercus ater, Go.), 2º Psittacus scintillans, Wagl. (Eos scintillata, Gr.), et 3º une nouvelle desîles Barabay et Guebe, rapportée par les intrépides navigateurs français, et dont le type doit se trouver dans le Musée du Jardin des Plantes; ce sera:Chalcopsitta rubiginosa, Bonap. D'un rouge marron (teinte inusitée et peut-être unique parmi les Perroquets),à reflets cuivrés. ... La grandeur de ce curieux Psittacide est celle d'une Grive." (Bonaparte 1850); "Chalcopsitta Bonaparte, 1850, Comptes RendusAcad. Sci. Paris, XXX, p. 134. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 86), Psittacus ater Scopoli, 1786." (JAJ 2021).
Synon. Cardeos, Chalcopsittacus, Moniapura, Pseudeos.


(Psittacidae; syn. Chalcopsitta † Black Lory C. atra) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; ψιττακος psittakos parrot; “FAM. 6. Trichoglossini … Chalcopsittacus Bp. (rubiginosus; ater).” (Sundevall 1872); “Sp. 90. Chalcopsittacus chloropterus, nov. sp. Chalcopsittacus C. scintillato (Temm.) simillimus, sed tectricibus alarum inferioribus viridibus, et remigibus intus fuscis, fere unicoloribus, vix basin versus flavicantibus.” (Salvadori, 1876, Annali Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Genova, IX, p. 15); “Chalcopsittacus Sundevall, 1872, Methodi Naturalis Avium Dispon. Tentamen, p. 72. New name for Chalcopsitta Bonaparte, 1850, considered grammatically incorrect and unacceptable.” (JAJ 2023).


Gr. χαλκοπτερος khalkopteros bronze-winged < χαλκοςkhalkos bronze; -πτερος-pteros -winged < πτερονpteron wing.
● ex “Bronze-winged Pigeon” of Phillip 1789 (Phaps).


(Columbidae; syn. Turtur Tambourine Dove T. tympanistria) Gr. χαλκοπτερος khalkopteros with wings of metallic hue, bronze-winged < χαλκος khalkos bronze; πτερον pteron wing; perhaps a lapsus for Chalcopelia Bonaparte, 1855; "26. CHALCOPTERA TYMPANISTRIA (Temm.). Peristera tympanistria, Finsch & Hartl. Vög. Ost-Afr. p. 558 (1870); Hartl. Vög. Madag. p. 271." (Shelley 1880); "Chalcoptera Shelley, 1880, Proc. Zool. Soc. London (1879), p. 678. Type, by monotypy, Columba tympanistria Temminck, 1809." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. χαλκοπτερος khalkopteros with wings of metallic hue, bronze-winged < χαλκοςkhalkos bronze, copper; -πτερος-pteros -winged < πτερονpteron wing.


(Glareolidae; syn. Rhinoptilus Bronze-winged Courser R. chalcopterus) Gr. χαλκοπτερος khalkopteros bronze-winged < χαλκοςkhalkos bronze; -πτερος-pteros -winged < πτερονpteron wing (cf. specific name Cursorius chalcopterus Temminck, 1824); "Genera et Species typicae. ... 3. Chalcopterus RCHB. Temminckii (Curs. chalcopterus T.) R. Ic. Av. t. 365b. ic. 3543. t. 375. ic. 3131—32." (Reichenbach 1853); "Chalcopterus Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. XXX. Type, by original designation, Chalcopterus temminckii Reichenbach, 1853 =Cursorius chalcopterus Temminck, 1824." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Chalopterus.

chalcospila / chalcospilos / chalcospilus

Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; σπιλος spilos spot.

Chalcostellia (See: Chalcostetha)

(Nectariniidae;syn. LeptocomaϮ Copper-throated Sunbird L. calcostetha) Gr. χαλκος khalkos copper, bronze; στηθος stēthos breast; "Subfam. PTILOTURINÆ. *) Schweif-Honigsauger. ... *) ...Chalcostetha nov. gen. Von χαλκοστηθος, mit eherner Brust. Schnabel gebogener als in vorhergehender Gruppe [Chalcoparia]; Schwanz stufig, ohne merklich verlängerte Mittelfedern. 1. Ch. pectoralis. —Nectarinia pectoralis Temm. (nec. Horsf.); Nect. chalcostetha Jard. —2. Ch. aspasia. —Cinnyris aspasia Less.; Cinnyris sericea Less." (Cabanis 1853); "Chalcostetha Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 103. Type, by tautonymy, Nect. chalcostetha Jard., i.e. Nectarinia calcostetha Jardine, 1843." (JAJ 2022)(see Chalcoparia).
Var. Chalcostellia, Chalcostheta.


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Bronze-tailed Thornbill C. heteropogon) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze, copper; στιγμα stigma, στιγματοςstigmatos mark < στιζω stizō to tattoo. "Dessus d'un vertémeraudeà reflets un peu cuivreux, avec les couvertures supérieures de la queue d'un cuivreux rouge ... queue fourchue, large, d'un vert sombreà reflets cuivreux" (Boissoneau 1839); "*Rhamphomicron ... *γ. Chalcostigma heteropogon (Orn. —BOISSON. 1839.) BP. —St. Fé de Bog. * ——Stanleyi (Tr. —BOURC. 1850.) BP. —Pichincha. * ——Herrani (Tr. —BOURC. & DELATTRE 1846.) GOULD. —Ecuador. * ——ruficeps (Tr. —GOULD 1846.) GOULD. —Bolivia. ——Vulcani (Tr. —GOULD 1849.) GOULD —Bolivia." (Reichenbach 1854); "Rhamphomicron γ Chalcostigma Reichenbach, Journ. f. Orn., 1, 1854, Beil. zu Extrah., p. 12. Type, by subsequent designation, Ornismya heteropogon Boissoneau. (Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 141.)" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 121). Recentauthors suggest that this genusshould be subsumed in Oxypogon.
Synon. Chloropogon, Eupogonus, Lampropogon, Selatopogon.


Gr. χαλκοθωραξ khalkothōrax,χαλκοθωρακος khalkothōrakos with brazen breastplate < χαλκος khalkos bronze; θωραξ thōrax,θωρακος thōrakos breastplate, cuirass.


(Thraupidae; Golden-naped Tanager C. ruficervix) Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; θραυπις thraupis unknown small bird, perhaps some sort of finch. In ornithology thraupis signifies tanager; "1. l'élégante Calliste nigro-viridis, Lafr., dont le bec très-court pourrait lui mériter un petit genre à part, mais dont le plumage se rapproche de quelques autres espèces noires et bleues, qui constituent pour nous le petit genre CHALCOTHRAUPIS. 2. La vraie Chalcothraupis, si semblableà Procnopis atrocœrulea de Tschudi, qui n'en diffère que par sa tache nuchale d'un jaune paille, Tanagra ruficervix de Florent Prévost." (Bonaparte 1851); "Chalcothraupis Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool., sér.. 2, III, p. 131. Type, by monotypy, Tanagra ruficervix Prévost and des Murs, 1846." (JAJ 2021). P. Sclater, 1886, Cat. Birds British Museum, XI, p. 95, lists Calliste labradorides as the type of Chalcothraupis Bonaparte, 1851, but that is an excluded form.


Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; -ωτις -ōtis -eared < ους ous,ωτοςōtos ear.

chalcura / chalcurum / chalcurus

Gr. χαλκος khalkos bronze; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.


(Phasianidae;syn. Polyplectron Ϯ Bronze-tailed Peacock Pheasant P. chalcurum) Specific name Polyplectrum chalcurum Lesson, 1831; "b. Polyplectroneæ. ... *1864. Chalcurus, Bp." (Bonaparte 1854);"1744. CHALCURUS, Pr. B. 1854. (Polyplectron chalcurum, Temm.)" (G. Gray 1855); "31. Chalcurus, Bp. 78. inocellatus, Cuv. (P. chalcurum, Temm. napoleonis, fæm.! Reich.)" (Bonaparte 1856); "Chalcurus Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 42, 1856, p. 878. Type, by monotypy and tautonymy, Polyplectrum inocellatus Cuvier = Polyplectrum chalcurum Lesson. (Chalcurus is a nomen nudum in Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool. (4), 1, 1854, p.146.)" (Peters, 1934, II, p. 130).


Gr. χαλεπος khalepos difficult, troublesome.

chaliba (See: choliba)

Local Aragonese name Chóliba for the European Scops Owl; ex “Chóliba” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 48: “Al presente aplico el de Chóliba, porque asi llamaban en mi pais siendo yo muchacho á un páxaro de la familia, que segun quiero acordarme era muy cercano á éste” (Megascops).

Chalibaeus (See: Chalybaeus)

(Paradisaeidae; syn. Manucodia Crinkle-collared Manucode M. chalybata) French name Calybé de la Nouvelle Guinée given to the Crinkle-collared Manucode by d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 634; "LES CALYBÉS (CHALYBÆUS. Cuv.) Ont le bec de même forme, mais un peu moins gros à sa base que les cassicans, et les narines percées dans un large espace membraneux. Ceux que l'on connaît viennent de la Nouvelle-Guinée et sont remarquables par de belles teintes d'acier bruni. Le Calybé de Paradis. (C. paradisæus. Cuv.) Paradisæa viridis. Gmel. Enl. 634. A ses plumes de la tête et du cou comme du velours frisé, ce qui, joint à l'éclat de ses reflets, l'a fait placer parmi les oiseaux de Paradis" (Cuvier 1829); "Chalybaeus Cuvier, 1829, Règne Animal, éd. 2, I, p. 354. Type, by monotypy, Chalybaeus paradisaeus Cuvier, 1829 = Paradisea chalybata Pennant, 1781." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Chalibaeus, Chalybaea, Calibaeus.

chaliboea (See: chalybea)

L. chalybeius steely < Gr. χαλυβηιος khalubēios steely < χαλυψkhalups, χαλυβοςkhalubos steel.
● ex “Ardeola” of Marcgrave 1648, “Crabier du Brésil” of Brisson 1760, and “Crabier chalybé” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Butorides striata).
● ex “Troisième Grimpereau de l’isle de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (syn. Leptocoma sperata).
● ex “Calybé de la Nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 634, and “Blue-green Paradise-bird” of Latham 1783 (syn. Manucodia chalybata).
● ex “Hirondelle de Cayenne” of Brisson 1760, and d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 545, fig. 2, and “Chalybeate Swallow” of Latham 1783 (Progne).

chalidris (See: calidris)

Gr. καλιδρις kalidris or σκαλιδρις skalidris speckled, grey-coloured waterside bird mentioned by Aristotle, not further identified, but later conjectured to be a sandpiper or a wagtail.
● ex "Petite Maubèche grise" of Brisson 1760 (syn. Calidris alba).
● "Der südliche Schlammläufer. Pelidna calidris, Br. (Tringa alpina, Linn.)" (Brehm 1831) (syn. Calidris alpina).
● ex “Rusticola sylvatica” of Gessner 1555, and Aldrovandus 1599-1603, and “Calidris” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Calidris canutus).
● ex “Totanus” of Belon 1555, and Brisson 1760, “Calidris Bellonii” of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, and “Gallinula erythropus major” of Willughby 1676, Ray 1713, and Marsigli 1726 (syn. Tringa totanus).
● ex “American Nightingale” of Edwards 1750 (unident.; thought to be in Parulidae by some authors).

Chalidris (See: CALIDRIS)

(Scolopacidae; Red Knot C. canutus) Specific name Tringa calidris J. Gmelin, 1789 (= syn. Calidris canutus); "Knüffel, Calidris. Schnabel walzenförmig, gegen die Spitze hin dicker, glatt. Mittlere undäußere Zehe etwas verbunden. Tringa calidris, arenaria u.a." (Merrem 1804); "LES MAUBÈCHES. (CALIDRIS. Cuv.) (1) ...La grande Maubèche grise, Sandpiper et Canut, des Anglais. (Tringa grisea et Tr. Canutus. Gm.) Le plum. d'hiver, enl. 366. Edw. 276. ... (1) CALIDRIS, oiseau cendré et tacheté, fréquentant les rivières et les bois. Arist. Brisson l'applique à l'une des espèces de ce genre" (Cuvier 1816); "CalidrisAnonymous = Merrem, Allg. Lit. Zeitung, 2, no. 168, 8 June, 1804, col. 542. Type, by tautonymy, Tringa calidris Gmelin = Tringa canutus Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 280).
Var. Calidridris, Callidris,Callydris, Calydris, Chalidris, Scalidris.
Synon. Actia, Actodromas, Ancylocheilus, Anteliotringa, Aphriza, Arquatella, Canutus, Cinclus, Crocethia, Delopygia, Ereunetes, Erolia, Eurynorhynchus, Falcinellus, Hemipalama, Heteropoda, Heteropygia, Leimonites, Limicola, Limnocinclus, Machetes, Machophilus, Micropalama, Neopisobia, Pavia, Pavoncella, Pelidna, Philomachus, Pisobia, Platyrhamphus, Schoeniclus, Schoeniculus, Symphemia, Tryngites.
●(Scolopacidae; quasi-syn.Calidris SanderlingC. alba) Specific name Charadrius calidris Linnaeus, 1766 (= syn. Calidris alba); "GENUS 89. CALIDRIS. Arenaria Meyer, Bechstein (Sandläufer Germ. Sanderling Angl.). Rostrum mediocre, tenue, rectum, teretiusculum, maxillae dertro paullulum incrassato, in apicem deflexo. Nares parvae, oblongo-ovales. Alae volatiles. Pedes grallarii, mediocres, cursorii, tridactyli, digitis ad basin usque fissis. Acropodia scutulata. Species: Charadrius Calidris Lin." (Illiger 1811); "Calidris ILLIGER, Prodromus, 1811, 249. Type, by [tautonymy and] monotypy, Charadrius calidris LINNÆUS = Tringa leucophæa PALLAS [= Trynga alba Pallas]." (AOU Check-List, ed. 3, 1910, 118); ""Tringa leucophaea" Anonymous (in Vroeg's Cat. Rais. d'Ois., p. 32, 1764—northern coast of Holland) is not binomial." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 171, footnote).
Synon. Arenaria,Arenula, Crocethia.
●(?Scolopacidae; syn.?) "Sous famille. TRINGARIA. Les Tringacés. Bec non conformé en couteau. G. 1. Tringa L. 2. Charadrius L. 3. Bynamphus R. 4. Calidris R. 5. Cursorius Lath. 6. Hœmatopus L. 7. Himantopus R. 8. Ochropus R. 9. Hemondra R. 10. Vanellus R. 11. Ortigum. R. 12. Dactemia R. 13. Hydrosora R. 14. Oedinecmus R." (Rafinesque, 1815, Analyse de la Nature, p. 71).


Charles-Alexandre Comte de Challaye de La Valette(1816-1855) French Consul at Erzeroum, Turkey (syn. Tetraogallus caspius).


HMS Challenger, RN corvette on world circumnavigation, oceanographic and scientific expedition December 1872- May 1876 (‡subsp. Trichoglossus histrio).


L. chalybeius steely < Gr. χαλυβηιος khalubēios steely < χαλυψ khalups, χαλυβος khalubos steel.

chalybata / chalybatus

Mod. L. chalybeatus chalybeate, impregnated with steel < L. chalybs, chalybis steel < Gr. χαλυψ khalups,χαλυβος khalubos steel.
● ex “Calybé de la Nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 634 (Manucodia).

chalybeata / chalybeatus

Mod. L. chalybeatus chalybeate, impregnated with steel < L. chalybs, chalybis steel < Gr.χαλυψ khalups,χαλυβος khalubos steel.
● ex “Moineau du Brésil” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 291, fig. 1 (Vidua).


L. chalybeius steely < Gr. χαλυβηιος khalubēios steely <χαλυψ khalups,χαλυβος khalubos steel; cauda tail.


L. chalybeius steely < Gr. χαλυβηιος khalubēios steely <χαλυψ khalups,χαλυβος khalubos steel; -ceps -headed < caput, capitis head.

chalybeocephala / chalybeocephalus
Gr. χαλυβηιος khalubēios steely < χαλυψ khalups, χαλυβος khalubos steel; -κεφαλος -kephalos -headed < κεφαλη kephalē head.

L. chalybeius steely < Gr. χαλυβηιος khalubēios steely <χαλυψ khalups,χαλυβος khalubos steel.
● ex “Crabier du Brésil” of Brisson 1760, and “Crabier chalybé” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Butorides striatus).
● ex “Grimpereau à collier du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of Brisson 1760 (Cinnyris).


Gr. χαλυψ khalups, χαλυβος khalubos steel; -ουρος -ouros -tailed <ουρα oura tail.


(Trochilidae; Ϯ White-vented Plumeleteer C. buffonii) Gr. χαλυψ khalups, χαλυβος khalubos steel; ουρα oura tail; "*δ. Chalybura Buffonii (Orn. —LESS. 1832.) RCHB. —Bras. N.-Gran. Verag. *——viridis (Tr. —AUD. VIEILL. 1811.) RCHB. —Porto Rico. ——cyanea (Tr. —ura VIEILL. 1820?) RCHB. * ——Goudotii (Tr. —BOURC. 1844.) RCHB. —N.-Gran." (Reichenbach 1854);"Agyrtria δ Chalybura Reichenbach, Journ. f. Orn., 1, March, 1854, Beil zu Extrah., p. 10. Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus buffonii Lesson. (Elliot, Classif. Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 45.)"(Peters, 1945, V, p. 78). In Salvin, 1892, Cat. Birds British Mus., XVI, p. 87, sub nom. Hypuroptila, “Hylocharis δ. Chalybura, Reich. Aufz. d. Col. p. 10 (1854) . . . .Type. H. cæruleiventris.” is an error for “Hylocharis δ. Cyanochloris . . .”
Var. Chalibura.
Synon. Chlorurisca, Cyanochloris, Hypuroptila, Methon.


(Paradisaeidae; syn. Phonygammus Trumpet Manucode P. keraudrenii hunsteini) Portmanteau of genera Chalybaeus Cuvier, 1829, manucode, and Phonygama, i.e. Phonygammus Lesson & Garnot, 1826, manucode; "Chalygama, gen.nov., differs from Phonygammus L. & G. in having a squarish tail and the eye-tufts more erect. Type, Phonygama hunsteini Sharpe." (Mathews, 1925); "Chalygama Mathews, 1925, Bull. British Ornith. Club, XLV (ccxcviii), p. 114. Type, by original designation, Phonygama hunsteini Sharpe, 1882." (JAJ 2021).


(Paradoxornithidae; Ϯ Wrentit C. fasciata) Gr. χαμαι khamai on the ground; "Genus* CHAMÆA.† Bill short, tapering to the point, acute and compressed. Both mandibles entire, ridge of upper elevated, and curving nearly from the base; the depression for the nostrils large, oval, and exposed; the nostrils opening beneath a membrane in the depression. Wings very short and much rounded. Tail very long and graduated. Tarsus long. Chamæa fasciata, Nobis. Ground Tit. Parus fasciatus, nobis, Proceed. Acad. Nat. Sc., vol. 2, p. 265. This interesting bird, placed provisionally among the Titmice, I have now made the type of a new genus, not being able, as yet, to find a suitable place for it, among those already described. For several months before discovering the bird, I chased among the fields of dead mustard stalks, the weedy margins of streams, low thickets and bushy places, a continued, loud, crepitant, grating scold, which I took for some species of wren, but at last found to proceed from this Wren-Tit, if it might be so called. It is always difficult to be seen, and keeps in such places as I have described, close to the ground; eluding pursuit, by diving into the thickest bunches of weeds and tall grass, or tangled bushes, uttering its grating wren-like note whenever an approach is made towards it.... †Fromχαμαι, on the ground." (Gambel 1847);"Chamæa Gambel, 1847, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 3: 154. Type, by original designation, Parus fasciatus Gambel." (AOU Checklist, 7th ed., 1998, p. 514).
Var. Chamea.


(Grallariidae; syn. Grallaria Imperial Antpitta G. imperator) Gr. χαμαι khamai on the ground; βατης batēs walker < βατεω bateō to tread < βαινω bainō to walk; "Chamæbates rufiventris W. Bertoni (gen. n.) - Urú-í. (Del gr. chamai, en tierra, y batein, marchar, y del lat. rufus y venter, vientre rojizo)" (Bertoni 1901); "Chamaebates BERTONI, Av. Nuev. Parag., 1901, p. 150 (type by monotypy, Chamaebates rufiventris BERTONI = Grallaria varia imperator LAFRESNAYE)." (Hellmayr, 1924, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. III, p. 333).


(Passerellidae; syn. Pipilo Collared Towhee P. ocai) Gr. χαμαι khamai on the ground; σπιζα spiza finch < σπιζω spizō to chirp; "CHAMÆOSPIZA TORQUATA (DuBus) ... Chamæospiza, gen. novum. ... The enormous size of the feet and length of the hind claw of thisbird render it easily distinguishable from any other of the American Ground-finches, and seem to necessitate its generic isolation. The plumage, moreover, is exactly that of the Buarremones!" (P. Sclater 1858); "Chamaeospiza P. Sclater, 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, XXVI, p. 304. Type, by monotypy, Pipilo torquatus Dubus de Ghisignies, 1847 (not of de La Fresnaye and d’Orbigny, 1837) = Buarremon ocai Lawrence, 1865.” (JAJ 2022).


(Cracidae; Ϯ Sickle-winged Guan C. goudotii) Gr. χαμαιπετης khamaipetēs falling to the ground < χαμαι khamai on the ground;πιπτω piptō to fall down; "Like the Black Guan [C. unicolor] it inhabits primeval forest but has relatively longer legs and descends to earth more commonly ... Unlike the species ofPenelope, it feeds much on the ground, from which it is more apt to be flushed than from the trees" (Delacour & Amadon 1973); "Genus. Chamaepetes Wagl., Pava (Gen. nov.) Character Ortalidae; gula et mentum toto plumosa. Die Luftröhre gerade wie bey den Penelopen. Species: 1. Ch. Goudotii (Ortal. Goud. Less. l.c.)" (Wagler 1832); "Chamaepetes Wagler, Isis von Oken, 1832, col. 1227. Type, by monotypy, Ortalida goudotii Lesson." (Peters, 1834, II, p. 21).
Var. Chamapetes.


(Parulidae; syn. Geothlypis Grey-crowned Yellowthroat G. poliocephala) Gr. χαμαι khamai on the ground; θλυπις thlupis unknown small bird, perhaps some sort of finch or warbler. In ornithology thlypis signifies either a thin-billed tanager or, as in this case, a parulid warbler; "Usually keeps low, fairly skulking but sings and often calls from prominent perches" (Howell & Low 1995); "Bill very stout, decidedly deeper than broad, its greatest depth much more than half its length from nostril, the culmen strongly curved. (Subgenus Chamæthlypis RIDGW.4) ... 4 New subgenus. Type, Geothlypis poliocephala BAIRD." (Ridgway 1854); "Chamæthlypis Ridgway, 1887, Man. N. Amer. Birds, p. 225. Type, by original designation, Geothlypis poliocephala Baird." (AOU Checklist, 7th ed., 1998, p. 558).


(Muscicapidae;Ϯ Brown-chested Alethe C. poliocephala compsonota) Gr. χαμαι khamai on the ground; τυλας tulas,τυλαδος tulados thrush; "A plump, upright, long-legged bird of the forest floor and low undergrowth" (Keithet al. (eds.) 1992); "Die Annahme einer ächten Geocichla in Africa scheint uns doch kaum zulässig, obgleich Cassin dieselbe mit Geocichla interpres Bp. (Turdus interpres Temm. Pl. col. 458) von den Sunda-Inseln vergleicht, wir möchlen desshalb für diese schöne Art lieber den Namen Chamaetylas compsonota (vonχαμαι = humi undτυλας = turdus) vorschlagen." (Heine 1860); "Chamaetylas Heine, 1859, Journ. f. Orn., 7, p. 425. Type, by monotypy, Geocichla compsonota Cassin" (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 61).
Synon. Pseudalethe.


(Formicariidae; Ϯ Short-tailed Ant-thrush C. campanisona) Gr. χαμαι khamai on the ground;ζαω zaō to live (cf.χαμαζη khamazē on the ground); "Uncommon to locally fairly common on or nearthe ground in humid and montane forest and mature secondary woodland" (Ridgely & Tudor 1994);"*CHAMÆZA. Rostrum subbreve, subforte, culmine leviter arcuato; naribus basalibus, oblongo-ovalibus, longitudinalibus, plumis parvulis obtectis. Alæ brevissimæ, rotundatæ; remige 1ma brevi, 2da et 7ma, 3ta et 6taæqualibus, longissimis; pogoniis utrinque fere integris. Pedes subgraciles; tarsis elongatis; acrotarsiis scutellatis, in scuta novem divisis; paratarsiis in scutula plurima divisis; digitis subelongatis, gracilibus, duobus extimis ad basin connexis, unguibus gracilibus, compressis; halluce subelongato, subforti, ungue subelongato, arcuato, maxime compresso.Cauda brevis, rotundata, Obs. Genus subfamilias Myiotherinam, Swains., et Merulinam eximie connectens. MERULOIDES. ... Habitat in Brasilia." (Vigors 1825); "Chamaeza Vigors, Zool. Journ., 2, 1825, p. 395. Type, by monotypy, Chamaeza meruloides Vigors = Turdus brevicaudus Vieillot = Myiothera campanisona Lichtenstein." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 242).
Var. Chaemaeza,Chamoeza, Chanmzu,Chemaeza, Chemoeza.
Synon. Chamaezosa.


(Formicariidae; syn. Chamaeza † Short-tailed Ant-thrush C. campanisona) Gr. χαμαι khamai on the ground; ζωη zōē manner of life; “Gen. Chamaezosa Vig. 1825. Chamaeza! Vig. Codonistris Gloger pt.” (Cabanis 1847); “Chamaezosa “Vig.” Cabanis, 1847, Archiv für Naturgesch., XIII (1), p. 218. New name for Chamaeza Vigors, 1825, considered barbarous and improperly formed.” (JAJ 2023).
Var. Chamaezusa.

chambanus / chambensis
Chamba, a former princely state of the Punjab, India.

Frederick Morton Chamberlain (1867-1921) US ichthyologist, naturaliston US Fisheries vessel Albatross 1907 (subsp. Lagopus muta).

Capt. Charles Marie Léon Chambeyron (1827-1891) French Navy, cartographer stationed in New Caledonia (syn. Fregata minor palmerstoni).

Gr. χαμηλος khamēlos on the ground, creeping, low < χαμαι khamai on the ground.

Thepphahatsudin Chamnong (fl. 1955) Thai district officer (syn. Centropus bengalensis).

(Monarchidae; syn. Metabolus † Tinian Monarch M. takatsukasae) Chamorro or Chamoru, an indigenous people of the Marianas Is.; Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos bird (JAJ MS; see Manuscript-names).

Chanchamayo Province, Junín Region, Peru.
Latin American names Corvejón chancho pig cormorant, and Pato chancho pig duck, for the Neotropical Cormorant (syn. Nannopterum brasilianum mexicanum).
Meas Chandamony (d. 2000) Cambodian naturalist, Dept. of Forestry & Wildlife (subsp. Arborophila cambodiana).
Leslie Gordon Chandler (1888-1980) Australian businessman, naturalist, viniculturalist (syn. Acanthiza lineata whitei, syn. Glyciphila melanops, syn. Hypotaenidia philippensis, syn. Orthonyx temminckii).

Changai or Khangai Mts. /Hangay' Nuruu, central Mongolia.


Changamwe, near Mombasa, British East Africa /Kenya.

Koh Chang I., Trat Province, Thailand.
changoun (See: chaugoun)

Levaillant's 1796, pl. 11, name Chaugoun for the Indian White-backed Vulture, was his rendition of the Bengali name Sakunor Sagun for this declining scavenger(syn. Gyps bengalensis).


(Pteroclidae; syn. Syrrhaptes Tibetan Sandgrouse S. tibetanus) Changtang, the wild, sparsely populated high plateau region covering much of northern Tibet; OD not yet seen (Kozlova, 1947, Referaty Nauchno-Issledovatel'skikh Rabot, Otdel. Biologiya Nauk (1945), p. 183); "Tchangtangia Kozlova, 1947 ... new name for Przewalskia Kozlova, preoccupied by Przewalskium Flerov, 1930." (Vaurie 1965).
Var. Changtangia.

Chanonotus (See: Chaunonotus)

(Malaconotidae; syn. Dryoscopus Sabine's Puffback D. sabini) Gr. χαυνος khaunos puffed up < χαυνοω khaunoō to relax; -νωτος -nōtos -backed < νωτονnōton back; "Description of a new Subgenus ... Genus CHAUNONOTUS * G. R. Gray. Gen. Char. Rostrum capite longius, validum, basi latum, apice attenuatum, vix dentatum; culmen latum, læve, rotundatum, basi lunulata; nares nudi, in medio rostro, laterales, immersi, oblongi; plumis aperturam attingentibus. Alæ subrotundatæ, breves, remigibus 1ma, 2da, 3tia graduatis, 4ta, 5ta, 6ta subæqualibus longioribus. Tarsi rostri longitudine; digitis Malaconoti sed brevioribus; unguibus brevibus vix curvatis. Cauda mediocris, leviter rotundata. CHAUNONOTUS SABINI G. R. Gray. Sabine's Puff-back. C. supra cærulescenti-niger; dorsi plumis floccosis mollissimis et subtus albis. Thamnophilus Sabini J. E. Gray's Zool. Misc., i. p. 7. ... The dorsal patch of milk-white down is of a most beautiful soft texture, and in a greater quantity than in the Cùbla. ... * Chaunos, swollen; nōtos, back." (G. Gray 1837); "Chaunonotus Gray, 1837, Mag. Nat. Hist., n. s., 1, p. 487 (subgen.). Type, by monotypy, Thamnophilus sabini Gray." (Rand in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 316).
Var. Chanonotus.


Benoît Jean Paul Ernest Chantre (1843-1924) French geologist, anthropologist in the Middle East 1890-1894 (‡subsp. Anhinga rufa).

chapadense / chapadensis
Chapada (= Chapada dos Guimarães), Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico.
Río Chaparé, Bolivia.

Dr James Paul Chapin (1889-1964) US ornithologist, artist, collector in the Belgian Congo, Curator AMNH (syn. Anthus similis bannermani, Apalis, syn. Bradornis fuliginosus, subsp. Cinnyris stuhlmanni, syn. Corvinella corvina affinis, subsp. Corypha africana, syn. Dendrospiza citrinelloides frontalis, subsp. Dryoscopus cubla, subsp. Motacilla clara, subsp. Sheppardia bocagei, ‡subsp.Sylvietta leucophrys, syn.Tricholaema hirsuta flavipunctata, Turdoides).


(Muscicapidae;syn. FraseriaϮ White-browed Forest Flycatcher F. cinerascens) Dr James Paul Chapin (1889-1964) US ornithologist, collector; "Chapinia, new genus Voelker & Bowie. Type species. - Chapinia cinerascens. Diagnosis - A genus of muscicapid flycatcher differing from all the other genera of the family Muscicapidae by the following combination of characters: large size, diagnosticwhite supra-loral spot, dark upperparts, and mottled gray underparts with dark but poorly demarcated crescents on the breast. Etymology - This name honors Dr. James P. Chapin, for his extensive documentation of, and research on, the birds of the Belgian Congo"(Voelker et al. 2016, per LaurentRaty); "Chapinia Voelker and Bowie in Voelker, Huntley, Peñalba and Bowie, 2016, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 94 (B), p. 620 (not of Ewing, 1927 (Phthiraptera)). Type, by original designation, Chapinia cinerascens, i.e. Fraseria cinerascens Hartlaub, 1857." (JAJ 2020).


(Muscicapidae; syn. FraseriaWhite-browed Forest Flycatcher F. cinerascens) Dr James PaulChapin (1889-1964) US ornithologist, collector; Gr. ορνις ornis,ορνιθος ornithos bird; "Chapinornis, new replacement name. Type species: Fraseria cinerascens Hartlaub, 1857. Etymology: A combination of the surname Chapin and the Greek ορνις (Ornis), a bird, and a common suffix for bird genera. This name honors James P. Chapin, for his extensive documentation of, and research on, the birds of the Belgian Congo. Gender masculine. Remarks: Replacement name for Chapinia Voelker & Bowie in Voelker, Huntley, Peñalba & Bowie, 2016" (Voelker et al. 2016); "Chapinornis Voelker, Bowie and Conway, 2016, Zootaxa, 4107 (4), p. 599. New name for Chapinia Voelker and Bowie, 2016, not of Ewing, 1927 (Phthiraptera)." (JAJ 2020).


(Phasianidae; syn. Pternistis Hartlaub's Francolin P. hartlaubi) Dr James Paul Chapin (1889-1964) US ornithologist, collector; Gr. ορτυξ ortux,ορτυγος ortugos quail; "CHAPINORTYX gen. nov., genotype Francolinus hartlaubi Bocage. In the Auk, 1926, p. 235, Dr. James P. Chapin has separated Francolinus nahani Dubois (Ann. Congo Mus., Zool. Ser. IV, Tome I, Fasc. I, p. 17, pl. X) under the generic name of Acentortyx, on the grounds that spurs are totally absent, not even with a scaly excrescence to mark their position, a patch of naked skin below the eyes, and "bill not so weak as in F. lathami" (= genotype of Peliperdix). Having regard to this separation, it becomes necessary to make another genus for "Francolinus hartlaubi" Bocage, and I therefore introduce the above name of Chapinortyx for it." (A. Roberts 1928) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Chapinortyx Roberts, Ann. Transv. Mus., 12, 1928, p. 291. Type, by original designation, Francolinus hartlaubi Bocage.2 ... 2While Francolinus contains a rather heterogeneous assortment of species and could no doubt be dismembered to advantage, I believe that such a revision is best undertaken by some one in a position to make a simultaneous examination of all the species. Removinga single species at random, and without considering the possible relationship of other species, is a most haphazard method." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 68).


Louise Davis Chaplin née Catherwood (1906-1983) US socialite, philanthropist, wife of ichthyologist Charles Clifford Chaplin(subsp. Grallaria haplonota).

Sir Francis Drummond Percy Chaplin (1866-1933) British colonial administrator in Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Lybius).

Frank Michler Chapman (1864-1945) US ornithologist, Curator of Ornithology AMNH 1908-1942, collector (Calidris,Chaetura, subsp. Chordeiles minor,subsp. Conopophaga castaneiceps, syn. Crax rubra, subsp. Formicivora rufa, syn. Gallinago jamesoni, syn. Hemispingus melanotis piurae, subsp. Hydrobates leucorhous, subsp. Mecocerculus leucophrys, subsp. Myiodynastes maculatus, subsp. Myiothlypis coronata, syn. Odontophorus gujanensis marmoratus, syn. Pachyramphus polychopterus dorsalis, subsp. Patagioenas plumbea, syn. Petrochelidon rufocollaris aequatorialis, Pogonotriccus, subsp. Pulsatrix perspicillata, subsp.Pyrrhura melanura, subsp. Rufirallus schomburgkii, subsp. Schistes geoffroyi, subsp. Sicalis luteola, subsp. Synallaxis brachyura).


(Psittacidae; syn.Pyrilia Orange-cheeked Parrot P. barrabandi) Frank Michler Chapman (1864-1945) US ornithologist; "Comtudo, Eucinetes, não póde conter a fórma barrabandi, de que fazemos typo do genero Chapmania ao lado de Pionites. ... Chapmania, nobis. Fórma geral de Eucinetes, tendo a fronte e os lóros emplumados normalmente, a região periophthalmica francamente núa, o cerumen estendendo-se até o hiato, a tomia fracamente entalhada, o gonis de base excavado, remiges 1.a, 3.aeguaes. Especie brasileira: 67— CHAPMANIA BARRABANDI (Kuhl.) Curica" (de Miranda-Ribeiro 1920); "Chapmania de Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, Revista Museu Paulista, XII, pp. 10, 65. Type, by original designation, Psittacus barrabandi Kuhl, 1820." (JAJ 2021).


(Psittacidae; syn.Pyrilia Orange-cheeked Parrot P. barrabandi) Genus Chapmania de Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, parrot; L. suffix -ana pertaining to; "Chapmania A. de M. Ribeiro, Revista Museu Paulista XII. p. 10, 65 (1920) (Type: Psittacus barrabandi Kuhl) kann wegen Chapmannia Monticelli 1893 nicht bleiben. Neuer Name: Chapmaniana Strand n. n." (Strand 1928) (OD per Laurent Raty); "Chapmaniana Strand, 1928, Archiv für Naturgeschichte, XC, Abth. A. Heft 8, p. 58. New name for Chapmania de Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, considered preoccupied by Chapmannia Monticelli, 1893 (Vermes)." (JAJ 2021).


(Dicruridae; syn. Dicrurus Bronzed Drongo D. aeneus) Nepalese name Chaptiaor Chaptyaflat-billed, for the Bronzed Drongo; "Sub-genus Chaptia nobis. Chaptya (quasi Platyrynchus) of Nepal. 6th Species. Muscipetoides nobis. Remarkable for the feebleness of its bill and feet, and seeming absolutely to unite the laniidæ and musci capidæ [sic]. It might be classed, indifferently, with either. The bill and feet are quite those of muscipeta; but there is in both that additional degree of strength which, added to the blue-glossed black plumage with lanceolate hackles, and to the ten-feathered forked tail, affines our bird to the Edolian shrikes. Cuvier, I am aware, classed the Edolianæ with the fly-catchers: but they have have [sic] since, with reason, been associated with the Laniidæ or shrikes." (Hodgson 1836); "Chaptia Hodgson, 1836, India Revue, I, p. 326. Type, by monotypy, Chaptia muscipetoides Hodgson, 1836 = Dicrurus aeneus Vieillot, 1817." (JAJ 2022). Some authors consider that this monospecific genus should be reinstated.
Var. Cheptia.

Charadias (See: Charadrias)

(Charadriidae; syn. Charadrius † Ringed Plover C. hiaticula) Charadias,listed by Waterhouse, 1889, Index Generum Avium, p. 39, as if by Scopoli, 1777, Introductio ad Historiam Naturalem, p. 475 (emended to Charadrias in index, p. 534), is a lapsus for Charadrius Linnaeus, 1758, and a pure nomen nudum, without citations or species, viz.“*356. TRACHELIA. ... 357. CHARADIAS. Rostrum capite vix longius, rectum, prope apicem crassius, quam ad basim. 358. HAEMATOPVS. ... 359. TRINGA. ... INDEX ANIMALIUM. ... Charadrias 357” (JAJ 2024).
Var. Charadias.


Overview and generic check-list.

Plover: Dotterel: Killdeer: Lapwing: Wrybill:

PLUVIALIS Brisson, 1760

. L. “relating to rain.”
●● Squatarola Cuvier, 1816. Italian (Venice) “plover.”
●● Charadrius Reichenbach, 1853 (not Linnaeus, 1758). Gr. “ravine-bird.”
OREOPHOLUS Jardine & Selby, 1835. Gr. “haunting mountains.”
●● Dromicus Lesson, 1844. Gr. “speedy.”
HOPLOXYPTERUS Bonaparte, 1856. Gr. “sharp-weapon wing.”
PHEGORNIS G Gray, 1846. Gr. “shining bird.”
●● Leptopus Fraser, 1845 (not Latreille, 1809). Gr. “slender-foot.”
●● Leptodactylus Fraser, 1845 (not Fitzinger, 1826). Gr. “slender-toe.”
●● Leptoscelis des Murs, 1846. Gr. “slender-leg.”
ZONIBYX Reichenbach, 1853. Mod. L. “banded plover.”
EUDROMIAS Brehm, 1830. Gr. “good runner.”
●● Morinellus Bonaparte, 1856. Mod. L. “foolish bird.”
CHARADRIUS Linnaeus, 1758. Gr. “ravine-bird.”
●● Pipus Lichtenstein, 1793. Mod. L. “chirper.”
●● Aegialitis Boie, 1822. Gr. “sea-shore dweller.”
●● Hiaticula G. Gray, 1840. Late Med. L. “plover.”
●● Oxyechus Reichenbach, 1853. Gr. “shrill-sounding.”
●● Aegialeus Reichenbach, 1853. Gr. “frequenting the shore.”
●● Aegialtes Giebel, 1872. Gr. “frequenting the shore.”
THINORNIS G. Gray, 1845. Gr. “beach-bird.”
●● Afroxyechus Mathews, 1913. Mod “African plover.”
●● Paroxyechus Mathews, 1913. Mod. L. “near Oxyechus.”
●● Elseya Mathews, 1913 (not Grandidier, 1867). Eponym (Dr J. R. Elsey.)
●● Elseyornis Mathews, 1914. Eponym (Dr J. R. Elsey.) + Gr. “bird.”
VANELLUS Brisson, 1760. Med. L. “lapwing.”
●● Tringa Illiger, 1811 (not Linnaeus, 1758). Late Med. L. < Gr. “sandpiper.”
●● Acanthropterus Brookes, 1828. Gr. “spur-wing.”
●● Hoplopterus Bonaparte, 1838. Gr. “armed-wing.”
●● Chettusia Bonaparte, 1838. Italian < Russian “sociable plover.”
●● Pluvianus Selby, 1840 (not Vieillot, 1816). French “plover.”
●● Lobivanellus G. Gray, 1841. Mod. L. “lobed lapwing.”
●● Sarciophorus G. Gray, 1841. Gr. “bare-flesh carrying.”
●● Acanthopteryx G. Gray, 1841. Gr. “spine-wing.”
●● Gavia Gloger, 1842 (not Forster, 1788). L. “seabird.”
●● Chaetusia Agassiz, 1846. Gr. “long flowing hair.”
●● Vanellochettusia Brandt, 1852. Portmanteau Vanellus + Chettusia.
●● Belonopterus Reichenbach, 1853. Gr. “needle-wing.”
●● Xiphidiopterus Reichenbach, 1853. Gr. “dagger-wing.”
●● Sarcogrammus Reichenbach, 1853. Gr. “bare-flesh marked.”
●● Stephanibyx Reichenbach, 1853. Mod. L. “crowned plover.”
●● Tylibyx Reichenbach, 1853. Mod. L. “calloused lapwing.”
●● Ptiloscelys Bonaparte, 1856. Gr. “feather-leg.”
●● Lobipluvia Bonaparte, 1856. Mod. L. “lobed plover.”
●● Vanellochetusia Jerdon, 1864. Portmanteau Vanellus + Chettusia.
●● Defilippia Salvadori, 1866. Eponym (Prof. F. De Filippi).
●● Hemiparra Salvadori, 1866. Mod. L. “half-Parra.”
●● Limnetes Finsch & Hartlaub, 1870. Gr. “marsh-living.”
●● Nonnusia Finsch & Hartlaub, 1870. Late Gr. “monk.”
●● Lobibyx Heine, 1890. Mod. L. “lobed lapwing.”
●● Dilobus Heine, 1890. Gr. “two-lobed.”
●● Anomalophrys Sharpe, 1896. Gr. “strange eyebrow.”
●● Zonifer Sharpe, 1896. Gr. “banded.”
●● Euhyas Sharpe, 1896. Mod. L. “fine plover.”
●● Eurypterus Sharpe, 1896. Gr. “broad-wing.”
●● Microsarcops Sharpe, 1896. Gr. “little-flesh face.”
●● Zapterus Oberholser, 1899. Gr. “strong-wing.”
●● Rogibyx Mathews, 1913. Eponym (J. P Rogers) + Mod L. “lapwing.”
●● Afribyx Mathews, 1913. Mod. L. “African lapwing.”
●● Titihoia A. Roberts, 1924. Zulu “plover.”
●● Dorypaltus Brodkorb, 1959. ‡ Gr. “spear-wielder.”
●● Anitibyx Wolters, 1974. Eponym (Anita Rodenkirchen-Bartsch) + Mod. L. “lapwing.”
●● Viator Campbell, 1979. ‡ L. “traveller.”
●● Afrovanellus Livezey, 2010. Mod. L. “African lapwing.”
ERYTHROGONYS Gould, 1838. Gr. “red-knee.”
PELTOHYAS Sharpe, 1896. Mod. L. “scale-legged plover.”
ANARHYNCHUS Quoy & Gaimard, 1830. Gr. “bent-bill.”
●● Eupoda Brandt, 1845. Gr. “fleet of foot.”
●● Ochthodromus Reichenbach, 1853. Gr. “shore runner.”
●● Cirrepidesmus Bonaparte, 1856. Gr. “tawny-bandaged.”
●● Leucopolius Bonaparte, 1856. Gr. “white and grey.”
●● Pluviorhynchus Bonaparte, 1856. Mod. L. “plover-bill.”
●● Aegialophilus Gould, 1865. Gr. “beach-lover.”
●● Podasocys Coues, 1866. Gr. “swift-footed.”
●● Hyetoceryx Heine, 1890. Gr. “rain herald.”
●● Eupodella Mathews, 1913. Mod. L. “little Eupoda.”
●● Pagoa Mathews, 1913. Lapp “plover.”
●● Pagolla Mathews, 1913. Mod. L. < Lapp “little plover.”
●● Pernettyva Mathews, 1913. Eponym (A. J. Pernety.)
●● Helenaegialus Mathews, 1913. Toponym (St Helena I.) + Aegialeus.
●● Nesoceryx Mathews, 1920. Gr. “island herald.”
●● Afraegialis A. Roberts, 1922. Mod. L. “African plover.”
●● Neocharadrius Livezey, 2010. Mod. L. “Neotropical plover.”


Genus Charadrius Linnaeus, 1758, plover; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling.
● "SQUATAROLA CINCTA, NOBIS. Dotterel Squaterole. ... Vanellus cinctus, Less. Charadrius rubecola, Vig. Zool. Journ. vol. iv. p. 96. THE drawing for our Plate of this very interesting species was taken from the specimens described by Mr VIGORS in the Zoological Journal, as quoted above. They were sent from the Straits of Magellan by Captain P. P. KING, and now form part of the collection of the Zoological Society of London. Had the species not already been named, we should have called it Charadrioides, from its entire similarity in form to the true Dotterels, and even resembling closely one species of this country in its tints, serving as a beautiful link at one end to connect this genus with Charadrius, and which is again assimilated at the opposite extremity by means of the Charadrius pluvialis and Squatarola cinerea,—the Golden and Grey Plovers of this country." (Jardine & Selby 1830)(syn. Charadrius modestus).
● "CURSOR. ... 6. C. charadrioides. ... Charadrius aegyptius Hasselquist Reise 8v. S. 311 (Descrit. opt.) Linn. Syst. Nat. I. p. 264. Vieill. N. D. ... Le Pluvian du Sénégal. Buff. pl. enl. n. 918. (fig. mediocr.) ... Nota. Haec species format transitum clarum cursorum ad charadrios, attamen ad illos quam ad hosce viciniorem: pedum formam ac picturam respiciens prope ad charadrios sectionis primae, quoad rostri formam autem et imprimis narium ad cursores accedit, sed nullo modo characteres generici proprii ad ex ea genus distinctum constituendum sufficiunt." (Wagler 1827) (syn. Pluvianus aegyptius).
● seecharadroides


(Motacillidae; syn. Tmetothylacus Golden Pipit T. tenellus) Dim. < genus Charadrius Linnaeus, 1758, plover; "This [sic] 'Cape-Lark'-like Passerine-birds are distinguished by there [sic] terminal third of the tibia beeing [sic] unfeathered, scaled and reticulated as this is the case with Plovers etc. It can be taken granted that this difference is in strict accordance with accomodation to aquatic life. ... Charadriola nov. gen. The general characteristics of this new genus are similar to those of Macronyx, but the terminal third of the tibia is unfeathered, scaled and reticulated ... front of tarsus scutellated; the upper and under part of hinder tarsus with scutellations ... Charadriola singularis n. sp." (von Madarász 1904); "Charadriola von Madarász, 1904, Annales Hist.-Nat. Musei Nationalis Hungarici, II (2), p. 400. Type, by monotypy, Charadriola singularis von Madarász, 1904 = Macronix tenellus Cabanis, 1878." (JAJ 2021).


(Charadriidae; Ϯ Ringed Plover C. hiaticula) Late L. charadrius yellowish bird mentioned in the Vulgate Bible (late 4th century) < Gr. χαραδριος kharadrios unknown plain-coloured nocturnal bird that dwelt in ravines and river valleys < χαραδρα kharadra ravine. According to some authors the sight of it was said to cure jaundice. Early identifications included the Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus;"79. CHARADRIUS. Rostrum teretiusculum, obtusum. Pedes tridactyli." (Linnaeus 1758); "Charadrius Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 150. Type, by tautonymy, Charadrius hiaticula Linné. (Charadrios s. Hiaticula Aldrovandus, prebinomial specific name in synonymy.)" (Peters, 1934, II, p. 245). Linnaeus's Charadrius comprised eleven species (C. cristatus, C. Hiaticula, C. alexandrinus, C. vociferus, C. ægyptius, C. Morinellus, C. apricarius, C. Pluvialis, C. Oedicnemus, C. Himantopus, C. spinosus).
Var. Chacadrius.
Synon. Aegialeus, Aegialitis, Aegialtes, Charadrias,Hiaticula, Oxyechus, Pipus.
● (Charadriidae; syn. Pluvialis † Eurasian Golden Plover P. apricaria) “Genera et Species typicae. ... 2. *Charadrius L. pluvialis L. Tab. XVIII. Caput, culmen, ala, pes. — Ic. Av. t. 177. ic. 687—693. t. 175. ic. 2681—82. t. 182. ic. 2571.” (Reichenbach 1853); “Charadrius “L.” Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. XVIII (not of Linnaeus, 1758). Type, by original designation, Charadrius pluvialis Linnaeus, 1758 = Charadrius apricarius Linnaeus, 1758.” (JAJ 2023).


GenusCharadriusLinnaeus, 1758, plover; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling: "SUB GENUS AMMOPTILA, Sw. 372.—A. charadroides, Sw. ?—Sand Plover. A bird of this remarkable genus is mentioned in Mr. Elliot's Catalogue, but without any description, so I am uncertain if it is the same species as the one indicated by Swainson, in his Synopsis. Mr. E. mentions his having found it in flocks on the sea-shore, on the west coast of India. Bill black; legs and feet plumbeous. Length 15 inches."(Jerdon 1840) (syn.Dromas ardeola).

Chardihylas (See: Charidhylas)

(Muscicapidae;syn. Ficedula Ϯ Narcissus Flycatcher F. narcissina) Gr. χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos beauty, grace < χαιρω khairō to rejoice; ὑλη hulē,ὑλης hulēs woodland (cf. portmanteau of specific name Muscicapa hylocharis Temminck & Schlegel); "11. MUSCICAPA hylocharis, Temm. et Schleg. Faun. Japon. t. 17. ex Japon. Maxime aberrans!" (Bonaparte 1850); "Nous avons changé Hylocharis en Charidhylas, Bp., pour le genre dont la célèbre espèce du Japon est le type et qui tient un peu des Pachycéphaliens" (Bonaparte 1854); "Chardihylas [sic] Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Paris, 38, p. 651. Type, by original designation, Muscicapa hylocharis Temminck and Schlegel [= Muscicapa narcissina Temminck] (Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Avium, 1, p. 318)." (Watson in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 335).
Var. Charidylas,Choredhyla,Chardihylas.

charientura / charienturus

Gr. χαριεις kharieis, χαριεντος kharientos beautiful < χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace <khairō to rejoice; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.


Gr. χαριεις kharieis,χαριεσσα khariessa graceful, beautiful < χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace <χαιρω khairō to rejoice.


(Trochilidae; syn. Lampornis Amethyst-throated Hummingbird L. amethystinus) Gr. χαριεις kharieis,χαριεσσα khariessa graceful, beautiful < χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace <χαιρω khairō to rejoice; "Ich betrachte daher den ohnehin für die wissenschaftliche Nomenclatur unbrauchbaren Namen Delattria (!) Bp. nur als "useless synonym" zu Coeligena Less., als deren Typus C. Clemenciae gilt, und bilde für die neuerdings von Gould und Sclater aufgestellte Gruppe Delattria (!) Gould 1861 (nec Bp. 1849) von dem griechischenχαριεις (lieblich) das Genus Chariessa mit den beiden centralamericanischen Arten: 1. C. Henrici ... 2. C. viridipallens" (Heine 1863) "Chariessa Heine, 1863, Journalfür Ornithologie, XI (63), p. 178. New name for Delattria Bonaparte, 1850, considered useless and barbarous because of its eponymous root." (JAJ 2020).


(Pycnonotidae; syn. Andropadus Grey Greenbul A. gracilis) Gr. χαρις kharis, χαριτος kharitos grace < χαιρω khairō to rejoice; ιλλας illas, ιλλαδος illados thrush; "CHARITILLAS 1gen. nov. Chars. gen.—Similar to Stelgidillas, but bill much shorter, the height at basemore than one-third the exposed culmen, the culmen ridged and curved from base; tarsus relatively shorter; frontal feathering not extending beyond posterior edge of nostrils; nuchal hairs much shorter; rictal and nasal bristles longer. ... Type.—Andropadus gracilis CABANIS. The type and apparently sole species of this genus was hesitantly placed by the writer in Stelgidillas, and the present examination shows that it certainly does not belong there; Dr. Sharpe has recently removed it to Eurillas where it is still more out of place. From the latter genus Charitillas differs decidedly in its much lengthened, strongly operculate nostrils; much more slender and compressed bill, with more distinctly ridged culmen; relatively shorter tarsus; shorter nuchal hairs; and somewhat weaker rictal bristles. ... 1χαρις, gratia; ιλλας, turdus." (Oberholser 1905); "Charitillas Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., Quarterly Issue, 48, no. 2, p. 168. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Andropadus gracilis Cabanis." (Rand in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 225).


(Hirundinidae; syn. Hirundo White-throated Swallow H. albigularis) Gr. χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace, loveliness < χαιρω khairō to rejoice; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "2. Subgenus: Charitochelidon subg. nov. Typus (hier bezeichnet) Hirundo albigularis STRICKLAND, Contr. Orn. 1849, 17. —Dieses Subgenus verbindet Hirundo s. str. mit Uromitus, unterscheidet sich von ersterer durch weiße (nicht rotbraune) Kehle, von letzterem durch nicht völlig rotbraunen Oberkopf und weniger lange Fadenfedern. Hierher die beiden hübschen, vielleicht konspezifischen Formen H. albigularis und H. aethiopica."(Wolters 1943) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Charitochelidon Wolters, 1943, Zoologischer Anzeiger, 143, p. 190. Type, by original designation, Hirundo albigularis Strickland, 1849." (JAJ 2021).


(Dicaeidae; syn. Prionochilus Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker P. percussus) Gr. χαρις kharis grace, pleasing; κιρις kiris,κιριδος kiridos mythical bird. In ornithology ciris is frequently used for the flowerpeckers;"Charitociris,* nom. gen. nov. Prionochilus STRICLLAND [sic], Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.,1841 ... nec Prionocheilus Chevrolat [1837], Coleoptera. ... Type.—Pardalotus percussus Temminck. ... * Charis, gratia; kiris, ciris (avis mythica.)" (Oberholser 1923); "Charitociris Oberholser, 1923, Ohio Journal of Science, XXIII (6), p. 289. New name for Prionochilus Strickland, 1841, considered preoccupied by Prionocheilus Chevrolat, 1837 (Coleoptera)." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Charitocoris.


(Anatidae; syn. Bucephala Bufflehead B. albeola) Gr. χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace, beauty < χαιρω khairō to rejoice; νηττα nētta duck; "CHARITONETTA * n. gen. (Type Anas albeola LIN.) ... * Xαρις, χαριτος, grace; νηττα, , a duck. ... The Buffle-head is as well entitled to generic rank as the other genera among the Fuligulinæ, differing, as it does, in many important structural features from the two species Clangula glaucion and islandica" (Stejneger 1885); "Charitonetta Stejneger, 1885, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., no. 29, p. 163. Type, by original designation, Anas albeola Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).


(Sturnidae; syn. Streptocitta Bare-eyed MynaS. albertinae) Gr. χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace, loveliness < χαιρω khairō to rejoice; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; "CHARITORNIS ALBERTINAE ... Le Charitornis rappelle, par son aspect générale, notre pie; mais il est d'une taille beaucoup moins forte, il paraîtêtre doué de formes plus grêles, les côtéset le dessous de la tête sont nus et les narines libres, les proportions relatives des grandes rémiges sont différemment modifiées, et le bec comme les pieds d'un jaune vif, les ailes enfin n'offrent pas de blanc, tandis que cette teinte se répand, en révanche, sur tout le dessous en avant du bas-ventre, sur la tête, le cou et une partie du manteau. ... Le système de coloration du Charitornis, quoiquesimple et peu brillant, ne laisse pas d'être très-harmonieux et de prêter à cet oiseau un charme tout particulier. ... L'épithète conférée à ce charmant oiseau rappelle le nom de l'une des aimables filles de notre défunt ami, le professeur VAN LIDTH DE JEUDE; qui, mainte fois, a eu la bienveillance de nous faire, avec une grace parfaite, les honneurs des riches collections de son père." (Schlegel 1866); "Charitornis Schlegel, 1866, Ned. Tijdsch. Dierk., 3 (1865), p. 1. Type, by monotypy, Charitornis albertinae Schlegel." (Amadon in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 117).


(Thraupidae; Ϯ Coal-crested Finch C. eucosma) Gr. χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace, beauty < χαιρω khairō to rejoice; σπιζα spiza finch < σπιζω spizō to chirp; "Doctor Charles W. Richmond has already shown that Tiaris Swainson [1827] belongs properly to Euetheia, but he failed to provide a name for the consequently nameless group of South American Fringillidae for which Tiaris has commonly been employed. This, therefore, may be called Charitospiza, fromχαρις, gratia, andσπιζα, fringilla. The type and only species, Fringilla ornata Wied [1821], needs a new specific designation on account of the earlier Fringilla ornata Vieillot, and as it has no synonyms, may be known as Charitospiza eucosma Oberholser." (Oberholser1905); "Charitospiza Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48 (1), p. 67. Type, by original designation, Fringilla ornata Wied (not of Vieillot, 1817) = Charitospiza eucosma Oberholser." (Paynter in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 208).
Synon. Tiaris.


● Victoria Elisabeth Augusta Charlotte Princess of Prussia (1860-1919), eldest daughter of Crown-Prince Friedrich of Prussia (Iole).
● Liselotte Machatschek (fl. 1932) German explorer, collector on Celebes with Gerhardt Heinrich 1930-1932 (subsp. Myzomela chloroptera).


Lt.-Col. Andrew Charlton (1803-1888) of the Bengal Light Infantry (Tropicoperdix).

Charme, south-eastern Tibet.
Eduard Adolf Charmes (1878-1942) resident in Suriname (syn. Lamprospiza melanoleuca).

(Psittaculidae; Pygmy Lorikeet C. wilhelminae) Genus Charmosyna Wagler, 1832, lorikeet; supposed L. dim. -etta (cf. Gr. adverb of degree ετι eti, moreover, further); "CHARMINETTA gen. nov. Type, wilhelminae Meyer 1874 (Trichoglossus). ... WILHELMINA'S LORIKEET (Charminetta wilhelminae) has been called by one who saw it alive "this exquisite mite." ... Recalling in its colour pattern and coloration the comparatively huge Charmosyna, the minute size necessitates the introduction of the name Charminetta, with wilhelminae as type, and the name may be used subgenerically by those who prefer it." (Iredale 1956); "Charminetta Iredale, 1956, Birds New Guinea, I, pp. xv, 160, 161. Type, by original designation, Trichoglossus wilhelminae Meyer, 1874." (JAJ 2020).


Gr. χαρμοσυνος kharmosunos glad, joyful, festive < χαρμα kharma,χαρματος kharmatos joy, delight <χαιρω khairō to rejoice;συν sun together.


(Psittaculidae; Ϯ Papuan Lorikeet C. papou) Gr. χαρμοσυνος kharmosunos glad, joyful, festive < χαρμα kharma,χαρματος kharmatos joy, delight <χαιρω khairō to rejoice; συν sun together; "Genus X.Charmosyna ***) Wagl. Sittichlori. Rostrum, lingua et pedes Trichoglossorum; cauda longula, cuneata, rectricibus duabus intermediis longissimis. Australiae incola. Vitae ratio ignota. Species: 1. Ch. papuensis. ... ***) Xαρμοσυνοςamoenus. —Avis generis naturaliter connectit psittacos praecedentes longicaudatos [Trichoglossus] cum sequentibus [Eos], qui rubri sunt et caudam conico-acuminatam habent." (Wagler 1832); "Charmosyna Wagler, Abh. k. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Phys. Kl., 1, [Monographia Psittacorum]1832, p. 493. Type, by monotypy, Ch. papuensis = Psittacus papuensis Gmelin = Psittacus papou Scopoli." (Peters, 1937, III, p. 158).
Var. Charmosina, Charmosyne.
Synon. Psittapous,Pyrrhodes, Synorhacma.


(Psittaculidae; syn. Vini† Duchess Lorikeet V. margarethae) Genus Charmosyna Wagler, 1832, lorikeet; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Charmosynoides Joseph, Merwin and Smith gen. nov. ... Type-species Charmosyna margarethae Tristram, 1879. Ibis 21: 437-444. Etymology Charmosynoides, meaning like or resembling Charmosyna, has been chosen to reflect the similarity of the species to the predominantly red and green species of Charmosyna. Its gender is feminine." (Joseph et al. 2020) (Jim Gaudin in litt.); "Charmosynoides Joseph, Merwin and Smith, 2020, Emu-Austral Ornithology, p. 11: 1779596. Type, by original designation, Charmosyna margarethae Tristram, 1879." (JAJ 2020).


(Psittaculidae; Fairy Lorikeet C. pulchella) Genus Charmosyna Wagler, 1832, lorikeet; Gr. οψις opsis appearance; "90.Charmosynopsis (2) pulchella (G. R. Gr.), List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 102 (1859). Hab. in Nova Guinea ... (2) Gen. nov. CHARMOSYNOPSIS differt a genere CHARMOSYNA propter remiges quatuor primas ad apicem non abrupte subulatas. Quod ad colores C. PULCHELLA cum generis CHARMOSYNÆ speciebus maxime convenit." (Salvadori 1877); "Charmosynopsis Salvadori, 1877, Annali Mus. Civico Storia Naturale Genova, X, p. 37. Type, by monotypy, Charmosyna pulchella G. Gray, 1859." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Charmosinopsis.

Charphibis (See: Carphibis)

(Threskiornithidae; syn. Threskiornis Straw-necked Ibis T. spinicollis) Gr. καρφη karphē blade of straw, hay < καρφω karphō to dry up; ιβις ibis, ιβιδος ibidos or ιβιος ibios ibis ("The specific termspinicolliswas applied to it from the fore-part of the neck being covered with spines" (Jameson 1835)); "Genera et Species typicæ. ... β. *Carphibis Rchb. spinicollis (Ibis —James). Ic. Av. t. 142. ic. 1009—10." (Reichenbach 1853); "Carphibis Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. XIV. Type, by original designation, Ibis spinicollis Jameson, 1835." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Carphitibis, Charphibis.


Galician (Spanish) names Charrela or Perdiz charrela for the Grey Partridge (syn. Perdix perdix hispaniensis).


Gr. χασκαξ khaskax,χασκακος khaskakos gaper < χασκω khaskō to yawn.


Frederick Nutter Chasen (1896-1942) British ornithologist, Director of Raffles Mus., Singapore 1932-1942 (syn. Aegithina tiphia aequanimis, Batrachostomus, syn. Charadrius peronii, syn. Chrysocorythus estherae orientalis, subsp. Enicurus leschenaulti, subsp. Harpactes erythrocephalus, syn. Prinia flaviventris latrunculus, subsp. Strix leptogrammica, syn. Treron curvirostra).


(Monarchidae; Ϯ HawaiiElepaio C. sandwichensis) Gr. χαινω khainō to gape, to long for; εμπις empis,εμπιδος empidos mosquito, gnat; "Gen. Chasiempis n. gen. (χαινω, inhiare;εμπις,ιδος Mücke). Die Muscicapa sandvicensis Lath., welche wir als Typus dieser Gattung hinstellen, liefert den höchst interessanten Beweis, dass die echten Muscicapiden der alten Welt von den fälschlich sogenannten der neuen Welt im Flügelbau und in der Fussbildung constant verschieden sind. Während M. sandvicensis in der Schnabelbildung, den höheren Läufen und entwickelteren Zehen, selbst annäherungsweise in der Färbung, Aehnlichkeit mit einigen amerikanischen Fluvicolinen zeigt, bekundet die 1ste kurze Schwinge und die gestiefelte Laufsohle auf den ersten Blick einen Singvogel, mithin einen Fliegenschnäpper der alten Welt 1). 1. Ch. sandvicensis. Muscicapa sandvicensis Lath. ... 1) Die Verbreitung der Fliegenschnäpperüber die dem amerikanischenContinente zunächst gelegenen Inselgruppen möchte auch in geographischer Hinsicht von Interesse sein. Da in Amerika kein Fliegenschnäpper mit kurzer 1ster Schwinge vorkommt (falls nicht die Bombycillinae zu den Muscicapiden gehören), beweist Chasiempis, dass die Sandwichs-Inseln mit Amerika in keinem Zusammenhange gestanden haben können. Die Fliegenschnäpper der Gallapagos-Inseln hingegen stimmen mit denen des amerikanischen Festlandesvollkommen überein." (Cabanis 1847); "Chasiempis Cabanis, 1847, Archiv. Naturgeschichte, 13, pt. 1, p. 207. Type, by monotypy, Muscicapa sandwichensis Gmelin." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 491).
Var. Chasciempis(Gr.χασκω khaskō to gape, to yawn), Chasiempsis.


“Our migration-tracking, genomic, physiological, and morphological analyses reveal that the northern, high-elevation resident giant hummingbird populations comprise a new species, which we describe here: Patagona chaski sp. nov. Northern Giant Hummingbird … The species name chaski is Quechua for “messenger”, referring to the revered relay runners who transported messages and goods throughout the Inka Empire. … Chaski runners were sure-footed sprinters, capable of speed and endurance on steep slopes, in part due to high-capacity lungs and rigorous aerobic training at high elevations. … The northern giant hummingbird is the dominant avian pollinator species across much of the former Inka territory, and it has a well-honed spatial memory, and extraordinary aerobic capacity and agility; it thus embodies a closely analogous suite of characteristics.” (J. L. Williamson et al. 2024) (syn. Patagona gigas).

French chasse hunting; fiente droppings.
● ex “Chasse-Fiente” of Levaillant 1796, pl. 10 (syn. Gyps coprotheres).

Arabic onomatopoeia al Kattar the sandgrouse; ex "Alchata seu Filacotona" of Gessner 1555, Tetrao Alchata Linnaeus, 1766, "Ganga" of de Buffon 1770-1786, and other references (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (syn. Pterocles alchata caudacutus).


Bengali name Chatarhia for the Jungle Babbler Turdoides striata (syn. Argya caudata).

Chatarhea (See: Chatarrhaea)

(Leiothrichidae;syn. Argya White-throated Babbler A. gularis) Specific name Timalia chataraea Franklin, 1831 (= syn. Argya caudata); " CHATARRHÆA GULARIS, nobis, n. s. A handsome species of this group ... Pegu* ... *Having had occasion to re-examine the series of Indian CRATEROPODINÆ, it was found expedient to subdivide the genus MALACOCERCUS, Swainson, as follows ... 2. CHATARRHÆA, nobis. CH. GULARIS, ut supra, is about the most typical species. Others exist in CH. CAUDATA (Timalia chatarrhæa, Franklin), — Ch. Huttoni, nobis, J. A. S. XVI, 476, from Kandahar, —and CH. EARLEI, nobis." (Blyth 1855); "Chatarrhaea Blyth, 1855, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 24 (No. 5), p. 478, footnote *2. Type, by original designation, Chatarrhaea gularis Blyth, 1855." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Catarrhaea, Chatarhea, Chatarrhoea.

chathamensis / chathamica

Chatham Is., Pacific Ocean (named after HMS Chatham, commanded by Lt. Broughton, who discovered the islands in 1791).


(Leiothrichidae; syn. Argya† White-throated Babbler A. gularis) Gr. χαιτη khaitē long flowing hair; ορρος orrhos rump; “438. CHATORHEA CAUDATA. The specimen described as C. huttoni (J. A. S. B. xvi. p. 476), from Kandahar is larger than any that I have seen from India … the middle tail-feathers exceeding 5 inches. … 439. CHATORHEA EARLII (Blyth); Malacocercus geochrous, Hodgson.” (Blyth 1867); “Chatorhea Blyth, 1867, Ibis, new ser., III, p. 6. Alternative name for Chatarrhaea Blyth, 1855.” (JAJ 12/9/2024).
Var. Chatorhaea.


Gr. χειλος kheilos,χειλεος kheileos lip, edge; ελασμος elasmos plate, lamella (cf. genus Chaulelasmus Bonaparte, 1838) (syn. Mareca strepera).


(Anatidae; syn. Mareca Gadwall M. strepera) Gr. χειλος kheilos,χειλεος kheileos lip, edge; ελασμος elasmos plate, lamella; "Gen. 274. CHAULELASMUS, G. R. Gray. (Chauliodes, Sw.) 408. CHAULELASMUS STREPERUS, G. R. GRAY. (Anas strepera, L.) Gould, pl. 366." (Bonaparte 1838); "Chaulelasmus Bonaparte, Geogr. and Comp. List, 1838, p. 56. Type, by monotypy, Anas strepera Linné." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 168).


Georges Pierre Gilbert Chaulet (1877-1950) French forestry officer in Annam, French IndoChina, collector (subsp. Cissa hypoleuca).


(Anatidae; syn. Mareca Gadwall M. strepera) Inferred Gr. χαυλι- projecting, tusky; Gr. -οδης -odēs like; “GENUS XIII. CHAULIODES. … Feet with the posterior toes of moderate size, and not lobated. Bill not broader at the tip than at the base. Lamellæ elongated. … CHAULIODES. Swainson. TYPE. Chauliodus Strepera.” (Eyton 1838); “Chauliodes “Swainson” Eyton, 1838, Monograph Anatidae, p. 43. Alternative name or lapsus for Chauliodus Swainson, 1831.” (JAJ 5/6/2024).


Gr. χαυλιοδους khauliodous,χαυλιοδοντος khauliodontos with prominent teeth, tusked.

Chauliodous (See: Chauliodus)

(Anatidae;syn. Mareca Ϯ Gadwall M. strepera) Gr. χαυλιοδους khauliodous, χαυλιοδοντος khauliodontos with prominent teeth, tusked; "Guided by the same views, we next inquire what other ducks present us with the projecting laminæ of the Shovellers; or where we shall look for the gradual diminution of a structure so important to these birds. This diminution we find in the sub-genus, CHAULIODUS, of the 'Northern Zoology,' founded upon the well-known Gadwall duck, a bird so repeatedly described, that it is surprising how any part of its structure should have escaped observation. It is, however, certain that this bird makesas near an approach to the Shovellers as any other yet known. The form of the bill, indeed, is no longer spatulate, or perceptibly broader towards the end; but the laminæ of the upper mandible are still very fine, distinct, and more numerous than those of any other form subsequently mentioned, for they project a full tenth of an inch beyond the margin." (Swainson 1831 (Journ. Roy. Inst.)); "ANAS (CHAULIODUS) STREPERA. (Swains.) The Gadwall. ...Sub-genus Chauliodus Ϯ, SWAINSON. ... Ϯ Th. Xαυλιοδους, exsertos dentes habens." (Swainson 1831 (Fauna Bor.-Amer.)); "Chauliodus (not of Bloch, 1901 [sic = Bloch & Schneider 1801]) Swainson, Journ. Roy. Inst. Great Britain, 2, p. 19, 1831—type, "the well known Gadwall Duck" = Anas strepera Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 340).
Var. Chauliodous.


(Anhimidae; Ϯ Northern Screamer C. chavaria) Gr. χαυνος khaunos spongy, porous; ref. the cellules or air-sacs beneath the skin of screamers; “When any part of the skin is touched by the hand a crackling is felt” (Latham 1785); “GENUS 99. CHAUNA (χαυνος fungosus, inflatus, inanis). ... Species: Parra Chavaria Lin. (Chaja Azara.) Observat. Hanc avem (uti Glareolam, Cereopsin, Dicholophum) me nondum videsse, fateor; characteres genericos itaque, quantum licuit, e descriptionibus et iconibus hausi. Chaunam, cujus nomen inde deductum est, quod cutis etiam pedum sub tactu crepet, scilicet cellulis inanibus ipsi substratis, a Palamedea et Parra distinguendam esse, mihi persuasum habeo.” (Illiger 1811); "Chauna Illiger, Prodromus, 1811, p. 253. Type, by monotypy, Parra chavaria Linné." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 142).
Var. Chaima.
Synon. Chaja, Chaussa, Ischyrornis, Opistolophus.


(Fringillidae; syn. Carpodacus Bonin Grosbeak C. ferreorostris) Gr. χαυνοπρωκτος khaunoprōktos wide-breeched < χαυνος khaunos loose < χαυνοω khaunoō to relax; πρωκτος prōktos rear; alluding to the soft, full-feathered rump of the Bonin Grosbeak; "*1060. Chaunoproctus, Bp. et Schleg. ex Aristoph. (Papa. Bp. in litt. Reichenb. - Pyrenestes, p. Gr. - Mycerobas, p. Cabanis.) Anomalum! Ins. Bonin. 1. FRINGILLA papa, Kittl. (Coccothraustes ferreirostris, Vig. Papa ferreirostris, litt. - Mycerobas papa, Caban. Chaunoproctus papa, Bp. et Schleg.) Nov. Act. Petersb. 1830. t. 15. - Kupfertaf. t. 32. 2. mas. - Beachey, Voy. Zool. t. 8 - Monogr. Loxiinar. t. 37. mas. t. 38. faem. fig. eximiae. ex Ins. Bonin Japoniae." (Bonaparte 1850);"En attendant que ses mœurs et ses affinités soient mieux connues, c'est ici que l'on doit intercaler, quoiqu'il briseévidemment la série encore plus que le précédent [Haematospiza], notre nouveau genre Chaunoproctus qui a pour type la Fringilla papa, KITTLITZ ou ferreirostris, VIG. placéà tort parmi les Coccothraustes et réuni plus malheureusement encore avec Mycerobas. Nous empruntons son nom génériqueà Aristophane, l'appliquant après deux mille ans,à uneépoque où il semble crée pour notre papal oiseau" (Bonaparte & Schlegel, 1850, Monog. Loxiens, p. 31); "Chaunoproctus Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 526. Type, by monotypy, Fringilla papa Kittlitz = Coccothraustes ferreo-rostris Vigors." (Paynter in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 283).


Gr. χαυνος khaunos puffy, loose < χαυνοω khaunoō to relax; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos bird.
●(Bucconidae; syn.Bucco Spotted Puffbird B. tamatia) "CHAUNORNIS a, G. R. Gray (1841). Capito, Temm., et 2nd div. Wagl. (1827). Bucco, Gm., 2nd div. Cuv. (1797-1798), et 1st div. Vieill. (1816). Tamatia, Cuv., Sw. Nyctactes, (Glog.) Strickl. (1841). C. tamatia, (Gm.) G. R. Gray, Pl. enl. 746. f. 1. ... a Mr. Strickland states that I have in my former edition transposed the names of Tamatia and Capito as used by Mr. Swainson. But Mr. Swainson is not the proper authority for these genera, which were establishedas Mr. Strickland is himself aware, by Cuvier and Vieillot. He believes, however, that the genera of Cuvier and Vieillot were "precisely the same group;" but this is not correct. Capito of Vieillot was established in 1816 with Bucco Cayanensis for its type, and I have therefore employed the name to designate the group to which that species belongs; while Tamatia, although an old word, was applied by Cuvier in 1817 to B. macrorhynchus and other species, for which I have retained it. We cannot say that these are "precisely the same group." As for Nyctactes, it wasonly proposedby Gloger as a more classical word than Capito, and was therefore but a useless synonym of that genus. Having removed the typical Capito to its proper place among the Bucconinæ, it becomes necessary to apply a name to those which remain; and as I cannot adopt that of Nyctactes ... I have proposed that of Chaunornis" (G. Gray 1841); "Chaunornis G. Gray, 1841, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 13. Type, by original designation, Bucco tamatia Gmelin, 1788." (JAJ 2020).
●(Bucconidae; syn. Hypnelus † Two-banded Puffbird H. bicinctus) "15. CAPITO, Temm. ... 74. tamatia, Gm. (maculatus, Cuv.) 16. CHAUNORNIS, Gr. — 75. bicincta, Gould. — 76. panamensis, Lafr. — 77. ruficollis, Licht. (gularis, Orb.)" (Bonaparte 1854); "Chaunornis "Gr." Bonaparte, 1854, Conspectus Volucrum Zygodactylorum, p. 13 (not of G. Gray, 1841). Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 136 (Appendix)), Tamatia bicincta Gould, 1837." (JAJ 2021).

Chaupe, Huancabamba, Peru.

(Anhimidae;syn. ChaunaϮ Northern Screamer C. chavaria) Perhaps a French homophone of unknown etymon, or a lapsus (see below); “2.e Famille. — ALECTORIDES, Alectorides. Bec plus court que la tête; à mandibule supérieure convexe, fléchie et un peu voûtée. — Genres: GLARÉOLE, CÉRÉOPSE, CARIAMA, KAMICHI, CHAVARIA (Chaussa), Agami.” (Vieillot 1818); “Chaussa Vieillot, 1818, Nouveau Dictionnaire d’Histoire Naturelle, Nouvelle Édition, XXIV, p. 94. Either a lapsus or a new name for Chauna Illiger, 1811.” (JAJ 22/10/2024).


CharlesHerschell-Chauvin (1875-1959) Mauritian merchant, natural history dealer, photographer, collector(syn. Asio madagascariensis).


(Phasianidae;syn. AlectorisϮ Cecile's Partridge A. balcanica) Cécile Mourer-Chauviré(b. 1939) French palaeontologist; "The species described is the absolute dominant in the site. It includes about 85% of all avian finds collected so far from the site. ... Chauvireria gen. n. Type species. Chauvireria balcanica sp. n. Included species. Type species only. Diagnosis. A small phasianid of Perdicinae subfamily ... Etymology. Dedicated to Dr. Cecile Mourér-Chauviré [sic], a researcher of Tertiary and Quaternary birds." (Boev 1997) (OD per Fred Ruhe); "Chauvireria Boev, 1997, Geologica Balcanica, 27 (3-4), p. 71. Type, by original designation, Chauvireria balcanica Boev, 1997." (JAJ 2022).


Based on "Chavaria" of von Jacquin 1763, who tells us that it was the Spanish and indigenous name for this screamer at Cartagena, New Granada / Colombia (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.)(cf. Spanish name Chavarrí; Frenchcharivari babble of noise, cacophonous music) (pace“Tupí (Brazilian) Indian namejavariáfor some sort of bird” (Jobling 1991)); "92. PARRA. ... Chavaria. 5. P. digitis elongatis, pedibus fulvis, occipite cristato. Habitat in fluviis, lacubus & inundatis, vicinis flumini Cinu ... Aves rapaces ferre nequit & primo illas adoritur. Vulturem Auram ibi frequentissimum, sæpeque obambulantem & approprinquantem, illico occurrit & expellit. Indi, qui Gallinas, Anseres&c. nutriunt in magno numero, unicam Chavariam cicuratam habent, quæ cum reliqua Gallinarum turba per vicina pergit, numquam deserit, etsi volare possit & domum ad vesperam revertitur. Ab homine adulto se tangi patitur & nemini nocet; contra Pueros se defendit sæpius. Vox clara, alta, sed ingrata. D. Jacquin."(Linnaeus 1766, Systema Naturæ, ed. 12, I, 260) (Chauna).


(Anhimidae;syn. ChaunaϮ Northern Screamer C. chavaria) Based on "Chavaria" of von Jacquin 1763, and specific name Parra chavaria Linnaeus, 1766; "1. Sous-famille. OTIDIA. Les Otidés. Bec crochu ou courbé. G. 1. Otidus R. Otis L. 2. Psophia L. 3. Palamedea L. 4. Serpentarius Lath. 5. Cariama R. 6. Glareola L. 7. Chionis Forster. Vaginalis Lath. 8. Chavaria R." (Rafinesque, 1815, Analyse de la Nature, p. 70).


Diocletiano Chávez (1843-1936) Nicaraguan zoologist, collector, founder of Mus. Nacional, Managua (subsp. Cyanocorax melanocyaneus).

Chayul River, south-eastern Tibet.
Steam yacht Chazalie, which belonged to the Comte de Dalmas who undertook various cruises around the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and Caribbean (syn. Loxigilla noctis ridgwayi).
cheela / cheele

Hindi onomatopoeiaChīl or Cheel for the ubiquitous Black Kite Milvus migrans govinda.
● (syn. Milvus migrans govinda).
● ex “Cheela Falcon” of Latham 1787; "Similarly the common Indian name for a Kite, Chil, has been wrongly given to the Crested Serpent-Eagle" (Blanford 1895) (Spilornis).

cheeleensis (See: cheleensis)

Chelee Province /Chihli /Liaoning, north-eastern China.

Hindi name Chăndūl for all crested larks (syn. Mirafra cantillans).

Cheeput or Cháput /Chubút, Patagonia, Argentina.

Col. Robert Ernest Cheesman (1878-1962) British Army, colonial administrator, ornithologist, explorer, Private Secretary to High Commissioner in Iraq 1920-1923, Consul at Dangila, Abyssinia 1925-1934, Section Head of Intelligence, Sudan 1940-1942, Legation Counsellor at Addis Ababa 1942-1944 (subsp. Ammomanes deserti).
“The cry of the bird is cheet, cheet, cheet, uttered simultaneously by flocks in flight” (Sykes 1832) (syn. Lonchura malabarica).

(Pluvianidae; syn. Pluvianus Egyptian Plover P. aegyptius) Gr. χειλος kheilos pasture; δρομας dromas running < τρεχω trekhō to run; "Es ist solches die Gattung Charadrius, Vanellus und Cheilodromas (Rüppell), letzeres eine neue aufgestellte Gattung, die bisher bald zu den Charadrius, bald zu den Cursorius gerechnet, übrigens auch schon von Vieillot unter dem Namen Pluvianus als selbständig vorgeschlagen wurde, und deren Charakteristik folgendermassen zu bezeichnen ist: Cheilodromas Nov. Gen. ... Die einzige bekannte Art, Charadrius melanocephalus (Latham) oder Pluvianus melanocephalus (Vieillot) oder Cursor charadroides (Wagler)" (Rüppell 1837); "Cheilodromas Rüppell, 1837, Museum Senckenbergianum, II (3), p. 208. Type, by monotypy, Charadrius melanocephalus (Latham), i.e. Gmelin, 1789 = Charadrius aegyptius Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Cheilodromus, Chilodromus.


Gr. χειμεριος kheimerios wintry, stormy < χειμα kheima,χειματος kheimatos winter, storm.


(Nectariniidae; syn. Cinnyris White-bellied Sunbird C. talatala) Gr. χειμων kheimōn, χειμωνος kheimōnos north; genus Cinnyris Cuvier, 1816, sunbird; "[Key] 10. Males with abdomen white or yellow, back metallic green: Cheimocinnyris (506). ... [Text] 506. Cheimocinnyris Rbts. (Cinnyris) (talatala A. Smith)." (A. Roberts 1924); "Cheimocinnyris A. Roberts, 1924, Annals Transvaal Mus., X (3), pp. 115, 179. Type, by monotypy, Cinnyris talatala A. Smith, 1836." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. χειμων kheimōn,χειμωνος kheimōnos winter; μνηστηρ mnēstēr,μνηστηρος mnēstēros suitor (Hydrobates).


(Laridae; syn. Rissa Black-legged Kittiwake R. tridactyla) Gr. χειμων kheimōn, χειμωνος kheimōnos winter; "2. Larus tridactylus. ... 2. Wintermöve. Cheimonea *). E[ntwickelung]. Der Körper wird kleiner, der Schnabel einfach, eine Spur von Hinterzehe erzeugt sich. Ch[arakter]. Mövenmit einer kaum bemerkbaren Hinterzehe. L[ebensart].Sie lebt im Norden beider Welten, nistet auf Felsen in der Nähe des Meers, fängt Fische durch Stoßtauchen und wandert im Winter südlich. ... *)χειμων, Winter. ... Uebersicht ... 239. Cheimonea (L. tridactylus)." (Kaup 1829); "Cheimonea Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Nat. Syst. Europ. Thierw., pp. 84, 196, 1829—type, by monotypy, Larus tridactylus Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 286).
Var. Chelmonia, Chimonea, Chinonea.


(Hirundinidae; syn. Riparia Plain Martin R. paludicola) Gr. χειμων kheimōn, χειμωνος kheimōnos winter; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; these martins are found throughout the year in southern Africa; "The typical Riparia is characterised by a tuft of feathers behind the foot, the wings long and extending beyond the tail, which is deeply forked, and the nostrils covered by a superior membrane. The species found in Africa have no tuft of feathers behind the foot and the wings hardly reach beyond the end of the tail which is not deeply forked. No name being available for this group, I propose to call it CHEIMONORNIS gen. nov., type Hirundo paludicola Vieillot." (A. Roberts 1922); "Cheimonornis A. Roberts, 1922, Annals Transvaal Mus., VIII (4), p. 224. Type, by original designation, Hirundo paludicola Vieillot, 1817." (JAJ 2020).


Gr. χειρ kheir,χειρος kheiros hand; λευκος leukos white.


Anthony Stephen Cheke (b. 1945) British ornithologist, ecologist, expert on the Mascarenes (‡Dryolimnas).


(Casuariidae; syn. Dromaius Australian Emu D. novaehollandiae) Gr. χηλαργος khēlargos with fleet hooves < χηλη khēlē hoof;αργος argos swift; "STRUTHIONIDES, alis volatui ineptis: { Divisio 1. pedibus didactylis: 1. Struthio. Div. 2. ped. 3-dactylis: 2. Gauria B. (Rhea Brisson), 3. Thrasys B. et 4. Chelarga B. (Casuarius Briss)" (Billberg 1828); "Chelarga Billberg, 1828, Synopsis Faunae Scandinaviae, I (2), tab. A. New name for Casuarius "Brisson", i.e. Dromaius Vieillot, 1816." (JAJ 2021) (see Thrasys).


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Scissor-tailed Kite / African Swallow-tailed Kite C. riocourii) Gr. χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; ικτιν iktin orικτινος iktinos kite; this elegant raptor breeds mainly in the Sahel belt of northern tropical Africa; "L'ÉLANOIDE RIOCOUR, Elanoïdes riocourii. Pl. XVI. Corpore supra cinereo-subcærulescente; subtus niveo; rectricibus duabus extimis, longissimis, apice nigris ... Comme chez les hirondelles, sa vie est presque toute aérienne: il s'élève sans efforts, glisse dans les airs avec la plus grande aisance, précipite sa course, la ralentit, et se tient stationnaire et immobile pour se plonger sur sa proie" (Vieillot 1822); "53 e. Genre: CHELICTINIA, Lesson. hab. Afriq. occidentale. — 146. Chelictinia Riocourii, Less.; Elanus Riocourii, Vig. zool. journ., 2, 386; Elanoides riocourii, Vieill., Encycl. III, 1206, et gal., pl. 16; le milan riocourt, Temm., pl. 85. hab. Sénégal." (Lesson 1843); "Chelictinia Lesson, Écho du Monde Savant, 10,1843, col. 63. Type, by monotypy, Elanoides riocourii Vieillot." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 193).
Synon. Chelidopteryx, Cypselopteryx, Elanopterus, Milvus, Nauclerus.

chelicutensis (See: chelicuti)

Chelicut, east of Antalo and south of Makale, Tigre, Abyssinia /Ethiopia.


(Alcedinidae; syn. Halcyon Striped Kingfisher H. chelicuti) Specific name Alaudo[sic] chelicuti Stanley, 1814; "XVIII. Chelicutia RCHB. Nat. Syst. d. Vögel. —Eine kleine natürliche Gruppe aus drei afrikanischen Arten, von denen eine CRETZSCHMAR in ihrer wahren Verwandtschaft zuerst richtig erkannt hat. Durch gerade Schnabelspitze und ungebänderten Schwanz von Dacelo verschieden. *93. Ch. pygmaea (Dacelo— CRETZSCHM.) R. t. CCCCXXIV. 3154. ... Zuerst von STANLEY im Appendix zu SALTS Reise nach Abyssinien p. LVI. als Alcedo chelicuti beschrieben. ... *94. Ch. striolata (Alcedo — LICHTENST.) RCHB. t. CCCCXXIV. 3155. ... *95. Ch. fuscicapilla (Alc. — De LAFR.) RCHB. t. CCCCXXIV. 3152—53." (Reichenbach 1851); "Chelicutia Reichenbach, Handb. Alced. i, p. 38, 1851. Type by subsequent designation (Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds. p. 16, 1855), Alcedo chelicuti Stanley." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, 217); "Chelicutia Reichenbach, 1851, Das natürliche System der Vögel, Alcedineae, p. 38. Type, by tautonymy, Dacelo pygmaea Cretzschmar, 1826 = Alaudo, i.e. Alcedo chelicuti Stanley, 1814." (JAJ 2020).


(Alcedinidae;syn. Halcyon Ϯ Brown-hooded Kingfisher H. albiventris) Portmanteau of genera Chelicutia Reichenbach, 1851, kingfisher, and Halcyon Swainson, 1821, kingfisher (cf. L. suffix -ona relating to); "Alcedo albiventris Scopoli shows colour-evolution in a strange manner: though a larger bird, the immature show their under-surface to be very similar to that of Chelicutia, the breast-streaks being prominent. ... Structurally this shows similarity to the type of Halcyon, the bill being quite like that of that species, but the legs are weaker: the wing is rounded, quite unlike that of Chelicutia, the first primary being shorter than the secondaries and the ninth primary, the other primaries being not very much longer, the second, third, fourth and fifth being subequal and longest.This could not be placed in Chelicutia from structural features, though the coloration suggests its close relationship. Neither can it be classed in Halcyon, as its colour denies its close alliance and suggests the similar structure to be due to convergence in evolution. I therefore propose the new genus name CHELICUTONA for this species alone." (Mathews 1918); "Chelicutona Mathews, Bds. Austr., 7, 1918, p. 150. Type, by monotypy, Alcedo albiventris Scopoli." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 193).


(Cotingidae; syn. Phibalura Swallow-tailed Cotinga P. flavirostris) Gr. χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (cf. rare variant χελιδονις khelidonis); "Phibalura, Vt. - Chelidis, f. Hr. Vieillot hätte, als er den Namen aufstellte, wenigstens das Räthsel, welches er damit ausgab, doch auch bald lösen sollen, wie nämlich irgend ein Vogel und ins Besondere Pipra chrysopogon denselben verdienen könne h). ... h) Es giebt nämlich in dem ganzen griechischen Sprachschatze kein Wort, welches mit phibal - (denn aus diesem und ουρα, Schwanz, muß Phibalura doch zusammengesetzt seyn!) Aehnlichkeit hätte, als φιβλα, das lateinische fibula, Schnalle, Heftel, Klammer, Agraffe und φιβαλις, eine Feigenart" (Gloger 1827) (see Phibalura); "Chelidis Gloger, 1827, in Froriep’s Notizen aus dem Gebiete der Natur- und Heilkunde, XVI, col. 278. New name for Phibalura Vieillot, 1816, considered a riddle without meaning.”(JAJ 2022) (see Amphibolura).


(Laridae; syn. Sterna Common Tern S. hirundo) Gr. χελιδων khelidōn, χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (i.e. sea swallow); "G. 91. CHELIDO ***), Sv. Tärna. 1. caspia ... 2. cantiaca ... 3. Dougalli ... 4. Hirundo ... 5. minuta ... 6. nigra ... ***) Hab. gener. medias inter Zalochelidones et Laros alis longissimis acuminatis; remige 1:o longissimo; pedibus brevibus supragenua nudis, tibiis brevissimis; digitis anticis membrana profunde emarginato unitis, postico libero; unguibus brevibus arcuatis; cauda plus minusve furcata.Quum nom. gener. omni derivatione caret, nisi e nomine Suecano formatum, græcum Xελιδω , Hirundo marina, conservavimus. ... 2. LARIDES, naribus rimatis: { 1. Chelido Gaza (Sterna Linn.)" (Billberg 1828); "Chelido Billberg, Syn. Faun. Scand., 1, (2), p. 193, tab. A, 1828—substitute name for Sterna Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 302).


Gr. χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (i.e. seaswallow) (syn. Sterna forsteri, syn. Sterna hirundo).


Gr. χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow.
●(Hirundinidae; syn. DelichonNorthern House Martin D. urbicum) "25. Gattung. Chelidon. 47. urbica. 48. rupestris" (Boie 1822); "Chelidon Boie, 1822, Isis von Oken, col. 550 (not of T. Forster, 1817). Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 11), C. urbica (L.), i.e. Hirundo urbica Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021) (see Chelidonaria).
●(Hirundinidae; syn. Hirundo Barn Swallow H. rustica) "128. HIRVNDO RVSTICA. Chelidon Procne? Chimney Swallow, House Swallow, or Common Swallow" (T. Forster 1817); "Chelidon Forster, Syn. Cat. Brit. Bds, p. 17, 1817—type, by monotypy, Chelidon procne Forster = Hirundo rustica Linnaeus." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VIII, p. 65).
●(Hirundinidae; syn. TachycinetaTree Swallow T. bicolor) "Chelidon: Hir. viridis Wils. pl. 38. fig. 3." (Boie 1826); "Chelidon Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 971 (not of T. Forster, 1817, nor of Boie, 1822). Type, by monotypy, Hir. viridis Wils., i.e. Hirundo viridis A. Wilson, 1812 (not of Illiger, 1811) = Hirundo bicolor Vieillot, 1808." (JAJ 2021).


(Hirundinidae; syn. Delichon Northern House Martin D. urbicum) Dim. < genus Chelidon Boie, 1822, martin; "Nach Stejneger (Proc. Un. St. Nat. Mus. Vol. 5 p. 28) wäre der Gattungsname Chelidon Forst. 1817 für Hirundo L. 1758 mit dem Typus H. rustica L. zu benutzen und für Chelidon Boie 1822 der Linné'sche Name Hirundo, mit dem Typus H. rustica L. —Im Jahre 1774 hat aber J. Ch. Schäffer (Elementa ornithologica Gatt. 100) für die Gattung Hirundo als ganz bestimmten Typus die Rauchschwalbe (H. rustica L.) angenommen (vergl. l. c. Tab. XL). Sonach war Forster nicht mehr berechtigt, einen neuen Typus für die Gattung Hirundo zu wählen und der Gattungsname Chelidon Forst. ist nur ein Synonym zu Hirundo L. Aber auch Boje durfte nicht später den einmal für einen bestimmten Fall benutzten Namen in anderem Sinne gebrauchen. Da somit für die Flaumfuss-schwalben ein neuer Gattungsname geschaffen werden muss, so wählen wir als ein hinreichend unterschiedenes und doch möglichstähnliches Wort das Diminutivum von Chelidon: Chelidonaria. ... Chelidonaria Rchw. 1889— Typus: Hirundo urbica L. Chelidon Boie 1822 (nec. Forst. 1817)— Typus: Hirundo urbica L." (Reichenow 1889); "Chelidonaria Reichenow, 1889, Journal für Ornithologie, 37, p. 187. New name for Chelidon Boie, 1822, not of T. Forster, 1817." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. χελιδονιος khelidonios like the swallow, swallow-like < χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow.


Gr. χελιδονιος khelidonios like the swallow, swallow-like < χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow.
●(Hemiprocnidae; syn. HemiprocneGrey-rumped Treeswift H. longipennis) "Chelidonia nobis *). ... Hem. mystacea = Cypselus mystaceus Less. ... Hem. comata = Cypselus comatus Temm. ... Hem. longipennis = Cyps. longipennis Temm. ... *Xελιδονια (sc. Hemiprocne), fem. vom adj.χελιδονιος, schwalbenähnlich." (Streubel 1848); "Chelidonia Streubel, 1848, Isis von Oken, col. 370. New name for Hemiprocne Nitzsch, 1829 (to separate Old World from New World species included therein)." (JAJ 2021).
●(Hirundinidae; syn. PtyonoprogneEurasian Crag Martin P. rupestris) Perhaps a lapsus for Chelidon Boie, 1822; "Von Schwalben bleibt Chelidonia rupestris den ganzen Winter hindurch in den Gebirgen" (R. Brehm 1858); "Chelidonia R. Brehm, 1858, Naumannia, p. 231 (not of Streubel, 1848). Type, by monotypy, Chelidonia rupestris, i.e. Hirundo rupestris Scopoli, 1769." (JAJ 2021).


(Cotingidae; syn. Phibalura Swallow-tailed Cotinga P. flavirostris) Gr. χελιδων khelidōn, χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (cf. rare variant χελιδονις khelidonis);"Chelidis (hirundinacea) i). ... i) Es ist keineswegs nothwendig Chelidonis zu sagen, auch nicht zulässig, da durch Chelidones bei den meisten die Ordnung bezeichnet wird." (Gloger 1827); "Chelidonis Gloger, 1827, Notizen Geb. Natur- und Heilkunde, XVI (18), col. 279. Another name for Chelidis Gloger, 1827, but discarded because it is too similar to theorder name Chelidones." (JAJ 2023) (see Prochelidon).


(Bucconidae; Ϯ Swallow-wingPuffbird C. tenebrosa) Gr. χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; πτερονpteronwing; "Chelidoptera, Gould, 1 [species]; the latter being a generic title provisionally instituted by Mr. Gould for the Lypornix tenebrosa, Wagl., a species which differs in many essential characters from all the other members of the group, possessing as itdoes a very lengthened wing, and being in every way adapted for powerful flight. He observed, that he had consulted with M. Natterer on the propriety of separating this bird from the other members of the group, in which opinion that eminent naturalist had coincided, and at the same time stated, that it usually resorted to the topmost branches of the trees, whence it sallied forth over the forest in search after its insect food, while, on the other hand, all the other members of the group kept to low thickets and the neighbourhood of the ground. In their general economy they offer a striking resemblance to the Shrikes and Flycatchers; they are, however, more indolent in their disposition, andsitmotionless on a dead branch for hours together, until their attention is drawn to some passing insect, when they sally forth, capture it, and return to the same branch, which they are known to frequent for months together." (Gould 1837); "Chelidoptera Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 4, 1836 (1837), p. 81. Type, by monotypy, Lypornix tenebrosa Wagler = Cuculus tenebrosus Pallas." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 23).
Var. Chilidoptera.
Synon. Barbacus, Brachypetes, Chelonidera, Monasa.


(Accipitridae; syn. Chelictinia Scissor-tailed Kite / African Swallow-tailed KiteC. riocourii) Gr. χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; πτερυξ pterux,πτερυγος pterugos wing; "2. Geschlecht. Weiheweihe oder Schwalben-weihe, Nauclerus, Vig. Sie enthalten die kleinste Form unter den Weihen. Das aus Rioucourii nach verschiedenem Flügel- und Fussbau zu bildende Untergeschlecht nenne ich Chelidopteryx" (Kaup 1844); "Chelidopteryx Kaup, 1844, Class. der Säugethiere und Vögel, p. 112. Type, by monotypy, Elanoides riocourii Vieillot, 1822." (JAJ 2021).


(Thraupidae;syn. TersinaϮ Swallow Tanager T. viridis) Gr.χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow;ῥαμφος rhamphos bill; "Chelidorhamphus orhycterus M. et W. Bertoni (gen. n.) (Del gr. Chelidon, golondrina, rhamphos, pico, y orrykter, escarbador, que ahonda la tierra; esos nombres parece que deben repugnar, pero le convenien tanto por sus formas como por su extrañas costumbres)" (A. Bertoni 1901); "Chelidorhamphus Bertoni, Anal. Cient. Parag., 1, No. 1, p. 102, Jan., 1901—type, by monotypy, Chelidorhamphus orycterus [sic] Bertoni." (Hellmayr, 1936, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IX, p. 1).


(Stenostiridae; Ϯ Yellow-bellied Fairy-fantail C. hypoxanthus) Gr. χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; “bill very short and Cryptolopho-hirundine, being as broad as long from the forehead and very slightly armed at the tip; rictal bristles long, as inRhipidura; nares advanced, lateral, elliptic, and shaded above by a membrane” (Hodgson 1845); "*Rhipidura hypoxantha, Nobis, n.s. Described in the Sequel (Genus Chelidorhynx, Hodgson.) ... 6. Rh. hypoxantha, Nobis, ante. Darjeeling.† ... † Mr. Hodgson has lately sent a specimen also of this bird, which he separates fromRhipidura by the name Chelidorynx, an arrangement which I shall now adopt." (Blyth 1843); "The genus Chelidorhynx contains only one species of Flycatcher remarkable for the shape of its bill, which is short and pointed, and when viewed from above forms a perfect equilateral triangle." (Oates 1890);"Chelidorhynx Blyth, 1843 (ex Hodgson MS), Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 12, pp. 930, 936 (where spelled Chelidorynx). Type, by monotypy, Rhipidura hypoxantha Blyth." (Watson in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 530).
Var. Chelydorynx, Chelidorynx.


(Meliphagidae; syn. Meliphaga † Lewin's Honeyeater M. lewinii) Undoubtedly a lapsus for Melliphaga, i.e. Meliphaga Lewin, 1808, but included here because of its curious spelling; “PARADISEI, (Aves) auch Paradisiadae. Eine Familie der Vögel, welche der Gattung Paradisea Linné’s entspricht. Lesson rechnet zu derselben außer den in letzterem Artikel ausgeführten Gattungen noch die Gattung Astrapia Vieillot und Sericulus Swainson (Oriolus, Temm., Paradisea, L. Lath., chelliphaga, Lewin.) welche von andern wol mit Recht davon getrennt werden.” (Thon in Ersch and Gruber, 1838, Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste, sect. 3, XI, p. 319).


(Laridae; syn. Gelochelidon † Gull-billed Tern G. nilotica) This name, listed by Waterhouse, 1889, Index Generum Avium, p. 40, as if by G. Gray, 1871, Hand-list Genera Species Birds, III, p. 119 (ex Brehm), is probably a lapsus for Gelochelidon Brehm, 1830 (cf. Gr. χηλη khēlē sea-bank, breakwater; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow);“2883. c. GELICHELIDON, Brehm, 1830. Laropis, Wagl. 1832. Chelochelidon, Brehm, 1842. 11040. nilotica, Hasselq.” (Gray 1871) (JAJ 2023).


(Bucconidae; syn. Chelidoptera † Swallow-wingPuffbird C. tenebrosa) Gr. χελιδων khelidōn, χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; δερας deras skin< δερμα derma, δερματος dermatos skin, hide (i.e. appearance); “CHELONIDERA, Gould. Tenebrosa, Tall. No. 560. Icon. Pl. Col. 323. Hab. Demerara.” (Eyton 1856); “Chelonidera “Gould” Eyton, 1856, Cat. Species of Birds in his Possession, p. 56. New name for Chelidoptera Gould, 1837.” (JAJ 5/10/2024).

Cheltusia (See: Chettusia)

(Charadriidae;syn. VanellusϮ Sociable Plover V. gregarius) Italian equivalent Chettusia of Russian name Keptuschka for the Sociable Plover; based on Charadrius gregarius Pallas, 1771, Tringa fasciata S. Gmelin, 1774, and Tringa Keptuschka Lepechin, 1774; "VANELLUS GREGARIUS CHETTUSIA GREGARIA ... Entra perciò in tal genere il nostro uccello, benchè l'acuto occhio del sopracitato signor Gould sospetti che unitamente ad altre specie prossimiori possa egli un indipendente gruppo formare" (Bonaparte 1838); "Per le GRALLE la Chettusia gregaria, non mai per innanzi trovata in Italia." (Bonaparte 1841); "Chettusia Bonaparte, Iconogr. Faun. Ital., Uccelli, 1841, Intr., p. 12. Type, by monotypy, Charadrius gregarius Pallas." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 234).
Var. Cheltusia, Chetusia.


(Anatidae; Turtle-jawed Goose C. quassus) Gr. χελυς khelus turtle; χελυνη khelunē lip, jaw < χειλος kheilos lip; χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; the flightless Turtle-jawed Goose is known only from subfossil remains found on Kaua'i in the Hawaiian Is.; "Chelychelynechen, new genus Type species: Chelychelynechen quassus, new species. ... Etymology: "Turtle-jawed goose," from Greek, chelys, turtle, chelyne lip, jaw, and chen, goose; so named for the decidedly chelonian aspect of the rostrum and mandible. The gender is masculine." (Olson & James 1991); "Chelychelynechen Olson and James, 1991, AOU Orn. Monographs, 45, p. 32. Type, byoriginal designation, Chelychelynechen quassus Olson and James, 1991." (JAJ 2020).


(Laridae; syn. Xema † Sabine's Gull X. sabini) Gr. χημη khēmē yawning < χασκω khaskō to gape, to open; in allusion to the forked tail; "Der Name Xema Leach, Ross Voy. of Discov. (1819) App. 57, als Gattung für Larus sabinii Sab. angewendet, scheint ein sinnloses Wort zu sein. Nach Ross' Angabe ist derselbe auf Xeme begründet, welche Bezeichnung Sabine dieser Mövenart beigelegt habe: "(Sabine's Xeme, non-descript)". Da nun Sabine in seiner Beschreibung der Art (Trans. Linn. Soc. 12. p. 522. 1818) ganz besonders auf die Gabelung des Schwanzes aufmerksam macht und hervorhebt, das diese Eigenschaft wohl eine generische Sonderung rechtfertigen möchte, so liegt es nahe, dass der Autor mit der seinem typischen Exemplar beigefügten Bezeichnung "Xeme" das grichische [sic]χημη (Klaffen) im Sinne hatte. Durch einen Fehler bei der Benutzung lateinischer Buchstaben ist offenbar an Stelle des griechischen χ ein x angewendet und auf diese Weise der ursprünglich gute, passende Name entstellt worden. Wir möchten deshalb an Stelle des bisherigen sinnlosen Wortes für die Folge den Namen Chema empfehlen." (Matschie & Cabanis 1889) (Mark Brown in litt.); "ChemaMatschie and Cabanis, 1889, Journal für Ornithologie, ser. 4, XXXVII, p. 188. New name for Xema Leach, 1819, considered misleading and barbarous." (JAJ 2021).

Chemung County, New York, USA.

(Anatidae; syn. Anser Snow Goose A. caerulescens) Gr. χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; the Greeks applied this word to both wild and domesticated geese, the latter being kept for their meat, eggs and feathers, as farmyard guards, even as pets; "72. Familie Gänse, Anser. ...148. Gattung. Chen. 376. hyperborea." (Boie 1822); "Chen, Boie, 1822, Isis von Oken, col. 563. Type, by monotypy, Anser hyperboreus Pallas, 1769 = Anas caerulescens Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2020).

Chenalopen (See: Chenalopex)

L. chenalopex, chenalopeces fox-goose < Gr. χηναλωπηξ khēnalōpēx, χηναλωπεκος khēnalōpekos fox-goose, generally identified as the Egyptian Goose < χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; αλωπηξ alōpēx,αλωπεκος alōpekos fox. "Chenalopex, = Anasægyptiaca Gm., antiquitati bene cognita, ab Aristotele et Ornithologis plerisque antiquis memoratur. Nomen igitur hoc sensu adhibendum, etsi a Moehringio pessime Alcæ impenni datum; qui mos, nostris temporibus, a multis acceptus est" (Sundevall 1873).
●(Anatidae; syn. Alopochen Egyptian Goose A. aegyptiaca) "CHENALOPEX. SPURWING. ... CHENALOPEX Antiquorum. ... According to Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, the Spur-wing is the Chenalopex, or Vulpanser of the ancients, which was revered by the Egyptians from the great attachment it has for its young; I have therefore applied that name to the genus. ... EGYPTIAN SPURWING. (Chenalopex Ægyptiaca.)" (Stephens 1824); "Chenalopex Stephens, 1824, General Zoology (ed. Shaw), XII (II), p. 40. Type, by monotypy, Chenalopex aegyptiaca, i.e. Anas aegyptiaca Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chenelopex, Chenalopen.
(Alcidae; syn. Pinguinus Great Auk P. impennis) "IN bigness it comes near to a tame Goose.” (Ray 1678); “68. CHENALOPEX. Anser Magellanicus & Pinguin. CLVS., WORM., RAI., WILL. Orn. 242. Alcæ species. LINN. ed. 6. gen. 52.” (Moehring, 1752, Avium Genera, p. 65 (pre-Linnaean)); "PINGUIN, in 't Latyn Chenalopex. Magellaanse Gans en Pinguin by CLUSIUS, WORMIUS, RAY, WILLUGHBY. Orn. 242. Onder de Aarsvoeten by LINNÆUS. Syst. Nat. gesl. 52" (Moehring, 1758, Geslachten der Vogelen, p. 53 (rejected work: ICZN Opinion 241 (1954))); "CHENALOPEX. ... D'un autre côté, Moehring a appliqué le nom de chenalopex, comme terme générique, au grand pingouin, alia [sic] impennis, Linn." (Dumont 1817); "Chenalopex "Moehring" Dumont, 1817, Dict. Sci. Nat., VIII, p. 393. Type, by monotypy, Alca impennis Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2023).
Var. Chenalopes.


L. chenalopex, chenalopeces fox-goose < Gr. χηναλωπηξ khēnalōpēx, χηναλωπεκος khēnalōpekos fox-goose, generally identified as the Egyptian Goose < χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; αλωπηξ alōpēx,αλωπεκος alōpekos fox (cf. genus Chenalopex Stephens, 1824, goose) (syn. Alopochen aegyptiaca).

Chenasicus (See: Chleuasicus)

(Paradoxornithidae; syn. SuthoraϮ Pale-billed Parrotbill S. atrosuperciliaris oatesi) Gr. χλευασια khleuasia mockery < χλευαζω khleuazō to scoff; "Chleuasicus, nobis, n. g. Nearly allied to Suthora, Hodgson (Ind. Rev. 1838, p. 32, and J.A.S. XII, 449), from which it is distinguished by the considerably larger proportionate size of the legs, and by therather larger and decidedly broader bill, the outline of which (as seen laterally) is still more tumid and anomalous-looking. Rest as in the other genera of the group. 5. Chl. ruficeps, nobis. ... From Darjeeling." (Blyth 1845); "Chleuasicus Blyth, 1845. Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, XIV, p. 578. Type, by monotypy, Chleuasicus ruficeps Blyth, 1845 (not of Blyth, 1842) = Suthora oatesi Sharpe, 1903." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Chenasicus,Chlenasicus.

chendola (See: chendoola)

Hindi names Chănḍūl or Chănḍūr for all crested larks (subsp. Galerida cristata).


(‡Anatidae;Ϯ Diving Goose C. lawi) Gr.χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose;δυτης dutēs diver <δυω duō to dive; "In all these respects the big goose-like fossil is a diver—really a sea duck as big as a Canada Goose. Presumably his habits were those of the Surf Duck which winters along our southern California shores, feeding almost in the surf and rafting just outside the breaker line." (L. H. Miller 1925).

Cochinchina; ex “Couliavan de la Cochinchine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 570 (syn. Oriolus chinensis).

L. cheneros, chenerotis small goose < Gr. χηνερως khēnerōs, χηνερωτος khēnerōtos type of small goose < dim. χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose(syn. Tadorna variegata).


Prof. Cheng Tso-hsin (1906-1998) Chinese ornithologist (Locustella).


Skead 1967, and Clinning 1989, both suggested this name may be a toponym, after the Chenyane or Tshwênyane Hills, north of Zeerust in the Transvaal/North West Province, but Cole 1990, was doubtful of such anorigin (cf. Singuni name Tsiyana for a small brown bird, probably a sort of warbler) (see chiniana) (Mirafra).


Gr. χηνισκος khēniskos little goose < dim.χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose.
●(Alcidae; syn. FraterculaTufted Puffin F. cirrhata) Doubtless a lapsus for Spheniscus “Moehring” G. Gray, 1841. I cannot find Cheniscus in either Moehring, 1752, Avium Genera (pre-Linnaean), or in Moehring, 1758, Geslachten der Vogelen (rejected work: ICZN Opinion 241 (1954)). "2095. CHENISCUS, Mœhr. 1752. Lunda, Pall. 1766. Gymnoblepharum, Brandt, 1837. (Alca cirrhata, Gm.)" (G. Gray 1855); “Cheniscus “Moehr.” G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 127. Type, by original designation, Alca cirrhata Gm., i. e. Pallas, 1769.” (JAJ 2023).
●(Anatidae; syn. Nettapus Cotton Pygmy Goose N. coromanelianus) "GENUS CCCLXXXI. —CHENISCUS, Brooks' Mss. The characters of this genus, which is intermediate between Bernicla and Chenalopeæ, have not been published" (Stephens 1826: nom. nud.); "GENUS IV. CHENISCUS ... TYPE. Cheniscus Coromandeliana. Affinity. In the structure of the feet this genus bears considerable resemblance to the species of the genus Anser, adapted for swimming, though of extremely diminutive size. The bill, on the contrary, is that of Bernicla. ... It is called the "Cotton Teal" by the Europeans of the Deccan, from the quantity of white in the plumage." (Eyton 1838); "Cheniscus Eyton, Monogr. Anatidæ, p. 15, June 1838. Type (by original designation): Anas coromandeliana Gmelin." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 209).
Var. Cheniskus.


(Anseranatidae;syn. Anseranas Ϯ Magpie Goose A. semipalmata) Gr. χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; γερανος geranos crane;" "Report of the Council of the Manchester Natural History Society " issued in 1842 ... 'that remarkable bird from New Holland which formed part of the splendid donation of David Cannon McConnell, Esq. This bird exhibits a combination of characters irreconcilable with any genus of "Le Regne Animal" of Cuvier, or of the arrangement of Temminck, and which Captain Brown suggests may be constituted a new genus under the appellation of Chenogeranus Australis, or Australian Goose-Crane'" (Mathews & Iredale 1921) (Mark Brown in litt.); "Chenogeranus Brown, Illus. Gen. Birds, no. v. sign. u 2, p. 88, 1845 (end). In synonymy of Anseranas." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 209).


(Anatidae; Ϯ Maned Duck / Australian Wood Duck C. jubata) Gr. χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; νηττα nētta duck; "The unique species of this genus has the aspect of a small goose, the size of a Wigeon. It has a short, compressed bill, recalling that of Brent Geese, but also that of the Carolina and Mandarin Wood Ducks and of the Pygmy Geese ... It also resembles the Sheldgeese (Tadornini), looking much like a miniatureChloephaga" (Delacour 1973);"Anas jubata Lath. (Anser lophotus Nob. in Museo Academico) habitu, collo, pedibus et rostri forma Berniclis, mandibulae armatura, corporis ptilosi et potissimum speculi alaris nitidi praesentia ad Anates accedit et simili modo inter Anseres et Anates medium tenet, quo Anseres Cygnopsides inter Cygnos et Anseres. Quare forsan peculiarem subgeneris typum (Chenonetta? i.e.Anser anatinus) sistere posset"(Brandt 1836); "Chenonetta Brandt, Descr. Icon. Anim. Ross. Nov. Aves, fasc. 1, 1836, p. 5. Type, by monotypy, Anser lophotus Brandt = Anas jubata Latham." (Peters 1931, I, p. 152) (see Rhopophilus!)
Synon. Chaitenessa,Chlamydochen, Euryanas.


(Anatidae;syn. Cygnus Ϯ Black Swan C. atratus) Gr. χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; -ωπις - ōpis -faced < ωψ ōps,ωποςōpos face; "41. Genus. Chenopis Wagl.,Gansschwan. Der Schnabel gänseartig ... Das Gefieder des Halfes wie bey Gänsen. Species: Ch. atrata (Cygnus atrat. Auct.)" (Wagler 1832); "Chenopis Wagler, Isis, 1832, col. 1234. Type, by monotypy, Ch. atrata = Anas atrata Latham." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 144).
Var. Cehnopis.


(Anatidae; syn. Cygnus † Black Swan C. atratus) Gr. χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; οψις opsis appearance; “Genera et Species typicae. … Olorinae … a. *Chenopsis Wagl. atrata (Anas — Lath..) W. Ic. Av. t. 105. ic. 251—252. t. 107. ic. 2362.”; “Chenopsis “Wagl.” Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. X. Alternative name for Chenopis Wagler, 1832.” (JAJ 4/6/2024).


(Ciconiidae; syn. Anastomus † Asian Openbill Stork A. oscitans) “ANASTOMUS Bonn.* ... 1. A. oscitans (Bodd.) ... 2. A. lamelligerus Temm. ... * Bonnaterre established this genus in 1790. Hians of Cuvier (1799-1800), Rhynchochasme of Hermann (1804), Chenoramphus of Dumont (1817), and Apertirostra of Vander Patte are synonymous with the name employed.” (Gray 1848); “Chenorampus G. Gray, 1848, Genera of Birds, III, p. [562]. Alternative name for Anastomus Bonnaterre, 1791.” (see Bruce, 2023, Sherbornia, 8 (1), p. 25) (JAJ 2023) (see Chaenoramphe).


(Maluridae; Ϯ Broad-billed Fairy-wren C. grayi) Gr. χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; ῥαμφος rhamphos bill; "the bill is moderately long, flattened and fairly broad" (Coates 1990); "Au premier abord, il ressemble un peu aux Todopsis et aux Macherirhynchus, mais il a le bec beaucoup plus élargi que les premiers, et moins dilaté, moins arrondi sur les côtés des derniers, dont il diffère d'ailleurs par la forme de ses narines, l'allongement de ses pattes et son système de coloration. Je me crois donc autoriséà créer en sa faveur une espèce et un genre particuliers, en le nommant Chenorhamphus cyanopectus." (Oustalet 1878); "Chenorhamphus Oustalet, 1878, Bull. Hebd. Assoc. Scientifique France, Paris, 21, p. 248. Type, by monotypy, Chenorhamphus cyanopectus Oustalet = Todopsis grayi Wallace" (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 391).
Var. Chaenorhamphus.
Synon. Conopotheras.


● Nepali name Cheun for the Common Pochard (Ali and Ripley, 1968, Handbook Birds India Pakistan, 1, p. 180) (syn. Aythya ferina).
● Nepali name Cheyun or Chéoon for the Eurasian Wigeon (Laurent Raty in litt.) (syn. Mareca penelope).


Pyramid of Chephren or Kha-ef-re, Gizeh, Egypt (Chephren Pharaoh of Egypt (4thDynasty, c. 2558-2532BC), by some credited with the building of the Great Sphinx) (syn. Passer domesticus niloticus).

Chephus (See: CEPPHUS)

(Alcidae; Ϯ Black Guillemot C. grylle) Gr. κεπφος kepphos unknown pale waterbird, later variously identified (e.g. storm-petrel, gull, gannet, auk), mentioned by Aristotle, Dionysius, Hesychius, and others; "CEPPHVS LACTEOLUS. Avibus aquaticis novis jure infero avem nullibi apud Ornithologos memoratam, mihique semel omnino visam, marinam, ex earum genere, quas omnium primus, a Colymbis (rostro nimium similibus, sed defectu caudae et structura singulari pedum diversissimis) optimo jure distinxit MOEHRINGIVS, Cepphos appellans; quas dein BRISSONIVS in duo genera, tridactylum Uriae, et digito postico minuto praeditum Mergi minutiose dispescuit; KLEINIVS vero inter Plautos et Plotos suos atque inter Colymbos LINNAEVS recensuerunt. ... Magnitudo querquedulae seu Cepphi Grylle dicti, adeoque longe infra C. Lomviam." (Pallas1769); "Cepphus Pallas, Spic. Zool., 1, fasc. 5, 1769, p. 33. Type, by monotypy, Cepphus lacteolus Pallas = Alca grylle Linné." (Peters 1934, II, 353).
Var. Chephus, Cephus.
Synon. Grylle, Plautus, Pseuduria, Uria.
● (Alcidae; quasi-syn. Cepphus † Spectacled Guillemot C. carbo) “Genera et Species typicae. ... 3. *Cepphus CAELIUS RHEDIGIUS et PALLAS. Grylle (Colymbus —L.) Cuv. Tab. II. Caput, culmen, ala, cauda, pes et rostri lineamenta a C. Mandtii. — Ic. Av. t. 8. ic. 43—47. t. 9. ic. 2233 — 35. — Typus: C. Carbo Pall. — Ic. Av. t. 111b. ic. 2937 — 38.” (Reichenbach 1853); “Cepphus “Pallas” Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. III. Type, by original designation, Cepphus carbo Pallas, 1811.” (JAJ 2022).
● (Gaviidae;syn. Gavia Ϯ Great Northern Diver / Common LoonG. immer) "76. CEPPHUS.* Colymbi species. LINN. ed. 6. gen. 51. Colymbi caudati. WILL. & RAI. Des. Rostrum subulatum, rectum. Mandibula inferior ad gutturis principium obiter angulosa: angulo obiter sulcato. Nares lineari-oblongæ. Cauda breuissima. Femora intra abdomen, poneæquilibrium ad podicem posita, ut perpendiculari fere corpore incedere cogatur. Digiti antici tres, membrana intermedia toti cohærentes: posticus solutus, adpendice membranaceo auctus."(Moehring, 1752, Avium Genera, p. 69 (pre-Linnaean)); “COLYMBUS, L. Cepphus, Mœhr. (1752)?. Urinator, Cuv. (1799-1800). Eudytes, Ill. (1811). Mergus, Briss. C. glacialis, L. Pl. enl. 952.” (G. Gray 1841); “Cepphus “Moehr.” G. Gray, 1841, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 96. Type, by original designation, Colymbus glacialis Linnaeus, 1766 = Colymbus immer Brünnich, 1764.” (JAJ 2023).
●(Scopidae;syn. Scopus Ϯ Hamerkop S. umbretta) "GENUS CEPPHUS.* ... *) Kεπφος Arat. Avis quaedam palustris, ex ardeae (?) genere. (Nomen a cl. Pallasio pro genere Uria Brissonii et auctorum adhibitum.) Scopus (nomen solum specificum) Briss., Gmel., Lath., Cuv., Lacép., Illig., Vieill., Temm. ... 1. C. Scopus. ... Scopus Briss. Ornith. 5. p. 505. (Descript. opt.) Ombrette du Senegal Buff. pl. enl. n. 796. (Fig. mediocr.) Scopus Umbretta Auctor. Lath. Synops. 5. t. 40 (fig. inaccurata)" (Wagler 1827);"Cepphus Wagler, 1827, Systema Avium, p. [145]. Type, by monotypy, Scopus umbretta auct., i.e. Gmelin, 1789." (JAJ 2021).

Chephus (See: cepphus)

Gr. κεπφος kepphos pale unknown waterbird, later variously identified (syn. Cepphus grylle, syn. Stercorarius parasiticus).


(Hirundinidae; Ϯ White-backed Swallow C. leucosterna) Gr. χηραμος khēramos hole,hollow; οικος oikos dwelling <οικεω oikeō to inhabit; the White-backed Swallow burrows in the ground and builds its nest at the end of a tunnel; "Gen. CHERAMOECA nov. gen. *) Grabschwalben. 303. 1. Ch. leucosterna Nob. —Hirundo leucosternus Gould Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840. p. 172. Atticora leucosternon Gould Birds Austr. II. tab. 12. ... *) Von χηραμος, Erdloch undοικεω, hausen, bewohnen. Obgleich in der Form des Schwanzes der Gattung Atticoraähnlich, unterscheidet sich diese Gruppe von letzterer doch wesentlich durch die Fussbildung und Lebensweise und schliesst sich in diesen Beziehungen viel natürlicher an Cotyle. Der Schwanz ist verhältnissmässig Besonders charakteristisch und auf die Lebensart hindeutend sind die hohen kräftigen Läufe, die starken Zehen und grossen Nägel; die Aussenzehe ist nur wenig mit der mittleren Zehe verwachsen und wenig länger als die Innenzehe." (Cabanis 1853); "Cheramoeca Cabanis, 1850, Mus. Hein., Th. 1, 1850-51 [= 1853], p. 49. Type, by monotypy, Hirundo leucosternus Gould." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 94).

Chereopsis (See: CEREOPSIS)

(Anatidae; Ϯ Cape Barren Goose C. novaehollandiae) Gr. κηρος kēros wax; οψις opsis face; an extensive, waxy greenish-yellow cere almost covers the short bill of the Cape Barren Goose; "GENUS LXXIX. CEREOPSIS. Rostrum breve, convexum, apice declive. Nares cera tectæ. Caput totum cera rugosa obtectum, ad flexuram alæ calcar obtusum. Pedes tetradactyli fissi, femoribus seminudis, digito postico brevissimo. 1.C. N. Hollandiæ. New Holland Cereopsis, Gen. Syn. Sup. ii. p. 325. tab. 138*. HABITAT in Nova Hollandia, magnitudine Anseris" (Latham 1801); "Cereopsis Latham, Ind. Orn., Suppl., 1801, p. lxvii. Type, by monotypy, Cereopsis n. hollandiæLatham." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 145).
Var. Cereopris, Cercopsis, Cereops, Chereopsis.


Etymology undiscovered; “DRYMOICA CHERINA.—SMITH. ... This species occurs within the limits of the Cape Colony; but it is a rare bird as compared with D. textrix. Like the latter, it inhabits situations covered with strong grass, and seeks its food, which consists of small insects, either on the ground or upon the grass itself, along the stalks of which it runs with great facility. It also perches upon small shrubs. The absence of anything like brown spots on the breast forms at once a character by which it is distinguishable from D. textrix, and the colour of the upper parts, added to the greater size of the bill and feet, constitute diagnostic characters by which it is to be recognized from D. terrestris.” (A. Smith, 1843, Illustr. Zool. South Africa, Aves, pl. 77, fig. 2, and text). As its substantive name indicates, the Madagascar Cisticola does not occur in southern Africa, therefore Smith could not have seen it in life nor known anything of its habits (Cisticola).

cheripepe (See: chiripepe)

Güaraní name Chiripepé for a parakeet; "NÚM. CCLXXXI. DEL CHIRIPEPÉ. Los mas le llaman así, aludiendo á su canto; aunque otros le dan el nombre de Aribayá."(de Azara 1805)(subsp. Pyrrhura frontalis).

cherivay (See: cheriway)

German name Cheriway for the Crested Caracara, said to be from aCarib Amerindian name; "Der Cheriway ..Diesen prachtigen Adler findet man auf der Inseln Aruba, an der Küste von Venezuela, wo ihn die Indianer Cheriway nennen" (von Jacquin 1784) (subsp.Caracara plancus).

Mod. L. chermesinus carmine-red < Spanish carmesi crimson < Arabic qirmazi crimson.

István Chernél Freiherr von Chernelháza (1865-1922) Hungarian ornithologist, collector (syn. Lullula arborea).

cheroyeus (See: choraeus)

Araucanian Indian name Choroi for the Slender-billed Parakeet (syn. Enicognathus leptorhynchus).

cherrieanus / cherriei

George Kruck Cherrie (1865-1948) US field ornithologist, collector, adventurer (subsp. Ammodramus aurifrons, syn. Cacicus haemorrhous, syn. Cyanerpes careuleus microrhynchus, Cypseloides, Elaenia, syn. Myadestes genibarbis montanus, Myrmotherula, Synallaxis (ex Synallaxis rufogularis Cherrie, 1916), Thripophaga, subsp. Tolmomyias sulphurescens).

cherriri (See: chiriri)

● Güaraní name Chirhirhi for the Yellow-chevroned Parakeet; "NÚM. CCLXXXIII. DEL ALA AMARILLA. He oido á algunos llamarle Tuí chirirí; pero en realidad no tiene nombre." (de Azara 1805)(Brotogeris).
● "NÚM. CCLXIX. DEL CHIRRÍ. Le llamo así, por su canto." (de Azara 1805); “LE COULICOU CHIRIRI, Coccyzus chiriri, Vieill. Le nom que M. de Azara a imposé à cet oiseau du Paraguay exprime son cri, qu’il pousse en reflant son gosier. ... Peu d'oiseaux l'égalent en vitesse et en agilité.” (Vieillot 1817) (syn. Tapera naevia chochi ☼).

Hindi name Chargh for the female Saker Falcon (the male is Charghela) (Falco).

(Alaudidae; Ϯ Spike-heeled Lark C. albofasciata garrula) Gr. χερσος khersos barren land; -μανης -manēs passionately fond of < μανια mania passion < μαινομαι mainomai to rage; "Gen. CHERSOMANES nov. gen. *) Stelzenlerche. Corydalis Temm. Boie 1826. —Certhilauda (!) Sws. 1827. 671.1. Ch. garrula Nob. —Certhilauda garrula Smith. Proc. S. Afr.Jnst. 1833. —id. Jll. S. Afr. Zool. tab. 106. —Certhilauda albofasciata Lafr. Mag. Zool. 1836. Ois. tab. 58. ... *) Von χερσος,wüstes Land. — Die Gattung Alaemon unterscheidet sich durch längere spitzere Flügerund längern Schwanz, sowie durch kürzere gekrümmte Hinterzehe. Zu Chersomanes gehören ferner: 1. Ch. africana. —Alauda africana Gm. —2. Ch. subcoronata. —Certhilauda subcoronata Smith." (Cabanis 1853); "Chersomanes Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 126. Type, by subsequent designation (Bianchi, 1907, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersb., sér. 5, XXV (1906), p. 15), Certhilauda garrula A. Smith, 1846" (JAJ 2023).
Var. Chersonames.


Gr. χερσονησιτης khersonēsitēs dweller on the (Thracian) peninsula < χερσονησος khersonēsos peninsula.

chersonesophila / chersonesophilus

Gr. χερσονησος khersonēsos peninsula; φιλος philos loving < φιλεω phileō to love < φιλος philos lover.


Gr. χερσονησος khersonēsos peninsula.
● TL. Khao Luang, Nakawn Sritamarat, Peninsular Siam/Thailand (Psilopogon).


Gr. χερσος khersos barren land; φιλος philos loving < φιλεω phileō to love < φιλος philos lover.


Gr. χερσος khersos barren land; φιλος philos loving < φιλεω phileō tolove < φιλος philos lover.


(Alaudidae; Ϯ Dupont's Lark C. duponti) Gr. χερσος khersos barren land; φιλος philos lover;"Shy and elusive species of arid plains with sparse vegetation" (Beaman & Madge 1998); "Cette nouvelle race, dont nous devons la connaissance à M. Dupont, naturaliste, qui l'a trouvée en Provence, a, dans son plumage et la forme de son bec, de grands rapports avec l'alouette sirli [Alaemon], qui habite l'Afrique" (Vieillot 1820); "b'. First primary very much diminished in size and not equal to half the tarsus. c''. Bill long and slender, about as high as it is broad at nostrils. . . . 4. CHERSOPHILUS ... CHERSOPHILUS. Certhilauda, pt., auct. recent. ... 1. Chersophilus duponti. ... Subsp. a. Chersophilus lusitanicus." (Sharpe 1890); "Chersophilus Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds Brit.Mus., 13, p. 512 (in key), p. 525. Type, by subsequent designation, Ch. duponti = Alauda Duponti Vieillot (Hartert and Steinbacher, 1933, Vög. pal. Fauna, Ergänzungsb., Heft 2, p. 129)." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 54).


Tehuelche (Patagonia) name cheuen for a small bird (‡Anas).

Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.
Chiapas, Mexico.

Commendatore Emidio Bortolo Giuseppe Chiaradia (1839-1904) Italian politician, civil administrator, Deputy for Udine e Pordenone 1883-1900 (syn. Athene noctua).


(Fringillidae;syn. Loxia Ϯ Red Crossbill / Common CrossbillL. curvirostra) Gr. χιαζω khiazō to mark with a cross < χιασμα khiasma,χιασματος khiasmatos cross-piece of wood; ραμφος rhamphos bill; "Si la dénomination de bec-croisé n'étoit pas consacrée par un ancien usage, et devenue en quelque sorte populaire, on auroit pu lui substituer celle de chiasoramphe, dérivée de χιασο (chiaso), je croise, et de ῥαμφος (ramphos), bec; mais il auroit été difficile d'habituer les oreilles à ce changement, et l'on n'a appliqué des noms ainsi formés qu'à des oiseaux moins connus" (Dumont 1805);"Chiasoramphe Dumont, 1805, Dict. Sci. Nat., IV, p. 177. New name for Crucirostra Cuvier, 1800." (JAJ 2021).


(Dicruridae;syn. Dicrurus Ϯ Hair-crested Drongo D. hottentottus) Nepalese names Chibey or Chibya for the Hair-crested Drongo; "Genus edolius? Genus? Subgenus? Chibia nobis. Bhring-raj* of the Hindoos. Chibya of the mountaineers (generice). 1st Species, new. Casia nobis (Késya, quasi comatus, of Nepal). ... 2nd Species, new Malabaroïdes nobis. Calgia (quasi cristatus) of Nepal." (Hodgson 1836); "Chibia Hodgson, 1836, India Rev., 1, p. 324. Type, by subsequent designation, Edolius barbatus J. E. Gray = Corvus hottentottus Linnaeus (G. R. Gray, 1841, List Gen. Birds, ed. 2, p. 47)." (Vaurie in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 138)(see Trichometopus).

chichi (See: chihi)

French onomatopoeia “Chihi” given to the White-faced Ibis by Vieillot 1817; ex “Curucáu cuello jaspeado” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 364 (Plegadis).

chichiatli (See: chichictli)

Aztec/Nahuatl name Chicuatli for an owl, probably the Barn Owl; ex “Chichictli” of Ray 1713, “Chat huant du Méxique” of Brisson 1760, and “Mexican Owl” of Latham 1781 (unident. ?syn.Tyto pratincola; Bonaparte, 1850, Conspectus, I (1), p. 53, synonymises this name with Strix nebulosa).

chicoi (See: chivi)

French onomatopoeias “Fauvette chivi” and “Chivi chivi” given to a local form of the Red-eyed Vireoby Vieillot 1817; ex “Gaviero” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 152. This bird was formerly and frequently treated as a subspecies of the Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo).

Francisco "Chico" Alves Mendes Filho (1944-1988 murdered) Brazilian rubber tapper, trade union leader, environmentalist (Zimmerius).

Levaillant's 1798, pl. 30, name Chicquera for the Red-necked Falcon, from the Hindi name Shikra hunter (cf. Hindi names Shikra and Chipkha respectively for the female and male Shikra Accipiter badius; "Chicquera, as Jerdon points out, is a corrupt form of Shikra, the name of Astur badius." (Blanford 1895)) (Falco).

Chicquera (See: Chiquera)

(Falconidae; syn. Falco Red-necked Falcon F. chicquera) Specific name Falco chicquera Daudin, 1800; "* 52. CHIQUERA, Bp. — 154. typus, Bp. — 155. ruficollis, Sw." (Bonaparte 1854); "Chiquera Bonaparte, 1854, Rev. Mag. Zool., sér. 2, VI, p. 535. Type, by original designation, Chiquera typus Bonaparte, 1854 = Falco chicquera Daudin, 1800." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chicquera.

chicqueroides (See: chiqueroides)

Specific name Falco chicquera Daudin 1800; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "FALCO CHIQUEROIDES. F. capite rufo, nigro variegato; dorso et humeris griseis, liniis obscuris transversis fasciatis; duabus fasciis longitudinalibus sub oculos; infra subfulvus aut rubro-albus; remigibus brunneis pogoniis internis maculis subfulvis notatis; cauda subgrisea fasciis decem aut undecim transversis nigris, et apicibus plumarum albis. ... It preys on small birds, young hares, &c., and, when in search of such, or in defence of its young, it evinces a most amazing degree of ferocity and courage."(A. Smith 1830) (syn. Falco biarmicus).

Chieng-feng-ling, Hainan, China.
Aymará name Chiguanco for the Chiguanco Thrush; ex d’Orbigny 1834 (Turdus).

Specific name Turdus chiguanco de La Fresnaye & d’Orbigny, 1837; Gr.
-οιδης -oidēs resembling; "47. Turdus pelios. ... 48. Turdus chiguancoides. This species differs from the preceding in being a larger bird, without any buffish chestnut on the flanks, which are pale greyish brown. ... The wing-formula does not differ from that of the preceding species." (Seebohm 1881) (subsp. Turdus pelios).

Chihuahua, Mexico.

Spanish onomatopoeia Chií given to the Yellowish Pipit by de Azara; "NÚM.CXLVI. DEL CHIÍ. Así la llamo, por no hallar otro nombre mejor; y porque quando se eleva como la anterior, canta en los descensos claramente chií, alargando mucho la última letra." (de Azara 1805) (Anthus).

Chilcat or Chilkat, a Tlingit people of the south Alaskan coastal strip.

John George Children (1777-1852) British chemist, mineralogist, zoologist at the British Mus. 1822-1840 (syn. Setophaga aestiva☼).


Chile (formerly spelled Chili). Etymology disputed; probably from Mapuche chilli ends of the earth.
● Erroneous TL. Chile (= Manila, Philippines) (syn. Lalage nigra).
● Erroneous implied TL. Chile (= Bolivia) (Tangara).
● “Hellmayr is the most recent author who proposes to reject Molina’s name on the grounds that it is a composite between the present form and Jacana j. jacana. It must be remembered that a large percentage of the names of the 18th century authors are composites, and if any degree of stability in nomenclature is to be attained the name must be fixed on one of the species to which the account applies, provided of course that the name is identifiable at all” (Peters 1934) (Vanellus).


(Furnariidae;syn. OchetorhynchusϮ Crag ChiliaO. melanurus) Chile (formerly spelled Chili); "I propose to separate H. melanura generically with the following characters: — CHILIA, gen. nov. Differt a genere Henicornis dicto rostro longiore et recto, minime incurvato, gonyde ascendente,fere sittino. ... CHILIA MELANURA. ... Tapaculo de la Cordillera of the Chilians. This species appears to be confined to Chili; the "habitat" Patagonia given by Bonaparte, Reichenbach, and also by Sclater and Salvin in the "Nomenclator" is certainly erroneous." (Salvadori 1908); "Chilia Salvadori, Ibis, 1908, p. 451. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Enicornis melanura G. R. Gray." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 65).

Chile (formerly spelled Chili).
Chillagoe, Queensland, Australia.

(Dicaeidae;syn. Dicaeum Ϯ Striped Flowerpecker D. aeruginosum) Gr. χειλος kheilos, χειλεος kheileos bill; κιρις kiris,κιριδος kiridos mythical bird (see Chromatociris); "Chilociris * gen. nov. Diagnosis.—Resembling Acmonorhynchus, but wing more than 7½ times the length of the exposed culmen; secondaries falling short of the tip of the wing by the length of the tarsus or more; third and fourth primaries longest; bill stouter, its lateral outlines more concave, the culmen strongly decurved; the gonys much convex and abruptly ascending. ... Type.—Prionochilus aeruginosus Bourns and Worcester. Remarks.—The type and only specimen of Chilociris has apparently given ornithologists considerable trouble to allocate generically. Originally described as belonging to Prionochilus, it has successively been placed in Acmonorhynchus and Piprisoma, but as is shown by an examination of its characters, it can not be properly referred to any of them. It really forms a well differentiated monotypic genus, and should stand as Chilociris aeruginosa (Bourns and Worcester). ... * Cheilos, rostrum; kiris, ciris (avis mythica)." (Oberholser 1923);"Chilociris Oberholser, 1923, Ohio Journal of Science, XXIII (6), p. 293. Type, by original designation, Prionochilus aeruginosus Bourns and Worcester, 1894." (JAJ 2021).

Chiloé I., Chile.

Local Argentinian onomatopoeia Chimachima for a caracara; ex “Chimachima” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 6 (Daptrius).

Hachijōshima, Seven Islands of Izu, Japan.

Gr. myth. Chimaera, the fabulous Lycian monster of varied aspect (syn. Casuarius casuarius,Uratelornis).


Local Argentinian onomatopoeia Chimango for a caracara; ex “Chimángo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 5 (Daptrius).

Cerro Chimantá-tepui, Gran Sabana, Bolívar, Venezuela.

(Muscicapidae;syn. PhoenicurusϮ White-capped Redstart P. leucocephalus) Gr. χειμαρρος kheimarrhos torrent; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; “506. CHIMARRHORNIS LEUCOCEPHALA. White-capped Redstart. I did not get this species at Simla, but observed it on the streams of the lower hill-ranges on the Simla cart-road between Kalka and Dhurrumpore. At Umballah, on the 12th of November, four specimens in the flesh were brought in by my shikaree, which he said he had procured in the neighbouring hills.” (Beavan 1867); “Genus CHIMARRHORNIS, Agassiz. 78. CHIMARRHORNIS LEUCOCEPHALA, Vigors. Phœnicura leucocephala, Vigors … Chæmarrhornis leucocephalus, Hodgs. … Second defile of the Irawady, 5th March 1875. The foregoing is the only locality in which I observed this species in Upper Burma.” (J. Anderson, 1878, Anatomical and Zool. Researches: Zoological Results Two Expeditions Western Yunnan 1868 and 1875, I, p. 613); “Chimarrhornis Beavan, 1867, Ibis, ser. 2, III (xii), p. 452. Either a lapsus or new name for Chaimarrornis Hodgson, 1844, perhaps considered incorrectly transliterated. I have yet to find Chimarrhornis Agassiz.” (JAJ 22/10/2024).

chimborazensis / chimborazo
Mt. Chimborazo, Ecuador.

(Alcidae; syn. Cerorhinca Rhinoceros Auklet C. monocerata). Gr. χειμερινος kheimerinos of winter < χειμα kheima,χειματος kheimatos winter; "TAFEL XII. CHIMERINA CORNUTA. ... Chimerina. Rostrum compressum, basi nudum; maxilla superiori laevi, ante apicem utrinque dentata. Nares nudae perviae. Cera membranacea laevis. Der Name der neuen Gattung ist von χειμερινη, die Winterliche, genommen. Zu ihr gehört Alca monocerata Pallas Zoogr. Rosso-As. II. p. 362, ob als eigene Art, oder nur als Varietät der hier zu beschreibenden? darüber bin ich zweifelhaft. ... Chimerina monocerata Pall." (Eschscholtz 1829); "Chimerina Eschscholtz, 1829, Zoologischer Atlas Thierarten von Kotzebue, Heft III, p. 2. Type, by monotypy, Chimerina cornuta Eschscholtz, 1829 = Alca monocerata Pallas, 1811." (JAJ 2021).

chiminiana (See: chiniana / chinianus)
chiniana / chinianus

Probably a toponym, after the Chenyane or Tshwenyane Mts., north of Zeerust; “The name chiniana is, however, not adjectival but seemingly derives from the old Tswana name Ishwenyane, formerly used by native peoples for a range of hills near the present town of Zeerust in the western Transvaal” (Clancey 1992) (cf. Singuni name Tsiyana for a small brown warbler) (see cheniana) (Cisticola).

Río Chinchipe, Peru.
Chinchorro Bank, Quintana Róo, Mexico.

Levaillant's 1796, name Chincou for the Eurasian Black Vulture, compounded from Chine China (said to be its home), and Oricou (< oreille ear; cou neck), his name for the Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos, to reflect resemblance or relationship (syn. Aegypius monachus).

chinense / chinensis

Mod. L. Chinensis of China, Chinese. This toponym was frequently amended to sinensis.
● ex “Poule-Sultane de la Chine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 896 (syn Amaurornis phoenicurus).
● Erroneous TL. China (= Tenasserim); ex “Rollier de la Chine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 620, “Rolle de la Chine” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Chinese Roller” of Latham 1781 (Cissa).
● China Sea; ex “Albatros de la Chine” (= ☼) of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 963 (syn.Diomedea albatrus).
● ex “Petit Geay de la Chine” of Sonnerat 1782 (Dryonastes).
● Erroneous TL. China (= Amboina, Moluccas) (syn.Eos rubra).
● ex “Perdrix de la Chine” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Francolinus pintadeanus).
● ex “Chinese Jacana” of Latham 1785 (syn. Hydrophasianus chirurgus).
● Erroneous TL. China (= Philippines); ex “Loriot de la Cochinchine” of Brisson 1760 (Oriolus).
● ex “Béccassine de la Chine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 881 (syn. Rostratula benghalensis).
● ex “Tourterelle grise de la Chine” of Sonnerat 1782 (Spilopelia).
● China and the Philippines; ex “Chinese Quail” of Edwards 1758 and "Coturnix philippensis" of Brisson 1760 (Synoicus).

chinganica / chinganicus
Khingan Range, northern Manchuria, China.
chinguis (See: chinquis)

Chinese name Chin-tchien-khi for this peacock pheasant, which was admired andreared in aviaries by the wealthy; the "Chinquis" of de Buffon 1771(syn. Polyplectron bicalcaratum).

Chinophilus (See: Chionophilos)

(Alaudidae; syn. Eremophila Horned Lark E. alpestris) Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; φιλος philos loving < φιλεω phileō to love; "Sie zeichnet sich schon dadurch vor den andern Lerchen aus, daß sie 18 nicht 19 Schwungfedern hat. Sie erscheint bei uns stets mit dem Schnee und verschwindet mit demselben. Man könnte sie deswegen Chionophilos, Schneefreundin, oder Niphophilos, Schneewetterfreundin nennen" (von Petényi 1832); "Chionophilos (Petényi MS.) Brehm, Handb. Liebh. Stuben- und Hausvögel, p. 296, 1832—type, by monotypy, Alauda alpestris Linnaeus." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VIII, p. 2).
Var. Chinophilus.

Chinospina (See: Chionospina)

(Passeridae; syn. Montifringilla White-winged Snowfinch M. nivalis) Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; σπινα spina finch < σπιζω spizō to chirp; "13. Fringilla nivalis. ... 13. Schneefink. Chionospina. E[ntwickelung]. Der Schnabel wird gleichmäßig ausgebildet und finkenartig; der Nagel der Hinterzehe erhält wieder eine gewöhnliche gekrümmte Gestalt. Ch[arakter]. Finken mit hellfarbigem Gefieder, schwarzer Kehle und im Winter gelbem Schnabel. L[ebensart]. Sie leben im Norden, oder auf hohen Bergrücken des Süden, welche gleiche Temperatur mit jenem haben, nähren sich von Insekten und Sämereien und nisten auf die Erde zwischen Felsstücken." (Kaup 1829); "Chionospina Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entwick.-Gesch. Natürliches System Europ. Thierwelt, p. 139. Type, by monotypy, Fringilla nivalis Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chinospina,Chiocospina.


Chio, Cuanza, Angola.


(Chionidae; syn. Chionis Black-faced Sheathbill C. minor) Genus Chionis J. Forster, 1788, sheathbill < Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; Gr. αρχος arkhos leader < αρχω arkhō to rule; "It seems worth while to note a generic distinction probably existing between Chionis alba and the so-called C. minor. ... the sheath of the bill in C. alba is flat and closely apposed to the upper mandible, as in Lestris, while in C. minor it is canted upward anteriorlyand tubular, almost as in the petrels. These characteristics, among others, seem to us supra-specific; and in view of the fact that we consider Chionis minor to be undoubtedly nearest to the ancestral type, we propose to call it Chionarchus. Its name would then be in strictness Chionarchus minor (Hartl.)" (Kidder & Coues 1876); "Chionarchus Kidder and Coues, 1876, Bull. United StatesNationalMus., no. 3, p. 116. Type, by monotypy, Chionisminor Hartlaub, 1841." (JAJ 2021).


Overview and generic check-list.


CHIONIS J. Forster, 1788. Gr. “snow.”
●● Vaginalis Gmelin, 1789. Mod. L. “sheath-like.”
●● Coleoramphus Dumont, 1818. Gr. “sheath-bill.”
●● Necrophagus de Blainville, 1841. Gr. “eating corpses.”
●● Chionarchus Kidder & Coues, 1876. Gr. “snow ruler.”


Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow.
● ex “White Sheathbill” of Latham 1785, and “Chionis” of Forster 1788 (syn. Chionis albus).


(Chionidae; Ϯ Snowy Sheathbill C. albus) Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; "56. CHIONIS, rostrum conico-convexum, compressum. Cera cornea emarginato-lacera. Nares ovatae, sub cera. Lingua lanceolata, truncata, sagittata. Facies nuda papillosa. Pedes tetradactyli, fissi." (J. R. Forster 1788); "Chionis J. R. Forster, Enchirid. Hist. Nat., 1788, p. 37. Diagnosis only, no species included. Type, by subsequent designation, Vaginalis alba Gmelin (Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 1, pt. 2, 1789, p. 705.)" (Peters, 1934, II, p. 308).
Synon. Chionarchus, Coleoramphus, Necrophagus, Vaginalis.


(Anatidae; syn. Anser Snow Goose A. caerulescens) Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; "Genera et Species typicae. ... c. *Chionochen Rchb. hyperboreus (Anser —Pall.) R. Ic. Av. t. 97. ic. 224—226." (Reichenbach 1853); "36. Anser caerulescens ... White morph of present species has been referred to as hyperboreus, but latter name has no taxonomic significance." (del Hoyo & Collar, 2014, HBW Illustrated Checklist, 1, Non-passerines, p. 128); "Chionochen Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. IX. Type, by original designation, Anser hyperboreus Pallas, 1769 = Anser caerulescens Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2020).


(Thraupidae; syn. IdiopsarϮ Glacier FinchI. speculifer) Gr.χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow;δακρυον dakruon tear; "23.Chionodacryon, new genus (Fig. 4) Type species. Emberiza speculifera d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837 (currently recognized as Diuca speculifera). ... Etymology. The name is formed from the Greek χιων ("snow") and Greekδακρυον ("teardrop"), alluding to the large white spot below the bird's eye, one of the characters distinguishing Chionodacryon speculiferum from Diuca diuca. Its gender is neuter." (Burns et al. 2016) (OD per Richard Klim); "Chionodacryon Burns, Unitt and Mason, 2016, Zootaxa, 4088 (3), p. 341. Type by original designation, Emberiza speculifera d'Orbigny and de La Fresnaye, 1837." (JAJ 2020).


Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; γαστηρ gastēr,γαστρος gastros belly.

Chionogaster (See: Elliotia)

(Trochilidae;syn. ElliotomyiaϮ White-bellied Hummingbird A. chionogaster) Daniel Giraud Elliot (1835-1915) US ornithologist, founding member of AOU; "The fourth group consists of the species "Amazilia" chionogater (von Tschudi), and "A." viridicauda (Berlepsch) ... these species cannot be included in either Amazilia or Leucippus. Neither we nor Peters (1945: 59) have found any other generic name proposed specifically for them. We also cannot find support for the statement by Schuchmann (1999) that these species had been "often alternatively placed in genus Chionogaster", or indeed that the name Chionogaster has ever been used in a generic sense: it does not appear in Zoonomen (Peterson 2009) or in any of the synonymies of the original sources we have consulted. A new generic name for chionogaster and viridicauda is therefore necessary. We propose Elliotia, gen. nov. ... We select chionogaster (von Tschudi, 1846) as the type species. The genus name honors Daniel Giraud Elliot for his important early contributions to clarifying the generic taxonomy of the Trochilidae"(Stiles et al. 2017) (OD per Martin Schneider);"Elliotia Stiles, Remsen & McGuire, 2017, Zootaxa, 4353, p. 411 (not of Nietner, 1856 (Coleoptera)). Type, by original designation, chionogaster (von Tschudi, 1846), i.e. Trochilus chionogaster von Tschudi, 1845." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; γενυς genus, γενυος genuos chin, cheek, jaw.


(Trochilidae;Ϯ Sapphire-spangled Emerald C. lactea) Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; μεσος mesos middle; "8e Genre. —CHIONOMESA (nom. nov.) Thaumatias (1) (sec. Bonap.) Gould, Monog., v, pl. 300, 1852. —Agyrtria (ad part.) auct. recent. 1. C. lactea (Less.) ... 2. C. Bartletti (Gould). ... 3. C. fluviatilis (Gould). ... 4. C. apicalis (Gould). ... 5. C. fimbriata (Gm.) ... (1) Bonaparte a lui-même indiqué le type de son genre Thaumatias: Trochilus thaumantias L., aujourd'hui type du genre Polytmus cf., p. 315. - Le nom de Thaumasius a été proposé par Sclater pour remplacer celui de Thaumantias præoccupé; mais étant lui-même præoccupé il a été remplacé par Chubb en 1916 en Brabournea, mais avec la désignation pour type de T. Taczanowskii Sclater; voir plus haut au genre Talaphorus Muls. Thaumatias Bonap. et Gould vient probablement d'une faute typographique pour Thaumantias" (Simon 1921); "Chionomesa Simon, Hist. Nat. Trochil, 1921, p. 99 (in key), p. 104, 320. Type, by subsequent designation, Ornismya lactea Lesson. (Richmond, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 70, 1927, art. 15, p. 8).2 ... 2 Spelled Chionomessa in Zool. Rec. for 1921 with Agyrtria lactea (Lesson) designated as type with a ?. In Proc. Eighth Int. Orn. Congr., 1938, p. 98, Meise arrives at the conclusion that Chionomesa is a substitute name for "Thaumatis (sec. Bp.) Gould 1852" and on this basis fixes the type as Thaumatias chionurus Gould and consequently cites Chionomesa as a synonym of Elvira Mulsant and Verreaux. This is of course impossible, since on page 104 where Chionomesa first appears with its contained species it is clearly a new generic name based on ten included forms [including races], all removed from Agyrtria of previous authors, and Thaumatias chionurus Gould is not among them." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 62).
Var. Chionomessa.


(Fringillidae; syn. SpinusϮ Tibetan Serin S. thibetanus) Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; genus Chrysomitris Boie, 1828, siskin; "GENUS Chionomitris Wolters, 1979, VI1) Chionomitris thibetana (Hume, 1872) - Himalayazeisig; E: Tibetan Siskin. ... 1) Chionomitris gen. nov. - Ähnlich Spinus Koch, 1816, aber durch den Zeichnungscharakter des Gefieders unterschieden: Kein Schwarz am Kopf des ♂, im Gegensatz zum Subgenus Spinus s. str. auch ohne gelben Flügelspiegel und ohne gelbe Schwanzwurzel; neuerdings oft zu Serinus nahe S. citrinella gestellt, aber ♀ viel stärker gestreift als dort, Schnabel noch feiner, Schwanz kürzer; steht wohl der gemeinsamen Wurzel der Genera Chloris, Carduelis und Spinus nahe und verbindet diese mit Serinus. Typus: Chrysomitris thibetana Hume, Ibis 1872, p. 107." (Wolters 1979) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Chionomitris Wolters, 1979, Die Vogelarten der Erde, (4), p. 302. Type, by original designation, Chrysomitris thibetana Hume, 1872." (JAJ 2020).


Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; L. pectus, pectoris breast.


Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; φαρος pharos cloak, mantle.


(Paradisaeidae; syn. Parotia † Carola’s Parotia P. carolae) Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; πλευρα pleura side, flank (JG; see Manuscript-names).


Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; -πτερος -pteros -winged <πτερον pteron wing.


(Passeridae; syn. Montifringilla † White-winged Snowfinch M. nivalis) Gr. χιων khiōn,χιονος khionos snow; σπιζα spiza finch < σπιζω spizō to chirp; “MONTIFRINGILLA, Brehm (1828). Fringilla, L. Chionospiza, Kaup, (1836). M. nivalis, (L.) Brehm. Gould’s B. of Eur., pl.” (G. Gray 1841); “Chionospiza “Kaup” G. Gray, 1841, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 60. Type, by original designation, M. nivalis (L.), i.e. Fringilla nivalis Linnaeus, 1766. Chionospiza Kaup, 1836, has yet to be found (see Chionospina).” (JAJ 16/7/2024).
Var. Chinospiza.

chionura / chionurus

Gr. χιων khiōn, χιονος khionossnow; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.

L. Chius of Chios, Khio or Khios, Aegean Sea, Greece.

(Thraupidae; syn. Poospiza † Black-and-rufous Warblingfinch P. nigrorufa) “CHIPÍU ... Su voz apelativa dice chipíu, y le dan este nombre por excelencia.” (de Azara, 1802, Apunt. Historia Natural Páxaros Paragüay, I, p. 475, no. CXXXII); “989. Poospiza, Caban. (Chipiu, Azara, - Pipilo, p. Gr.) America mer. 10. 1. EMBERIZA nigro-rufa, Orb.” (Bonaparte, 1850, Conspectus Generum Avium, I (II), p. 472). McGregor, 1920, Index Genera Birds, p. 38, gives some sort of authority to Bonaparte’s nom. nud. (based solely on de Azara’s vernacular). Burmeister, 1861, Reise La Plata, II, p. 489, identifies Chipiu with Sicalis luteiventris (now treated as a subsp. of the Grassland Yellowfinch Sicalis luteola), but de Azara’s description better fits thiswarblingfinch.

Serranía de Chiribiquete, Caquetá, Colombia.
Güaraní name Chirikote for a wood rail; ex “Chiricóte” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 368 (syn. Aramides cajanea).
chirimontanus (See: chirimotanus)

Chirimoto, 7000ft., Huayabamba Valley / Rodriguez de Mendoza, Amazonas, Peru.

Chirinda Forest, Gazaland, Mozambique.
chiriquensis / chiriquiquensis
Chiriquí Province, Panama.

(Cotingidae; syn. Lipaugus Scimitar-winged Piha L. uropygialis) Gr. χειρ kheir, χειρος kheiros hand; κυλλος kullos crooked, deformed; "12. LATHRIA UROPYGIALIS, sp. nov. ... The structure of the wing of this species is of so remarkable a character that it deserves a more lengthened notice. As will be seen by the figure, the inner web of the first primary of the male L. uropygialis begins to be slightly attenuated at about two thirds of its distance from the base; at about half an inch from the extremity it is still further reduced by more than one half, and at the same time curved gently outwards. The second primary is very similar to the first, and nearly of the same length. The third, fourth, and fifth are still more abnormally attenuated, and ·6 inch shorter than the first two. ... Besides this abnormality, the inner web of each primary is slightly turned upwards along its margin, so as to clasp the shaft of the next succeeding primary when the wing is expanded. The barbules, also, of the outer webs of the primaries from the fourth to the seventh inclusive, terminate in fine filaments. ...This singular wing structure is worthy of at least a subgeneric distinction; and we suggest the term Chirocylla* as indicative of it. ... *Xειρ, manus,etκυλλος, curvus." (P. Sclater & Salvin 1876); "ChirocyllaP. Sclater and Salvin, 1876, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 357. Type, by monotypy,Lathria uropygialisP. Sclater and Salvin, 1876." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chiroxilla.

chiroleuca / chiroleucus

Gr. χειρ kheir,χειρος kheiros hand; λευκος leukos white.


(Pipridae; syn. Manacus White-bearded Manakin M. manacus) Gr. χειρ kheir,χειρος kheiros hand; μαχαιρις makhairis, μαχαιριδος makhairidos cleaver, dagger (cf. μαχαιρα makhaira scimitar, sabre); "Gen. Chiromachaeris n. gen. (χειρ, Hand; μαχαιρις, krummer Säbel.) Unterscheidet sich von Pipra schon genügend durch den eigenthümlichen Flügelbau. Die Flügel sind kurz, muldenförmig, abgerundet. Handschwingen sichelförmig gekrümmt und auffallend verengt. 1. Ch. manacus. Pipra manacus Lin." (Cabanis 1847); "Chiromachaeris CABANIS, Arch. Naturg., 13, (1), p. 235, 1847—type by monotypy Pipra manacus LINNAEUS." (Hellmayr, 1929, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VI, p. 64).


Gr. χειροπληθης kheiroplēthēs filling the hand, as large as can be held in the hand < χειρ kheir,χειρος kheiros hand;πληθω plēthō to be full.


(Pipridae; syn. Chiroxiphia Blue-backed Manakin C. pareola) Gr. χειρ kheir,χειρος hand; πριων priōn,πριονος prionos saw; "The three outermost primaries of the adult male are slightly modified in having thickened shafts and reduced barbs" (Kirwan & Green 2011); "61. CHIROPRION, Schiff. ― 133. pareola, L." (Bonaparte 1854); "Chiroprion (SCHIFF MS.) BONAPARTE, Ateneo Italiano, 2, No. 11, p. 315 (= Consp. Voluc. Anisod., p. 5), 1854— type by monotypy Pipra pareola LINNAEUS." (Hellmayr, 1929, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VI, p. 52).


(Accipitridae; syn.Tachyspiza Variable Goshawk T. hiogaster griseogularis) Gr. χειρ kheir,χειρος kheiros hand; σπιζιας spizias hawk < σπιζα spiza finch < σπιζω spizō to chirp; πιαζω piazō to seize; "Chirospizias nob. (Erythrospiza! Kp. Z. Pr. 1867, 174, nec Er. Bp.) ... typus: Er. griseigularis Gray; Kp. l. c.). - Nomen Chirospizias: accipiter manibus instructus, ob digitos breves, ad prehendendum aptos" (Sundevall 1874); "Chirospizias Sundevall, 1874, Öfversigt Kongl. Vetenskaps.-Akad. Förhandlingar, XXXI (2), p. 24. New name for Erythrospiza Kaup, 1867, not of Bonaparte, 1831." (JAJ 2021).


(Pipridae; Ϯ Blue Manakin C. caudata) Gr. χειρ kheir,χειρος kheiros hand; ξιφος xiphos sword (cf. dim. ξιφιδιον xiphidion dagger; the ξιφιον xiphion of Cabanis 1847 is, in fact, the corn-flag or gladiolus); "Gen.Chiroxiphia n. gen. (χειρ, Hand;ξιφιον, gerader Degen.) Hauptunterschiede von Pipra sind:Zugespitzte, stark verengte Handschwingen, stärker entwickelte Armschwingen und verlängerte zugespitzte mittlere Schwanzfedern. Hierher gehören: 1. Ch. caudata. Pipra caudata Gm. Lath. 2. Ch. ignicapilla. Pipra ignicapilla Wagl. 3. Ch. pareola. Pipra pareola Lin. 4. Ch. militaris. Pipra militaris Shaw. 5. Ch. oxyura. Pipra oxyura v. Olf. " (Cabanis 1847); "Chiroxiphia Cabanis, 1847, Archiv f. Naturg., 13 (1), p. 235. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 55), Pipra caudata Shaw and Nodder." (Snow in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 267).
Var. Cheiroxiphia, Chiroxyphia, Chiroxiphya.
Synon. Antilophia,Cercophaena, Chiroprion, Metopia.


L. chirurgus surgeon < Gr. χειρουργος kheirourgos surgeon < χειρ kheir,χειρος kheiros hand; -ουργος -ourgos worker <ερδω erdō to do; “le nom de Chirurgien ...Ses ailes sont armées d’une épine ou protubérance, de substance cornée, qu’on a apparemment comparée à une lancette” (Scopoli 1786); ex “Chirurgien de l’Île de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (Hydrophasianus).


Late L. schistaceus slate-coloured, slate-grey < schistus slate < L. lapis schistos type of fissile stone < Gr. σχιστος skhistos cloven < σχιζω skhizō to split.

chitrae / chitrensis
Chitrá, Veraguas, western Panama.
Schooner yacht Chiva on the Denison-Crockett Expedition to the South Pacific 1936-1938 (syn. Cacomantis variolosus infaustus).

Upton Bradley Chivers (1881-1939) South African collector (Paul Scofield in litt.) (syn. Afrotis afraoides).


(Musophagidae; syn. Crinifer Western Plantain-eater C. piscator) Gr. χιαζω khiazō to mark with a cross (I cannot find “χιζη scissura [= fissure, cleft]” of Wagler 1827); ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos nose, nostrils; "GENUS CHIZAERHIS. * ROSTRUM capite brevius, crassum, validum, durum, intumido-latum, versus apicem compressiusculum, basi vix altius quam latum et perconvexum, laeve, pergrypanium, culmine indistincto et latiusculo convexum; tomia maxillae a medio ad apicem subflexuosa, subdenticulata, patentiuscula; mandibula quam maxilla dimidia fere parte minus alta, recta, tomiis versus basin integris, medio sensim subarcuato-ascendentibus et apice emarginato deflexis, acutis, numerose undulato-denticulatis intracta, paratonis planiuscula; myxa brevis, compressa, ascendens; mesorhinium convexum, mediocre. NARES a basi subremotae, culminis lateribus proximae, sursum spectantes, patulae, rimae-formes, ramphothecae immediate insculptae, lateraliter rostri substantia et indumento clausae. ... *) Xιζη scissura, rima, ις nasus; Phasianus Lath., Musophaga Temm., Vieill. Nota. Chizaerhis variegata pluribus momentis et Phimis et Spelectis quidem peraffinis est, at ejusdem structura rostri et narium sicut ptiloseos, digitusque externus vix subversatilis ad ex ea genus peculiare constituendum causas sufficientes praebent. — Ob nomina generica a me rejecta, inepta, partim hybrida, partim ad speciei singulae notas tantum, neutiquam ad generi toti characteres proprios provocantia, quare insufficientia, nemo mihi succensebit. Chizaerhis gigantea ulteriore examine indiget; eam nondum vidi." (Wagler 1827); "Chizaerhis Wagler, 1827, Systema Avium, p. 111. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 49), C. variegata Wagler, 1827 = Falco piscator Boddaert, 1783." (JAJ 2021).
Var.Chizaeris, Chizaerrhis,

Chlamidochen (See: Chlamydochen)

(Anatidae; syn. Chenonetta Maned Duck C. jubata) Gr. χλαμυς khlamus,χλαμυδος khlamudos short cloak; χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; "11. Chlamydochen, Bp. 17. jubata, Lath. nec Spix." (Bonaparte 1856); "Chlamydochen Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. xliii. p. 648, Oct. 1856. Type (by monotypy): Anas jubata Latham." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 211).
Var. Chlamidochen, Chlamydauchen.

Chlamydaena (See: Chlamydoena)

(Columbidae; syn. Alectroenas Mauritius Blue Pigeon A. nitidissima) Gr. χλαμυς khlamus,χλαμυδος khlamudos cloak, mantle; οινας oinas,οιναδος oinados pigeon; "Fondé par Gray en 1840, le genre Alectrœnas doit être, quoiqu'il l'ait depuis supprimé, adopté plutôt que mon Chlamydœna pour le Ptilonopus nitidissimus, Gr. d'après Scopoli (Columba franciæ, batavica ou jubata de Gmelin, de Bonnaterre et de Wagler). C'est la seule espèce du genre" (Bonaparte 1855); "Chlamydoena Bonaparte, 1855, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XXXIX, p. 879. Another name for Alectroenas G. Gray, 1840, which, according to Bonaparte, should be supplanted by the more appropriate Furningus des Murs and Chenu, 1854." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chlamydaena.


(Ptilonorhynchidae; Spotted Bowerbird C. maculata) Gr. χλαμυς khlamus,χλαμυδος khlamudos short cloak; δερα dera neck (see Calodera); "CALODERA MACULATA, Gould. Spotted Calodera. ... the two species, which are all that are at present known, will stand as Calodera nuchalis, (Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis, Jard. & Selb.) and Calodera maculata ... REMARK. Since I characterized this species in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, I have been informed that the term Calodera has already been applied to a genus in Entomology: if therefore it should be deemed objectionable in the present case, I would beg to substitute that of Chlamydera." (Gould 1837) (OD per Laurent Raty); "Chlamydera Gould, 1837, Birds Austr. Adj. Islands, Pt. i, pl. 3, (note). New name for Calodera Gould, 1837, not ofMannerheim, 1830 (Coleoptera)." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Chlamidera, Chlamodera,Chlamymera.
Synon. Alphachlamydera, Calodera, Chlamydodera, Pseudochlamydera, Rogersornis.


(Turdidae; Ϯ Fruit-hunter C. jefferyi) Gr. χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos mantle; χαιρω khairō to rejoice; "CHLAMYDOCHÆRA, gen. n. Chlamydochæra, generi "Edoliisoma" dicto maxime affinis, sed primario primo abbreviato etpictura insignissima et insolita facile distinguenda. 7. CHLAMYDOCHÆRA JEFFERYI, sp. n. Adult male.General colour above dark French grey; wing-coverts like the back, the greater series rather paler externally, with concealed black bases ... I have named this species after Mr. Jeffery Whitehead, the traveller's father, by whose aid and encouragement Mr. John Whitehead has been enabled to carry out his ornithological expeditions." (Sharpe 1887); "Chlamydochaera Sharpe, 1887, Ibis, p. 439. Type, by monotypy, Chlamydochaera jefferyi Sharpe." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 196). This bird has previously been placed in Oriolidae and in Campephagidae, but recent analyses indicate that it is closely related to Cochoa.


(Ptilonorhynchidae; syn. Chlamydera † Spotted Bowerbird C. maculata) Gr. χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos short cloak; δερα dera neck; “Gen. CHLAMYDODERA Gould 1837. Kragen-Pirol. Calodera Gould 1836 nec Entomol. — Chlamydera Gould. 995. 1. Ch. nuchalis Gould. … 996. 2. Ch. maculata Gould.” (Cabanis and Heine 1853); “Chlamydodera"Gould" Cabanis and Heine, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 212. Alternative and more grammatically correct name for Chlamydera Gould, 1837.” (JAJ 20/8/2024).


(Otididae; Ϯ Houbara Bustard C. undulata) Gr. χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos horseman’s cloak with weights sewn into the corners; ωτις ōtis,ωτιδοςōtidos bustard;alluding to the black and white neck plumes of the male Houbara Bustard;"14e genre OUTARDE, Otis , L. ... 2e sous-genre Chlamydotis. Une esp.: Otis houbara." (Lesson 1839); "Chlamydotis Lesson, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 47. Type, by monotypy, Otis houbara Desfontaines = Psophia undulata Jacquin." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 220).
Var. Chlamodotis.
Synon. Hubara, Lophorhipis.


Gr. χλαμυς khlamus,χλαμυδος khlamudos cloak, mantle; ῥοδον rhodon rose; μελας melas, μελανος melanos black.


(Laridae; Ϯ Black Tern C. niger surinamensis) Curtailment of Gr. χελιδονιος khelidonios swallow-like < χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (alluding to the supposed lack of a hind toe (seeTurnix)) (cf. Gr.χλιδαω khlidaō to be delicate); "The tern or Sea-Swallow may be called the black-headed Tern; I have given it the scientific name of Sterna melanops, which implies the same thing. This Tern was nine inches long from the tip of the bill to the end of the tail, and the dimension of the extended wings was 21 inches. It was of an ash color above, and white beneath with the head, neck and feet blackish. The bill was of a lead color, one inch long, compressed and sharp. The feet had three half-webbed toes, and none behind. The tail was long and forked, white beneath. This bird is totally different from all the known Terns, and might even perhaps be considered as a new genus, by its long, compressed bill, toes only half-webbed, and want of a hind toe, to which the name of CHLIDONIAS MELANOPS might be applied. It was shot in June 1821,near Harrodsburg, and was preserved by Dr. Graham, in whose possession I saw it." (Rafinesque 1822per Rhoads 1912); "Chlidonias Rafinesque, Kentucky Gazette, n. s., 1, no. 8, 21 Feb., 1822, p. 3, col. 5. Type, by monotypy, Sterna melanops Rafinesque = Sterna surinamensis Gmelin." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 327).
Var. Chilidonias,Chlidornis (Gr. ορνις ornis,ορνιθος ornithos bird).
Synon. Hydrocecropis, Hydrochelidon, Pelodes, Viralva.

Chloanges (See: Chloauges)

(Trochilidae; syn. Chlorostilbon Canivet's Emerald C. canivetii) Gr. χλοαυγης khloaugēs with a greenish lustre < χλοη khloē young green grass, verdure;αυγη augē,αυγης augēs brilliance; "so würde ich anstatt des nur als Synonym zu citirenden Genus-Namen's Chlorolampis Gould 1861 (nec Cab. & Heine 1860) die von χλοαυγης (grünglänzend) entlehnte Benennung Chloauges auf die folgenden vier Arten anzuwenden vorschlagen: C. auriceps ... C. Caniveti ... C. Osberti ... C. Salvini" (Heine 1863); "Chloauges Heine, 1863, Journalfür Ornithologie, XI, no. 63, p. 200. New name for Chlorolampis Gould, 1861, not ofCabanis and Heine, 1860." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Chloanges.


(Estrildidae; Ϯ Gouldian Finch C. gouldiae) Gr. χλοη khloē young green grass, verdure; βιος bios life; "XXII.Chloëbia RCHB. Spelz-Fink. Wie Poëphila, aber der Schwanz nicht gleichförmig gesteigert, sondern kurz und keilförmig, nur die beiden Mittelfedern des alten Vogels borstenförmig lang hinausstehend. ... Poëphila RCHB. Syst. t. LXXV. untere fig. ... 84—86. Ch. Gouldiae (Amadina —GOULD Proc. 23. Jan. 1844. Gouldian Finch ej. B. of Austr. III. 88.) RCHB. Gould's Amadina RCHB. Vög. N.-Holl. no. 134. ... Die Mr. GILBERT beobachtete, frassen in kleinen Gesellschaften von 4 bis 7 von den hohen Gräsern und waren sehr scheu. Ihr Magen ist sehr muskulös und der Frass bestand in Saamen von Gräsern und andern Gewächsen. 87—88. Ch. mirabilis (Poephila —HOMBRON & JACQUINOT Voy. au Pôle Sud pl. 22. f. 1. 2. Poëphile admirable. The beautiful Grass-Finch GOULD B. of Austral. III. pl. 89.)" (Reichenbach 1862); "Chloebia Reichenbach, 1862-63, Singvögel, p. 30. Type, by monotypy, Amadina gouldiae Gould. Not preoccupied by Chloebius Schoenherr, 1823 (Insecta)." (Mayr in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 367).
Synon. Gouldaeornis.


Gr. χλοωδης khloōdēs grass-green < χλοη khloē young green grass(cf. χλοιη khloiē verdant, green).


(Anatidae; ϮUpland Goose /Magellan Goose C. picta leucoptera) Gr. χλοη khloē young green grass; -φαγος -phagos -eating < φαγειν phagein to eat (cf. Late Gr. χλοηφαγος khloēphagos eating grass); "GENUS II. CHLOEPHAGA. EXT. CHAR. Pedes robusti. Digitis posterioribus mediocribus, unguibus incurvatis instructis. Membrana inter digitos anterius concavatis. Tarsi robusti longi. Rostrum robustum, culmine vix arcuatum, ungue magna instructa. Nares lineares in medio rostri positæ. Lamellæ parvæ antice obliteratæ. ANAT. CHAR. Trachea bulbo uno latere osseo. ... TYPE. Chloephaga Magellanica.Affinities. The above genus we have formed on Bernicla Magellanica, which bird in outward form appears to make a link between the genera Bernicla and Cereopsis, and internally, as far as regards the trachea, presents an affinity to the Anatinæ." (Eyton 1838); "Chloëphaga Eyton, Monogr. Anat., 1838, p. 13. Type, by original designation, Anas magellanica Gmelin = Anas leucoptera Gmelin." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 151).
Var. Chloepaga, Chluoephaga.
Synon. Chloetrophus, Chloophaga,Foetopterus,Taenidiestes, Taenidiesthes.


(Anatidae;syn. Chloephaga Ϯ Ashy-headed Goose C. poliocephala) Gr. χλοη khloē young green grass; τροφος trophos feeder < τρεφω trephō to nourish; "CHLŒTROPHUS, n. g. Gen. Char. Bill moderate, black. Feet particolored, black and orange. Colors of sexes similar. Plumage rather brilliant for this subfamily. Species Chlœtrophus poliocephalus, Gray. Coasts of Patagonia and adjacent islands. " rubidiceps, Sclater. Falkland Islands." (Bannister 1870); "Chloetrophus Bannister, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 131, 1870—type, by subs. desig. (Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1876, p. 361), Chloëphaga poliocephala Sclater." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 307).


(Anatidae; syn. Chloephaga † Magellan Goose C. picta leucoptera) Gr. χλοη khloē young green grass; -φαγος -phagos -eating < φαγειν phagein to eat; “Chloophaga, Chloëph. Eyt. (magellanica)” (Sundevall 1872); “Chloophaga Sundevall, 1872, Methodi Naturalis Avium Dispon. Tentamen, p. 145. Alternative name for Chloephaga Eyton, 1838.” (JAJ 5/6/2024).

chlootica (See: chlorotica / chloroticus)
chlorotica / chloroticus

Gr. χλωροτης khlōrotēs greenness (cf. χλωριτις khlōritis emerald).
● ex “Tangara noir et jaune de Cayenne” of Brisson 1760 (Euphonia).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green.
Chloraenas (See: Chloroenas)

(Columbidae; syn. Patagioenas Band-tailed Pigeon P. fasciata) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green, light green, pale; οινας oinas,οιναδος oinados pigeon; "Genera et Species typicae. ...δ. Chloroenas Rchb. monilis (Col. —Vig.) R. Ic. Av. t. 227. ic. 2481." (Reichenbach 1853); "Chloroenas Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. XXV. Type, by original designation, Columba monilis Vigors, 1839 = Columba fasciata Say, 1823." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Chloraenas, Chloraenos.


Gr. χλωροτης khlōrotēs greenness < χλωρος khlōros green.


Gr. χλωραυχην khlōraukhēn,χλωραυχενος khlōraukhenosfresh-throated, with the bloom of youth on the neck < χλωρος khlōros green; αυχην aukhēn,αυχενος aukhenos throat.

chlorepiscia / chlorepiscius

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; επισκιος episkios shaded, dark < επι epi towards;σκια skia shadow, darkness.


(Trochilidae; Blue-chinned SapphireC. notata) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; εσθης esthēs,εσθητος esthētos clothes, clothing; "a. Mellisuginae, Nymphen-Nymphen. ... Chlorestes RCHB. ... *Chlorestes RCHB. cyanogenys (Tr. —MAX. N.W. 1832.) RCHB. —Brasil. * ——coerulea (Tr. —us AUD. VIEILL.1802.) RCHB. —Brasil. ——Phaëthon (Tr. —BOURC. 1848.) RCHB. —patr. ? *—— prasina (Orn. —LESS. 1829.) RCHB. —Brasil. *——chrysogastra (Tr. —er BOURC. 1843.) —Neu-Granada: Carthagena. *——Poortmanni (Tr. —BOURC. 1843.) —Columbia. *——Malvina RCHB. 1843. —Brasil. *——Haeberlinii (Tr. —LICHTST.) RCHB. —Carthagena. *——nitidissima (Tr. —LICHTST.) RCHB. —Bras. N.-Gran. ——Pucherani (Tr. —BOURC. MULS. 1848. —Brasil." (Reichenbach 1854); "Chlorestes Reichenbach, Journ. fur Ornith., 1854; Aufz. d. Col. p. 7 (Type T. cyanogenys Wied [1832] = T. notatus Reich [1793])." (Cory, 1918, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. II (I), p. 200). According to G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., pp. 23, 142 (Appendix), the type of Chlorestes Reichenbach, 1854, is Trochilus prasinus Gould, 1853 (not of Lesson, 1829) = Trochilus pucherani Bourcier and Mulsant, 1848; this fixation is erroneous.
Var. Chlorostes.
Synon.Damophila, Halia,Juliamyia, Neodamophila, Thaumatias.


(Estrildidae;syn. NesocharisϮ White-collared Oliveback N. ansorgei) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Estrilda Swainson, 1827, waxbill; "CHLORESTRILDA. N. gen. Bill and general structure like that of Estrilda. ... Back and upper tail-coverts olive yellow; breast and under tail-coverts mostly leaden grey, with some yellow on the sides of the body. Type, V. ansorgei. ... In the colouring, especially of the type, it shows its affinities to Nesocharis, while in the form of the bill and tail it much resembles Estrilda" (Shelley 1905); "Chlorestrilda Shelley, 1905, Birds of Africa, IV (I), p. 176. Type, by original designation, V. ansorgei, i.e. Pytelia ansorgei Hartert, 1899." (JAJ 2021).

L. chloreus greenish or yellowish bird mentioned by Pliny < Gr. χλωρευς khlōreus pale green or greenish-yellow bird, perhaps some sort of raptor.

Gr. χλωρευς khlōreus pale-green or greenish-yellow bird, perhaps some sort of raptor (cf. L. chloreus greenish or yellowish bird mentioned by Pliny).
● (Fringillidae; syn. Chloris † European Greenfinch C. chloris) Doubtless a lapsus for Chloris; “Carpodacus *). E[ntwickelung]. Wie bei Coccothraustes, Chloreus und Pyrrhula.” (Kaup, 1829, Skizzirte Entwickelungs-Geschichte und natürliches System der europäischen Thierwelt, p. 161 (nom. nud.))
● (Oriolidae; syn. Oriolus European Golden Oriole O. oriolus) "Chloreus oriolus, Golden Oriole." (F. Morris 1837) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Chloreus F. O. Morris, 1837, The Naturalist (ed. N. Wood), II (9), p. 124. New name for Oriolus Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021) (see Seiren).

Chlorhynchus (See: Clorhynchus)

(Ibidorhynchidae; syn. Ibidorhyncha Ibisbill I. struthersii) Gr. χλωρος khlōros another name for the Stone-Curlew (I believe this to be the basis of Hodgson's "Clorios" (cf. Mod. Gr. κορυλλιων korulliōn curlew)); ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; “With reference to the paper on the Red-billed Erolia, published in your No. for August, I beg to acquaint you that I have been induced to adopt a new genus for this bird, and that the change of the generic has led me to the alteration of the specific name also. As I am no friend to the multiplication of names, I would observe, that in adopting a new genus, I have been governed by these two circumstances— 1st, that VIEILLOT's genus Erolia has been rejected; 2nd, that GOULD's genus Ibidorhyncha is inaccurate. I have had opportunity to examine three specimens, and from careful comparison of them, have drawn the following generic character. GENUS CLORHYNCHUS. Rostrum omnino Numeniacum: differt tamen tomiis inflexis denticulatisque, necnon apicibus acutiusculis. Corporis, alarum caudæque forma sicut in Grallatoribus typicis. ... Species nova Cl. Strophiatus, Anglice Gorgeted Clorhynx. ... The generic name Clorhynchus, is derived fromClorios, a Greek term for the curlew. The trivial name bears reference to the conspicuous gorget borne on the bird's breast. Had the former specific name (red-billed) been retained, there must have been tantological [sic] intrusion on the generic style, upon turning the specific appellation into Latin or Greek: hence the change.” (Hodgson 1835); "Clorhynchus Hodgson, 1835, Journal Asiatic Soc. Bengal, IV (48), p. 701. New name for Ibidorhyncha Gould, i.e. Vigors, 1832, considered inaccurate." (JAJ 2021) (see Erolia and Clonorhynchus).
Var. Chlorhynchus.


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; L. -ceps -headed < caput, capitis head.

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; ικτερος ikteros jaundice-yellow.

Specific name Himatione chloris Cabanis, 1851 (= syn. Chlorodrepanis flava); Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "HIMATIONE CHLORIS. ... As I have elsewhere remarked (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1889, pp. 446, 447; Ibis, 1890, pp. 185, 186) the representative forms of Himatione chloris in the islands of Molokai and Lanai are easily distinguishable from each other and also from the type, and it had been my original intention to describe them as distinct species, the form from the latter as H. chloridoides, and that from the former as H. kalaana. It then appeared to me that some ornithologists would consider the differences too slight to be accounted specific, and I accordingly refrained from doing more than indicating their existence." (S. Wilson1896)(syn. Chlorodrepanis virens wilsoni).


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Kona Grosbeak C. kona) Gr. χλωρις khlōris, χλωριδος khlōridos greenfinch; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos countenance, face; "CHLORIDOPS 1, gen. nov. Bill short and very thick, with culmen and gonys much arched; maxilla and mandible nearly equal in height, tomia of the former doubly sinuated and overhanging those of the latter, which are inflected. Nostrils basal, supernal, nearly covered by the frontal feathers, and beset with a few hairs. Wings moderate, first primary wanting, fourth slightly longer than third and fifth, which again exceed the second and sixth. Tail short, slightly forked, rectrices acuminate. Feet moderate. CHLORIDOPS KONA, sp. n. (♂ not procured.) ... I obtained this bird, the only one which I have shot, 21st June, 1887, at an elevation of 5000 feet in the district of Kona on the west coast of Hawaii, in a great tract of forest, consisting principally of Koa-trees ... The general appearance of this bird is that of an exaggerated Greenfinch (Fringilla chloris, Linn.). 1Chloridis faciem habens." (S. B. Wilson 1888); "Chloridops Wilson, 1888, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 218. Type, by monotypy, Chloridops kona Wilson." (Greenway in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 101).


Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; γαστηρ gastēr,γαστρος gastros belly.


Mod. L. chloris green < Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; L. gula throat (see chlorilaema).


Mod. L. chloris green < Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; Gr. λαιμος laimos throat.(an invalid emendation of specific name Xenocichla chorigula Reichenow by Sharpe, 1901, Hand-list, III, p. 321 (see Rand in Peters, IX, p. 258)) (Erikjan Rijkers in litt.).


(Pycnonotidae; syn. Arizelocichla † Cameroon Mountain Greenbul A. montana) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; ιλλας illas,ιλλαδος illados thrush. In ornithologyillasrefers to an assortment of unrelated, supposedly thrush-like birds, and is frequently used for bulbul (JG; see Manuscript-names).


(Fringillidae; syn. Serinus European Serin S. serinus) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; "GÉNERO CHLORINDUS (1)NOM. NOV. (= Serinus KOCH. NOM. SPEC.) ... Chlorindus serinus L. Verderillo. ... (1)χλωρος, verde" (Navás 1907); "Chlorindus Navás, 1907, Ornith. de Aragón, p.16. New name for Serinus Koch, 1816, the tautonymous combination Serinus serinusbeing considered unacceptable." (JAJ 2020).


L.chlorion, chlorionismigrant yellow bird, perhaps the Golden Oriole < Gr. χλωριωνkhlōriōn,χλωριωνοςkhlōriōnos unknown yellow bird, probably the Golden Oriole, perhaps the Green Woodpecker (syn. Picus canus).


L. chlorion, chlorionis migrant yellow bird, perhaps the Golden Oriole < Gr. χλωριων khlōriōn,χλωριωνος khlōriōnos unknown yellow bird, probably the Golden Oriole, perhaps the Green Woodpecker.
● Dim. < specific name Pipra chloris Temminck, 1822; "H. chlorion. Der vorhergehenden Art [Hemipipo chloris = Piprites chloris]äusserstähnlich, unterscheidet sich durch den stärkeren breiteren Schnabel und merklich kürzeren Schwanz" (Cabanis 1847) (subsp. Piprites chloris).


(Thraupidae; syn. Emberizoides Wedge-tailed Grassfinch E. herbicola) L. chlorion, chlorionismigrant yellow bird, perhaps the Golden Oriole < Gr. χλωριων khlōriōn, χλωριωνος khlōriōnos unknown yellow bird, probably the Golden Oriole, perhaps the Green Woodpecker, but here in the generic sense considered to be the Corn Bunting; "EMBERIZOÏDE. - Chlorion (1). Temm. ... (1) Ce genre porte dans le texte le nom Emberizoides; comme cette dénomination est vicieuse, elle est remplacée par Chlorion, nom grèc de notre Bruant” (Temminck 1839); "Chlorion Temminck, 1839, Nouv. Rec. Pl. Col., livr. 102, Table Méth., p. 40 (not of Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera)). New name for Emberizoides Temminck, 1822, in retrospect considered "vicious."" (JAJ 2021).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; πους pous, ποδος podos foot.

● Gr. χλωρις khlōris,χλωριδος khlōridos greenfinch < χλωρος khlōros green. In Gr. myth. Chlōris was one of the daughters of Pierus, who, having failed to best the Muses in a singing contest, was transformed into a finch (or a magpie, according to some!) (Acanthisitta, Chloris (see below), syn. Chlorodrepanis flava, Piprites).
● Mod. L. chloris green, greenish < Gr. χλωρις khlōris,χλωριδος khlōridos greenfinch < χλωρος khlōros green (cf. Gr. myth. Meliboea, a daughter of Niobe and Amphion, who was so traumatised by the slaughter of her siblings by a vengeful Apollo that she turned pale and changed her name to Chloris, thepale one) (Alophoixus,syn. Camaroptera brachyura (ex “Olivert” of Levaillant 1801-1804, pl. 125), Hemimacronyx, subsp. Melanocharis longicauda, Nicator, syn. Picus canus, subsp. Sicalis olivascens, Todiramphus (ex “Martin-pêcheur à tête verte du cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 783, fig. 2, and “Green-headed Kingsfisher” of Latham 1782), Zosterops, unident. (ex “Chloris Indicus” of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, and “Oriolus Indicus” of Brisson 1760)).
● "96. LOXIA. ... Chloris. 20. L. flavicanti-virens, remigibus primoribus antice luteis, rectricibus lateralibus quatuor basi luteis. Fringilla eadem.Fn. svec. 202. Chloris.Gesn. av. 259.Will. orn. 129.Raj. av. 85.n. 4.Alb. av. I.p. 56.t. 58.Frisch. av. l. 8.f. 3. 4.Aldr. orn. l. 18.c. 18.Habitat inEuropa.Media quasi inter Loxias & Emberizas,sed rostrum crassius quam in Emberizis." (Linnaeus 1758) (Chloris).


(Fringillidae; Ϯ European Greenfinch C. chloris) Specific name Loxia chloris Linnaeus, 1758; "Verdiers ......Chloris" (Cuvier 1800); "Chloris Cuvier, 1800, Lecons Anat. Comp., 1, tab. 2. Type, by tautonymy, Loxia chloris Linnaeus." (Paynterin Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 234).
Synon. Chlorospiza, Coccauthraustes, Hypacanthis, Ligurinus, Serinus.
● (Parulidae;syn.SetophagaϮ Northern Parula S. americana) Gr. myth. Chloris the nymph, also known as Flora, wife to Zephyrus and goddess of flowers and springtime (Bob Dowsettin litt.); "Chloris: Sylv. americana Lath. u.s.w." (Boie 1826); "Chloris (not of Cuvier, 1800) Boie, Isis, 1826, p. 972—type, by virtual monotypy, Sylvia americana Latham = Parus americanus Linnaeus." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VIII, p. 347).


(Acanthisittidae;syn. Acanthisitta Ϯ Rifleman A. chloris) Portmanteau of specific name Sitta chloris Sparrman, 1787; "Acanthisitta Gray, Append. List. Gen. Birds, March 1, 1842, p. 6; logotype, ibid. 1855, p. 31, Motacilla longipes Gmelin, is older than thesame genus of Lafresnaye, 1842, after March 1. This necessitates the use of this genus for the Bush-Wrens ... As a new genus is required for the Rifleman, I propose CHLORISITTA, nom. nov., with Sitta chloris Sparrman as type." (Mathews 1935); "Chlorisitta Mathews, 1935, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, 55, p. 113. ... Mathews based his description of Chlorisitta on two false claims. The first is that Lafresnaye's name was preoccupied by Acanthisitta G. R. Gray, 1842, List Genera Birds, ed. 2, appen., p. 6. However, the internal evidence is opposed to this assumption, since Gray in the 1842 publication, and subsequently, consistently credited Lafresnaye with the name. Furthermore, Gray did not designate longipes as the type; in fact he did not designate a type since he was merely using Lafresnaye's prior name." (Mayr in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 331).


(Corvidae; syn. Cissa Common Green Magpie C. chinensis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; σωμα sōma,σωματος sōmatos body; "To this group [Myotherinae], as a subgenus, we refer Chlorisoma (fig. 125.), called by some writers by the barbarous and unmeaning name of Kitta! The bill (fig. 126.), is clearly that of a thrush, while the legs place it among the Myotherinæ, of which it seems to be the rasorial subgenus, both on account of its size, its crest, and its affinity to Myophonus: there are two or three species, all natives of India. ... Chlorisoma, Sw. Bill as in Pitta, but somewhat thicker. Nostrils protected and nearly covered by incumbent feathers. Rictus bristled. Wings rounded; the four first quills much graduated. Tail moderate, or lengthened, graduated. Feet strong, rather lengthened: the inner toe scarcely shorter than the outer. India (fig. 125, 126. page 25.) C. thalasssina. Pl. Col. 401. Sinensis. Pl. Enl. 620." (Swainson 1837); "Chlorisoma Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, pp. 25, 230. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 26), C. sinensis (Lath.) = Coracias chinensis Boddaert, 1783." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chlorosima, Chlorosoma.


(Trochilidae; syn. PolytmusGreen-tailed Goldenthroat P. theresiae) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; εσθης esthēs,εσθητος esthētos clothes, clothing; “Genre CHLORISTES, Chloriste; (REICHENBACH). CARACTÈRES. Dessous du corps entièrement revêtu de plumes squammiformes d’un vert doré. Rectrices et sous-caudales d’un vert doré en tout ou en partie. Queue arquée. Thaumantias, LINNÉ. Nouvelle-Grenade. >> Class. de M. Gould. Polytmus 255 Virescens, DUMONT. Viridissimus, LESSON. Brésil. >> Class. de M. Gould. — 256” (Mulsant et al. 1865); “Chloristes “Reichenbach” Mulsant Verreaux and Verreaux, 1865, Mém. Soc. Imp. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, XII (ser. 2. II), (Classif. Méthod. Trochilidés), p. 176 (not Chlorestes Reichenbach, 1854). Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1869, Hand-list Genera Species Birds, I, p. 129), Trochilus viridissimus Audebert & Vieillot, 1802 (not of Gmelin, 1788) = Ornismya theresiae Da Silva Maia, 1843.” (JAJ 2022).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; βρογχος bronkhos throat.

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; L. -capillus -capped < capillus hair of the head.

chlorocephala / chlorocephalum / chlorocephalus

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -κεφαλος -kephalos -headed < κεφαλη kephalē head.
● ex “Pic à gorge jaune de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 784, “Petit pic à gorge jaune” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Yellow-headed Woodpecker” of Latham 1782 (syn. Piculus flavigula).
● ex “Martin-pêcheur à tête verte du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 783, fig. 2, and “Green-headed Kingsfisher” of Latham 1782 (syn. Todiramphus chloris).

chlorocerca / chlorocercus

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; κερκος kerkos tail.


(Alcedinidae; Ϯ American Pygmy Kingfisher C. aenea) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Ceryle Boie, 1828, kingfisher; "Die Ceryle zerfallen in die Subgenera Chloroceryle, wohin superciliosa, americana, inda (nicht gesehen), amazona und bicolor gehören; ferner in wahre Ceryle, wohin rudis zu zählen ist; 3) in das Subgenus Megaceryle mit den Arten guttata, alcyon, torquata und maxima. In dem Subgenus Ceryle tritt der längste und spitzeste Flügel auf, nimmt desshalb den zweiten Rang wie das Genus ein."(Kaup 1848); "Chloroceryle Kaup (subgenus), Verh. naturhist. Ver. Grossherz. Hessen, Heft 2, 1848, p. 68. Type, by subsequent designation, Alcedo superciliosa Linné = Alcedo aenea Pallas. (Sharpe, Monogr. Alced., 1871, p. viii.)1 ... 1 G. R. Gray's 1855 designation is invalid since he credits the genus to Reichenbach as of 1851." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 168). Due to competition from endemic families, the kingfishers Alcedinidae have undergone sparse speciation in the Americas, and the green and rufous American Pygmy Kingfisher is the smallest of only two genera and six speciesfound there.
Synon. Amazonis.


(Zosteropidae; syn. Zosterops Mountain Black-eye Z. emiliae) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace, beauty < χαιρω khairō to rejoice; "CHLOROCHARIS, gen. n. Genus simile generi "Cyanoderma" dicto, sed cauda magis quadrata nec rotundata. The type is 13. CHLOROCHARIS EMILIÆ, sp. n. ... General colour above light olive-green, the lesser and median coverts like the back; greater coverts, bastard-wing, primary-coverts, quills, and tail-feathers dusky blackish, edged with the same colour as the back, a little brighter and more olive-yellow on the primary-coverts and quills; crown of head dusky brown, washed with olive-green; the occiput and nape like the back; base of forehead washed with olive-yellow ... "I do not know well what to call this species, but it is most Finch-like in its ways. Found from 7000 to 12,000 feet."" (Sharpe 1888); "Chlorocharis Sharpe, 1888, Ibis, p. 392. Type, by original designation, Chlorocharis emiliae Sharpe." (Mayr in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 325).


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; χλαμυς khlamus,χλαμυδος khlamudos mantle,cloak.


(Vireonidae; syn. Vireo Golden Vireo V. hypochryseus) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; χροα khroa,χροας khroas appearance, colour <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion; "Dr. P. E. Sclater communicated some notes on the Incubation of the Python in the Society's Gardens, and read a list of Birds to be added to the Avi Fauna of Mexico, amongst which was a new generic and specific type among the Vireoninæ, proposed to be called Chlorochroa Vireonina." (P. Sclater, 1862, The Athenaeum, no. 1834, Dec. 20, '62, p. 811 (nom. nud.)); "ON SOME BIRDS TO BE ADDED TO THE AVI-FAUNA OF MEXICO ... 2. VIREO HYPOCHRYSEUS, sp. nov. (Pl. XLVI.) ... This Vireo is very distinct in coloration from any other species known to me, and is also slightly abnormal in form." (P. Sclater, 1863, Proc. Zool. Soc. London (1862), p. 369); "VIREO V. 1807 ... 1434. g. CHLOROCHROA, Sclat. 1862. 5785. ?vireonina, Sclat." (G. Gray 1869); "Chlorochroa "Sclat." G. Gray, 1869, Hand-list Genera Species Birds, I, p. 382. Type, by monotypy, Chlorochroa vireonina "Sclat." G. Gray, 1869 =Vireo hypochryseus P. Sclater, 1863." (JAJ 2021).


(Thraupidae; Ϯ Orange-eared Tanager C. calliparaea bourcieri) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; χρυσος khrusos gold; "CALLISTEBOURCIERI, Bp. Splendide viridis, abdomine cœrulante, plumis omnibus basi latissime nigerrimis: vertice uropygioque fulvis: gula nigra , macula magna hinc inde fulvo-castanea.Une seconde nouvelle espèce portera le nom deCALLISTEPHOENICOTIS, Bp. Splendide viridissima, plumis basi obscure plumbeis; macula utrinque auriculari parva rubro-castanea: remigibus rectricibusque nigris: rostro exili, compresso. Ces deux oiseaux, par leur bec mince et comprimé, par leur couleur verte brillante, etc., peuvent constituer un petit genreà part, que nous nommerons CHLOROCHRYSA." (Bonaparte 1851); "Chlorochrysa, ou plutôt CALLIPARÆA, avec d'autant plus de justice que Tanagra calliparæa, Licht., qui ne diffère peut-être pas de notre bourcieri, en serait le type." (Bonaparte 1851); "Chlorochrysa Bonaparte, 1851, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XXXII, p. 76. Type, by subsequent designation (Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, III, p. 129), Tanagra calliparaea"Lichtenstein", i.e. Calliste bourcieri Bonaparte, 1851." (JAJ 2022).
Synon. Calliparaea.


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Yellow-bellied Greenbul C. flaviventris) Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "a9. Bill rather stout and conical, measuring at gape more than the hind toe itself without claw; bill shorter than head. . . . .18. CHLOROCICHLA ... 18.CHLOROCICHLA. ... 1. Chlorocichla flaviventris. ... General colour above olive-brown ... cheeks and under surface of body sulphur-yellow ... under tail-coverts yellow like the abdomen ... 2. Chlorocichla occidentalis. ... 3. Chlorocichla gracilirostris. ... 4. Chlorocichla gracilis." (Sharpe 1882); "Chlorocichla Sharpe, 1882, Cat. Birds British Mus., VI, pp. 3, 112. Type, by subsequent designation (Reichenow, 1904, Die Vögel Afrikas, III, p. 388), Trichophorus flaviventris A. Smith, 1834." (JAJ 2022)


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; κορυς korus,κορυθος koruthos helmet.


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; κυανεος kuaneos dark-blue, glossy.


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; unattested L. cyanescens, cyanescentis dark bluish < cyaneus dark-blue < Gr. κυανεος kuaneos dark-blue.


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Kauai Amakihi C. stejnegeri) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Drepanis Temminck, 1820, mamo; "Leaving this question for future solution, it must here be remarked that of the species attributed in the present work to the genus Himatione, H. sanguinea, which is the type of that genus, should in Mr. Perkins's opinion alone remain in it 1, while those with straight bill (H. maculata, H. montana, H. mana, and H. newtoni)—though not H. parva —together with Loxops flammea, should be referred to Oreomyza and those with a curved bill should be placed in a new genus Chlorodrepanis, which he thus characterizes: —"Primaries pointed and not truncate at the apex; nasal opercula with bristles at the base and not overhung by antrorse feathers; brush tongue thin and tubular; second primary a little shorter than the third; bill curved." Hence we have:—Chlorodrepanis stejnegeri, C. chloris, C. chloridoïdes, C. kalaana, C. virens, C. wilsoni ... 1 H. freethi of the island of Laysan forming a second species." (Wilson & Evans 1899); "Chlorodrepanis Wilson and Evans (ex Perkins MS), 1899, Aves Hawaiienses, p. xxi. Type, by subsequent designation (Richmond, 1902, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 24, p. 673), Himatione stejnegeri Wilson." (Greenway in Peters, 1986, XIV, p. 96). The taxonomy of the Hawaiian honeycreepers is complex. The Kauai Amakihi (formerly Hemignathus kauaiensis) and its congeners have, in the past, been placed in divergent genera necessitating changes of specific names.


(Cisticolidae;syn. Apalis Ϯ Yellow-breasted Apalis A. flavida) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; δυω duō toput on; "Cisticolinæ ...Chlorodyta n. g. (Drym. flavida Strickl. Contr. 1852, 188; Dryodromas fl. F. et Htl. O. Afr.) — Colore virescenti, præsertim caudæ, a præcedentibus [Decura] differt. Rectr. apice albidæ c. macula fuscoviridi. — Nomen: χλορος, δυω, habitu viridi induta." (Sundevall 1872); "Chlorodyta Sundevall, 1872, Methodi Naturalis Avium Dispon. Tentamen, pt. I, p. 7. Type, by subsequent designation (Sundevall, 1873, loc. cit., pt. 2, p. 186), Drymoph. flavicans Strickl., i.e. Drymoeca flavida Strickland, 1852." (JAJ 2024).

chlorogaster / chlorogastra

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; γαστηρ gastēr,γαστρος gastros belly (Erikjan Rijkers in litt.).


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; γενυς genus,γενυος genuos cheek, chin, jaw.


(Ptilonorhynchidae; syn. Ailuroedus Green Catbird A. crassirostris) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Kitta Temminck, 1826, bowerbird (cf. κιττα kitta jay); "1101. AILUROEDUS, Cab. 1851. ... [Appendix] 1101. = Chlorokitta, Kaup." (G. Gray 1855); "Chlorokitta "Kaup," Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 148, (before April 18th) 1855, as synonym of Ailuroedus." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 892).
Var. Chloroktita.

chlorolaema / chlorolaemus / chlorolaima / chlorolaimus
Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; λαιμος laimos throat.

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; λαμπω lampō to shine, to gleam.
●(Trochilidae; quasi-syn. Chlorostilbon † Canivet's Emerald C. caniveti) "The members of the Genus CHLOROLAMPIS, Cab., as restricted by me, are distinguished by their deeply forked tails, most of the feathers of which are singularly tipped with dull grey. ... 393. CHLOROLAMPIS AURICEPS. ... 394. CHLOROLAMPIS CANIVETI. ... 395. CHLOROLAMPIS OSBERTI ... 396. CHLOROLAMPIS SALVINI" (Gould 1861); "Chlorolampis Gould, 1861, Introduction Trochilidae, p. 173 (not of Cabanis and Heine, 1860). Type, by virtual monotypy, Ornismya canivetii Lesson, 1832." (JAJ 2020).
●(Trochilidae; syn. Chlorostilbon Red-billed Emerald C. gibsoni) "Gen. CHLOROLAMPIS *) Nob. — Chlorostilbon Gould 1857 (nec 1853). 104. 1. C. chrysogastra Nob. ... 105. 2. C. Salvini Nob. ... 106. 3. C. smaragdina Nob. ... *) Von χλωρος (grün) und λαμπω (leuchten, glänzen). — Zu dieser vor Allem durch den feinern, dünnern Schnabel von der vorigen ausgezeichneten Gattung stellen wir ausser den oben aufgeführten u. a. noch: 4. C. Caniveti. ... 5. C. phaëthon. ... 6. C. Haeberlini. ... 7. C. auriceps." (Cabanis & Heine 1860); "Chlorolampis Cabanis & Heine, 1860, Museum Heineanum, III, p. 47. Type, by subsequent designation (Salvin, 1892, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., XVI, p. 44), Trochilus angustipennis Fraser, 1840 (♂) = Trochilus gibsoni Fraser, 1840 (♀)." (JAJ 2020).

chlorolepidota / chlorolepidotus

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green, yellow; λεπιδωτος lepidōtos scaly < λεπις lepis, λεπιδος lepidos scale, flake < λεπω lepō to peel.


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; λευκος leukos white.
● ex “Ficedula dominicensis minor” of Brisson 1760, “Figuier vert et blanc” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Green and White Warbler” of Latham 1783 (syn. Setophaga petechia albicollis).


Specific name Picus chlorolophus Vieillot, 1818; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Brachylophus chlorolophoides sp. n. Dem Brachylophus chlorolophus Vieill.ähnlich, aber Oberkopf viel intensivermit Blutrot gefärbt, so daß die grünen Federn nur wenig hervortreten. Kinn, Kehle und Kropfgegend viel dunkler. Oberseite lebhafter gefärbt und mit Goldgelb verwaschen." (Gyldenstolpe 1916) (syn. Picus chlorolophus).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; λοφος lophos crest.
Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; μελας melas, μελαινα melaina black.

Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; μηρος mēros thigh, leg.


(Monarchidae;syn. Carterornis Ϯ Golden Monarch C. chrysomela) Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; genus Monarcha Vigors & Horsfield, 1827, monarch; "Chloromonarcha, gen. nov., differs from Monarcha in its different colour-pattern and more slender bill and feet. Type, Muscicapa chrysomela Lesson." (Mathews 1925); "Chloromonarcha Mathews, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, vol. xlv. p. 94, 1925. Type (by original designation): Muscicapa chrysomela Less." (Mathews, 1939, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 524).


(Estrildidae;syn. Erythrura Ϯ Blue-faced Parrotfinch E. trichroa sigillifer) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Munia Hodgson, 1836, munia; "CHLOROMUNIA, genus nov. Type, Erythura trichroa macgillivrayi Mathews. (Trichroa Reichenbach 1862 is preoccupied by Trichrous Chevrolat 1858)." (Mathews 1923) (OD per Laurent Raty); "Chloromunia Mathews, 1923, Austral Avian Rec., 5, p. 40. Type, by original designation, Erythrura trichroa macgillivrayi Mathews [= Erythrura trichroa sigillifer]." (Mayr in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 363).


(Paramythidae;syn. Oreocharis Ϯ Tit Berrypecker O. arfaki) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; Mod. L. myias flycatcher < Gr. μυια muia, μυιας muiasfly; πιαζω piazō to seize; "Deux oiseaux de beaucoup plus petite taille apartiennent à la grande famille des Muscicapidés ou Gobe-Mouches et doivent sans doute être placés, non loins des Muscicapula, dans un genre particulier, le genre Chloromyias, dont le nom rappellera la coloration vert olive des parties supérieures du corps. ... Ils pourront être nommés Chloromyias Laglaizei" (Oustalet 1880);"Chloromyias Ouastalet, 1880, Bull. Hebdom. Assoc. Scientifique de France, sér. 2, I (11), p. 172. Type, by monotypy, Chloromyias laglaizei Oustalet, 1880 = Parus (?) arfaki Meyer, 1875." (JAJ 2021).


(Meliphagidae; syn. Gymnomyza † Yellow-billed Honeyeater G. viridis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Gymnomyza Reichenow, 1914, honeyeater (cf. genus Myza Meyer and Wiglesworth, 1895, myza) (JG; see Manuscript-names).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; L. natis, nates rump.

(Picidae;syn. Piculus Ϯ Golden-olive Woodpecker P. rubiginosus) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; ἑρπης herpēs creeper, creeping thing < ἑρπω herpō to crawl; "Chloronerpes, Sw. Lateral ridge strong, well defined, and placed nearly half way between the culmen and themargin. Culmen quite straight. Versatile toe shorter shorter [sic] than theanterior. (fig. 278.). Neck slender. Tropical America only. C. rubiginosus. Z. I. i. pl. 14. macrocephalus.Spix, 53. f. 2." (Swainson 1837); "Chloronerpes Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 307. Type, by subsequent designation, C. rubiginosus Swains. Zool. Ill., pl. 14 = Picus rubiginosus Swainson. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 54.)" (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 109).
Var. Chroronerpes.

chloronopus (See: chloronotos / chloronotus)
chloronotos / chloronotus

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -νωτος -nōtos -backed < νωτον nōton back.


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -νωτος -nōtos -backed < νωτον nōton back.

chloronothos / chloronothus

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; νοθος nothos spurious (cf. -νωτος -nōtos-backed).

Chloropeda (See: Chloropeta)

(Acrocephalidae;syn. IdunaϮ African Yellow Warbler I. natalensis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; genus Muscipeta Koch, 1816, warbler; "CHLOROPETA NATALENSIS. —SMITH. ... Were it not that the bill is rather more lengthened than that of the species of the group Muscipeta, the bristles of the gape much fewer, and the plumage verydifferent in character, it, in other respects, bears a resemblance to young birds of the genus just mentioned." (A. Smith 1847); "Chloropeta A. Smith, 1847, Illus. Zool. South Africa, Aves, pl. 112 and text. Type, by monotypy, Chloropeta natalensis A. Smith." (Traylor in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 82).
Var. Chloropeda,Chloropetes.


(Erythrocercidae;syn. Erythrocercus Ϯ Little Yellow Flycatcher E. holochlorus) Dim. < genus Chloropeta A. Smith, 1847, yellow warbler; "While on service in German East Africa, I was fortunate in procuring, together with a few other birds, a single specimen of a flycatcher which proves to represent an undescribed species and genus, which I propose to name: CHLOROPETELLA gen. nov. Diagnosis: Apparently most closely allied to Chloropeta, but differing therefrom in its much smaller size, the bill narrower and more decurved apically, the greater number of rictal bristles and in habits and habitat. The rictal bristles are comparatively longer and nasal bristles are conspicuous all along the base of the forehead, where they are almost absent and certainly fewer in number in Chloropeta. The tail is rounded, consists of ten feathers, and is about equal to the wing in length. The wing formula is: 1st primary about 55% of the length of the second; 2nd rather shorter than theeighth; 3rd and 6th about equal; 4th and 5thabout equal and longest. CHLOROPETELLA SUAHELICA spec. nov. ... They were noted to be lively little birds, always found in small parties of three or four, usually sitting very quietly until disturbed, whereupon they would flit about, uttering a sharp twittering note which might almost be described as a song; at other times, when in search of insects, they were remarkably quick in flitting up and down and about amongst the branches of the trees in the tangled scrub. But for their brown eyes and active manner when in movement, they might be mistaken for a species of Zosterops." (A. Roberts 1917); "Chloropetella A. Roberts, 1917, Annals Transvaal Mus., VI, p. 1. Type, by original designation, Chloropetella suahelica A. Roberts, 1917 = Erythrocercus holochlorus von Erlanger, 1901." (JAJ 2021).


Genus Chloropeta A. Smith, 1847, yellow warbler; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "ELLISIA CHLOROPETOIDES (nobis). Olivescens, capite brunnescente; rectricibus flavo-viridibus; gula abdomineque albidis, lateribus brunnescentibus. Rostro longiore et magis compresso; pedibus gracilibus; cauda breviore." (Grandidier 1867) (Thamnornis).

chlorophaea / chlorophaeus
Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -φαης -phaēs -gleaming < φαω phaō to shine (cf. φαιος phaios grey, brown).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; φανος phanos bright, conspicuous < φαω phaō to shine.


Gr. χλωροςkhlōros green; -φανης -phanēs -showing < φαινωphainōto show.


(Thraupidae; Green Honeycreeper C. spiza) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -φανης -phanēs showing < φαινω phainō to show; "CXXXII. Chlorophanes RCHB. Nat. Syst. t. suppl.— Schnabel stark,über kopflang, Firste kielförmig, spitzewärts deutlich gebogen, Ränder spitzewärts stark eingezogen, vor der Spitze eine einfache Kerbe. Nasengrube nur am Grunde befiedert, Nasenloch vorn unten, rundlich dreieckig. Laden tief neben dem Kinn hineintretend, breit, untere Ladenränder schief aufgebogen, Dillenkante flach gewölbt, sehr seicht, fast horizontal aufsteigend. Spalte am Mundwinkel tief eingehend und stark aufgebogen, von der Mitte aus seicht gebogen. Flügel decken den Schwanzüber die Hälfte, Schwinge 1—3 kurzstufig, 3=4 längste, dann bis 8 alle abnehmend, folgende bis an die abnehmende letzte ziemlich gleich und breit abgerundet. Schwanz gleichfederig, Federn schief abgerundet. Lauf weit länger als Mittelzehe, mit 7 Tafeln. Zehen stark zusammengedrückt seitliche wenig kürzer als mittle, fast gleich Nägel stark gekrümmt und spitzig, Seitenfurchen am Hinternagel deutlich.—Kleid sehr eigenthümlich, spangrün glänzend, Kopf schwarz, Unterrand des Oberschnabels und ganzer Unterschnabel hell. Weibchen grasgrün, schwach schillernd. Dürfte hier die Bienenfresser, wohl auch an die Analogie der Tanagrinae (Nemosia) erinnern. *558. Ch. atricapilla (Dacnis —us VIEILL.) RCHB. t. DLI. 3746—47. ... Dieser fingirte Vogel ist der "Colius" MÖHRING gen. av. 16. die Avicula americana altera SEBA II. 5. t. III. F. 4. Sylvia Avic. amer alt. Sebae KLEIN 79. 18. Certhia amer. atricapilla BRISS. III. 364. "capite et gutture splendide nigris", welche der sonst so sorgfältige BRISSON nur nach seinen Vorgängern beschrieb, während auch LATHAM daraus seinen Black-headed Creeper und GMELIN den Typus seiner Certhia Spiza 476. 12. gemacht haben." (Reichenbach 1853); "Chlorophanes Reichenbach, 1853, Handb. spec. Ornith., Icon. Synops. Avium, Scansoriae, Tenuirostres, continuatio, livr. 5, p. 233. Type, by monotypy, Coereba atricapilla Vieillot = Motacilla spiza Linnaeus." (Storer in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 391).
Synon. Coereba.


(Malaconotidae;Ϯ Olive Bush-shrike C. olivaceus) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; φονευς phoneus murderer (i.e. shrike) < φονευω phoneuō to murder; "Gen. CHLOROPHONEUS nov. gen. **) Grünwürger. 406. 1. Ch. rubiginosus Nob. —Oliva Le Vaill. (part.) Ois. d'Afr. tab. 75. fig. 2.— Malaconotus rubiginosus Sundev. Bonap. Consp. Lanius oleagineus Licht. part. ... 407. 2. Ch. olivaceus Nob. —Oliva Le Vaill. (part.) Ois. d'Afr. tab. 75. fig. 1 et tab. 76. fig. 1.— Lanius olivaceus Shaw.— Laniarius olivaceus Vieill. Encycl. p. 756. No. 4.—Lanius oleagineus Licht. part. ... 408. 3. Ch. similis Nob.— Malaconotus similis Smith. Rep. Exped. (1836) App. pag. 44. (Fem.) id. Jll. S. Afr. Zool. Birds tab. 46.—Malaconotus chrysogaster Sws. B. W. Afr. I. p. 244. tab. 25.—Malaconotus aurantiopectus Less.— Malaconotus chrysogaster Rüpp. Syst. Uebers. Vög. N. O. Afr. tab. 24.— Laniarius similis Gray Gen. Birds No. 5. ... **) Vonχλωρος, grün undφονευς, Würger. Längere Flügel, kürzerer weniger zusammengedrückter Schnabel und kürzere Läufe unterscheiden diese Gruppe von der vorhergehenden [Telephonus]." (Cabanis 1853); "Chlorophoneus Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 70. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 61), Lanius rubiginosus Sundev., i.e. Malaconotus rubiginosus Sundevall, 1850 = Lanius olivaceus Shaw, 1809.” (JAJ 2022).
Synon. Cosmophoneus, Dryophoneus.


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Blue-naped Chlorophonia C. cyanea) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Euphonia Desmarest, 1806, euphonia; "Le nom de CHLOROPHONIA pourra s'appliquer aux Euphones vertes, si remarquables par leurs formes de Procnias. 1. CHLOROPHONIA VIRIDIS, Bp. (Tanagra viridis, Vieill. —Procnias viridis, Caban. —Euphonia viridis, Gr.), Pl. col. 36, 5, ex Brasil. ... 2. CHLOROPHONIA OCCIPITALIS, Bp. (Euphonia occipitalis, Dubus), Esq. Orn., t. 14, ex Mexico merid. ... 3. CHLOROPHONIA PRETRII, Bp. (Tanagra pretrei, Lafr. nec Less. —Euphonia pretrei, Gr.), Mag. Zool, 1843, Ois., t. 42, ex Columbia." (Bonaparte 1851); "Chlorophonia Bonaparte, 1851, Rev. Mag. Zool. [Paris], ser. 2, 3, p. 137. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 74), Tanagra viridis Vieillot = Pipra cyanea Thunberg." (Storer in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 355).
Var. Chloreuphonia, Chlorophona, Crophonia.
Synon. Acrocompsa, Crophonia, Cyanophonia, Triglyphidia.

chlorophrys / chlorophys

Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; οφρυς ophrus,οφρυος ophruos eyebrow, brow.


(Picidae; syn. Gecinulus Olive-backed Woodpecker G. rafflesii) Genus Chloropicus Malherbe, 1845, woodpecker; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "CHLOROPICOIDES (Malh.) RAFFLESII (Vigors.) Picus Rafflesii (Vigors, zoolog. appendix to the life of sir Stamford Raffles; page 669.) Tiga Rafflesii (Blyth, journal of asiat. soc. of. Bengal, 1846, p. 16.—Strickland proceed. zool. soc. London, XIV, 1846, p. 103.) Picus amictus (Gray.) Picus (tiga) labarum Le pic oriflamme { Lesson, le mâle adulte; Descript. d'oiseaux réc. découv, 1847, p. 199, n.o 27." (Malherbe 1849); "Chloropicoides Malherbe, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Dépt. Moselle, 5e cahier, 1848-1849 (1849), p. 26. Type, by monotypy, Picus rafflesii Vigors." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 143) (cf. "12. Chloropicoides, Malh. == Tiga, Kaup, 1836. Type, T. tridactyla (Swains.)" (Strickland, 1852, Contributions to Ornithology for 1851 (ed. Jardine), p. 19)).


(Picidae; syn. Colaptes † Black-necked Woodpecker C. atricollis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; Late Gr. πικος pikos woodpecker < L. picus woodpecker; "1592. ——? Chloropicos, Pr. B. 1854, nec Malh. (Picus atricollis, Malh.)” (G. Gray 1855); “Chloropicos “Pr. B.” G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 94. Not Chloropicus Malherbe, 1845. Type, by original designation, Picus atricollis, i.e. Chrysopicos atricollis Malherbe, 1850. Bonaparte, 1854, Consp. Vol. Zygod., p. 9, wrote Chrysopicus.” (JAJ 2022) (see Chloropicus).


(Picidae; Fire-bellied Woodpecker D. pyrrhogaster) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; Late Gr. πικος pikos woodpecker < L. picus woodpecker; "1. P. (Chloropicus) PYRRHOGASTER. ... 2. P. (Brachypternopicus) RUBROPYGIALIS. ... 3. P. (Chloropicus) KIRKII. ... 4. P. (Chloropicus) RUFOVIRIDIS. ... 5. P. (Chloropicus) XANTHODERUS." (Malherbe 1845); "Chloropicus Malherbe, 1845, Revue Zoologique, VIII, p. 399. Typehere fixed by subsequent designation, Picus (Chloropicus) pyrrhogaster Malherbe, 1845." (JAJ 20/2/2021). Malherbe, 1849, Mém. Acad. Royale Metz, XXX, subsequently amended this name to Chloropicos(see Chloropicos).
Synon. Ipophilus, Polipicus, Thripias.


(Pipridae; Ϯ Yellow-headed Manakin C. flavicapilla) Gr. χλωρος khlōroslight green, yellow; πιπων pipōn or πιπρω piprō unknown small bird (cf. πιπω pipō woodpecker). In ornithologypipoandpiprawere generally treated as the same bird. Certainly, Cabanis always considered them to be identical. However, whereaspipōwas undoubtedly a pied woodpecker, the small birdpipra(with variationspiprō,piprōsandpipōn) has never been satisfactorily identified; "ANTICORYS ... Hierher ist auch noch zu stellen die Gattung Chloropipo Nob. (von χλωρος, grünlichgelb undπιπω =πιπρα), weiche von den typischen Formen der Gattung Pipra durch weit gestrecktere Gestalt, viel längere Flügel und bedeutend kürzere Läufe wesentlich abweicht; auch characterisirt sie ihr glanzloses, vorherrschend grünlichgelbes Gefieder. Typus derselben ist: C. flavicollis. —Pipra flavicollis Scl. R. & Mag. Z. 1852. p. 9 —Id. Contrib. Orn. 1852. p. 132. —Id. B. Bogot. p. 24. 253. —Pipra plumosa Licht. in Mus. Berol. (Neugranada)." (Cabanis & Heine 1859); "Chloropipo Cabanis and Heine, 1859, Mus. Heineanum, 2, p. 90. Type, by original designation, Chloropipo flavicollis Cabanis and Heine = Pipra flavicapilla Sclater." (Snow in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 252).

chloropis (See: chloropsis)

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; οψις opsis appearance.

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; πους pous, ποδος podos foot; ex “Hatí cogote obscuro” (= ☼) and “Hatí cabeza negra” of de Azara 1802-1805, nos. 412, 413 (syn. Phaetusa simplex).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; πωγων pōgōn,πωγωνος pōgōnos beard.


(Trochilidae; syn.Chalcostigma Rufous-capped Thornbill C. ruficeps) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; πωγων pōgōn, πωγωνοςpōgōnos beard; "38e ... Chloropogon (n. gen. pour Trochilus ruficeps J. Gould)" (Simon 1918) (OD per Martin Schneider); "Chloropogon E. Simon, Notice sur les Travaux Scientifiques, 1918, 39. 10 Type, Trochilus ruficeps GOULD. (Monotypy.) ... 10 In Hist. Nat. Trochilidae, 1921, p. 383, he says it is preoccupied, and that Selatopogon is a substitute name for it ("Selatopogon substitué à Chloropogon"), but, at the place where Selatopogon is proposed, it is stated to be a "nov. gen."" (Richmond, 1927, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 70, art. 15, p. 8)(see Selatopogon).


Specific name Gallinula chloropus(Linnaeus, 1758); Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "A Coot.—This bird might at first sight pass for a Gallinule, and, from its general markings, for our British species Gall. chloropus. The lobated toes however mark it as belonging to the genus Fulica" (King 1828)(syn. Fulica armillata, syn. Fulica leucoptera, syn. Fulica rufifrons).


(Tityridae;syn. Pachyramphus Ϯ Green-backed Becard P. viridis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Psaris Cuvier 1816, tityra; "a. Subgenus CHLOROPSARIS. They have the bill and the feathered lorum of the Pachyrhamphus, but the wings are shorter and the tail more graduated. Size of a Sparrow, colouring more variegated and greenish on the back. 1. PSARIS CUVIERI. ... 2. PS. ATRICAPILLUS. ... 3. PS. VERSICOLOR" (Kaup 1852); "Chloropsaris Kaup, 1852, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, XIX (1851), p. 45. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 50), Psaris cuvierii Swainson, 1821 = Tityra viridis Vieillot, 1816." (JAJ 2021).


(Chloropseidae; Javan Leafbird C. cochinchinensis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; οψις opsis appearance; "GENUS CHLOROPSIS, NOBIS. TURDUS, Gmel. —PHILEDON, Cuvier. —CERTHIA, Shaw. ... CHAR. GEN. —Rostrum mediocre, subgracile, teretiusculum, incurvum, acutum, basi trigonum, medio ad apicem compressum; mandibula tomiis inclinantibus, pone apicem leviter utrinsecus emarginatis; mesorhinio carinatim elevato, angulo mentali rotundato. Lingua longa apice fibroso. Nares basales, laterales, membrana nuda postice tectæ. Alæ rotundatæ mediocres. Remige primo spurio, brevissimo, secundo tertioque longioribus, quarto quintoque longissimis, subæqualibus. Cauda æqualis, mediocris, rectricibus duodecim. Pedes insessores; tarsi et digiti breves, externo cum medio antico, basi coalito; hallux robustior; acropodia scutulata. Ungues sulcati, compressi incurvi, hallucis validior. Typus genericus, TURDUS cochinsinensis, Lath. ... The species at present known, and strictly referable to the genus, are few, and are all natives of the warm climates of Asia. From the formation of their tongue, which is long, extensile, and furnished at the tip with a pencil of cartilaginous fibres, they are supposed to feed principally upon the nectar of flowers: or, what is still more probable (judging from the strength of their bill, as compared with that of the true nectariferous species) on the juices or flesh of the tropical fruits. ... SYNOPSIS SPECIERUM. CHLOROPSIS. 1. C. COCHINSINENSIS ... 2. C. MALABARICUS ... 3. C. SONNERATI ... 4. C. GAMPSORYNCHUS ... CHLOROPSIS MALABARICUS, (NOBIS). Malabar Chloropsis. Plate V. ... Upper parts sap-green, changing in its intensity according tothe light in which it is placed, and passing into gamboge-yellow behind the eyes, and where it comes in contact with the black throat. Under parts sap-green, lighter towards the vent" (Jardine & Selby 1827); "Chloropsis Jardine & Selby, 1827, Illustrations of Ornithology, 1, pt. 1, text to pl. V. Type, by original designation, Turdus cochinsinensis Latham, 1790 = Turdus cochinchinensis Gmelin, 1789" (JAJ 2020).
Var. Chloroposis.
Synon. ?Phyllarius,Phyllornis.

chloroptera / chloropterus
Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing.
Chloroptila (See: Chloroptyla)

(Fringillidae; syn. Carduelis Citril Finch C. citrinella) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; πτιλον ptilon wing; "È ora quasi generalmente ammesso che la F. citrinella L. debba costituire il tipo di un genere distinto, pel quale più nomi generici sono stati proposti dai diversi ornitologi. Così, mentre è stata collocata nel genere Spinus dal KOCH, nel genere Serinus dal BOIE, e nel genere Chlorospiza da KEYSSERLING e BLASIUS, il BONAPARTE ne fece il tipo del genere Citrinella nel 1838, e GRAY del genere Dryospiza nel 1842. Ma questi nomi erano già stati precedentemente adoperati per altre specie; quello di Citrinella dal KAUP nel 1829 per l'Emberiza citrinella L., e quello di Dryospiza nel 1840 dai sigg. KEYSSERLINGe BLASIUS per la Fringilla serinus L., onde sorge la necessità di un nome generico nuovo per la Fringilla citrinella e propongo quello di Chloroptyla da χλωρος verde, e πτιλον penna." (Salvadori 1871); "Chloroptyla Salvadori, 1871, Atti R. Accad. Scienze di Torino, VII (2), p. 260. New name for Citrinella Bonaparte, 1838, not of Kaup, 1829." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chloroptila.


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; πτιλον ptilon wing; ουρα oura tail.
● ex “Crabier de la Louisiane” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 909, and “Crabier roux à tête et queue vertes” of de Buffon 1770-1786 (syn. Butorides striata virescens).


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; πους pous,ποδος podos foot.
● "82. FULICA. ... Chloropus. 2. F. fronte calva, corpore nigro, digitis simplicibus. Gallinula Chloropus. Alb. av. 2. p. 66. t. 72. & 3. p. 86. t. 91. Raj. av. 113. Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Gallinula).


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -πυγος -pugos -rumped <πυγη pugē rump.

chloropygia / chloropygius

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -πυγιος -pugios -rumped < πυγη pugē rump.


(Brachypteraciidae; syn. Brachypteracias Short-legged Ground-roller B. leptosomus) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; πυγηpugē rump; "CHLOROPYGIA, Sw. General form between Tamatia and Coracias. Bill short; the tip not abruptly bent. Rictus bristled. Nostrils basal, linear, oblique. Wings short, convex, reaching only to the rump. The first two quills much graduated; the four next nearly equal, and longest. Tail elongated, rounded, and broad. Feet as in Coracias. Madagascar. C. leptosomus. Lesson, Ill. Zool. pl. 22." (Swainson 1837); "Chloropygia Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 333. Type, by monotypy, Colaris leptosomus Lesson, 1833." (JAJ 2021).

chlororhyncha / chlororhynchos / chlororhynchus

Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
● ex “Yellow-nosed Albatros” of Latham 1785 (Thalassarche).


(Thraupidae; Grass-green Tanager C. reifferii) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird."D'un beau vert de malachite très-brillant, front, joue, gorge, abdomen et petites couvertures inférieures de la queue, d'un roux ferrugineux terne" (Boissonneau 1840). Reichenbach's 1850, plate LXXVII, labelled Passerinae: Fringillinae Tanagrinae,does not reveal the true colours of this tanager, but he had obviously seen the original description or a skin or illustration; "Reichenbach's drawing shows the generic characters very well, and his name, accompanied, as it is, by a recognizable figure, cannot be discarded as a nomen nudum, although no type species is mentioned." (Hellmayr 1936); "Chlorornis Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Systema Naturale, pl. LXXVII (no specific names given). Type, by monotypy (Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 141) or bysubsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 72), Tanagra prasina Lesson, 1843 = Tanagra riefferii Boissonneau, 1840." (JAJ 2021).
Synon. Psittospiza.

chlorosaturata / chlorosaturatus

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; L. saturatus rich, full < satur, satura rich, copious < satis enough.


Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow, green; Late L.scapula shoulder < L.scapulae shoulders (Laurent Raty in litt.).


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; σωμα sōma,σωματος sōmatos body.

chlorosostus (See: chlorozostus)

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; ζωστηρ zōstēr,ζωστηρος zōstēros belt.

Chlorospica (See: Chlorospiza)

(Fringillidae; syn. Chloris European Greenfinch C. chloris) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; σπιζα spiza finch < σπιζω spizō to chirp; "17. Chlorospiza, Nob. (typ. Loxia chloris, L.)" (Bonaparte 1832); "Chlorospiza Bonaparte, 1832, Giornale Arcadico, LII, p. 206. Type, by original designation, Loxia chloris Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Clorospiza, Chlorospica.

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; σπιλος spilos stain, mark.

(Passerellidae; ϮCommon Chlorospingus /Common Bush-tanager C. flavopectus ophthalmicus) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; σπιγγος spingos a form of σπινος spinos, probably identical to σπιζα spiza a finch (< σπιζω spizō to chirp)commonly eaten at Athens, and identified by most authors as the Chaffinch, but the names could just as well have applied to any small bird.In ornithologythe epithetsspingosandspizaused in combination are not confined to the finches (Fringillidae), but used indiscriminately for an assortment of finch-billed or finch-like birds (e.g. Ploceidae, Thraupidae, Emberizidae, Passerellidae, Cardinalidae, Drepanididae). The Common Chlorospingus, Bush-tanageror Bushfinch, and its congeners were formerly treated as tanagers Thraupidae; "Gen.CHLOROSPINGUS nov. gen *) Grün-Ruderfink. 719. 1. Ch. leucophrys Nob. — **) Tanagra leucophrys Licht. in Mus. Berol. ... *) Vonχλωρος, grünlich undσπιγγος nom. prop. —In der Bildung der Flügel und des Schwanzes ist die Gruppe der vorhergehenden [Hemispingus] noch sehrähnlich, der Schnabel hingegen ist stärker, kürzer, höher und daher dem Typus von Pipilo annäherndähnlich, nur schwächer als in dieser Gattung, welche grössere Formen aufweist und von welcher sich Chlorospingus ausserdem durch nicht abgerundete Flügel und Schwanz wesentlich unterscheidet. **) ... Die folgenden, uns nicht genügend bekannten Arten scheinen der hier beschriebenen sehr ähnlich zu sein: 1. Ch. ophthalmicus. —Arremon ophthalmicus Dubus. Tachyphonus albitempora Lafr. Columbien. —2. Ch. flavipectus. —Arremon flavopectus Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1840 p. 227. St. Fé d. Bogota. —3. Ch. canigularis. —Arremon canigularis Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1848 p. 12. —Columbien." (Cabanis 1853); "Chlorospingus Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 139. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 74), Chlorospingus leucophrys "Licht.", i.e. Cabanis, 1853 = Arremon ophthalmicus Dubus de Ghisignies, 1847." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chlorosphingus.
Synon. Hylospingus.

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; στεφανος stephanos crown, wreath.

(Trochilidae; Ϯ Glittering-bellied Emerald C. lucidus pucherani) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; στιλβων stilbōn,στιλβοντος stilbontos shining, an epithet of the planet Mercury (cf. στιλβη stilbē lamp);"[plate] CHLOROSTILBONA PRASINA. ... [text] CHLOROSTILBON PRASINUS. Brazilian Emerald. ... The male has the upper and under surface yellowish green, with a golden lustre on the crown of the head and the sides of the neck; wings purplish brown; tail black, glossed with steel-blue;throat brilliant grass-green" (Gould 1853); "Chlorostilbon Gould, Monogr. Trochil., pt. 5, May, 1853, pl. [14] and text [= 5, pl. 355 of volume]. Type, by monotypy, Chlorostilbon prasinus Gould, not of authors, = Trochilus pucherani Bourcier." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 36).
Var. Chlorostilbe,Chlorostilbona.
Synon. Chloauges, Chlorolampis, Chrysomirus, Colubris, Erasmia, Mellisuga, Merion, Panychlora, Prasitis, Sporadinus.
●(Trochilidae; quasi-syn. Chlorostilbon † Short-tailed Emerald C. poortmani) "57. CHLOROSTILBON, Gould. — 238. poortmani, Bourc. 1843. — 239. alicia, Bourc. 1846." (Bonaparte 1854); "Chlorostilbon "Gould" Bonaparte, 1854, Rev. Mag. Zoologie, sér. 2, VI, p. 255. Type, by virtual monotypy, Ornismya poortmani Bourcier, 1843 (Trochilus alice Bourcier and Mulsant, 1848, is currently considered a subspecies of poortmani)." (JAJ 2021).


(Trochilidae;syn. Thalurania Ϯ Violet-capped Woodnymph T. glaucopis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; στολη stolē garment, robe < στελλω stellō to clothe; "17e ... Chlorostola (n. gen. pour Trochilus glaucopis Gmelin)" (Simon 1918) (OD per Martin Schneider); "Chlorostola Simon, Notice sur les Travaux Scientifiques, 1918, p. 38. Type, by original designation, Trochilus glaucopis Gmelin. (Not Chlorostola Hampson, 1898, Lepidoptera.)" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 44).


(Scotocercidae;syn.CettiaϮ Chestnut-headed Tesia C. castaneocoronata) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Tesia Hodgson, 1837, tesia; "The species T. castaneocoronata, from the Himalayas and S.E. Asia, included so far in the genus Tesia (or Oligura, both of which have for type the species T. cyaniventer), does not belong to it as defined above. ... On account of these differences, I propose for this bird the new generic name of Chorotesia, gen. nov.. Type: Sylvia? castaneocoronata Burton, P.Z.S. 1835 (Feb. 12, 1836), p. 152. ...Tesia and Chlorotesia" (Delacour 1942); "Chorotesia [sic] Delacour, 1942, Ibis, p. 515 = Chlorotesia Delacour, 1943, Ibis, 85, p. 125. Type, by monotypy, Sylvia? castaneo-coronata Burton." (Watson in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 4).
Var. Chorotesia (original spelling).


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; θωραξ thōrax,θωρακος thōrakos breastplate.


(Thraupidae; Carmiol's Tanager C. carmioli) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; θραυπις thraupis unknown small bird, perhaps some sort of finch. In ornithology thraupis signifies tanager; "CHLOROTHRAUPIS. Chlorothraupis, Ridgway, Pr. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1883. The two species we place in this genus have hitherto stood one in Orthogonys, the other in Phœnicothraupis, each being an abnormal element in the genus in which it was located. The two birds, Orthogonys olivaceus and Phœnicothraupis carmioli, are evidently nearly allied. The general colour of the plumage is the same and the difference between the sexes slight. In this respect they resemble Orthogonys viridis of Brazil ... The bill of Chlorothraupis differs from that of Phœnicothraupis in being rather more compressed, otherwise the shape is very similar. But the great difference between the two is in the coloration of the plumage, olive-green being the prevalent colour in Chlorothraupis, whilst different shades of red distinguish the males of Phœnicothraupis, and of brown or ochraceous brown the females. The males, too, are all ornamented with a scarlet crest." (Salvin & Godman 1883); "Phœnicothraupis carmioli Lawr. ... This species seems wrongly placed in Phœnicothraupis, the proportions being quite different from those of all the species of that genus. Except in the form of the bill, which is much more compressed, it agrees better with Pyranga, while in many respects it comes very near to Orthogonys. Since it should probably constitute a new genus, somewhat intermediate between the last two, I propose the generic name Chlorothraupis* ... *In their Biologia Centrali-Americana, Aves, Vol. I., p. 297 (December, 1883), Messrs. SALVIN & GODMAN have already adopted this name from my MS., quoting "Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1883," the quotation in question having reference to the present article which was submitted for publication early in August, 1883. Messrs. SALVIN & GODMAN include along with C. carmioli the Orthogonys olivaceus of Cassin; but my type of the genus Chlorothraupis is Phoenicothraupis carmioli Lawr." (Ridgway 1884).; "Chlorothraupis (Ridgway MS.) Salvin and Godman, Biol. Centr.-Amer., Aves, 1, p. 297, Dec., 1883—type, by subs. desig. (Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 6, "1883," p. 412, pub. April 11, 1884), Phoenicothraupis carmioli Lawrence." (Hellmayr, 1936, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IX, p. 297).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -ωτις -ōtis -eared < ους ous, ωτος ōtos ear.

(Columbidae;syn. Ptilinopus Ϯ Orange-bellied Fruit Dove P. iozonus humeralis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; τρηρων trērōn,τρηρωνος trērōnos pigeon < τρεω treō to flee in fear; "SUBGEN. CHLOROTRERON, SALVAD. Chlorotreron, Salvad., MS. . . .Typus: Ptilopus humeralis, Wall. Rostro validiusculo; remige prima abrupte subulata; cauda brevi, fere aequali; pedibus validis, tarsis magna ex parte nudis; ptilosi viridi, plaga abdominali aurantia; tectricibus alarum et scapularibus plus minusve cinereis. Le specie di questo sottogenere formano un gruppo molto naturale, e somigliano per la struttura, tranne che nella forma della prima remigante, al P. aurantiifrons, G. R. Gr." (Salvadori 1882);"Chlorotreron Salvadori, Orn. Pap. e Mol. vol. iii. p. 22, 1882. Type (by original designation): Ptilonopus humeralis Wallace." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austr., I, p. 35).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; ξανθος xanthos yellow.

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.


●(Estrildidae; syn. Erythrura Tawny-breasted Parrotfinch E. hyperythra) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; ουρα oura tail; "XXVI.Chlorura RCHB. Grünschwanz. Schnabel stark, tritt mit zwei Bogen spitz in die Stirn, die Firste bildet von da aus eine fast platte Fläche, an deren Seiten ein vom ganz bedeckten Nasenloch auslaufendes, feines, erhabenes Leistchen (fast wie das von mir bei Padda aufgefundene und zuerst abgebildete), an dessen Innenseite ein längliches, ziemlich flaches Grübchen, Spalte hinten mit der stumpfen Ecke, wie bei Erythrura, aber die eingezogenen Schneiden (bei Erythrura, vgl. Nat. Syst. t. LXXVI., im Bogen tief abwärts geschwungen) gerade! nur die Spitze allein gebogen. Schwingen 2=3 längste.Schwanz kurz abgerundet, Mitterlfedern ganz grün, kurz gespitzt, seitliche abgerundet, schwarz, Aussensaum grün. Lauf innerseits 5 schuppig, aussen gestiefelt, genau so lang als Mittelzehe ohne Nagel. Kleid nebst Schwanz grün, unten röthelbraun. ... 97. Ch. hyperythra RCHB. Röthelbauchiger Grünschwanz." (Reichenbach 1862); "Chlorura Reichenbach, 1862-63, Singvögel, p. 33. Type, by monotypy, Chlorura hyperythra Reichenbach; preoccupied by Chlorura P. L. Sclater, 1861." (Mayr in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 361) (see Reichenowia).
●(Passerellidae; syn. PipiloGreen-tailed Towhee P. chlorurus) Specific name Fringilla chlorura Audubon, 1839; "GREEN-TAILED SPARROW. FRINGILLA CHLORURA ... wings plain dusky, the outer vanes, as well as the tail-feathers, greenish-yellow" (Audubon 1839); "Chlorura ... EMBERNAGRA CHLORURA. Fringilla chlorura, Aud. Orn. Biogr. v. p. 336" (P. Sclater 1862); "Chlorura P. L. Sclater, 1862, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 117. Type, by monotypy, Fringilla chlorura Audubon. Not Chlorurus Swainson, 1839." (Paynter in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 168).
Var. Chlorurus.


(Trochilidae; syn. Thalurania Violet-capped Woodnymph T. glaucopis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; genus Thalurania Gould, 1848, woodnymph; "6. Chlorurania, nov. gen. —Diffère du genre Thalurania par le bec à peine plus long que la tête; chez le mâle, les sous-caudales plus courtes, plus consistantes, vertes comme l'abdomen au moins au disque; l'absence de taches scapulaires. Type: Trochilus glaucopis Gmelin." (Simon 1919); "Chlorurania Simon, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., 6, 1919, p. 53. Type, by original designation, Trochilus glaucopis Gmelin." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 44).


(Trochilidae; syn. Chalybura Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer C. urochrysia isaurae) Dim. < Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; ουρα oura tail; "2e Genre. —CHLORURISCA Chalybura et Hypuroptila auct. (ad part) (type Hyp. Isauræ Gould.). 1. C. intermedia E. et C. Hart. ... 2.C. melanorrhoa Salv. ... 3. C. Isauræ (Gould). ... 4. C. urochrysea (Gould)." (Simon 1921); "Chlorurisca Simon, Hist. Nat. Trochil., 1921, p. 129; 340. Type, by original designation, Hypuroptila isaurae Gould." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 78).


Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.

chlorynothos / chlorynotus

Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; -νωτος -nōtos -backed < νωτον nōton back.

Chlthonicla (See: Chthonicola)

(Acanthizidae;syn. PyrrholaemusϮ Speckled Warbler P. sagittatus) Gr. χθων khthōn, χθονος khthonos earth, ground; L. -cola dweller < colere to dwell; "This pretty little bird is usually seen on the ground in small companies of five or six in number ... It is very active in its actions, passing with great celerity over the gravelly ridges of the ground beneath the shade of the apple- and gum-trees. The nest is of a domed form, and is placed among withered grass in a depression of the ground ... the entrance isan extremely small hole close to the ground" (Gould 1865); "Mr. Gould also exhibited to the Meeting a specimen of the Anthus minimus of Messrs. Vigors and Horsfield, and having pointed out the particulars in which it differs from the members of the genus Anthus, proposed to constitute it the type of a new genus, with the following appellation and characters:- CHTHONICOLA, nov. gen." (Gould 1847);"Chthonicola Gould, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 35. Type, by original designation, Anthus minimus Vigors and Horsfield = Sylvia sagittata Latham [sic]." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 426).
Var. Chlthonicla,Chtonicola.

Choacalcyon (See: Choucalcyon)

FrenchChoucas Jackdaw < Late Med. French Choucquas Jackdaw < Provençale Caucala crow; L. alcyon, alcyonis kingfisher < Gr. αλκυων alkuōn, αλκυονος alkuonos kingfisher (cf. genus Alcyone Swainson, 1837, kingfisher); alluding to the noisy chattering cries of these birds.
●(Alcedinidae; quasi-syn. Dacelo † Rufous-bellied Kookaburra D. gaudichaud) "106. DACELO, Leach. — 262. gigantea, Lath. — 263. leachi, Lath. (cervina, Gould.) 107. CHOUCALCYON, Bp. ex Less. (Monachalcyon, Reich.) — 264. gaudichaudi, Quoy et Gaim." (Bonaparte 1854); "Choucalcyon Bonaparte, 1854, Conspectus Volucrum Anisodactylorum, p. 9 (not of Lesson, 1830). Type, by monotypy, Choucalcyon gaudichaudi, i.e. Dacelo gaudichaud Quoy and Gaimard, 1824." (JAJ 2021) (see Sauromarptis).
●(Alcedinidae; syn. Dacelo Laughing Kookaburra D. novaeguineae) "Sous-genre. CHOUCALCYON; Choucalcyon. ... Les oiseaux de ce sous-genre ont le plumage soyeux. Ils vivent de vers, qu'ils cherchent dans la terre humide. Ils habitent les forêts ombreuses et les marécages. Leur cri est souvent assourdissant. 1. CHOUCALCYON GAUDICHAUD; Choucalcyon Gaudichaldii: Alcedo Gaudichaud, Quoy et Gaim. ... 2. CHOUCALCYON AUSTRALIEN; Choucalcyon australe: Alcedo fusca, Gm.; Enl., 663; Alcedo gigantea, Shaw ... Dacelo gigantea, Leach, Misc., pl. 106" (Lesson 1830); "Choucalcyon Lesson, Traité d'Orn. 4e livr. p. 248, Sept. 25th, 1830. Type (by subsequent designation, Lesson, Compl. de Buffon, vol. ix. p. 355, 1837): Alcedo gigas Bodd. = Alcedo novæguineæ Hermann." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 372) (see Monachalcyon).
Var. Choacalcyon, Chouacalyon, Choucalcion.


Chobe River, Ngamiland, Bechuanaland /Botswana.

chocana (See: chocoana / chocoanus / chocoensis)
chocoana / chocoanus / chocoensis

Chocó Dept., Colombia (“Chocó region, an important center of endemism, from Cerro Pirre, easternmost Panama, south through western Colombia to extreme north-western Ecuador” (Krabbe & Schulenberg 1997)).


● Güaraní name Chochi for the Striped Cuckoo; "NÚM. CCLXVI. DEL CHOCHÍ. Todos le conocen en el Paraguay por este nombre, que él se ha impuesto; porque lo canta silvando clara y tristemente, y se oye de una milla, repitiéndolo cada 8 segundos de tiempo buena parte de los dias y de las noches en tiempo de amor" (de Azara 1805); “COULICOU CHOCHI ... Chochi est le nom que cet oiseau porte au Paraguay, et qui vient de son cri, souvent répété dans la journée, à l’époque des amours, et même pendant la nuit, d’un son de voix clair, sifflant, triste et assez fort pour être entendu à un mille de distance” (Vieillot 1817) (syn. Tapera naevia).
● "NÚM. LXXIX. DEL OBSCURO Y ROXO. ... Su voz dice pot; pero al ponerse el sol quando hay amor, entonas como el Gato un miau melancólico; y de dia en dicho tiempo, que es por septiembre y octubre, canta con variedad, freqüencia y agrado himnos muy largos, siendo unade sus variedades cho-chi-chochi-toropí quatroó seis veces sin intervalo, y esto comunmente es el preámbulo." (de Azara 1802); "Turdus chochi, Vieill. ... elle prélude ordinairement par les syllables chochichochi-toropi, répétés quatre ou six fois, dont j'ai tiré son nom, par abréviation. M. de Azara qui l'a nommée zorzale obscuro y roxa, a cru reconnoître dans cette grive la litorne du Canada (grive erratique)." (Vieillot 1818) (syn. Turdus rufiventris).

chocolatina / chocolatinus
Mod. L. chocolatinus chocolate-brown coloured < Spanish chocolate chocolate < Nahuatl chocolatl a food made from cacao and the pochotl tree.
Chodopedys (See: RHODOPECHYS)

(Fringillidae; Crimson-winged Finch R. sanguineus) Gr. ῥοδοπηχυς rhodopēkhus,ῥοδοπηχυος rhodopēkhuos rosy-armed < ῥοδον rhodon rose; πηχυς pēkhus,πηχεως pēkheōs forearm; "Gen. PETRONIA Kaup. 1829. **) ... **) Nicht zu Carpodacus und dessen verwandten Gruppen, sondern zwischen Petronia und Coccothrautses gehört nach Form des Schnabels und Bildung der sehr langen Flügel und des verhältnissmässig kürzern Schwanzes die Gattung: Rhodopechys n. gen. (vonοδοπηχυς,ους, rosenarmig). Typus: R. sanguineus.—Fringilla sanguinea Gould Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837. p. 127; Erythrospiza phoenicoptera Bonap. List. p. 34 no. 227." (Cabanis 1853); "Rhodopechys Cabanis, 1851 [=1853], Mus. Heineanum, 1, p. 157. Type, by original designation, Fringilla sanguinea Gould." (Paynter in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 262).
Var. Chodopedys.


This epithet, in the combination Columba chodostagma (Macklot 1830, Bijdr. natuurk. wetensch., V (1), 176) for a Papuan pigeon, is an obvious lapsus, but the suggestion of the Richmond Card Index (chalcostigma) refers to a Neotropical dove, and no other solution springs readily to mind.

Gr. χοιρος khoiros pig, swine; βοατις boatis clamourer < βοαω boaō to call to; “on account of its cry, which the Chinese compare to the Aw-a shouting of their ladies to summon the swinish herds from their rambles about the streets to the troughs to be fed” (Swinhoe 1866) (syn. Treron sieboldii).
choica / choicus

L. choicus of earth, clay- < Gr. χοικος khoikos of earth or clay < χους khous soil.


Choiseul I., Solomon Is. (named after Lt.-Gen.Étienne-François Comte de Stainville and Duc de Choiseul (1719-1785) French Army, statesman, Chief Minister to Louis XV 1758-1770).

According to A. Smith 1830, Chok was a name given to the Tawny Eagle by colonists in South Africa (syn. Aquila rapax).

(Strigidae; syn. Megascops † Tropical Screech Owl M. choliba) Specific name Strix choliba Vieillot, 1817 (AT; see Manuscript-names).


AlfredJohnCholmley (1845-1932) English traveller, collector in the Sudan 1897 (subsp. Ammoperdix heyi).


Cholo Mt., Nyasaland /Thyolo Mt., Malawi.


(Paradoxornithidae; syn. ParadoxornisϮ Three-toed Parrotbill P. paradoxus) Gr. χωλος khōlos defective; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; "GENUS CHOLORNIS. Paradoxornitheo simillimus: mandibula superiore minus sinuosa, magis apice truncata; digitus externus brevissimus; alæ breves; cauda elongata, graduata. 8. CHOLORNIS PARADOXA" (J. Verreaux 1871); "Cholornis J. Verreaux, 1870 [1871], Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. [Paris], 6[1870], p. 35. Type, by monotypy, Cholornis paradoxus J. Verreaux." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 432).
Var. Chlorornis.


(Passerellidae; Ϯ Lark Sparrow C. grammacus strigatus) Gr. χονδρος khondros groats, coarse grain; εδεστης edestēs eater < εδω edō to eat;"Fringilla grammaca. Say. ... They run upon the ground like a lark, seldom fly into a tree, and sing sweetly." (Say 1823); "G.CHONDESTES. Swains. in Zool. Journ. No. 10. 49.Chondestes strigatus*. ...* Since the above was written, I have been gratified by a sight of the valuable addition made to "American Ornithology" by Prince Charles Bonaparte. I have it not in my power, at this moment, to institute a comparison between the bird above described, and the Fringilla grammaca of this writer. They appear, however, to belong to the same group; but as the characters of the genus Spiza are not there detailed, I know not whether it accords with my definition of Chondestes." (Swainson 1827); "Chondestes Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1. p. 435. Type, by monotypy, Chondestes strigatus Swainson." (Paynter in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 87).
Synon. Emberizoides.


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Hook-billed Kite C. uncinatus) Gr. χονδρος khondros coarse, gross; ἱεραξ hierax,ἱερακος hierakos hawk (cf. “Greek χονδρο,khondro, gristle, cartilage ... This single member of the genus lacks a bony shield above the eye” (Holloway 2003)); "Medium-sized kite, with variably large and conspicuously hooked bill, heavy but rounded pigeon-like head, longish wings and tail, andshort legs with weak feet. Perches in trees, usually skulking within canopy, but unobtrusive and sluggish rather than shy ... Wide range of plumages apparently mimics various faster or stronger raptors that are otherwise different in shape or behaviour" (Ferguson-Lees & Christie 2001); "43e Genre: CHONDROHIERAX. Less. hab. Amériq. tropicale. — 129. Chondrohierax erythrofrons, Dædalion erythrofrons, Lesson, Echo, no. 45, 11 déc. 1842. hab. San-Carlos (Centre-Amérique)." (Lesson 1843); "Chondrohierax Lesson, Écho du Monde Savant, (2), 7, 1843, col. 61. Type, by monotypy, Daedalion erythrofrons Lesson = Falco uncinatus Daudin." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 200).
Synon. Cymindis,Regerhinus.


Chone District /Choni, southern Kansu, China.


Güaraní onomatopoeia Chōpî for the Chopi Blackbird; "NÚM. LXII. DEL CHOPÍ. Es de los mas comunesen el Paragüay, y hasta Buenos Ayres. Los Españoles le llaman Tordo, y los Güaranís Chopí por su canto." (de Azara 1802)(Gnorimopsar).


(Icteridae; syn. Gnorimopsar Chopi Blackbird G. chopi) Güaraní onomatopoeia Chōpî for the Chopi Blackbird; "3. AGELAIUS chopi, Vieill. ex Azara 62. (Icterus unicolor, Licht. - I. sulcirostris, Spix. - Trupialis animosus, Merr. - Agelaius sulcirostris, Sw. - A. curaeus, Gr. nec Molina. - Ag. brevirostris, Gr. jun. - Chopis ater, Verreaux). Av. Bras. t. 64. ex Bras." (Bonaparte 1850); "Chopis"Verreaux" Bonaparte, 1850, Conspectus Generum Avium, I (II), p. 425. Type, by tautonymy, Chopis ater "Verreaux" Bonaparte, 1850 = Agelaius chopi Vieillot, 1819." (JAJ 2021).

choqui (See: coqui)

Onomatopoeic name “Coqui” given to the Coqui Francolin by A. Smith; "The names given by the Natives to the objects above described, I have adopted as the trivial ones" (A. Smith 1836). Clinning 1989, however, suggests the epithet may be an eponym, after Mr Coqui, apparently a well-known character on the eastern frontier of Cape Colony in the early 1800s (although the formation of the epithet mitigates against this) (Campocolinus).


L. choragium the place where the chorus was trained and practised < Gr. χορηγιον khorēgion school (syn. Clamator glandarius).

Khorasan, an ancient Persian satrapy of Central Asia (= north-eastern Iran, northern Afghanistan, southern Turkmenistan).

L. choraules flute-player < Gr. χοραυλης khoraulēs flute-player, one who accompanies a chorus on the flute < χορος khoros chorus, dance;αυλος aulos flute.


(Caprimulgidae; syn. Chordeiles † Common Nighthawk C. minor) Gr. χορδη khordē chord; δειλη deilēevening; “1. Chordediles Sws. 1831. (Chordeiles (!) Sws.).” (Cabanis 1847); “Chordediles “Sws.” Cabanis, 1847, Archiv für Naturgeschichte, XIII (1), p. 346. New name for Chordeiles Swainson, 1831, i.e. 1832, considered barbarous.” (JAJ 22/8/2024).
Var. Chordedilis, Chordedilus.


(Caprimulgidae; Ϯ Common Nighthawk C. minor) Gr. χορδη khordē chord; δειλη deilēevening (cf. “Chordeiles Sw. … Signif. nominis cogitata: noctu proficiscens … Nomen, ut pleraque swainsoniana, male formatum, sed diu multumque usitatum.” (Sundevall 1873); “Apparently a badly coined name from Gr.khōreo, to travel, anddeilē, in the unusual sense of “evening” ” (Macleod 1954); “Gr.choros, most likely “a circular dance” hence “a moving about”; Gr.deile, “evening” ” (Choate 1985)); "2. CAPRIMULGUS (CHORDEILES) VIRGINIANUS. (Sw.) The Pisk. ... Sub-genus, Chordeiles*, Sw. ... Peesquaw. CREE INDIANS. ... The very peculiar noise it makes is mostfrequently heard in the evening, and often seems to be emitted close to the listener, although the bird which produces it is at the time so high in the air as to be nearly imperceptible. The sound resembles that produced by the vibration of a tense, thick cord in a violent gust of wind. ... * Chorda crepusculi (Th.χορδη etδειλη): in allusion to the peculiar sound it makes. ... 44. Sub-genus, CHORDEILES. (Generis Caprimulgi.) Rostrum Caprimulgi. Rictus lævis. Alæ caudam æquantes; remiges omnes intergerrimæ. Cauda forficata. Digitus externus interno brevior. Unguis medius serratus. Type.—Chordeiles Virginianus (Caprimulgus Americanus, WILS.)" (Swainson 1832); "Chordeiles Swainson, in Swainson and Richardson's Fauna Bor.-Am., 2, 1831 (1832), p. 496. Type, by original designation, Caprimulgus virginianus Gmelin = Caprimulgus minor J. R. Forster." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 185).
Var. Chordelies, Chordiles, Chordeilies,Chordeilus.
Synon. Chordediles,Cordylis,Microrhynchus, Nannochordeiles, Podager, Proithera, Ramphaoratus.


(Otididae; syn. Ardeotis Arabian Bustard A. arabs) Probable portmanteau of specific name Otis kori Burchell, 1822; "1827. CHORIOTIS, Pr. B. 1854. (Otis arabs, Linn.)" (G. Gray 1855); "11. Choriotis, Bp. 19. arabs, L. (abyssinica, Gr.) 20. cristata, Scopoli. (lussonensis, Vieill. kori, Burchell.) 21. edwardsi, Gr. (nigriceps, Vig.) 22. australis, Gray (australasiana, Gould.)" (Bonaparte 1856); "Choriotis "Pr. B." G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 109. Type, by original designation, Otis arabs Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 219).
Var. Choristis.

Choris (See: Corys)

(Alaudidae; syn. Lullula Wood Lark L. arborea) Mod. L. corys lark < Gr. κορυδος korudos crested lark < κορυς korus, κορυθος koruthoshelmet. Reichenbach's 1850, plate LXXIV, labelled Passerinae: Alaudinae & Fringillinae - Emberizinae, shows the distinctive head pattern and very long hind-claw of the Wood Lark amidst a variety of larks and buntings; "Corys Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Systema Naturale, pl. LXXIV (no specific names given). Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 80), Alauda arborea Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chorys, Choris.


(Anseranatidae; syn. Anseranas Magpie Goose A. semipalmata) Gr. χωριστος khōristos separable < χωριζω khōrizō to separate; πους pous,ποδος podos foot (i.e. toes); "GENUS 1. CHORISTOPUS. EXT. CHAR. Pedes digitis longis, semi-membrinatis, unguibus magnis incurvatis instructis. Tarsi magni. Tibiæ multum denudatæ. ... CHORISTOPUS nobis. ... TYPE. Choristopus semipalmatus" (Eyton 1838); "Choristopus Eyton, Monogr. Anatidæ. p. 8, June 1838. Type (by original designation): Anas semipalmata Latham." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 209).

Chorotea (See: Chotorea)

(Megalaimidae;syn. Psilopogon Ϯ Black-banded Barbet P. javensis) Specific name Bucco kotorea Temminck, 1831 (= syn. Psilopogon javensis); "11. MEGALÆMA, Gr.. a.Chotorea, Bp. — 28. javensis, Horsf. —29. lineata, Vieill. —30. corvina, Temm. —31. viridis, L. —32. caniceps, Frankl. (lineata, Tickel, nec Vieill.) —33. hodgsoni, Bp. —34. phæosticta, Temm. —35. chrysopogon, Temm." (Bonaparte 1854); "Megalæma a Chotorea Bonaparte, Ateneo Italiano, 2, 1854, p. 127. (Consp. Vol. Zygodact., p. 12.) Type, by subsequent designation, Bucco javensis Horsfield (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 90.)" (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 31).
Var. Chorotea, Chotorhea.


(Megapodiidae; syn. Leipoa† Giant MalleefowlL. gallinacea) Gr.χωσις khōsis mound-building;ορνις ornis,ορνιθος ornithos bird; "CHOSORNIS PRÆTERITUS, AN EXTINCT MEGAPODE. AMONG the existing vertebrates of Australia which bear the stamp of antiquity impressed on their organisation, the mound-building birds vie with the Monotremes in asserting their hold upon the past." (DeVis 1889); "Chosornis De Vis, 1889: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 6 (1): 55 - type by monotypy Chosornis praeteritus De Vis [= syn. Progura gallinacea]." (Worthy & Nguyen 2020).


French Choucas Jackdaw < Late Med. French Choucquas Jackdaw < Provençale Caucala crow; doré gilt, gilded (cf. adorer to adore); ex “Choucador” of Levaillant 1801, pl. 86 (syn. Lamprotornis ornatus).


French Choucas Jackdaw < Late Med. French Choucquas Jackdaw < Provençale Caucala crow; Gr. ῥις rhis,ῥινος rhinosnostril; ex “Choucari de la Nouvelle Guinée” of de Buffon 1770-1785 (syn. Coracina novaehollandiae melanops).


Levaillant's 1799, pl. 38, name Choucou for an unidentifiable (?artefact) owl < French Chouette owl < dim. Old French Choue owl; Coucou cuckoo (unident.;?syn. Ciccaba woodfordii; ?syn. Surnia ulula).

Chourtha (See: Chourtka)

(Phasianidae; syn. Tetraogallus Caucasian Snowcock T. caucasicus) "CHOURTKA GENRE NOUVEAU DE GALLINACÉES ... Ce genre doit être placé après les véritables Perdrix (Cuvier Règne anim.) et avant les Cailles. CHOURTKA ALPINA Motschoulski. ... L'espèce décrite niche sur les plus hautes sommités des montagnes rocailleuses du Caucase ... Les Montagnards la nomment Chourtka." (Mochul’skiy 1839); "Chourtka Mochul'skiy, 1839, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, I, p. 94. Type, by monotypy, Chourtka alpina Mochul'skiy, 1839 = Tetrao caucasica Pallas, 1811." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chourtha.

chrijsocoma (See: chrysocoma)

Gr. χρυσοκομος khrusokomos golden-haired < χρυσος khrusos gold;κομη komē hair.


Hindi name Krishnarāj for the Hair-crested Drongo; ex “Krishna Crow” of Latham 1781-1802 (syn. Dicrurus hottentottus).

Chrisoptilus (See: Chrysoptilus)

(Picidae; syn. Colaptes Spot-breasted Woodpecker C. punctigula) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; πτιλον ptilon feather; "Bill rather depressed, angles of theupper mandible unequal; two exterior toes of equal length. } CHRYSOPTILUS, Sw.... the golden-coloured shafts of the typical Chrysoptili" (Swainson 1832); "Chrysoptilus, Sw. Lateral ridge slight, very close to the culmen. which is somewhat curved. Versatile toe as long as the anterior. Tropical America. C. Cayennensis. P. Enl. 613. Campestris. Spix, pl. 46. guttatus. Sp. i. pl. 53. f. 1." (Swainson 1837); "Chrysoptilus Swainson, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Am., 2, 1831 (1832), p. 300. Diagnosis only; species added, Swainson, Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 308. Type, by subsequent designation, C. cayanensis (Gm.) Swains., pl. enl. 613 = Picus punctigula Boddaert. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 54.)" (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 105).
Var. Chrisoptilus,Crisoptilus, Crysoptilus.


Christiana Salvin Heawood née Tristram (1860-1954) daughter of traveller, naturalist and Canon of Durham the Revd. Henry Baker Tristram (subsp. Leptocoma aspasia).


● Lt.-Col. Emmanuel Hermann Christian André de La Fresnaye (1844-1921) French Army, son of ornithologist Noël Frédéric Armand Baron André de La Fresnaye (syn. Dendrocincla fuliginosa ridgwayi).
● Edgar John Christian (1888-1968)Australian farmer, naturalist (Paul Scofield in litt.) (syn. Podiceps cristatus australis).

Dr Christian Ludwig Brehm (1787-1864) German ornithologist (syn. Falco columbarius pallidus).

Christina Lockie Swinhoe née Stronach(1840-1914) wife of English naturalist Robert Swinhoe (Aethopyga).


Etymology undiscovered; "161A. Sterna striata christopheri subsp. n. Western White-fronted Tern. Differs from S. s. incerta in its lighter colour and smaller size: wing 231, culmen 35 mm. The type of incerta has wing 272, culmen 40 mm. Type: Point Cloates, West Australia, No. 9718."(Mathews, 1912, Novitates Zool., 18 (1911), p. 209) (syn. Sterna dougalli gracilis).

Hugo Theodor Christoph (1831-1894) German entomologist, collector, explorer (syn. Corvus corone orientalis).

St. Christopher orSt. Kitts, Lesser Antilles.


● San Cristobal I. (Spanish Cristobal Christopher), Solomon Is. (subsp. Gallirallus philippensis, subsp. Pachycephala orioloides).
● Etymology undiscovered (cf. Lake Christopher, Western Australia); "672A. Gerygone tenebrosa christophori subsp. n. Allied Dusky Flyeater. Mathews, Handlist No. 464 (pars). Differs from G. t. tenebrosa in being more buffy brown on the back, especially on the rump. Type: Carnarvon, West Australia, No. 9632. Range: Mid Westralia."(Mathews, 1912, Novitates Zool., 18 (1911), p. 311) (subsp. Gerygone tenebrosa).

Dr Cuthbert Christy (1863-1932) English physician (specialising in sleeping-sickness), naturalist, explorer in India and tropical Africa (where killed by a buffalo) (syn. Hirundo atrocaerulea).
Chrithagra (See: CRITHAGRA)

(Fringillidae; Ϯ Brimstone Canary C. sulphurata) Gr. κριθη krithē barley; αγρα agra hunting < αγρεω agreō to hunt; "CRITHAGRA. Rostrum breve, sub-conicum, crassum, integrum; culmine arcuato; tomio curvato. Alæ subelongatæ; remigibus 1ma, 2da, 3tia, et 4taæqualibus, longissimis. Cauda mediocris, subfurcata. ... Types. Lox. sulphurata, flaviventris. Lath. Africa only?" (Swainson 1827); "Crithagra Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., III, p. 348. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 48), C. sulphurata(Lath.), i.e. Loxia sulphurata Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chrithagra.
Synon. Bolbospiza, Buserinus, Dendrospiza, Lormarinsia, Menellia, Microserinus, Neospiza, Ochrospiza, Phaeospiza, Poliospiza, Psammospiza, Pseudochloroptila, Pyrgitopsis, Serinops, Spodiospina, Tephrospiza.
● (Thraupidae; syn. Sicalis † Saffron Finch S. flaveola brasiliensis) “1954. Crithagra, Sw. p. (Sycalis, Caban. ex Boie, 1848. – Fringilla, p. Gr. Ad Spizinas accedens! Serinis autem nimium affinis!! Amer. mer. 8. 1. EMBERIZA! brasiliensis, Gm. (Fringilla brasiliensis, Spix, Wied. Licht. Gr. - Passerina flava, Vieill.-Linaria aurifrons, Less. Chardonneret à front d’or.) ... 2. FRINGILLA flaveola, L. (Saffron-fronted Finch, Lath.) ... 3. FRINGILLA luteiventris, Meyen. ... *4. Cr. hilarii, Bp. Mus. Paris. ex Brasil. ... 5. EMBERIZA luteocephala, Orb. Voy. Am. m. t. 44. 2. ... *6. Cr. pentlandi, Bp. Mus. Paris. ex Am. m. ... *7. Cr. chloropsis, Bp. Mus. Paris. ex Bolivia. ... 8. FRINGILLA xanthorrhoa, Bp. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1825. IV. p. 450. ex Brasil.” (Bonaparte 1850); “Crithagra “Sw.” Bonaparte, 1850, Conspectus Generum Avium, I (II), p. 521 (not of Swainson, 1827). New name for Sycalis Cabanis, 1844= Sicalis Boie, 1828.” (JAJ 2023) (see Grithagra).


(Laridae; Black-headed Gull C. ridibundus) Gr. χρωικος khrōikos coloured <χρωζω khrōzō to colour, to stain; -κεφαλος -kephalos -headed < κεφαλη kephalē head; "SUB GENUS 3. CHROICOCEPHALUS. Nobis. Sp. 1. C. CAPISTRATUS. Temminck. Syn. Larus Capistratus, Temm. Jenyns. Mouette a Mosque [sic] Brun, Temm. Brown-headed Gull, Eyton. Sp. 2. C. RIDIBUNDUS. Linnæus. Syn. Larus Ridibundus, Lath. Shaw, Linn. Gmel. L. Cinerarius Linn. Gmel. Gavia Ridibunda Phænicopos, Briss. L. Cinereus, Ray. Will. La Mouette Rieuse ou à Capuchon Brun, Temm. Le Mouette Rieuse, and Le Petite Mouette Cendrée, Buff. Black-headed Gull, and Red-legged Gull, Penn. Lath. Bewick. Sp. 3. C. MINUTUS. Pallas. Syn. Larus Minutus, Pall. Gmel. Shaw, Temm. L. Atricilloides, Gmel. Mouette Pygmiée [sic], Temm. Little Gull, English Authors." (Eyton 1836); "Chroicocephalus for a new subgenus under Larus, Linn., for the reception of such gulls as have the tarsi slender, thighs considerably denuded, hind toe very small, head only, or head and upper part of neck, dark-coloured in the summer state of plumage ... derived from two Greek words,κροικος, coloured, andκεφαλη, head; signifying that the birds classed under that name have coloured heads" (Eyton per Wharton 1878); "Chroicocephalus Eyton, Hist. Rar. Brit. Bds., Cat., p. 53, 1836—type, by subs. desig. (Gray, List Gen. Bds., p. 79, 1840), Larus capistratus Temminck = Larus ridibundus Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 253).
Var. Chloirocephalus, Choicocephalus,Chroecocephalus, Chroeocephalus, Chroiococephalus, Chraeococephalus, Chraecocephalus, Chroocephalus, Croicocephalum,Croicocephalus, Kroikocephalus, Kroicocephalus, Krokocephalus.
Synon. Bruchigavia, Cirrhocephala,Gavia, Gelastes, Hydropeleia, Lambruschinia, Larus, Melagavia, Melanolarus, Microlarus, Xema.
● (Laridae; syn. Hydrocoloeus † Little Gull H. minutus) “15. Gavia, Br. ... 65. ridibundus, L. ... 16. Chroicocephalus, Eyton. 71. minutus, Pall.” (Bonaparte 1854); “Chroicocephalus “Eyton” Bonaparte, 1854, Naumannia, (IV), p. 213 (not of Eyton, 1836). Type, by monotypy, Larus minutus Pallas, 1776.” (JAJ 2022) (see Chroiocephalus).


(Laridae; syn. Hydrocoloeus † Little Gull H. minutus) Gr. χρωικος khrōikos coloured <χρωζω khrōzō to colour, to stain; -κεφαλος -kephalos -headed < κεφαλη kephalē head (cf. variant of genus Chroicocephalus Eyton, 1836, gull); “Genera et Species typicae. ... 4. a. *Chroiocephalus Eyton. minutus (Larus — L. Gm.) Eyt. Ic. Av. t. 43. ic. 289—292. t. 45. ic. 846. t. 109. ic. 972.” (Reichenbach 1853); “Chroiocephalus “Eyton” Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturae, p. V. Not Chroicocephalus Eyton, 1836. Type, by original designation, Larus minutus L. Gm., i.e. Pallas, 1776.” (JAJ 2022). Doubtless a lapsus for Chroicocephalus Eyton, 1836, but is spelled differently and has a different type (see Chroicocephalus).
Var. Chroiococephalus.


(Dicaeidae; syn. Dicaeum Cebu Flowerpecker D. quadricolor) Gr. χρωμα khrōma, χρωματος khrōmatos colour < χρωζω khrōzō to tinge; κιρις kiris,κιριδος kiridos mythical bird. In ornithology ciris isfrequently used for the flowerpeckers Dicaeidae; "Chromatociris† gen. nov. Diagnosis.—Similar to Cryptociris, but with the second, third, and fourth primaries longest; the first (outermost) primary shorter than the fourth; wing not decidedly more than 7 times the length of theexposed culmen; tail only slightly rounded; bill stouter; culmen strongly decurved; narial bristles more numerous and better developed. ... Type.—Prionochilus quadricolor Tweeddale. Remarks.—The narial bristles appear to be rather weaker in Chromatociris bicolor inexpectata than in the type of the genus, Chromatociris quadricolor, but otherwise the former is typical. ... † Chroma, occultus [sic]; kiris, ciris (avis mythica)." (Oberholser 1923); "Chromatociris Oberholser, 1923, Ohio Journal of Science, XXIII (6), p. 291. Type, by original designation, Prionochilus quadricolor Tweeddale, 1877." (JAJ 2021) (see Cryptociris).


(Nectariniidae; syn. Cinnyris Superb Sunbird C. superbus) Gr. χρωμα khrōma, χρωματος khrōmatos colour < χρωζω khrōzō to tinge; -φορος -phoros -carrying < φερω pherō to carry; "CLV. Chromatophora: Riesenform zwischen Chalcomitra und Nectarophila! Doch mit keiner Gattung naturgemäß zu vereinen. 656. C. superba (Cinn. —VIEILL. Enc. 597.) RCHB. t. DLXIX. 3878." (Reichenbach 1853); "Chromatophora Reichenbach, 1853, Icones Synopsin Avium, Scansoriae, B. Tenuirostres. Certhiinae, p. 283. Type, by monotypy, Cinnyris superba Vieill., i.e. Certhia superbaShaw, 1811." (JAJ 2019).
Var. Cromatophora.

Tadeusz Chrostowski (1878-1923) Polish ornithologist, explorer, collector in Brazil 1910, 1921-1923 (syn. Batara cinerea, syn. Thamnophilus tenuepunctatus tenuifasciatus).
chrsyaeus (See: chrysaeum / chrysaeus)
chrysaeum / chrysaeus

Gr. χρυσειος khruseios golden < χρυσος khrusos gold.
● “The name chrysotis is inapplicable to this species; and I think it must have been given by mistake for chrysæus, to which it was corrected later by Mr Hodgson. I have adopted the latter name in consequence, following Jerdon and others” (Sharpe 1883) (syn. Lioparus chrysotis).

Original spelling of specific name Turdus chrysolaus Temminck, 1832.
Chrycomitris (See: Chrysomitris)

(Fringillidae;syn. Spinus Ϯ Eurasian Siskin S. spinus) Gr. χρυσομιτρης khrusomitrēsor χρυσομητρις khrusomētris,χρυσομητριδος khrusomētridos Goldfinch < χρυσος khrusos gold; μιτρα mitra head-dress; "Gattung Chrysomitris.2 Hierher aus Europa: 1. Fr. spinus Lin. 2. ——citrinella Gm. Aus America: 3. ——tristis Lin. ... 4. ——pinus Wils. ... 5. ——psaltria Say ... 2 Aristotel." (Boie 1828); "Chrysomitris Boie, Isis, 1828, p. 322—type, by subs. desig. (Gray, List Gen. Bds., p. 45, 1840), Fringilla spinus Linnaeus." (Hellmayr, 1938, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. XI, p. 270).
Var. Chrycomitris,Chrysomistris, Chrysometris, Chrysomytris, Chrysomitra, Chsysomitris, Chryiomitris.

Chrymonessa (See: Crymonessa)

(Anatidae; syn. Clangula Long-tailed Duck C. hyemalis) Gr. κρυμος krumos frost, icy< κρυος kruos,κρυεος krueos ice,frost; νησσα nēssa duck; "CRYMONESSA. ICE-DUCK. ... This genus has been named Harelda, apparently a misprint of Havelda, which is said to be the Icelandic appellation of the bird; but as I have objected to the use of barbarous generic names, I have thought that a name compounded of κρυμος, ice, and νησσα, duck, might be as appropriate as any other. 261. CRYMONESSA GLACIALIS. LONG-TAILED ICE-DUCK" (MacGillivray 1842); "Crymonessa Macgillivray, 1842, Man. BritishOrnith., II, p. 185. New name for Harelda Stephens, 1824, considered barbarous and objectionable." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chrymonessa.

chryractos (See: chrysaeta / chrysaetos)
chrysaeta / chrysaetos

Gr. χρυσαετος khrusaetos Golden Eagle < χρυσος khrusos gold; αετος aetos eagle; ex “Aquila chrysaëtos” of Willughby 1676, “Golden Eagle” of Ray 1713, and “Falco cera flava, pedibus lanatis, corpore fusco ferrugineo vario, cauda nigra basi cinereo-undulata” of Linnaeus 1746. This name, in the original combination Falco Chrysaetos Linnaeus, 1758, is the eighth name and sixth autochthonym in avian nomenclature (Aquila).

chrysae / chrysaea

Gr. χρυσειος khruseios golden < χρυσος khrusos gold.

Chrysaena (See: Chrysoena)

(Columbidae; syn. PtilinopusϮ Golden Dove. P. luteovirens) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; οινας oinas,οιναδος oinados pigeon; "Le dernier genre, qui donne cependant le nomà la série, ressemble beaucoup par la texture de son plumageà la sous-famille suivante, troisième des Tréronides,à celle des Alectrænadiens, et rappelle même la famille des CALOENADIDES. C'est le genre Chrysœna, Bp., que je crois avoir aussi désigné dans ma correspondance sous les noms de Chrysœnas et de Chrysotreron. Son unique espèce est la Columba luteo-virens, Hombr. et J. ... de l'île Balaou" (Bonaparte 1854); "24. Chrysaena, Bp. (Chrysotreron, in litteris, nec Chrysaenas). Plumae cervicis, dorsi, pectorisque angustae, lanceolatae, acuminatae: tectrices alarum caudaeque superiores latiores, sed valde elongatae, lanceolatae, juxtapositae; infimae longiores; juguli tamquam squamatae; caeterae plus minus decompositae. COLUMBA luteovirens, Hombr. et J." (Bonaparte 1855);"Chrysœna Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 39, 1854, p. 879. Type, by monotypy, Columba luteovirens Hombron and Jacquinot." (Peters, 1937, III, p. 40).
Var. Chrysoenas, Chrysaenas, Chrysaena.


(Accipitridae; syn. Aquila Golden Eagle A. chrysaetos) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; αετος aetos eagle; "Golden Eagle, Chrysaëtus aquilinus.? [i.e., Aquiline Golden-Eagle! Why not Aquila aurea, of our worthy countryman WILLUGHBY? - ED.]" (Sweeting 1837); "Chrysaetus Sweeting, 1837, The Naturalist (ed. N. Wood), II (12), p. 303); "Alternative name for Aquila Brisson, 1760." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; γαστηρ gastēr,γαστρος gastros belly.

chrysapterus (See: chrysopterus)

Gr. χρυσοπτερος khrusopteros golden-winged < χρυσος khrusos gold; -πτερος -pteros -winged <πτερον pteron wing.
● ex “Golden-winged Parrakeet” of Edwards 1760, and “Psittacus alis deauratis” of Brisson 1760 (Brotogeris).
● ex “Tordo negro cobijas amarillas” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 67 (syn. Chrysomus thilius petersii).

Original spelling of specific name Agelasticus chrysopterus Cabanis, 1851 (= syn. Chrysomus thilius petersii).
Late L. chrysos gold < Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; L. ater black.
Chrysauchaena (See: Chrysauchoena)

(Columbidae; syn. Geopelia Bar-shouldered Dove G. humeralis) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; αυχην aukhēn,αυχενος aukhenos neck, throat; οινας oinas,οιναδος oinados pigeon; "Reichenbach certainement, dans sa passion pour le quaternaire, eût bien mieux fait d'isoler des véritables Geopelia la Columba humeralis, Temm., d'Australie, aux formes trapues, que la délicate Col. maugæi, Temm. La première forme, en effet, le premier terme dans la série,comme le genre Stictopelia en forme le dernier: nous en constituons le genre CHRYSAUCHOENA" (Bonaparte 1855); "Chrysauchœna Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, vol. xl. p. 210, Feb. 1855. Type (by original designation): Columba humeralis Temminck." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 63).
Var. Chrysauchaena.

chrysauchen / chrysauchenia

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; αυχην aukhēn,αυχενος aukhenos neck.


Gr. χρυσος khruseos golden < χρυσοςkhrusos gold.


L. chrysendetus set in gold < Gr. χρυσενδετος khrusendetos inlaid with gold, set in gold < χρυσος khrusos gold;ενδετος endetos bound to <ενδεω endeō to bind to.


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; ηνια ēnia bridle, rein.

chryseola / chryseolus

Dim. < Gr. χρυσεος khruseos golden < χρυσοςkhrusos gold.


Gr. χρυσεος khruseos golden < χρυσος khrusos gold.


(Picidae; syn. MelanerpesHispaniolan Woodpecker M. striatus) Gr.χρυσος khrusos gold;ἑρπηςherpēs creeper < ἑρπωherpō to crawl; "Chryserpes gen. nov. Type Picus striatus Müll. Similar in general structure to Centurus ... Coloration wholly different from the very uniform style of Centurus. ... The peculiar Haitian Woodpecker for which this genus is proposed passed as Picus striatus until 1846 when Gray referred it to Centurus, where it was allowed to remain until Hargitt in 1890 (British Museum Catalogue) transferred it to Chloronerpes. ... Besides differing even more strikingly in pattern of coloration from Chloronerpes than from Centurus, it differs also in shorter wings, more graduated tail, longer, stronger bill, which seen from above is narrower basally and thicker terminally, the maxillary tomium less sharply beveled towards tip, the gonys less concave (and longer than in most species of Chloronerpes), the lower mandible less attenuated terminally." (W. DeWitt Miller 1915); "Chryserpes W. DeWitt Miller, 1915, Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIV, ArticleXVII, p. 517. Type, by original designation, Picus striatus Müll., i.e. Picas striatus Statius Müller, 1776 (original misspelling)." (JAJ 2022).Recent work suggests that this genus should be recognised.

chryseura / chryseurus
Gr. χρυσεος khruseos golden; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.

Gr. χρυσεος khruseos golden < χρυσος khrusos gold.


Late L. chryseus golden < Gr. χρυσεος khruseos golden < χρυσος khrusos gold.


Gr. χρυςιτης khrusitēs gold-dust, containing gold < χρυσοςkhrusos gold (cf. L. chrysites gold-coloured precious stone, phloginos).

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; βλεφαρον blepharon eye-lid, eye.
Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; βρογχος bronkhos throat.
Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; βρογχος bronkhos throat.

(Trochilidae; syn. Polytmus Green-tailed Goldenthroat P. theresiae) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; βρογχος bronkhos throat (cf. specific name Trochilus chrysobronchus Shaw, 1812 (= syn. Polytmus guianumbi)); "1551. Chrysobronchus, Bonap. (Smaragdites, Reich. nec Boie.)" (Bonaparte 1854, Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.) (nom. nud.); "30. CHRYSOBRONCHUS, Bp. — 108. virescens, Dumont. — 109. viridissimus, Gm. 1788. (viridicaudus, Less.)" (Bonaparte 1854, Rev. Mag. Zool.); "Chrysobronchus Bonaparte, 1854, Rev. Mag. Zool., sér. 2, VI, p. 252. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 139 (Appendix)), Trochilus viridissimus Vieillot, 1802 (not of Gmelin, 1788) = Trochilus theresiae Da Silva Maia, 1843." (JAJ 2020) (see Smaragditis).


(Parulidae; syn.Setophaga Yellow Warbler S. aestiva) Late L. chrysos gold < Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; L. cantor, cantoris singer < cantare to sing <canere to sing; "p.Golden Warblers. Chrysocantor ... Type, Motacilla aestiva Gmelin" (Maynard 1907); "Chrysocantor Maynard, Warblers New Engl., Part 3, p. 58, 1901—type, by orig. desig., Motacilla aestiva Gmelin." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds America, Pt. VIII, p. 362).

chrysocarpa / chrysocarpus

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; καρπος karpos wrist (cf. χρυσοκαρπος khrusokarpos with golden fruit < καρποςkarpos fruit).

chrysocaulosa / chrysocaulosus

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; καυλος kaulos quill of a feather, spear shaft.

chrysocephala / chrysocephalum / chrysocephalus

Gr. χρυσοκεφαλος khrusokephalos golden-headed < χρυσος khrusos gold; -κεφαλος -kephalos -headed <κεφαλη kephalē head.
● ex “Carouge à teste jaune d’Amérique” of Brisson 1760 (Icterus).
● ex “Grand Guêpier vert et bleu à gorge jaune” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Yellow-throated Bee-eater” of Latham 1782 (unident.; ?Psilopogonsp.).
● ex “Figuier étranger” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 58, fig. 3, “Figuier orangé” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Orange-headed Warbler” of Latham 1783 (syn. Setophaga fusca).


(Ptilonorhynchidae; syn. Sericulus † Regent Bowerbird S. chrysocephalus) This name, listed by Waterhouse, 1889, Index Generum Avium, p. 44, as if by Swainson, 1829, in Griffith and Pidgeon, The Animal Kingdom, VIII, Aves, III, p. 684, is not generic but a specific name, thus: “398. Sericulus Chrysocephalus. Nob. A minute examination of a very fine and perfect specimen of Paradisea Aurea, in the Paris Museum, has fully confirmed the suspicion we formerly expressed on the affinity which this magnificent bird bears to Sericulus.”


Late L. chrysos gold < Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; L. -ceps -headed < caput, capitis head.

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; κερκος kerkos tail.
chrysochlora / chrysochlore / chrysochloris / chrysochloros / chrysochlorum / chrysochlorus

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; χλωρος khlōros green.
● ex “Carpintero verde dorado” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 256 (Piculus).

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; L. cilium eyelid (i.e. eyebrow).

(Nectariniidae; syn. Cinnyris Regal Sunbird C. regius) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; genus Cinnyris Cuvier, 1816, sunbird; "Chrysocinnyris subg. nov. Dieses Subgenus stellt die verbindung zwischen Notiocinnyris und Anthobaphes her. Es ist ähnlich Notiocinnyris, aber der Unterkörper der ♂ ist gelb oder ockergelb mit rotem Brustband ... Typus, hier bestimmt, Cinnyris regia Reichenow, 1893, Ornithologische Monatsberichte 1, p. 32" (Wolters 1977); "Chrysocinnyris Wolters, 1977, Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, 28 (1-2), p. 95. Type, by original designation, Cinnyris regia Reichenow, 1893." (JAJ 2021).

chrysocnema / chrysocnemis / chrysocnemus

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; κνημη knēmē leg.


(Cuculidae; African Emerald Cuckoo C. cupreus) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; κοκκυξ kokkux,κοκκυγος kokkugos cuckoo; "XXVIII. Fam. Cuculidae ... Chrysococcyx: Cuculus cupreus Lath. u. a." (Boie 1826); "Chrysococcyx Boie, Isis von Oken, 1826, Bd. 2, col. 977. Type, by monotypy, Cuculus cupreus Latham = Cuculus cupreus Shaw." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 29).
Var. Chrsococcyx,Chrysococcys, Chysococcyx.
Synon. Adamatornis, Adetococcyx, Metallococcyx, Rhamphomantis.


(Picidae; Ϯ Javan Flameback C. strictus) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; κολαπτης kolaptēs chiseller < κολαπτω kolaptō to peck; "the other group having a well developed fourth toe, and being altogether more powerfully formed, and highly typical or characteristic of the Woodpecker structure. To this last, which may be designated Chrysocolaptes, appertain P.strictus, Horsfield, (v. sultaneus, Hodgson),*P. hæmatribon, Wagler, and also I believe certain other species, together with the following:— P. (Chrysocolaptes) melanotus, Nobis. ... *This is generally, I believe, now considered to be P. Goensis, though the description of the latter by Daubenton and others certainly does not apply.—Referring to Dr. Horsfield's catalogue of Javanese birds prefixed to his Volume of Researches, I observe that he there refers his P. strictus to P. Goensis." (Blyth 1843); "Chrysocolaptes Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 12, pt. 2, 1843, p. 1004. Type, by subsequent designation, C. strictus = Picus strictus Horsfield. (Hargitt, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 18, 1890, p. 442).2 ... 2 Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 92, designates Picus sultaneus Hodgson, but this was not one of the originally included species." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 225).
Synon. Indopicus, Reinwardtipicus, Xylolepes.


(Spheniscidae; syn. Eudyptes Rockhopper Penguin E. chrysocome) Gr. χρυσοκομος khrusokomos golden-haired < χρυσος khrusos gold;κομη komē hair; "CHRYSOCOMA. GORFOU. ... HOPPING GORFOU. (Chrysocoma saltator.) CH. rostro rufo-fusco, pedibus flavescentibus, crista frontali erecta, auriculari deflexa sulphurea ... This species is very common in the Falkland Islands, and other parts of the southern regions, and frequently jumps three or four feet out of the water upon meeting with the slightest obstacle; whence they have obtained the name of Hopping Penguin, and Jumping Jack, from our sailors" (Stephens 1825); "Chrysocoma Stephens, in Shaw, Gen. Zool., 13, (1), p. 57, 1825—new name for Eudyptes Vieillot." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 6).
Var. Chrysocome.

chrysocome / chrysocomus

Gr. χρυσοκομος khrusokomos golden-haired < χρυσος khrusos gold; κομη komē hair.
● seechrysoconus


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; κωνος kōnos peak of a helmet (cf. “In Latin, conus = cone, but should have been comus = hair, a mistake in the original naming” (Hockey et al. 2005)) (Pogoniulus).


(Thraupidae; syn. Tachyphonus Ϯ Tawny-crested Tanager T. delatrii) Gr.χρυσος khrusos gold;κορυφη koruphē crown of the head <κορυς korus,κορυθος koruthos helmet; "10.Chrysocorypha, new genus (Fig. 2) Type species. Tachyphonus delatrii Lafresnaye, 1847. ... Etymology. The name, feminine in gender, is formed from the Greekχρυσος, "gold," and Greekκορυφη, "crown" or "top of the head," in allusion to the male's tawny crest." (Burns et al. 2016) (OD per Richard Klim); "Chrysocorypha Burns, Unitt and Mason, 2016, Zootaxa, 4088 (3), p. 336. Type by original designation, Tachyphonus delatrii de La Fresnaye, 1847." (JAJ 2020).


(Fringillidae; ϮMountainSerin C. estherae mindanensis) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; genus Corythus Cuvier, 1816, grosbeak; "so möge der Name Chrysocorythus auf jeneÄhnlichkeit hinweisen (Corythus Cuv., 1817 = Pinicola Vieill., 1807; chrysos = Gold)" (Wolters 1967); "Chrysocorythus Wolters, 1967, Bonn. Zool. Beitr., 18, p. 171. Type, by original designation, Serinus mindanensis Ripley and Rabor." (Paynterin Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 209).

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; κροταφος krotaphos sides of the head, temples.
chrysogaster / chrysogastra

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; γαστηρ gastēr,γαστρος gastros belly.
● ex “Lindo azul y oro cabeza celeste” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 99 (syn. Euphonia cyanocephala).
● ex “Orange-bellied Parrot” of Latham 1787 (Neophema).
● ex “Merle à ventre orangé du Sénégal” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 358, “Oranvert” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Orange-bellied Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Spreo pulcher).

chrysogenus / chrysogenys

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; γενυς genus,γενυος genuoscheek, chin, jaw.


(Pycnonotidae; syn. Iole † Sulphur-bellied Bulbul I. palawanensis) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; γληνη glēnē eyeball, pupil (JG: see Manuscript-names).


Gr. χρυσοειδης khrusoeidēs golden, like gold < χρυσος khrusos gold; -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Geopicus (Colaptes, Sw.) chrysoïdes, Malh. ...En rédigeant le catalogue des Picidés du Muséum de Paris, je reconnus qu'un Géopic, que jusqu'ici j'avais cru être la femelle du Picus Ayresii d'Audubon (Birds of America, vol. 1, p. 548), devait constituerune espèce différente, très-voisine de celle-ci et de l'Auratus." (Malherbe 1852) (Colaptes).

chrysolaema / chrysolaemos / chrysolaemus / chrysolaimus

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; λαιμος laimos throat.


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Ruby-topaz Hummingbird C. mosquitus) Gr. χρυσολαμπις khrusolampis gold-gleaming < χρυσος khrusos gold;λαμπω lampō to shine; ". . . Chrysolampis. 1. Troch. moschitus Linn. 2. —elatus Gm. 3. —cyanomelas Gm. 4. —guianensis Gm. 5. —carbunculus Gm. Die Arten stehen alle dem T. moschitus sehr nahe." (Boie 1831); "Chrysolampis Boie, Isis von Oken, 1831, col. 546. Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus moschita [i.e. mosquitus] Linné. (Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 14.)" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 28).
Synon. Orthorhynchus.
●(Trochilidae;syn. Eulampis Purple-throated Carib E. jugularis) "Boie (Isis, 1831, 546) gave five species under his genus Chrysolampis... Now Nos. 2, 4, and 5 are synonyms of No. 1, and No. 3 is a synonym of Trochilus jugularis Linn., and as it has been shown above that Trochilus moschitus (or mosquitus) Linn. is the type of Orthorhynchus it leaves Trochilus jugularis Linn. as the type of Chrysolampis Boie." (Riley, 1904, Auk, XXI, p. 486).


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; λαιος laios thrush.

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; λευκος leukos white.
chrysolopha / chrysolophum / chrysolophus

Gr. χρυσολοφος khrusolophos with golden crest < χρυσος khrusos gold; λοφος lophos crest.


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Golden Pheasant C. pictus) Gr. χρυσολοφος khrusolophos with golden crest < χρυσος khrusos gold;λοφος lophos crest; "[plate 41, fig.] 2. HEAD OF THE COMMON GOLDEN PHEASANT · CHRYSOLOPHUS PICTUS. (Gray.)" (J. Gray 1834); "Chrysolophus J. E. Gray, in Hardwicke's Ill. Ind. Zool., 2, pt. 15-16, 1834, pl. 41, f. 2. Type, by monotypy, Phasianus pictus Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 130).
Synon. Epomia, Thaumalea.
● (Tyrannidae;syn. Machetornis Ϯ Cattle Tyrant M. rixosa) "TYRAN QUERELLEUR ou SUIRIRI, Tyrannus rixosus, Vieill. ... les plumes du sommet de la tête, brunesà leur extrémité, et d'un rouge d'écarlate dans le reste" (Vieillot 1819); "CHRYSOLOPHUS, Sw. Walking Tyrants. Bill lengthened, as long as the head; the sides compressed. Rictus bristled. Wings rounded; the first two quills gradually pointed at their ends; tertials lengthened, nearly as long as the primaries. Feet large, formed for walking. Lateral toes equal. Tail even. Brazil. C. ambulans. Spix, ii. pl. 23." (Swainson 1837); "Chrysolophus Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 225 (not of J. Gray, 1834). Type, by monotypy, C. ambulansvon Spix, i.e. Tyrannus ambulansSwainson, 1826 = Tyrannus rixosus Vieillot, 1819." (JAJ 2022).


Gr. χρυσωμα khrusōma, χρυσωματος khrusōmatos wrought gold, that which is made of gold, gold plate < χρυσος khrusos gold;σωμα sōma,σωματος sōmatos body(cf. ομμα omma,ομματος ommatos eye).

chrysomela / chrysomelas

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; μελας melas,μελανος melanos black.


Specific name Phasianus chrysomelas Syevertzov, 1875 (= subsp. Phasianus colchicus); Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Phasianus shawi (Ell.) Subsp. nova. chrysomeloides. Der in Ost-Turkestan (China) am Fluß Kaschgar-Darja lebende Fasan stellt eine sehr gute Subspezies des weiter nach Osten an den Flüssen Chotan-Darja und Aksu-Darja austretenden Fasans dar, hat aber auch einiges vom Fasan des am Oberlauf des Amu-Darja in Süd-Buchara vorkommenden Phasianus chrysomelas Bianchi (Buturl.), wodurch er sich wesentlichvon der typischen Art unterscheidet, weshalb ich die neue Form chrysomeloides benenne."(Lorenz 1909) (syn. Phasianus colchicus shawii).


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; μελας melas,μελανος melanos black (cf. μελος melos limb;μηλον mēlon cheek).


(Paradoxornithidae; syn. Chrysomma † Yellow-eyed Babbler C. sinense hypoleucum) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; μηνη mēnē moon (i.e. orb, eye); “CHRYSOMENA, Jard. Hypoleucos, Jard. No. 2317, 2617, 2616. Icon. Hab. Doon.” (Eyton 1856); “Chrysomena “Jardine” Eyton, 1856, Cat. Species of Birds in his Possession, p. 200. New name for Chrysomma Blyth, 1843.” (JAJ 6/10/2024).


(Leiothrichidae; syn. ActinoduraϮChestnut-tailed Minla /Bar-throated Minla A. strigula) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; genus Minla Hodgson, 1837, minla; "GENUS Chrysominla Wolters, 1980, IV1 Chrysominla strigula (Hodgs., 1837) - Bändersiva; E: Chestnut-tailed Minla (Stripe-throated Siva). - (Syn. variegata, feliciae) ... 1 Chrysominla gen. nov. - Strukturell ähnlich Siva Hodgs., wie diese mit schlankem Schnabel und abgestutzten Mittlefedern des Schwanzes, aber Zeichnungscharakter und Färbung des Gefieders denkbar verschieden: der leicht geschopfte Oberkopf mehr oder weniger orange, Wangen mit dunklem Bartstreif, hintere Kehle schwarz quergebändert; im Flügel kontrastieren die orangegelben Handschwingensäume mit den blaugrauen Armschwingen; durch die gelben und grünlichen Farbtöne im Gefieder und die orangefarbenen Schwingensäume mehr an die strukturell sehr verschiedenen Gattungen Myzornis, Leiothrix und Liocichla erinnernd; durch die mit Siva übereinstimmende Schwanzform von Minla Hodgs., 1837 unterschieden, der sie im Zeichnungscharakter des Gefieders näher kommt als der Siva cyanouroptera, mit der sie in der Vergangenheit stets für kongenerisch erachtet wurde; auch der Umstand, daß bei den östlichen Subsp. von Minla (M. i. mariae, M. i. jerdoni, M. i. sini) gelbe und olivgrünliche Farbtöne vorkommen, lässt vermuten, dass Chrysominla dieser Gattung näher steht als dem Genus Siva. Typus von Chrysominla ist Siva strigula Hodgson, 1837, India Review, 2, p. 89." (Wolters 1980) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Chrysominla Wolters, 1980, Die Vogelarten der Erde, (5), p. 393. Type, by original designation, Siva strigula Hodgson, 1837." (JAJ 2020).


(Trochilidae; syn. Chlorostilbon Red-billed Emerald C. gibsoni) Late L. chrysos gold < Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; L. mirus wonderful; "AA Rectrices toutes d'un bleu noir ou bleu d'acier. ... HH Mâchoire noire . . . . .Chrysomirus. ... Genre CHRYSOMIRUS, CHRYSOMIRE, MULSANT. ... Ces Trochilidés, qui se distinguent de tous les Leucoliaires précedents par leur bec tout noir, font naturellement le passage du quatrième au dernier rameau des Leucoliaires, c'est-à-dire des Chlorolampates aux Panychlorates. ... 1. CHRYSOMIRUS ANGUSTIPENNIS, FRASER [=♂ C.gibsoni (which prior name, by one page, is based on♀)] ... 2. LE CHRYSOMIRE ATALA, LESSON. ... Ornismya Atala, LESSON." (Mulsant 1875); "Chrysomirus Mulsant in Mulsant & E. Verreaux, 1875, Hist. Nat. Oiseaux-Mouches, II (i) (1876), pp. 63 (in key), 102. Type, by virtual monotypy, Trochilus angustipennis Fraser, 1840 = Trochilus gibsoni Fraser, 1840." (JAJ 2020).


(Fringillidae;syn. Loxops Ϯ Akekee L. caeruleirostris) Genus Chrysomitris Boie, 1828, siskin; Gr. ωψ ōps,ωποςōpos appearance; "CHRYSOMITRIDOPS 1, gen. nov. Bill moderate, conical andsharp at the tip, with culmen nearly straight and tomia slightly curved; nasal membrane very small and nearly covered with feathers. Wing moderate: first primary wanting; third and fourth nearly equal, and rather longer than the second and fifth; secondaries slightly mucronate at the tip. Tail moderate, forked, and rectrices acuminate. Feet slender, claws much curved. CHRYSOMITRIDOPS CÆRULEIROSTRIS, sp. n. ... Obs. The bill is certainly stouter than that of Loxops, but less powerful and straighter than that of Oreomyza, and recalls, as does the general appearance of the bird, that of Chrysomitris. At present it seems doubtful whether this generic form should be assigned to the Finches or to the Honey-eaters; the slightly covered nostrils indicate the latter, but the mucronate tips of the secondary quills and, above all, the Siskin-like song seem to show a Fringilline affinity. ... 1 Chrysomitridis faciem habens." (S. Wilson 1890); "Chrysomitridops Wilson, 1890, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, p. 445. Type, by monotypy, Chrysomitridops caeruleirostris Wilson." (Greenway in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 99).


(Paradoxornithidae; Ϯ Yellow-eyed Babbler C. sinense hypoleucum) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; ομμα omma,ομματος ommatos eye; "Timalia Horsfieldi, Jardine and Selby, is identical with T. hypoleuca, Franklin, which latter appellation holds precedence. I understand that both this and T. hyperythra, Franklin, have recently been figured by M. Guérin in his Magasin de Zoologie. The former constitutes Mr. Hodgson's genus Chrysomma." (Blyth 1843); "Chrysomma Blyth, 1843, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 12, p. 181. Type, by original designation, Timalia hypoleuca Franklin." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 327).
Syn. Chrysomena,Erythrops, Pyctoris.


Gr. χρυσωμαkhrusōma,χρυσωματος khrusōmatos wrought gold, that which is made of gold, gold plate < χρυσος khrusos gold; σωμα sōma, σωματος sōmatos body.


(Icteridae; Yellow-hooded Blackbird C. icterocephalus) Gr.χρυσωμα​khrusōma,χρυσωματος khrusōmatos wrought gold, that which is made of gold, gold plate < χρυσοςkhrusos gold; σωμα sōma,σωματοςsōmatos body; "CHRYSOMUS, Sw. (fig. 243.) Bill resembling Zanthornis; but the margin of both mandibles inflexed. Wings moderate; the first quill rather shorter than the second. Tail rounded. Feet formed for walking. Toes large, very long, and slender: middle toe longer than the tarsus; lateral toes equal; hinder toe shorter than the tarsus. Claws long, very slender, and but slightly curved. icterocephalus. Edw. pl. 323. zanthopygius. Part 5. No. 190." (Swainson 1837); based on “Yellow-headed Starling” of Edwards 1764; "Chrysomus (not Chrysoma Risso, 1826) Swainson, Nat. Hist. & Classif. Bds., 2, p. 274, July, 1837—type, by monotypy, 1 Oriolus icterocephalus Linnaeus. ... 1 The second species mentioned by Swainson, C. zanthopygius, is a nomen nudum here, and was not characterized until six months later (Anim. Menag., p. 345, Dec. 31, 1837)." (Hellmayr, 1937, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. X, p. 159).
Var. Chrysocomus,Crhysomus.
Synon. Cornix, Erythropsar, Xanthosomus.


Gr. χρυσονωτος khrusonōtos golden-backed < χρυσος khrusos gold; -νωτος -nōtos -backed <νωτον nōton back.


Gr. χρυσων khrusōn treasure, gold < χρυσος khrusos gold;-ωτις -ōtis -eared < ους ous,ωτοςōtos ear.


Gr. χρυσονωτος khrusonōtos golden-backed < χρυσος khrusos gold; -νωτος -nōtos -backed <νωτον nōton back.


Gr. χρυσονωτος khrusonōtos golden-backed < χρυσοςkhrusos gold; -νωτος -nōtos -backed <νωτονnōton back.
● (Picidae; syn. Dinopium Common Flame-backD. javanense) "Chrysonotus, Sw. Bill as in Brachylophus; but the sides compressed, and the lateral ridge entirely wanting. Feet with only three toes. India only. Grallatorial: representing Apternus. C. tridactylus. Lin. Tr. xiii. 177. (P. tiga Auct.)" (Swainson 1837); "Chrysonotus Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 309. Type, by monotypy, C. tridactylus Swainson, 1837 = Picus tiga Horsfield, 1822 = Picus javanensis Ljungh, 1797." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Crhysonotus.
● (Picidae; quasi-syn. Dinopium † Olive-backed Woodpecker D. rafflesii) “25. TIGA, Kaup. — 181. shorii, Vig. ... 182. javensis, Ljing.[sic] 1797. ... 183. rubropygialis, Malh. 26. CHRYSONOTUS, Sw. — 184. rafflesii, Vig.” (Bonaparte 1854); “Chrysonotus “Sw.” Bonaparte, 1854, Conspectus Volucrum Zygodactylorum, p. 10 (not of Swainson, 1837). Type, by monotypy, Picus rafflesii Vigors, 1830.” (JAJ 2022).

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; ους ous, ωτος ōtos ear (cf. χρυσωτος khrusōtos gilt).
● ex “Héoro-taire à orielles jaunes” of Audebert & Vieillot 1802 (syn. Lichenostomus melanops).
chrysopareia / chrysoparia

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; παρεια pareia cheek.


Gr. χρυσοπαστος khrusopastos shot with gold, of golden tissue < χρυσος khrusos gold; πασσω passō to sprinkle.

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; πελαργος pelargos stork.

Gr. χρυσοπεπλος khrusopeplos golden-robed < χρυσος khrusos gold; πεπλος peplos robe.

Chrysophaga (See: Chrysopoga)

(Passerellidae; syn. Atlapetes Yellow-throated Brushfinch A. gutturalis) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; πωγων pōgōn, πωγωνοςpōgōnos beard; "*999. Chrysopoga, Bp. Amer. s. occ. 1. C. typica, Bp. (Zonotrichia? aureigula, Bp. in litt.) Mus. Paris. ex California. Brunneo-olivacea; subtus albo-cinerea; crisso, femoribusque rufo-fuscescentibus: capite nigricante: vitta vertico-occipitali alba: gula aurea." (Bonaparte 1850); "Chrysopoga Bonaparte, 1850, Conspectus Generum Avium, I (II), p. 480. Type, by original designation, Chrysopoga typica Bonaparte, 1850 = Arremon gutturalis de La Fresnaye, 1843." (JAJ 2021).


(Columbidae; syn.Ptilinopus Orange Dove P. victor) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; φαψ phaps,φαβος phabos pigeon; "Chrysophaps, subg. nov. Characters. Like Chrysœna Bonaparte, but with upper tail-coverts as long or nearly as long as the rectrices; feathers of breast with webs loose and diffuse at tips. Type. Chrysœna victor Gould." (Wetmore 1925); "Chrysophaps Wetmore, Ibis, 1925, p. 833. Type (by original designation): Chrysœna victor Gould." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 42).


(Picidae; Ϯ Greater Yellow-napeC. flavinucha) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; φλεγμα phlegma,φλεγματος phlegmatosheat, flame; "CHRYSOPHLEGMA FLAVINUCHA, Gould. Yellow-naped Woodpecker. ... Head olive-green, washed with rufous on the forehead; occiput adorned with lengthened silky rich yellowfeathers ... primaries and inner webs of the secondaries chestnut, crossed by broad bands of, and largely tipped with, brownish black" (Gould 1850); "Chrysophlegma Gould, Bds. Asia, pt. 1, 1850, pl. [6] and text [= 6, pl. 36 of volume.] Type, by monotypy, Picus flavinucha Gould." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 130).
Var. Chryspholegma.
Synon. Callolophus.

chrysophoros / chrysophorus

Gr. χρυσοφορος khrusophoros wearing gold, with golden ornaments < χρυσος khrusos gold;-φορος -phoros -carrying <φερω pherō to carry (cf. Late Gr. χρυσοφορος khrusophoros carrying gold coin;χρυσοφορον khrusophoron amber, electron).


Gr. χρυσοφρυς khrusophrus,χρυσοφρυος khrusophruos golden-browed < χρυσος khrusos gold; οφρυς ophrus,οφρυος ophruos eyebrow, brow.

chrysophthalma / chrysophthalmus

Gr.χρυσος khrusos gold;οφθαλμος ophthalmos eye.


(Picidae; syn. Campethera Nubian Woodpecker C. nubica) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; Late Gr. πικος pikos woodpecker < L. picus woodpecker; "GENUS 14. - CHRYSOPICOS (Malh.). PICUS (Linn., Gmel., Cuv., Vieill., Wagl.). GECINUS (Boie, Isis, 1831). DENDROMUS (Swains., Class. of birds, II, p. 307, 1837. - Birds of West. Afr., II, p. 157, 1837). CHRYSOPTILUS (Swains., 1831, Fauna bor. amer., II, p. 300 ... CAMPETHERA (G. R. Gray, A list of the gen., 1841, p. 70 ... GENRE 14. - CHRYSOPIC. ... CHRYSOPICOS NUBICUS (Licht., Catal. des doub., nº 74."(Malherbe 1849) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz). According to A. Roberts 1922, Annals Transvaal Mus., VIII (4), p. 221, "Chrysopicus" Malherbe (with type P. nubicus Gmelin) was an intentional abbreviation of Chrysoptilopicus Malherbe, 1845 (see Chrysopicus).


(Picidae; syn. Piculus Yellow-throated Woodpecker P. flavigula) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; Late Gr. πικος pikos woodpecker < L. picus woodpecker; "19. CHRYSOPICUS, Malh. — 142. atricollis, Malh. — 143. canipileus, Orb. — 144. aurulentus, Licht. — 145. polyzonus, Temm. — 146. maculipennis, Lichtenstein. — 147. chlorocephalus, Gm. — 148. leucolæmus, Natter. — 149. erythropsis, Vieill. — 150. flavicollis, Vieill. — 151. capistratus, Natter. — 152. brasiliensis, Sw." (Bonaparte 1854); “Chrysopicus “Malh.” Bonaparte, 1854, Conspectus Volucrum Zygodactylorum, p. 9. Not Chrysopicos Malherbe, 1849. Type, by subsequent designation (Sundevall, 1866, Conspectus Avium Picinarum, pp. 13, 115), Picus chlorocephalus Gmelin, 1788 = Picus flavigula Boddaert, 1783.” (JAJ 2023) (see Chrysopicos).


(Pipridae; syn. Neopelma † Saffron-crested Tyrant Manakin N. chrysocephalum) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; Mod. L. pipo manakin < Gr. πιπων pipōn small unidentified bird, formerly falsely linked withπιπω pipō spotted woodpecker (JG; see Manuscript-names).


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; -ωπις -ōpis -faced < ωψ ōps,ωποςōpos face (cf. χρυσωπις khrusōpis precious stone, jewel).


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; πλευρα pleura flank, side.


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; πωγων pōgōn,πωγωνος pōgōnos beard.


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; ωψ ōps,ωποςōpos face (cf. χρυσωψ khrusōps,χρυσωπος khrusōpos gold-coloured, gold-shining).
● ex “Yellow-eared Flycatcher” of White, 1790 (Caligavis).
● ex “Acahé” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 53 (Cyanocorax).


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; οψις opsis appearance, face.

chrysoptera / chrysopterum

Gr. χρυσοπτερος khrusopteros golden-winged < χρυσος khrusos gold; -πτερος -pteros -winged <πτερον pteron wing.
● ex “Yellow-winged Creeper” of Latham 1787 (syn. Cinnyris asiaticus).
● ex "Orange-winged Nuthatch" of Latham 1801 (Daphoenositta).
● ex “Yellow-winged Bunting” of Portlock 1789 (syn. Melanodera melanodera).
● "114. MOTACILLA. ... chrysoptera. 20. M. fusca, subtus alba, pileo maculaque alarum luteis, gula nigra. Motacilla alis aureis. Edw. av. - - t. 299. Habitat in Pensylvania. Pileus fulvus. Macula pone oculos gulaque nigra. Linea alba supra infraque oculos. Tectrices alarum luteæ, maculam magnam constituentes." (Linnaeus 1766) (Vermivora).


(Picidae; syn. Picus Green Woodpecker P. viridis) Gr. χρυσοπτερος khrusopteros golden-winged < χρυσος khrusos gold;πτερον pteron wing; "The student must not look for the full development of this structure [wedge-tipped bill] in our common green woodpecker (Chrysopterus viridis Sw.), which belongs to a different genus; but he will find them in the greater and lesser spotted species" (Swainson 1836); "Chrysopterus Swainson, 1836, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, I, p. 69. Type, by monotypy, Chrysopterus viridis Sw., i.e. Picus viridis Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. χρυσοπτερυξ khrusopterux,χρυσοπτερυγος khrusopterugos with wings of gold <χρυσος khrusos gold; πτερυξ pterux, πτερυγος pterugos wing.


(Cotingidae; syn.Lipaugus Black-and-gold Cotinga L. ater) Gr. χρυσοπτερυξ khrusopterux,χρυσοπτερυγος khrusopterugos with wings of gold <χρυσος khrusos gold; πτερυξ pterux,πτερυγος pterugos wing; "Genus, CHRYSOPTERYX. ... Type. - C. erythrorhynchus. SP. CH. The male black, the quills yellow at the base externally; bill orange-red. The female entirely olive-green" (Swainson 1832); "Chrysopteryx SWAINSON in RICHARDSON, Faun. Bor.-Amer., 2, p. 492, Feb., 1832—type by orig. desig. Chrysopteryx erythrorhynchus SWAINSON = Tijuca atra FÉRUSSAC." (Hellmayr, 1929, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VI, p. 101).

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; οφθαλμος ophthalmos eye.

(Picidae; syn. Campethera Golden-tailed Woodpecker C. abingoni) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; πτιλον ptilon feather (cf. genus Chrysoptilus Swainson, 1832, woodpecker); Late Gr. πικος pikos woodpecker; "6. P. (Chrysoptilopicus) SMITHII. —Masc. ... auchenio, tergo virescentibus, albo-olivaceo maculatis, gutture, pectore nigris, albo-flavo maculatis, cauda nigro-olivaceo, fusco flavescente transversim maculata." (Malherbe 1845); "Chrysoptilopicus Malherbe, Rev. Zool., 1845, p. 403. Type, by monotypy, Picus (Chrysoptilopicus) smithii Malherbe." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 116); "82. Campethera abingoni ... In the past, type locality of species erroneously listed as Durban, in KwaZulu-Natal; with rectification,hitherto accepted name smithii becomes junior synonym of nominate." (del Hoyo and Collar, 2014, HBW Illustrated Checklist, 1, Non-passerines, p. 658).


Gr. χρυσοπους khrusopous, χρυσοποδος khrusopodos gold-footed < χρυσος khrusos gold;πους pous,ποδος podos foot.

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; -πυγος -pugos -rumped < πυγη pugē rump.

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; -πυγιος -pugios -rumped < πυγη pugē rump.


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; -πυγος -pugos -rumped < πυγη pugē rump.


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; ῥαμμα rhamma,ῥαμματος rhammatos hem, seam, thread.

chrysorhoeus / chrysorrhea / chrysorrheum / chrysorrhoa / chrysorrhoea / chrysorrhoeus

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; ορρος orrhos rump (cf. ῥοη rhoē flowing < ῥεω rheō to flow).
● ex “Cudor” of Levaillant 1802, pl. 107, fig. 2 < French homophone cul d'or golden-rump (syn. Pycnonotus aurigaster).


Specific name Turdus chrysorhoeus Temminck, 1822 (= syn. Pycnonotus aurigaster); Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Genus HÆMATORNIS, Swainson. 1º H. chrysorrhoïdes. ... Habit. Macao. Maxime affinis Turdo chrysorrheo, hæc species differt abillo ano rubro, non aurantio-flavo, cauda longiore, ejusque maculis terminalibus albis majoribus et magis quadratis." (de La Fresnaye 1845)(subsp. Pycnonotus aurigaster).

chrysorrhos / chrysorrhous

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; ορρος orrhos rump.


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; Late L. schistus slate < L. lapis schistos fissile stone < Gr. σχιστος skhistos cloven < σχιζω skhizō to split.

chrysosema / chrysosemus

Gr. χρυσοσημος khrusosēmos embroidered with gold < χρυσος khrusos gold; σημαινω sēmainō to mark out (cf. Late Gr. χρυσοσημος khrusosēmos garment with a border of gold <σημα sēma,σηματος sēmatos gold stripe, gold border).


(Passeridae; syn. Passer Sudan Golden Sparrow P. luteus) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; σπιζα spiza finch < σπιζω spizō to chirp; "Gen. CHRYSOSPIZA. *) Goldspatz. Auripasser (!) Bonap. 1850. 795. 1. Ch. lutea Nob. —Fringilla lutea Licht. Doubl. p. 24. No. 240. Mas.; 241. Fem. id. Temm. Pl. col. 365. fig. 1.— Serinus luteus Rüpp. Syst. Uebers. Vög. N. O. Afr. p. p. 97. No. 285. ... *) Von χρυσος, Gold und σπιζα, Fink. Hierher gehört als 2te Art: Ch. euchlora. Fringilla euchlora Licht. Bonap. Consp. p. 519." (Cabanis 1853); "Chrysospiza Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 157. New name for Auripasser Bonaparte, 1851, considered unacceptable because of its Latin construction. Earlier authors initiated a variety of nomenclatural codes, and considered generic names should be solely Greek based, and specific names only Latin based." (JAJ 2021).


(Timaliidae; syn. Cyanoderma † Golden Babbler C. chrysaeum) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; genus Stachyris Hodgson, 1844, babbler (AT; see Manuscript-names).


Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; στερνον sternon breast.

chrysosticta / chrysostictos / chrysostictus

Late Gr. χρυσοστικτος khrusostiktos gold-spotted <Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; στικτος stiktos spotted < στιζω stizō to tattoo.

chrysostoma / chrysostomus

Gr. χρυσοστομος khrusostomos of golden mouth < χρυσος khrusos gold; στομα stoma,στοματος stomatos mouth.


(Thraupidae; Ϯ Black-and-yellow Tanager C. chrysomelas) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; θλυπις thlupis unknown bird, perhaps some sort of finch. In ornithology thlypis signifies either a parulid warbler or, as inthis case, a thin-billed tanager; "Genus Chrysothlypis, gen. nov. Berl. Chrysothlypis gen. nov.Tanagridarum generi Hemithraupis dicto affinis, differt rostro graciliore magis producto, necnon coloribus maris insolitus (capite, uropygio corporeque inferiore aureo-flavis, dorso alis caudaque velutino-nigris). Typus: Tachyphonus chrysomelas Sclater & Salvin." (von Berlepsch 1912); "Chrysothlypis Berlepsch, Verh. 5th Intern. Orn. Kongr. Berlin, p. 1080, Feb., 1912—type, by orig. desig., Tachyphonus chrysomelas Sclater and Salvin." (Hellmayr, 1936, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IX, p. 385).
Synon. Erythrothlypis.


(Thraupidae; syn. Tangara Chestnut-breasted Tanager T. arthus) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; θραυπις thraupis unknown small bird, perhaps some sort of finch. In ornithology thraupis signifies tanager; "Nous composons ainsi qu'il suit le genre CHRYSOTHRAUPIS: 1. CHRYSOTHRAUPIS AURULENTA, Bp. ... 2. C. ARTHUS, Bp. ... 3. C. CHRYSOTIS, Bp. ... 4. C. CITRINELLA, Bp. ... 5. C. THORACICA, Bp. ... 6. C. THALASSINA, Bp. ... 7. C. SCHRANKI, Bp. ... 8. C.? FRUGILEGUS, Bp. ... 9. C. ICTEROCEPHALUS, Bp. ... 10. C. XANTHOCEPHALA, Tschudi. ... 11. C. PARZUDAKII, Bp." (Bonaparte 1851); "Chrysothraupis Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2), 3, p. 142, 1851—type, by subs. desig. (Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., p. 73, 1855), Tanagra arthus Lesson." (Hellmayr, 1936, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IX, p. 81).


● Gr. χρυσωτης khrusōtēs gilder < χρυσος khrusosgold; -οτης -otēs resembling (Lioparus).
● Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; -ωτις -ōtis -eared < ους ous,ωτοςōtos ear(syn. Meliphaga lewinii, Tangara).
● seechrysonotis


(Psittacidae; syn. Amazona Orange-winged AmazonA. amazonica) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; -ωτις -ōtis -eared < ους ous, ωτος ōtos ear; "CHRYSOTIS*, Sw. Amazonian Parrots. Face plumed. Wings rather short; the first and second quills graduated, and shorter than the third and fourth, which are the longest; all these have the inner web sinuated in the middle: tertials very long. Tail short, longer than the wings, broad, with the tips rounded. America only. (fig. 271.) Amazonicus. LeVail. pl. 84. Dufresnii. Ib. 91. pulverulentus. Ib. 92. ochropterus. Ib. 98. xanthocephalus. Ib. 98. bis. sordidus. Ib. 104. signatus. Ib. 105. cyanotis. Ib. 106. leucocephalus. Ib. 107. æstivus. LeVail. pl. 110. autumnalis. Ib. 111. Havanensis. Ib. 122. festivus. Ib. 129. cyanocephalus. Ib. 135. columbinus. Spix, i. 37. Xanthops. Ib. i. 26. menstruus. Ib. 114. (aberrant.) And several new species. ... * In allusion to the yellow colour on the ears or face of nearly all the species." (Swainson 1837); "Chrysotis Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Classification Birds, II, p. 300. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 52), C. amazonicus, i.e. Psittacus amazonicus Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).

chrysotorques / chrysotorquis

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; L. torquis ortorques collar, necklace < torquere to twist.


(Columbidae; syn.Ptilinopus Golden Dove P. luteovirens) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; τρηρων trērōn, τρηρωνος trērōnos pigeon < τρεω treō to flee in fear; "Le dernier genre, qui donne cependant le nom à la série, ressemble beaucoup par la texture de son plumage à la sous-famille suivante, troisième des Tréronides, à celle des Alectrœnadiens, et rappelle même la famille des CALŒNADIDES. C'est le genre Chrysœna, Bp., que je crois avoir aussi désigné dans ma correspondance sous les noms de Chrysœnas et de Chrysotreron. Son unique espèce est la Columba luteo-virens, Hombr. et J., - Pt. luteovirens, PUCHERAN, - Calœnas gouldi, Reich., mais non gouldiæ, Gr.), de l'île Balaou." (Bonaparte 1855); "Chrysotreron Bonaparte, 1855, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XXXIX (19), p. 879. Type, by monotypy, Columba luteovirens Hombron and Jacquinot, 1841." (JAJ 2021).


(Trogonidae; syn. Trogon Gartered Trogon T. caligatus) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; genus Trogon Brisson 1760, trogon; "Genus CHRYSOTROGON Ridgway. a Microtrogon (not of Bertoni, 1901) GOELDI, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, v, no. 1, Feb., 1908, 92, 93, 94, 95. (Type, Trogon ramoniana Deville and Des Murs.) ... a New genus. Type, Trogon caligatus Gould. From χρυσος, gold + Trogon (τρωγω, I gnaw, I eat)." (Ridgway 1911); "Chrysotrogon Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 784 (Type [by original designation] Trogon caligatus Gould)." (Cory, 1919, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. II (2), p. 329). If Chrysotrogon Ridgway, 1911, is treated as a new name for Microtrogon Goeldi, 1908, not of Bertoni, 1901, its type would be Trogon ramoniana Deville and des Murs, 1849 (editor's preference).

chrysozonicus / chrysozonus
Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; ζωνη zōnē band, girdle.
Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.

(Trochilidae; syn. Hylocharis † Gilded Hummingbird H. chrysura) This name, listed by Waterhouse, 1889, Index Generum Avium, p. 45, as if by Lesson, 1832, Les Trochilidées, p. xl, is not generic but a plural vernacular for a pair of golden-tailed hummingbirds (French chrysure golden-tail).


(Trochilidae; syn. Chrysuronia Golden-tailed Sapphire C. oenone) "Gen. CHRYSURISCA *) Nob. — Chrysuronia (!) Bp. 1849. 91. 1. C. Oenone Nob. Ornismya Oenone Less. Suppl. Ois. Mouch. p. 157. t. 30. ... 92. 2. C. Eliciae Nob. TrochilusEliciae Bourc. & Muls. Ann. Soc. Sci. Phys. & Nat. Lyon. 1846. p. 314. ... *) An die Stelle der an das griechische χρυσουρος gehängten latinisirten Endung onia setzen wir die griechische isca und rechnen zu dieser Gattung noch u. a. die folgenden Arten: 3. C. Josephinae. ... 4. C. Humboldti. ... 5. C. chrysura." (Cabanis & Heine 1860); "Chrysurisca Cabanis and Heine, 1860, Museum Heineanum, III, p. 42. New name for Chrysuronia Bonaparte, 1850, considered barbarous by reason of its hybrid Greek and Latin construction. Cabanis and Heine misunderstood the origins of Chrysuronia, and replaced the supposed Latin termination -onia with the Greek -isca." (JAJ 2020).


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Golden-tailed Sapphire C. oenone) Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; ουρα oura tail (cf. portmanteauof specific namesOrnismya chrysura Lesson, 1832 (= syn. Chrysuronia oenone) and Ornismia oenone Lesson, 1832); "*175.Chrysuronia, Bp. (LesChrysures, Less. - Polytmus,p. Gr.) America m. 4. 1. ORNISMYA aenone, Less. Ois.-Mouch. Suppl. t.30. ex Ins. Trinitatis. 2. ORNISMYA chrysura, Less. Ois.-Mouch. Suppl. t. 4. ex Brasil. 3. TROCHILUS eliciae, Bourc. Ann. Sc. Lyon. 1846. (Quid Ornismya feliciae, Less?)ex Brasil. 4. TROCHILUS phaeopygus, Licht. - Tschudi. Faun. Peruan.ex Peru." (Bonaparte 1850); "Chrysuronia Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 1, 1850, p. 75. Type, by subsequent designation, Ornismya oenone Lesson. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 23.)" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 55).
Var. Chrysonia.
Synon. Agyrtrina,Chrysurisca, Chrysurus, Cyanophaia, Emilia, Hylocharis, Lepidopyga, Thalucrania.

Gr. χρυσος khrusos gold; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.

(Trochilidae; syn. Chrysuronia Golden-tailed Sapphire C. oenone) French group name "Chrysures" used by Lesson, 1832, for these hummingbirds (cf. specific name Ornismya chrysura Lesson, 1832 (= syn. Chrysuronia oenone));"7. Chrysurus, Chrysures de Lesson." (Bonaparte, 1850, Rev. Mag. Zool., p. 245); "7. Chrysurus l'est également des Chrysures de notre auteur." (Bonaparte 1850, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XXX, p. 382).


Gr. χθονιος khthonios of the earth < χθων khthōn,χθονος khthonos earth, ground.


Gr. χθονιος khthonios of the earth < χθων khthōn,χθονος khthonos earth, ground.


Probably a toponym (cf. "The names given by the Natives to the objects above described, I have adopted as the trivial ones" (A. Smith 1836)). The locality of Chue or Heuning Vlei is referred to several times in Smith’s diary (Kirby 1939). Skead 1967b, and Clinning 1989, confirm that Chue or Chui was a water-hole northeast of Latakoo (= Takoon), Cape Colony, and was the furthest point reached by Burchell in 1812. Skead 1967b, also mentions that Chuan was an alternative name for Kurrichane. According to Cole 1990, “possibly, but doubtfully, from the stem of (Be)chuana” (Certhilauda).


Chuanche, Guy-Duy Oasis, Tsinghai, western China (cf. Chuanche River, a tributary of the Hwang Ho) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz) (syn. Rhodospiza obsoleta).


● Charles Chubb (1851-1924) British ornithologist at BMNH 1877-1920 (subsp.Cichlopsis leucogenys, Cisticola, syn. Garrodia nereis, syn. Lamprotornis splendidus lessoni, syn. Tyrannus melancholicus (Laurent Raty in litt.)).
● Ernest Charles Chubb (1884-1972) British ornithologist (son of Charles Chubb), Assistant Curator Bulawayo Museum, Curator Durban Museum (subsp. Mandingoa nitidula, subsp. Sylvietta ruficapilla).


(Scolopacidae; syn. Gallinago Fuegian Snipe C. stricklandii) Charles Chubb (1851-1924) British ornithologist at BMNH 1877-1920; "As before noted, the South American "Snipes" classed by Gray (Handl. Gen. Spec. Birds, pt. III, 1871, p. 65) under Xylocota are essentially rusticoline and not "gallinagine," a name here proposed to indicate the structural characters exemplified in Scolopax gallinago Linné. These birds however show structural differences from each other and in one case, a distinct and extraordinary style of coloration. The coloration of the whole recalls that of a gallinagine bird rather than a rusticoline species, and it would seem to be this character alone which has continually caused their reference to the former. This peculiarity also prohibits their inclusion in Scolopax, so that there is no course open save the proposal of new generic names, as I have shown Xylocota to be untenable. For G. stricklandi Gray I therefore propose the new genus CHUBBIA. The species cannot be compared with Gallinago, as the bill, legs, and feet are typically rusticoline; comparisons have therefore to be made with Scolopax, from which it differs at sight in coloration, the bill is much longer, the wing is shorter, the metatarsus is of the same length though much stouter, the tail is composed of fourteen feathers. In structural proportions it agrees better with Parascolopax—though nothing like that genus in coloration—having thewing less than twice the length of the culmen but more than four times the metatarsus." (Mathews 1913); "Chubbia Mathews, 1913, Birds of Australia, III (3), p. 291. Type, by monotypy, G. stricklandi Gray, i.e.Scolopax stricklandii G. Gray, 1845." (JAJ 2021).

chucar (See: chukar)

Hindi onomatopoeia Chukor for the Chukar Partridge (Alectoris).

Chugur, Cajamarca, north-western Peru.

"Ich benenne diesen Vogel zu Ehren von Prof. CHU, vormaligem Direktor der Sun-Yatsen Universität, der unseren Expeditionen alle erforderlichen Unterstützungen erteilt hat und noch erteilt" (Yen 1933) (Michael Rieser in litt.) (syn. Bradypterus tacsanowskius).

Chuka, Mt. Kenya, Kenya.
Chumbi River, south-eastern Tibet.
chunchotamba (See: chunchotambo)

Chunchotambo, between Chanchamayo and Aynamayo, Chanchamayo, Peru < Quechua chunchu savage, forest dweller;tambowaystation, fortress<tampu inn(cf. Chuncho Amerindian peoples of Junín; "Peru auf dem Gebiete des Stammes der Chunchos: TSCHUDI" (Reichenbach 1853)) (Björn Bergenholtz,Paul Clapham,Laurent Raty, and Martin Schneiderin litt.) (subsp.Xiphorhynchus ocellatus).


(Cariamidae; Ϯ Black-legged Seriema C. burmeisteri) “Dicholophus burmeisteri. ... The Chunga, as this bird is called by the Spanish inhabitants of the Republic, seems to differ subgenerically from Dicholophusin the following points: —The lores are equally and thickly plumose; there is no conspicuous frontal crest; the tail is comparatively longer, and the tarsus comparatively shorter; the nails are nearly uniform on all the toes, and are stronger, larger, and more curved than in the Cariama. A very important difference, perhaps the most important, consists in the totally different habits of the more northern representative. Professor Burmeister proposes for it a subgeneric division, under the name of Chunga.” (Hartlaub 1860); "Chunga "Burmeister" Hartlaub, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1860, p. 335. Type, by monotypy, Dicholophus burmeisteri Hartlaub." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 216) (see Chunnia).
Synon. Chunnia.

Prof. Dr Carl Chun (1852-1914) German marine biologist, leader of German Deep-Sea Expedition 1898-1899 (syn. Streptopelia picturata coppingeri).

(Cariamidae; syn. Chunga Black-legged Seriema C. burmeisteri) "Chunga BURMEISTER. ... Die Spanier in der Argentinischen Republik nennen ihn Chunga." (Reichenbach 1862); "Gatt. Dicholophus Illig. 223. D. Burmeisteri, Hartlaub ... Chuñia der Einheimischen. ... Chunga (besser Chunnia) Burmeisteri, Reichenb. Handb. II. 159. 110. 386." (Burmeister 1862); "Chunnia Burmeister, 1862, Reise durch die La Plata-Staaten, II, p. 508. Another, apparently better name for Chunga Hartlaub, 1860, considered more in tune with the vernacular epithet." (JAJ 2021).

chyulu / chyuluensis
Chyulu Range, Rift Valley, Kenya.
Cichalopia (See: Cichlalopia)

Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; λωπια lōpia cloak (i.e. appearance) (cf. ωπιον ōpion little eye < dim. ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos eye).
●(Mimidae; syn. MargaropsPearly-eyed Thrasher M. fuscatus densirostris) "Cichlalopia [1854] n'est fondé que sur le prétendu Turdus vulpinus, qui est la femelle de ce fameux Rhodinocincla rosea (Furnarius roseus, Auct.), si difficileà classer. Ajoutons à ces notions que Turdus atricilla, Cuv., n'a jamais été un Merle du Brésil, mais est un Hypsipetes de Madagascar voisin, pour le moins, d'olivacea! que Turdus l'herminieri seul doit constituer le genre Cichlherminia, à bec médiocre, à pattes si grêles et si élevées, à queue allongée; tandis que le T. densirostris, Vieill., dont on ne peutéloigner le prétenduMimus fuscatusfiguré pl. LVII des Oiseaux de l'Am. sept., Lafr. (Turdus cinereus, Vieill.; —squamatus, Cuv.; —montanus, Lafr. nec Towns.), doit servir de typeà un genre tout opposé, et qui, par son gros bec et ses robustes pattes si peu allongées, malgré sa queue courte et presque carrée, peutêtre considéré comme représentant, en Amérique, les Oreocincla, même par les couleurs de son plumage, sinon par la texture de ses plumes: c'està lui que nous transportons le nom de Cichlalopia." (Bonaparte 1857); "Cichlalopia (not of Bonaparte, 1854) Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. Zool., (2), 9, p. 205, 1857—type, by orig. desig., Turdus densirostris Vieillot." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 340).
Var. Cichlolopia.
●(Rhodinocichlidae; syn. Rhodinocichla Rosy Thrush Tanager R. rosea) "Turdus vulpinus, Hartl., nouvelle espèce de Caraccas, qui rappelle, par ses formes, le genre africain Bessonornis, et porte jusqu'aux couleurs de certains Cossyphus, est pour nous le type du genre Cichlalopiaà peine Turdien." (Bonaparte 1854); "Cichlalopia Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 38, p. 6, 1854—type, by orig. desig., Turdus vulpinus Hartlaub = Furnarius roseus Lesson; idem, Not. Orn. Coll. Delattre, p. 30, 1854." (Hellmayr, 1936, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IX, p. 355).
Var. Cichalopia.


Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; in ornithology cichla is associated with a variety of thrushes, or birds considered thrush-like by reason of their brown plumage, spotted underparts, general habits or musical song.
●(Troglodytidae; syn. Campylorhynchus † Thrush-like Wren C. turdinus) (see below) G. Gray, 1841, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 26, listed Cichla Wagler, 1827, as a synonym of Campylorhynchus von Spix, 1824, with types C. variegatus (Gm.), i.e. Turdus variegatus Gmelin, 1789 (unidentifiable), C. scolopaceus, i.e. Turdus scolopaceus Lichtenstein, 1823, and Opetiorhynchus turdinus zu Wied-Neuwied, 1821, but on p. 36 as a synonym of Donacobius Swainson, 1832.
●(Donacobiidae; syn.DonacobiusDonacobius D. atricapillus) "6. Gracula longirostra Gmel. (exclusa varietate β.) - Turdus atricapillus - Turd. brasiliensis - Oriolus Japacani Gmel., Lath. - Le Merle des Savannes Sonnini, Turdus pratensis Vieill. N. D. 20. p. 286. - Le Batara à amygdales nues Azar Voy. n. 219.**) ... **) Nomen generis novi, cui, haec avis annumeranda, sit Cichla (Kιχλη Turdus). Aliae nonnulla adhuc species ad hoc genus accedunt: Turdus variegatus Gmel. (Turdus scolopaceus Lichtenst. Berl. Vög. Verz. S. 39 et Campylorhynchus scolopaceus Spix Av. Brasil. t. 79. f. 1; an quoque Turdus lineatus auctorum?) - Turdus Coraya Auctor. (Sphenura Coraya Lichtenst., Campylorhynchus striolatus Spix l.c. t. 79. f. 2) - Turdus Alapi. Nota. Ab hoc genere non recedit multum cl. Horsfieldii genus Brachypteryx." (Wagler 1827); "Cichla Wagler, 1827, Systema Avium, i, p. 306 (not of Bloch and Schneider, 1801 (Pisces)). Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 27), Gracula longirostra Gmelin, i.e. Pallas, 1769 = Turdus atricapilla Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Cychla.


(Muscicapidae; Collared Palm Thrush C. arquata) Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; αοιδος aoidos singer < αειδω aeidō to sing (Eddie Germiquet in litt.); "Hr. W. Peters gab die Charakteristik einer neuen Gattung drosselartiger Singvögel, Cichladusa, ausMossambique. Cichladusa nov. gen.*) Diese Gattung stimmt durch die Bildung der Schwung- und Steuerfedern, so wie durchdie gestiefelten Tarsenüberein mit Bessonornis, unterschiedet sich aber von ihr, abgesehen von dem stärkeren Schnabel und den steifen, kammförmigen Federn der Vorderstirn, durch die nicht spaltförmigen sondern rundlichen Nasenlöcher. Cichladusa arquata nov. spec. ... Dieser Vogel ist von mir bei Sena, in der Nähe des Zambeze, erlegt worden, wo er den einheimischen Namen nhamtambue (spr. njamtambue) führt und als der beste Sänger berühmt ist. Er hält sich auf hohen Bäumen, am Rande lichterer Waldungen auf. ... *)κιχλη, Drossel,αδουσα, Sängerin." (W. Peters 1863); "Cichladusa Peters, 1863, Monatsb. Kön. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, p. 134. Type, by original designation, Cichladusa arquata Peters." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 60).

Cichlerminia (See: Cichlherminia)

(Turdidae;syn. TurdusϮ Forest Thrush T. lherminieri) Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; Dr Ferdinand Joseph l'Herminier (1802-1866) French physician (born on Guadeloupe: son of Félix L. l'Herminier), naturalist on Guadeloupe, West Indies 1826-1866 (Martin Schneider in litt.)(cf. specific name Turdus lherminieri de La Fresnaye, 1844); "Deux autres espèces américaines de Turdi veri de mon Conspectus: T. herminieri, Lafr., et densirostris, Vieill., forment mon genre Cichlherminia." (Bonaparte 1854); "Cichlherminia Bonaparte, 1854, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 38, p. 2. Type, by subsequent designation (Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 43), Turdus lherminieri Lafresnaye." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 162).
Var. Cichlerminia,Cinchlerminia.


(Furnariidae; ϮLargePale-browed Treehunter C. leucophrus) Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; κολαπτης kolaptēs chiseller < κολαπτω kolaptō to peck; "*XCIV.Cichlocolaptes RCHB. Nat. Syst. d. Vögel t. suppl. —Von voriger verschieden durch stärkeren, unten vom Kinn an deutlich aufsteigenden Schnabel und geflecktes Kleid nach Art der Dendrocolaptinae, die sie hier andeuten, während sie aus der Reihe der Trepidatores viellicht Crateropus repräsentiren. —Drossel-Baumhacker. *393. C. ferruginolentus (Anabates —MAXIM. N.-W. Beitr. 1166.1.) RCHB. t. DXXVII. 3637. ... *394. C. ochroblepharus RCHB. t. DXXVII. 3638. ... *395. C. adspersus (Anabates —Mus. Berol.) RCHB." (Reichenbach 1853); "Cichlocolaptes Reichenbach, Handb. spec. Orn., cont. x, 1853, Scansoriae A. Sittinae, p. 146, 174. Type, by subsequent designation, Anabates ferruginolentus Wied = Anabates leucophrus Jardine and Selby (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 28)." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 140).


(Turdidae; syn. Turdus Black-throated Thrush T. atrogularis) Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; -oidēs resembling; "7. Turdus Bechsteinii. ... 7. Merle. Cichloides *). (Turd. Bechsteinii). E[ntwickelung]. Die Formen vergrößern sich wieder; der Schnabel wird drosselartig; das Gefieder des Hirtenvogels wiederholt sich zum Theil. Ch[arakter]. Drosseln, deren Männchen ein bläuliches Kleid mit schwarzer Kehle und deren Weibchen ein braunes, einfaches Kleid haben. L[ebensart]. Wie bei der Ringdrossel und Amsel. ... *) Von κιχλη, Drossel." (Kaup 1829); "Cichloides Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entwick.-Gesch. Natürliches System Europ. Thierwelt, p. 153. Type, by monotypy, Turdus bechsteinii Naumann, 1822 = Turdus atrogularis Temminck, 1820." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Cychloides.


(Muscicapidae;syn.FraseriaϮ Ashy Flycatcher F. caerulescens) Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; Mod. L. myias flycatcher < Gr. μυια muia,μυιας muias fly; πιαζω piazō to seize; "CICHLOMYIA, f new genus. Chars. gen.—Similar to Muscicapa Brisson, but tail longer (about three-fourths of wing); second primary shorter than sixth; four primaries sinuate on their outer webs; spurious primary very much longer than primary coverts.Type.—Butalis cærulescens Hartlaub. By most authors this genus has been included, at least partly, in Muscicapa, and by Doctor Reichenow in Alseonax, but it is sufficiently different from either to have a name of its own. ... fκιχλη, turdus; μυια, musca." (Oberholser 1905); "Cichlomyia Oberholser, 1905, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVIII (1411), p. 908. Type, by original designation, Butalis caerulescens Hartlaub, 1865." (JAJ 2021).


(Turdidae; syn. Zoothera Bonin Thrush Z. terrestris) Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; L. passer, passeris sparrow; the extinct, modestly plumaged Bonin Thrush is known only from four specimens collected in 1828 on Peel I., in the Bonin Is.; "Il faut encore éliminer des Turdiens ma Geocichla terrestris (Consp., p. 268), dont je constitue mon genre Cichlopasser." (Bonaparte 1854); "Cichlopasser Bonaparte, 1854, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XXXVIII, (1), p. 6. Type, by monotypy, Geocichla terrestris Bonaparte, i.e. Turdus terrestris von Kittlitz und Ottendorf, 1831." (JAJ 2021).


(Motacillidae; syn. Anthus Richard's Pipit A. richardi) Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; ωψ ōps,ωποςōpos appearance, countenance; "Cichlops monticolus, v. Corydalla Richardi? [drawing no.] 431. C. ubiquitarius, 432, 433. C. thermophilus, 735. C. fortipes, 738" (Hodgson 1844); "Cichlops Hodgson, 1844, Gray's Zoological Miscellany, 3, p. 83. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 40), Anthus richardi Vieillot, 1818." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Cichlopsthermophilus(one of Rey's 1872 numerous errors, incorporating generic and specific name).


(Turdidae; Ϯ Rufous-brown Solitaire C. leucogenys) Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; οψις opsis appearance; "Gen. MYIADESTES Sws. 1838.****) Stiefel-Drosselschnäpper. ... ****) Von Myiadestes wird abzusondern sein: Gen. Cichlopsis nov. gen. (κιχλη, Drossel;οψισ, Aussehn.) Charakterisirt durch etwas längeren und höheren, an der Spitzenhälfte mehr zusammengedrückten Schnabel und den zwar gleichfalls abgerundeten, in der Mitte aber nicht zugleich merklich ausgerandeten Schwanz mit viel breiteren drosselähnlich zugespitzten Federn; der Lauf ist deutlich geschildet und die Aussenzehe stärker verwachsen. Typus ist: C. leucogenys (Turdus leucogenys Licht. in Mus. Berol.) ... Vaterland: Brasilien." (Cabanis 1853);"Cichlopsis Cabanis, Mus. Hein., 1, p. 54, "1850" [= October, 1851] [= 1853] —type, by orig. desig., Cichlopsis leucogenys Cabanis." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 431).
Var. Ciclopsis.
Synon. Myiocichla.


(Locustellidae;syn. CincloramphusϮ Guadalcanal Thicketbird C. whitneyi) Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; "CICHLORNIS, new genus. Bill long, slightly curved, without marked notch on the maxilla, width equal to height at the nostrils; nostrils oval, situatedon the lower edge of a shallow nasal groove, which is partly covered by an operculum; feathering of the forehead short, not very stiff, reaching to the posterior margin and the middle of the upper edge of the nostril; gonys narrow; rictal bristles very qweak, hardly visible. Feet very strong and powerful, with long toes; tarsus long, longer than culmen, about two-fifths of the length of the wing,covered with large scales; toes long, middle toe with claw almost as long as tarsus, hind toe with claw (21 mm.) as long as culmen from base. Wing short and round; fifth and sixth primaries longest, subequal; distance between first and longest primary (24 mm.) one-third of the length of the wing, thus shorter than tarsus; second primary about the length of secondaries; distance between longest secondary and longest primaryless than half the culmen.Tail long andstrongly graduated; shortest tail-feather less than half the longest;tail-feathers narrow with strong, almost spiny shafts; tail in worn condition very pointed. Plumage hard and compact, feathers on rump and flanks not dense nor elongated; no crest. GENOTYPE.—Cichlornis whitneyi, new species. ... Cichlornis agrees with Megalurulus in the texture of the plumage, in the absence of a tuft of feathers on the lower back, in the shape of the nostril, the shape of the wing and the pattern of coloration; it differs, however, in its stronger bill and feet, in its much longer toes, in a shorter tail and in the stronger shafts of the tail-feathers. The genera Ortygocichla and Trichocichla, although widely separated from Megalurulus by Sharpe in 'Cat. Birds,' VII, and in the 'Hand-list,' IV, seem to me to be rather closely related to Megalurulus and to Cichlornis. Both groups agree in the shape of the bill, the powerful feet, the length of the tail, the shape of thewing, and also the general color-pattern. The two groups differ, however, in the shape of the nostril, in the strength of the bristles, in the stronger fusion of the scutes on the tarsus, in the broader and softer tail-feathers, in the softer plumage generally, and in having a large tuft of soft, elongated feathers on the lower back and rump." (Mayr 1933);"Cichlornis Mayr, 1933, American Museum Novitates, 590, p. 2. Type, by original designation, Cichlornis whitneyiMayr, 1933." (JAJ 2020).

Cichloscelys (See: Cichloselys)

(Turdidae;syn. Turdus Ϯ Japanese Thrush T. cardis) Gr.κιχλη kikhlē thrush; Michel Edmond Baron de Selys-Longchamps (1813-1900) Belgian politician, zoologist; "C'est aux Turdiens, dont les mâles sont pour ainsi dire des Merles, et les femelles de véritables Grives, que nous reservons le nom de Cichloselys, déguisant ainsi, comme sa modestie le fait de sa science, le nom d'un zoologiste cher à mon amitie. Sans parler de ses travaux hors ligne sur les Libellulides, celui que le porte a contribué autant que qui que ce soit à perfectionner les classifications des Vertébrés, et à débrouiller les espèces de la famille dont nous nous occupons, ainsi que celles de beaucoup d'autres. Notre nouveau genre contiendra: 1. Turdus cardis, Temm. ... 2. Turdus wardi, Jerd. ... 3. Merula kinnissii, Kelaart ... 4. Turdus sibiricus, Gm. ... 5. Turdus mutabilis, Temm. ... C'est plutôt aux Merles qu'aux Grives que devront réunir ces espèces ceux qui ne croiront pas opportun d'adopter notre nouveau genre" (Bonaparte 1854);"Cichloselys Bonaparte, 1854, Comptes Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, XXXVIII, p. 5. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 144 (Appendix)), "Turdus cardui Temm." = Turdus cardis Temminck, 1831." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Cichloscelys, Cychloselys.

Cinches (See: CINCLUS)

(Cinclidae; White-throated Dipper C. cinclus) Specific name Sturnus cinclus Linnaeus, 1758; the dippers are a small, distinctive group of passerines adapted to swimming and hunting under water (see cinclus); "XXIII. Gattung, Wasseramsel, Cinclus. ... 128) Cinclus hydrophilus, die gemeine Wasseramsel, schwarz mit weißer Brust. Linn. p. 803. nr. 5. Faun. suec. nr. 214. Sturnus Cinclus. Bechsteins Nat. Gesch. Deutschl. IV. S. 167. Der Wasserstaar. Göze Fauna V. I. S. 67. Wasserstaar. Scopoli Ann. I. nr. 223. Motacilla Cinclus. Lathams Uebers. III. S. 45. nr. 50. Wasseramsel (unter den Drosseln). ... Aber nirgends steht er am rechten Art, und nur in einer eigenen Gattung, wozu der Bau seines Körpers und Schnabels hinlängliche Kennzeichen darbieten, kann er eine angemessene Stelle finden." (Borkhausen 1797); "Wassenschwätzer. Cinclus ... Der Gestalt nach unter die Singvögel gehörig, der Nahrung und Lebensart nach aber sich den Sumpfvögeln und zwar den Strandläufen nähernd. Nähren sich von Wasserinsekten und nisten in Uferlöchern ... Sturnus Cinclus. Linn." (Bechstein, 1802, Ornith. Taschenb., p. 205); "Cinclus Borkhausen, 1797, Deutsche Fauna, 1, p. 300. Type, by monotypy, Cinclus hydrophilus Borkhausen = Sturnus cinclus Linnaeus." (Greenway in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 374).
Var. Cinches.
Synon. Accentor, Aquatilis, Hydrichla, Hydrobata.
●(Scolopacidae; syn. Arenaria Ruddy Turnstone A. interpres morinella) Gr. κιγκλος kinklos unidentified waterside bird; “95. CINCLVS.* Def. Rostrum digitis æquale, uel parum longius, apice horizontaliter cuneiformi. Mandibula inferior subtus recta. Pes tetradactylus. Digiti penitus fissi.” (Moehring, 1752, Avium Genera, p. 77 (pre-Linnaean)); "CINCLUS, Mœhr. (1752). Strepsilas, Ill. (1811). Arenaria, Briss. (1760). Morinella, Meyer (1810). Tringa, L. C. morinellus, (L.) G. R. Gray. Pl. enl. 856. S. interpres, Ill. S. collaris, Temm." (G. Gray 1841); "Cinclus "Moehring" G. Gray, 1841, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 85 (not of Borkhausen, 1797). Type, by original designation, C. morinellus (L.), i.e. Tringa morinella Linnaeus, 1766.” (JAJ 2023). Gray has opened Pandora's box here: Moehring's "Cinclus", in so far as it is identifiable at all, is most probably the Dunlin, and certainly not the Turnstone.
●(Scolopacidae; syn. Calidris Dunlin C. alpina) “Cinclus (nec Borkhausen 1797!) Anonymus, Allg. D. Lit. Zeit 1804, II no. 168, Col. 542 (Typus durch Tautonymie: Tringa cinclus).” (Hartert, 1915, Die Vögel de paläarktischen Fauna, II, p. 1571) (Tringa cinclus Leach, 1816 = Tringa alpina Linnaeus, 1758). I believe the anomymous author refers to Bechstein, 1804: “Steinpicker ... Tringa Cinclus, alpina, islandica u.a.” (per Björn Bergenholtz).
●(syn. ?) Rafinesque's first use of this name; perhaps an earlier use or error forColoeus; "Sous-famille. CORACINIA. Coraces. Bec comprimé. G. 1. Coracias L. 2. Becardia R. 3. Gonotrimphus R. 4. Paradisea L. 5. Nemoderus R. L. 6. Caryocactes R. 7.Cinclus R. 8. Corvus L. 9. Kinkus R. 10. Corbivus R." (Rafinesque, 1815, Analyse de la Nature, p. 67).
●(syn. ?) Rafinesque's second use of this name; perhaps an earlier use or error forCuraeus; "2. Sous-famille. STURNIDIA. Les Sturniens. Bec allongé, non comprimé. 20. Glaucopis L. 21. Buphaga L. 22. Oriolus L. 23. Sturnus L. Quiscalis R. 24. Calleas R. 25. Icterus Daud. 26. Cacicus Daud. 27. Xanthornus R. 28. Cinclus R." (Rafinesque, 1815, Analyse de la Nature, p. 68).

cinchonensis (See: cinchoneti)

Botanical genus CinchonaLinnaeus, 1743, quina < Francisca Henriquez de Ribera (d. 1639) Condesa de Chinchón, second wife of Spanish Captain-General and Viceroy of Peru Luis Jerónimo de Cabrera Conde de Chinchón (d. 1647), said to have introduced quinine bark into Spain. Popular mythology credits Ana de Osorio Condesa de Chinchón, first wife of the Conde, with this act, but she died in 1625 before his term of office in Peru 1629-1639; L.
-etum place of (Conopias).

cinclorhyncha / cinclorhynchus

Mod. L. cinclus thrush < Gr. κιγκλος kinklos small unidentified waterside bird; Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
● “This bird was observed to bear an affinity to the family of Merulidæby the strength and Thrushlike form of the bill; and by its general character of form and colour to that portion of it which includes the Rock Thrushes; where it was provisionally placed, until more accurate comparison of the species with contiguous groups determined its station.Its bill was more that of the true Thrush, than of the Rock Thrush. Its colours were those of Phœnicura; under which genus it was erroneously ranked by accident on the plate.The bill is too powerful to admit the species among the Sylviadæ.”(Vigors 1832) (Monticola).


L. cinereus ash-coloured < cinis, cineris ashes; Med. L. nuchusnape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.

Cinnyrohyncha (See: Cinnyrorhyncha)

(Zosteropidae;syn. RukiaϮ Long-billed White-eye R. longirostra) Genus Cinnyris Cuvier, 1816, sunbird; Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Cinnyro hyncha [sic] TAKA-TSUKASA et YAMASHINA. General appearance very much like either Cinnyris or Myzomela, but it differs from them by its very small first primary, which is far shorter than the primary coverts, and also the smooth cutting edge of the bill, though the bill is similarly shaped as to that of Cinnyris. These characteristics show that this bird belongs to Zosteropidae, but not Nectarinidae or Meliphagidae. But it is mines [sic] the silverly white feather ring around the eye, and its tongue is bifurcates [sic] at the tip and amply supplied with filament. Cynnirorhyncha longirostra TAKA-TSUKASA et YAMASHINA. (Japanese Name: Hashinaga Mejiro.)"(Taka-Tsukasa & Yamashina 1931) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Cinnyrorhyncha Takatsukasa and Yamashina, 1931, ("Oct. 15"), Dobuts. Zasshi, 43, p. 599. Type, by monotypy, C. longirostra Takatsukasa and Yamashina." (Mayr in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 320).
Var. Cynnirorhyncha, Cinnyrohyncha.


Mod. L. cirrhus orcirrus cloud < L. cirrus, cirri lock of hair; Gr. χλωρος khlōros green (Erikjan Rijkers in litt.).


Mod. L. cirrus orcirrhus cloud < L. cirrus, cirri lock of hair; Gr. χλωρος khlōros green.


L. citreus citrine < citrus citron, citrus; Med. L. nuchus nape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.

Cittocichla (See: Kittacincla)

(Muscicapidae; syn. CopsychusϮ White-rumped Shama C. malabaricus macrourus) Gr. κιττα kitta magpie; Mod. L. cinclus thrush < Gr. κιγκλος kinklos small, tail-wagging waterside bird; "Mr. Gould subsequently directed the attention of the Meeting to a specimen of the Turdus macrourus of Dr. Latham, with the view of explaining the characters which induced him to regard that bird as constituting the type of a new Genus KITTACINCLA. Rostrum caput longitudine æquans, ad apicem emarginatum, rectiusculum, compressiusculum. Nares basales, plumis brevibus utplurimum tectæ. Alæ mediocres, rotundatæ; remige 1ma brevissima, 4ta 5taque subæqualibus, longioribus. Cauda elongata, gradata. Tarsi digitique longiusculi, tenues. OBS. Maribus color supra utplurimum niger; subtus brunneus vel albus." (Gould 1836); "Kittacincla Gould, 1836, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 7. Type, by original designation, Turdus macrourus Latham, i.e. Gmelin, 1789." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Kattacincla, Kittacinckla, Cittacincla,Cittocichla, Cittocincla.


(Recurvirostridae; Ϯ Banded Stilt C. leucocephalus) Gr. κλαδος klados thin branch; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill (cf. κλαδαρορυγχος kladarorhunkhos clapper-bill, another name for τροχιλος trokhilos); "CLADORHYNCHUS, n. Himantopus, Gould. Leptorhynchus a, Dubus. C. pectoralis, (Dubus,) n. Mag. de Zool. 1836, pl. 45. H. palmatus, Gould. ...a Previously used in Ornithology, &c." (G. Gray 1840); "Cladorhynchus G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 69. New name for Leptorhynchus Dubus de Ghisignies, 1835, not of Clift, 1829 (Reptilia), nor ofBoisduval, 1835 (Coleoptera), nor ofMénétriés, 1835." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Chladorhynchus, Chadorhynchus.
Synon. Leptorhynchus, Recurvirostra, Timeta, Xiphidiorhynchus.


(Leiothrichidae; syn. Garrulax † White-crested Laughingthrush G. leucolophus) Gr. κλαγγη klangē noise, clangor; κιχλη kikhlē thrush (JG; see Manuscript-names).


(Ibidorhynchidae; syn. Ibidorhyncha † Ibisbill I. struthersii) Gr. κλων klōn, κλωνος klōnos twig < κλαω klaō to break off; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; “Clorhynchus Hodgs. Aves 1835. (Clonorhynchus).” (Agassiz 1848); “Clonorhynchus Agassiz, 1848, Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis, p. 260. New name for Clorhynchus Hodgson, 1835, considered of incorrect etymon and unsuitable.” (JAJ 29/3/2024).


(Monarchidae; Ϯ Southern Shrikebill C. pachycephaloides) Gr. κλυτος klutos splendid < κλεω kleō to celebrate; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "CLYTORHYNCHUS PACHYCEPHALOÏDES, sp. et gen. nov. (Plate XIX.) Clytorhynchus genus novum Pachycephalinarum;rostrum compressum, subdescendens, adapicem incurvum; gonys recurvus, fortiter ascendens; remiges secundus, tertius et quartus fereæquales et longissimi. ... This curious species, which represents an entirely new genus of the family Pachycephalidæ, holds the same relative position to this family as the Vanga xenopirostris of La Fresnaye (Xenopirostris la fresnayus, Bon.) does to that of the Laniidæ. It is a native of New Caledonia" (Elliot 1870); "Clytorhynchus Elliot, 1870, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 242. Type, by monotypy, Clytorhynchus pachycephaloides Elliot." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 496).
Var. Clytorrhynchus.
Synon. Myiolestes,Pinarolestes.


(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Red-rumped Bush Tyrant C. erythropygius) Gr. κνημος knēmos mountain-slope; αρχος arkhos ruler, chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; the Red-rumped Bush Tyrant was described from the high Andes of Ecuador; "Cnemarchus gen. nov. (Tyrannidae) Somewhat like Myiotheretes Reichenbach, but tarsus relatively much shorter (much less than twice as long as the relatively shorter middle toe, with claw); claw of hallux not longer than its digit; wing only moderately lengthened, the longer primaries exceeding secondaries by much less than twice the length of tarsus and much less than one-third (instead of nearly one-half) the total length of wing; outermost (tenth) primary shorter than sixth (instead of equalling or exceeding ninth) and not attenuated at tip; tail more than two-thirds as long as wing, even (instead of emarginate), extensivelyrufous in color; bristly tips of latero-frontal feathers well-developed, arched; bill relatively much smaller, the exposed culmen not longer than outer toe, without claw; rump rufous but no rufous on remiges. Type, Tænioptera erythropygia Sclater = Cnemarchus erythropygius. (Kνημος, slope of a mountain;αρχος, ruler, chief.)" (Ridgway 1905); "Cnemarchus Ridgway, 1905, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 18, p. 208. Type, by original designation, Taenioptera erythropygia Sclater." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 160).
Synon. Polioxolmis.


(Picidae; syn.Campephilus Crimson-bellied Woodpecker C. haematogaster) Gr. κνιψ knips,κνιπος knipos woodworm, insect; αρχος arkhos leader, chief < αρχω arkhō to rule; "Dagegen bildet der durch seine kürzere Haube, seine kürzern Läufe und deren kürzere äussere Hinterzehe gleichsam die Gattung Ceophloeus und Phloeoceastes Cab. verbindende Picus haematogaster Tsch. unseres Erachtens besser ein eigenes: Gen. CNIPARCHUS (von κνιψ, Holzwurm und αρχω, herrschen) nov. gen. —Blut-Schwarzspecht. 1. C. haematogaster Nob. Picus (Dryocopus) haematogaster Tsch. Consp. Av. Faun. Per. p. 42. 248. — Id. Faun. Per. Orn. p. 43. gen. 92. 3.— Picus haematogaster Tsch. l. l. p. 265. gen. 92. 3. t. 25. ... Megapicus haematogaster Malh. Mon. Picid. I. p. 27.—Megapicus hoematogaster (!) Malh. l. l. t. 9. 1—4." (Cabanis & Heine 1863); "Cniparchus Cabanis and Heine, 1863, Museum Heineanum, IV (2), p. 98. Type, by monotypy, Picus haematogaster von Tschudi, 1844." (JAJ 2019).
Var. Cuiparchus.

Cocachacra, Arequipa, Peru.
Cochabamba Dept., Bolivia (named after an indigenous people, the Kochapampa, a tribe of the Aymaras).

French name Cochevis for the crested larks?< Med. French cochet little cockerel (syn. Galerida cristata).

cochinchinae / cochinchinensis

Cochinchina (= southern Vietnam), Indochina. Cochinchina is a Portuguese name for the area, derived from Malay and Chinese.
● Erroneous TL. Cochinchina (= Java); ex “Verdin de la Cochinchine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 643, fig. 3 (Chloropsis).
● ex “Oriolus Cochinsinensis” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Oriolus chinensis).

Cochinchina (Mod. L. Sinensis Chinese).
● Erroneous TL. Cochinchina (= Halmahera) (syn. Eos squamata).

L. cocleare, coclearis orcochlearium spoon in theform of a snail-shell < coclea snail < Gr. κοχλιας kokhlias snail.


L. cocleare, coclearis orcochlearium spoon in the form of a snail-shell < coclea snail < Gr. κοχλιας kokhlias snail.
● ex “Cuillière” of Brisson 1760 (Cochlearius).


(Ardeidae; Ϯ Boat-billed Heron C. cochlearius) L. cocleare, coclearis orcochlearium spoon in the form of a snail-shell < coclea snail < Gr. κοχλιας kokhlias snail; the specialised, sensitive bill of the nocturnal Boat-billed Heron is an adaptation for vacuuming up shrimps and other prey items in the darkness; "Rostro crasso, brevi; mandibula superiore cochleariformi; apice unguiculato. . . .Cochlearius . Genus 83. ... Rostrum crassum, breve: Mandibula superior cochleariformis, apice unguiculata. **1. LA CUILLIERE ... COCHLEARIUS. ... Les François de la Guiane l'appellent SAOUAKOU." (Brisson 1760):based on "Onocrotalus Americanus" of Barrère 1745; "Cochlearius Brisson, 1760, Ornithologie, I, p. 48: V, p. 506. Type, by tautonymy, "Cochlearius" Brisson = Cancroma cochlearia Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2023).
Var. Cochlearis.
Synon. Cancroma, Cymbops.


(Cuculidae;syn. Coua Ϯ Snail-eating Coua C. delalandei) Gr. κοχλος kokhlossnail; θραυστης thraustēs breaker < θραυω thrauō to break; "NOTE sur le COUA, Famac-acora des Malgaches, Hache-escargot (traduction littérale) ou casseur d'escargots ... il va ainsi dans les bois de branche en branche, de roche en roche, pour chercher des Agathines qui forment sa principale nourriture. Lorsqu'il en trouve une, quelle qu'en soit a grosseur, il l'emporte près d'une grosse pierre sur laquelle il monte en tenant avec le bout du bec la coquille par l'extrémité de son ouverture; il frappe avec sur la pierre en tournant et levant la tête tantôt à droite, tantôt à gauche; lorsque par la bruit du choc il reconnaît que la coquille est cassée, il met une pate dessus, et, avec son bec, il retire le mollusque qu'il avale aussitôt" (Ackerman 1841); "Gen. COCHLOTHRAUSTES nov. gen. —Elstern-Cua. Coccyzus (!) Less. 1831 (nec Vieill.1816). Serisomus (!) Bp. 1854 (nec Sws. 1837). C. Delalandei Nob. Coccyzus Delalandei Temm. Pl. col. t. 440.— Coccyzus Delalandi Less. Trait. Orn. p. 138. 1.— Coua Delalandi Gray Gen. B. II. p. 454. 7.— Bp. Consp. I. p. 109. gen. 243. 4.— Hartl. Journ. Orn. 1860. p. 110. 5.— Id. Orn. Faun. Madag. p. 62. 6.— "Serisomus Delalandi Sws." Hartl. l. l. ... Wir bildeten für diesen sonderbaren durch seine grossen nackten Backen, die schon lebhaft an Geococcyx erinnernden langen Läufe mit kurzen kräftigen Zehen und den dicken starken Schnabel ausgezeichneten Vogel den aus κοχλος (Muschel) und θραυω (zerbrechen) zusammengesetzten Namen Cochlothraustes,im Hinblick auf jene hübschen Beobachtungen Ackermann's (Rev. Z. 1841. p. 209-210), nach denen er ganz elsternartig mit dem Schwanze wippend von Zweig zu Zweig, von Fels zu Fels hüpft und die gefundenen Achathinen mit Macht auf harten Steinen zertrümmert." (Cabanis & Heine 1863); "Cochlothraustes Cabanis and Heine, 1862, Museum Heineanum, IV (I), p. 74, footnote. New name for Coccyzus "Vieill." Lesson, 1831, not of Vieillot, 1816, and for Serisomus "Sw." Bonaparte, 1854, deemed preoccupied by Serisomus Swainson, 1837." (JAJ 2021).


(Turdidae; Green Cochoa C. viridis) Nepalese name Cocho for the cochoas; "These birds are not generally or familiarly known to the Nipalese, but theforesters, whom I have met with, denominate them Cocho: and by that name, latinised into Cochoa, I have designated them generically in my note book. As a Meruline genus, placed close to Turdus, the following characters may perhaps serve to mark them. Wings, tail, and feet, as in Turdus. Tarsi rather lower and tail somewhat longer. Bill straight, considerably depressed; the maxilla excided beyond the centre by the nasal fosse: the nostrils very large, and nearer to tip than to gape. Head crested as in Garrulus. The two species at present known to me I shall call, by their prevalent colour, Viridis and Purpurea. ... Cochoa purpurea. Purple Cocho, Mihi. ... Co.Viridis. Green Cochoa, Mihi. ... The following more particular description of the several members and organs is equally and exactly applicable to both species. Bill to head as five to four: sometimes merely equal to the head: considerably depressed, except near the tip; at base more than twice as broad as high; straight; culmen produced among the frontal feathers, which are soft and turned back; sides of the maxilla cut out beyond the centre by a broad membranous and plumose fosse: tomiæ locked, trenchant, and entire; towards the gape somewhat incurved—towards the tip, straight: tip of upper mandible inclined and notched; of the lower, subrecurved and subemarginated, sometimes straight and entire. Nares nearer to the tip than to the gape; at fore end of the nasal fossæ, lateral, longitudinal, elliptic, large, free, shaded above by a small nude process of the fossal membrane, and set over with tiny incumbent hairs: gape scarcely to the fore angle of the eye and subciliated: wings reaching to centre of tail, firm, first quill bastard, second long, fourth longest; all four slightly emargined on their inner web. Tail composed of twelve firm feathers, rather longer than in Turdus, the four laterals gradated in a small degree, more than in Turdus. Tarsi submedial, stout, rather longer than the central toe, usually smooth, sometimes crossed by three or four scales. Toes simple, ambulatory, compressed, moderately unequal; outer basally connected; hind stouter and subdepressed. Nails compressed, obtuse; the central fore with both margins dilated but entire. Head furnished with a soft, full, garruling [sic = garruline] crest. Tongue simple, flat, medial, subcartilaginous, with cartilaginous, subjagged, tip. Stomach muscular, of medial subequal thickness, the lining tough and grooved. Intestinal canal 20 to 25 inches long, of subequal calibre throughout; close to anal end, two grain-like cæca. The intestines are longer in proportion than those of Turdus: but otherwise similar." (Hodgson 1836); "Cochoa Hodgson, 1836, Journal Asiatic Soc. Bengal, V, p. 359. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 40), Cochoa viridis Hodgson, 1836." (JAJ 2021).
Synon. Oreias, Prosorinia, Xenogenys.


Alexander Smith Cochran (1874-1929) US financier, philanthropist (Björn Bergenholtz and Paul Scofield in litt.)(subsp. Leptocoma aspasia).

colchica / colchicus

L. Colchicus of Colchis < Gr. Κολχις Kolkhis, a country on the eastern shores of the Black Sea /western Georgia,whence pheasants were first discovered.
● "9. Xylocopus minor colchicus nov. subsp. ... Caucasum septentrionalem et Transcaucasiam, parte meridionali-orientali exclusa, inhabitans."(Buturlin 1908) (subsp. Dryobates minor).
● TL. Kutais district, South Caucasus (syn. Leiopicus medius caucasicus).
● "90. PHASIANUS. ... colchicus. 3. P. rufus, capite cæruleo. Phasianus. Raj. av. 56. Alb. av. I. p. 24. t. 25. 26. Olin. av. 49. Aldr. orn. l. 13. c. 5. Habitat in Africa, Asia. Principum mensis dicatus." (Linnaeus 1758)(Phasianus).

Collyriocichla (See: COLLURICINCLA)

(Pachycephalidae; Ϯ Grey Shrikethrush C. harmonica) Gr. κολλυριων kolluriōn thrush-sized bird mentioned by Aristotle and Hesychius, not further identified, but in ornithology considered to be a shrike (cf. genus Collurio Kaup,1829, shrike); Mod. L. cinclus thrush < Gr. κιγκλος kinklos unidentified waterside bird; "Genus. COLLURICINCLA*. Rostrum forte, sub-elongatum, compressum, rectum, culmine apicem versus gradatim arcuato:mandibula inferiori prope apicem fortiter emarginata: naribus ovalibus subobliquis, membrano partim clausis, setis plumulisque obtectis: rictu setis parce instructis. Alæ mediocres rotundatæ: remigibus, prima brevi, tertia quarta quinta et sexta fereæqualibus longissimis, septima breviori, secunda et octava paulo brevioribusæqualibus; tertiæ ad sextam inclusam pogoniis externis in medio paulatim latioribus. Pedes mediocres, subfortes; acrotarsiis scutellatis, paratarsiis integris; digitis mediocribus, medio longiori, halluce forti, hujus ungue subelongato forti. Cauda subelongata,æqualis. *Kολλυριων lanius, andκιγκλος turdus. This group, which by its straight and rather lengthened bill appears to come into the subfamily of Thamnophilina among the Shrikes, may probably be considered the representative in Australia of the South American Thamnophili and the African Malaconoti. From both those genera it differs in its entirely even tail; in its wings being comparatively longer, although rounded as in those genera; and in the paratarsia being entire instead of being furnished with either large but distant, or small but numerous, scales. We have been enabled to ascertain nothing of the habits of the group: but its general appearance points out the situation we at present assign it;while at the same time it has also some general resemblance to the neighbouring family of the Thrushes. The present subfamily, it is to be observed, is that which connects the Laniadæ with the last-mentioned family Merulidæ: and this approaching conformity to the Thrushes in the birds which compose the extreme and connecting group of the Shrikes is therefore to be expected. We have assigned the genus a name indicative of these approaching affinities. 1. CINEREA." (Vigors & Horsfield 1827); "Colluricincla Vigors and Horsfield, 1827, Linn. Soc. London, 15, p. 213. Type, by monotypy, Colluricincla cinerea = Turdus harmonicus Latham." (Mayr in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 36).
Var. Collurieinela,Colluriocincla, Collyriocincla, Collyrioncincla,Collyriocichla (Mod. L. cichla thrush < Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush).
Synon. Alphacincla, Bowyeria, Caleya, Collurisoma, Conigravea, Myiolestes, Myiophila, Pnigocichla, Umbrixos.

Colonocichla (See: Colonocincla)

(Turdidae; syn. Monticola Short-toed Rock Thrush M. brevipes) Gr. κολος kolos shortened; ονυξ onux, ονυχος onukhos claw; Mod. L. cinclus thrush < Gr. κιγκλος kinklos small tail-wagging waterside bird, perhaps a wagtail or a sandpiper, but never identified; "Further subdivision also becomes necessary, as the other southern species cannot be assigned to the preceding subgenera.M. brevipes Strickland and Sclater is a much smaller bird than rupestris, though having much the same wing formula, and may be separated under the name of COLONOCINCLA subgen. nov. and would include M. angolensis, which occurs within our northern limits." (A. Roberts 1922); "Colonocincla A. Roberts, 1922, Annals Transvaal Mus., VIII (4), p. 228. Type, by subsequent designation (Ripley in Peters, 1964, Check-list BirdsWorld,X, p. 135), M. brevipes Strickland and Sclater = Petrocincla brevipes Waterhouse, 1838." (JAJ 2020) (see Petrornis).
Var. Colonocichla (Gr.κιχλη kikhlē thrush).

Sierras de Comechingones, Córdoba, Argentina.

L. cum(old form com) together with; specific name Anas boschas Linnaeus, 1766 (= syn. Anas platyrhynchos) (subsp. Anas platyrhynchos).

L. conchatus shell-formed < concha shell.
Conchopus (See: CONTOPUS)

(Tyrannidae; Eastern Wood Pewee C. virens) Gr. κοντος kontos pole, shaft; πους pous,ποδος podos foot; "70.Contopus virens Cab. Muscicapa virens Lin. Gm. —Muscicapa rapax Wils. —Tyrannula virens Jard. —Myiarchus virens Cab. —Bombito. "Ist sehr selten auf Cuba"Gundl. [Diese Art bildet den Typus der Gattung Contopus. Dieselbe schliesst sich näher als die folgenden Gruppen [Myiarchus] an die Tyrannen an, durch lange spitze Flügel. Der Schwanz ist ausgerandet und die kurzen Läufe geben ein characteristisches Kennzeichen ab. Hierher gehören ferner: C. Cooperi. —Muscicapa Cooperi Nutt. C. cinereusPlatyrhynchus cinereus Spix. C. ardesiacus. —Tyrannula ardosiaca Lafr." (Cabanis 1855); "Contopus (not Contipus MARSEUL, 1853) CABANIS, Journ. Orn., 3, p. 479, 1855— type by orig. desig. Muscicapa virens LINNAEUS." (Hellmayr, 1927, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. V, 190); "Contopus Cabanis, 1855, Journ. f. Ornith., 3, p. 479. Type, by original designation, Muscicapa virens Linnaeus." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 127).
Var. Contopes, Conchopus.
Synon. Blacicus, Capnixus, Horizopus, Myiochanes, Nuttallornis, Planchesia, Syrichta, Syrichtha.


(Turdidae; syn. Turdus Ring Ouzel T. torquatus) Gr. κοψυχος kopsukhos or κοψιχος kopsikhos blackbird; "7. Turdus torquatus. ... 7. Ringdrossel. Copsichus*) E[ntwickelung]. Alle Formen werden größer; der Schnabel wird drosselartig, das Gefieder wieder schwärzlich. Der weiße Halsring ist ein Ueberrest des Kehlschildes der vorigen Gattung [Accentor]. Ch[arakter]. Einfarbige Drosseln mit weißen Schild auf der Brust. L[ebensart]. Sie wohnen auf Gebirgen und nisten wahrscheinlich auf ähnliche Weise wie Merula. ... *) κοψιχος, Drossel" (Kaup 1829); "Copsichus Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entwick.-Gesch. Natürliches System Europ. Thierwelt, p. 157. Type, by monotypy, Turdus torquatus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Oriental Magpie Robin C. saularis) Gr. κοψυχος kopsukhos or κοψιχος kopsikhos blackbird; "Gracula Saularis Gmel., Lath., Turdus mindanensis Gmel., Lath., Turdus amoenus Horsf., Lanius musicus Raffl., Lanius Shalaris Vieill. *) ... *) Constituo ex hac ave genus distinctum Copsychum (Kοψυχοςmerula). Ad hoc accedunt species: Lanius jocosus (idem qui Lanius Emeria Edw. 4. t. 190. fig. e specimine manco.) —Turdus macrurus (Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. 3. t. 114.) —Turdus melanicterus Vieill. N. D. 20. p. 267. (Le Merle jaune huppéLevaill. l.c. t. 117.)" (Wagler 1827); "Copsychus Wagler, 1827, Syst. Av., note to art. Gracula, p. 306. Type, by subsequent designation (Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, ed. 1, p. 21), Gracula saularis Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 64).
Var. Copsychum, Copyphus.
Synon. Cercotrichas,Cittocincla,Copsicus,Dahila, Gervaisia, Gryllivora, Hypocrites, Kittacincla, Kurodornis, Lalage, Notodela, Polypeira, Saxicoloides, Shama, Thamnobia, Trichixos, Turdirostris.


(Melampittidae; syn. Melampitta Lesser Melampitta M. lugubris) Gr. κοραξ korax, κορακος korakos raven (i.e. black) < κρωζω krōzō to croak; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Corapitta *, Bp. Consp. Vol. Anis. p. 7 (1854) . . .Type. A[telornis]. pittoides. ... *This name should have been written Coracopitta. The same generic title, however, has been proposed for Melanopitta lugubris of Schlegel by Dr. Sclater (Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xiv. p. 449), for which I propose the amended name of Coracocichla" (Sharpe 1892); "Coracocichla Sharpe, 1892, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., XVII, p. 7. New name for Coracopitta P. Sclater, 1888, considered preoccupied by Coracopitta, a corrected spelling of Corapitta Bonaparte, 1854." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. κοραλλιονkorallion red coral; ῥυγχος rhunkhosbill.


(Pellorneidae; syn. Napothera Streaked Wren Babbler N. brevicaudata) Genus Corythopis Sundevall, 1836, antpipit; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "b. Tail very short, far exceeded by the outstretched feet. c'. Culmen shorter than tarsus. f". Tail of moderate length, not hidden by the plumes of the rump. Bill equal in height and depth. ... k4.Rictal bristles well developed. . . . .32. CORYTHOCICHLA, p. 592. ... 32. CORYTHOCICHLA. ... 1. Corythocichla brevicaudata. ... Hab. Tenasserim. 2. Corythocichla striata. ... Hab. Hills of north-eastern Bengal." (Sharpe 1883); "Corythocichla Sharpe, 1883, Cat. Birds British Mus., VII, pp. 507, 592. Type, by subsequent designation (P. Sclater and Saunders, 1883, Ibis, ser. 5, 1, p. 573), Turdinus brevicaudatus Blyth, i.e. Turdinus brevicaudatus Blyth, 1855." (JAJ 2024).
Var. Corytocichla.


Maj.-Gen. Darius Nash Couch (1822-1897) US Army 1846-1855, 1861-1865, explorer, collector in Mexico 1853-1854, businessman (subsp.Aphelocoma wollweberi, Tyrannus).


(Turdidae; syn. Geokichla Siberian Thrush G. sibirica) Gr. κρυπτος kruptos hidden; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Da für Geokichla sibirica noch kein Gattungsname vorhanden ist, heiße sie Cryptocichla gen. nov. Typus: Turdus sibiricus Pallas, 1776, Reise d. verschied. Provinzen d. Russischen Reichs, 3, p. 694. Diese monotypische Gattung steht Ixoreus Bonaparte, 1854 am nächsten, unterscheidet sich aber vor allem durch das Fehlen der für Ixoreus und für die diesem verwandte Ridgwayia Stejneger, 1883, charakteristische Zeichnung der Flügeloberseite ... Der Name Cryptocichla bezieht sich auf die sehr versteckte Lebensweise dieser scheuen Drossel." (Wolters 1971); "Cryptocichla Wolters, 1971, Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, 22 (3-4), p. 217. Type, by original designation, Turdus sibiricus Pallas, 1776." (JAJ 2020).

Gr. κρυπτος kruptos hidden; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
Gr. κρυσταλλος krustallos crystal; χρηστος khrēstos good, propitious (cf. χρηστης khrēstēs soothsayer, prophet).

(Anatidae; syn. Mareca † Gadwall M. strepera) Gr. κτεις kteis, κτενος ktenos comb; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; “* Ctenorhynchus — (V. Ctinorhynchus Eyt.) Aves.” (Agassiz 1848); “Ctenorhynchus Agassiz, 1848, Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis, p. 309. New name for Ctinorhynchus, i.e. Ktinorhynchus Eyton, 1838, considered grammatically incorrect.” (Erikjan Rijkers in litt.) (JAJ 6/4/2024).

Ctinorhynchus (See: Ktinorhynchus)

(Anatidae; syn. Mareca Gadwall M. strepera) Gr. κτεις kteis, κτενος ktenos comb; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "We have also, since the printing of our generic characters, seen an article in the "Penny Cyclopædia" (Fuligulinæ) relating to a portion of the Anatidæ, in which we are informed that the generic appellation of Chauliodus has been pre-occupied: as we find on reference this to have been the case, we venture to propose that of Ktinorhynchus instead, alluding to the comb-like appearance of the lamellæ on each side of the bill. ... KTINORHYNCHUS STREPERA. ... GADWALL." (Eyton 1838); "Ktinorhynchus Eyton, 1838, Monogr. Anatidae, preface p. 2, p. 137. New name for Chauliodus Swainson, 1831, not of Bloch and Schneider, 1801 (Pisces)." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Ctinorhynchus.

Cuchacancha, Cochabamba, Bolivia.
cuchivera / cuchiverum / cuchiverus
Río Cuchivero, Bolívar, Venezuela.

Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue, glossy; αυχην aukhēn,αυχενος aukhenos neck, throat.


(Anatidae; syn. Cyanochen Blue-winged Goose C. cyanoptera) Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue, glossy; αυχην aukhēn,αυχενος aukhenos neck, throat; “2736. f. CYANOCHEN, Hartl. 1856. Cyanauchen, Schl. 1867. 10584. cyanoptera, Rüpp.” (G. Gray 1871); “Cyanauchen “Schl.” G. Gray, 1871, Hand-list Genera Species Birds, III, p. 76. Alternate name or lapsus for Cyanochen Hartlaub, i.e. Bonaparte, 1856.” (JAJ 5/6/2024).


(Anatidae; Ϯ Blue-winged Goose C. cyanoptera) Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose;"Sämmtliche Deckfedern der Flügel lavendelblau" (Rüppell 1845); "C. BERNICLEÆ. ...10. Cyanochen, Hartl. 26. cyanoptera, Rüpp." (Bonaparte 1856); "Cyanochen "Hartl."Bonaparte, 1856, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XLIII, p. 648. Type, by monotypy, Bernicla cyanoptera Rüppell, 1845." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Cyanachen.


Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue, glossy; χλαμυς khlamus,χλαμυδος khlamudos cloak.

Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; χλωρος khlōros green.

(Trochilidae; syn. Chalybura White-vented Plumeleteer C. buffonii caeruleogaster) Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; χλωρος khlōros green; "*Hylocharis ... δ. Cyanochloris coeruleiventris (Tr. coeruleiγαςηρ [sic] GOULD 1847.) RCHB. —N.-Granada. ——lactea (Orn. —LESS. 1829.) RCHB. — Brasil. ——coeruleigularis (Tr. —GOULD 1850.) RCHB. — Veragua: David. Peru." (Reichenbach 1854); "Hylocharis δ Cyanochloris Reichenbach, 1854, Journ. für Ornith., I, Extraheft, Aufzählung der Colibris, p. 10. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 139 (Appendix)), Trochilus (Glaucis?) caeruleogaster Gould, 1847." (JAJ 2020).

Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; χλωρος khlōros green.
cyanochroum / cyanochrous / cyanochrus

Gr. κυανοχροος kuanokhroos dark in hue, dark-blue hued < κυανος kuanos dark-blue; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.

cyanorhyncha / cyanorhynchus

Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Cyanorhynchus (See: CYANORAMPHUS)

(Psittaculidae; Black-fronted Parakeet C. zealandicus) Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; ῥαμφος rhamphos bill; "Conurus Phaëton ... rostro corneo-cœrulescente" (des Murs 1845); "Subfam. V. PLATICERCINÆ. ... 40. CYANORAMPHUS, Bp. —184. Pacificus, Forst. (Phaeton, O. des Murs.) — 185. Unicolor, Vig.— 186. Erythrotis, Wagl.— 187. Novæ-Zelandiæ, Sparrm.— 188. Ulietanus, Gm.— 189. Auriceps, Kuhl. " (Bonaparte 1854); "Cyanoramphus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. Zool. (2), 6, 1854, p. 153. Type, by subsequent designation, Psittacus pacificus "Forster" = Conurus phaeton Des Murs 1845 = Psittacus erythronotus Kuhl 1820. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 86)." (Peters, 1937, III, 269); "CYANORAMPHUS Bonaparte, 1854 M— Psittacus pacificus "Forster"; type by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 86).= Psittacus zealandicus Latham, 1790" (Dickinson and Remsen (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2013, 1 (Non-passerines), p. 377).
Var. Cyanorhamphus, Cyanorhynchus (Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill).
Synon. Bulleria, Notopsittacus, Pallacidopsittacus, Phippspsittacus.

Gr. κυανος kuanos dark-blue; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
● ex “Perroquet de la Havane” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 360, and “Crik à face bleue” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Amazona versicolor).
Cychlaris (See: CYCLARHIS)

(Vireonidae; Ϯ Rufous-browed Peppershrike C. gujanensis) Gr. κυκλος kuklos circle; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos nostrils; “Another deviation from Lanius may be seen in the Sourcirou of M. Le Vaillant, introduced in the Ois. d'Afrique, (2. pl. 76. f. 2.) though in reality a native of America; it is the Tanagra Guianensis of Latham, and it is remarkable for its round, naked nostrils, and the tooth of its bill being nearly obsolete; it has the wings of Lanius, and the tail of Falcunculus; this type I have called Cyclarhis.* I am unacquainted with any other kindred birds from the new world ... *The characters of such new Genera as may be proposed, will be given in the next number, accompanied by figures of their bills, &c.” (Swainson 1824); "Cyclarhis Swainson, 1824, Zool. Journ, 1, p. 294. Type, by monotypy, Tanagra gujanensis Gmelin." (Blake in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 103).
Var. Cychlaris,Cyclaris.
Synon. Cyclorhis,Laniagra.

Cychlopsitta (See: CYCLOPSITTA)

(Psittaculidae; Ϯ Double-eyed Fig Parrot C. diophthalma) Gr. myth. Cyclops, a race of giants in Sicily having but one eye in the middle of their foreheads < κυκλωψ kuklōps,κυκλωπος kuklōpos round-eyed <κυκλος kuklos circle;ωψōps,ωποςōpos eye; Mod. L. psitta parrot < Gr. ψιττακη psittakē parrot; "PSITTACULE DOUBLE-ŒIL (Psittacula diophthalma) ... œil entouré supérieurement d'un trait vert bleuâtre, se terminant en avant, sur la région du Lorum par une huppe bleu tendre brillant, qui simule de loin des yeux doués d'unéclat de pierre précieuse" (Hombron & Jacquinot 1841); "CYCLOPSITTE DOUBLEŒIL. - CYCLOPSITTA DIOPHTHALMA, Homb. et Jacq. ... Syn. PSITTACULA DIOPHTHALMA, Homb. et Jacq. Ann. des Sciences nat., 2e série, vol. XVI, p. 318" (Jacquinot & Pucheran 1853); "Cyclopsitta was introduced by Reichenbach, Syst. Av. tab. lxxxii. 1850, where figures of a head, tail, wing, and claw are given. It seems to be a composite effort, as the head most resembles that of Trichoglossus versicolor [= Psitteuteles versicolor] Lear, the tail is unlike that of C. diophthalma Jacquinot and Pucheran, while the wing does not seem like that of any of these little parrots. It can certainly not be used for this genus, and I have rejected it as indeterminable." (Mathews 1912). At first sight the parrotlabelled Cyclopsitta on Reichenbach's 1850, pl. LXXXII, appears to bear little resemblance toany fig parrot. Certainly the head has much of Lorius about it. However, Reichenbach's plate was based on Hombron & Jacquinot 1846, Voyage au Pôle Sud, Atlas Zoologique, plate 25bis, where figure B therein shows the distinctive ridged lower mandible of the genus. This was overlooked by Mathews 1912, and not included in the figures supplied by Mathews 1916/1917, Birds of Australia, VI, p. 63; "Cyclopsitta Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Syst. Nat.: 82. Type, by subsequent designation (Pucheran, 1853, Mammif. Ois. In Hombron & Jacquinot, Voyag. Pôle Sud), Psittacula diophthalma Hombron and Jacquinot." (Beehler and Pratt, 2016, Birds New Guinea, p. 259) (see Opopsitta).
Var. Cychlopsitta.
Synon. Cruopsitta, Cyclopsittacus,Manopsitta, Nannopsittacus, Opopsitta, Psittaculirostris, Suavipsitta.

Cychlorhis (See: Cyclorhis)

(Vireonidae; syn. Cyclarhis † Rufous-browed Peppershrike C. gujanensis) Gr. κυκλος kuklos circle; ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos nostrils; “P. 36. Cyclarhis should be written Cyclorhis (κυκλος and ῥις).” (Strickland 1841); “Cyclorhis Strickland, 1841, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., pt. III, p. 30. New name for Cyclarhis Swainson, 1824, considered incorrectly transliterated.” (JAJ 2/7/2024).
Var. Cychlorhis, Cychloris, Cycloris, Cyclorrhis.

Cychlorhynchus (See: Cyclorrhynchus)

(Alcidae; syn. AethiaϮ Parakeet Auklet A. psittacula) Gr. κυκλος kuklos circle, ring; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "1. Alca psittacula. ... 1. Kreisschnabel. Cyclorrhynchus *). E[ntwickelung]. Wie gewöhnlich. Ch[arakter].Alken mit kurzem, oben wie unten bogenförmig gewölbtem Schnabel. L[ebensart]. Hierin ähneln sie Phaleris. ... * Vonκυκλος, Kreis undῥυγχος, Schnabel." (Kaup 1829); "Cyclorrhynchus Kaup, Skizz. Entw.-Gesch. Eur. Thierw., 1829, p. 155. Type, by monotypy, Alca psittacula Pallas." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 357).
Var. Cyclorhynchus,Cychlorhynchus.

Cychlorhynchus (See: Cyclorhynchus)

(Tyrannidae; syn. Rhynchocyclus Olivaceous Flatbill R. olivaceus) Gr. κυκλος kuklos circle, shield; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "4* Pedes mediocres; rostrum latum, elliptico-dilatatum, valde depressum. Gnathidia humillima, sed basi verticalia. Cyclorhynchus n.g. Platyrh. olivaceus Desm.Tem. —Muscip. flaviventris Pr. Max, quae hujus est sectionis, interim eidem generi subjungi potest." (Sundevall 1836); "Cyclorhynchus Sundevall, 1836 (not Cyclorrhynchus Kaup, 1829), Kungl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 1835, p. 83. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 31), "C. olivaceus (Desmarest)" = Platyrhynchos olivaceus Temminck." (Traylor in Peters, 1979, VIII, pp. 97-98).
• see Cyclorrhynchus

Cylochelidon (See: Sylochelidon)

(Laridae; syn. Hydroprogne Caspian Tern H. caspia) Gr. συλευς suleus pirate < σαλαω sulaō to rob; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (i.e. sea swallow or tern); "Sechste Sippe. Raubseeschwalbe. Sylochelidon, Brehm. Der sehr große, starke, rothe Schnabel ist von der Stirne bis zur Spitze länger als der Kopf; der Fuß etwas klein, mit wenig ausgeschnittenen Schwimmhäuten; die säbelförmigen Flügel äußerst lang, der Schwanz etwasgabelförmig. ... Sie bewohnen die Sandriffe der Inseln in kleinen und großen Gesellschaften, seltner in einzelnen Paaren, fliegen sehr schön und schnell, sind scheu und raubsüchtig— sie fressen nicht nur Fische, sondern auch die Eier und Jungen der andern Seevögel ... 1. Die balthische Raubseeschwalbe. SylochelidonBalthica, Brehm. (Sterna Caspia, auct.). ... 2. Die Schilling'sche Raubseeschwalbe. SylochelidonSchillingii, Br. (Sterna Schillingii, Br. (St. Caspia, auct. Mey. und Wolfs Taschb. die Abb. zu S. 456.) ... 3. Die kaspische Raubseeschwalbe. SylochelidonCaspia, Br. (St. Caspia, Pall.)" (C. Brehm 1831); "Sylochelidon Brehm, Vögel Deutschl. p. 767 (pref. July), 1831. Type (by monotypy, S. balthica Brehm = S. caspia Pallas." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 136).
Var. Silochelidon, Gylochelidon, Cylochelidon.


(Eurylaimidae; Ϯ Black-and-red Broadbill C. macrorhynchos) Gr. κυμβη kumbē small boat (cf. κυμβη kumbē unknown sort of bird, perhaps a pigeon, or an error for κομβα komba type of crow mentioned by Hesychius); ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Genus CYMBIRHYNCHUS. Rostrum subelongatum, depressum, ad basin latissimum, setis raris rigidis obsitum; rictu amplissimo; culmine obsoleto, arcuato; mandibula superiori prope apicem aduncum emarginata; naribus ovalibus, longitudinalibus, nudis, in medio mandibulæ positis ... This group is closely allied to that of Eurylaimus, but differs essentially in the form of the bill, and in other particulars. The position of the nostrils affords a striking note of distinction. Cymb. nasutus. Todus nasutus, Lath., Ind. Orn., 268. Great-billed Tody, Id., Gen. Hist., Vol. IV. p. 94, pl. 65." (Vigors & Horsfield 1830); "Cymbirhynchus Anonymous [= Vigors and Horsfield], in Lady Sophia Raffles' Mem. Life and Public Services of Sir T. S. Raffles, 1830, p. 654. Type, by monotypy, Todus nasutus Latham = Todus macrorhynchos Gmelin." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 7).
Var. Cymbirrhynchus, Cymborhyncus, Cymborhynchus, Cymbyrhynchus.
Synon. Eurilenus.


(Hydrobatidae; syn. Hydrobates Leach's Storm-petrel H. leucorhous) Gr. κυμα kuma,κυματος kumatos wave; χορεια khoreia dance, of dancing < χορος khoros dance; "§ II. CYMOCHOREA, Coues. This, thesecond genus of the short-legged acute-clawed group of Procellarieæ is most nearly allied to Oceanodroma, having like it a long deeply-forked tail. It is the genus of which the well known Leach's Petrel is typical; and one to which Melania, Bonaparte, and a new species, about to be described, also belong. With the forked tail and short legs of Oceanodroma, it is distinguished from that genus by its comparatively very much longer wings; by its larger, longer, much more robust bill, with shorter and straighter nasal tubules; by its radically different pattern of coloration, &c. ... In supplying a name, I take Leachii, Temm., or rather leucorrhoa, Vieill., as my type... Cymochorea,* Coues ... *Etym. from Gr.κυμος, "wave," andχοξος [sic], "a dance"." (Coues 1864); "Cymochorea Coues, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864, p. 76. Type (by original designation): Procellaria leucorrhoa Vieillot." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 105).

Cynchlorhamphus (See: CINCLORAMPHUS)

(Locustellidae; Ϯ Brown Songlark C. cruralis) Mod. L. cinclus thrush < Gr. κιγκλος kinklos unknown waterside bird; ῥαμφος rhamphos bill; "Genus CINCLORAMPHUS. Bill rather shorter than the head; culmen slightly arched; the tip distinctly notched; the commissure slightly angulated at the base, andsomewhat incurved for the remainder of its length;nostrils, lateral, oval; wings moderate, rigid, first quill very long and nearly equal to the second and third, which are the longest; tertials nearly as long as the primaries; tail rather small and cuneiform; tarsi very strong and scutellated anteriorly; toes long and powerful, particularly the hinder one and claw, which is articulated on the same plane with the inner toe; lateral toes nearly equal. Type. Megalurus cruralis, Vig. and Horsf." (Gould 1838);"Cincloramphus Gould, 1838, Synop. Birds Australia, pt. 4, app., p. 4. Type, by original designation, Megalurus cruralis Vigors and Horsfield." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 44).
Var. Cynclorhamphus, Cynchlorhamphus, Cintorhamphus,Cinctorhamphus.
Synon. Buettikoferella, Buettikoferia,Cichlornis, Cinclorhamphus,Dulciornis, Maclennania, Megalurulus, Muelleria, Ortygocichla, Ptenoedus, Trichocichla.

Bárbara Bistevins Treinani de D’Achille (1941-1989) Latvian/Peruvian journalist, environmentalist, ecologist (Nannopsittaca).
Dachnis (See: DACNIS)

(Thraupidae; Ϯ Blue Dacnis D. cayana) Gr. δακνις daknis type of bird from Egypt, otherwise unidentified, mentioned by Hesychius and Pompeius Festus; "LES PIT-PITS. Buff. (DACNIS. Cuv.) Représentent en petit les carouges [Icterus] par leur bec conique et aigu. Ils les lient avec les figuiers (1). ... (1) Motacilla Cayana, Gm. enl. 669." (Cuvier 1817); "Dacnis Cuvier, 1816, Règne Animal, 1 ("1817"), p. 395. Type, by virtual monotypy, Motacilla cayana Linnaeus." (Storer in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 387).
Var. Dacuis, Dachnis.
Synon. Cyanodacnis, Eudacnis, Hemidacnis, Mellisuga, Nectarinia,Polidacnis, Poliodacnis,Pseudodacnis.


(Cisticolidae; syn. Prinia Bar-winged Prinia P. familiaris) Gr. δασυς dasus, δασεια daseia bushy country, thickly wooded; χαρις kharis, χαριτος kharitosgrace <χαιρω khairō to rejoice; "Gen. DASEOCHARIS *) Prinie. (Prinia (!) Horsf. 1820.) 283. 1. D. familiaris Nob. —Prinia familiaris Horsf. Zool. Res. in Java cum tab. id. Sws. Zool. Jll. New Ser. tab. 97. — Orthotomus prinia Temm. Pl. col. in textu. ... *) Von δαςοσ, Dickicht und χαιρω, gern haben." (Cabanis 1853); "Daseocharis Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 45. New name for Prinia Horsfield, 1821, considered unacceptable and barbarous by reason of its tautonymous and vernacular roots." (JAJ 2019).
Var. Dasyocharis.

Decholophus (See: Dicholophus)

(Cariamidae; syn. Cariama Red-legged Seriema C. cristata) Gr. διχο- dikho- double- < διχα dikha in two < δις dis twice < δυοduo two; λοφος lophos crest; "GENUS 97. DICHOLOPHUS (διχα bifariam λοφος crista) Cariama Briss. Scopoli. Microdactylus Geoffroy. (Schreivogel Germ. Cariama Gall. Screamer Angl.) ... Nares basales, membrana tectae, apertura antica oblonga patulae. Crista biseriata plumarum angustarum elongatarum, membranae nasali imposita, erecta. ... Species: Palamedea cristata Lin." (Illiger 1811); "Dicholophus Illiger, 1811, Prodromus Systematis Mammalium et Avium, p. 253. New name for Cariama Brisson, 1760, doubtless regarded as barbarous by reason of its vernacular roots." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Decholophus, Dicolophus, Dicholopus, Dicholofus, Dicrolophus.


(Furnariidae; Ϯ Long-tailed Woodcreeper D. longicauda typica) Gr. δεκα deka ten; ονυξ onux, ονυχος onukhos claw; ουρα oura tail; “Deconychura, gen. nov. Like Sittasomus and Glyphorhynchus in the great extension of the stiffened stems of the rectrices beyond the webs of the feathers, but having ten rectrices instead of twelve. The bill is very like that of Sittasomus, slightly compressed for the terminal half and slightly depressed and widened for the basal half; gonys just appreciably ascending; bill a little longer in proportion, being as long as the head. The pattern of coloration is much as in Glyphorhynchus, being uniform above, the throat lighter colored and the breast spotted, but the pattern on the wing is very different from either the latter or Sittasomus ... The generic name here chosen refers to the peculiarities of the tail, with ten rectrices having the stiffened stems extended beyond the webs and bent down, being derived from δεκα ten,ογυξ [sic] claw, andουρα tail. Deconychura typica, sp. nov.” (Cherrie 1891); "Described under the erroneous assumption that Deconychura possesses only ten rectrices ... it is now an established fact that there are twelve tail feathers in D. typica" (Hellmayr 1925); "Deconychura Cherrie, 1891, Proceedings United States National Museum, XIV, p. 338. Type, by original designation, Deconychura typica Cherrie, 1891." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Dechonychura.
Synon. Dendrocinclopa.


Dr Jakob Otto Christian Deichler (1876-1954) German chemist, patent lawyer, ornithologist, collector in Tunisia 1896-1899 and the Cameroons (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (syn. Acanthis flammea, syn. Galerida theklae carolinae, subsp. Turdus viscivorus).


Dim. < Gr. δεκαρχκηςdekarkhēsdecurion; “Dysmoropelia dekarchiskos, new species ... ETYMOLOGY.—From the Greek dekarches (a corporal, literally, a leader of 10 men) plus the masculine diminutive iskos. The specific name stands in apposition andrefers to the well-known nickname “Little Corporal” applied to Napoleon Bonaparte —by far the most renowned former resident of St Helena.” (Olson 1975) (‡Dysmoropelia).

Genus Delichon Moore, 1854, house martin.

(Hirundinidae; Nepal House Martin D. nipalense) Anagram of genus Chelidon Boie, 1822, martin; "Genus DELICHON, (Hodgs.) Moore, P. Z. S. (1854), p. 621. DELICHON NIPALENSIS, Hodgson. ... This interesting bird differs from the type of the genus Chelidon by its smaller and more robust bill, and by its short and nearly even tail, the wings also being shorter; from Cotyle it is at once distinguished by its plumed feet" (Moore 1854); "The subject that I beg to lay before the Meeting this evening, is a new form belonging to the family Hirundinidæ, lately collected in Nepal and presented to the Museum of the East India Company by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., which is allied to, but certainly distinct from, the genus Chelidon, and for which the following anagrammatical name is proposed. DELICHON (nov. gen.) ... Type, D. Nipalensis, Hodgs. n. sp." (Moore 1855); "DELICHON F. Moore, 1854 N — Delichon nipalense F. Moore, 1854; type by monotypy 1 ... 1 This name has usually been attributed to Horsfield and Moore but see Dickinson et al. (2001), where the name nipalensis is discussed; the same reasoning appliesto the generic name." (Dickinson and Christidis (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2014, 2 (Passerines), p. 477).
Synon. Chelidon, Chelidonaria, Martula, Tichistes.

Gr. δελτα delta delta, the letter Δ (D); ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

(Tyrannidae; syn. RamphotrigonϮ Flammulated Flycatcher R. flammulatum) Gr. δελτα delta delta, the letter Δ (D); ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Doubt has been expressed by Messrs. SALVIN and GODMAN (Biologia Centrali-Americana, Aves, II, pt. 12, March, 1889, p. 96) as to the propriety of referring M. flammulatus LAWR. to the genus Myiarchus, and in this doubt I share so strongly that I have no hesitation in formally separating it. ... b2. Nostrils superior; width of bill at frontal feathers equal to length of gonys. (Tarsus much shorter than length of bill to rictus.) . . . . DELTARHYNCHUS. ... 4. Deltarhynchus Ridgway. Deltarhynchus RIDGW., MS. Type, Myiarchus flammulatus LAWR." (Ridgway 1893);"Deltarhynchus RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 16, p. 606, Oct. 1893—type by orig. desig. Myiarchus flammulatus LAWRENCE." (Hellmayr, 1927, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. V, p. 188).


(Hemiprocnidae; syn. Hemiprocne Grey-rumped Treeswift H. longipennis) Gr. δενδρον dendron tree; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "Von Dendrochelidon muß ich Dir doch noch sagen, daß die longipennis, die einzige hiesige Art, sehr häufig auf dem Landgute des Colonel Winter bei Batavia ist. Schon am Pangerango und am Tiitarem bemerkte ich, daß diese Schwalbe sich häufig und einzeln stehenden trockenäftigen Bäumen ausruhete, schrieb es aber zum Theil ihrem jungendlichen Alter zu und der Mause, worin sie standen; dort aber sand ich nur alte Pracht-Exemplare, wohl 20 beisammen, die immer nach ihren blitzschnellen Excursionen zu denselben nicht gerade trocknen aber freiäftigen Bäumen zurückkehrten; ihr fröhliches, durchdringendes Geschrei kīdĭtdē kīdĭtdē hat viel von dem der sich neckenden Sterna minuta; Cypselus comatus Tem. von Sumatra gehört auch durch seine ganze Bildung haarscharf zu demselben Geschlecht." (Boie 1832) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Dendrochelidon Boie, 1832, Neues Staatsbürgerliches Magazin Schleswig, I (II), p. 492. Type here fixed by subsequent designation, Hirundo longipennis Rafinesque, 1802. G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 12 (sub nom. Macropteryx) gives as type Hirundo klecho Raffles, i.e. Horsfield, 1821 = Hirundo longipennis Rafinesque, 1802.” (JAJ 16/5/2022).

Dendrocichla (See: DENDROCINCLA)

(Furnariidae; Ϯ Plain-winged Woodcreeper D. turdina) Gr. δενδρον dendron tree; Mod. L. cinclus thrush < Gr. κιγκλος kinklos unidentified bird; "DENDROCINCLA, n. Dryocopus, Pr. Max. Dendrocolaptes, Licht. D. turdinus, (Licht.) n." (G. Gray 1840); "Dendrocincla GRAY, List Genera Birds, p. 18, 1840—type [by original designation] Dendrocolaptes turdinus LICHTENSTEIN." (Hellmayr, 1925, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IV, p. 364).
Var. Dendrocinda, Dendrocichla (Mod. L. cichla thrush).
Synon. Dendromanes, Dryocopus.


Émile FrançoisDeplanche (1824-1875) French Navy, surgeon-naturalist, entomologist, botanist, collector in Cayenne, Tahiti and New Caledonia (subsp. Trichoglossus haematodus).


(syn.?) Gr. δερμαderma,δερματοςdermatosskin; ῥυγχοςrhunkhosbill. Swainson, 1836, Nat. Hist Classification Birds, I, p. 235, placed this epithet in a list of generic names not to be imitated (see Teleopodes).


Rodolphe Meyer de Schauensee (1901-1984) Swiss/US ornithologist (‡subsp. Edolisoma coerulescens, subsp. Ortalis vetula).

Gr. διαχλωρος diakhlōros of transluscent green.
Diachmura (See: Diacmura)

(Estrildidae; syn. Lonchura Five-coloured Munia L. quinticolor) Gr. δις dis double < δυο duo two; ακμη akmē point; ουρα oura tail; "Nachweisung der Arten. ... 155. Diacmura quinticolor. — Fünffarbiger Doppelspitz-Weberfink— Diacmura à cinq couleurs. —The quinticolor Diacmura. 156. Diacmura variegata. —Welliger Doppelspitz-Weberfink. —Diacmura ondulée. —The undulated Diacmura. 157 Diacmura tricolor. —Dreifarbiger Doppelspitz-Weberfink. —Diacmura tricolor. —The tricolor Diacmura. ... XXXVIII. Diacmura (δις, zwei, zweimal,ακμη, Spitze,ουρα, Schwanz) RCHB. Ausgezeichnet und von Erythrura, Uroloncha und Euodice sehr streng gesondert durch den breit abgerundeten Schwanz, dessen beide Mittelfedern allein schmal, mit ihren Spitzen ohne Uebergang über die anderen hinausragen. — Sehr eigenthümliche Formen von Timor. 155. D. quinticolor (Loxia —VIEILL. chant. t. LIV. Amadina — GRAY, Munia — BP. 452. 2.) RCHB. Fünffarbiger Zweispitzfink. ... 156. D. variegata (Loxia — VIEILL. chant. pl. LI. Amadina — GRAY) RCHB. Wellenbauchiger Zweispitzfink. ... 157. D. tricolor (Fringilla — VIEILL. chant. XX. Enc. 974.) RCHB. Dreifarbiger Zweispitzfink. L'Azuvert VIEILLOT." (Reichenbach 1862); "Diacmura Reichenbach, 1862, Die Singvögel, pp. v, 48. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1870, Hand-list Genera Species Birds, II, p. 56), Loxia quinticolor Vieillot, 1807." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Diachmura.


(Bucerotidae; syn. Buceros Great Pied Hornbill B. bicornis) Gr. διχως dikhōs doubly, in two ways < δις dis twice <δυο duo two; κερας keras,κερως kerōs horn; "Ein sehr ausgezeichneter, mit gehäubtem Hinterkopfe, kann Doppelhornvogel heißen. (Dichoceros cavatus; Buc. bicornis.) Denn er trägt nicht bloß ein großes, vorn ausgehöhltes Horn; sondern dasselbe läuft hier sogar in 2 Enden (gleichsam 2 Hörner) aus: während es sich hinten, stark abgestumpft, bis auf die Stirn zurücklegt" (Gloger 1842); "Dichoceros Gloger, Hand-und Hilfsb. Naturg., 1842 (1841), p. 335. Type, by monotypy, Dichoceros cavatus (Shaw) = Buceros bicornis Linné." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 270).

dichora (See: dichroa)

Gr. διχρους dikhrous two-coloured < δι- di- double- < δις dis twice < δυοduo two; χροα khroa,χροας khroas appearance, colour <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


Gr. διχρως dikhrōs two-coloured < δι- di- double <δις dis twice < δυοduo two; -κεφαλος -kephalos -headed < κεφαλη kephalē head.


(Psittacidae; syn. Psittinus Blue-rumped Parrot P. cyanurus) Gr. διχρως dikhrōs two-coloured < δι- di- double <δις dis twice < δυοduo two; χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion;γναθος gnathos jaw; "Gattung: DICHROGNATHUS. Rothachselpapageien. Psittinus (1842) Blyth Journ. As. Soc. Beng. XI, p. 789. ... Man kennt gegenwärtig nur einen Repräsentanten in der Indo-Malayischen Subregion. 49. Psittinus incertus. — Rothachsel. Englisch: Blue-rumped Parrakeet. — Französisch: Petit Perroquet de Malacca. Psittacus incertus (1790) Shaw Nat. Misc. pl. 769. — Psittacus malaccensis (1790) Lath. Ind. Orn. I, p. 130. — Psittacus reticulatus (1831) Less. Traité d'Orn. p. 204. — Psittacus azureus (1839) Temm., Müll. Verh. Land- en Volkenk. p. 381. — Psittacus macropterus (1868) Mus. Paris, Finsch Pap. II, p. 613. (synon.)... maxilla coccinea, mandibula brunnescente" (Reichenow 1881); "Dichrognathus Reichenow, 1881, Journal für Ornithologie, XXIX (ix), p. 255. New name for Psittinus Blyth, 1842." (JAJ 2023).
Var. Dichrognatus.


Specific name Parus dichrous Blyth, 1844; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling (subsp. Lophophanes dichrous).


(Ardeidae; syn. Egretta Reddish Egret E. rufescens) Gr. διχρωμος dikhrōmos two-coloured < δι- di- double < διςdis twice < δυοduo two; χρωμα khrōma,χρωματος khrōmatos colour < χρωζω khrōzō to stain; ανασσα anassa queen, lady < αναξ anax,ανακτος anaktos king(cf. νασσα nassa duck, i. e. waterfowl); "Genus DICHROMANASSA, Ridgway. ... = Dichromanassa, RIDGW. MS. (Type Ardea rufa Bodd.) GEN. CH. — Medium-sized Herons, of uniform white or plumbeous plumage, with (adult) or without (young) cinnamon-colored head and neck; the form slender, the toes very short and the legs very long; the adults with the entire head and neck (except throat and foreneck) covered with long, narrowly-lanceolate, compact-webbed feathers, which on the occiput form an ample crest, the feathers of which are very narrowly lanceolate and decurved." (Ridgway 1878); "Dichromanassa Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., 4, 1878, p. 224, 246. Type, by original designation, Ardea rufa Boddaert = Ardea rufescens Gmelin." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 109).


Gr. διχρωμος dikhrōmos two-coloured < διdi- double < διςdis twice < δυοduo two; χρωμα khrōma,χρωματος khrōmatos colour <χρωζω khrōzō to stain.


(Monarchidae; syn. Mayrornis † Ogea Monarch M. versicolor) Gr. διχρωμος dikhrōmos two-coloured; Mod. L. myias flycatcher < Gr. μυια muia,μυιας muias fly; πιαζω piazō to seize (JG; see Manuscript-names).


(Thamnophilidae; syn. Willisornis CommonScale-backed Antbird / Common Scale-backW. poecilinotus) Gr. διχρως dikhrōs two-coloured < δι-di- double < διςdis twice < δυοduo two; χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion; πωγων pōgōn, πωγωνοςpōgōnos beard; "DICHROPOGON, gen. nov. The species which I propose to separate generically have [sic] hitherto been associated with Hypocnemis of Cabanis, but it differs altogether in colour as well as in its proportionate measurements. ... Male and female quite different in colour of plumage. The genus is based on Hypocnemis pœcilonota, Cabanis." (Chubb 1918); "Dichropogon Chubb, 1918, Annals Magazine Natural History, 9th ser., II, p. 124 (not of Bezzi, 1910 (Diptera)). Type, by monotypy, Hypocnemis poecilinota Cabanis, 1847." (JAJ 2022).

dichrorhyncha / dichrorhynchus

Gr. διχρως dikhrōs two-coloured < δι-di- double < διςdis twice < δυοduo two; χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


Gr. διχρως dikhrōs two-coloured; στερνον sternon breast.

dichroura / dichrourus

Gr. διχρως dikhrōs two-coloured < δι-di- double < διςdis twice < δυοduo two; χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουρα oura tail.


Gr. dikhrous two-coloured < δι- di- double < διςdis twice < δυοduo two; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


(Thamnophilidae; Banded Antbird D. cincta) Gr. δι-di- double < διςdis twice < δυοduo two; χροιαkhroiacolour; ζωνη zōnē belt, girdle; "Dichrozona, genus novum Formicariidarum (δις = bis,χροια = color,ζωνη = zona) ... Similar in structure to Myrmotherula SCL., but bill longer, with straighter gonys and decided gonydeal angle, tail relatively shorter, with much narrower and softer feathers, a broad white band across the lower back, and the two wing-bands underlaid by similar bands on sub-basal portion of secondaries and greater coverts. Type, D. zononota, sp. nov." (Ridgway 1888); "Dichrozona RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Mus., 10. 1888, p. 524 (type by original designation Dichrozona zononota RIDGWAY = Cyphorhinus (Microcerculus) cinctus PELZELN)." (Hellmayr, 1924, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. III, p. 165); "59. Dichrozona cincta ... Specimens from extreme ends of range differ in plumage coloration; possible races stellata (E Ecuador, W Brazil) and zononota (WC Brazil, N Bolivia) described primarily on basis of darknessand coloration of crown and back, darkness and extent of grey on flanks, and size and number of breast spots, but comparative documentation appears insufficient; further study required." (del Hoyo and Collar, 2016, HBW Illustrated Checklist, 2, Passerines, p. 38).


(Dicruridae; syn. Dicrurus Tablas Drongo D. menagei) Portmanteau of generaDicrurus Vieillot, 1816, drongo, andChibia Hodgson, 1836, drongo; "There is one peculiarly developed form which is confined to a small island of Tablas, one of the Philippine group. It was called Chibia menagei by all the previous writers ...Chibia menagei has an intermediate character between Chibia and Dicrurus and it cannot reasonably be classified with Chibia as it used to be or into Dicrurus therefore this bird should have a genus of its own which should be placed between Chibia and Dicrurus: I propose to call it Dicrachibia gen. nov. Monotype —D. menagei. The Philippine fauna consists of a most complicated intermediation of Oriental and Australian elements and Dicrachibia shows some affinities to Dicranostreptus of New Ireland."(Hachisuka 1928) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Dicrachibia Hachisuka, 1928, Tori, V (25), p. 23. Type, by original designation, Chibia menagei auct., i.e. Bourns and Worcester, 1894." (JAJ 2020).

Gr. δικρος dikros forked; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
Gr. δικρος dikros forked, bifurcate; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

(Semnornithidae; syn. Semnornis Prong-billed Barbet S. frantzii) Gr. δικρος dikros bifurcate; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "DICRORHYNCHUS* genus nov. (Capitonidæ.) Related to Semnornis Richmond, but differing in having the maxilla much less swollen basally, and of the same color as the remainder of the bill; with the maxillary ridge narrower and sharperand with the nasal slit less pronounced; with the color pattern of the whole body very different, having none of the vivid and contrasted colors of Semnornis, but plainly and uniformly colored both above and below.Type. —Tetragonops frantzii Sclater. ... *(δικροος, bifurcate; υγχος, bill)." (Carriker 1910); "Dicrorhynchus Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 571 (Type [by original designation] Tetragonops frantzii Sclater)." (Cory, 1919, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. II (2), p. 360).

dieffenbachi / dieffenbachii

Prof. Dr Johann Karl Ernst Dieffenbach (1811-1855) German geologist, naturalist, humanist, collector in New Zealand 1839-1841 (‡Hypotaenidia, syn. Petroica macrocephala).


(Hirundinidae; syn. PygochelidonϮ Black-collared Swallow P. melanoleuca) Gr. διπλοος diploos double <δυο duo two; χελιδων khelidōn, χελιδονοςkhelidonos swallow; "Diplochelidon, new genus. Nearest Orochelidon, but differing in having the tail more than three-fourths as long as wing, forked for one half of its length, the lateral rectrices attenuate; nasal fossæ very small, occupying much less than basal half of maxilla. Type, Hirundo melanoleuca Maximilian. ... ‡Διπλοος, double;χελιδων, a swallow; with reference to its resemblance to swallows of two different types." (Ridgway 1903); "Diplochelidon Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16, p. 106. Type, by original designation, Hirundo melanoleuca Wied." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 90).


(Thraupidae; syn. Piranga Lowland Hepatic Tanager P. flava) Gr. διπλος diplos double < δυο duo two; χειλος kheilos lip, edge; "Diplochilus xanthochlorus W. Bertoni (gen. n.) ... (Etim.: del gr. diplos, doble, y cheilos, labio; de xanthos, amarillo, y chloros, verde. ... El pico mas delgado y algo corvo; la pieza superior tiene un diente ú ondulación á 9mm. de la punta. Los labios filosísimos; la mandíbula superior tiene dentro otro labio filoso, paralelo y tan notable como el exterior; en la cavidad que hay entre esos dos labios, entra el de la mandíbula inferior cuando cierra la boca; aquella es más alta y excavada que la superior" (Bertoni 1901); "Diplochilus Bertoni, Anal. Cient. Parag., 1, No. 1, p. 88, 1901—type, by monotypy, Diplochilus xanthochlorus Bertoni = Saltator flavus Vieillot." (Hellmayr, 1936, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. IX, p. 271).


(Trochilidae; syn. Doricha † Slender Sheartail D. enicura) Gr. δολιχος dolikhos long; "Gen. Myrtis Rchb.: Wir stellten Doricha (!) Rchb. früher als nicht zu trennendes Gattungs-Synonym zu Myrtis; doch kann man auch mit Gould Myrtis nur für M. Franciscae, (wie Ornismya Fanny (!) Less. nach Sclater besser zu latinisiren sein wird,) und M. Yarrelli (Trochilus Yarrellii Bourc.) beibehalten und das sinnlose wahrscheinlich nur verdruckte Doricha (!) Rchb. in Dolicha von δολιχος (lang, gestreckt) verbessernd die drei andern Arten der durch ihre breitern Steuerfedern characterisirten Gattung sondern als D. Elisae Gould (Trochilus Elisa Less.), D. henicura Rchb. (Trochilus enicurus (!) Vieill.) und D. Evelinae Gould (Trochilus Evelinae Bourc.)." (Heine 1863); "Dolicha Heine, 1863, Journal für Ornithologie, XI, p. 208. New name for Doricha Reichenbach, 1854, considered barbarous (it seems Heine did not appreciate the classical origin of Doricha)." (JAJ 2021).

dolichonia / dolichonyx

Gr. δολιχος dolikhos long; ονυξ onux, ονυχοςonukhos claw, nail.


(Icteridae; Ϯ Bobolink D. oryzivorus) Gr. δολιχος dolikhos long; ονυξ onux, ονυχοςonukhos claw, nail; "G.DOLICHONYX. Swains. in Zool. Journ. No. 10. Dolichonyx orzivorus [sic]. Sw. Wilson ii. pl. 12. f. 1, 2. Table land." (Swainson 1827 (Philos. Mag., ser. 2, I);"DOLICHONYX. Rostrum breve, conicum, acutum, immarginatum. Alæ longæ, attenuatæ; remigibus 1ma et 2da æqualibus, longissimis. Cauda scansoria, subgradata; rectricibus rigidis, abrupte acuminatis. Pedes graciles, longiusculi; digitis longis; unguibus gracilibus, acutis, subcurvatis. ...Type. Emberiza oryzivora. Wilson, 2. Pl. 12. fig.1. This singular bird is distinguished from all its congeners by having a tail perfectly scansorial; not merely worn, but formed precisely upon the same model as that of Dendrocolaptes." (Swainson 1827 (Zool. Journal, III)); "Dolichonyx Swainson, 1827, Philos. Mag., new ser., 1, p. 435. Type, by monotypy, Fringilla oryzivora Linnaeus." (Blake in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 201).
Var. Dolichonix, Doliconyx, Dolychonyx, Dolychronyx, Dolychonix.
Synon. Dolychoeix.


(Picidae; syn. Xiphidiopicus Cuban Green Woodpecker X. percussus) Gr. δολιχος dolikhos long; Late Gr. πικος pikos woodpecker < L. picus woodpecker; "957.Chloronerpes percussus ... Dendrobates percussus GRAY. Chloronerpes —BONAP. Er gehört vielleicht mehr zu Colaptes, wie sein ganzer Habitus und seine Zeichnung verkündet, wenn auch die Farbe der Oberseite an Chloronerpes erinnert, vergl. diese Gattung. Dolichopicos —BP. zigodatt. —Insel Cuba: POPPING." (Reichenbach 1854); "Dolichopicos REICHENBACH,1 ... 1 He cites "Bp. zigodatt.," as if named there, but Bonaparte wrote it Xiphidiopicus (Consp. Voluc. Zygod., p. 11" (Richmond 1917); "Dolichopicos "Bp." Reichenbach, 1854, Icones ad Synopsin Avium, Cont. XII, Scansoriae. C. Picinae, p. 408. Type, by monotypy, Chloronerpes percussus, i.e. Picus percussus Temminck, 1826." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. δολιχος dolikhos long; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερονpteron wing.

dolichorhynchum / dolichorhynchus

Gr. δολιχος dolikhos long; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


Gr. δολιχος dolikhos long; -ουρος -ouros -tailed < ουραoura tail.


(?Icteridae; syn. ? Dolichonyx) Gr. δολιχος dolikhos long; ονυξonux, ονυχοςonukhos claw (cf. οιαξ oiax, οιακοςoiakos rudder, helm); Kaup's text rails against the chaotic arrangement of the numerous exotic finches, but is confusing, perhaps treatingDolychoeix, the stiff-tailed- or woodpecker-finches,as a sub-division of Eremopterix, or equally well bea merelapsus for Dolychonix, i.e. Dolichonyx Swainson, 1827, bobolink; "Schneefink. Fringilla nivalis. ... Es gibt noch ein zahloses Heer exotischer Finken, die jedoch bis jetzt chaotisch durch einander geworfen und keineswegs in natürlichen Abtheilungen gesondert dastehen; auch müssen sie, je nachdem sie höhere oder niedere Formen repräsentiren, gestellt, und z. B. die steifschwänzigen Finken Dolychoeix, als die Spechte der Finken vor den Lerchen-Finken Eremopterix, angeführt werden; ich nenne so einige afrikanische Sperlinge mit äußerst kurzen Zehen, ziemlich geraden Spornen, stark ausgeschnittenen Flügeln, hohem Schnabel und hellfarbigem Gefieder; und zähle hierzu otoleucaorucigera [sic]etc." (Kaup, 1836, Thierreich, II (I), p. 139).


Gr. δολιχος dolikhos long; ονυξ onux, ονυχοςonukhos claw.

dorcadichroa / dorcadichrous

Gr. δορκας dorkas, δορκαδος dorkados roe deer, gazelle; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Slender Sheartail D. enicura) Doricha of Thrace (fl. 700 BC) a famous Greek courtesan or hetaira; "*Calliphlox ... *β. Doricha henicura (Tr. enicurus VIEILL. 1818.) RCHB. — Centr.-Amer. Guatem." (Reichenbach 1854); "Calliphlox β Doricha Reichenbach, 1854, Journ. für Ornith., I, Extraheft, Aufzählung der Colibris, p. 12. Type, by monotypy, Trochilus enicurus Vieillot, 1818." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Dorichia,Dorycha.
Synon. Amalasia, Amathusia, Piocercus.


Richard Freiherr Drasche von Wartinberg (1850-1923) Austrian industrialist, geologist, zoologist, explorer, collector (syn. Edolisoma schisticeps).


(Nectariniidae; Golden-winged Sunbird D. reichenowi) Gr. δρεπανον drepanon sickle, scythe <δρεπανη drepanē sickle < δρεπω drepō to pluck; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Drepanorhynchus n. g. Fschr. u. Rchw. Die beiden mittelsten Schwanzfedern bei den alten Männchen stark verlängert und schmal, derübrige Theil des Schwanzes gerade. Schnabel länger als der Lauf und sehr stark gebogen. Typus: Drepanorhynchus Reichenowi Fschr." (Fischer & Reichenow 1884); "Drepanorhynchus Fischer & Reichenow, Journ. Orn. 1884, p. 56. Type by original designation, Drepanorhynchus reichenowi Fisch." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 685).
Var. Depranorhynchus.
●(Thraupidae; syn. Sporophila Temminck's Seedeater S. falcirostris) Gr. δρεπανον drepanon sickle, scythe; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "DREPANORHYNCHUS, gen. nov. (1). Ce genre offre les caractères généraux des Spermophilæ, mais s'en distingue par la forme du bec. La mandibule supérieure est plus petite que l'inférieure, recourbé et ses bords fortementéchancrés en forme de faucille; mandibule inférieure très haute près de sa base, puis se rétrécissant brusquement en ligne droite vers la pointe; narines basales, elliptiques. Je place dans ce genre, outre l'espèce nouvelle décrite ci-dessous et qui en est le type, les Pyrrhula falcirostris Tem. et le Spermophila superciliaris Pelz. (Sporophila Euleri Cab.). 2. DREPANORHYNCHUS SCHISTACEUS, sp. nov." (A. Dubois 1894); "Drepanorhynchus (not of Fischer and Reichenow, 1884) Dubois, Mém. Soc. Zool. France, 7, p. 400, 1894—type, by orig. desig., Drepanorhynchus schistaceus Dubois = Pyrrhula falcirostris Temminck." (Hellmayr, 1938, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. XI, p. 171).
Var. Drepanorrhynchus.
● see Drepanorhamphus


(Glareolidae; syn. Glareola Collared Pratincole G. pratincola) Gr. δρομος dromos runner < τρεχω trekhō to run; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "1. Dromochelidon Mh. Läuferschwalbe. 224. Dr. natrophila Mh. Die Natron-Läuferschwalbe (Glareola torquata et austriaca auct.) Poln. Piascowiek. ... Was seinen bisherigen Namen betrifft, muß ich bemerken, daß Glareola einen falschen Begriff erzeugt, indem der Vogel nicht auf Sand und Grieß, sondern auf Brachäckern, Viehweiden u., welche falzige Sümpfe und Kothlaken in der Nähe haben, wohnt und nistet; torquata dagegen eine Eigenschaft bezeichnet, welche alle Arten gemeinschaftlich haben, deßwegen passender als Gattungsname gebraucht worden wäre. Eben so wenig taugt austriaca, indem der Vogel in Oesterreich zu den seltenen gehört, dagegen in den meisten östlichen Ländern gemein ist" (Landbeck 1842); "Dromochelidon Landbeck, 1842, Isis von Oken, col. 199. New name for Glareola Brisson, 1760, considered to imply an incorrect habitat. Landbeck also sought to change the specific names torquata (too generalised) and austriaca (too rare in that country)." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Dromochelidora.


(Scotocercidae; syn.Horornis FijiBush Warbler H. ruficapilla badiceps) Gr. δρυμος drumos copse, wood; χαιρω khairō to rejoice; "DRYMOCHÆRA, gen. nov. (δρυμος, sylva; χαιρω, gaudeo.) The systematic position of this new and curious Malurine form is between Camaroptera and Orthotomus. The former has a much shorter, rounded tail; Orthotomus, on the contrary, has a cuneate tail, whereas in this genus the tail is only graduated. The wings are a little longer and less rounded than in Orthotomus, the fifth and sixth quills being the longest, the fourth and seventh scarcely shorter, the first considerably shortened, half of the fifth; the bill is straight, attenuated and subulate, a little more robust than in Orthotomus, as are likewise the legs and feet. DRYMOCHÆRA BADICEPS, sp. nov. ... Mr. Kleinschmidt discovered this remarkable little bird during an expedition into the interior of Viti-Levu, but could only obtain a single specimen." (Finsch 1876); "Drymochaera Finsch, 1876 (June), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 19. Type, by monotypy, Drymochaera badiceps Finsch." (Watson in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 8).


(Muscicapidae; syn. Heteroxenicus Gould's Shortwing H. stellatus) Gr. δρυμοχαρης drumokharēs delighting in the woods < δρυμος drumos wood; χαιρω khairō to rejoice; "BRACHYPTERYX (DRYMOCHARES) STELLATUS, sp. nov. ... Hab. Nepaul. ... shot on the dense scrubby side of the mountains, at an elevation of about 10,000 feet. In its structure and in its dense and silky plumage this bird is so closely allied to the smaller members of the genus Brachypteryx as scarcely to be removable from them; and I should not have ventured to suggest a separate generic title, were there not so great difference in its colour and markings. The beautiful stellations of the breast render it specifically different from every other bird with which I am acquainted, while the black crescentic wavy lines of the chest and the chestnut colouring of the back distinguish it from allthe species of the genusBrachypteryx, to which in the lengthened form of its thighs, tarsi, and toes, it bears a striking resemblance. Ornithologists may please themselves as to the adoption or rejection of the new generic name proposed. Some may be inclined to regard the bird as a member of the old genus, while others may consider its colour, markings, and tout ensemble sufficiently different to justify the divisional name of Drymochares." (Gould 1868); "Drymochares Gould, 1868, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 218 (not of Mulsant, 1847 (Coleoptera)). Type, by monotypy, Brachypteryx (Drymochares) stellatus Gould, 1868." (JAJ 2019).


(Cisticolidae; Ϯ Red-winged Grey Warbler D. incana) Gr. δρυμος drumos copse, wood; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "DRYMOCICHLA, gen. MALURINARUM. Char. gen.Rostrum gracile, breviusculum, integrum, rectum, subulatum, carinatum, culminis parte apicali subcurvata, gonyde apicem versus conspicue ascendente; nares longitudinales, apertæ; vibrissæ obsoletæ. Alæ subconvexæ, breves, caudæ basin parum superantes, obtusæ, remige 1. spurio, 2. multolongiore, 3-5. subæqualibus, cæteris longioribus, 6. et 7. vix brevioribus. Cauda longiuscula, subgradata; mollis, rectricibus angustus. Pedes parvi, debiles; tarsus scutellatus; ungues minimi, pollicis fortior. 4. DRYMOCICHLA INCANA, n. sp. (Plate LX. fig. 2.) ... The curious orange-yellow markings of the wing contrast strikingly with the fine light grey of the upper parts. ... The systematic position of this elegant form is also with the Malurinæ, Sundev." (Hartlaub 1881); "Drymocichla Hartlaub, 1881, Proc. Zool. Soc. London (1880), p. 625. Type, by monotypy, Drymocichla incana Hartlaub." (Traylor in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 153).


(Muscicapidae; syn.Dessonornis Olive-flanked Robin Chat D. anomalus) Gr. δρυς drus, δρυος druos tree (originally the oak tree); κιχλη kikhlē thrush; -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Genus DRYOCICHLOIDES nov. Type species: Callene anomala Shelley, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, vol. xiii, 1903, p. 61. Differs from Cossypha, as defined above, in the proportionately shorter, rounder and uniform reddish or red-brown tail, lacking any trace of the patterning of rufous and black present in the Cossypha assemblage. The rectrices are also rather narrower and more pointed apically. ... Etymology: Dryocichloides, Greek, thrush-like birds of trees andshrubs. Gender: masculine. ... Remarks: The coterie of species now grouped in this new genusare of medium size, variably coloured but generally rufous ventrally. All are separable at the generic level from other Ethiopian forest-dwelling robins in the relatively shorter, rounded and uniformly red or reddish tail. The bill is broad with the rictal bristles less than half its length and the legs are short and gracile in the bocagei species group, and the bill finer and rictal bristles vestigial, the legs longer and more robust in the D. anomalus and montanus superspecies." (Irwin & Clancey 1974) (OD per Mark Brown); "Dryocichloides Irwin and Clancey, 1974, Arnoldia (Nat. Museums Rhodesia), 6 (34), p. 15. Type, by original designation, Callene anomala Shelley, 1903." (JAJ 2021).


(Accipitridae; syn. CircaetusϮ Congo SnakeEagle C. spectabilis) Gr. δρυς drus,δρυος druos tree; τριορχης triorkhēshawk, buzzard < τρεις treis, τρια tria three; ορχις orkhis testicle (see Triorchis); "I RECEIVED in one of my last consignments from the interior of Fantee an adult specimen of the Astur spectabilis of Schlegel, which seems to indicate to me that we have hitherto been mistaken in referring this bird to the Goshawks, and that it is in fact an Aquiline form, with tarsi reticulated both before and behind. Mr. Sharpe has examined the bird with me, and agrees that it cannot be placed in any existing genus. I therefore propose to make a new one for its reception as follows:— DRYOTRIORCHIS, gen. nov.* Type D. spectabilis (Schl.); Astur spectabilis, Schl. Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk. i. p. 13, pl. 6.This new genus is allied to Circaëtus, from which it differs in its short wing and long tail. The latter is nearly as long as the wing itself, the difference between them being less than the length of the tarsus. It differs from Herpetotheres, in which Prof. Schlegel was inclined to place it, inits oval nostrils, and from Spilornis in its lanceolate crest as well as the proportions of the wing and tail. ... *δρυς, quercus, etτριορχης, accipiter." (Shelley 1874);"Dryotriorchis Shelley, Ibis, 1874, p. 90. Type by original designation, Astur spectabilis Schleg." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, p. 62).
Var. Drytriorchis.

dschindschica / dschindschicus
German Dschindschi Gingi, Coromandel Coast (= Gingee, Tamil Nadu, India).
● ex “Merle gris de Gingi” of Sonnerat 1782 (syn. Turdoides affinis).
● ex “Vautour de Gingi” of Sonnerat 1782 (syn. Neophron percnopterus ginginianus).
duchaillei (See: duchaillui)

Paul Belloni du Chaillu (?1831-1903) French explorer in central Africa 1855-1859, 1863-1865, hunter, anthropologist (Buccanodon, syn. Terpsiphone viridis speciosa).

duchallaignei (See: duchassaini)

Dr EdmondPlacide Duchassaing de Fontbressin (1818-1873) French zoologist in the West Indies and Panama (syn. Lepidopyga coeruleogularis).


(Bucconidae; syn. Nystalus Barred Puffbird N. radiatus) Gr. εκχαυνοω ekkhaunoō to puff up; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; "Ecchaunornis gen. nov. Type, Bucco radiatus Sclater. Similar to Nystalus Cabanis and Heine, but differing in relatively much shorter and less compressed bill (culmen, from base, much less than half as long as wing), its width at nostrils equal to about one-third the length of exposed culmen. (Eκχαυνοω, I puff up; ορνις, a bird.)" (Ridgway 1912); "Ecchaunornis Ridgway, 1912, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, XXV, p. 97. Type, by original designation, Bucco radiatus P. Sclater, 1854." (JAJ 2020).


L. echinatus prickly, set with prickles < echinus hedgehog < Gr. εχινος ekhinos hedgehog.


Gr. myth. Ekho or Echo, a woodnymph who could only imitate the last words she had heard. Newton & Newton 1876, wrote of the Echo Parakeet, “Here it is to be remarked that the specific term eques, conferred by Boddaert on the subject figured in the ‘Planches Enluminées’ (No. 215), properly belongs to the Parrakeet of Réunion - the bird there represented being called ‘Perruche de l’île de Bourbon ’, whence De Buffon (Hist. Nat. Ois. vi. p.144) expressly says it was brought, identifying it also with the ‘Perruche à collier de l’Ile de Bourbon ’ of Brisson (Orn. iv. p.328, pl. xxvii, fig.1), who likewise states that it is found there. It now no longer inhabits Réunion, and whether a specimen from that locality anywhere exists is not known to us. Judging from the general dissimilarity of the avifauna of that island and of Mauritius, we should be inclined to suppose that each had its peculiar Palaeornis [=Psittacula ]; and, in the event of this being found to be the case, we would venture to suggest the term echo † being applied to the Mauritian bird, which, no doubt, answers in nearly all particulars to the true eques ... [footnote] † Ήχω, nympha quaedam, imitatrix equitis - sc. Narcissi. Ov. Metam. iii. 380” (subsp.Psittacula eques).


Dr Max Paul Alexius Ehrenreich (1855-1914) German anthropologist, explorer in Brazil 1884-1889 (subsp. Tangara episcopus).


Albert FredericEichhorn (1882-1931) Australian farmer, gold-miner, collector in New Guinea, the Bismarcks, and Solomon Is. (subsp. Aerodramus spodiopygius, subsp. Athene jacquinoti, subsp. Erythrura trichroa, subsp. Leptocoma aspasia, Myiagra, Myzomela,, subsp. Pampusana beccarii,Philemon, subsp. Tachyspiza albogularis, subsp.Zoothera heinei, subsp. Zosterops griseotinctus).


Mod. L. elachior, elachioris smaller < comp. Gr. ελαχυς elakhus small, little.

Gr. ελαχιστος elakhistos smallest, least < super. ελαχυς elakhus small.

(Elachuridae; Ϯ Spotted Elachura E. formosa) Gr. ελαχυς elakhus small, short; ουρα oura tail; "b4. Tail very much shorter than the wing. ... b5. Tail more graduated, the outer feather being only half the length of the tail . . . .ELACHURA, p. 339. ... Genus ELACHURA, n. gen. The Wren which forms the type of this new genus differs conspicuously from Anorthura in having a much stouter bill and a more graduated tail. The plumage ismoreover spotted, not barred.According to Jerdon, it appears that Blyth proposed to separate this bird under the generic name Spiloptera; but this name was preoccupied twice over in Entomology before the date of Jerdon's work and consequently cannot be used for the purpose. In Elachura the sexes are alike and the young are no doubt similar to the adults in plumage. The bill is about half the length of the head andstout. The wing is very short and rounded and the first primary is about two thirds the length of the second. The tail is much graduated, the outer feather reaching only to the middle of the tail,and the tarsus, toes, and claws are long. The only species known appears to be resident and incapable of any lengthened flight. 353. Elachura punctata. The Spotted Wren. ... The Spotted Wren, Jerd.; Marchok-pho, Lepch." (Oates 1889); "Elachura Oates, 1889, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 1, pp. 328 (in key), 339. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Troglodytes punctatus Blyth [= Troglodytes formosus Walden]." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 296). The unique Spotted Elachura was originally treated as a wren Troglodytidae, and then as a wren babbler within the Pnoepygidae or Timaliidae, but it appears to have no close extant relatives.
Synon. Spiloptera.

Gr. ελαχυς elakhus small, little.

Gr. ελαχυς elakhus small, little; -πτερος -pteros -winged < πτερον pteron wing (cf. ελαχυπτερυξ elakhupterux short-finned).


Gr. ελαια elaia olive; χλωρος khlōros green.


Gr. εμπις empis,εμπιδοςempidos gnat, mosquito; χαινω khainō to swallow.
●(Tyrannidae; syn. Cnemotriccus † Fuscous Flycatcher C. fuscatus) "67. EMPIDOCHANES*. Empidochanes, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 228 (1862) . . . . .Type. E. fringillaris. Empidochanes is also not far removed from Myiobius, but the bill is larger and longer, and the rictal bristles are not so much developed. ... 1. Empidochanes fuscatus. ... 2. Empidochanes fringillaris. ... 3. Empidochanes arenaceus. ... 4. Empidochanes pœcilurus. ... 5. Empidochanes salvini, sp. nov." (P. Sclater 1888); "Empidochanes SCLATER (not of SCLATER 1862), Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 14, p. 216, 1888— type Empidochanes fringillaris PELZELN = Muscipeta fuscata WIED." (Hellmayr, 1927, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. V, p. 221).
●(Tyrannidae; syn. Myiophobus Bran-coloured Flycatcher M. fasciatus) "EMPIDOCHANES PŒCILURUS. ... This bird has much the general appearance of an Empidonax, though abnormal in colouring. I place it for the present as a second species of the allied southerngenus Empidochanes, of which the type is Muscicapa oliva, Bodd. (Pl. Enl. 574. fig. 2). This generic term I propose to use in the place of Myiophobus of Cabanis and Heine, as the latter name was previously given by Reichenbach to Myiobius nævius, for which and its allies I venture to employ it" (P. Sclater 1862); "Empidochanes SCLATER, Cat. Coll. Amer. Birds, p. 228, 1862—new name for Myiophobus CABANIS and HEINE a; type (present designation)Muscicapa fasciata MÜLLER. ... a Myiophobus CABANIS and HEINE (Mus. Hein., 2, p. 69, 1859) comprises M. olivus Bodd., anunidentifiable species (based on Daubenton, Pl. enl. 574, fig. 2), and M. naevius (= Muscicapa fasciata MÜLLER). No type appears to have been designated, since Sclater'slater action (Cat. B. Brit. Mus., 14, p. 216, 1888) in selecting Empidochanes fringillaris PELZ. 1868 is inadmissable." (Hellmayr, 1927, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. V, p. 246).


Gr. ενχωριος enkhōrios rustic, of the country < εν en in; χωρος khōros country.


(Alcidae; syn. Synthliboramphus Xantus's Murrelet S. hypoleucus) Gr. ενδομυχος endomukhos secret, hidden < ενδον endon within; μυχος mukhos interior; ουρα oura tail; "MICRURIA Grant. This generic name, as used by Mr Ogilvie-Grant, is preoccupied in Coleoptera by Micruria Reitter. Since by reason of the very long tarsi, tail of 12 feathers, and the absence of any spotted condition of plumage, this appears to be a well-defined group, it may bear the name Endomychura, fromενδομυχος, occultus, andουρα, cauda; the type being Brachyrhampus hypoleucus Xantus." (Oberholser 1899); "Endomychura Oberholser, 1899, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 201. New name for Micruria Ogilvie-Grant, 1898, not of Reitter, 1875 (Coleoptera)." (JAJ 2020). It has recently been suggested that this polytypic genus be recognised and reinstated.


Gr. ενδομυχος endomukhos lurking within, secret < ενδον endon within; μυχος mukhos interior.


Dr Pierre-Henri Engelbach (1890-1961) French surgeon, ornithologist, collector in Indochina 1924-1946 (Heterophasia, subsp. Lophura nycthemera, subsp. Macropygia ruficeps).


(Parulidae; syn. Seiurus Ovenbird S. aurocapilla) Gr. ἑνικος henikos singular, individual; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "ENICOCICHLA, n. Seiurus, Swains. Turdus, Will. E. aurocapilla, (Wils.) n. Wils. Am. Orn., pl. 14. f. 2" (G. Gray 1840); "Enicocichla Gray, List Gen. Subgen. Bds., p. 22, 1840—new name for Seiurus Swainson." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VIII, p. 414).


Gr. ενωχρος enōkhros yellowish < εν en rather; ωχρος ōkhros pale yellow.

ephippiorhyncha / ephippiorhynchus

Gr. εφιππιος ephippios saddle < επι epi upon;ἱππος hippos horse; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


(Ciconiidae; Ϯ Saddle-billed Stork E. senegalensis) Gr. εφιππιος ephippios saddle < επι epi upon; ἱππος hippos horse; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill (cf. specific name Ciconia ephippiorhyncha Temminck, 1824 (= syn. E. senegalensis)): "Bill long, slightly recurved, with distal half (ca 150 mm) deep red, middle third (ca 100 mm) black, and basal fifth (ca 60 mm) covered with deep red fleshy lappet, extending back to eye. Above red lappet is a bright yellow lappet (forming 'saddle'), edged with tiny black feathers." (Hockey et al. 2005); "*101. Ephippiorhynchus, Bp. (Mycteria, part. Gr.) Rostrum altum, magnum, gonyde perascendente; clypeo frontale membranaceo triangulare: regione periophthalmica nuda; lobulo carnoso, ad angulos oris hinc inde affixo: caput collumque plumosa. MYCTERIA senegalensis, Shaw. (Ciconia ephippiorhyncha, Temm. - C. senegalensis, Vieill.? - Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis, Bp.) Linn. Trans. v. p. 32. t. 3. caput. - Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. 64. - Pl. col. 64. - Vieill. Gal. Ois. t. 255. - Bowdich, Excurs. Mad. p. 229. - Rupp. Atl. t. 3. - Reich., Syst. Av. t. 166. f. 444. ex Senegal, Gambia, Abyssinia." (Bonaparte 1855); "Ephippiorhynchus Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 106. Type, by monotypy, Mycteria senegalensis Shaw." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 130).
Var. Epphipiorhynchus, Epphiiorhynchus.
Synon. Mycteria,Xenorhynchopsis,Xenorhynchus.

epichlora / epichlorus
Gr. επι epi somewhat; χλωρος khlōros green.

(Otididae; syn. Neotis Denham’s Bustard N. denhami) Gr. επιλαχων epilakhōn runner-up, he who finishes second (AT; see Manuscript-names).


(Paradisaeidae; Ϯ Black Sicklebill E. fastosus) Gr. επιμαχος epimakhos equipped for battle < επιμαχεω epimakheō to defend < μαχομαι makhomai to fight (I cannot find the bird from the Indies referred to by Cuvier) (cf. "Eπι, to,μαχη, battle, (an unmeaning name.)" (Ashmolean 1836)); "LES ÉPIMAQUES (3). (EPIMACHUS. Cuv.) Ont, avec le bec des huppes et des promerops, des plumesécailleuses ou veloutées, qui leur recouvrent une partie des narines, comme dans les oiseaux de paradis; aussi viennent-ils du même pays, et brillant-il de même par l'éclat de leur plumage. Leurs plumes des flancs sont aussi plus ou moins prolongés dans les mâles ... L'Epimaqueà paremens frisés. (Upupa magna. Gm. Up. Superba Lath.) Enl. 639. ... L'Epimaque Proméfil.... (3) EPIMACHUS, nom grec d'un très-bel oiseau des Indes, d'espèce indéterminée." (Cuvier 1816); "Epimachus Cuvier, 1817, Règne Anim., 1 (Dec. 1816), p. 407. Type, by monotypy, Upupa magna Gmelin = Promerops fastuosus Hermann." (Mayr in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 190). Cracraft 1992, considered this genus to consist of six phylogenetic species.
Synon. Cinnamolegus.

erihtachorides (See: erithachorides)

Mod. L. erithacus robin; Gr. -ιδης -idēs resembling.
● "There is a South American species to which this is closely related, differing in larger size, and in having the entire head all round of a brownish orange. The quills and tail feathers aremuch darker, showing a more vivid contrast with the yellow. This is called "Sylvia ruficapilla, Latham," by Vieillot, in Nouv. Dict. XI, 1817, 228, but is not Latham's species, nor is it the "Sylvia ruficapillus" of Vieillot on a preceding page, (187.) He quotes for it a name of Feuillee in "Observations Physiques, 1714-1725," ofChloris erithachorides, and its description, referring evidently to the bird before me. Should the species, therefore, have received no better name it may be calledDendroica erihtachorides [sic]."(Baird 1858) (cf. “Setophaga petechia … Chloris Erithacoides” (Plumier 1697 (per Pietsch and Marx, 2024, Archives Nat. Hist., 51 (1), p. 132))) (subsp. Setophaga petechia).


Original spelling of specific name Dendroica erithachorides Baird, 1858.

erochroa / erochrous

Gr. εροεις eroeis lovely; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance < χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.

Erythauchoena (See: Erythrauchaena)

(Columbidae; syn. Geopelia Bar-shouldered Dove G. humeralis) Specific name Columba erythrauchen Wagler, 1827 (= syn. Geopelia humeralis); Gr. οινας oinas,οιναδος oinados dove; "84. Erythrauchaena, Bp. (Geopelia, part. Gr.) COLUMBA humeralis, Temm. (erythrauchen, Wagl. - Geopelia humeralis, Gould.) Pl. col. 191. - Knip,Pig. II. t. 5. - Gould, Austral. v. t. 72. - Reich., Syst. Av. t. 250. f. 1383, 1384.ex Austral. univ." (Bonaparte 1855); "Erythrauchaena Bonaparte, 1855, Conspectus Generum Avium, II, p. 93. Type, by monotypy, Columba erythrauchen Wagler, 1827 = Columba humeralis Temminck, 1821." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Erythauchoena,Erythrauchoena, Erythrauchena, Erythrauchenia, Erythruchoenia.


Gr. ερυθρος eruthros red; αυχην aukhēn,αυχενος aukhenosneck, throat.


Gr. ερυθρος eruthros red; χλαμυς khlamus,χλαμυδος khlamudos cloak.

erythrochloros / erythrochlorus

Gr. ερυθρος eruthros red; χλωρος khlōros green, pale (cf. ερυθροχλωρος eruthrokhlōros pale-red).
● ex “Psittacus erythrochlorus cristatus” of Aldrovandus 1599-1603, “Psittacula cristata” of Willughby 1676, Ray 1713, and Brisson 1760, and “Crested red and green Parrot” of Latham 1781 (unident.).

erythrochroa / erythrochrous

Gr. ερυθροχρους eruthrokhrous red-coloured < ερυθρος eruthros red; χροα khroa,χροας khroas appearance, colour <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


(Pellorneidae; syn. Pellorneum Ferruginous Babbler P. bicolor) Gr. ερυθρος eruthros red; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "c6. Rictal bristles large and very strong, reaching to two thirds of the length of the bill. . . . . .15. ERYTHROCICHLA, p. 551. ... 15. ERYTHROCICHLA. Range. Malayan peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo. 1. Erythrocichla bicolor. ... Adult male. General colour above rufous-brown, more rufescent on the forehead and crown, with light shaft-lines, the latter scarcely distinguishable on the back; on the rump a narrow band of silky white plumes, almost concealed by the long feathers of the rump;upper tail-coverts and tail uniform bright ferruginous" (Sharpe 1883); "Erythrocichla Sharpe, 1883, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 7, pp. 506 (in key), 551. Type, by monotypy, Brachypteryx bicolor Lesson." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, pp. 247-248).


(Rallidae; Rodrigues Rail E. leguati) Gr. ερυφρος eruthros red; μαχη makhē battle, combat; apparently the Rodrigues Rail was easily attracted by the colour red, and would attack red rags and cloths; "Ils ressemblaient aussi aux Ocydromes par une singularité physiologique, l'antipathie pour la couleur rouge: 'Si on leur présente quelque chose de rouge, dit Leguat, cela les irrite si fort, qu'elles viennent l'attaquer pour tâcher de l'emporter, si bien que dans l'ardeur du combat on a occasion de les prendre facilement.' ... Genre ERYTHROMACHUS. ERYTHROMACHUS LEGUATI." (Milne-Edwards 1874); "Erythromachus Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat. (5) xix, art. 3, p. 6, 1874. Type by monotypy, E. leguati Milne-Edw." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, p. 102).
Synon. Miserythrus.

erythrorhyncha / erythrorhynchos / erythrorhynchum / erythrorhynchus / erythrorrhyncha / erythroryncha / erythrorynchos / erythrorynchus

Gr. ερυθρος eruthros red; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
● ex “Crimson-billed Duck” of Latham 1785 (Anas).
● ex “Red-billed Creeper” of Latham 1787 (Dicaeum).
● ex “Saw-billed Pelican” and “Rough-billed Pelican” of Latham 1785 (Pelecanus).
● ex “Red-billed Promerops” of Latham 1787 (syn. Phoeniculus purpureus).
● ex “Red-beaked Toucan” of Edwards 1758, and Latham 1781, and “Tucana cayennensis gutture albo” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Ramphastos tucanus).
● ex “Calao à becque rouge du Sénégal” of Brisson 1760 (Tockus).
● ex “Geay de la Chine à bec rouge” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 622, and “Red-billed Jay” of Latham 1781 (Urocissa).


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Red Goshawk E. radiatus) Gr. ερυθρος eruthros red; τριορχης triorkhēs buzzard < τρεις treis, τρια tria three; ορχις orkhis testicle (see Triorchis); "ERYTHROTRIORCHIS RADIATUS (Lath.). Urospizias radiatus, Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 159. ... Mr. Gurney has pointed out to me an error that I made in adopting this species as the type of Kaup's genus Urospizias, whereas Kaup intended his type of that genus to be the Astur radiatus of Temminck (nec Lath.) = A. approximans. I overlooked this by some mistake; and as this Red Harrier Buzzard is really generically distinct, I adopt the name of Erythrotriorchis, with which Mr. Gurney proposes to supplant Urospizias of my 'Catalogue.'" (Sharpe 1875); "Erythrotriorchis Sharpe, 1875, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond.: 337—type (by monotypy) Falco radiatus Latham." (RAOU Checklist Birds Australia, 1975, I, p. 82).

erythyrhynchus (See: rytirhynchos)

Gr. ῥυτις rhutis,ῥυτιδος rhutidos wrinkle; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
● ex “Ypacahá pardo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 372; the “Râle à bec ridé,” ridge-billed rail, of Vieillot 1819 (syn. Pardirallus sanguinolentus).

eschatosa / eschatosus

Gr. εσχατος eskhatos utmost, extreme < εκ ek,εξ ex far from; alluding to the habitat of this form in Newfoundland, north-eastern North America (subsp. Pinicola enucleator).

Prof. Dr Karl Escherich (1871-1951) German entomologist, collector (syn. Pycnonotus barbatus tricolor).
Prof. Johann Friedrich Gustav von Eschscholtz (1793-1831) Russian/Baltic German anatomist, botanist, zoologist on Rurik 1815-1818, and Predpriaetie 1823-1826 expeditions (syn. Thinocorus rumicivorus).

Manuel José Ramón Espinach Bonilla (?1843-1922) Costa Rican landowner, rancher (subsp. Icterus pectoralis).


Robert Daniel Etchécopar (1905-1990) French ornithologist, Director of CRMMO 1954-1976, founding President of EURING1963 (Glaucidium).

etoschae / etoshae

Etosha Pan, Namib Desert, South West Africa /Namibia.


(Thraupidae; syn. Calochaetes Vermilion Tanager C. coccineus) Gr. ευχαιτης eukhaitēs with beautiful hair < ευ eu beautiful; χαιτη khaitē hair; "127. EUCHÆTES COCCINEUS, J. Verreaux, MS., sp. et gen. nov. (Pl. CXXXII. fig. 1.) Coccineus, loris, facie et mento cum gutture et collo antico, alis caudaque nigerrimis:rostro et pedibus nigris.... Its plumage is precisely that of a Ramphocelus, but the structure is quite different, and renders it impossible to place it in that group. The form of the bill is rather that of the true Tanagræ, and agrees more nearly with that of Tanagra olivi-cyanea and Buthraupis eximia, but it is shorter, thicker, and more swollen than in the former, though not so much as in the latter of these birds. The tail is comparatively much shorter than in either of these forms; and altogether it is, I think, impracticable to arrange it in any other way than as a separate generic division, for which the following characters may suffice:—Rostrum forte, breve, carinatum, compressum, culmine arcuato, gonyde ascendente, dente finali distincta, commissura paululum sinuata; vibrissis nullis:alæ longæ, remige prima quartam æquante et a secunda et tertia longissimis paulo superatis: cauda brevis, apice modice rotundata: pedes fortes, sicut in genere Buthraupide: ptilosis coccinea, nigro varia." (P. Sclater 1858); "Euchaetes P. L. Sclater (ex J. Verreaux MS), 1858, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 26, p. 73. Type, by monotypy, Euchaetes coccineus Sclater." (Storer in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 309) (see Calochaetes).


Gr. ευχαρις eukharis,ευχαριτος eukharitos charming, gracious < ευ eu fine; χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace, loveliness < χαιρω khairō to rejoice.


(Nectariniidae; syn. Anthreptes Green Sunbird A. rectirostris) Dim. < Gr. ευ eu fine; χλωρηις khlōrēis, χλωριδος khlōridos pale green < χλωρος khlōros light green; "CLXXVI. ?Euchloridia RCHB. Nat. Syst. suppl. —Schnabel fast gerade, Flügel bis zur Schwanzmitte reichend, Schwanz gleichfederig abgestutzt. —Eine kaum irgend anderswohin passende, nicht mehr bekannte Gattung, deren Vaterland man nicht einmal kennt. 730. E. rectirostris (Certhia —SHAW) RCHB. t. DXC. 4003. —Oberseite und Flügeldecken grün" (Reichenbach 1853); "Euchloridia Reichenbach, 1853, Das natürliche System der Vögel, Scansoriae, B. Tenuirostres, p. 312. Type, by monotypy, Certhia rectirostris Shaw, 1812." (JAJ 2020).


Gr. ευχλωρος eukhlōros greenish, yellowish < ευ eu fine; χλωρος khlōros light green.


(Oriolidae; syn. Oriolus Black-naped Oriole O. chinensis broderipi) Gr. ευχλωρος eukhlōros yellowish < ευ eu fine; χλωρος khlōros light green (Heine 1860, treats this name as a substantive, confusing the Greenfinch χλωρις with the Golden Oriole χλωριων, as did Aelian before him); -ιτης -itēs -like; "Unsere Art ist der Typus der von Bonaparte im Jahre 1854 für die im Conspectus unter der Ueberschrift "Orioli Hippocrepides (capite coronato)" begriffenen Pirole aufgestellten Gattung: Broderipus (!), welche wir als total regelwidrig gebildet in Euchlorites, von ευ und χλωριτης (= Oriolus) umzuändern vorschlagen möchten" (Heine 1860); "Euchlorites Heine, 1860, Journal für Ornithologie, VII (42) (1859), p. 402. New name for Broderipus Bonaparte, 1854, considered barbarous." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. ευχλωρος eukhlōros greenish < ευ eu fine; χλωρος khlōros light green; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird.
● (Cotingidae; quasi-syn. Pipreola † Handsome Fruiteater P. formosa) “45. EUCHLORNIS, De Filippi. — 95. aureipectus, Lafr. (elegans, Tsch.) — 96. formosa, Hartl. — 97. sclateri, Cornelia [sic]. — 98? cincta, Tschudi. (tschudii, Gray.) — 99. melanolæma, Sclater.” (Bonaparte 1854); “Euchlornis “De Filippi” Bonaparte, 1854, Conspectus Volucrum Anisodactylorum, p. 5 (not of de Filippi, 1847). Type here fixed by subsequent designation, Ampelis formosa Hartlaub, 1849.” (JAJ 9/1/2023)
● (Cotingidae; syn. Pipreola Green-and-black Fruiteater P. riefferii) "Il Dott. De Filippi propone due nuovi generi di uccelli nella famiglia degli Ampelididi, sotto-famiglia de' Cotingini, fondandoli sopra specie già conosciute e distinte per l'habitat per la forma del becco, per la qualità delle piume e per le remiganti. Il primo di questi generi, ch' egli chiama Heliochera, ha per tipo l'Ampeylis [sic] rufo-cristata di D'Orbigny e Lafresn: il secondo, cui dà il nome d'Euchlornis del predominio del color verde, ha per tipi l'Amp. Riefferi, Boiss.; l'A. arcuata, Lafr.; l'A. aureo-pectus, Lafr." (de Filippi 1846, Diario dell'Ottavo Congresso degli ScienzianiItaliani convocatiin Genova nel Settembre MDCCCXLVI., No. 5. Sezione di Zoologia, p. 45) (OD per Mark Brown); "EUCHLORNIS. De Fil. (12) {Riefferii. (Ampelis Riefferii. Boiss.) | Columbia ... 12. EUCHLORNIS. De Fil. Rostrum breve, basi minus ampla quam in gen. Cotinga; apice denticulato. Ptilosis laxa, non squamiformis. Remiges primores non angustatæ ut in Cotingis. Color viridis in pictura prævalens. In hoc genere ponendas existimamus. Amp. arcuatam La Fresn. A. aureopectus ejusdem; et forsan etiam A. cinctamTschudi." (de Filippi 1847, Mus. Mediol. Anim. Vertebr., Cl. 2, Aves) (OD per Martin Schneider) (see Heliochera). Laurent Raty, in litt., believes that, unless considered 'not published' under the Code, the Diario of 1846 is a sufficient indication, and that this citation and date should take precedence (cf. "Sept. 1846, was the date De Fil. "announced" the new genus before the Reunion of Ital. scientists, & not the date of publ.!" (Richmond Card Index)); "Euchlornis de Filippi, 1847, Mus. Mediol. Anim. Vertebr., cl. 2, Aves, pp. 12, 31. Type, by original designation, Ampelis Riefferii Boiss[onneau]." (Snow in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 286).
Var. Euclornis.


(Cotingidae; syn. Pipreola † Green-and-black Fruiteater P. riefferii) Gr. ευ eu fine; χλωρος khlōros light green; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; "Gen. EUCHLORORNIS *) Filippi 1846. —Schild-Zuser. Pipreola (!) Sws. 1838. Euchlornis (!) *) Filippi 1846. Pyrrhorhynchus Bp. 1850. Pyrorhynchus Id. 1854. ... *) Wir haben uns vergeblich bemüht, eine bessere Etymologie des Namens Euchlornis (!) aufzufinden, als die von ευ, χλωρος und ορνις, und berichtigen desshalb denselben in diesemSinne." (Cabanis and Heine 1859); “Euchlorornis Cabanis and Heine, 1859, Museum Heineanum, II, p. 103. New name for Euchlornis de Filippi, 1847, considered barbarous and improperly formed.” (JAJ 25/3/2024).


Gr. ευχλωρος eukhlōros yellowish, greenish < ευ eu fine; χλωρος khlōros light green.
● ex “Fringilla euchlora” of Lichtenstein MS (Passer).

Gr. ηυχορος ēukhoros of beautiful dancing < ευ eu fine; χορος khoros dance.

(Thamnophilidae; Rufous-rumped Antwren E. callinota) Gr. ευχρως eukhrōs ruddy, bright-coloured < ευ eu fine, beautiful;χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion; επωμις epōmis,επωμιδος epōmidos point of the shoulder, shoulder; "Euchrepomis genus nov. Type species. Formicivora callinota Sclater, 1855. ...Etymology. Feminine generic name derived from the Greek euchrôs (ruddy, bright-colored) and epômis (point of the shoulder). This refers to the bright yellow or bright orange-rufous coloration of the lesser secondary coverts of males; a character that, within Thamnophilidae, is unique to members of the genus" (Bravo et al. 2012); "Euchrepomis Bravo, Remsen, Whitney and Brumfield, 2012, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 65 (1), p. 287+. Type, by original designation, Formicivora callinota P. Sclater, 1855." (JAJ 2021).


(Psittacidae; syn. Touit Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet T. huetii) Gr. ευχρους eukhrous well-coloured < ευ eu fine;χροαkhroacolour; ουρα oura tail; "Genus: EUCHROURA. Buntschwanzpapageien. Urochroma [!] (1856) Bonap. Naumannia Beilage (Typus: Ps. Hueti Temm.). - Euchroura (1881) Reichenow (Typus: Ps. purpuratus Gm.)" (Reichenow 1882); "Euchroura Reichenow, 1882, Journal für Ornithologie, XXIX (1881), p. 357. New name for Urochroma Bonaparte, 1856, considered barbarous and poorly formed." (JAJ 2021) (see Urochroa).


G. ευχρυσος eukhrusos rich in gold < ευ eu plenty; χρυσος khrusos gold.


(Pittidae; syn. Pitta Elegant Pitta P. elegans) Gr. ευ eu fine, beautiful; κιχλη kikhlē thrush. Reichenbach's 1850, plate LII, labelled Turdinae: Myiotherinae, shows a variety of terrestrial pittas, babblers, antpittas and antbirds; "Eucichla Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Systema Naturale, pl. LII (no specific names given). Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 43), Pitta elegans Temminck, 1836." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Eucycla.

Eupsichortyx (See: Eupsychortyx)

(Odontophoridae; syn. Colinus Crested Bobwhite C. cristatus) Gr. ευψυχος eupsukhos stout, courageous < ευ eu ideal; ψυχη psukhē courage; ορτυξ ortux,ορτυγος ortugos quail; "For the third section I propose the name of EUPSYCHORTYX ... EUPSYCHORTYX CRISTATUS. Crested Partridge. ... It is one of the prettiest members of the genus, and is very sprightly and animated in all its actions" (Gould 1844) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "EUPSYCHORTYX ... Rostrum breve, et gracilius quam in Ortyge; culmine gradatim a basi descendente, tomiis mandibulæ inferioris denticulis duobus parvulis, apicem versus instructis; naribus modice magnis et operculo obtectis; orbitis plumis indutis; caput crista gracili elongata, decoratum; alæ concavæ, et rotundatæ, remige primaria quarta cæteris longiore; cauda brevis, et e plumis duodecim flexilibus confecta; tarsi cum digitis et unguibus modice longi; digitis anticis membrana basali conjunctis. ... The species are:— 9. Eupsychortyx cristatus 10.—— leucotis 11.—— Sonninii 12.—— affinis ... 13. Eupsychortyx parvicristatus 14.—— leucopogon" (Gould 1850); "Eupsychortyx Gould, 1844, Monogr. Odontophorinae, I, pl. 10 and text. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 107), Tetrao cristatus Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Eupsichortyx.

Eurhinorhynchus (See: Eurynorhynchus)

(Scolopacidae;syn. CalidrisϮ Spoon-billed Sandpiper C. pygmaea) Gr. ευρυνω eurunō to widen, to make broad; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; the spatulate bill-tip of the critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper is apparent even in chicks; "Platalea pygmea Lin. cujus existentia a quibusdam Ornithologis recentioribus negatur, re vera existit. Specimen ipse vidi, et forte idem illud, quod in Museo Adolphi et in Systemate Naturæ descripsit Linné, adhuc in Museo Illustr. Thunbergii Upsaliæ asservatum. Thunberg avem iterum descripsit et delineandam curavit in Actis Acad. Scient. Holm. anno 1816. p. 194. Tab. VI.Hæc vero Linneana avicula ad Genus Plataleæ, accuratius determinatum, non pertinet. Neque enim gula extensili, neque loris nec orbitis nudis gaudet; nec pedes ejus longi et semipalmati sunt ut in genere Plataleæ. In omnibus, rostri forma excepta, cum Tringis probe convenit; quare, me judice, proprium genus in sequenti sectione juxte Tringas collocandum, constituere debet, quod quidem genus mihi dicitur EURYNORHYNCHUS. Rostrum mediocre, subteres apice dilatatissimo, subangulato. Nares parvæ lineares, juxta basin rostri, distantes. Pedes breves digitis usque ad basin fissis. EURYNORHYNCHUS GRISEUS, mihi. ... Magnitudo Tringæ Temninckii [sic]." (Nilsson 1821); "Eurynorhynchus Nilsson, Orn. Svecica, 2, 1821, p. 29. Type, by monotypy, Eurynorhynchus griseus Nilsson = Platalea pygmea Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 282).
Var. Eurinorhynchus, Eurinorhychus, Eurinorinchus,Eurinorynchus, Eurhynorhynchus, Eurhinorhynchus, Eurinoryncus, Eurinorincus,Euryrhynchus.


Gr. ευ eu fine, good; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


(Cacatuidae; syn. Probosciger Palm Cockatoo P. aterrimus) Gr. ευ eu fine, good, great; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "ON savoit depuis long-temps qu'il existe dans les Indes des perroquets à bec et joues d'Ara, à huppe sur le milieu de la tête et à queue courte et carrée. Les noms de corbeau des Indes, de grand cacatua, de kakatoës noir, de psittacus aterrimus, de psittacus gigas, etc., furent successivement donnés à ces oiseaux, jusqu'au moment que M. Levaillant fixa plus particulièrement l'attention sur eux [Ara noir à trompe]. ... Ayant par cette discussion porté l'attention des ornithologistes sur le fait organique qui signale sous son véritable point de vue la merveilleuse structure des aras indiens, et ayant, je pense, suffisamment démontré que leur dénomination de ara à trompe est vicieuse, je crois devoir proposer un nom, pour cette division de perroquets, qui rappelat leur réelle organisation. Tel est le nom de microglosse (perroquets à petite langue), sous laquel je les ai annoncés dans le titre de ce mémoire" (E. Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire 1823); "Kleinzüngler (Microglosses), Microglossi ... Die Zunge sehr vorstreckbar, und hornartig und gespalten eichelförmig endend. Das Geschl. Eurhynchus. S. die Beobachtungen von Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire über diese Vögel in den Mém. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. T. 10. p. 186" (Berthold in Latreille 1827); "2. EURHYNCHIDES, rostro compresso; lingua extensibili } 1. Eurhynchus Geoffr." (Billberg 1828); "Eurhynchus Berthold, ed. Latreille, Nat. Fam. Thierreich, p. 74, 1827 (introd. Aug. 30th, 1826). Type (by monotypy): P. aterrimus Gmelin." (Mathews, 1927, Syst. Av. Austral., I, p. 308).


(Hirundinidae; syn. Pseudochelidon White-eyed River Martin P. sirintarae) Gr. ευρος euros south-east wind (i.e. south-east Asia); χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "Peters (1960) can be regarded as the base line for a discussion of the Hirundinidae. He recognized two subfamilies, the Pseudochelidoninae and the Hirundininae. Since he wrote, the Pseudochelidoninae has had a second species, Pseudochelidon sirintarae Thonglongya (1968) added to it. Having seen material of the type species, P. eurystomima [sic], from the Congo and of sirintarae from Thailand I can see no reason to regard them as congeneric. P. sirintarae is, I believe, correctly placed in the Pseudochelidoninae despite our ignorance of its breeding habits. ... The differences in the shape and proportions of the bill and mouth show that they have very different feeding ecologies, sirintarae probably being able to take much larger prey and perhaps in different microhabitats. In view of the differences in morphologhy, ecology and zoogeographic region I propose: — Eurochelidon, gen. nov., with type species Pseudochelidon sirintarae Thonglongya (1968) and no others known. Eurochelidon is feminine and derived from the Greek words Euros, the southeast wind, and Chelidon, a swallow." (Brooke 1972); "Eurochelidon R. K. Brooke, 1972, Bull. BritishOrnith. Club, 92 (1), p. 55. Type, by original designation, Pseudochelidon sirintarae Thonglongya, 1968." (JAJ 2020). The White-eyed River Martin has not been recorded since 1980, and is doubtless extinct.


(Thraupidae; syn. Tangara Burnished-buff Tanager T. cayana) Gr. ευσχημων euskhēmōn elegant, graceful, decorous < ευ eu ideal; σχημα skhēma,σχηματος skhēmatos form < εχω ekhō to possess; "REMARKS ON PRINCE CANINO'S NOTE, "SUR LES TANGARAS," In the Revue et Magazine de Zoologie, March and April 1851. ... P. 13.Calliste must be reserved for the group that contains Tanagra tricolor, Linn., that being the type given by Boié, when he established the genus. For those who consider this group, which I have called "Callistæ flavæ," to require a separate generic appellation, I propose the name Euschemon" (P. Sclater 1851); "EuschemonP. Sclater, 1851, Contrib. Ornith., p. 95. New name for Calliste Bonaparte, 1851, not of Boie, 1826." (JAJ 2021) (see Calliste).


(Estrildidae; Ϯ Dusky Twinspot E. cinereovinacea) Gr. ευ eu fine; Late L. schistus slate < L. lapis schistos type of fissile stone < Gr. σχιστος skhistos cloven <σχιζω skhizō to split; Gr.σπιζα spiza finch; "Die SOUSAs Lagonosticta cinereovinacea ohne allen Zweifel nächstverwandte Art, die Lagonosticta dybowskii OUSTALET, teilte mit dieser das Schicksal, bald in dieses, bald in jenes Genus eingereiht zu werden. Wir sind der Ansicht, daß diese beiden Arten die morphologisch (ob auch phylogenetisch, bleibe dahingestellt) Clytospiza mit Brunhilda (bzw. Estrilda) verbinden, generische Sonderung verdienen und sondern sie deshalb als Euschistospiza gen. nov. Typus (hier bezeichnet): Lagonosticta cinereovinacea SOUSA, J. Sci. Ac. Lisboa 1, 2. ser., 49 (1890)."(Wolters 1943) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Euschistospiza Wolters, 1943, Zoologischer Anzeiger, 143 (7/8), p. 189. Type, by original designation, Lagonosticta cinereovinacea Sousa, 1890." (JAJ 2021).
Synon. Didymosticta.

St. Eustace I. (Insula Sanctus Eustachius) (?= Sint Eustatius, Dutch West Indies).
● ex “Passer africanus eximius” of Seba 1735, “Fringilla insulae S. Eustachii” of Brisson 1760, and “Pinson jaune et rouge” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (unident.).

(Meliphagidae; syn. Timeliopsis Tawny Straight-bill T. griseigula) Gr. ευθυς euthus straight; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "EUTHYRHYNCHUS GRISEIGULA, SCHLEGEL. — Les voyageurs-naturalistesNéerlandais VON ROSENBERG et BERNSTEIN ont recueilli à la Nouvelle-Guinée trois espèces d'oiseaux, quene paraissent rentrer dans aucun des sous-genres adoptés par les naturalistes. Il paraît, toutefois, que ces oiseaux se rattachent aux Méliphages. Ils ont le bec de la longueur de la tête, à-peu-près droit et en al è ne. Leur plumage, à barbes libres, doux et comme soyeux, notamment à la gorge, offre des teintes très-simples, olivâtres et roussâtres. Leur queue un peu arrondie est d'un quart plus courte que les ailes, qui sont passablement arrondies; la cinquième rémige étant la plus longue de toutes. Les pieds sont développés en harmonie de l'ensemble, et l'ongle du pouce est beaucoup plus robuste que ceux des autres doigts. Les sutures des plaques du tarse sont peu sensibles. ... EUTHYRHYNCHUS FLAVIGULA, SCHLEGEL. ... EUTHYRHYNCHUS FULVIGULA, SCHLEGEL." (Schlegel 1873); "Euthyrhynchus Schlegel, 1873, Nederlandsch Tijdschr. Dierkunde, IV, p. 39. Type, by subsequent designation (Salvadori, 1881, Orn. Papuasia e Molucche, II, p. 341), Euthyrhynchus griseigula Schlegel, 1871." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Eutryrhynchus.

Gr. ευτρεπτος eutreptos versatile, ready; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

(Rhipiduridae; Cerulean Flycatcher E. rowleyi) Gr. ευθριξ euthrix, ευτριχος eutrikhos with beautiful hair < ευ eu beauty; θριξ thrix, τριχος trikhos hair; Mod. L. myias flycatcher < Gr. μυια muia,μυιας muias fly; πιαζω piazō to seize; "ZEOCEPHUS ROWLEYI, n. sp. ... Bill blackish, under mandible paler. Bristles very long, some reaching the tip of the bill" (Meyer 1878); "Eutrichomyias— novum genus Muscicapidarum. ... Unter den vielen Kostbarkeiten des Dresdner Museums befindet sich der Typus des blauen FliegenschnäppersZeocephus rowleyi A. B. Meyer. Der Vogel ist m. W. Unicum geblieben und seit 1898 von keinem Ornithologen untersucht worden. Damals wieser zwar Meyer und Wiglesworth auf die Beziehungen dieses Sangir-Vogels zu Zeocephus und Eumyias hin. stellen ihn aber, dem Vorgange Sharpes im "Catalogue" folgend, zu Hypothymis. Bei der Urbeschreibung hatte dagegen Meyer die Gattung Zeocephus vorgezogen und die Verwandtschaft mit Philentoma, Monarcha, Zeocephus cyanescens und Hypothymis puella andedeutet. "Zeocephus rowleyi also reminds one somewhat of Hypothymis puella (Wall.), from Celebes, and it may, perhaps, be regarded as representing this species on the Sangi Islands" (l. c. S. 164). Diese Bemerkung mag Mathews zur subspezifischen Auffassung des Vogels als Hypothymis puella rowleyi veranlaßt haben. Die bisherigen Einordnung können nicht befriedigen. Der Vogel hat vielmehr soviel eigenartige Züge, daß ich vorschlage, ihn in eine besondere Gattung zu stellen, die Eutrichomyias gen. nov. heißen möge. Als Typus der Gattung gelte Zeocephus rowleyi A. B. Meyer. Kennzeichen: Aehnlich Hypothymis Boie, aber Schnabel relativ größer, Oberschnabel höher, ein wenig stärker gekielt, Nasengruben größer und daher mehr von ihren Wänden zeigend, Nasengruben weiter nach der Schnabelspitze gerückt. Beborstung am Ober- und Unterschnabelgrund viel reichlicher, Borsten steifer und bis zur Ebene der Schnabelspitze nach vorn reichend. Tarsus kräftiger, mehr als doppelt so lang; Hinterzehe ohne Kralle fast so lang wie der Schnabel vom Nasenloch aus. Tarsus 1,6 mal so lang wie der exponierte Culmen. 2. Schwinge länger als die Armschwingen, nur wenig kürzer als die 8. Handschwinge (von außen), bei Hypothymis kürzer als die Armschwingen. Schwanz wesentlich kürzer als die Flügel, nicht fast ebenso lang."(Meise 1939) (Laurent Raty in litt.); "Eutrichomyias Meise, 1939, Ornith. Monatsberichte, 47 (5), p,. 134. Type, by original designation, Zeocephus rowleyi Meyer, 1878." (JAJ 2021). The aberrant Cerulean Flycatcher, formerly considered extinct but rediscovered on Sangihe I. in 1995, is remarkable for its very long rictal bristles. A recent study (Jønsson et al. 2018) indicates that this flycatcher should be treated as a relict of the Lamproliidae.


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Madagascar Serpent Eagle E. astur) Gr. ευ eu fine, another; τριορχης triorkhēs buzzard < τρεις treis, τρια tria three; ορχις orkhis testicle (see Triorchis); "EUTRIORCHIS, gen. nov. Belongs to the group of bare-legged Eagles, and is closely allied to Spilornis and to Dryotriorchis, more particularly to the last, as might have been expected. It differs principally in having a full and rounded crest, all the plumes being rounded and not lanceolate; and it is unlike any of the other Harrier-Eagles in the extreme shortness of the wing, while the tail is inordinately long and equals the wing in dimensions. Just as Urotriorchis macrourus is the longest-tailed form of Goshawk yet known, so Eutriorchis is the longest-tailed Harrier-Eagle yet discovered. From Spilornis, which it resembles in the fulness and form of its crest, it differs in the length of tail and in its feathered lores. The type is EUTRIORCHIS ASTUR, sp. n. ... This new species has been discovered by Mr. Crossley in the southern portion of Madagascar. The affinities of the genus have been indicated above; and I have only to add that its general coloration resembles that of a Goshawk, and suggested the specific name to me." (Sharpe1875);"Eutriorchis Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 73. Type by original designation, Eutriorchis astur Sharpe." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, p. 63).


(Parulidae; syn. Seiurus Ovenbird S. aurocapillus) Gr. εξοχος exokhos excellent; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Exochocichla nob., Henicocichla GRAY, Sejurus SWAINS. (Motacillae spec. L., GMEL.) Sp. Exochocichla auricapilla ... Exochocichla noveboracensis" (van der Hoeven 1856); "Exochocichla van der Hoeven, Handb. Zool., 2, p. 537, 1852-56—new name for Seiurus Swainson." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VIII, p. 414).


Gr. εκ ek,εξ ex without;ωχραōkhra yellow-ochre (cf.ωχροςōkhros pale yellow).

Gr. εξοτολον exotolon conspicuous, remarkable; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
Capt. John Fairchild (1835-1898) New Zealand master on government steamers and subantarctic islands supply vessels (syn. Cyanoramphus unicolor).

L. fascia band, stripe; Med. L. nuchusnape < Arabic nukhā'spinal marrow.

fedjuschini / fedjushini

Prof. Anatoliy Vladimirovich Fedyushin (1891-1972)Russian zoologist (syn. Dendrocoptes medius, syn. Lyrurus tetrix).

Sámuel Fenichel (1868-1893) Hungarian archaeologist, entomologist, ethnologist, collector in German New Guinea 1891-1893 (syn. Arses insularis).

Lt. Rudolf Graf Festetics von Tolna (1865-?1943) Hungarian traveller in the Pacific 1893-1900 (syn. Opopsitta diophthalma).

Dr Wilhelm Filchner (1877-1957) German scientist, explorer in Tibet and China 1903-1905, Spitsbergen 1910, and Antarctica 1910-1912 (syn. Phoenicurus auroreus).
finchi (See: finschi)

Prof. Dr Friedrich Hermann Otto Finsch (1839-1917) German diplomat, ornithologist, collector (Amazona, syn. Apus horus,‡Chenonetta, syn. Coereba bartholemica, Euphonia, syn. Gallirallus australis, subsp.Haematopus ostralegus, syn. Laniarius aethiopicus major, syn. Malacocincla abbotti concreta, syn. Muscicapa striata, subsp.Oriolus melanotis, subsp. Pachyglossa agile, subsp. Paradisaea minor, subsp. Pellorneum celebense, subsp. Ploceus velatus, Psittacara, subsp. Ptilinopus iozonus, subsp. Pycnopygius ixoides, Scleroptila, syn. Scotornis climacurus nigricans, Stizorhina, syn. Tauraco schuettii, syn. Tropicranus albocristatus) (see finschii).

Finnmark, northern Norway.

(Mohouidae; syn. Mohoua Pipipi M. novaeseelandiae) Prof. Dr Friedrich Hermann Otto Finsch (1839-1917) German diplomat, colonial administrator, ornithologist, collector;"Next as to names. The type of Certhiparus is C. albicillus, and this name must, therefore, be kept for that species. For C. ochrocephalus the oldest name if Mohua of Lesson (1837). Quoy and Gaimard had stated that the Maori name of this species is Mohoua (which, however, was a mistake), and Gray apparently altered the spelling to suit his own views. I see no good reason for dropping Mohua in favour of Clitonyx.For C. novæ-zealandiæ we should have had Phyllodytes of Finsch, but unfortunately that name is preoccupied by Wagler (1830) in Batrachia, and by Gistel (1848) in Reptilia; so that a new one must be substituted. I therefore propose that this genus should be called Finschia, in honour of Dr. Otto Finsch, so well known as an ornithologist, and one who has given us much help in New Zealand." (Hutton 1903); "Finschia Hutton, Ibis, July, 1903, p. 319. Type (by original designation): Parus novæseelandiæ Gm." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 554).


Prof. Dr Friedrich Hermann Otto Finsch (1839-1917) German diplomat, ornithologist, collector (Alophoixus, Ducula, subsp.Erythropitta macklotii, syn. Microcarbo melanoleucos brevirostris,Micropsitta, Oenanthe, syn. Pachycephala citreogaster, Psittacula, subsp. Rhipidura rufiventris, syn. Tauraco schuettii emini, Zosterops) (see finschi).


(Pycnonotidae; syn. Alophoixus † Finsch’s Bulbul A. finschii) Prof. Dr Friedrich Hermann Otto Finsch (1839-1917) German diplomat, ornithologist; genus Iole Blyth, 1844, bulbul (JAJ MS; see Manuscript-names).


● Gustav Adolf Fischer (1848-1886) German doctor, explorer, collector in tropical Africa 1876-1886 (Agapornis, syn. Calamonastes simplex, subsp. Centropus monachus, subsp. Cisticola chiniana, subsp. Cyanomitra veroxii,syn. Eurocephalus rueppelli, subsp. Geokichla guttata, Lamprotornis, Melaenornis, subsp. Mirafra rufocinnamomea, Phyllastrephus, subsp. Ploceus melanocephalus, subsp. Pogoniulus bilineatus, syn. Scotopelia peli, syn. Sylvietta whytii minima, Tauraco, Vidua).
● George Fischer (d. 1908) Dutch surgeon, colonial administrator, collector in the East Indies (Ramphiculus).
● Johann Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim (1771-1853) German palaeontologist, zoologist in Russia 1804-1853 (Somateria, syn. Syrrhaptes paradoxus).

flavinucha / flavinuchus

L. flavus yellow, golden-yellow; Med. L. nuchus nape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


L. flavus yellow, golden-yellow; Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Jane Ada Fletcher (1870-1956) Australian school-teacher in Tasmania, ornithologist, foundation member 1901 RAOU, broadcaster (syn. Malurus cyaneus, syn. Porphyrio melanotus).

Ismael Fortich (d. 1955) Filipino landowner on Bohol (subsp. Ptilocichla minuta).


Ferrante Foschi (1915-1980) Italian lawyer, ornithologist (Jan van der Brugge in litt.) (syn. Alauda arvensis, syn. Pica pica).


Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm Sophus Friederichsen (1841-1915) German publisher, cartographer (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (subsp. Euplectes gierowii).


Norman RobinFuggles-Couchman (1907-1994) British Commissioner for Agriculture in Tanganyika 1930-1962, ornithologist, collector (subsp. Camaroptera brachyura, subsp. Phylloscopus umbrovirens).

Maj.-Gen. Albert Fytche (1820-1892) Commissioner of Tenasserim 1857-1867, Chief Commissioner in British Burma 1867-1871 (Bambusicola).

(Glareolidae; syn. Glareola † Little Pratincole G. lactea) Gr. γαλα gala,γαλακτος galaktos milk; χρυσειος khruseios golden < χρυσος khrusos gold; “Genus Galactochrysea [Galachrysia (!) Bp. 1854].” (Heine and Reichenow 1890); “Galactochrysea Heine and Reichenow, 1890, Nomenclator Musei Heineani Ornithologici, p. 338. New name for Galachrysia “Bp.” G. Gray, 1855, considered incorrectly formed.” (JAJ 18/5/2024).


(Galbulidae; Ϯ White-eared Jacamar G. leucotis) Portmanteau of generaGalbula Brisson 1760, jacamar, and Alcyone Swainson, 1837, kingfisher, and Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "Jacamaralcyonide à oreillons blancs. —Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis ... Cette espèce de Jacamar, curieuse par le développement presque monstrueux de son bec, nous a paru devoir former dans cette famille un nouveau genre auquel nous donnons le nom qui précède ... Car par son bec et par sa forme trapue et si exceptionnellement ramassée, il indique bien mieux que le G. tridactyla par ses pattes, le passage et la transition des vrais Jacamars (Galbula) aux Martins-Pêcheurs (Alcyon et Alcedo). C'est ce rapport de similitude qui nous l'a fait nommer Galbalcyrhynchus, pour le différencier, tout en exprimant la même idée, du nom Jacamaralcyon, de Levaillant." (des Murs 1845); "Galbalcyrhynchus Des Murs, Rev. Zool., 1845, p. 207. Type, by monotypy, Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis Des Murs." (Peters, 1948, VI, p. 3).
Var. Gabalcyorynchus, Galbalcyorhynchus,Galbacyrhynchus, Galbalcyrynchus.
Synon. Alcyonides, Cauecias, Jacamaralcyonides.

gampsorhynchus / gampsorynchus

Gr. γαμψος gampsos curved, hooked; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


Charles Gaudichaud-Beaupré (1789-1854) French Navy pharmacist, botanist, explorer (Dacelo).


Gr. γηλεχης gēlekhēs sleeping on the ground < γη earth; λεχος lekhos bed; "from the accumulations of fossil pellets and bones, both on Molokai and Kauai, indicating that owls of this genus roosted at times on open sand dunes or in low dune vegetation." (Olson & James 1991) (‡Grallistrix).


Gr. γελαω gelaō to laugh; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (i.e. sea-swallow or tern) (cf. genus Gelochelidon Brehm, 1830, tern) (syn. Gelochelidon nilotica).


(Laridae; Gull-billed Tern G. nilotica) Gr. γελαω gelaō to laugh; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow (i.e. sea-swallow or tern); "Siebente Sippe. Lachseeschwalbe. Gelochelidon, Br. 1. Die baltische Lachseeschwalbe. G. Balthica, Br. 2. Die Ackerlachschwalbe. G. agraria, Br. (3. Die südliche Lachseeschwalbe. G. meridionalis, Br.)" (Brehm 1830); "Lachseeschwalbe. Gelochelidon, Brehm. ... Sie haben ihren Namen von einem wie hä, hä, hä, dem Lachen eines Menschenähnlichen Geschrei." (Brehm 1831); "Gelochelidon C. L. Brehm, Isis von Oken, 23, 1830, col. 994. Type, by monotypy, Gelochelidon meridionalis C. L. Brehm = Sterna nilotica Gmelin." (Peters, 1934, II, 329); "Gelochelidon C. L. Brehm, Isis, 23, col. 994, 1830—type, by monotypy, "Gelochelidon meridionalis" Brehm = Sterna meridionalis C. L. Brehm = Sterna anglica Montague. ... Sterna nilotica Gmelin (Syst. Nat., 1, (2), p. 606, 1789; ex Hasselquist, Reise, p. 273, Egypt) is doubtful, being described as having flesh-colored feet besides other discrepancies, whereas S. anglica Montague (type, from Sussex, in the British Museum) is of unquestionable pertinence." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 297).
Var. Gelichelidon, Geolhelidon, Geochelidon.
Synon. Chelochelidon,Laropis, Laropsis, Viralva.


(Anatidae; syn. Radjah Radjah Shelduck R. radjah) Gr. γενναιος gennaios noble, high-born < γενναω gennaō to beget; χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; "Genus Gennaeochen Heine [Radjah (!) Rchb. 1853]" (Heine 1890); "Gennaeochen Heine, in Heine & Reichenow, 1890, Nomencl. Musei Heineani Ornith., p. 343. New name for Radjah Reichenbach, 1853, considered barbarous because of its vernacular roots." (JAJ 2020).


(Anatidae; syn. BrantaPahala Goose B. rhuax) Gr.γη ground;χην khēn,χηνος khēnos goose; "Geochen rhuax new genus and species ... the diagnostic characters on which the new genus and species here described are based are found in the tibiotarsus." (Wetmore 1943); "Genus Geochen Wetmore, 1943 Type species: Geochen rhuax Wetmore, 1943: by monotypy and "new genus and species" convention."" (Olson & James 1991); "Geochen Wetmore, 1943, Condor, 45 (4), p. 146. Type, by monotypy, Geochen rhuax Wetmore, 1943." (JAJ 2020). The affinities of this fossil are uncertain; Wetmore considered his new bird allied to Cereopsis.


Gr. γεω- geō- earth- < γη earth; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


(Turdidae; syn.GeokichlaOrange-headed Thrush G. citrina rubecula) Gr. γεω- geō- ground-, earth- < γη earth; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "GEOCICHLA RUBECULA. ... This pretty species resembles in many respects the Red-breast, Erithacus Rubecula, Swains. It belongs to an interesting group, which was first characterized by M. Kuhl, and of which the Society's collection possesses four well-marked species." (Gould 1836); "Geocichla "Kuhl, 1820" = Gould, 1836, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 4, p. 7. Type, by monotypy, Geocichla rubecula Gould." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 144). Kuhl's "characterization" cannot be found ("Said to be in some popular Dutch periodical." (Seebohm 1881)), and this name is perhaps best treated as a variant or emendation of Geokichla.
Var. Geocicla.


(Turdidae; syn. Geokichla Chestnut-backed Thrush G. dohertyi) Genus Geocichla Gould, 1836, thrush; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling; "Kuhl's Ground Thrush appears to form a connecting-link between my sub-generic groups Geocichla and Geocichloides, having the chestnut head and slaty-grey back of the former, combined with the white-tipped greater wing-coverts of the latter, but very little importance can be attached to this coincidence" (Seebohm in Seebohm & Sharpe 1898); "Geocichloides Seebohm, Monograph of the Turdidae, vol. 1, p. 49; Typus hier bestimmt, Geokichla dohertyi Hartert, Novit. Zool 3, p. 555 (1896)" (Wolters 1980) (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.).


Gr. γεω- geō- ground- < γη earth; κιχλη kikhlē thrush.


(Turdidae; Ϯ Orange-headed Thrush G. citrina) Gr. γεω- geō- ground- < γη earth; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Vogels. ... Geo-Kichla singularis." (Macklot 1830) (nom. nud.); "Myiothera loricata, MULL., pl. V. fig. 5. Behoort tot de afdeeling der grootere soorten van vliegenjagers, bij welke de staart iets meer verlengd is, en die door geheele gedaante reeds sterk tot de lijsters (Turdi) naderen. Tusschen hen en dit laatste geslacht staat het genus: Geokichla BOIE, waarvan de Turdus citrinus LATH. de typus is." (S. Müller 1835);"Geokichla Müller, 1835, Tijdschr. Natuur. Gesch. Phys., 2, pl. 3, p. 348. Type, by original designation, Turdus citrinus Latham." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 144).
Var. Geoklicha.
Synon. Cryptocichla, Geocichla, Geocichloides, Geocincla, Pseudoturdus, Turdulus.


(Gruidae; syn. Anthropoides Demoiselle Crane A. virgo) Gr. γερανος geranos crane; αρχος arkhos chief, ruler < αρχω arkhō to rule; "In dem waldärmeren Afrika vertreten ihre Stelle die beiden, merklich größeren und schon etwas langschnäbeligeren Kronen- oder Pfauenkraniche. (Geranarchus: Anthropoides!!!) Auch sie haben eine violettschwarze Hauptfarbe, tragen jedoch am Kopfe eigenthümlich gebildete, kurze und gleichsam beschnittene Federchen, um deren willen sie Manche einem Menschen mit niedriger Sammtkappe haben ähnlich sinden wollen!" (Gloger 1841). Gloger indicates, in passing, his disapproval of the genus Anthropoides, but his text actually alludes to the crowned cranes Balearica.


Vladimir Genrikh Yul'evich Gerkhner (fl. 1918) Ukrainian ornithologist (Laurent Raty in litt.)(syn. Certhia familiaris, syn. Turdus iliacus).

ghiesbrechti (See: ghiesbreghti)

AugusteBoniface Ghiesbreght (1810-1893) Belgian botanist, collector in Mexico 1838-1839 (subsp. Pseudastur albicollis).

glitschi / glitschii

Dr L. Glitsch (fl. 1871) German zoologist, explorer in Siberia (syn. Aquila nipalensis orientalis).


Russian name Глупыш Glupysh for the Northern Fulmar (syn.Fulmarus glacialis rodgersii).


(Meliphagidae; Ϯ Green-backed Honeyeater G. fallax) Gr. γλυκυς glukus sweet; χαιρω khairō to delight in; "Glycichaera, nov. gen. (γλυκυς, dulcis;χαιρω, gaudeo). Novum genus GLYCICHAERA ex fam. MELIPHAGIDARUM ad genera CONOPOPHILAM et GLYCIPHILAM proxime accedens; rostro breviusculo, culmine incurvato; cauda mediocri, paullum emarginata; alis mediocribus, remigibus 4.aet 5.alongioribus et subaequalibus, 1.abreviuscula; pedibus mediocribus; plumis laterum longis, floccosis; statura parva. TYPUS: Sp. 19. Glycichaera fallax, nov. sp. ... Io credei che questa specie potesse essere riferita al genere Euthyrhynchus, Schleg., che invece ho verificato essere identico al mio genere Timeliopsis." (Salvadori 1878); "Glycichaera Salvadori, 1878, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 12: 335. Type, by original designation, Glycichaera fallax Salvadori." (Beehler and Pratt, 2016, Birds New Guinea, p. 301).
Var. Glychichaera, Glycychaera.
Synon. Macgillivrayornis.

Gr. γλυφω gluphō to engrave; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

(Furnariidae; Ϯ Wedge-billed Woodcreeper G. spirurus cuneatus) Gr. γλυφις gluphis,γλυφιδος gluphidos chisel <γλυφω gluphō to engrave; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; “Glyphorynchus. Meißelspecht. Lichtenstein führt in seiner Monographie des Genus Dendrocolaptes einen Vogel unter der Benennung cuneatus auf, der einen so verschiedenartigen Schnabelbau zeigt, daß ich ihn unmöglich bei dem genannten Geschlechte belassen kann. Sein Schnabel hat degegen schon viel Aehnlichkeit mit dem der Steigschnäbel (Xenops), weicht aber auch von diesem ab, und ist deßhalb ein vollkommen natürliches Bindeglied zwischen Dendrocolaptes und Xenops. ... Ich kenne nur eine Species dieses Geschlechts, welche mit Xenops und Dendrocolaptes einerlei Lebensart zeigt. Sie bildet zu ersterem Geschlecht einen vollkommen natürlichen Uebergang. 1. G. ruficaudus. Der Meißelspecht mit gefleckter Kehle. ... Dendrocolaptes cuneatus, Licht. pag. 8. Spix Tab. 91. Fig. 3.” (zu Wied 1831); "Glyphorynchus Wied, Beitr. Naturg. Brasilien, 3, Abth. 2, 1831, p. 1149. Type, by monotypy, Glyphorynchus ruficaudus Wied = Dendrocolaptes cuneatus Lichtenstein." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 22).
Var. Glyphorhynchus.
Synon. Neops,Sittacilla, Sphenorynchus, Xenophasia, Zenophasia.


(Ardeidae; syn. Gorsachius † Malay Night Heron G. melanolophus) Japanese name Goi-sagi for the Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax(see goisagi); “595. GOISACHIUS MELANOLOPHUS. Ardea melanolopha, Raffles, Linn. Trans. vol. xiii, part 2, p. 326. Ardea goisagi (Temm.), Pl. Col. 582; Faun. Jap. pl. 75; Ibis, 1865, p. 358, 1866, pp. 122, 403. Nycticorax melanolophus, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 320. Formosa. Procured also from Japan, the Philippines, Sumatra, Arracan, and Ceylon.” (Swinhoe 1871); “Goisachius Swinhoe, 1871, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 413. Type, by monotypy, Ardea melanolopha Raffles, 1822.” (JAJ 2023).


Jacob Guido von Gonzenbach (1810-1873) Swiss Consul in Smyrna / Izmir, Turkey, who befriended and aided Antinori (syn. Cinnyris erythrocercus).


(Ardeidae; Ϯ Japanese Night Heron G. goisagi) Specific name Ardea goisaki, i.e. Nycticorax goisagi Temminck, 1836 (see goisagi); “122.Gorsachius, Pucheran. (Nycticorax! part. Gr.) Rostrum breve fere CUCULACEUM (LEPTOSOMI!) As. or. 1. ARDEA GOISAKI, Temm. (Botaurus goisagi, Reich. - Nycticorax goisagi, Gr. - Gorsachius typus, Pucheran.) Pl. col. 582. juv.. - Schleg., Faun. Jap. Av. t. 75. - Reich., Syst. Av. t. 149. f. 2566 et 2567. - Mus. Paris. adult. 1829. a Brossardo. et juv. a Temm.ex Japan. nec Ins. Philippensibus.” (Bonaparte 1855); "Gorsachius Bonaparte, 1855, Conspectus Generum Avium, II, p. 138. Type, by monotypy and virtual tautonymy, Nycticorax goisagi Temminck, 1835." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Goisakius, Goraschius,Gorsakius.
Synon. Butio, Goisachius, Limnophylax.


(Ramphastidae; syn. Pteroglossus Lettered Araçari P. inscriptus humboldti) Gr. γραμμα gramma,γραμματος grammatos line, letter < γραφω graphō to write; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "The birds comprising his [Bonaparte's] genus PIPERIVORUS I consider to belong to three distinctgenera. The first - piperivorus - is a true Selenidera - the fourth, Bailloni - an Andigena; the second and third - viridis and inscriptus - might perhaps be separated; but in that case viridis would stand alone in one genus and inscriptus with Humboldti in another, for which the term GRAMMARHYNCHUS might be an appropriate appellation." (Gould 1854); "Grammarhynchus Gould, 1854, Monogr. Ramphastidae, 2nd ed., Intro., p. 26. Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 85), Pteroglossus humboldti Wagler, 1827." (JAJ 2021).


(Ramphastidae; syn. Pteroglossus † Lettered Araçari P. inscriptus humboldti) Gr. γραμμα gramma,γραμματος grammatos line, letter < γραφω graphō to write; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill (see Rhamphastus); “Grammatorhynchus A. Newton, 1868, Record of Zoological Literature, IV (1867), Aves, p. 88. New name for Grammarhynchus Gould, 1854, considered to be given the incorrect grammatical case.” (JAJ 12/12/2024).


Dr JenőGreschik (1887-1967) Hungarian zoologist (syn. Carpodacus severtzovi).


Med. L. griseum grey; nuchus nape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.

griseonucha / griseonuchus

Med. L. griseum grey; nuchus nape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.

Grochelidon (See: OROCHELIDON)

(Hirundinidae;Ϯ Brown-bellied Swallow O. murina) Gr. ορος oros,ορεος oreos mountain (i.e. Ecuadorean Andes); χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "Orochelidon †, new genus. Differing from Atticora, Neochelidon and Notiochelidon in having the subbasal phalanx of middle toe entirely free from the outer toe; from Diplochelidon in having the tail much less than two-thirds as long as wing, and forked for less than one-fourth its length (nearly even in one species), and nasal fossæ occupying at least basal half of maxilla. Type, Petrochelidon murina Cassin (= Hirundo cinerea Gmelin?) ... †Oρος, a mountain; χελιδων, a swallow." (Ridgway 1903); "Orochelidon Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16, p. 106. Type, by original designation, Petrochelidon murina Cassin." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 88).
Var. Grochelidon.
Synon. Haplochelidon.


Harry Hyacinthe Gruchet (1931-2013) French ecologist, conservationist, Curator of Mus. d'Histoire Naturelle de St.-Denis, Réunion(‡Otus).

grundlachi (See: gundlachi / gundlachii)
gundlachi / gundlachii

Johannes Christoph Gundlach (name changed to Juan Cristóbal Gundlach 1876) (1810–1896) German ornithologist, zoologist, entomologist, resident in Cuba 1839-1896 and Puerto Rico 1873, 1875-1876 (Astur, Buteogallus,Chordeiles, subsp. Colaptes auratus,Mimus, syn. Psittacara chloropterus, subsp. Quiscalus niger, subsp. Setophaga petechia,Vireo).


Kenneth MackinnonGuichard (1914-2002) British entomologist of Desert Locust Survey, collector, art dealer (syn. Alectoris melanocephala).


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Bare-crowned Antbird G. nudiceps) Gr. γυμνος gumnos bare, naked; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Genus II. GYMNOCICHLA. Rostrum forte: pileus cum loris omnino denudatus: narium apertura antice posita, ovalis: alæ breves: pedes debiliores, digitus brevibus, unguibus brevibus nec validus; acrotarsiis divisis, paratarsiis integris. 1. GYMNOCICHLA NUDICEPS. Myiothera nudiceps, Cass. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. v. 106. pl. 6." (P. Sclater 1858); "Gymnocichla Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pt. 26, 1858, p. 274. Type, by monotypy, Myiothera nudiceps Cassin." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 227).

Gr. γυμνος gumnos bare, naked; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
Gr. γυμνος gumnos bare, naked; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

(Musophagidae; syn. Crinifer Bare-faced Go-away-bird C. personatus) Gr. γυμνος gumnos bare, naked; genus Schizorhis Wagler, 1829 (=Chizaeris Wagler, 1827), turaco; "e5. Kehle und Gesicht unbefiedert. Gymnoschizorhis Schal. ... 6. Genus Gymnoschizorhis. Gymnoschizorhis, gen. nov. praecedente [Schizorhis] simillimum sed facie tota nuda facile distinguendum. Typus: Chizaerhis personata Rüpp. Dem vorigenGenus nahe stehend. Schnabel stark, Firste sehr gerundet, Oberschnabel vor der Spitze deutlich gezahnt, Unterschnabel stark gezähnelt. Nasenlöcher lang geschlitzt, in eine deutlich tief gebuchtete Rinne auslaufend. Flügel und Schwanz wie bei der Gattung Schizorhis." (Schalow 1886); "Gymnoschizorhis Schalow, Journ. Ornith. 1886, p. 72. Type by original designation, Chizærhis personata Rüpp." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, p. 196).


(Cathartidae; syn. Sarcoramphus King Vulture S. papa) Gr. γυψ gups,γυπος gupos vulture; αρχος arkhos king < αρχω arkhō to rule; "Die in der alten Welt haben, gleich den Geiern, 14, die in der neuen, wie es scheint, immer nur 12 Schwanzfedern. Unter letzteren steht aber der wirklichen Geiern, namentlich in Betreff seiner Schnabelbildung, der so genannte Geierkönig (Gyparchus papa) am nächsten: indem er mit einem ähnlichen Kopfe, wie die Kuttengeier, einem weit hinab kahlen Hals und eine Federkrause, fast wie jene der Kragengeier, verbindet" (Gloger 1841); "Gyparchus Gloger, Hand. Hilfsb. Naturg., 1, livr. 3, p. 235, 1841 (emendation [of Gypagus])." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p. 3).


(Thraupidae; syn. Sporophila Ruddy-breasted Seedeater S. minuta) Gr. γυρος guros curved, rounded; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; Reichenbach's 1850, plateLXXIX, labelled Passerinae: Pyrrhulinae genuinae, shows the equally curved upper and lower mandibles of the seedeaters; "Gyrinorhynchus Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 79, June 1, 1850—type, by subs. desig. (Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., p. 82, 1855), Loxia minuta Linnaeus." (Hellmayr, 1938, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. XI, p. 171).


Capt. Heinrich Georg Clemens Richard Habenicht (1874-1944) German Navy, on survey vessel Planet in German New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago and Palau 1907-1914, captured and imprisoned in Russia 1914-1918 (subsp.Erythropitta macklotii).

hachisuka / hachisukae / hachisukai
Masauji Marquis Hachisuka (1903-1953) Japanese ornithologist (subsp. Chloroceryle americana (ex Chloroceryle americana leucosticta Van Rossem & Hachisuka, 1938), syn. Cinnyris asiaticus intermedius, syn. Cinnyris jugularis frenatus, subsp. Lanius validirostris, syn. Luscinia obscura, subsp. Pycnonotus plumosus).
Himalaya Mts.

Gr. αἱμα haima,αἱματος haimatos blood; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

hagedasch (See: hagedash)

Afrikaans Hagedash, an onomatopoeic name given to the Hadada Ibis by early settlers in South Africa; ex “Hagedash” of Sparrman 1786: “called by the colonists hagedash, and also hadelde. This latter name has, in some measure, the same sound as the birds’ note” (Bostrychia).


Haigamchab, Goanikontes, Swakop River, South West Africa / Namibia.


Gr. ἁπαλος hapalos delicate, soft; χροα khroa,χροας khroas appearance, colour < χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.

Hapalorhynchus (See: Hapolorhynchus)

(Acanthizidae; syn. Gerygone Chatham Island Gerygone G. albofrontata) Gr. ἁπαλος hapalos delicate; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill;"Herr Reichenow spricht über Pseudogerygone albofrontata Gr. von den Chatham-Inseln, die wegen des dünnen schmalen Schnabels und der schwachen Schnabelborsten nicht in die Gattung Pseudogerygone auch nicht in die Familie der Fliegenfänger gestellt werden könne. Der Vortragende erhebt die Art zum Typus einer besonderen Gattung Hapolorhynchus, die nach seiner Ansicht den Certhiidae eingereiht und an Climacteris angeschlossen werden müsse." (Reichenow 1908); "Hapolorhynchus Reichenow, Journ. f. Orn. July 1908, p. 488. Type (by monotypy): Gerygone ? albofrontata Gray." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 467).
Var. Hapalorhynchus.


(Hirundinidae; syn. Orochelidon Andean Swallow O. andecola) Gr. ἁπλοος haploos single, plain; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; “Haplochelidon, a New Genus of Swallows. ... 'H.' andecola differs conspicuously from Orochelidon murina in its nearly even instead of forked tail, and particularly in its very long, full, and broad under tail-coverts, which fall short of the tip of the tail by only about 10mm. These characters are in my opinion amply sufficient to justify the generic separation of this species under the name Haplochelidon, of which it is hereby made the type.” (Todd 1929); "Haplochelidon Todd, Auk, 46, p. 245, 1929—type, by orig. desig. [and monotypy], Hirundo andecola Lafresnaye and d'Orbigny." (Hellmayr, 1935, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VIII, p. 29).


Gr. ἁπλοος haploos plain; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


Gr. ἁπλοος haploos plain; χρωμα khrōma,χρωματος khrōmatoscolour < χρωζω khrōzō to stain.


Gr. ἁπλοος haploos plain; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


(Turdidae; syn. Turdus White-chinned Thrush T. aurantius) Gr. ἁπλοος haploos simple; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Haplocichla * gen. nov. Nearest Mimocichla Sclater but tail relatively shorter (not longer than distance from bend of wing to end of secondaries) and less strongly rounded (nearly even), eyelids normally feathered, and with no white on rectrices, but wing with an elongated white patch involving outer web of two innermost greater coverts. Type. —Turdus aurantius Gmelin = Haplocichla aurantia. ... * 'Aπλους, simple, plain; κιχλη, a thrush-like bird." (Ridgway 1905); "Haplocichla Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 18, p. 212, 1905—type, by orig. desig., Turdus aurantius Gmelin." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 449).


(Mimidae; syn. Toxostoma California Thrasher T. redivivum) Gr. ἁρπη harpē sickle, hook; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "9. *Harporhynchus. (Harpes Gambel 1847). etc. Ueber die natürliche Begrenzung dieser Gruppe haben wir bereits in den Orn. Notiz. I. p. 205 u.f. einige Bemerkungen gemacht. Der neuerdings von Gambel vorgeschlagene Name Harpes ist bereits anderweitig vergeben und macht eine Aenderung nöthig; wir nennen die Gattung daher Harporhynchus (von ἁρπη, Sichel; ῥυγχος, Schnabel)" (Cabanis 1847); "Gen. HARPORHYNCHUS Cab. 1847. **) Sichelspötter. Toxostoma Wagl. nec Rafin. —Harpes Gambel nec Goldf. ... **) Als wir den bereits anderweitig vergebenen Namen Harpes Gambel in Harporhynchus umwandelten, (Wiegm. Archiv 1847 pag. 95—98.) kannten wir den Typus der Gattung H. redivivus nicht und vermutheten nur dessen nahe Verwandtschaft mit Toxostoma." (Cabanis 1853); "Harporhynchus Cabanis, 1847, Archiv für Naturgesch., X (1), p. 323. New name for Harpes Gambel, 1845, not of Goldfuss, 1839 (Trilobita))." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Harporrhynchus, Harporrynchus.


John Bell Hatcher (1861-1904) US palaeontologist (Ammodramus, syn. Muscisaxicola flavinucha).


Hatchizio-shima /Hachijyoshima, Izu Is., Japan.


Dr Friedrich Franz Ernst Adolf Hauchecorne (1894-1938) German zoologist, Director of Halle Zoo, Director of Cologne Zoo (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.)(syn. Tyto furcata tuidara).


Gerhardt 'Gerd' Hermann Heinrich (1896-1984) German/Polish/US field entomologist, zoologist, collector in Poland, the Balkans, East Indies, Burma, Iran, tropical Africa, Mexico, and North America (subsp. Aerodramus vanikorensis, syn. Cacomantis aeruginosus, subsp. Cataponera turdoides, subsp. Chloris spinoides, Cossypha, syn. Dendrocopos hyperythrus (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.), syn. Dryobates minor buturlini, syn. Falco peregrinus ernesti, subsp. Heleia squamiceps, subsp. Prinia bairdii, subsp. Scolopax celebensis, syn. Sturnus vulgaris caucasicus, Zoothera, subsp. Zosterops kasaicus).


(Muscicapidae; ϮGreat ShortwingH. calligyna) Gerhardt 'Gerd' Hermann Heinrich (1896-1984) German/Polish/US field entomologist, zoologist, collector; "Heinrichia novum genus Brachypteryginarum. Langbeiniger Bodenvogel von Cinclus-Größe, mit kurzen gewölbten Flügeln und ziemlich langem Schwanz, der aus 12 sehr dünnschäftigen Steuerfedern zusammengesetzt ist. In struktureller Hinsicht amähnlichsten Brachypteryx Horsfield (Typus: Brachypteryx montana Horsfield), aber Zehen relativ kräftiger, Nägel relativ länger, Oberschnabel-Spitze nicht zu einem scharfen Haken umgebogen, Borsten den Schnabelwinkels länger, Flügel nicht so stark gerundet. Lauf vorn und hinten mit einer ungegliederten Schiene bedeckt. Typus: Heinrichia calligyna Stres."(Stresemann 1931) (Laurent Raty in litt.); "Heinrichia Stresemann, 1931, Orn. Monatsb., 39, p. 9. Type, by original designation, Heinrichia calligyna Stresemann." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 14). This bird was formerly included in Brachypteryx, but it is now considered to be closely related, with Vauriella, to Leonardina.

Heliochaera (See: Heliochera)

(Cotingidae;syn. Ampelion Ϯ Red-crested Cotinga A. rubrocristatus) Gr. ἡλιος hēlios sun; χηρα khēra widow (i.e.considered close to Lipaugus (q.v.)) (cf. χειρα kheira hand (i.e. wing)); "Gen. HELIOCHERA *) Filippi 1846. —Schopf-Zuser. ... *) Auch hier ist es uns nur nach langem Nachsinnen geglückt eine wenigstens einigermaassen denkbare Etymologie dieses Namens aufzufinden; sollte derselbe nämlich vielleicht vonἡλιος(Sonne, Glanz) undχηρα(Wittwe, entbehrend) herkommen und somit mitLipaugusungefähr gleichbedeutend sein?" (Cabanis & Heine 1859) (see Lipaugus); "11. HELIOCHERA. De Fil. (11) {rubrocristata. (Ampelis rubrocristata. D'Orb. et La Fr.). | Brasilia ... 11. HELIOCHERA. De Fil. (sept. 1846). CARPORNIS. G. R. Gray (Decemb. 1846). Rostrum arcuatum, capite brevius, basi ampla, culmine rotundato, mesorhinio elevato, in fronte angulosos. Nares oblongæ in medio longitudinis maxillæ, prope margines, setis nonnullis obtectæ. Ptilosis mollis, sublaxa. Remiges 3.a et 4.a longiores, 1.a et 2.a versus apicem intus emarginatæ. Cauda recta, æqualis." (de Filippi 1847, Mus. Mediol. Anim. Vertebr., Cl. 2, Aves) (OD per Martin Schneider); "Il dottor Defilippi propone due nuovi generi della famiglia degli ampelididi, sotto-famiglia de' cotingini, fondandoli sopra specie già conosciute e distinte per l'habitat, per la forma del becco, per la qualità delle piume, e delle remiganti. Il primo di questi generi, che egli chiama HELIOCHERA, ha per tipo l'ampelis rubro-cristata di d'Orbigny e Lafresnaye. Rostrum arcuatum, capite brevius: basi ampla: culmine rotundato: meshorinio elevato, in fronte anguloso. — Nares lineares in medio longitudinis maxillae prope margines, setis nonnullis obtectis. Ptilosi molli sublaxa. Remiges 3.a et 4.a longiores. 1.a et 2.a versus apicem intus emarginatae. Cauda recta aequalis. Il secondo, cui dà il nome di EUCHLORNIS dal predominio del color verde, ha per tipi l'ampelis rieferii, Boiss. l'A. aruata [sic], Lafres.: l'A. aureopectus, Lafres. etc. Rostrum breve: basi minus ampla quam in gen. Cotinga: apice denticulato. Ptilosi laxa non squamiformi. Remiges primores non angustatae ut in Cotingis." (de Filippi 1847, Atti della Ottava Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Genova, Sett. MDCCCXLVI, p. 449) (OD per Mark Brown;Laurent Raty in litt.) (see Euchlornis);"Heliochera de Filippi, 1847, Mus. Mediol. Anim. Vertebr., cl. 2, Aves, pp. 12, 31. Type, by monotypy, Ampelis rubrocristata d'Orbigny and Lafresnaye." (Snow in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 285).
Var. Heliochaera, Heliochoera.


(Falconidae; syn.Daptrius Striated Caracara D. australis) Gr. ἡλος hēlos wart, stud; τριορχης triorkhēs buzzard < τρεις treis, τρια tria three; ορχις orkhis testicle (see Triorchis). Reichenbach's 1850, plateXCVIII, labelled Aquilinae: Polyborinae, shows the heavily scaled foot of this terrestrial scavenger;"Helotriorchis Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Systema Naturale, pl. XCVIII (no specific names given). Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 2), Falco leucurus Forster, i.e. Milvago leucurus "Forster" Darwin, 1838 = Falco australis Gmelin, 1788." (JAJ 2021).

hemachalana / hemachalanus

Mod. L. Hemachala Himachal or Mahabharat Ranges, Himalaya Mts. < Sanskrit hima snow; acala mountain (Laurent Raty in litt.).


(Muscicapidae; syn. Muscicapa Dark-sided Flycatcher M. sibirica cacabata) Gr. ἡμι- hēmi- half-, small < ἡμισυς hēmisus half; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονοςkhelidonos swallow; "the next singular form, which is a flycatcher in the guise of a swallow, and forms with this one [Chelidorynx] a perfect passage from the Flycatchers to the Swallows. Genus Hemichelidon, mihi. General structure of a swallow, with only something Muscicapan in wings and rictus; bill as in Hirundo exactly, but the gape hardly so wide and slightly bristled; nares round and vertical, as in Hirundo; wings long and pointed; 1st quill spurious, 2nd long, 3rd longest; tail moderate and subfurcate; legs and feet small and slender. Types, H. fuliginosa and ferruginea. ... Found only in the hills, and chiefly the central region; dwell in woods and have the general manners of the Flycatchers, but with a bolder and more continuous flight." (Hodgson 1845); "Hemichelidon Hodgson, 1845, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 32. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds Brit. Mus., p. 53), Hemichelidon fuliginosa Hodgson = Muscicapa sibirica cacabata Penard." (Watson in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 313).


Gr. ἡμιχρυσος hēmikhrusos half-golden < ἡμι- hēmi- half- < ἡμισυς hēmisus half; χρυσος khrusos gold.


Gr. ἡμι- hēmi- small < ἡμισυς hēmisus half; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


(Paradoxornithidae; syn. Suthora Black-throated Parrotbill S. nipalensis) Gr. ἡμι- hēmi- half-, small < ἡμισυς hēmisus half; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill (see Temnoris); "9. Cr[ypsirina]. leucoptera. ... from the Malayan Archipelago* ... *This I have just received, and find that it is properly referred to a separate genus - Temnuris, Lesson. Mr. Hodgson's generic name Temnoris approaches this too nearly. ... Note to p. 933. Mr. Hodgson now suggests the name Hemirhynchus in lieu of Temnoris" (Blyth 1844); "Our singular genus Temnoris (olim Suthora), and which name, if objected to, may give place to Hemirhynchus, is I think a Parian form, being much allied to the small long-tailed Tits" (Hodgson 1845); "Hemirhynchus Hodgson, 1845, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, XIII (cxlvi), p. 31. New name for Temnoris Hodgson, 1841, considered too similar and confusable with Temnuris, i.e. Temnurus Lesson, 1831." (JAJ 2021).


Friedrich Wilhelm Hemprich (1796-1825) Prussian naturalist, explorer in Egypt, the Middle East and Arabia 1820-1825 (subsp. Chloropicus fuscescens, syn. Geronticus eremita,Ichthyaetus, Lophoceros, subsp. Saxicola maurus).


(Parulidae; syn. Seiurus † Ovenbird S. aurocapilla) Gr. ἑνικος henikos singular, individual; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; o Enicocichla Gray Aves 1840. (Scr. Henicocichla).” (Agassiz 1848); “Henicocichla Agassiz, 1848, Nomenclatoris Zoologici Index Universalis, p. 399. New name for Enicocichla G. Gray, 1840, improperly transliterated by ignoring the initial aspirated (= he not e).” (JAJ 20/8/2024).


(Thamnophilidae; Ϯ Bahia Antwren H. pileatus) Gr. ἑρπω herpō to creep about; λοχμη lokhmē thicket, copse; "Herpsilochmus n. gen. (ἑρπω, kriechen, schlüpfen;λοχμη, Dickicht.) Wie die vorhergehende Gattung [Dysithamnus] gleichfalls ein Bindeglied zwischen Thamnophilus und Formicivora und gewissermassen eine Wiederholung von Thamnophilus im Kleine. Unterscheidet sich von Dysithamnus schon genügend durch den stark stufigen Schwanz und das buntere Gefieder, von Thamnophilus durch den schwächeren, seitlich nicht zusammengedrückten Schnabel und von Formicivora durch einen stärkeren breiteren vor der Spitze nicht zusammengedrückten Schnabel sowie durch schmalere Schwanzfedern und bunteres Gefieder. 1. H. pileatus. Myiothera pileata Licht. Doubl. p. 44. No. 479. ... 2. H. rufomarginatus. Myiothera rufimarginata Temm. pl. col. 132. F.1. mas, F. 2 fem. ... *3. H. axillaris. Thamnophilus axillaris Tschudi Consp. No. 95." (Cabanis 1847); "Herpsilochmus Cabanis, Arch. Naturg., 13, 1847, Bd. 1, p. 224. Type, by subsequent designation, Myiothera pileata Lichtenstein (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 42)." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 201).
Var. Herpsiloechmus,Herpsiloehmus.
Synon. Dendrooecia.


(Turdidae; syn. Ixoreus Varied Thrush I. naevius) Gr. ἑσπερος hesperos western; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Turdus nævius should be removed from its position among the Planestici and placed either among Merula, or even assigned to a separate division. ... It is somewhat of a question as to what name should be given to the section of Turdus, of which nævius is the type. Bonaparte, in his Notes on Delattre, states that Turdus nævius, Gm., is the type of his new genus Ixoreus, and that it is not a Thrush at all, but a true Tæniopterien. Dr. Sclater, to whom Bonaparte exhibited his supposed species, T. nævius, states (Pr Zool. Soc. 1859, 331) that it proved to be the Tænioptera rufiventris, of South America, a bird of an entirely different order. Now, on the one hand, Turdus nævius, Gm., is positively stated by Bonaparte to be the type of his genus Ixoreus. Dr. Sclater, however, explains Bonaparte's erroneous ideas of its affinities by showing that he had in view an entirely different species, a fact which only accidently comes to light. Under these circumstances, if Ixoreus is not to be applied to nævius, must it not be assigned to Tænioptera rufiventris, in case that species should need a new generic appellation; or should it be dropped altogether? On the whole I am inclined to adopt the latter view, and accordingly propose the name Hesperocichla. ... Hesperocichla. Turdus nævius. ... This species is not recorded as found elsewhere than on the north-west coast of America, from California northward to Russian America." (Baird 1864); "Hesperocichla Baird, Rev. Amer. Bds., 1, p. 32, 1864—type, by monotypy, Turdus naevius Gmelin." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 424).


(Callaeidae; Ϯ Huia H. acutirostris) Gr. ἑτερος heteros different; αλοχος alokhos wife;alluding tothe striking sexual differences in the shape and length of the bill of the Huia; "Auch die Stellung von Neomorpha Gould wird hier in Betracht zu ziehen sein. Der letztere Gattungsname ist schon früher von Gloger für eine Gruppe der Cuculiden vergeben worden, wir schlagen daher für Neomorpha Gould vor: Gen. Heteralocha. (vonἑτερος, anders, verschieden, undαλοχος,η, Ehegattin.) Typus: H. Gouldi. —Neomorpha Gouldii Gray. N. crassirostris (Mas.) et acutirostris (Fem.) Gould." (Cabanis 1853); "Heteralocha Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p.218. New name for Neomorpha Gould, 1837, considered preoccupied by Neomorphus Gloger, 1827. The name Neomorpha Gould, 1837, has been suppressed (see Neomorpha)." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Heterolocha.
Synon. Neomorpha.

heterochlora / heterochlorus
Gr. ἑτερος heteros different; χλωρος khlōros green, yellow.
Gr. ἑτερος heteros different; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Gr. ἑτερος heteros different; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
●(Fringillidae; syn. HemignathusOahu Nukupuu H. lucidus); "Mellithreptus olivaceus, de La Fr. ... Si nous n'avions consulté que la forme tout anomale du bec de cet oiseau, nous aurions cru devoir en faire nn[sic] genre nouveau ... Si l'on pensait cependant que la forme toute particulière du bec de cet oiseau fût suffisante pour motiver l'établissement d'un nouveau genre, nous proposerions de lui donner le nom d'Heterorhynchus, et alors il s'appelerait Heterorhynchus olivaceus, de La Fr." (de La Fresnaye 1839); "Heterorhynchus Lafresnaye, 1839, Mag. Zool. [Paris], pl. 10. Type, by monotypy, Heterorhynchus olivaceus Lafresnaye = Hemignathus lucidus Lichtenstein." (Greenway in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 98).
●(Timaliidae; syn. Stachyris Blackish-breasted Babbler S. humei) "Heterorhynchus, New Genus. Characters. —Bill in form like that of Stachyris, but longer and deeper, and the section of the lower mandible very square; nostrils long, and horizontally situated in a shallow short groove; they are sheltered by a sort of tect, or small segmental projecting shelf. ...Heterorhynchus Humei, Nov. Sp." (Mandelli 1873); "Heterorhynchus Mandelli, 1873, Stray Feathers, I (5), p. 415 (not of de La Fresnaye, 1839). Type, by monotypy, Heterorhynchus humei Mandelli, 1873." (JAJ 2021).


(Vireonidae; syn. Pteruthius Black-headed Shrike Babbler P. rufiventer) Gr. ἱλαρος hilaros merry, cheerful < ἱλαος hilaos propitious, gracious; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; alluding to the longer tail, like a laughing-thrush;"Genus HILAROCICHLA, n. gen. I propose to separate the following species from the members of the genus Pteruthius on account of its much longer tail, which is quite equal in length to the wing, and the greater graduation of the tail-feathers, the outer falling short of the middle feathers by a third of the total length of the tail. In all other respects Hilarocichla agrees with Pteruthius. 256. Hilarocichla rufiventris. The Rufous-bellied Shrike-Tit. ... Distribution. Nepal; Sikhim; the Nága hills. This is probably a bird of high elevations, but nothing whatever is on record about its habits." (Oates 1889); "Hilarocichla Oates, 1889, Fauna Brit. India, Birds, 1, p. 243. Type, by monotypy, Pteruthius rufiventer Blyth." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, p. 385).


Dr Charles Baker Hitchcock (1906-1969) US geographer, explorer, cartographer, Director of American Geographical Society 1953-1967 (subsp. Diglossa duidae).


● Dr Arthur Ferdinand Heinrich Ritter von Hochstetter (1863-1936) Austrian physician, pioneer in radiology, son of geologist Ferdinand Ritter von Hochstetter (Cyanoramphus).
● Prof. Christian Gottlob Ferdinand Ritter von Hochstetter (1829-1884) Austrian geologist, naturalist, explorer in New Zealand, Turkey and Russia (Porphyrio).

hoeschi / hoeschianus

Walter Hoesch (1896-1961) German farmer, naturalist, collector, resident in Namibia 1930-1938, 1950-1961 (subsp. Ammomanopsis grayi, Anthus, syn. Calendulauda sabota waibeli, syn. Cercomela familiaris angolensis, subsp. Emarginata tractrac, subsp. Eremopterix leucotis, syn. Peliperdix coqui).

holochlora / holochlorus

Gr. ὁλοχλωρος holokhlōros all-green, all-yellow < ὁλος holos entire; χλωρος khlōros green.

Homochlamis (See: Homochlamys)

(Scotocercidae; syn. Horornis Korean Bush Warbler H. canturians) Gr. ὁμοιος homoios like, similar < ὁμως homōs alike; χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos mantle; "Homochlamys nov. gen. (da ὁμοιος simile e χλαμυς clamide). ... Questo genere ha molta affinità col genere Malacopteron EYT., ma ne differesce principalmente pel becco non uncinato, e pei tarsi notevolmente più lunghi. Homochlamys luscinia. ... È stato il Dr. FINSCH, cui io ho inviato in comunicazione un individuo di questa specie, che le ha dato il nome di Malacopteron luscinia, forse per una certa somiglianza di colorito tra l'usignolo comune e questo uccello" (Salvadori 1870); "Homochlamys Salvadori, 1870, Atti R. Accad. Scienze Torino, V (5), p. 510. Type, by monotypy, Homochlamys luscinia Salvadori, 1870 = Arundinax canturians Swinhoe, 1860." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Homochlamis.


Gr. ὁμος homos common, one and the same < ὁμως homōs alike; χλαμυς khlamus,χλαμυδος khlamudos mantle, cloak.

homochroa / homochrous

Gr. ὁμοχρους homokhrous uniform, of one colour < ὁμος homos common < ὁμως homōs alike; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance < χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.

Prof. Christian Friedrich Hornschuch (1793-1850) German bryologist, botanist (syn. Melanitta fusca).
Cerro Huachamacari, Amazonas, Venezuela.
Huachuca Mts., Arizona, USA.

Steve Hutchens (fl. 2006) US sculptor, preparator, fossil-collector (‡Scolopax).


Thomas Hutchins (?1730-1790) English surgeon, employee of Hudson’s Bay Company, Canada 1753-1790 (Branta, syn. Larus hyperboreus).


Wallace IrvingHutchinson (1881-1972) US Forestry Service, in the employ of the Philippine Government on Mindanao 1906-1908 (subsp. Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea).


(Cinclidae; syn. Cinclus White-throated Dipper C. cinclus) Gr. ὑδρο- hudro- water- < ὑδωρ hudōr, ὑδατος hudatos water; ιχλα ikhla thrush; "G. 35. HYDRICHLA **), Sv. Vattentrast. ... **) Hab. gener. fere Sturni, sed rostro Turdis appropinquans: capite minore corporeque crassiore, alis caudaque brevioribus. Alæ mediocres: remige primo brevissimo, tertio et 4 longissimis. Nomen Cincli speciei jampridem ad genus Tringæ pertinenti impositum, ut genericum ineptum censuimus, unde novum necessum fuit, quod e vocis græcis ὑδωρ, aqua et ιχλη, Turdus, composuimus" (Billberg 1828); "Hydrichla Billberg, 1828, Synopsis Faunae Scandinaviae, I, (2), tab. A, p. 75. New name for Cinclus Borkhausen, 1797, considered unsuitable and more pertinent to a sandpiper rather than the dipper." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. ὑδροχαρις hudrokharis,ὑδροχαριτος hudrokharitos grace of the waters < ὑδρο- hudro- water- < ὑδωρ hudōr,ὑδατος hudatos water; χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos grace < χαιρω khairō to rejoice.


(Laridae; syn. Chlidonias Black Tern C. niger) Gr. ὑδρο- hudro- water- < ὑδωρ hudōr,ὑδατος hudatoswater; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "69. Familie. Seeschwalben, Sterna. ... 142. Gattung. Hydrochelidon.4 362. nigra. 363. leucoptera. ... 4. Das dunkle Gefieder dient als unterscheidendes Merkmal der Gattung." (Boie 1822); "Hydrochelidon Boie, Isis, 1822, (1), col. 563, May, 1822—type, by subs. desig. (Gray, List Gen. Bds., 2nd ed., p. 100, 1841), Hydrochelidon niger (Linn.) = Sterna nigra Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (3), p. 291).
Var. Hydrochiledon.


(Apodidae; Ϯ Giant Swiftlet H. gigas) Gr. ὑδροχους hudrokhous water-pourer, name for the constellation Aquarius < ὑδρο- hudro- water- <ὑδωρ hudōr,ὑδατος hudatos water;χεω kheō to pour; "Hydrochous, subgen. nov., with type gigas Hartert & Butler. Hydrochous, which is masculine, is derived from a Greek word meaning water pourer, also the zodiacal constellation Aquarius, and is an allusion to the habit of the type species of breeding behind a waterfall. ... Anatomical, osteological, biochemical and behavioural (including a study of calls which appear to be the method by which swifts recognize conspecific mates) studies may show that Hydrochous does not belong with Collocalia at all as is suggested by its peculiar nest site." (Brooke 1970); "Hydrochous R. K. Brooke, 1970, Durban Mus. Novitates, IX (2), p. 17. Type, by original designation, gigas Hartert & Butler, i.e.Collocalia gigas Hartert and Butler, 1901." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Hydrochrous.


(Muscicapidae; syn. Enicurus White-crowned Forktail E. leschenaulti frontalis) Gr. ὑδρο- hudro- water- < ὑδωρ hudōr,ὑδατος hudatos water; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Genus HYDROCICHLA, Sharpe. 28. HYDROCICHLA RUFICAPILLA. THE CHESTNUT-BACKED FORKTAIL. Enicurus ruficapillus, Temm. Pl. Col. 534; Elwes, Ibis, 1872, p. 257; Hume & Dav. S. F. vi. p. 361; Hume, S. F. viii. p. 103. Hydrocichla ruficapilla, Sharpe, Cat. Birds B. Mus. vii. p. ... This species and the next are remarkable for their comparatively short tail, which is about the length of the wing. In all the other Burmese species the tail is considerably longer than the wing. 29. HYDROCICHLA FRONTALIS. THE LESSER BLACK-BACKED FORKTAIL. Enicurus frontalis, Bl. J. A. S. B. xvi. p. 158." (Oates 1883); "Hydrocichla "Sharpe" Oates, 1883, Handbook Birds British Burmah, I, p. 28. Type, by subsequent designation (W. Sclater, 1892, Ibis, 34 (1), p. 81), Hydrocichla frontalis, i.e. Enicurus frontalis Blyth, 1847. The Richmond Card Index indicates that Hydrocichla Oates, 1883, has priority over Hydrocichla Sharpe, 1883." (JAJ 2021).
● (Muscicapidae; quasi-syn. Enicurus † Chestnut-naped Forktail E. ruficapillus) “b. Tail and wing about equal in length, the latter slightly exceeding the tail; tail forked . . . . 2. HYDROCICHLA, p. 318. … 2. HYDROCICHLA. … 1. Hydrocichla ruficapilla. … 2. Hydrocichla rufidorsalis. … 3. Hydrocichla velatus. … 4. Hydrocichla frontalis.” (Sharpe, 1883); “Hydrocichla Sharpe, 1883, Cat. Birds British Mus., VII, pp. 312, 318. Type, by subsequent designation (P. Sclater and Saunders, 1883, Ibis, ser. 5, 1, p. 573), Henicurus ruficapillus, Temm., i.e. Enicurus ruficapillus Temminck, 1832.” (JAJ 2024).


(Acrocephalidae; syn. Acrocephalus Great Reed Warbler A. arundinaceus) Gr. ὑδρο- hudro- water- < ὑδωρ hudōr,ὑδατος hudatos water; κοψιχος kopsikhos thrush; "2. Sylvia turdoides. ... 2. Rohrdrossel. Hydrocopsichus *). (Sylvia turdoides). E[ntwickelung]. Wie gewöhnlich. Ch[arakter]. Große Rohrsänger mit monotonem Gefieder und einfarbigem Schwanz. L[ebensart]. Sie gleichen darin den übrigen Rohrsängern. ... *) ὑδωρ, Wasser; κοψιχος, Drossel" (Kaup 1829); "Hydrocopsichus Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entwick.-Gesch. Natürliches System Europ. Thierwelt, p. 121. Type, by monotypy, Sylvia turdoides Meyer, 1815 = Turdus arundinaceus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Hydrocopsychus.


Gr. ὑλη hulē woodland, forest; χαρις kharis,χαριτος kharitos beauty < χαιρω khairō to rejoice.


(Trochilidae; Rufous-throated Sapphire H. sapphirina) Gr. ὑλη hulē woodland, forest; χαρις kharis, χαριτος kharitos grace, loveliness < χαιρω khairō to rejoice; "Hylocharis. a. Gefieder oben grün, Kehle bey♂ schön blau. Am After weiße Flecken. b. Schnabel gerade und c. Schwanzäqual. Arten. 1. Troch. sapphirinus Gm. 2. —latirostris. Pr. Max. 3. —cyanus. Viell. 4. —lazulus. Viell. 5. —cyanotropus Pr. Max. 6. —bicolor Gm. u.s.w. Die Schnäbel mehrerer Arten sind corallenroth, die Schwungfedern kupferglänzend." (Boie 1831); "Hylocharis Boie, Isis von Oken, 1831, col. 546. Type, by subsequent designation, H. sapphirina (Gm.) Boie = Trochilus sapphirinus Gmelin. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 14.)" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 52).
Var. Hylocaris.
Synon. Sapphironia, Ulysses.
● (Trochilidae; syn. Chrysuronia† Shining-green Hummingbird C. goudoti) “56. HYLOCHARIS, Boie. — 225. goudoti, Bourc. 1843. — 226. chlorocephalus, Bourc. 1854. — 227. lessoni, Del. 1839. — 228. cœruleus, Aud. et V. 1802. — 229. phaëton, Bourc. 1848. — 230. daphne, Bourc. 1854. — 231. phœbe, Delattre, 1839. — 232. pucherani, Bourc. 1848. — 233. aureiventris, Orb. 1835. — 234. wiedi, Less. 1831. — 235. chrysogaster, Bourc. 1843. — 236. mellisugus, L. 1766 — 237. prasinus, Less. 1829.” (Bonaparte 1854); “Hylocharis “Boie” Bonaparte, 1854, Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, sér. 2, VI, p. 255 (not of Boie, 1831, nor of G. Gray, 1848). Type, by subsequent designation (Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 142 (Appendix)), Trochilus goudoti Bourcier, 1843,” (JAJ 2023).
●(Pachycephalidae; syn.Pachycephala Mangrove WhistlerP. cinerea) "Muscicapa presbytis, cantatrix, euryura et phoenicura KUHL, Hylocharis luscinia, Pardalotus percussus" (S. Müller, 1835, Tijdschr. v. Nat. Gesch. Phys. Amsterdam, II, p. 331). By some authors Müller's name is equated with Tephrodornis grisola Blyth, which is unidentifiable (see Hyloterpe and Muscitrea).
●(Pachycephalidae; syn. Pachycephala Fawn-breasted Whistler P. orpheus) "PACHYCEPHALA ORPHEUS, JARDINE. "Hylocharis orpheus, ♀." —Verreaux MS. THIS bird, named on our plate Hylocharis orpheus, is another of the interesting species sent to us by Mr. Wilson, and the figure is now given to direct attention to those very curious but unobtrusive forms that appear to swarm over the islands of the Indian Archipelago. The generic name on M. Verreaux's MS. ticket, which is inscribed upon the plate, has been already applied to a genus of Humming Birds; but independent of that, after a close examination as to its proper position, we have been unable to separate it from Pachycephala" (Jardine, 1850, Contrib. Ornith., 6/7 (1849), pl. 37 and text).
●(Trochilidae; syn. Patagona † Giant Hummingbird P. gigas) "HYLOCHARIS Boie.* ... 1. H. gigas (Vieill.) Gal. des Ois t. 180. —Ornismya tristis Less. Ois. Mouch. t. 3., Nat. Libr. xv. pl. 3.; Orn. giganteus D'Orb. & Lafr.; Type of Patagona G. R. Gray (1840). ... *M. Boie established the above genus in 1831 (Isis, 1831, p. 546.). Les Saphirs of M. Lesson (1829) are synonymous. It embraces Patagona of G. R. Gray (1840), which is the Les Patagons of M. Lesson (1829)" (G. Gray 1848) (another forty-eight forms are included in Gray's genus); "Hylocharis"Boie" G. Gray, 1848, The Genera of Birds, I, p. 114 (not of Boie, 1831). Type, by subsequent designation (Elliot, 1879, Smithsonian Contrib. Knowledge, 317, Classif. Synop. Trochilidae, p. 67), Trochilus gigas." (JAJ 2020).


(Hirundinidae; syn. Petrochelidon Tree Martin P. nigricans) Gr. ὑλη hulē woodland, forest; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "Genus HYLOCHELIDON, Gould. I have not instituted a new generic appellation for the following bird without maturely considering the propriety of so doing, after carefully comparing it with the various forms already characterized of this extensive family; which, whenever it may be monographed by a scientific ornithologist, will be found to comprise ample materials for the formation of more genera than has yet been proposed, as well as numerous species with which we are at present unacquainted; and I have no doubt that Mr. Blyth's notion of dividing them into sections in accordance with the forms of their nests will be found a very happy suggestion—saucer-builders, retort-builders, bank-burrowers, builders in the holes of trees, &c. Thespecies of this form are part of a small section of the Swallows which nidify in the holes of trees, without any nest for the deposition of their delicate eggs. Their bare tarsi at once separate them from the Chelidons, and they also differ from the American Petrochelidons. ... Sp. 55. HYLOCHELIDON NIGRICANS. TREE SWALLOW. Chelidon arborea, Gould, Birds of Australia, vol. i. Introd. p. xxix. ... Dun-rumped Swallow, Lath. Gen. Hist., vol. vii, p. 309. ... Gab-by-kal-lan-goo-rong, Aborigines of the lowlands of Western Australia. Martin of the Colonists." (Gould 1865); "Hylochelidon Gould, 1865, Handb. Birds Austral., 1, p. 110. Type, by monotypy, Hirundo nigricans Vieillot." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 118).


(Turdidae; Wood Thrush H. mustelina) Gr. ὑλη hulē woodland, forest; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "Hylocichla. Smallest species. Bill short, broad at base; much depressed. Tarsi long and slender, longer than middle toe and claw by the additional length of the claw; outstretched legs reaching nearly to tip of tail. Body slender. Color: above olivaceous or reddish, beneath whitish; breast spotted; throat without spots.... Of the preceding sections into which I have divided Turdus, the first one is possibly entitled to full generic rank. It is intended to include the small North American species,with Turdus mustelinus, Gm., at the head as type, which are closely connected on the one side with Catharus, by their lengthened tarsi, and with Turdus by the shape of the wing.The bills are shorter, more depressed, and broader at base than in typical Turdus, so much so that thespecies have frequently been described under Muscicapa." (Baird 1864); "Hylocichla Baird, Rev. Amer. Bds., 1, p. 12, 1864—type, by orig. desig., Turdus mustelinus Gmelin." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 452). Recent work suggests that this genus should be included in Catharus.
Var. Hylacichla.
Synon. Philomeloides.


(Troglodytidae; Sumichrast's Wren H. sumichrasti) Gr. ὑλη hulē woodland, forest; ορχιλος orkhilos wren; "Hylorchilus,1 new genus. Type. Catherpes sumichrasti LAWR. ... Like Microcerculus, this genus is characterized by the plainness of its dark brown plumage, the tail and wings being unmarked, as is most of the body. The secondaries are almost of the same length as the primaries, and the tail is short and spiky in form, being made up of soft slender feathers narrowed gradually at the tip. The tail is so short that it does not reach to the end of the outstretched feet in the dried skin. The body is short and stout, with strong legs and feet as in Microcerculus. The bill, however, is more as in Catherpes, being long, unnotched at the tip and with similarly narrow, oval, slit-like nares... It forms a distinct type of Wren of generic value and having Microcerculus as its nearest ally. Some of its characters indicate a close relationship to Catherpes as well, so that its position appears to be that of an intermediate group between these two genera. ... These birds inhabit the gloomiest recesses of the heavy tropical forest, keeping about jutting rocks on steep hillsides, where the forest is so dense that the undergrowth is sparse and the sun scarcely penetrates to the ground ... 1ὑλη, forest, andορχιλος, wren, in reference to the habits of the type species." (Nelson 1897); "Hylorchilus Nelson, Auk, 14, p. 71, 1897—type, by orig. desig., Catherpes sumichrasti Lawrence." (Hellmayr, 1934, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VII, p. 279).

Hylorhynchus (See: Hylorynchus)

(Psittacidae; syn. Enicognathus Slender-billed Parakeet E. leptorhynchus) Gr. ὑλη hulē plenty; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "3. Conurus erithrofrons. ... C. ERYTHROFRONS Gray. HYLORYNCHUS ERYTHROFRONS Less., Compl. de Buff., t. xx. p. 187. ARARA ERYTHROFRONS id. Mandibulas muy desiguales: la superior larga, estrecha, aquillada y muy aguda; la inferior convexa y redonda ... Los caracteres particulares de esta especie indujeron hace poco al señor Lesson a hacer el tipo de un género que por ahora no creemos deber admitir; además sus colores son los de la mayor parte de las psittacídeas" (des Murs 1847); "*1481. ENICOGNATHUS, G. R. Gr. 1840. Leptorhynchus, Sw. nec Menetr. 1835. Henicognathus, Agass. Stylorhynchus, Less. 1847. Hylorynchus, Aliq. (Psittacus leptorhynchus, King)" (G. Gray 1855); "Hylorynchus des Murs in Gay, 1847, Historia fisica y politica de Chile, I, Aves, p. 369. Type, by monotypy, Conurus erithrofrons, i.e. Arara erythrofrons Lesson, 1842 = Psittacara leptorhyncha King, 1831." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Hylorhynchus, Xylorhynchus.


(Anatidae; syn. Spatula Northern Shoveler S. clypeata) Gr. ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; ασπις aspis,ασπιδος aspidos shield; "HYNCHASPIS. SHOVELER. Beak long, its base unarmed, semicylindric, the tip dilated, somewhat spoon-shaped, with a small incurved nail; the sides of the mandibles with pectinated lamellæ. ... RHYNCHASPIS. Leach. MSS. ANAS. Linn., Gmel., Lath., &c. THE singular form of the beak in this genus sufficiently characterizes it from the rest of the group. ... COMMON SHOVELER. (Rhynchaspis clypeata.)" (Stephens 1824); "Rhynchaspis (Leach MS.) Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., 12, (2), p. 114, 1824—type, by subs. desig. (Eyton, Monog. Anat., p. 40, 1838), Anas clypeata Linnaeus." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1948, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (2), p. 337).
Var. Hynchaspis,Rhyncaspis, Rhyncapsis, Rhynchapsis, Rynchapsis, Rhynchaspsis, Rynchaspis, Rynchapeis.

Original spelling of specific name Crypturornis hypochracea Miranda-Ribeiro, 1938 (= subsp. Crypturellus obsoletus).

Gr. ὑπερ huper exceeding, beyond measure; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Gr. ὑπερ huper exceeding, beyond measure; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
Hypochaera (See: Hypochera)

(Viduidae; syn.Vidua Village Indigobird V. chalybeata) Gr. ὑπο hupo towards, somewhat; genus Chera Gray, 1849, widowbird; "*958.Hypochera, Bp. (Amadina et Estrelda, p. Gr. - Loxigilla! p. Less. - Vidua, p. Cabanis). Africa. 3. 1. FRINGILLA nitens ex Afr. Gm. - Amadina nitens, Sw. Loxigilla nitens, Less. Pl. enl. 291. 1. mas. 2. faem. ex Afr. or. et occ. Senegal, Dongola. ... 2. FRINGILLA ultramarina, Gm. (funerea? Tarragon 1847. Tiaris funerea, Gr. - Loxigilla melas, Verr.) Edw. B. t. 362. 1. - Vieill. Ois. Chant. t. 21. ex Afr. occ. et or. Senegal. Abyssin. Cap. Bon. Spei. ... 3. LOXIA musica, Vieill. (Estrelda musica, Gr.) Ois. Chant. t. 11. Mus. Paris. ex Afr. occ. Senegal." (Bonaparte 1850); "Hypochera Bonaparte, 1851?, Consp. Avium, 1 (1850), p. 450. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 76), Fringilla nitens Gmelin = Fringilla chalybeata Müller." (Traylor in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 391). The parasitical, host-specific indigobirds belong to a group difficult to determine at species level; some can only be identified from their association with the host species.
Var. Hypocera.,


(Viduidae; syn.Vidua† Village Indigobird V. chalybeata) Gr. ὑπο hupo towards, somewhat; χαιρω khairō to enjoy; “27. HYPOCHÆRA. Hypochæra, Bp. Consp. i. p. 450 (1850) . . . .Type. ?” (Sharpe 1890); “Hypochaera “Bp.” Sharpe, 1890, Cat. Birds British Museum, XIII, p. 308. Alternative name for Hypochera Bonaparte, 1850; Sharpe probably failed to grasp the true meaning of Bonaparte’s generic name.” (JAJ 12/7/2024).


(Psittaculidae; Red-flanked Lorikeet H. placentis) Gr. ὑπο hupo somewhat, towards; genus Charmosyna Wagler, 1832, lorikeet; "[Key] 11. HYPOCHARMOSYNA ... 12. CHARMOSYNOPSIS ... 13. CHARMOSYNA ... 11. HYPOCHARMOSYNA. Hypocharmosyna, Salvad. MS. . . Type. H. placens." (Salvadori 1891); "Hypocharmosyna Salvadori, 1891, Cat. Birds British Museum, XX, p. 72. Type, by original designation, H. placens, i.e. Psittacus placentis Temminck, 1835." (JAJ 2021).


Gr. ὑπο hupo somewhat; genus Chera Gray, 1849, widowbird (cf. genus Hypochera Bonaparte, 1851, indigobird) (Vidua).


(Trochilidae; syn. Amazilia Azure-crowned Hummingbird A. cyanocephala) Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath, under; χιων khiōn, χιονος khionos snow; "21e ... Hypochionis (n. gen. pour Ornismyia cyanocephala Lesson)" (Simon 1918) (OD per Martin Schneider); "7.Hypochionis, nov. gen. —Diffère du genre Uranomitra (type Tr. quadricolor Reichenbach, non Vieillot) par ... le dessous du corps également blanc mais avec les flancs largement vert cuivré ... Type: Ornismyia cyanocephala Lesson, du Mexique." (Simon 1919); "Hypochionis Simon, Notice sur les Travaux Scientifiques, 1918, p. 38. Type, by original designation, Ornismya cyanocephala Lesson." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 62).

Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; χλωρος khlōros green (cf. ὑποχλωρος hupokhlōros greenish-yellow, pale).

(Cisticolidae; syn. Hypergerus Oriole Warbler H. atriceps) Gr. ὑπο hupo somewhat; χλωρευς khlōreus unknown bird, considered by some (including Cabanis) to be the χλωριον khlōriōn oriole; "CRATEROPUS Sws. 1831. **) ... **) Crateropus atriceps (Less) Gray weicht in mehrfacher Beziehung, wie z. B. durch den an die Meliphagen erinnernden Schnabel und die lebhafte Färbung des Gefieders, von Crateropus ab und wird nothwendig den Typus einer eigenen Gattung bilden müssen. Gen. Hypochloreus n. gen. (χλωρευσ, εωσ, ó = Oriolus.) 1. H. atriceps. —Moho atriceps Less. Crateropus oriolides Sws. Birds. W. Afr. I. tab. 31." (Cabanis 1853); "Hypochloreus Cabanis, 1853, Museum Heineanum, I, p. 85. Type, by original designation, Moho atriceps Lesson, 1831." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Hypochlorus.


Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; Mod. L. chloris green < Gr. χλωρος khlōros green (cf. ὑποχλωρος hupokhlōros greenish-yellow, pale).


Gr. ὑποχλωρος hupokhlōros greenish-yellow, pale (cf. ὑπο hupo beneath; χλωρος khlōros yellow).


Gr. ὑποχλοος hupokhloos of a palish yellow < χλοος khloos light green, greenish-yellow, pallor.


L. hypochondria abdomen < Gr. ὑποχονδριον hupokhondrion abdomen.

hypochondriaca / hypochondriacum / hypochondriacus

Gr. ὑποχονδριακος hupokhondriakos of the abdomen < ὑποχονδριον hupokhondrion abdomen.


Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; ωχρα ōkhra yellow-ochre, pale-yellow.

hypochracea / hypochraceus
Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; Mod. L. ochraceus ochraceous, ochreous < L. ochra ochre < Gr. ωχρα ōkhra yellow-ochre.

Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; χρωμα khrōma,χρωματος khrōmatos colour, complexion < χρωζω khrōzō to stain.


Gr. ὑπο huposomewhat; χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.
● "Closest to typical rufaxilla (Richardand Bernard) of Cayenne south to the lower Amazon, but strikingly darker and more richly colored above" (Griscom & Greenway 1937) (syn.Leptotila rufaxilla).

Hypochrysa (See: Hypochrysia)

(Trochilidae; syn. Coeligena Golden-bellied Starfrontlet C. bonapartei) Gr. ὑποχρυσος hupokhrusos laden with gold, gleaming with gold < ὑποχρυςοω hupokhrusoō to gild < χρυσος khrusos gold; "Helianthea GOULD. ... *γ. Hypochrysia Bonaparti (Tr. —BOURC. 1842.) BP. —St. Fé de Bog. —Eos (Tr. —GOULD1853.) BP. —N.-Granada, Venezuela. —Iris (Tr. —GOULD 1853?) — —Aurora (Tr. —GOULD 1853?) —" (Reichenbach 1854);"Helianthea γ Hypochrysia Reichenbach, Journ. f. Orn., 1, 1854, Beil. zu Extrah., p. 9. Type, by subsequent designation, Trochilus bonapartei Boissoneau. (G. R. Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 140.)" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 98).
Var. Hypochrysa.

hypochrysea / hypochryseus

Gr. ὑποχρυσος hupokhrusos laden with gold, gilded < ὑποχρυσοω hupokhrusoō to gild < χρυσος khrusos gold.

hypoenochroa / hypoenochrous

Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; οινοχρως oinokhrōs wine-coloured < οινος oinos wine; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs, χρωτος khrōtoscomplexion.

hypoenochrous (See: hypoinchrous / hypoinochroa / hypoinochrous)
hypoinchrous / hypoinochroa / hypoinochrous

Gr. ὑπο hupo beneath; οινοχρως oinokhrōs wine-coloured < οινος oinos wine; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance <χρως khrōs, χρωτος khrōtoscomplexion.


(Pycnonotidae; syn. Criniger Red-tailed Greenbul C. calurus) Gr. ὑπο hupo towards, under, behind;θριξ thrix,τριχος trikhos hair, bristle (cf.genus Trichas Gloger, 1827, greenbul); "88.Trichophorus calurus Cassin ... Hartlaub stellt diese Art zu seiner Untergattung Xenocichla, von der sie jedoch entschieden das Fehlen des Hauptkennzeichens derselben, der Syndactylität trennt. Wir halten den schwach gekrümmten Schnabel, den langen Schwanz und viele andere Merkmale für ausreichend, um ihr als Hypotrichas calura (von πο und τριχας = τριχοφορος) eine eigene Gattung anzuweisen." (Heine 1860); "Hypotrichas Heine, 1860, Journal für Ornithologie, VIII, p. 138. Type, by monotypy, Trichophorus calurus Cassin, 1856." (JAJ 2021).

Hypotriorches (See: Hypotriorchis)

(Falconidae; syn. Falco Eurasian Hobby F. subbuteo) Gr. ὑποτριορχης hupotriorkhēs hawk (latterly identified with the Eurasian Hobby) < ὑπο hupo somewhat; τριορχης triorkhēs buzzard < τρεις treis, τρια tria three; ορχις orkhis testicle (see Triorchis); "Hypotriorchis: F. subbuteo u. s. w." (Boie 1826); "Hypotriorchis Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 970 (misprinted 976). Type, by monotypy, Falco subbuteo Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2022).
Var. Hypotriorches.


(Trochilidae; syn. Cynanthus Broad-billed Hummingbird C. latirostris) Gr. myth. Iakkhos, Iacchus or Iakkhē, a surname of Bacchus or Dionysus, the god of wine and feasting, so called from the ecstatic cries of revellers at bacchanales <ιαχη iakhē shout of joy < ιαχω iakhō to shout; "Next to DAMOPHILA comes the genus IACHE, consisting of three species, two of which are extremely rare and but little known ... The generic term Circe, in which these birds have generally been placed, cannot be continued, as it is preoccupied for a group of Acaleps; I therefore propose IACHE, which I believe has not been previously employed. Genus CXV. - IACHE.1Circe, GOULD, Intr. Troch., octavo ed., p. 168 (nec MERT., 1835, Acal.) ... 1Iαχη, Nom. Prop." (Elliot 1879); "Iache Elliot, 1879, Classification Synopsis Trochilidae, pp. xii, 234. New name for Circe Gould, 1857, not of Schumacher, 1817 (Mollusca), nor ofMertens, 1835 (Hydrozoa)." (JAJ 2021).


(Ibidorhynchidae; Ϯ Ibisbill I. struthersii) Gr. ιβις ibis, ιβιδος ibidosor ιβιος ibios ibis; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "A very striking modification of form was conspicuous in the following bird, which, with the bill and plumage of some of the typical Wading Birds, exhibited the tridactyle conformation and general characters of the legs of some of the Charadriadæ. In the former particulars it approached to Ibis and Numenius; in the latter to Hæmatopus. A knowledge only, it was observed, of its habits and internal construction, at present wanting, could determine with accuracy the exact affinities of the group, which was thus characterized: IBIDORHYNCHA. Rostrum gracile, elongatum, deorsum curvatum, Ibidis Numeniique rostris simile; naribus lateralibus, longitudinabilis, membrana per totam longitudinem clausis. Corpus gracile, Grallatorum typicorum formam exhibens. Alæ subelongatæ, subgradatæ; remigibus secundis et tertiis æqualibus longissimis, prima paulo breviori, cæteris gradatim decrescentibus. Pedes mediocres, tridactyli, Hæmatopodum pedicus simillimi; digitis internis liberis, externis membrana usque ad pollicem primam connexis, omnibus marginatis; unguibus obtusis. Cauda mediocris, æqualis. IBIDORHYNCHA STRUTHERSII. ... This bird was named in honour of Dr. Struthers, a zealous naturalist, who had formed the collection in the Himalayan Mountains, out of which the four preceding species were selected." (Vigors 1832); "Ibidorhyncha Vigors, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, 1830-1831 (1832), p. 174. Type, by monotypy, Ibidorhyncha struthersii Vigors." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 288).
Var. Ibidirhyncha,Ibidorhynchus.
Synon. Clorhynchus, Erolia, Falcirostra.


Overview and generic check-list.


IBIDORHYNCHA Vigors, 1832. Gr. “ibis-bill.”
●● Erolia Hodgson, 1835 (not Vieillot, 1816). French “sandpiper.”
●● Clorhynchus Hodgson, 1835. Mod. L. “curlew-bill.”
●● Falcirostra Severtzov, 1873. L. “sickle-bill.”


Ichang /Yichāng, Hubei, China.


Late Gr. ιχλα ikhla sea creature; "Also in the 'Analyst,' vol. iii. 1836, p. 211, Wood introduced Sterna elegans; this preoccupies the same combination by Gambel, 1848. For the bird described in the 'Catalogue of Birds,' vol. xxv. 1896, p. 84, I propose the name Thalasseus ichla"(Mathews 1937) (syn. Thalasseus elegans).


(Sturnidae; syn. Pastor Rose-coloured Starling P. roseus) Gr. ιχλα ikhla thrush (a form of κιχλη kikhlē); "G. 34. ICHLA *), Sv. Drossel. 1. rosea ... *) Hab. gener. fere præcedentis [Turdus] sed statura breviore: alis mediocribus: remige primo fere nullo 2 et 3 longissimis. Nom. gener. D:i celeb Temminck Pastor nobis minus idoneum videtur, unde hoc genuinum græcum e voce ιχλη, hujus Nationis adoptivamus" (Billberg 1828); "Ichla Billberg, 1828, Synopsis Faunae Scandinaviae, I (ii), tab. A and p. 75. New name for Pastor Temminck, 1815, considered unclassical." (JAJ 2021).

Ichnosceles (See: Ischnosceles)

(Accipitridae; syn. Geranospiza Crane Hawk G. caerulescens gracilis) Gr. ισχνοσκελης iskhnoskelēs lean-shanked < ισχνος iskhnos thin; σκελοςskelos leg; "Genus ISCHNOSCELES, Strickland (ισχνοσκελης, exilia habens crura). ... Typus Ischnosceles gracilis (Falco gracilis, Temm. Pl. Col. 91). The slenderness of the tarsi in this bird, and the remarkable proportions of the toes, seem to justify its generic separation from Astur and from Accipiter, where it has been hitherto classed." (Strickland 1844); "Ischnosceles (not Ischnoscelis Burmeister, 1842) Strickland, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 13, p. 409, June, 1844—type, by orig. desig., Falco gracilis Temminck." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p. 227).
Var. Ichnosceles,Ichnoscelis,Ichnoschelis,Ischnoscelis.

L. Ichnusa, Ichnusae an old name for Sardinia.
ichtherophrys (See: icterophrys)

Gr. ικτερος ikteros jaundice-yellow; οφρυς ophrus,οφρυος ophruos eyebrow, brow.
● ex “Suirirí obscuro y amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 183 (Satrapa).


(Musophagidae; syn. Crinifer Western Grey Plantain-eater C. piscator) Gr. ιχθυς ikhthus, ιχθυος ikhthuos fish; ἱεραξhierax,ἱερακος hierakos hawk; "4. Untergeschlecht. Aaredelfalken, Ichthierax, Kaup., die in ihrem Genus das Geschlecht Pandion, den Typus der Adlerfamilie, darstellen würden und die wie Nr. 2 sehr lange Flügel und nur die erste Schwinge ausgeschnitten, vielleicht runde Nägel haben und sich von Fischen nähren, habe ich bis jetzt noch nicht untersucht. Hierher: Falco frontalis, der vielleicht nach Levaillant identisch mit den Tanas (piscatorius, Lath.) ***) das Adanson ist. ... ***) Hr. Temminck zieht piscatorius, Lath., zu chiquera, allein Latham sagt, dass die Kopffedern etwas länger und eine Art Federbusch vorstellten, was bei chiquera nicht, allein was bei frontalis, Vaill., pl. 28, der Fall ist" (Kaup 1844); based on “Tanas" of d'Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 478, and "Faucon Huppé" of Levaillant 1798, pl. 28 (see piscator); "Ichthierax Kaup, 1844, Classif. Säuge. Vögel, p. 111. Type, by monotypy, Falco frontalis Daudin, 1800 = Falco piscator Boddaert, 1783." (JAJ 2021).

ichthyaetum / ichthyaetus

Gr. ιχθυς ikhthus fish; αετος aetos eagle.


(Laridae; Great Black-headed Gull / Pallas's GullI. ichthyaetus) Specific name Larus ichthyaetus Pallas, 1773; given in allusion to the predatory habits of the Great Black-headed Gull; "2. Larus ichthyaëtus. ... 2. Rabenmöve. Ichthyaëtus. E[ntwickelung]. Wie bei Larus. Ch[arakter]. Riesenmäßige Krähenmöven. L[ebensart]. Hierin gleichen sie den Krähenmöven; sind aber mehr räuberischer Natur." (Kaup 1829); "Ichthyaetus Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entwick.-Gesch. Natürliches System Europ. Thierwelt, p. 102. Type, by monotypy, Larus ichthyaetus Pallas, 1773." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Ichthaetus.
Synon. Adelarus, Adelolarus,Gavina,Larus,Misamichus.
●(Accipitridae; syn. IcthyophagaGrey-headed Fish Eagle I. ichthyaetus) Specific name Falco ichthyaetus Horsfield, 1821; "3. Untergeschlecht. Sperberaare, Ichthyaëtus *), Lafr. (humilis, Müller, ichthyaëtus, Horsf.) ... *) Der Name Ichthyaëtus ist hier besser angewandt, als ich ihn bei den Möven gebrauchte" (Kaup 1844); "Ichthyaetus Kaup, 1844, Classif. Säuge. Vögel, p. 122 (not of Kaup, 1829, nor of Sweeting, 1837). Name considered more suitable to a raptor than to a gull. Type, by tautonymy, Falco ichthyaetus Horsfield, 1821." (JAJ 2021) (see Ichthyetus).
Var. Ichthyiaetus, Ichtyaetos.
●(Pandionidae; syn. Pandion Osprey P. haliaetus) Gr. ιχθυς ikhthus,ιχθυος ikhthuos fish; αετος aetos eagle; "Common Osprey, Ichthyaëtus piscivorus.‡ ... ‡ Here the fish-eating is given both as a general and specific character, which is decidedly objectionable.—ED."(Sweeting 1837) (OD per Björn Bergenholtz); "Ichthyaetus Sweeting, 1837, The Naturalist (ed. Neville Wood), II (12), p. 303 (not of Kaup, 1829). Type, by monotypy, Ichthyaetus piscivorus Sweeting, 1837 = Falco haliaetus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Icthyaetus, Ichthyaeetus, Ichthiyaetus, Ichtyaetos.


(Accipitridae; syn. Haliaeetus Grey-headed FishEagle H. ichthyaetus) Specific name Falco ichthyetus "Horsfield" de La Fresnaye 1841; "Nous avons cru devoir former une genre, sous le nom d'Ichthyète(Ichthyetus), du Falco ichthyetus d'Horsfield, figuré dans le nº 3 de ses Zool. research. in Java, le Pygargue ichthyophage (Less., Tr.), parce que cet oiseau, qui, d'après Horsfield, ne vit que de Poissons d'eau douce, qu'il pêche dans les grands lacs et les rivières de Java, a, ainsi que notre Balbusard, des ongles d'une longueur et d'une courbure extraordinaires, arrondis et non canaliculés en dessous; mais, comme il n'en a ni les tarses réticulés ni la coupe d'ailes, il forme pour nous un genre distinct, quoique très voisin." (de La Fresnaye 1841) (Laurent Raty in litt.); "Ichthyetus de la Fresnaye, in d'Orbigny (ed.), 1841, Dict. Universel Hist. Nat., II, p. 49.. Type, by tautonymy, Falco ichthyetus, i.e. Falco ichthyaetus Horsfield, 1821." (JAJ 2018). In the interests of stability this name, which predates Icthyophaga Lesson 1843 (if regarded as separate from Haliaeetus),should be treated as a nomen oblitum.


(Alcedinidae; syn. Megaceryle Giant Kingfisher M. maxima) Gr. ιχθυς ikhthus,ιχθυος ikhthuos fish; νομος nomos command < νεμω nemō to control; "Gen. ICHTHYNOMUS *) Nob. —Riesen-Königsfischer. Megaceryle Rchb. 1851 (nec Kaup 1848). 427. 1. I. maximus Nob. Martin-pêcheur huppé Buff. Pl. enl. 679 (♂ jun.). —Alcedo maxima Pall. Spicil. VI. p. 15. ... Alcedo guttata Bodd. Tabl. pl. enl. p. 42. t. 679. —Alcedo afra Shaw Gen. Z. VIII. p. 55. —Ispida gigantea Sws. B. W.-Afr. II. p. 93. t. 11. ... *) Vonιχθυς (Fisch) undνομος (Herrscher)." (Cabanis & Heine 1860); "Ichthynomus Cabanis and Heine, 1860, Museum Heineanum, II, p. 150. New name for Megaceryle"Kaup" Reichenbach, 1851, not ofKaup, 1848." (JAJ 2021).


(Accipitridae; syn. Busarellus Black-collared Hawk B. nigricollis) Gr. ιχθυβορος ikhthuboros fish-eating < ιχθυς ikhthus, ιχθυος ikhthuos fish; βορος boros gluttonous < βορα bora food; "Fünfte Familie: Bussarde. Buteones, Kaup. 1843. 1. Buteo. Cuv. 1800. ... d) Ichthyoborus [Kaup] 1845. { busarellus. Vaill. Am. mer. {milvoides. Spix. [Am. mer.]" (Kaup 1845); "Ichthyoborus Kaup, 1845, Museum Senckenbergianum. Abhandlungen, III, Heft 3, p. 261. Type, by monotypy, Falco busarellus"Vaill." Daudin, 1800, and Aquila milvoides von Spix, 1824 = Falco nigricollis Latham, 1790." (JAJ 2019) (cf. erroneous "Ichthyoborus Kaup, Contr. Orn., 1850, p. 76—type, by monotypy, Falco nigricollis Vieillot." (Hellmayr and Conover, 1949, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. I (4), p. 193)).

Ichthyophaga (See: ICTHYOPHAGA)

(Accipitridae; Ϯ Grey-headed Fishing Eagle I. ichthyaetus) Gr. ιχθυοφαγος ikhthuophagos fish-eating < ιχθυς ikhthus,ιχθυος ikhthuos fish; -φαγος -phagos -eating < φαγειν phagein to eat; "Genre: ICTHYOPHAGA, Less.; Icthyaëtus, La Fresn. (nom usité en 1829 par Kaup); haliætus, Horsf. hab. la Malaisie. —Icthyiophaga javana; falco icthyiaëtus, Horsf., tran. Linn. XIII, p. 136, et Zool. resear. fig.; icthyaëtus bicolor, gray; La Fresne. dict. un., 1839. hab. les bords des lacs et riviéres de Java." (Lesson 1843); "Icthyophaga Lesson, 1843, Écho du Monde Savant (2), 7, col. 14. New name for Icthyaetus, i.e. Ichthyetus de La Fresnaye, 1841 (here considered a nomenoblitum(see Ichthyetus)), not Ichthyaetus Kaup, 1829." (JAJ 2021).
Var. Ichthyophaga, Icthyiophaga.
Synon. Blagrus, Ichthyaetus, Polioaetus, Pontoaetus.

Gr. ικτερος ikteros jaundice-yellow; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Gr. ιδιος idios peculiar, distinct; χροα khroa,χροας khroas colour, appearance < χρως khrōs,χρωτος khrōtos complexion.


(Pycnonotidae; syn. Bleda Lesser Bristlebill B. notatus) Gr. ιδιος idios distinct; κιχλη kikhlē thrush; "IDIOCICHLA 1 gen. nov. Chars. gen.—Similar to Bleda, but bill much shorter, its height at base decidedly more than one-third of exposed culmen; culmen not straight; tarsus atleast 1¼ times exposed culmen. ... Type.—Trichophorus notatus CASSIN. This group is most closely allied to Bleda, and scarcely needs comparison with other genera unless possibly with Thescelocichla, Alophoixus, and Trichophorus, for all the others with superficial resemblance have linear or lengthened nostrils. The species are: Idiocichla notata (Cassin). Idiocichla canicapilla (Hartlaub). ... 1 ιδιος, distinctus; κιχλη, turdus." (Oberholser 1905); "Idiocichla Oberholser, 1905, Smiths. Misc. Coll., 48, p. 153. Type, by original designation, Trichophorus notatus Cassin." (Rand in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 273).

indochina / indochinae / indochinense / indochinensis

Gr. ιοεις ioeis dark; Late L. schistus slate < L. lapis schistos type of fissile stone < Gr. σχιστος skhistos cloven < σχιζω skhizō to split.

ischnorhynchos / ischnorhynchus

Gr. ισχνος iskhnos thin, feeble, plain; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.

Ischyornis (See: Ischyrornis)

(Anhimidae; syn. Chauna Northern Screamer C. chavaria) Gr. ισχυρος iskhuros strong; ορνις ornis, ορνιθοςornithos bird; "Genera et Species typicae. ...2. Ischyrornis RCHB. Derbyana (Chauna —G. R. Gray) R. Ic. Av. t.196. ic. 1133." (Reichenbach 1853); "Ischyrornis Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. XXI. Type, by original designation, Chauna derbiana G. Gray, 1845 = Parra Chavaria Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2020).
Var. Ischyornis.


Gr.ισχυρος iskhuros strong, powerful;ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.


(Leiothrichidae; syn. Turdoides Arrow-marked Babbler T. jardineii) Gr. ισχυρος iskhuros strong; πους pous, ποδος podos foot. Reichenbach's 1850, plate LV, labelled Turdinae: Timalinae, shows the robust scutellated legs and feet of these babblers; "Ischyropodus Reichenbach, 1850, Av. Syst. Nat., pl. 55. No species; generic details only. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 44.), Cratopus jardineii A. Smith." (Deignan in Peters, 1964, X, pp. 331-332).


Irving "Itche" Himel (b. 1936) Canadian businessman, philanthropist, birdwatcher who aided researcher William Suárez in Toronto (I. Himel per Paul Scofield in litt.) (‡Gigantohierax).


Itchtucknee River, Alachua County, Florida, USA.


Itschang, Hupeh /Ichang or Yichang, Hubei, China.


(Ardeidae; syn. BotaurusϮ Little Bittern B. minutus) Gr. ιξιας ixias reed-like plant; βρυχομαι brukhomai to bellow (cf. ιξος ixos mistletoe; βρυχω brukhō to gnash the teeth); "G. 74. IXOBRYCHUS **), Sv. Rördrom. 1. minutus: ... Nidificat in arundinetis, et ova 5-6 alba ponir. Timidus clamat: gäck, gäck, gäck, gäck! ... 2. stellaris: ... Hab. in locis paludosis arundinetis, passim ... Volitans alte clamat, fere ut Corvus: kroah! in terra vero mas murmurat sonaviolente; huh, huh ter sexies. ... ** Hab. genere fere Ardeæ; sed collo plus minusve crassiore femoribusque plerumque parum nudis. N. gen. e graecis vocis Iξος arundo, et βρυχω fremo desumtum." (Billberg 1828); "Ixobrychus Billberg, Syn. Faun. Scand., 1, pt. 2, 1828, p. 166. Type, by subsequent designation, Ardea minuta Linné. (Stone, Auk, 24, 1907, p. 192.)" (Peters, 1931, I, p. 120). Contentiously and, apparently, with flawed data, ornithologists have recently unintentionally resurrected Billberg's indication that the small, distinctive Ixobrychus bitterns be included withthe equally distinctive and large Botaurus bitterns.


(Pycnonotidae; syn. Microtarsus Black-and-white Bulbul M. melanoleucos) Genus Ixos Temminck, 1825, bulbul; Gr. χηροςkhēroswidower (i.e. dressed in mourning); "Ixocherus, Bp., a pour type un petit Brachypodien, dont j'ai fait double emploi; c'est à la fois Brachypus vidua, de Bornéo, et Microscelis tristis, de Malacca, dans mon Conspectus. Il se retrouve, en outre dans le Musée de Paris, sous le nom de Ixos sylvestris, Temm., de Sumatra. C'est à lui que Eyton a imposé le nom de Microtarsus melanoleucus (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1839, p. 102). Il ne faut pas le confondre avec Turdus melaleucus, J. Gr. (Zool. Misc., p. 1), de la Chine, qui reste type et seul représentant du genre Microscelis, G. Gr." (Bonaparte 1854); "Ixocherus Bonaparte, 1854, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, XXXVIII (I), pp. 54, 58. Type, by original designation, Microtarsus melanoleucos Eyton, 1839." (JAJ 2022).


Yaku-no-shima, Yakushima, Ryukyu Is., Japan.


William Jamrach (1842-1923) British wild animal dealer (Charles and William Jamrach Co., London) (syn. Casuarius ?bennetti (per Mayr 1941)).


Gr. ιοεις ioeis dark < ιον ion violet; Late L. schistus slate < L. lapis schistos type of fissile stone < Gr. σχιστος skhistos cloven < σχιζω skhizō to split.


Kachin State, northern Burma / Myanmar.


(Hirundinidae; syn. Tachycineta Golden Swallow T. euchrysea sclateri) Gr. καλος kalos beautiful; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "(Kalochelidon.) †Hirundo euchrysea. (Var., dominicensis?) One specimen♂, from Port au Prince. The female Jamaican bird has the feathers of fore-neck and breast with rounded subterminal spots of metallic green. The present bird has the bill very much smaller than Jamaican specimens, and there is no indication of the band of rich golden-red on the outer edge of the tertiaries and greater coverts." (Bryant 1866); "Kalochelidon (subgenus) Bryant, 1866, Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 11, sig. 6, p. 95. Type, by monotypy, Hirundo euchrysea var. dominicensis Bryant = Hirundo sclateri Cory." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 84).

Kamchatka Peninsula, eastern Siberia, Russia.

Kamikochi, Nagano Prefecture, Japan.


(Anatidae; syn. Camptorhynchus Labrador Duck C. labradorius) Gr. καμπτος kamptos flexible; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill; "GENUS V. KAMPTORHYNCHUS. ... Bill broad towards the point at the sides, flexible.Nostrils large, oval, placed near the base.Nail large and broad. ... KAMPTORHYNCHUS nobis. TYPE. Kamptorhynchus Labradora.This genus we have formed on F. Labradora Bonap,the variety it exhibits being amply sufficient to distinguish it from any other genus" (Eyton 1838); "Kamptorhynchus Eyton, 1838, Monog. Anatidae, p. 57. Type, by original designation, Kamptorhynchus labradora Eyton, 1838 = Anas labradoria Gmelin, 1789." (JAJ 2021).

kamschaticus / kamschatkensis / kamtschatica / kamtschaticus / kamtschatkensis / kamtschatschensis

Kamchatka, Far Eastern Russia (named after the Kamchadal peoples, "men of the far end.").


(Muscicapidae; syn. Tychaedon† Karoo Scrub Robin T. coryphoeus) Karoo, a semi-desert and veldt habitat of South Africa; Gr. κιχλη kikhlē thrush; “Karoocichla Tilsley and Gaudin, 2023, Zootaxa, 5271 (1), pp. 196-200. New name for Salsolicola Oatley, 2004, not of Kuznetsov, 1960 (Lepidoptera).” (J. Gaudin in litt.) (JAJ 2023).

kaschgarica / kaschgariensis / kashgarica

Kashgar /Kāshige’ĕr, Xinjiang Uyghur, western China.


Prof. Dr NikolaiFeofanovich Kastschenko (1858-1935) Russian zoologist, explorer, collector in Siberia (syn. Anthus campestris).

Katchal I., Nicobar Is.

Russian name гагушка Gagushka little duck (syn. Mareca strepera).

keptuscha (See: keptuschka)

Russian name Keptuschka for the Sociable Plover (cf. Czech name Keptuška for this group of plovers) (see Chettusia) (syn. Vanellus gregarius).

Kericho, south-western Kenya.

Kiaochow, Shantung /Jiaozhou, Shandong, China.

kikuchi / kikuchii / kikutii

● “Dedicated to the Kikuchi family of Kaua’i, especially William (Pila) and Delores (Dolly), who worked closely with us ... we honor Pila’s many years of archaeological research and teaching on Kaua’i as well as the hospitality of the entire family” (James & Olson 2006) (‡Loxioides).
● Yonetaro Kikuchi (1869-1921) Japanese collector on Taiwan (syn. Passer rutilans, syn. Zosterops japonicus batanis (Nobuhiko Osawa per Björn Bergenholtz)).


Maj. Heinrich Kirchhoff (1789-1871) Hanoverian Army, ornithologist (founding member of D.O.G. 1850), collector(Justin Jansen in litt.) (syn. Tyto alba).

kistchinski / kistchinskii

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kishchinskiy (1937-1980) Russian ornithologist (subsp. Calidris alpina).

klecho / klecko

A local onomatopoeia (the "Klecho Swallow" of Latham 1823, and“Klecho Tree Swift” of Gould 1850); “Ornithology of Ceylon … MACROPTERYX CORONATA, Tickell. … when on the wing it utters a peculiar cry resembling the words “chiffle, chaffle,” “klecko, klecko,” often repeated. Sometimes I have heard them utter the same note when at rest, rapidly elevating and depressing the crest.” (Layard, 1853, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, XII, p. 167.) (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (syn. Hemiprocne longipennis).


● Dr Konrad Ernst Adolf Otto Kleinschmidt (1870-1954) German pastor, theologian, taxidermist, ornithologist who introduced the formenkreis concept (syn. Accipiter gentilis arrigonii, subsp. Anthus petrosus, syn. Cuculus canorus, syn. Emberiza calandra, syn. Falco peregrinus japonensis, subsp. Galerida cristata, syn. Garrulus glandarius fasciatus,syn. Passer griseus, subsp. Poecile montanus, syn. Saxicola maurus stejnegeri, syn. Sitta europaea amurensis, syn. Troglodytes troglodytes, syn. Tyto alba).
● Theodor Kleinschmidt (1834-1881) German trader, explorer, collector in the Pacific 1875-1881 (Erythrura, syn. Myzomela cruentata coccinea, subsp. Petroica pusilla) (see klinesmithi).

kochi / kochii

● Prof. Gottlieb von Koch (1849-1914) German evolutionist, taxidermist, collector, Director of Darmstadt Mus. 1875-1914 (Coracina, Erythropitta).
● Carl Ludwig Koch (1778-1857) German arachnologist, entomologist, systematist (syn. Picoides arcticus).


Nicholas Kolichis (fl. 1999) Australian businessman, sponsor, ornithologist (syn. Colluricincla harmonica rufiventris, subsp. Horornis flavolivaceus).


Henry Charles Joseph Kopsch (1845-1913) British civil servant in Imperial Maritime Customs Service, China 1862-1900 (syn. Nettapus coromandelianus).


Mt. Korinchi /Gunung Kerinci, Palembang, Sumatra.


Russian name коршун Korshun for the Black Kite (syn. Circus aeruginosus, syn. Milvus migrans).


G. S. Kotschubei (fl. 1900) Russian zoologist (syn. Carpodacus grandis, subsp. Carpodacus rhodochlamys).

kotschyana / kotschyanus
Karl Georg Theodor Kotschy (1813-1866) Austrian botanist, explorer in the Middle East, Persia, Egypt and the Sudan (syn. Clamator jacobinus pica, syn. Oenanthe bottae frenata).

Prof. Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov (1711-1755) Russian naturalist, geographer, explorer in Siberia and Kamchatka 1731-1742 (syn. Lagopus muta pleskei).


Dr Eugen Franz Kretschmer (1868-1894) German ornithologist, collector in Kenya 1894 (Macrosphenus, syn. Nigrita canicapilla diabolica).


(Hirundinidae; syn. Ptyonoprogne Dusky Crag Martin P. concolor) Gr.κριμνον krimnon coarse meal (i.e. in colour);χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "Cotyle concolor and C. rupestris are taken out of Boie's genus and formed into a separate genus, for which the title of Krimnochelidon is proposed —a generic division already anticipated by Reichenbach, who entitled it Ptyonoprogne." (Tickell in Walden 1876); "Krimnochelidon Tickell, 1876, in Walden, Ibis, p. 356. Type, by subsequent designation, C. concolor = Hirundo concolor (Sharpe, 1885, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 10, p. 95)." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 101). Some readers may consider Krimnochelidon to be merely an alternative name for Ptyonoprogne Reichenbach, 1850, in which case the type would be Hirundo rupestris Scopoli, 1769.
Var. Krimnocheliodn.

Dr Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira (1902-1976) Brazilian physician, statesman, President 1956-1961 (subsp. Amazilia versicolor).

(Nectariniidae; Purple-naped Spiderhunter K. hypogrammicum nuchale) Portmanteau of surname Kurochkin (after Evgeniy NikolayevichKurochkin (1940-2011) Russian ornithologist, palaeontologist) and genus Hypogramma Reichenbach, 1853, sunbird. "Rand (1967: 222) used the generic name Hypogramma Reichenbach, 1853, for a distinctive Asian sunbird, now thought to be a spiderhunter (Moyle et al., 2011). Kashin discovered prior use of this name in Lepidoptera by Guennée in 1852. Investigation shows that the name is in use in Lepidoptera and so Kashin's substitute name Kurochkinegramma must be used, unless placed in the synonymy of Arachnothera Temminck, 1826. ...Kurochkinegramma Kashin, 1978, in, Sudilovskaya & Flint, [Research fauna Soviet Union. Birds and reptiles], p. 173. nomen novum for Hypogramma Reichenbach, 1853, preoccupied by Hypogramma Guennée, 1852 [Lepidoptera]. Type by monotypy Anthreptes nuchalis Blyth, 1843" (Gregory & Dickinson 2012).
Synon. Hypogramma.


Evgeniy NikolayevichKurochkin (1940-2011) Russian ornithologist, palaeontologist (‡Falco, Glaucidium).

Kychering Soak, East-West Railway Line, South Australia.
Lomas de Lachay, Huaral, Peru.
L. lacrimosus tearful < lacrima tear.

L. lacrimans, lacrimantis tearful, weeping < lacrima tear.

lachrymosa / lachrymosum / lachrymosus

L. lacrimosus tearful, mournful, weeping, piteous < lacrima tear.

lambraschini (See: lambruschinii)

Cardinal Luigi Lambruschini (1776-1854) Italian Archbishop of Genoa, Papal Nuncio to France, Secretary of State to Pope Gregory XVI (syn. Chroicocephalus genei).


Kálmán Lambrecht (1889-1936) Hungarian palaeontologist, ornithologist, ethnographer (‡Anas, ‡syn. Otis tarda).


(Phasianidae; syn. AlectorisSaint Albans' Partridge A. edwardsi) Kálmán Lambrecht (1889-1936) Hungarian palaeontologist, ornithologist, ethnographer.


(Laridae; syn.Chroicocephalus Slender-billed Gull C. genei) Specific name Xema lambruschinii Bonaparte, 1840 (= syn. Larus genei); "e solo una volta mi sono permesso di creare un nuovo nome generico quello cioè di Lambruschinia, Salv., per il Larus gelastes, Licht., ed a suo luogo ne ho esposte le ragioni. ... Bruch, nella sua Rivista del genere Larus, L., comprende il Larus gelastes nel suo genere Gavia, ma aggiunge che non ne ha i caratteri più tipici, e di avervelo incluso solamente come appendice. Dopo ciò, a me sembra che non resti altra via che creare un nuovo nome generico, e per ristabilire il gentile pensiero di Bonaparte, quando chiamò questa specie Xema Lambruschini, io propongo quello di Lambruschinia, Salv., e quindi Lambruschinia gelastes, Salv. dovrebbe chiamarsi la specie" (Salvadori 1864); "Lambruschinia Salvadori, 1864, Atti Soc. Italiana Scienze Naturali., VI, pp. 47, 487. Type, by monotypy, Larus gelastes Licht., i.e. von Keyserling and Blasius, 1840 = Larus genei Brème, 1839." (JAJ 2021).

lampochryseus (See: lamprochryseus)

Gr. λαμπρος lampros shining; χρυσεος khruseos golden < χρυσος khrusos gold.


Gr. λαμπρος lampros brilliant; αυχην aukhēn,αυχενος aukhenos neck, throat.


(Hirundinidae; syn.Tachycineta Golden Swallow T. euchrysea) Gr. λαμπρος lampros shining; χελιδων khelidōn,χελιδονος khelidonos swallow; "Lamprochelidon ||, new genus. Nearest Tachycineta and Callichelidon but nasal operculum entirely feathered, the feathering of the frontal antiæ extending to the anterior end of the nasal fossæ and partly hiding nostrils.Type, Hirundo euchrysea Gosse. ... || Λαμπρος, shining; χελιδων, a swallow." (Ridgway 1903); "Lamprochelidon Ridgway, 1903, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 16, p. 106. Type, by original designation, Hirundo euchrysea Gosse." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 84).

Gr. λαμπρος lampros brilliant; χλωρος khlōros green.

Gr. λαμπρος lampros shining; χρωμα khrōma,χρωματος khrōmatos colour, complexion < χρωζω khrōzō to stain.


Anatoliy Florianovich Lapchinskiy (1892-1972)Russian naturalist, resident in Paraguay 1936-1972, Curator of the Scientific Society of Paraguay Mus., Asunción (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.)(syn. Crotophaga ani).


(Trochilidae; syn. Orthorhyncus Antillean Crested Hummingbird O. cristatus) Larichos, brother to Sappho (fl. 600BC) lyric poetess of Lesbos (Michael Rieser in litt.); "Orthorhynchus LA CÉPÈDE. a. Orthorhynchus LA C. — b. Larichos RCHB. — c. Cephalepis LODD. — d. Mulsantia RCHB. ... β. ?Lepidolophia melanolophos (Tr. — VIEILL. Enc. 1824?) BP. — patr.?" (Reichenbach 1854); "Larichos Reichenbach, 1854, Journ. für Ornith., I, Extraheft, Aufzählung der Colibris, pp. 5, 11. Type, by monotypy, Trochilus melanolophos Vieillot? = ?Trochilus cristatus Linnaeus, 1758." (nom. nud.) (JAJ 2020).


Erich Wilhelm Peter Nikolausvon Larisch (1900-1982) German settler, plantation-owner in Angola, collector (Paul Scofield in litt.) (subsp. Cossypha natalensis).

La Roche Mission, Maré I., Loyalty Is.
latinucha / latinuchus

L. latus broad; Med. L. nuchus nape < Arabic nukhā' spinal marrow.


John David Digues La Touche (1861-1935) Irish ornithologist, in Imperial Maritime Customs Service, China 1882-1921 (syn. Cygnus cygnus, syn. Monticola solitarius philippensis, subsp. Phylloscopus valentini, subsp. Pterorhinus lanceolatus, subsp. Pycnonotus aurigaster, subsp. Tephrodornis virgatus).
